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Luteinizing hormone

Chapter · April 2019

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_1812-1


3 3,970

4 authors:

Chad Tremblay Jacob Belanger

Nipissing University Nipissing University


Steven Arnocky Adam C Davis

Nipissing University Canadore College


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Luteinizing Hormone hormones, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), are
Jacob Belanger1, Chad Tremblay1, Adam Davis2 essential for the regulation of sexual and repro-
and Steven Arnocky3 ductive functioning. LH has an important evolu-
School of Nursing, Faculty of Applied and tionary function as it acts on both male and female
Professional Studies, Nipissing University, North gonads (testes or ovaries). It plays key roles in
Bay, ON, Canada biological processes such as sex steroid synthesis
Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa, (for both sexes) and the critical reproductive
Ottawa, ON, Canada mechanism of ovulation in females.
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and
Sciences, Nipissing University, North Bay,
ON, Canada Biochemical Profile of LH

LH along with FSH are both stored in the anterior

Synonyms segment of the pituitary gland – pea-sized endo-
crine gland sitting at the base of the brain. Their
Interstitial cell-stimulating hormone; Lutrophin; secretion is stimulated by gonadotropin-releasing
Lutropin hormone (GnRH) secreted by the hypothalamus
into the pituitary via the hypophyseal portal
system (Martini et al. 2012). LH is a member of
Definition a heterodimeric glycoprotein family along with
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and the
Luteinizing hormone (LH) is secreted by the ante- other gonadotropin hormones (Choi and Smitz
rior pituitary and plays a role in reproductive 2014). Members from this hormone family all
functions such as ovulation in females and syn- share the same 92-amino acid a subunit, yet they
thesis of androgens in males. each have their own respective hormone-specific
b subunit that garners receptor specificity and
subsequent functional specificity (Choi and
Introduction Smitz 2014). In humans, the gene sequence
encoding for the LH b subunit is located among
The endocrine system plays an imperative role in a cluster of gene sequences on chromosome
the management of the human reproductive cycle. 19q13.32. Transcription of the LH b subunit is
LH along with the two other gonadotropin particularly important as it also happens to be the
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
T. K. Shackelford, V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science,
2 Luteinizing Hormone

step in which production rates of LH are modu- et al. 2010) as well as the regulation of sex steroid
lated (Choi and Smitz 2014). The structure of the production in male testes.
highly conserved b subunit amino acid sequence
is what provides LH with its essential biochemical
behavior and function (Choi and Smitz 2014). LH Isoforms
Additionally, hCG has a 145 amino acid sequence
coded from other genes among the aforemen- Hormones such as LH exist within the human
tioned gene cluster but in the case of LH, this body as a conglomeration of isoforms (i.e., differ-
polypeptide is cleaved, thus shortening it to the ent forms of the same protein) that are created by
complete 121 amino acid polypeptide used to natural gene sequence variation, metabolism of
form LH. This cleavage of the polypeptide ulti- the hormone, or by posttranslational modification
mately results in a shorter circulating half-life for (Choi and Smitz 2014). Posttranslational modifi-
LH compared to hCG. This shorter half-life is key cation has yielded in the upward range of 30 var-
in generating the release of LH in the form of ious LH isoforms and this is achieved mostly by
pulses that work in direct accordance with the addition of carbohydrate side chains that are
GnRH pulses (Choi and Smitz 2014; Martini typically sialic and sulfonic acid compounds
et al. 2012). The release of LH in a pulsatile (Choi and Smitz 2014). These modify the hor-
fashion as opposed to a constant secretion is fun- mones’ biopotency (represented indirectly by
damental since GnRH pulses and corresponding bioactive-to-immunoreactive LH ratios [B/I])
LH pulses vary in frequency (amount released per and serum half-life. Sialylation extends longevity
minute) and amplitude (amount released per of the hormone in blood serum while sulfonation
pulse), which ultimately drive cellular responses shortens it (Choi and Smitz 2014).
and the regulation of the reproductive cycle at its Differences and variations between isoforms
various stages, especially in females (Martini et al. do exist between the sexes and within the female
2012). LH exerts its action by binding the trans- sexes’ own reproductive cycle. During the luteal
membrane LH/chorionic gonadotropin receptor phase, B/I is low but begins to rise as the follicular
(LHCGR) that is expressed in thecal cells, luteal phase progresses until it peaks at mid-cycle,
cells, and differentiated granulosa cells of the which corresponds appropriately with the marked
ovaries as well as in interstitial cells of the testes, decrease in sulfonation and subsequent high con-
which is why LH is sometimes referred to as centration of circulating LH that is associated with
interstitial cell-stimulating hormone among ovulatory induction and the LH surge (Choi and
males (Choi and Smitz 2014). This causes a con- Smitz 2014). Men, on the other hand, tend to have
formational change in the receptor that activates a greater B/I and LH sialylation than pre-
stimulatory G protein, which in turn activates menopausal women but age progression is yet
enzymes such as adenylate cyclase and phospho- another factor that influences the LH parameters
lipase C (Choi and Smitz 2014). Signal transduc- between the sexes (Choi and Smitz 2014). Women
tion pathways such as the phospholipase undergo an actual rise in LH B/I after menopause
C/inositol phosphate pathway, the cyclic adeno- and an increase in LH sialylation and sulfonation,
sine monophosphate/protein kinase A pathway, thus they carry a more acidic LH profile
and the extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (Bergendah and Veldhuis 2001). Men, on the
pathway result in proliferation and differentiation other hand, actually experience a decrease or
of the respective LHCGR expressing cells. These unchanged B/I as they age (Bergendah and
cellular developments consequently lead to matu- Veldhuis 2001). Furthermore, LH variants yielded
ration of the ovarian follicle and residing oocyte from genetic sequence variations/mutations also
throughout the female menstrual cycle (Brown have implications to both male and female repro-
ductive function and success as these variants are
Luteinizing Hormone 3

