2015 North Ryde Fun Run Project Plans 310315

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Project Plan: North Ryde Fun Run


Purpose The purpose of this project plan is to describe the 2015 North Ryde Fun
Run, a fund-raising project sponsored by the Rotary Club of North Ryde,
with Macquarie University Sport and Recreation as venue partner.

Audience  The Board and Members of the Rotary Club of North Ryde
 The Management of Macquarie University Sport and Recreation
 The Board and Members of the Rotary Club of Macquarie Park
 The Board and Members of the Rotaract Club of Macquarie University
 The Board and Members of the Macquarie University Rotaract Club
 CEO Dunmore Lang College
 CEO Robert Menzies College
 General Manager Macquarie University Village
 Director, Macquarie University Centre for Emotional Health

In this This document contains the following topics.


Topic See Page

Project Description 2
Constraints, Scope, Dependencies, and Risks 4
Approach, Resources, Schedule, and Cost 6

Page 1 of 7
Project Description

Project purpose The purpose of the 2015 North Ryde Fun Run Project is to raise funds for
Rotary causes such as Australian Rotary Health, which aims to support
healthier minds, bodies and communities through research, awareness and

Objectives  Raise $10,000 or more from the Fun Run through fees and sponsorship to
donate to Australia Rotary Health for research into youth emotional health,
and for other worthy Rotary projects to support youth
 Increase local awareness of the issue of youth emotional health and the
benefits of physical exercise
 Increase local awareness of Rotary and recruit new club members
 Increase local awareness of the facilities of the Macquarie University Sport
and Recreation and the Centre for Emotional Health and its associated

Deliverables The second North Ryde Fun Run will take place on Sunday 30 August 2015.

The Fun Run event will be attended by students, families and workers from
the local area, including North Ryde, Macquarie Park, Beecroft, Epping,
East Ryde, Top Ryde, Ryde and greater Sydney.

Stakeholders The table below describes the stakeholders in this project, their role and the
benefits of the project to them. The stakeholders will form an organising
Committee with appropriate representation from each group, called the North
Ryde Fun Run Committee (NRFRC). The NRFRC will elect office-bearers.

Stakeholder Role Benefits

Rotary Club of North Primary Sponsor:  Funds raised to
Ryde members Organise the event distribute to
(planning, Australian Rotary
management, Health & other
marketing, resourcing, worthy youth mental
execution) health projects
Recruit resources  Community
Recruit entrants development &

Continued on next page

Page 2 of 7
Project Description, Continued

Stakeholders Stakeholder Role Benefits

continued Macquarie University Provide and organise  Community
Sport and Recreation the event (as above) development &
Recruit entrants from involvement
MUSAC members  Campus health &
fitness improvement
Rotary Club of Recruit entrants  Community
Macquarie Park Assist with development &
organisation of event involvement
(as above)  Recruit new Rotary
Rotaract Club of Recruit entrants  Community
Macquarie University Assist with development &
organisation of event involvement
(as above)  Recruit new Rotaract
Dunmore Lang Recruit entrants  Community
College, Robert Assist with development &
Menzies College, organisation of event involvement
Macquarie University (project management,  Job-related skill
Village marketing, resourcing) development
 Student health &
fitness improvement
 Promote College life
Macquarie University Provide research and  Publicity about CEH
Centre for Emotional programs to treat youth and its research and
Health (CEH) emotional health programs
problems and assist  Student anxiety and
with raising awareness depression
about the issue improvement

Page 3 of 7
Constraints, Scope, Dependencies, and Risks

Constraints The project constraints are described in the table below.

Constraint Implications
Event must be contained within  Limit to size of event and running
Macquarie University grounds tracks
 Not visible to rest of the campus
Limited volunteers to organise from May need to limit the number of
North Ryde Rotary Club entrants, or recruit resources from
outside the Club
Rotary and University risk May need to make special
management policies arrangements for health and safety

Scope The scope of the project to be managed is a one-day family and student-
oriented event for 600-800 entrants and attendees.

