1RST MEDICAL ENGLISH PARTIAL 03-03-2023 - Paloma Catrine Alves Neves

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Ingles Medico

1er Examen Parcial

FECHA: 03/03/2023
DOCENTE: Lic. Laura Patricia Ramos Giménez
ALUMNO/S: Paloma Catrine Alves Neves
Total de Puntos 25 puntos
Puntos Obtenidos: ____________

1-Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb to be
in the present form. (am, is, are) 2pts

1. I am Susan and She is Jennifer.

2. A: Are you William? B: No, I am not William
3. Grammar is very difficult when you do not know the language.
4. Elephants are very big animals.

2- Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb to be
in the negative form (am not, isn’t, aren’t) 2pts

1. I am forty years old. I am not forty years old

2. His name is Robert. His name ins’t Robert

3. My friend and I are sick. My friend and I aren’t sick

4. Birds are big animals. Birds aren’t big animals

3- Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in the simple
present tense 2pts

1-Samantha lives in New York.

Who lives in New York?
2-Her sister always gets up at six o’clock in the morning.

When sister her get up at six o’Clock?

3-Mr. Davis goes to work by bus.

How Mr. Davis go to work?

4-The supermarket sells pineapples.

What sell he supermarket?

3- Change the sentences below using the correct form of the verb in the
simple past tense of regular and irregular verbs remember about the
auxiliary verb 2pts

1-They don’t eat potatoes. They don’t eat potatoes

2-Stewart works in Canada. Stewart worked in Canada

3-Does He Study English? Did he study English?

4-She gets new video games. She got new video games

4- Write the sentences below in the past simple of the verb to be. 2pts)

1. The marquer is blue. The marque was blue

2. Am I the winner? Was I the winner

3. Is the answer correct? Was the answer correct?

4. Who is sick? Who was sick?

5- Fill in the blanks below with the best adverbs of frequency (some
sentences may have more than one answer).2pts
Always Almost always usually
often Sometimes seldom
rarely hardly ever never
1-Simon rarely goes to a cinema. He usually sees movies.

2-Mary saw a doctor for the first time in four years. She never gets sick.

3-You get up at six o’clock seven days in a row. You always get up early.

4-It’s always hot and sunny where I live. That’s why I never see snow.

5- Write the correct pronoun to complete the following sentences Remember

there are four types of pronouns 3pts

Subject pronouns (I, You, He, She, It, We, they)

Object pronoun (me, you, him, her, it, us, them)

Possessive Adjective (my, your, his, her, its, our, their)

Possessive Pronoun (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs)

1-It is five o’clock. Let’s go home.

2-Can you fix Maria’s bicycle? Her chain is broken.

3- I like him. He is a nice man.

4- Please give our my pen.

5- Did you bring my passport?

6- It’s my brother’s birthday today. He is eighteen years’ old

6- Please look at the following phrases and complete with the correct definite
and indefinite article.3pts

1- A chair.

2- An oil.

3- The United Kingdom.

4- An umbrellas.

5- It is a big house. A house is beautiful.

6- An apple.
7- Choose the correct order of adjectives in the following sentences.

Understanding the proper order of adjectives takes practice. Use the

following table to practice using the proper order of adjectives in the
following sentences. 3pts
Number Opinion Size Age Shape Color Origin Material Purpose Noun
small round German
red sleeping
generous old man
four metal

1-James recently departed on a_______ trip

a) camping long
b) long camping
2-I love eating ________ strawberries.
a) red big
b) big red
3-The ________ woman did well on the test.
a) intelligent young
b) young intelligent
4-The ticket costs ________ dollars.
a) ten US
b) US ten
5-The scientists have found a ________ cure for the disease.
a) new great
b) great new

6-I am drinking from a ________ cup.

a) small English tea
b) English small tea

8- Match the following names with the correct information about medical
English vocabulary 4pts

1 Blood pressure 7 not normal for the human body

2 Cyst 4 a medical disorder that is harmful

to a person's health
3 Appointment 8 removal of human tissue in order
to conduct certain medical tests
4 Disease 2 a sac in the body-tissue filled with
fluid (sometimes diseased)
5 OR (operating room) 3 a scheduled meeting with a
medical professional
6 Immune system 1 the rate at which blood flows
through the body (high/low)
7 Abnormal 5 the place where major surgeries
and operations take place
8 Biopsy 6 the parts of the body that fight
diseases, infections, and viruses

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