frequently associated with fertility problems and motility, and energy acquisition by the way of
dysfunctional LH properties. A common LH var- augmenting sperm fructolysis and adenyl cyclase
iant derived from a mutation in the b subunit gene activity (Ramanujam et al. 2000).
sequence has been associated with female sub-
fertility and menstrual irregularity (Bergendah
and Veldhuis 2001). In men, this same variant Indirect-Reproductive Adaptive
has been associated with the development of gen- Functions
erally less favorable traits such as smaller testis,
shorter stature, decreased serum insulin-like LH appears to serve an important role in fertility-
growth factor binding protein-3, and slowed linear contingent shifts in women’s reproductive physi-
growth rates (Bergendah and Veldhuis 2001). ology and psychology across the phases of the
menstrual cycle. For instance, women in the peri-
ovulatory phase (i.e., around ovulation) of the
Basic Reproductive Function menstrual cycle when there is a surge in LH,
experience changes in body odor (Miller and
Evolution hinges upon reproductive fitness – the Maner 2010), adorn more promiscuous clothing
capacity of an individual to successfully pass on (Durante et al. 2008), and are more flirtatious
their genes to offspring. LH plays a crucial role in (Cantú et al. 2014). This research tends to be
this process by acting as a precursor to important guided by the ovulatory shift hypothesis
sex hormones involved in this process. The fun- (Gangestad et al. 2005), from which it is argued
damental purposes of LH for the reproductive that as the likelihood of conception increases
functions of adult women and men differ with toward ovulation pair-bonded women are pre-
respect to the obvious distinctions between male dicted to be more attracted to men possessing
and female reproduction. In women, LH works to characteristics putatively associated with good
assist FSH in follicle stimulation and it also has genes (Gildersleeve et al. 2014). This effect is
the imperative role of stimulating ovulation and argued to be most pronounced when evaluating a
release of the ovum (Martini et al. 2012). This is man’s desirability as a short-term partner and
accomplished by a large LH surge garnered by the absent, or heavily attenuated, when assessing his
positive feedback activity of rising estrogen on the desirability as a long-term mate. This is because
pituitary, which triggers completion of meiosis women may only obtain genetic benefits from a
I in the primary oocyte, rupture of the follicular mate when fertile. For example, men found
wall, and subsequent ovulation 9 h proceeding women’s body odors to be more attractive during
peak LH levels (Martini et al. 2012). In the post- the periovulatory phase (higher LH) relative to
ovulatory phase, LH subsequently forms/main- women in a low fertile phase (lower LH) of the
tains the corpus luteum by promoting progester- menstrual cycle (e.g., luteal phase; Gildersleeve
one secretion (Martini et al. 2012). The corpus et al. 2012). During the periovulatory phase, rela-
luteum is a small yellowish hormone secreting tive to the luteal phase, women have also been
structure that is formed from the remainder of shown to experience greater interpersonal close-
the sac/follicle that once held the developing ness and satisfaction with their current relation-
ovum. It functions in releasing large amounts of ships when pair-bonded to a sexually attractive
progesterone and small amounts of estrogen, mate (Larson et al. 2013).
which are critical to implantation and preparation To detect ovulation, researchers use different
for pregnancy (Martini et al. 2012). In men, LH is counting methods to approximate women’s men-
needed for androgenization during puberty, sexual strual cycle phase position; however, investigators
differentiation, and sexual functioning. Male fer- have tended not to verify these estimates using LH
tility is closely tied to adequate LH functioning test strips to verify whether a surge in LH and
since it is the precursor to testosterone, which in ovulation have actually occurred or not (Jones
turn is crucial for sperm production, sperm et al. 2019). Recent tests of the ovulatory shifts
4 Luteinizing Hormone