The scope is not a professional run for entrants who receive large cash

Assumptions The assumptions are:

 There is a demand for such a Fun Run, based on the 2014 event
 The event will host the 5km run for the Macquarie University
Intercollegiate Competition, which has determined the date of the event to
be Sunday 30 August 2015
 The stakeholders have the capacity and capability to organise such an
 A Project Manager is appointed
 Approval from the Ryde City Council or local Police may not be needed
unless the Fun Run will not affect local roads
 Vendors who normally participate in the Rotary Carols on the Common
event and other Sport and Recreation events will also participate in the Fun

Page 4 of 7
Dependencies The event’s success is dependent on:
 Free resources such as Rotary and university student labour
 Macquarie University and College participation
 Suitable weather conditions
 Sponsorship – in cash and in kind
 Effective marketing
 St John’s Ambulance first aid service
 Macquarie University cleaning and security services
 Rotary District insurance approval
 Website with online registration and payment forms
 Collaboration with the CEH

Risks and The table below identifies the project’s risks and contingencies.

Risk Probability Severity Contingency

No or low 30% Impact is Organise the
sponsorship potentially high event so that it
does not depend
on any cash
except entry fees
Unsuitable 40% Impact is Cancel event if
weather dependent on the the weather
severity of the makes the
weather course unsafe
Entries are low 50% Low-medium 1. Stage the
impact event anyway
with low
2. Engage
vendors that
can be
Entries are high 50% High impact Implement a cut-
off threshold.

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Approach, Resources, Schedule, and Cost

Approach The Fun Run will be run as a project using an appropriate project
methodology. An appropriate Project Manager will be appointed, preferably
a student who can benefit from the experience.

Milestones The following activities are key milestones for the project.

Milestone Activity Start Date End Date

Project Approval 11/02/15 11/02/15
Project Initiation 18/03/15 18/03/15
Project Planning, 18/03/2015 11/11/2015
Monitoring & Control
Project Execution 30/8/2015 30/8/2015
Project Closure 30/9/2015 30/09/2015

Resources The table below lists basic resources that will be required.

Resource Source
Funds for running costs Rotary
Sponsorship for the event Sponsors
Event management Macquarie University, Rotary
Marketing communications and PR Macquarie University, Rotary
Operations Management Macquarie University, Rotary
Project Management Rotary and/or other
Insurance Rotary
IT Infrastructure - website Rotary, hosting service provider

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Schedule The table below contains the draft schedule.

Date Activity Responsible

February/March Approve event, identify event All stakeholders
2015 date, commit resources, form
NRFRC, commence planning
April 2015 Finalise objectives, resources NRFRC, Project
and policies Manager
March - August Plan event activities and NRFRC, Project
2015 marketing and sponsorship, Manager
website requirements, website
March-August Recruit sponsors and vendors, NRFRC, Project
2015 run Seminars, develop event Manager
operations plan
July 2015 Finalise event organisation NRFRC, Project
August 2015 Hold Dress Rehearsal. Close NRFRC, Project
entries. Hold Fun Run Manager
September 2015 Survey. Reconciliation. Post- NRFRC, Project
implementation Review Manager

Budget Target profit: $10,000

Income (conservative estimate based on 2014 event)
Items $ Revenue
Entry fees 325 community @$20 6,500
Entry fees 275 students @$10 2,750
Sponsorship 6,750
Total $ 16,000

Expenses (conservative estimate based on 2014 event)

Items $ Expense
Ground hire & staff for 6 hours 3,000
Marketing 2,000
Signage for Stalls 200
Purchase of food & drinks 200
St Johns Ambulance donation 300
Miscellaneous 300
Total $ 6,000

