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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM),

ISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2023, Available online at:

New Formulation and Development for Inhibiting the

Growth of Streptococcus Pyogenes for the Future Study
of Nipah Virus and Disease X
Shibanjan Paul Roy1, Kamal Deka2, Shyam Prakash Rai3
Independent Scientist
Assistant Professor of Assam Royal Global University
Young Scientist cum Sr. Lecturer of HGEA College of Pharmacy



As in this study we precisely inspect our formulation against strain of S.Pyogenes.For our present thesis first we
know perfectly about nipah virus as it is caused by bat borne disease with a very high mortality rate.It recently
outbreak in Kerala state of India.As nipah is more dangerous and ditectly infected to the pigs and bats.We are
unable to collect the Nipah virus strain but our antiviral formulation may be working properly as we seen in our
present thesis.As present status we know no medicine no vaccine to treat nipah virus.In this thesis we used oregano
oil,Psidium Guajava fruit extract,rosemary officinalis leaf extract,Echinacea purple flower extract,Adhatoda
vasaka leaf extract,Mint leaves extract which have very most antiviral activity as well as European Honey Bee
producing Honey which has most powerful antiviral activities.As we never confirm that our formulation is useful in
nipah virus condition as because we have no strain of nipah virus but we always may be say that it may be useful in
nipah virus infected patients as a supporting way but further clinical trial mostly needed.We never claim that our
formulation treats the nipah virus because we have no strain,we invented formulation for viral fever,cold,headache
of viral symptoms, but if further clinical trials we know about it results.But in future our formulation may be a
supportive part for Nipah virus with medicines for infected patients or our formulation may be a Nipah Virus
medicine in furure in a supporting way.For about Disease X" is a disease sometimes used to refer to a hypothetical,
unknown disease.As we have no strain of Disease X but by study we known about it's symptoms as it occurs by Very
High Transmissible acute respiratory syndrome.As by experiencing symptoms of a respiratory tract infection, it's
important to seek proper medical advice.The common symptoms may include cough,fever, congestion, sore throat
and difficulty breathing.However, specific symptoms can vary by depending on the underlying cause of
the infection.As we never claim that our formulation is the medicine against Disease X.But it may be a medicine for
Disease X as a supporting way in future.As we used this bacterial strain S.Pyogenes as for 3566 cases of patiens were
more severe 3422 of 96% were the sufficient identifiers as linked to the death registrations overall 698 patients were
died within 30days as we study.As we know about this S.Pyogenes a large sporadic infection caused by
population.As it is a ferocious pathogen as 18.1million peoples infecting by this where resulting 500,000 deaths each
year.As it’s symptoms also Viral fever,Respiratory Problems like sore throat,cold,coughetc.We know that there
many medicines available for this S.Pyogenes but for potenty of our formulation we performed the antimicrobial
activity against this.AsS.Pyogenes symptoms are Viral fever,Repiratory Problems etc.


As Nipah is very ferocious disease infected kerala state in human beings.As Nipah virus is a zoonotic virus that can be
transmitted from animals to humans and sometimes between humans. It was first identified in 1999 during an outbreak in
Malaysia.Nipah virus infection can lead to severe respiratory illness and encephalitis, which is inflammation of the brain.

The virus is primarily transmitted through direct contact with infected animals or their bodily fluids.Therehave been several
outbreaks of Nipah virus in various parts of Asia, including Bangladesh and India. It is considered a serious public health
concern due to its high mortality rate and potential for human to human transmission. "Disease X" is a term that coined by
the World Health Organization (WHO) to properly represent a hypothetical,unknown disease that could cause a future
global epidemic.It's used to emphasize the need for preparedness and research for emerging infectious diseases.As of last
update in September 2021,no specific disease has been officially designated as "Disease X." As UK medical officers cum

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM),
ISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2023, Available online at:

specialists properly preparing for as possible new pandemic ―Disease X‖.As well as no medicine no vaccine for ―Disease
X‖.There more antibiotics and any other drugs for this disease available.

Materials with The Perfect Methods-As we following the proper methods of extraction.The plant materials of oregano
collected from Mexico,PsidiumGuajavafruits from Local Market,Rosemary Officinalis leaves from North
America,Echinacea purple cone flower from South Africa,Adhatoda Vasaka from Local Market,Mint leaves from local
market,ApisMellifera Bee Honey from Africa purchased by Kamal Deka and Shyam Prakash Rai by Lab as our Apis
Mellifera Bee honey is genuine it has good sweetness.

