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Term Definition Synonyms Sentence Example Phonetic Script

A neurotransmitter
Engaging in
associated with
enjoyable activities
pleasure and reward; Pleasure chemical,
Dopamine triggers the release /ˈdoʊpəmiːn/
plays a role in neurotransmitter
of dopamine in the
motivation and

A space or opening; a There's a small gap

Opening, interval,
Gap break or discontinuity between the two /ɡæp/
in a process or series. buildings.

To reduce the number I need to narrow the

Narrow the Limit the selection, /ˈnæroʊ ðə
of options or choice of colors for
choice narrow down tʃɔɪs/
possibilities. the project.

The act of

withstanding or She was resisting

opposing something; Opposing, defying, the urge to check

Resisting /rɪˈzɪstɪŋ/
refusing to give in to a withstanding her phone during

particular influence or the meeting.

A person who has an

uncontrollable and She's a shopaholic

Compulsive shopper,
Shopaholic excessive desire to and can't resist a /ˌʃɑːpəˈhɒlɪk/
shopping addict
shop; someone good sale.

addicted to shopping.

A person or animal
Dogs often make
with whom one
Associate, friend, wonderful
Companion spends time or keeps /kəmˈpænjən/
partner companions for
company; a friend or

A person or business

that sells goods to The retailer offers a

Seller, vendor,
Retailer consumers; someone variety of products /ˈriːˌteɪlər/
engaged in retail to customers.


To withstand the
It's hard to resist
action or effect of
Withstand, oppose, the temptation of
Resist something; to refuse /rɪˈzɪst/
defy freshly baked
to accept or comply

To act with care,

prudence, or Before crossing the

circumspection; to be Be careful, exercise street, always be

Be cautious /biː ˈkɔːʃəs/
aware of potential caution cautious of

risks and take oncoming traffic.

preventive measures.
To spend a sufficient
It's important to
amount of time on
Spend time, allocate take time when
Take time something; to not /teɪk taɪm/
time making important
rush or hurry through
a task or decision.

To owe money or be

in a state of owing Using credit cards

more than one Accumulate debt, go irresponsibly can /tuː ɡɛt ˈɪntuː
To get into debt
possesses; to into debt lead to getting into dɛt/

accumulate financial debt.


The act of shopping

as a way to alleviate

stress or improve
Shopping as therapy, After a tough week,
one's mood; the idea /ˈriːˌteɪl
Retail therapy therapeutic she indulged in a bit
that shopping can ˈθɛrəpi/
shopping of retail therapy.
have therapeutic

effects on one's



improving and
The chef spent
refining methods or Refining methods,
Perfecting years perfecting /pərˈfɛktɪŋ
approaches to improving
ways ways to prepare the weɪz/
achieve the highest techniques
signature dish.
level of excellence or

To attract or interest;
The new product
to evoke a positive
Attract, captivate, design is expected
To appeal response or desire; to /tuː əˈpiːl/
charm to appeal to a wide
be pleasing or

The automatic,
When faced with
instinctive reactions
danger, the body's
originating from the
Primitive brain Instinctive reaction, primitive brain /ˈprɪmətɪv
most basic part of the
response primal response response triggers a breɪn rɪˈspɒns/
brain, responsible for
survival instincts and
immediate responses.

The process of

thinking logically or

making sense of
Good reasoning
things; the ability to Logical thinking,
Reasoning skills are essential /ˈriːzənɪŋ/
form conclusions rationalization
for problem-solving.
based on facts,

evidence, or

To completely change

the nature or
The discovery
interpretation of
turned our
Turn on its something; to reverse Reverse, flip, /tɜrn ɒn ɪts
understanding of
head the conventional completely change hɛd/
the theory on its
understanding or
perspective of a


Conducting a trial or

examination to
The scientists ran
assess the Conducted a test,
tests to determine
Ran test performance, carried out an /ræn tɛst/
the efficacy of the
effectiveness, or experiment
new drug.
characteristics of


To stop or hinder the

continuous progress Please do not

or conversation; to Hinder, disrupt, interrupt the

Interrupt /ˌɪntəˈrʌpt/
interfere with an disturb speaker while they

ongoing activity or are presenting.


The condition or

quality of being more

important than other Precedence, Safety is our top

Priority things; something importance, top priority in the /praɪˈɔrəti/

given precedence or priority workplace.

considered with

greater significance.
An agreement or deal

made between parties

to buy or sell goods or She managed to get

Deal, agreement,
Bargain services at a a great bargain on /ˈbɑːrɡən/
favorable price; to the new phone.

negotiate for a lower


The act of disrupting

The unexpected
or hindering a
phone call was an
process, activity, or Disruption,
Interruption unfortunate /ˌɪntəˈrʌpʃən/
conversation; a break disturbance, break
interruption during
or disruption in
the meeting.

A goal or aim;
Our objective is to
something pursued or
Objective Goal, aim, purpose enhance customer /əbˈdʒɛktɪv/
worked towards with

A perspective or

understanding that
Taking a
involves advanced Advanced
higher-brained view
Higher-brained cognitive functions perspective, /ˈhaɪə breɪnd
allows us to
view and critical thinking; a intellectual vjuː/
consider long-term
view that goes viewpoint
beyond basic

In any way or to any

extent; used for I don't find that

In any way,
At all emphasis or to movie interesting at /ət ɔːl/
indicate the absence all.

of a particular quality.

To become less After the argument,

intense or heated; to they needed some

Calm down, become
Cool off calm down time to cool off /kul ɔf/
less heated
emotionally or cool in before discussing it

temperature. further.

To strengthen or
Positive feedback can
support; to make Strengthen, fortify,
Reinforce reinforce good /ˌriːɪnˈfɔːrs/
something stronger bolster
or more effective.

A substance, often a

neurotransmitter like
Exercise triggers the
Feelgood dopamine, Happy hormone, /ˈfilɡʊd
release of feelgood
chemical associated with mood enhancer ˈkɛmɪkəl/
chemicals in the brain.
positive emotions

and well-being.

Happening or moving
The trend of
in a pattern of
In a sequence, in eco-friendly products
In wave successive rises and /ɪn weɪv/
succession is spreading in wave
falls; occurring in a
wave-like manner.
The act of looking

forward to or The child's eyes

expecting something; sparkled with /ænˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃə
Anticipation eagerness,
the feeling of anticipation as they n/
excitement about a unwrapped the gift.

future event.

To disperse or

scatter; to cause Disperse, The morning fog began

Dissipate something to disintegrate, to dissipate as the sun /ˈdɪsɪˌpeɪt/

gradually disappear vanish rose higher in the sky.

or weaken.

To encourage or

incite activity or The colorful artwork

Stimulate growth; to arouse can stimulate creativity /ˈstɪmjəˌleɪt/
inspire, excite
interest or in young minds.