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Tue 24/03/15 2015 North Ryde Fun Run Project Schedule v3.mpp Page 1
ID Task Name Duration Start Finish PredecResource Names 2 Feb '15 9 Feb
1 Approval 5 days Thu 5/02/15 Wed 11/02/15
2 Propose plan to Rotary Club Board 0.25 days Thu 5/02/15 Thu 5/02/15 Project Director Project Director
3 Gain Board approval for plan 1 day Wed 11/02/15 Wed 11/02/15 Project Director,Club Board
4 Project approved 0 days Wed 11/02/15 Wed 11/02/15 3
5 Initiation 0.5 days Wed 18/03/15 Wed 18/03/15
6 Org Committee Kickoff Mtg 1 0.5 days Wed 18/03/15 Wed 18/03/15 Organising Committee
7 Project initiated 0 days Wed 18/03/15 Wed 18/03/15 6
8 Planning 141 days Wed 18/03/15 Wed 30/09/15 7
9 Resourcing 1 day Wed 18/03/15 Thu 19/03/15 7
10 Recruit student resources 1 day Wed 18/03/15 Thu 19/03/15 Project Director
11 Resourcing complete 0 days Thu 19/03/15 Thu 19/03/15 10
12 Governance Meetings 141 days Wed 18/03/15 Wed 30/09/15
13 Org Committee Mtg 2 0.5 days Wed 18/03/15 Wed 18/03/15 Organising Committee,Project Director
14 Org Committee Mtg 3 0.5 days Wed 15/04/15 Wed 15/04/15 Organising Committee,Project Director
15 Org Committee Mtg 4 0.5 days Wed 13/05/15 Wed 13/05/15 Organising Committee,Project Director
16 Org Committee Mtg 5 0.5 days Wed 17/06/15 Wed 17/06/15 Organising Committee,Project Director
17 Org Committee Mtg 6 0.5 days Wed 15/07/15 Wed 15/07/15 Organising Committee,Project Director
18 Org Committee Mtg 7 0.5 days Wed 12/08/15 Wed 12/08/15 Organising Committee,Project Director
19 Org Committee Mtg 8 0.5 days Wed 26/08/15 Wed 26/08/15 Organising Committee,Project Director
20 Org Committee Mtg 9 0.5 days Wed 30/09/15 Wed 30/09/15 Organising Committee,Project Director
21 Governance Meetings complete 0 days Wed 30/09/15 Wed 30/09/15 20
22 Marketing & Sponsorship 75.5 days Wed 18/03/15 Wed 1/07/15
23 Develop sponsorship package 0.25 days Wed 18/03/15 Wed 18/03/15 Project Director
24 Raise sponsorship 10 days Wed 18/03/15 Wed 1/04/15 23 M & S Subcommittee
25 Develop marketing plan 1 day Wed 18/03/15 Thu 19/03/15 M & S Subcommittee
26 Develop marketing materials 1 day Thu 19/03/15 Fri 20/03/15 25 M & S Subcommittee
27 Develop merchandising 1 day Fri 20/03/15 Mon 23/03/15 26 M & S Subcommittee
28 Develop PR plan 1 day Mon 23/03/15 Tue 24/03/15 27 M & S Subcommittee
29 Develop seminar 12 days Wed 18/03/15 Fri 3/04/15 M & S Subcommittee
30 Run seminars 75.5 days Wed 18/03/15 Wed 1/07/15 M & S Subcommittee
31 Marketing & Sponsorship complete 0 days Wed 1/07/15 Wed 1/07/15 30
32 IT Infrastructure Planning 42 days Wed 18/03/15 Fri 15/05/15
33 Review form & website requirements 1 day Wed 18/03/15 Thu 19/03/15 IT Subcommittee
34 Create form & website 1 day Wed 13/05/15 Thu 14/05/15 15 IT Subcommittee
35 Update website 1 day Thu 14/05/15 Fri 15/05/15 34 IT Subcommittee
36 Update Facebook page 1 day Thu 14/05/15 Fri 15/05/15 34 IT Subcommittee

Task Milestone External Tasks

Project: 2015 North Ryde Fun Run Pro
Split Summary External Milestone
Date: Tue 24/03/15
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Page 1
Tue 24/03/15 2015 North Ryde Fun Run Project Schedule v3.mpp Page 2
ID Task Name Duration Start Finish PredecResource Names 2 Feb '15 9 Feb
37 IT Infrastructure Planning complete 0 days Fri 15/05/15 Fri 15/05/15 36
38 Operations Planning 106 days Wed 18/03/15 Thu 13/08/15
39 Develop operational plan 1 day Wed 13/05/15 Thu 14/05/15 15 Ops Subcommittee
40 Develop operational budget 1 day Thu 19/03/15 Thu 19/03/15 13 Ops Subcommittee
41 Develop event structure 22 days Wed 18/03/15 Fri 17/04/15 Ops Subcommittee
42 Develop operations schedule 23 days Fri 17/04/15 Wed 20/05/15 41 Ops Subcommittee
43 Develop vendor management plan 22 days Wed 18/03/15 Fri 17/04/15 Ops Subcommittee
44 Develop risk management plan 1 day Wed 12/08/15 Thu 13/08/15 18 Ops Subcommittee
45 Operations Planning complete 0 days Thu 13/08/15 Thu 13/08/15 44
46 Financial Planning 5 days Wed 18/03/15 Wed 25/03/15
47 Develop budget 5 days Wed 18/03/15 Wed 25/03/15 Finance Subcommittee
48 Financial Planning complete 0 days Wed 25/03/15 Wed 25/03/15 47
49 Implementation Planning 108 days Thu 2/04/15 Sun 30/08/15
50 Plan implementation 107 days Thu 2/04/15 Fri 28/08/15 48 Organising Committee
51 Design feedback surveys 1 day Mon 3/08/15 Mon 3/08/15 Project Director
52 Hold event 1 day Sun 30/08/15 Sun 30/08/15 51 Organising Committee
53 Implementation Planning complete 0 days Sun 30/08/15 Sun 30/08/15 52 Organising Committee
54 Post-implementation Review 23 days Mon 31/08/15 Wed 30/09/15
55 Reconcile finances 1 day Mon 31/08/15 Mon 31/08/15 53 Finance Subcommittee
56 Survey all participants 1 day Mon 31/08/15 Mon 31/08/15 Project Director
57 Write PIR reports 1 day Mon 14/09/15 Mon 14/09/15 Project Director
58 Present reports 1 day Wed 30/09/15 Wed 30/09/15 Project Director
59 Post-implementation Review complete 0 days Wed 30/09/15 Wed 30/09/15 58 Organising Committee

