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• The Government of Uganda is committed to fulfillment of the requirements of
different International, Continental, Regional and national development
frameworks that include:

Developing and implementing o

Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development (SDGs)
Africa Agenda 2063
national level indicators o
EAC Vision 2050
Uganda Vision 2040
Godfrey Bwanika (PhD o Third National Development Plan (NDP III)
o Other Conventions, Treaties and Protocols that the Government of Uganda
has ratified

• To facilitate implementation, monitoring, and reporting on the development

frameworks, UBOS in collaboration with MoFPED, OPM, and NPA developed
the maiden National Indicators Framework (NSI) to consolidate national
statistical demands on the National Statistical System (NSS). 2

The NSI Framework

When?? • The NSI is a core set of indicators that guides prioritization of
statistical production in the NSS

• The framework was officially adopted as an interim • It is a framework that guides tracking progress towards achieving
framework in May 2016 and provided a guide for national, regional, continental and global development agendas
the formulation of programme outcomes and their using a hierarchy of results approach.
associated indicators for all sectors.
• Recommendations of the evaluations of the first NDP I and PNSD I
revealed inconsistences, incomparability and gaps in the data and
indicators produced and submitted by MDAs to the oversight

• The evaluations further underlined the need to define a national
set of indicators to address the challenge and facilitate evidence-
based planning, budgeting, resource allocation and performance
measurement for various government programmes. 3 4

Importance of NSI The Structure of the NSI Framework

• Statistical planning framework for  The NSI Framework is hierarchical and has 4 levels;
• Determining data needs for monitoring
the NSS SDG from a national perspective 1. NSI Level I: Presents key indicators that track monitoring of the country’s graduation
from LDC to Medium-Income status.
• Facilitates alignment of statistical • Harmonizing the collection of quality These indicators are defined by the United Nations Department for Economic and
programmes to development data from various sources Social Affairs.
• Facilitating the preparation of data for 2. NSI Level II: presents indicators that facilitate tracking progress towards realization
• Guides a holistic, harmonised and dissemination to national policy- of the NDP III Goals, Objectives and Key Result Areas. Covers the 5 objectives in
well-coordinated process for makers, planners and other
producing data and statistics for NDPIII
international, national and
Institutional reporting.
3. Level III: presents indicators that measure progress towards realization of the NDP III
• Improving the national information
system on data collection programme objectives and outcomes. It covers the 20 NDP III programs.
• Reduces reporting fatigue to
oversight institutions,
development partners and • Aligning national indicators with 4. Level IV: Presents indicators that track implementation of the Programme
international agencies. international frameworks for Implementation Action Plans (PIAPs) in MDAs.
internationally comparable definitions
and standards  The SDGs, Africa Agenda 2063, EAC 2030 and Uganda Vision 2040 are all integrated
• Minimises duplication of efforts in at all Levels where applicable.
the production and management
of statistics in the NSS. • Integrating SDGs into national planning processes to avoid inefficiencies. 5 6


Chain of results and examples of corresponding


Globally A Transformed Ugandan Society from a Zero Poverty

Peasant to a Modern and Prosperous
Per capita income of USD 9,500 by 2040
Vision Country within 30 years
Level I & II

 Proportion of population below the

To Increase Average Household Incomes national poverty line
NDP III Goal and Improve the Quality of Life of
 GDP Per Capita (US$), Current Prices
Ugandans  Life expectancy at birth (years)

i) Enhance value addition in key growth

opportunities.  Average household Income (000' UGX)
NDP III Objectives ii) Enhance the productivity and social  US$ Labour Productivity Per Worker –
wellbeing of the population
Level III

Increased agricultural production and  Volumes/value of priority agricultural

Outcome productivity commodities
 Proportion of farmers adopting improved
Increased adoption of Agricultural agricultural technologies

Intermediate research technologies  Proportion of farming households

accessing improved breed varieties
Outcome Animal breeding stock multiplied and  Number of regional community breeding
Level IV

distributed to farmers country wide for satellite centers established and

Outputs cattle, poultry, goats, pigs, fish. maintained.
 Number of poultry varieties developed,
Undertake agricultural research and multiplied, and promoted.
Activity technology development  Number of tropicalized superior breeding
stock introduced 7

Summary of number of indicators under level Two

Summary of number of indicators
under level Two 9 10

Status of the NSI framework by levels Progress

Proportion  Of the 201 SDG indicators applicable to
of Uganda, data series are available for only 121
This shows
No of Indicators major gaps in
NSI LEVEL indicators with data o 14 indicators are under review and
the level III
and IV, which
Level I 51 100%
compares well
o Of the 81 Africa Agenda 2063 Indicators,
Level II 140 100% with the NDP 55 have up-to-date data series
III Mid-Term
Level III 812 41% Report o Four indicators are under review and
Level IV 2715 52%


Progress on NSI level III by programmes Challenges encountered in updating

the NSI
Overall 41
Legislation, Oversight and Representation 87 1. Limited ownership of the indicators by some MDAs
Administration of Justice 90
Development Plan Implementation 39
Regional Balanced Development 26 2. Lack of methodology on some indicators
Public Sector Transformation 7
Governance and Security 36
Community Mobilization and Mindset Change 78 3. Limited funds for statistics in the MDAs workplans & budgets.
Innovation, Technology Development and Transfer 90
Human Capital Development 22
Sustainable Urbanization and Housing 15 5. Limited internal coordination within MDAs and weak data sharing
Digital Transformation 82
Sustainable Energy Development 35 arrangements
Integrated transport infrastructure and services 38
Manufacturing 70
Private Sector Development 5 6. Weak Administrative data systems (Non-responsive and/or inflexible
Natural Resource, Environment, Climate Change, Land and… 21
Tourism Development 97 data collection systems and sources).
Sustainable Petroleum Development 69
Mineral Development 82
Agro-Industrialization 97 7. Inadequate conceptualization and use of new data sources like the big
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
data, and Citizen Generated data

Mitigation measures
1. UBOS and the MDAs should pay keen interest in the process of developing

the NDP IV and corresponding indicator frameworks.

2. UBOS should continue supporting MDAs in compilation of data and

metadata for the indicators

3. MDAs should mainstream statistics in their budgets and work plans

4. Revitalise the Statistics Cadre in MDAS

5. UBOS should support review of tools and automation of data systems in


6. MDAs should enhance statistical capacity building in MDAs, HLGs and CSOs

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