The activity of

browsing or looking We spent the

Window-shoppin at items in store Window-browsing, afternoon /ˈwɪndoʊ

g windows without the browsing around window-shopping in ˌʃɑpɪŋ/

intention of making a the city center.


A formal request for

Inquiry, The customer made an
information; the act
Enquiry investigation, enquiry about the /ɪnˈkwaɪəri/
of asking for details
query product's warranty.
or clarification.
A feeling or belief

that someone may The sudden

be involved in Distrust, doubt, disappearance raised

Suspicion /səˈspɪʃən/
wrongdoing; a lack of mistrust suspicion among the

trust or doubt about neighbors.

someone's motives.

Consideration or

attention towards The artist's work is

Regard something; a held in high regard by /rɪˈɡɑːrd/
view, opinion
particular point of art enthusiasts.

view or opinion.

Fake or symbolic
The children enjoyed
currency used in
Pretend money, playing with play
Play money games or activities; /pleɪ ˈmʌni/
toy currency money during the
money that has no
board game.
real value.

Official and valid

Online transactions
money issued by a
Legal tender, require the use of real /riːəl
Real currency government; legal
actual money currency for ˈkɜːrənsi/
tender with actual

To render insensitive
The dentist will
or numb; to induce a Numb,
anaesthetize the area /ˈænɪsˌθaɪtɪz
Anaesthetise state of insensitivity, anesthetize,
before starting the /
often through desensitize
A strong desire or

urge for something, After quitting smoking,

Urgent desire, /ˈfɪzɪkəl
Physical craving especially when the physical cravings
intense longing ˈkreɪvɪŋ/
related to physical gradually decreased.

needs or addictions.

Careful consideration

and awareness of The sign displayed a

Care, prudence,
Caution potential risks or caution about slippery /ˈkɔːʃən/
dangers; the act of floors in the building.

being cautious.

To feel driven or

obligated to do
Despite the fatigue,
something; to be
Feel compelled Feel obligated, she felt compelled to /fil kəmˈpɛld
strongly motivated or
to feel forced finish the project on tuː/
urged by a particular
force or


A remarkable or

extraordinary The aurora borealis is

occurrence or event; Occurrence, event, a natural phenomenon

Phenomenon /fɪˈnɑːmɪnən/
something that can happening that attracts many

be observed and tourists.

With great care,

thoroughness, and
Carefully, She painstakingly
attention to detail; /ˈpeɪnzˌteɪkɪŋ
Painstakingly diligently, crafted each piece of
doing something li/
attentively jewelry by hand.
with meticulous


A descriptive term or

identifier; to attach a Be sure to label each

tag or marker to box with its contents

Label Tag, marker, brand /ˈleɪbəl/
something for when packing for the

identification or move.


To establish a

connection or
Many people can relate
association with Connect with,
To relate to to the challenges /tuː rɪˈleɪt tuː/
something; to find associate with
depicted in the novel.
similarities or


A diplomatic official

or administrative The attache handled

Diplomatic official,
Attache staff assigned to an various administrative /ˌætæˈʃeɪ/
embassy staff
embassy or tasks at the embassy.


To bring lifeless or

non-living objects to The author had the

Give life to,
life or animate them; ability to inanimate /tuː
To inanimate animate, breathe
to attribute objects through vivid ɪˈnænəˌmeɪt/
life into
human-like qualities descriptions.

to inanimate things.
An academic title

given to a faculty After years of

member in a college dedication, she was

Associate Junior professor, /əˈsoʊʃiˌeɪt
or university who promoted to the
professor faculty member prəˈfɛsər/
holds a rank below position of associate

that of a full professor.


The issue arose due to

To originate or
Emerge, originate, miscommunication
Arise emerge; to come into /əˈraɪz/
come about between the team
existence or notice.

Food items that are Due to inflation,

more expensive; Expensive food, consumers may find

Costlier food /ˈkɒstli fud/
edibles with a higher pricier meals costlier food items in

cost. the market.

An individual hired to

visit a store or
The company sent a
establishment Secret shopper,
mystery shopper to /ˈmɪstəri
Mystery shopper anonymously to undercover
evaluate the store's ˈʃɒpər/
assess the quality of shopper
customer service.
service and customer


To support or remain
Friends should stand
loyal to someone; to Support, be loyal, /tuː stænd
To stand by by each other in times
be ready to assist or be ready to help baɪ/
of need.
help in a situation.
A display or storage
The store had a rack
structure containing Battery display, /ə ræk əv
A rack of batteries of batteries near the
several batteries for battery shelf ˈbætəriz/
checkout counter.
electronic devices.

Used to emphasize

the smallness or It was a mere

Mere insignificance of Simple, only, just suggestion, not a /mɪr/

something; nothing firm decision.

more than.

The state or fact of

being present; the

Her presence at the
existence or Existence,
meeting was
Presence occurrence of attendance, being /ˈprɛzəns/
essential for the
someone or there
project discussion.
something in a

particular place.

Her consistent
Acting or done in the
efforts led to
same way over time; Uniform, steady,
Consistent significant /kənˈsɪstənt/
showing uniformity unchanging
improvement in
or regularity.
The mental picture

or perception that Building a positive

one has of oneself; self-image is crucial
Self-image self-concept, /sɛlfˈɪmɪdʒ/
the way an individual for mental
sees and evaluates well-being.

their own qualities.

To occur or exist The report was

Go along with, be
with something else; accompanied by a /əˈkʌmpəni
Accompany by coupled with,
to be associated or detailed analysis of baɪ/
connected with. the market trends.

To be legally

responsible or The manufacturer

accountable for may be liable for
To be liable accountable, /tuː bi ˈlaɪəbl/
something; to be defects in the
obligated to face product.


To be strongly

motivated or The artist felt driven

compelled by a Motivated, to create, expressing

Feel driven /fil ˈdrɪvən/
particular force or compelled, urged emotions through

desire to do the artwork.


To accumulate and

store a large Some individuals

quantity of Stockpile, collect, tend to hoard items

To hoard /tuː hɔrd/
something; to amass gather due to a fear of

and keep for future scarcity.

Remaining or

leftover after the The residual effects

greater part or of the medication
Residual leftover, residual /rɪˈzɪdʒuəl/
quantity has gone; lingered for a few
existing as a hours.


To exploit or take

advantage of Scammers often

Exploit, take
someone or prey on vulnerable
Prey on advantage of, /preɪ ɒn/
something; to individuals through
victimize or target online schemes.

for personal gain.