The Plants were identified by Guide-Mr.Shibanjan Paul Roy.As we firstly take oregano leaves after washed the oregano
leaves properly after chop.After we placed them properly in the clear jar properly washed by distilled water.For 2weeks we
sealed the jar properly and keep the jar with oregano leaves in a cool and dark place for 15days.After 15days we starined
the oil and discarded the leaves properly.We used mortar pestle for the other dried material for properly crushed and
properly sieved obtained the perfect fine powder.As for other plant leaf/fruit/flower extracts we washed with proper
distilled water after chopped dried leaves into very small pieces dried in 41°C and perfectly milled with homogenous

By powdered sample 299.9gm sample extracted in sterile distilled water of 3litre with the continuous of agitation in a
shaker maintained 140rpm for 23hr57min.After the resulting solution properly filtered with Whatman filter paper no-1 and
filtrate perfectly obtained as subsequently freeze dried.After the extract was ready for use.As we following the extraction
methods also extracted other plants extract also.As taking extracts dosage in the concentrations of as we used the
concentrations Oregano oil from extract 0.005%,Psidium Guajavafruit extract 0.125%, Rosemary Officinalis 0.05%,
Echinacea purple cone flower extract 0.150%, AdhatodaVasaka leaf extract 0.2%,Mint leaves extract 0.0025% and all are
from simple extract not mixed with any type of ethanol,methanol,acetone,ethyl acetate etc with our extracts and
ApisMellifera Bee honey also.

Isolation of S.Pyogenes-In our team Shyam Prakash Rai and Kamal Deka collected 255samples of skin and surgical
wounds from some hospitals in assam by following Guide’s instruction as using syringes and swabs which is sterile.As for
perfect inspection and identification for S.Pyogenes the isolated samples collected properly.

Processing of Sample-After collection of samples then after streaked on Nutrient Agar Media Plates and Blood Agar.After
plates were perfectly incubated for 25hours at the 36°C.After on each plate cultures are properly obtained for further
inspection for the species identify for biochemical tests and gram staining.As we did different of biochemical tests for
inspection of bacterial species from Gram+Ve properly isolated by Catalase Test, bacitracin sensitivity test and oxidase test.
After IZD of our formulation and Cefoxitin was performed.

Sensitivity Test for Antimicrobial Activity-As we used Cefoxitin cephalosporin antibiotic and our formulation of
50mlsyrup sensitivity test we used disc diffusion method.On for nutrient broth the microorganisms are properly inoculated
for 25hours at the 36°C.In mm IZD was properly calculated in mm as following (Reller, 2009).After our test performed on
the basis of Muller Hinton Agar by Disc diffusion method for Cefoxitin and Our formulation we tested.As our formulated
syrup 50ml we never mixed any diluted water with our Formulation.We just take our formulated syrup 50ml with cefoxitin
directly for S.Pyogenes IZD for the isolates.We always ready our micropipette.After for the incubation we incubated plates
for 25hours at the 36°C and IZD measured.We always using our digital microscope.

Streptococcus Pyogenes inhibition by our formulation-For this thesis we used disc diffusion method for our formulation
and antibiotic cefoxitin.

Preparation of our novel formulation- Formulation of 50ml of syrup-First oregano oil we measured 0.05ml of oregano
oil after other like psidiumguajava fruit extract1.5ml,rosemary officinalis2.5ml,echinaceae purple cone flower extract
2.5ml,Adhatoda Vasaka leaf extract4.25ml,mint leaves extract 1ml after we weighed precisely 38.2ml of Concentrated
ApisMellifera Bee Honey.As all extract mixed properly with each other our formulation created.After in amber color bottle
our formulated syrup transferred after we close our formulation tightly after place it in a cool place.

pH Inspection-We inspect pH by two methods first is glass electrode another is pH paper.As each of the pH we prepared
30ml of buffer solution.After stock solution volume taken perfectly.By mixing appropriate volume we prepared buffer.For
15min to establish equilibrium we allow solution.we properly measured the pH by pH

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM),
ISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2023, Available online at:

Table-1-As for 50ml of Syrup Formulation and Development

Ingredients Dosage
Oregano Oil by leaf extract 0.05ml
PsidiumGuajava fruit extract 1.5ml
Rosemary Officinalis Leaf extract 2.5ml
Echinacea Purple Cone Flower 2.5ml
Adhatoda Vasaka Leaf Extract 4.25ml
Mint Leaves Extract 1ml
ApisMellifera Bee Honey 38.2ml


Streptococcus Our Formulation ISP Cefoxitin

IZD(mm) 38 26


PH-As the pH shown pH paper is neutral but in pH meter it will be 6.04.