Task Milestone External Tasks

Project: 2015 North Ryde Fun Run Pro
Split Summary External Milestone
Date: Tue 24/03/15
Progress Project Summary Deadline

Page 2
Rotary Club of North Ryde Fun
North Ryde Run Project
RMQ, RCMP, CEH Structure for 2015
Organising Committee

Maggie Alexander/David Martin Anthony Azrak Governance

Projects Director Project Manager Sub-committee

Marketing & Sponsorship

Dunmore Lang College Sub-committee
IT Infrastructure
Robert Menzies College Sub-committee
Macquarie University Sub-committee
Sub-committee Finance
@ 18 March 2015
Marketing & Sponsorship
Name Email
Rocky Roxas ep.rockyroxas@gmail.com
Annette Billington annettejbillington@gmail.com
Tim Porter timothy_p93@hotmail.com
Barb Corapi barb.corapi@mq.edu.au
Maggie Alexander maggie@bizkits.biz
Elizabeth Agboola (Sponsorship) elizabeth.agboola@students.mq.edu.au
Andrew Hill (Schools as needed) info@STARStv.com.au
IT Infrastructure Sub-committee
Name Email
Maggie Alexander maggie@bizkits.biz
Courtney Dunn courtney.dunn1995@gmail.com
Hannah Dodd (Facebook/Web) hannahdodd54@hotmail.com
Peta Larkin (Facebook/Web) peta.larkin1@gmail.com
Operations Sub-committee
Name Email
Mike Hetherington mike@bizkits.biz
Marco Ubiali marco_83@msn.com
Victoria Crawford (Vendors) vfc1951@gmail.com
David Martin (Registration) djmartin1314@gmail.com
Luke Cevolani (Intercollegiate Comp) luke.cevolani@mq.edu.au
Paul Gray (Sport & Recreation as needed) paul.gray@mq.edu.au
Finance Sub-committee
Name Email
Mike Hetherington (Operations Manager) mike@bizkits.biz
Marco Ubiali marco_83@msn.com
James Geng (Project Manager) jgeng@gtenterprises.net.au
Russel Green (Project Manager) russeljohn54@gmail.com
David Martin (Project Director) djmartin1314@gmail.com
Maggie Alexander (Project Director) maggie@bizkits.biz
Governance Sub-committee
Name Email
James Geng (Project Manager) jgeng@gtenterprises.net.au
Russel Green (Project Manager) russeljohn54@gmail.com
David Martin (Project Director) djmartin1314@gmail.com
Mike Hetherington (Operations Director) mike@bizkits.biz
Maggie Alexander (Project Director) maggie@bizkits.biz
Dunmore Lang College Sub-committee
Name Email
Hannah Dodd hannahdodd54@hotmail.com
Peta Larkin peta.larkin1@gmail.com
Courtney Dunn courtney.dunn1995@gmail.com
Tim Porter timothy_p93@hotmail.com
Joanne Dunwell joanne.dunwell@dlc.nsw.edu.au
Robert Menzies College Sub-committee
Name Email
Paul Yeates paul.yeates@rmc.nsw.edu.au
Avanti Joshi avanti.a.joshi@hotmail.com
Macquarie University Village Sub-committee
Name Email
Cory Edwards cedwards@clv.com.au
Elizabeth Agboola elizabeth.agboola@students.mq.edu.au

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