He finished his

During the time assignment.

between two events In the meantime, Meanwhile, his

Meanwhile /ˈminˌhwaɪl/
or while something in the interim friends were

else is happening. preparing for the


Making decisions
Due to time
that are satisfactory
constraints, they
or acceptable rather Settling for,
were satisficing /ˈsætɪsˌfaɪsɪŋ
Satisficing than optimal; accepting, making
rather than /
choosing an option do
thoroughly analyzing
that meets the
every option.
minimum criteria.
In some situations,
A practical or
choosing a sensible /ˈsɛnsəbl
reasonable option
Sensible alternative Practical choice, alternative is better ɔːlˈtərnətɪv tuː
that avoids
to maximizing reasonable option than striving for ˈmæksəˌmaɪz
excessive efforts to
maximum ɪŋ/
achieve perfection.

Adequate or

acceptable but not

The project outcome
exceptional; meeting Acceptable,
was merely /ˈmɪrli
Merely satisfactory the basic satisfactory,
satisfactory, lacking ˌsætɪsˈfæktri/
requirements passable
the wow factor.
without exceeding


Never having
The team achieved
happened or
Unmatched, unprecedented
occurred before; /ˌʌnˈprɛsɪˌdɛn
Unprecedented unparalleled, success in the
without previous tɪd/
extraordinary history of the
instances or

Virtually equivalent
The refurbished
to; nearly the same
laptop was as good
as in terms of Nearly, practically,
As good as as new, providing /æz ɡʊd əz/
quality, virtually
effectiveness, or
A state of

satisfaction and Finding contentment

happiness; being in simple joys /kənˈtɛntmənt
Contentment happiness,
pleased with one's contributes to /
current situation or overall well-being.


To have the

opportunity or

privilege to do After years of hard

Have the chance,
Get to something; to reach work, she finally got /ɡɛt tuː/
reach, arrive at
or arrive at a to lead the project.

particular point or


A three-dimensional

work of art created The park featured a

by carving, modeling, Artwork, statue, beautiful sculpture

Sculpture /ˈskʌlptʃər/
or molding materials carving crafted by a

such as wood, stone, renowned artist.

or metal.

A city that is
The small village
improbable or not
transformed into an
expected due to Improbable city,
Unlikely city unlikely city with the /ʌnˈlaɪkli ˈsɪti/
certain unexpected city
development of new
characteristics or
Living near a major
A significant crack
seismic fault,
or fracture in the
A major seismic Major fault line, residents should be /ə ˈmeɪdʒər
Earth's crust capable
fault tectonic fault prepared for ˈsɛzmɪk fɔlt/
of producing
potential earthquake

The action of
The university
extending or
Expansion, campus underwent
stretching out; an
Extension elongation, an extension to /ɪkˈstɛnʃən/
additional part that
increase accommodate more
is added to

Expanding over a

large area in a The city had a

disorderly or sprawling suburban
Sprawling widespread, /ˈsprɔːlɪŋ/
irregular manner; area with diverse
spreading out neighborhoods.


Changed completely
The old factory
in form, nature, or
Altered, converted, building was
Transformed appearance; /trænsˈfɔrmd/
renovated transformed into a
undergone a
modern art gallery.
significant alteration.
A small, quiet town
The town was once
where agricultural or
a sleepy cattle town,
pastoral activities Rural town, /ˈsliːpi ˈkætl
Sleepy cattle town known for its
predominate, and tranquil village taʊn/
life moves at a
relaxed pace.

A large, bustling, and

densely populated Over the years, the

Vibrant city,
Seething city characterized by sleepy town /ˈsiðɪŋ
metropolis intense activity, transformed into a mɪˈtrɒpəlɪs/
energy, and seething metropolis.


Gases released into

The government
the Earth's
aims to reduce
atmosphere, such as Emission,
Greenhouse greenhouse /ˈɡrinˌhaʊs
carbon dioxide, pollution, carbon
emissions emissions to ɪˈmɪʃənz/
contributing to the footprint
combat climate
greenhouse effect
and climate change.

To a degree of The chef's culinary

excellence or Outstandingly, skills were par

Par excellence surpassing all exceptionally, excellence, making
others; outstanding supremely the restaurant a

or preeminent. popular choice.

Widespread and
The city struggled
ever-present air
with the problem of
pollution, Pervasive smog, /juˈbɪkwɪtəs
Ubiquitous smog ubiquitous smog
characterized by a everywhere smog smɑːɡ/
due to industrial
mixture of smoke
and fog.

Relating to the

system of organs
Regular exercise
involved in Breathing,
Respiratory breathing; pulmonary, /ˈrɛspərəˌtɔri/
respiratory health
connected with the respiratory system
and lung capacity.
process of


The highest point or His remarkable

culmination of achievements were

Pinnacle, zenith,
Apotheosis something; the considered the /əˌpɒθiˈoʊsɪs/
highest point
elevation to divine apotheosis of his

status. career.

The preoccupation

with and desire for The holiday season

acquiring consumer often amplifies

Materialism, /kənˈsuːməˌrɪzə
Consumerism goods and services; consumerism,
commercialism m/
the culture of leading to increased

excessive shopping.

Excessive and

luxurious spending
The display of
on material
possessions; a
Material Opulence, extravagance was /məˈtɪriəl
extravagance excessiveness evident in the ɪkˈstrævəɡəns/
characterized by
grandeur of their
lavish and
luxurious mansion.


The fundamental

nature or quality of

something; the The artist aimed to

intrinsic and Core, nature, capture the essence

Essence /ˈɛsəns/
indispensable quintessence of love in his

nature of a painting.

particular object or


A mountain peak The trek offered

covered with snow; Snowy mountain, breathtaking views

Snow-capped /snoʊ-kæpt
the snow-covered snow-topped of the snow-capped
mountain ˈmaʊntən/
summit of a mountain mountains in the

mountain. distance.

The clear and The photograph

distinct quality of Brightness, beautifully captured

/ˈklærəti əv ðə
Clarity of the light illumination; the luminosity, clear the clarity of the
brightness and light light during the

sharpness of light. sunrise.

Near or in proximity The grocery store is

to a particular Nearby, adjacent, close by, making it

Close by /kloʊs baɪ/
location; not far not far off convenient for quick

away. shopping trips.

The novel is set in a

Imagination that
world of fantasy,
transcends reality; a
Imagination, filled with magical
Fantasy creative and /ˈfæntəsi/
daydream, reverie creatures and
unrealistic mental
image or concept.

To broaden one's

perspective or
When job hunting,
search beyond the
Explore other it's advisable to look
Look farther immediate /lʊk ˈfɑːrðər
options, expand farther afield for
afield surroundings; to əˈfiːld/
search better
consider options
beyond the usual


The level at which

the ground is Heavy rainfall can

saturated with raise the water

Aquifer level,
Water table water; the upper table, leading to /ˈwɔːtər ˈteɪbl̩/
groundwater table
surface of potential flooding in

groundwater in a low-lying areas.

given area.
Depleted of energy, After a long day of

strength, or work, she felt

Fatigued, drained,
Exhausted resources; completely /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd/
worn out
extremely tired or exhausted and

fatigued. ready to rest.