hypothesis using larger samples, within-subject T-lymphocyte homing via expression of the
designs, and LH test strips are casting some CCR5 gene (Taneja 2018). In contrast, testoster-
doubt on the robustness of earlier evidence. one, which is known widely for its immunosup-
Another challenge with this research is that pressive effects in human males and does so by
fertility-contingent shifts in women’s mating is evoking a Th1 immune response, reduces the
influenced by several interrelated complex hor- action of natural killer cells and tumor necrosis
monal mechanisms and not just LH, such as estra- factor-alpha (Taneja 2018). Testosterone also
diol, progesterone, and oxytocin (Jones enhances the production of the anti-inflammatory
et al. 2019). IL-10, which inhibits many important immune
The impact of LH on men’s mating physiology cells (Taneja 2018). The obvious immunomo-
and behavior is also somewhat unclear. Earlier dulating differences of the reproductive hormones
researchers found that increases in men’s LH imply an evolutionary link between LH and
corresponded to viewing sexually explicit mate- immune function, due to the principal actions of
rial and heightened ratings of sexual arousal its downstream hormones.
(LaFerla et al. 1978). Increases in men’s
luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH)
were also found in anticipation of viewing erotic Areas of Future Inquiry
stimuli (Evans and Distiller 1979). It is difficult to
gauge the validity of these earlier studies because Scientific evidence of LH’s direct immune func-
they are hampered by small sample sizes and low tions in humans is sparse and limited, but over the
statistical power. In contrast, LHRH agonists past decades animal researchers have suggested
(increasing the binding potential of LHRH) have potential links between LH as a causal agent of
been shown to lower sexual thoughts and behav- immune function. For example, LH supplementa-
ior among male sexual offenders (Turner and tion was found to promote fetal tolerance in
Briken 2018). Elevated LH levels may also be a abortion-prone female mice (Schumacher et al.
reliable biomarker of hypogonadism (impaired 2014). It did so by increasing the number of reg-
sexual function) in older men (see Giannetta ulatory T cells, and by reducing the effects of the
et al. 2012). These latter results suggest an inverse tolerogenic dendritic cells – antigen-presenting
relation between heightened LH and decreased cells (Schumacher et al. 2014). Lastly, areas of
sexual arousal and mating effort. It is evident future inquiry may prove beneficial by investigat-
that more work is needed to examine the relations ing the direct immunological effects of endoge-
between men’s LH levels and their reproductive nous LH in humans.
physiology and psychology, which are compli-
cated by the pulsatile release of this hormone.

Indirect Immune Function ▶ Fertility

▶ Menstrual Cycle
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