21 Mixed Type Sample

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Sample Essay and Practice Exercises on a Mixed Type Essay

In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people.
Why might this be the case? Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

Paragraph 1 (Introduction)
For individuals in certain nations, homeownership takes precedence over tenancy. I believe this
is largely due to societal and financial factors, and in my perspective, it has both merits and

Paragraph 2
Primarily, the desire for homeownership can be attributed to cultural beliefs and societal norms.
In many societies, such an investment is seen as a symbol of stability and success. Indeed, this
significant purchase is often viewed as a milestone, signifying financial stability and elevating
one's social standing. Furthermore, owning a home offers a sense of security as it provides a
permanent place of dwelling, free from the uncertainty that can come with rental agreements.
This enduring sense of permanence can lead to mental comfort and peace, knowing that this key
aspect of life is secured for the long term.

Paragraph 3
However, this trend of prioritizing homeownership over renting is not without its drawbacks and
benefits. On one hand, buying a home encourages individuals to save money consistently,
teaching them the value of financial discipline. Additionally, the property serves as a long-term
investment, potentially increasing in value over time and thereby boosting the owner's financial
security. Conversely, it can lead to financial stress due to the pressure of mortgage repayments
and maintenance costs, especially in economically unstable times. Thus, it is a double-edged
sword with implications for both individual and societal economic health.

Paragraph 4 (Conclusion)
In conclusion, the preference for owning homes in some countries is influenced by social
conventions and financial considerations. While I see the validity in this practice due to its
potential for financial growth and societal stability, it is crucial to also acknowledge the
associated financial risks.
268 Words
Exercise 1
Read Paragraph 3 above again; then complete the gaps without looking at it.

However, this trend of prioritizing homeownership over renting is __________ __________

__________ __________ and benefits. __________ __________ __________, buying a home
encourages individuals to save money consistently, teaching them the __________ of financial
discipline. Additionally, the property serves as a __________ __________ , potentially
increasing in value over time and __________ boosting the owner's financial security.
__________, it can __________ __________ financial stress due to the pressure of mortgage
repayments and maintenance costs, especially in economically unstable times. __________, it is
a double-edged sword with __________ for both individual and societal economic health.

Exercise 2
1. The writer presents his opinion on the situation twice in the essay. Where specifically?
2. Which paragraph explains the answer to the first question?
3. How many reasons for wanting a home does the writer provide in the second paragraph?
4. How many positives and negatives are stated in Paragraph 3?
Exercise 1
However, this trend of prioritizing homeownership over renting is not without its drawbacks and
benefits. On one hand, buying a home encourages individuals to save money consistently,
teaching them the value of financial discipline. Additionally, the property serves as a long-term
investment, potentially increasing in value over time and thereby boosting the owner's financial
security. Conversely, it can lead to financial stress due to the pressure of mortgage repayments
and maintenance costs, especially in economically unstable times. Thus, it is a double-edged
sword with implications for both individual and societal economic health.

Exercise 2
1. Paragraph 1 (Introduction):
I believe this is largely…
While I see the validity…
2. Paragraph 2
3. Two: “a symbol of stability and success” and “a sense of security
4. Two positives: “encourages individuals to save money consistently” and “long-term
One negative: financial stress
Full Sample Essay (Mixed Type)
In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people.
Why might this be the case?
Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

For individuals in certain nations, homeownership takes precedence over tenancy. I believe this
is largely due to societal and financial factors, and in my perspective, it has both merits and

Primarily, the desire for homeownership can be attributed to cultural beliefs and societal norms.
In many societies, such an investment is seen as a symbol of stability and success. Indeed, this
significant purchase is often viewed as a milestone, signifying financial stability and elevating
one's social standing. Furthermore, owning a home offers a sense of security as it provides a
permanent place of dwelling, free from the uncertainty that can come with rental agreements.
This enduring sense of permanence can lead to mental comfort and peace, knowing that this key
aspect of life is secured for the long term.

However, this trend of prioritizing homeownership over renting is not without its drawbacks and
benefits. On one hand, buying a home encourages individuals to save money consistently,
teaching them the value of financial discipline. Additionally, the property serves as a long-term
investment, potentially increasing in value over time and thereby boosting the owner's financial
security. Conversely, it can lead to financial stress due to the pressure of mortgage repayments
and maintenance costs, especially in economically unstable times. Thus, it is a double-edged
sword with implications for both individual and societal economic health.

In conclusion, the preference for owning homes in some countries is influenced by social
conventions and financial considerations. While I see the validity in this practice due to its
potential for financial growth and societal stability, it is crucial to also acknowledge the
associated financial risks.
268 Words

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