Redirecting or The construction

changing the project involved

course of water Redirecting, diverting water from /daɪˈvɜːrtɪŋ

Diverting water
from its natural altering water flow the river to create a ˈwɔːtər/

path or intended new irrigation

direction. system.

The president

Officially proclaimed a
announced or national holiday to
Proclaimed announced, /proʊˈkleɪmd/
declared; publicly celebrate the
and formally stated. country's


Their love for each

other was meant to
without end, or for Forever, eternally,
For ever last for ever, as they /fər ˈɛvər/
an unlimited indefinitely
promised in their
duration of time.
The ancient

A structure Romans

designed to convey constructed

water over a long Water conduit, aqueducts to

Aqueduct /ˈækwɪˌdʌkt/
distance, typically water channel transport water

by a raised channel from distant

or pipeline. sources to

populated areas.

Supporting or
The committee
advocating for a
voted in favour of
particular option or
Supportive of, in the proposed plan,
In favour of decision; in /ɪn ˈfeɪvər əv/
support of citing its potential
agreement with or
benefits for the
in preference to
something else.

The air intake

The process of
system ensures the
taking something Ingestion,
engine receives a
Intake in, such as air, food, absorption, /ˈɪnteɪk/
sufficient supply of
or liquid; the point consumption
clean air for
of entry.

The company
To access or make
aimed to tap into
use of a resource,
the potential of
information, or Utilize, access,
to tap into renewable energy /tuː tæp ˈɪntuː/
opportunity; to connect to
sources for
connect to or
A unit of The irrigation

measurement for system required

Vast amount of
liquid volume, gallons of water to /ˈɡælənz əv
Gallons of water water, numerous
specifically nourish the ˈwɔːtər/
representing a large extensive

quantity of water. agricultural fields.

A network or
The modern
method used to
irrigation system
supply water to land
Watering system, efficiently /ˌɪrɪˈɡeɪʃən
Irrigation system for crops or
irrigation network distributes water to ˈsɪstəm/
vegetation; a
the entire
system for artificial
agricultural area.

The steady and

The river's flow was
Movement, rapid, indicating a
Flow movement or /floʊ/
circulation, stream healthy and active
transfer of a liquid,
gas, or substance.


Water containing a studies the

significant amount ecosystems of

Saline water,
Saltwater of dissolved salt, saltwater /ˈsɔːltˌwɔːtər/
typically from the environments,

sea or ocean. exploring marine

life and habitats.

With time, changes
necessarily, or
in technology will
bound to happen; Unavoidably,
Inevitably inevitably shape the /ɪˈnɛvɪtəbli/
unable to be unavoidably
way we live and
prevented or

The action of
Mining companies
removing or taking
use advanced
out something, Removal,
techniques for the
Extraction often involving the withdrawal, /ɪkˈstrækʃən/
extraction of
process of drawing retrieval
valuable minerals
out materials or
from the earth.

A geological
Wells are drilled into
formation, typically
Underground the aquifer to
underground, that
Aquifer reservoir, access freshwater /ˈækwɪfər/
contains and
water-bearing layer resources for the

The improper The community

disposal of waste experienced

or refuse in an Unauthorized environmental

Illegal dumping unauthorized area, disposal, improper issues due to illegal
often resulting in dumping dumping of

environmental hazardous

pollution. materials.
The draining away Urbanization can

of water, such as lead to increased

rainwater or melting Water drainage, run-off, affecting

Run-off /ˈrʌnˌɔf/
snow, from the runoff water local water systems

surface of an area and causing

of land. flooding.

A substance or
Farmers use
mixture added to
Plant food, soil fertilizers to enrich
Fertiliser soil to enhance the /ˈfɜːrtəˌlaɪzər/
conditioner the soil, promoting
growth and fertility
better crop yields.
of plants.

The unintended The pipeline

escape or seepage suffered leakage,

of a substance, leading to
Seepage, escape,
Leakage such as liquid or environmental /ˈlikɪdʒ/
gas, from a concerns about the

container or potential impact on

confined space. nearby ecosystems.

Modern waste
Areas designated
management seeks
for the disposal of
Waste disposal alternatives to
waste and garbage,
Landfills site, dump, traditional landfills /ˈlændfɪlz/
where layers of
garbage dump to reduce
refuse are buried
under the soil.
Polluted or tainted The river became

by the presence of contaminated with

harmful Polluted, impure, industrial runoff, /kənˈtæməˌneɪtɪ

substances; tainted posing a threat to d/

rendered impure or aquatic life and

unsafe for use. ecosystems.

The maximum or The project

prescribed boundaries adhered to federal

established by the limits on emissions /ˈfɛdərəl
Federal limits regulations, legal
federal government to minimize ˈlɪmɪts/
for certain activities or environmental

substances. impact.

The delay in the

delivery of

To make a situation or materials

problem worse by Worsen, exacerbate, compounded the /tu

To compound
adding complexities or intensify challenges of kəmˈpaʊnd/

additional factors. completing the

construction on


The amount of rain The region

that falls within a experienced heavy

Rain, precipitation,
Rainfall specific period and rainfall, leading to /ˈreɪnˌfɔːl/
rain showers
area; precipitation in flooding in

the form of rain. low-lying areas.

To spread or penetrate The aroma of fresh

throughout; to pass coffee permeated

Penetrate, infiltrate,
Permeate through the pores or the entire kitchen, /ˈpɜːrmiˌeɪt/
spaces of a substance creating an inviting

or surface. atmosphere.

The top layer of the

Healthy soil is
earth's surface,
crucial for
consisting of a
Earth, dirt, ground, agriculture as it
Soil mixture of organic /sɔɪl/
topsoil provides essential
matter, clay, and
nutrients for plant
minerals, in which
plants grow.

To take something,

typically food or liquid, He took a moment

Ingest, consume, gulp
Swallow into the stomach to swallow the pill /ˈswɑːloʊ/
through the mouth with a sip of water.

and throat.

The building's
A misspelling of
foundation was
"concrete," a solid
made with a
material composed of
Concreate Solid, firm, robust durable concreate /ˈkɒn.kriːt/
cement, gravel, sand,
mixture to
and water, used in
withstand seismic
The process or system Proper drainage is

of removing surplus essential to prevent

Water removal,
Drainage water or liquid from an water /ˈdreɪnɪdʒ/
drainage system
area, structure, or accumulation and

land. potential flooding.

To redirect or change The city

the course of implemented a

something, such as Redirect, reroute, plan to divert /daɪˈvɜːrt

Divert into
water or traffic, into a channel excess rainwater ˈɪntuː/

different path or into reservoirs to

direction. prevent flooding.

The mountains in
At a considerable
the distance
distance in space or
Distant, remote, appeared far away,
Far away time; a remote /fɑːr əˈweɪ/
far-off creating a
location or distant

A state of extreme The decision to sell

despair or the family heirloom

hopelessness; the Hopelessness, was made out of /ˌdɛspəˈreɪʒə

feeling of being driven despair, urgency desperation to n/

to take desperate cover medical

measures. expenses.
The company

A formal suggestion submitted a

or plan put forward for proposal for a new

Proposal consideration or project aimed at /prəˈpoʊzəl/
suggestion, plan
discussion; an offer or enhancing

recommendation. efficiency and

reducing costs.

To extend or vary The prices of the

within specified limits; products range

Vary, span,
Range from to cover a spectrum of from affordable /reɪndʒ frɒm/
possibilities or options to high-end

options. luxury items.

A system of pipes or
The installation of
tubes made from
a plastic pipeline
plastic materials, Plastic pipes, polymer /ˈplæstɪk
Plastic pipeline improved the water
typically used for pipeline ˈpaɪpˌlaɪn/
supply system in
conveying liquids or
the neighborhood.

The tow truck was

The action of pulling
towing a car that
or hauling something Pulling, hauling,
To towing had broken down /tuː toʊɪŋ/
behind a vehicle, often dragging
on the side of the
using a rope or chain.
Used to introduce a
The so-called
term that is commonly
"experts" were
used but may be
Quoted, alleged, questioned for their
So-called considered /soʊ kɔːld/
self-styled misleading advice
on the stock
misleading, or used

At one time, this

In the past; during a
Previously, formerly, building served as /æt wʌn
At one time specific period that is
once the town's central taɪm/
no longer the present.

The outdoor

Sheltered or protected seating area was

from direct sunlight; shaded by large

Shadowed, sheltered,
Shaded an area that receives umbrellas, /ˈʃeɪdɪd/
less light due to an providing relief

obstruction. from the sun's


The sycamore
A type of deciduous
trees lining the
tree with distinctive
Plane tree, maple, street added a
Sycamore palmate leaves and a /ˈsɪkəmɔːr/
buttonwood touch of natural
smooth, light-colored
beauty to the
A type of hardwood
The solid oak table
tree known for its
in the dining room
strong and durable Oak tree, hardwood,
Oak showcased the /oʊk/
wood, often used in timber
craftsmanship of
furniture and
fine woodworking.

A type of deciduous The willow tree in

tree with narrow the garden swayed

leaves and flexible Willow tree, osier, gracefully in the

Willow /ˈwɪloʊ/
branches; often weeping willow breeze, creating a

associated with grace serene

and resilience. atmosphere.

The decision to
To cover an area with
pave over the
a hard, flat surface,
courtyard was met
such as asphalt or Cover with pavement,
Pave over with opposition /peɪv ˈoʊvər/
concrete, for the asphalt
from residents who
purpose of creating a
valued green
road or pavement.

Flooding that occurs The region

specifically during the experienced winter

winter season, often Seasonal floods, floods due to /ˈwɪntər

Winter floods
caused by heavy winter inundation melting snow and flʌdz/

rainfall, snowmelt, or increased

frozen ground. precipitation.

The construction
To enclose or separate
site was fenced off
an area by
to ensure the
constructing a barrier, Enclose, barrier,
Fence off safety of workers /fɛns ɔːf/
typically using a fence segregate
and prevent
or other protective

Barbed wire was

A type of fencing wire
installed along the
with sharp, pointed
Barbwire, razor wire, perimeter to deter /bɑːrbd
Barbed wire edges or barbs, often
wire fencing trespassers and ˈwaɪər/
used for security or
secure the
livestock containment.

The most The Statue of

representative or Liberty is
Defining symbol,
Ultimate quintessential considered the /ˈʌltɪmət
symbol representation of a ultimate symbol of ˈsɪmbəl/
particular idea, freedom and

concept, or thing. democracy.

The city invested in

Infrastructure and a modern

measures designed to Flood prevention flood-control /flʌd

manage, mitigate, or system, flood system to protect kənˈtroʊl
prevent flooding in a management low-lying areas ˈsɪstəm/

particular area. from seasonal

The decision to

Extremely harmful, ignore safety

damaging, or causing Catastrophic, protocols had

Disastrous great destruction; devastating, disastrous /dɪˈzæstrəs/

leading to a calamitous consequences for

catastrophe. the construction


An area of land that is The wetland served

saturated with water, as a crucial habitat

either permanently or Marsh, swamp, bog, for various species

Wetland /ˈwɛtlænd/
seasonally, and often waterlogged land and contributed to

supports unique ecological

vegetation. diversity.

A designated area The construction

used for organizing, site included a

preparing, or staging area where

Preparation area, /ˈsteɪdʒɪŋ
Staging area temporarily storing materials were
storage zone ˈɛəriə/
equipment and sorted and

materials for a organized before

specific purpose. use.

Relating to or
Migratory birds
characterized by
travel thousands of
migration; moving
Migrating, nomadic, miles to reach their /ˈmaɪɡrəˌtɔːri
Migratory from one region or
wandering breeding grounds /
habitat to another at
during specific
different times of the
A public The municipal bus

transportation vehicle system provided an

operated by a local City bus, public bus, affordable and /mjuːˈnɪsɪpəl

Municipal bus
government or mass transit bus convenient means bʌs/

municipality, typically of transportation

used for urban transit. for residents.


Term Definition Synonyms Sentence Example Phonetic Script

To reverse a
The company's new
situation or change
management team
its course; to Reverse, alter, /tuː tɜːrn
To turn around worked hard to turn
transform or change direction əˈraʊnd/
around its financial
improve a

In a manner that is

appropriate, The ceremony

suitable, or suitable concluded fittingly

Fittingly for the with a tribute to the /ˈfɪtɪŋli/
suitably, aptly
circumstances; in a achievements of

fitting or proper the honorees.

Sequences in
Action movies often
movies or television
feature intense car
shows involving Vehicle pursuits, car
Car chases chases that keep /kɑːr tʃeɪsɪz/
high-speed pursuits pursuits
viewers on the edge
or escapes between
of their seats.

Actions or Plans are underway

strategies have to renovate the park

In progress, in
Plans are been initiated and and enhance /plænz ər
motion, in
underway are currently in recreational ˌən.dɚˈweɪ/
progress or facilities for the

development. community.

Many people enjoy

Outdoor activities
nature walks to
involving walking
Hiking, woodland connect with the
through natural
Nature walks walks, outdoor outdoors and /ˈneɪtʃər wɔːks/
environments, such
strolls experience the
as forests, parks, or
beauty of the
countryside trails.
Designated routes The city invested in

or lanes specifically creating more cycle

intended for Bike paths, cycling paths to promote

Cycle paths /ˈsaɪkl pæθs/
cyclists, providing a trails, bicycle lanes sustainable

safe and dedicated transportation and

space for biking. a healthier lifestyle.

