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Câu 1: Choose the correct term which has the meaning: refer to several techniques
used prevent egg fertilization or interrupt pregnancy.
A. Checkup
B. Reproductive system
C. Intercourse
D. Birth control
Câu 2: Choose the correct term which has the meaning: barrier device worn over
the peins during intercourse to reduce the chance of pregnancy and disease.
A. Contraceptive
B. Condom
C. Gonad
D. Checkup
Câu 3: Choose the correct term which has the meaning: parts of the male and
female bodies that are involved in the process of reproduction.
A. Genitalia
B. Contraceptive
C. Penis
D. Vagina
Câu 4: Choose the correct term which has the meaning: organs that produce sex
cells, including testes in male and ovaries in females.
A. Gonads
B. Deferens
C. Cells
D. Hormones
Câu 5: Choose the correct term which has the meaning: inability to have children.
A. Fertilization
B. Infertility
C. Production
D. Intercourse
Câu 6: Choose the correct term which has the meaning: organs in the female body
that produce egg cells.
A. Deferens
B. Gonads
C. Ovaries
D. Hormones
Câu 7: Choose the correct term which has the meaning: organs in the male body
that produce sperm.
A. Deferens
B. Gonads
C. Testes
D. Ovaries
Câu 8: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
The function of birth control pills to ………… .
A. Either B or C
B. Prevent pregnancy
C. Prevent STDs
D. Produce sex cells
Câu 9: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
It is important to keep the organs of the ………… healthe.
A. Testes
B. Gonads
C. Genitalia
D. Reproductive system
Câu 10: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
Every ………… person should be aware of contraceptive use.
A. Sexual action
B. Sexual activity
C. Sexual active
D. Sexually active
Câu 11: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
Using a ………… reduces but does not eliminate the chance of STDs
A. Contraceptive
B. Genitalia
C. Condom
D. Gonad
Câu 12: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
It is important to have your ………… examined at regular checkups.
A. Genitalia
B. Condom
C. Contraceptive
D. Gonad
Câu 13: Which underlined letter(s) has different sound from the others?
A. Stomach
B. Chin
C. Chest
D. Cheek
Câu 14: Which underlined letter(s) has different sound from the others?
A. Heart
B. Treat
C. Beat
D. Meat
Câu 15: Which underlined letter(s) has different sound from the others?
A. Blood
B. Food
C. Mood
D. Tooth
Câu 16: Which underlined letter(s) has different sound from the others?
A. Capillary
B. Circulation
C. Atrium
D. Ventricle
Câu 17: Which underlined letter(s) has different sound from the others?
A. Ventricle
B. Vena cava
C. Vessel
D. ventilation
Câu 18: Which underlined letter(s) has different sound from the others?
A. Reason
B. Disease
C. Health
D. Treatment
Câu 19: There are ………… syllables in the word emphysema.
A. Four
B. One
C. Two
D. