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Where did the book go.

It was the high summer season when the classrooms
turned into furnaces and we students into roast meat.
My brother and I used to bunk classes to save ourselves
from the heat and sneak into the library when we had
the chance.
On one of those days, in our sneak out the library was
near empty, it was not that usual but we were too
exhausted to care about it.
Suddenly while looking for story books my brother
encountered a book with a name 666 carved on, it didn’t
have any writer name or publisher name.
As fascinated as we were my brother wanted to read it
and I on the other hand a was on the thought of going
back to class on that day and not stay in the library due
to its emptiness.
But my brother was adamant to read it. So, he decided
to stay back.
As I was returning back to the class, I asked him to
meet me at the gate of the school.
When my classes finished, I didn’t saw my brother
anywhere near the gate of the school, I thought he went
home but then a thought came to me, is he still in the
library reading that book.
I went into the library to check and saw my brother too
indulged into the story of the book he didn’t even notice
me approaching him.
When I called him, “V, let’s go are you still reading
this ?”.
He looked at me with a surprising look and said this
early, how long has it been don’t you have any more
classes ?
I was a little confused at this question I said it’s been
two hours. He couldn’t believe it; he was like no its
like 20 minutes since you left, look I have just read 2
pages of this book, man it’s so dark I feel like
everything around me goes black and white as I read
this book.
I said what 2 pages in two hours, impossible, let’s go its
already been so late.
We thought that we would come back and take a look at
this book and maybe read it together. So, we took note
of the shelf where we left the book and planned to come
back to library the next day. As we went back the next
day the book was nowhere to be found, there was not
even a single trace of it, we even checked the register
that maybe someone had borrowed it but nope there
was no entry if borrowing of that book. Lastly we
checked with the librarian who was shocked to hear if
there was a book of this type in the library didn’t
believe us she said and I quote “ This library only has
school books and no other book can be here, the story
books here are also of children English class books”.
That made our blood cold and we thought what have we
encountered yesterday.
For the next 2 years any chance we used to go to the
library we went and checked for the book with a
complete black cover and only 666 written in white as
the title.

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