Trails or paths The equestrian

designed and trails wind through

designated for the countryside,

horseback riding, Horse trails, riding offering horse /ɪˈkwɛstriən

Equestrian trails
allowing paths, bridle trails enthusiasts a treɪlz/

equestrians to peaceful and

enjoy a scenic and picturesque riding

leisurely ride. experience.

The team decided

To unite or
to pull together and
collaborate; to work
Unite, collaborate, pool their resources
Pull together collectively towards /pʊl təˈɡɛðər/
work together to overcome the
a common goal or
challenges they
were facing.
Everyone in a group Success is more

or team likely when all team

All working cooperating and Collaborating, members are /ɔːl ˈwɜːrkɪŋ

together contributing to united, cooperative working together təˈɡɛðər/

achieve a shared towards a common

objective. purpose.

An action or
The release of
gesture that
doves was a
represents or Representational
Symbolic symbolic attempt to /ˈsɪmbəlɪk
signifies an effort to effort, symbolic
attempt symbolize peace əˈtɛmpt/
convey a deeper or gesture
and unity during the

To restore to health, The community

well-being, or came together to

wholeness; to heal and rebuild

Recover, mend,
To heal alleviate or after the natural /tuː hiːl/
reconcile after a disaster had

period of conflict or devastated the

distress. area.

The split in opinions

A division or
within the
separation; the
committee led to
state of being Division, separation,
Split challenges in /splɪt/
divided or break
reaching a
separated into
distinct parts.
A coming or flowing The confluence of

together, typically of Meeting point, diverse cultures in

Confluence two or more convergence, the city contributes /ˈkɑːnflʊəəns/

elements, ideas, or junction to its vibrant and

rivers. rich tapestry.

Capable of being
practices aim to
maintained over the
minimize the
long term without Eco-friendly,
impact on the
Sustainable causing depletion environmentally /səˈsteɪnəbl/
environment and
or harm to the friendly
ensure the
environment or
well-being of future

After receiving
To reconsider or
feedback, the team
rethink; to review
Reconsidered, rethought their
Rethought and revise one's /riːˈθɔːt/
revised, changed strategy to better
thoughts or
align with the
project's goals.

A distinct streak or The artist used bold

pattern, often used strokes to create a

metaphorically to Streak, pattern, vein of color

Vein /veɪn/
describe a tendency running through the

characteristic or painting, adding

tendency. depth and texture.

Taking the initiative
An introductory act
in problem-solving
or step; the ability
Enterprise, drive, is essential for
Initiative to assess and /ɪˈnɪʃiətɪv/
leadership achieving positive
initiate things
outcomes in the

The integrated
Formed or
approach to urban
characterized by
planning considers
the coordination or Unified,
social, economic,
Integrated combination of interconnected, /ˈɪntɪɡreɪtɪd/
and environmental
different merged
factors for
components or

The process of The restoration of

returning the historic building

something to its preserved its

Renovation, renewal,
Restoration original condition or architectural /ˌrɛstəˈreɪʃən/
bringing about heritage for future

improvement after generations to

damage or decay. appreciate.

The committee

Distinctly different struggled to find

in kind; unrelated or Diverse, distinct, common ground

Disparate /ˈdɪspərɪt/
dissimilar elements varied due to disparate

or ideas. views on the

proposed changes.
In a manner that

conveys symbolic Planting a tree

meaning or symbolically

significance; Metaphorically, signifies hope for

Symbolically /sɪmˈbɑːlɪkli/
representing emblematically the future and

something beyond environmental

its literal stewardship.


The use of certain

A harmful or
pesticides had an
negative impact or
Harmful adverse effect on
Adverse effect consequence, the local /ˈædvɜːrs ɪˈfɛkt/
resulting from a
detrimental effect ecosystem,
particular action,
affecting wildlife
event, or situation.
and plant species.

The emergency

response was

Lacking in quantity, deemed inadequate,

quality, or extent; Insufficient, leading to a

Inadequate /ɪˈnædɪkwət/
not sufficient or deficient, subpar reevaluation of

satisfactory. disaster


Impure water

sources pose a

Mixed with foreign health risk, as they

Impure substances; not may contain /ɪmˈpjʊr/
adulterated, tainted
pure or clean. contaminants

harmful to human


Despite being an

A place or site that unpromising

does not show location initially, the

Unpromising Unfavorable site, /ʌnˈprɑːmɪsɪŋ
favorable signs for community's efforts
location bleak location loʊˈkeɪʒən/
future development turned it into a

or success. thriving cultural


Emissions from Efforts to reduce air

vehicles that pollution focus on

consist of gases minimizing exhaust

Vehicle emissions,
Exhaust fumes released during the fumes from /ɪɡˈzɔːst fjumz/
car exhaust
combustion of fuel, vehicles through

typically from cleaner

exhaust pipes. technologies.

A high-speed, The freeway system

controlled-access allows for quick and

highway or Motorway, interstate, convenient

Freeway /ˈfriːˌweɪ/
expressway expressway transportation

designed for between cities and

efficient traffic flow. regions.

Dome growth ash
The dispersal of
fall can have
volcanic ash from a Volcanic ash fall,
Dome growth widespread effects /doʊm ɡroʊθ æʃ
dome-shaped dome eruption
ash fall on agriculture, air fɔːl/
eruption, affecting fallout
quality, and
surrounding areas.

The highest point of

The athlete reached
a wave; also used
the crest of his
metaphorically to
Summit, pinnacle, career, winning
Crest denote the highest /krɛst/
peak multiple
point of
championships and
achievement or
setting records.

Students often stay

To remain awake or up late during

not go to bed; to be Remain awake, stay exams to review

Stay up /steɪ ʌp/
alert and not alert, not sleep materials and

succumb to sleep. ensure they are


Many students

prefer to cram the

To study intensively
night before an
in a short period, Intensively study,
To cram exam, attempting to /tuː kræm/
often in preparation memorize quickly
absorb as much
for an exam or test.
information as

To deny or prevent The prolonged

someone or drought could

something from deprive the

Deprive having or enjoying Withhold, strip, rob community of /dɪˈpraɪv/

something, typically access to clean

essential or water, posing

necessary. serious challenges.

Causing severe The financial crisis

harm or damage; had a crippling

having a devastating Devastating, impact on many

Crippling /ˈkrɪplɪŋ/
or overwhelming incapacitating businesses, leading

effect on someone to widespread

or something. closures.

