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Is The Internet Making us

Autoria: Santiago Pais
Nrº do aluno: 25

Professor da disciplina: Andrea Cabrita

ANO LETIVO 2023/2024

Is The Internet Making Us Stupid?:...............................3

Is The Internet Making Us Stupid?:
Ladies and gentlemen,
In our increasingly digital age, the question of whether the internet is
making us stupid is more relevant than ever. The allure of instant information,
social media, and endless entertainment is hard to resist, but it's essential to
recognize the cognitive costs that come with it. Today, I argue that the internet,
while a powerful tool, is indeed making us less intelligent in crucial ways.
First, let’s consider the overwhelming amount of information available
online. A study by the University of California found that the average person
consumes an astonishing 34 gigabytes of content daily. This information
overload leads to a phenomenon known as "cognitive overload," where our
brains are unable to process and retain information effectively. Instead of deep
thinking and comprehension, we skim, scroll, and forget.
Furthermore, social media platforms, which are specifically designed to
captivate and maintain our interest, often prioritize surface-level interaction
rather than profound contemplation. In accordance with a study conducted by
Microsoft, the average human attention span has dwindled from twelf to a mere
eight seconds, largely due to our constant engagement with digital devices. This
decline in attention span hampers our capacity to concentrate, analyze, and
engage with intricate concepts, thus diminishing our critical thinking abilities.
When considering the impact of the internet on our cognitive abilities, it
can be likened to the introduction of television throughout history. Just as
excessive television consumption was associated with decreased attention spans
and lower academic achievements, the internet exacerbates these challenges on
a significantly larger scale. Nicholas Carr, in his book "The Shallows," argues
that the internet fosters a superficial comprehension of information rather than
fostering deep and meaningful learning experiences.
Clóvis de Barros defines "brio" as the pride and commitment one
possesses while striving for excellence and integrity in their pursuits. The
internet, despite offering us a wealth of information and a sense of security in
having instant answers at our disposal, has resulted in a decline of this brio. We
no longer feel compelled to truly engage with or master subjects since the

answers are always just a click away, diminishing our motivation for thorough
comprehension and achieving greatness.

While some may argue that the internet grants unparalleled access to
information and educational resources, it is crucial to recognize that mere access
does not guarantee wisdom or understanding. The ease of finding information
can create a false sense of knowledge, leading us to believe that we possess a
deep understanding of various topics when, in reality, our knowledge is
fragmented and superficial.
Overall, despite the numerous advantages it offers, the internet is leading
us towards intellectual complacency. It fosters an overwhelming amount of
information, diminishes our ability to focus, and encourages superficial
involvement instead of deep comprehension. To address this issue, we need to
be conscious of our internet usage, prioritize critical thinking, and participate in
activities that demand sustained concentration and profound reflection. We
should not allow the convenience of the internet to undermine our cognitive
capacities. Instead, let us utilize it judiciously to enrich our knowledge and
comprehension. Thank you.

base on “How Much Information? 2009 Report on American Consumers” (Is
available online and can be downloaded in PDF format)

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