S.Pyogenes inhibition by our formulation-As we studied the disc diffusion assay for our formulation.
As our formulation of shown 38mm of IZD in mm and cefoxitin shown 26mm. In this result as our formulation is sweet in
taste we get a positive result but further research required for clinical trials.But our formuted syrup may be useful for the
future study of nipah virus in future.We not confidently say but we say our formulation is powerful.

As we know about the symptoms of Nipah virus as like viral fever, headache, respiratory illness as in our formulation we
used oregano leaf oil used in asthma,bronchitis and it has antiviral activitiesetc, as well as but not confirmly Disease X
symptoms Highly Respiratory problems.Psidium Guajava fruit extract used for the improvement of blood circulation, mast-
cell allergic inflammation, as remedy of cough,viral feveretc, Rosemary Officinalis leaf used for headache, improvement of
memory, nervous agitation and also cold,cough some relief,also useful for herpes virus also.echinaceaepurple cone
floweralso useful in hay fever, common cold,cure blood poisoning,snake venom of snake bite,syphilis,rabies,cold,cough
with boosting more immunityetc,adhatodavasaka leaf used for the purpose of inflammation,cold,influenza and flu,Mint
leaves also boosting immunity,useful for antiviral activity etc.ApisMellifera Bee Honey is very useful for viral fever like
influenza,cold,coughetc.So, as Nipah virus symptoms like viral fever, respiratory illness and by study we know Disease X
symptoms High Respiratory problems so, as our formulation we give it’s name- SHISHYAKAM is the either support with
medicine for future useful for the prevention of Nipah virus and in future Disease X also.Itmay be used in a supportive way
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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM),
ISSN: 2455-6211, Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2023, Available online at:

but for oral safety further clinical trial required for this.As we tested our formulation SHISHYAKAM against Streptococcus
Pyogenes and our results shown that our formulation has potent antiviral activity against Streptococcus Pyogenes
symptoms are fever and severe respiratory problems,viral effects.As our formulation inhibit S.Pyogenes then our
formulation also somehow our formulation SHISHYAKAM inhibit the viral activity of humanbody like viral
fever,respiratory problems with any medicine which is workable forNipahVirusand Disease X in future..So, further
research with clinical trial needs for our formulation SHISHYAKAM.As ApisMellifera Bee Honey responsible for the
inhibition of Major Viral diseases like influenza,also somehow against Covid19.As for the powerful formulation further
research mostly required.But at last we must say that our formulation SHISHYAKAM may be reducing the complications
of Nipah virus as in a supportive way for future study for Nipah Virus and Disease X but for further clinical trials required
for this.


As our knowledge there was no confirmation antiviral medicine and vaccine approved for the treatment of Nipah virus
infection.For the supportive care such as respiratory and fluid management,there was primary approach.However, it's
important to note that medical research and treatment protocols can evolve over time.

For most current information regarding Nipah virus and any formulated medicines,we must recommend consulting reliable
and up to date sources like the other medicinal journals.


This research is guided and written skills done by Guide cum Research-Teacher-in-Charge Mr.Shibanjan Paul Roy a
Freelancer Scientist Qualification-M.Pharm(Pharmacology) Address-Race Course Para,Jalpaiguri has 9individual research
publications with 3individual patents with he guided in more than 9researches has 5awards as Asian Best
Scientist Award2023 by World Research Council.In this research Shibanjan Paul Roy guides Mr.Kamal Deka
M.Pharm(Pharmaceutics)-Former Principal of Crescent Institute of Pharmacy now Assistant Professor of Royal School of
Pharmacy under Assam Royal Global University and Ph.D pursuing from 2021 has more than 11research publications with
1patent and 3book chapters and Mr.ShyamPrakashRai a Young Scientist has more than 10research publications with
1individual research publication.Mr.Kamal Deka and Mr.Shyam Prakash Rai performed for the practical and others work
and note the reading under Guide-Mr.Shibanjan Paul Roy’s guidance and observation.


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