Extreme tiredness or After a long day of

exhaustion resulting Exhaustion, hiking, a deep sense

Fatigue from physical or weariness, of fatigue settled in, /fəˈtiːɡ/

mental exertion or tiredness urging us to rest and

illness. recharge.

If you're out of milk,

To replace one thing
Substitute you can substitute
with another as a Replace,
something for yogurt for a creamy /ˈsʌbstɪˌtut/
replacement or exchange, swap
something alternative in your
The stage of deep

sleep characterized Slow-wave sleep is

by slow brain waves crucial for physical

(delta waves), Delta sleep, deep and mental /sloʊ weɪv

Slow-wave sleep
typically associated sleep restoration, sliːp/

with restorative and contributing to

regenerative overall well-being.


The state of being A long workweek can

weary, fatigued, or in Weariness, lead to a sense of

Tiredness need of rest; a fatigue, tiredness that only a /ˈtaɪrdnɪs/

feeling of physical or exhaustion relaxing weekend

mental exhaustion. can alleviate.

The ability to
Visual discrimination
differentiate and
is essential in tasks
interpret visual /ˈvɪʒuəl
Visual Visual acuity, like reading,
stimuli, dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃə
discrimination perception recognizing faces,
distinguishing n/
and interpreting
details and patterns
complex images.

The loud noises from

To remain awake or
the construction site
prevent from
Sleepless, awake, next door kept me
Kept awake sleeping; the state of /kɛpt əˈweɪk/
insomniac awake throughout
not being able to fall
the night, causing
Suffering from a lack The constant

of sufficient sleep; in workload left her

a state of being Sleep-starved, sleep-deprived, /sliːp-dɪˈpraɪvd

deprived of the exhausted affecting her focus /

required amount of and overall

sleep. well-being.

A significant and
The new software
noticeable Significant
update brought a
A marked enhancement or enhancement, /eɪ mɑrkt
marked improvement
improvement positive change in a notable ɪmˈpruːvmənt/
in the system's
particular aspect or improvement
speed and efficiency.

To reach the same

After missing several
level or status as
classes, I need to
someone or
Reach the same catch up on the
To catch up something that is /tuː kæʧ ʌp/
level, keep up material to
ahead; to make
understand the
progress to match or
upcoming lessons.
surpass others.

The artist decided to

To firmly and deeply
embed small
integrate or fix
Implant, insert, gemstones in the
To embed something within /tuː ɪmˈbɛd/
incorporate sculpture to add a
another substance,
touch of sparkle and
structure, or context.
Sleep plays a crucial
The process by
role in memory
which newly
Consolidation of consolidation, aiding /ˈmɛməri
Memory acquired information
memory, memory in the transfer of kənˌsɒlɪˈdeɪʃən
consolidation is stabilized and
integration information from /
integrated into
short-term to
long-term memory.
long-term memory.

Spending a weekend
To clear or refresh
in nature can wash
one's mind, often
Wash out the Refresh, clear, out the brain, /wɒʃ aʊt ðə
through relaxation or
brain rejuvenate providing a mental breɪn/
a change of
reset and reducing

To secure or finalize The team needs to

something firmly nail down the details

Confirm, establish,
Nail down and definitively; to of the project before /neɪl daʊn/
confirm or establish presenting it to the

with certainty. stakeholders.

A feeling or belief The sudden

that someone or disappearance of

something is funds raised

Suspicion untrustworthy or suspicions among /səˈspɪʃən/
skepticism, doubt
involved in the team members,

wrongdoing without prompting an

clear evidence. investigation.

To provide valid
The manager had to
reasons or evidence
justify the budget
to support a
Support, defend, increase by
Justify decision, action, or /ˈdʒʌstəˌfaɪ/
vindicate presenting a detailed
belief; to show or
plan outlining the
prove to be right or
expected benefits.

The constant
The act of
grumbling from the
complaining or
Complaining, disgruntled
Grumbling murmuring, employees /ˈɡrʌmbəlɪŋ/
dissatisfaction with
muttering highlighted the need
a low, continuous,
for addressing
and indistinct sound.
workplace concerns.

The newsroom faced

Events or
the challenge of
occurrences that
Rapid incidents, keeping up with
Fast-moving progress or develop /fæst ˈmuvɪŋ
swiftly unfolding fast-moving
incidents rapidly; situations ˈɪnsɪdənts/
events incidents, requiring
marked by quick and
quick and accurate
dynamic changes.

The train arrived late

Arriving, occurring,
due to unforeseen
or acting after the
Tardy, behind circumstances,
Late expected, usual, or /leɪt/
schedule, delayed causing
proper time; not on
inconvenience for
Exercising caution or When exploring

care; showing unfamiliar terrain, it's

Wary, careful,
Cautious attentiveness to essential to be /ˈkɔːʃəs/
potential risks or cautious to avoid

dangers. unforeseen hazards.

Despite their efforts,

the project's delay

Highly likely to Almost
seemed /ˌnɪr
Near-inevitable happen; almost unavoidable,
near-inevitable due ɪˈnɛvɪtəbəl/
certain to occur. inevitable
to unexpected


To indicate, suggest, The data seems to

or signify; to direct point to a

attention toward Indicate, suggest, correlation between

Point to /pɔɪnt tu/
something as highlight regular exercise and

evidence or an improved overall

important factor. health.

Different individuals
The ability or
may have varying
potential to acquire
Ability to learn, learning capacities, /ˈlɜrnɪŋ
Learning capacity and retain
cognitive capacity influencing how they kəˈpæsɪti/
knowledge, skills, or
absorb and apply
new information.
The regions of the

brain located on
Damage to the
each side above the
temporal lobes can
ears, responsible for Temporal cortex, /ˈtɛmpərəl
Temporal lobes impact memory and
processing auditory brain lobes loʊbz/
information and
involved in memory

and emotion.

As we get older, it's

The process of essential to focus

aging or becoming Age, grow older, on maintaining a

Get older /ɡɛt ˈoʊldər/
more advanced in age gracefully healthy lifestyle to

age. support overall


Personal written
Many writers find it
records or daily
helpful to keep
accounts of one's
Journals, logs, diaries to document
Diaries experiences, /ˈdaɪəriz/
records their creative
thoughts, or
process and
reflections; plural of
personal reflections.
Practices like

Tools, techniques, or mindfulness

strategies that meditation can

Cognitive support,
assist in enhancing serve as a valuable
Mental aid psychological /ˈmɛntəl eɪd/
mental well-being, mental aid,
cognitive functions, promoting

or emotional health. relaxation and


A system

responsible for Working memory is

temporarily holding crucial for tasks that

and managing require immediate /ˈwɜrkɪŋ
Working memory memory, active
information needed processing and ˈmɛməri/
for cognitive tasks manipulation of

and information.


