La Zman

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Have you every been way too tired too go hunting but you really just want to eat

some meat, well have I

got the tool for you! The LaZman™ tm is our newest product and will be a lifesaver for all you couch
potatoes out there. The LaZman™ is a futuristic animal trap so you don’t even have to hunt to get your
very special meat. To construct your LaZman you will first: dig a 100x100cm hole in the ground that is
about 50cm deep using the ______™ so you can catch enough animals for a lifetime. Step 2, you will
now tie your 180cm log to your stick supports over the hole with 1 rock counterweight on each end.
Step 3, you will now lay your animal hide over top so that it hangs out on both sides. Finally, you will lay
grass, leaves, twigs, etc. so that the animal’s wont even know what hit them (dig the hole deeper if you
want them killed instantly or just come by later and kill them yourself. The LaZman™ is the best in its
category due to letting you save time and do your other work while it hunts for you. Using our new
special technology, the LaZman™ will withstand even a bear jumping on top of it! Get the LaZman™ now
for only 299.99 and get a free ____™ to help you on your way!

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