Prova de Inglês CEAC

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ETAPA: Ensino Fundamental TURMA: ________ TURNO:__________________

TEACHER: ___________________________________________________


1ª) Complete as frases com o pronome possessivo correto

g) My brother has a dog. The dog is _______.

h) My pencil is broken. Can I borrow ______?

i) Dani has already eaten her lunch and now she wants ______.

j) Which shirt is yours? The black or the white?

The black is _______ and the white is ______.

2ª) Passe as frases para inglês:

a) Minha casa é azul, e a sua?

b) O amigo dela é americano, e o dele?

c) Meu nome é Gabriel, e o dela?

d) Esse é seu livro ou deles?

3ª) Utilize os verbos entre parênteses e complete as frases a seguir com a forma correta
no presente simples:
a) I __________ in Curitiba, Brazil. (live)
b) She __________ at Unicamp. (study)
c) We __________ in the evening. (not work)
d) Lara __________ (likes) to study here
4ª) Agora passe as frases abaixo para a forma negativa.
a) Why do you want to be here?
b) What's your favourite kind of movie?
c) Do you like your mother?
d) Does he live alone?
e) Does she like you?





5ª) Complete as sentenças com o possessive adjective correto do quadro

a) need to clean _______ house.

b) My grandmother likes _______ grandchildren.
c) John, you must repair _______ door!
d) The dog likes to hide _______ bone!

Leia o texto para responder às questões 6 a 10

Biography of Machado de Assis

He was born on June 21, 1839, in Morro do Livramento, a marginalized region

of Rio de Janeiro. Poor, descendant of slaves, stutterer and epileptic, he left home at the
age of 16, when he started working in newspapers in the capital of Rio de Janeiro as an
apprentice typographer. At work, he met Manuel Antônio de Almeida, author of
Memoirs of a Militia Sergeant. This professional partnership was of great influence for
Machado, who has since continued to work for newspapers in various ways, where he
had the opportunity to write chronicles, which began in the form of reviews of the
Senate debates and, later, on customs of the time, which generated, over a 40-year
career, more than 600 texts on 19th century carioca society.

6ª) A idade que Machado de Assis saiu de casa foi :

a) fifteen years.
b) sixteen years.

c) seventeen years.

d) eighteen years.

7ª) O primeiro emprego de Machado de Assis foi como

a) profissional.

b) autônomo.

c) aprendiz.

d) técnico.

8ª) Manuel Antônio de Almeida foi um:

a) writer.

b) actor.

c) singer.

d) teacher.

9ª) Machado de Assis, trabalhando em jornais, teve a oportunidade de escrever:

a) poetry.

b) abstracts.

c) chronicles.

d) reports.

10ª) Segundo o texto, Machado de Assis NÃO foi:

a) poor.

b) stutterer.

c) descendants of slaves.

d) rich.


a) You don't want to be here

b) You don't have a favorite kind of movie.

c) You don't like your mother.

d) He doesn't live alone.

e) She doesn't like you.

A estrutura das frases negativas no Simple Present é:

Para a terceira pessoa: Subject + Does not / Doesn’t + verb + complement.

Para as outras pessoas: Subject + Do not / Don’t + verb + complement.

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