Balancing work,

family, and personal

To manage or deal
commitments can
with multiple tasks,
Multitask, be challenging,
Juggle responsibilities, or /ˈdʒʌɡəl/
balance, handle requiring individuals
to skillfully juggle

The state of being
forgetful, inattentive,
led to forgetting
Absent-mindedne or preoccupied to Forgetfulness, /ˈæbsəntˈmaɪnd
important dates,
ss the point of inattention ɪdnɪs/
emphasizing the
neglecting details or
need for
organizational tools.


The state of being imperfection is a

flawed, incomplete, Flaw, deficiency, part of the human

Imperfection /ɪmˈpɜːrfɛkʃən/
or not meeting an shortcoming experience, allowing

ideal standard. room for growth and


Learning is a
In an ongoing and
continually evolving
Constantly, process, and staying
Continually manner; without /kənˈtɪnjuəli/
regularly curious ensures a
interruption or
lifelong journey of

Expenses can creep

up if not monitored
To approach or
advance gradually, Approach slowly,
To creep up highlighting the /tuː krip ʌp/
often unnoticed or advance quietly
importance of
budgeting and

financial awareness.
The success of the

project can be
To attribute or credit
chalked up to
something to a Attribute, credit,
Chalked up effective /tʃɔkt ʌp/
particular cause or ascribe
collaboration and
source; to ascribe.
the dedication of the

team members.

Completely After a long day of

exhausted or physical activity, I

Wiped out depleted; to felt wiped out and /waɪpt aʊt/
eliminate or destroy decided to rest for

something. the evening.

During meditation,

Unrelated or random it's common to

ideas that come to experience stray

Random thoughts,
Stray thoughts mind, often without thoughts, and the /streɪ θɔts/
wandering ideas
a clear connection goal is to gently

or pattern. refocus on the

present moment.


distractions is
Things that divert or
crucial for
draw attention away Interruptions,
Distractions maintaining focus /dɪˈstrækʃənz/
from the task at diversions
and productivity,
hand; disruptions.
especially in a busy

work environment.
Her preoccupation
A state of being
with the upcoming
absorbed or
Absorption, exam made it /priˌɑːkjuˈpeɪʃən
Preoccupation engrossed in
fixation challenging for her /
thoughts, concerns,
to focus on other
or activities.
aspects of her life.

The areas at the Injuries to the

front of the brain frontal lobes can

responsible for impact

various higher Frontal cortex, decision-making

Frontal lobes /ˈfrʌntəl loʊbz/
cognitive functions, brain lobes and emotional

including reasoning regulation due to

and their crucial role in

problem-solving. cognitive processes.

The application of

The part of the face sunscreen to the

above the eyes and forehead is

Forehead below the hairline; Brow, upper face essential to protect /ˈfɔːrhɛd/

the front part of the the skin from the

head. sun's harmful UV

The outlook seemed

Gloomy, desolate, or bleak during the

without hope; storm, but

Grim, depressing,
Bleak characterized by a eventually, the /blik/
lack of cheer or clouds cleared,

prospects. bringing a sense of


The radio station

To emit, dispatch, or planned to send out

transmit something an emergency

Emit, release,
Send out outward; to broadcast to provide /sɛnd aʊt/
communicate or important

distribute. information to the


Thin, thread-like
The fabric is woven
structures, often
Threads, strands, with durable fibers,
Fibres referring to /ˈfaɪbərz/
filaments ensuring strength and
components of
tissues or materials.

A fundamental truth

or proposition that
Honesty is a guiding
serves as the Fundamental
Principle principle in ethical /ˈprɪnsəpl/
foundation for a idea, concept
system of belief or

In a manner related
The problem was
to intellectual
Mentally, solved intellectually, /ˌɪntəˈlɛktʃuəl
Intellectually abilities,
cognitively considering various i/
understanding, or
logical approaches.
mental processes.

People or things Shakespeare and

existing or occurring Galileo were

Peers, /kənˈtɛmpəˌr
Contemporaries at the same time; contemporaries,
companions ɛriz/
individuals of the contributing to the

same era. Renaissance period.

The process of new In spring, the garden

growth or comes to life with

Sprouting development, often flowers and leaves /ˈspraʊtɪŋ/
used in the context sprouting from the

of plants or ideas. trees.

The act or process The lengthening of

of making Extending, daylight hours

Lengthening /ˈlɛŋθənɪŋ/
something longer in elongating signifies the arrival of

length. summer.

Individuals The TV show features

participating in a older contestants

Elderly /ˈoʊldər
Older contestants competition or event showcasing their
competitors kənˈtɛstənts/
who are more unique talents and

advanced in age. experiences.

The laboratory
A complex system
apparatus includes
or organization System,
Apparatus various tools and /ˌæpəˈrætəs/
designed for a mechanism
instruments for
particular purpose.
scientific experiments.

To be given relief

from something
The young plants were
unpleasant or
spared from the harsh
Spared harmful; not Saved, exempt /spɛrd/
frost, allowing them to
subjected to an
thrive in the garden.


Fascinating, The detective found

captivating, or Interesting, an intriguing clue that

Intriguing /ɪnˈtriɡɪŋ/
arousing interest compelling could lead to solving

and curiosity. the mysterious case.

A form of running at
Regular jogging can
a slow, steady pace;
contribute to
also used
Jogging Running, trotting improved /ˈdʒɑːɡɪŋ/
figuratively to
cardiovascular health
describe gradual
and overall well-being.
Mindful of one's
health and
Health-aware, individuals often
well-being; making /hɛlθ
Health conscious wellness-oriente prioritize nutritious
choices to maintain ˈkɒnʃəs/
d foods and regular
or improve one's

It's common for some

To experience hair
individuals to go bald
loss or greying of
Lose hair or turn or grey as they age, /ɡoʊ bæld ɔr
Go bald or grey hair, often
grey influenced by genetic ɡreɪ/
associated with
and environmental

To extend or pull

something to reach Before exercising, it's

a desired length or essential to stretch to

Stretch Extend, elongate /strɛtʃ/
shape; also used prevent injuries and

metaphorically for enhance flexibility.


Aging may impact

Mental abilities,
mental faculties, but
including cognitive Cognitive skills,
engaging in mental /ˈmɛntəl
Mental faculties functions such as mental
exercises can help ˈfækəltiz/
memory, reasoning, capabilities
maintain cognitive
and perception.
Neglect can lead to
The process of
the deterioration of
Decline, buildings over time, /dɪˌtɪriəˈreɪʃə
Deterioration progressively worse
worsening emphasizing the n/
or declining in
importance of regular
quality or condition.

The detective

Examined or looked investigated the crime

into thoroughly to Examined, scene, collecting /ɪnˈvɛstɪˌɡeɪt

gather information researched evidence to determine ɪd/

or solve a problem. the sequence of


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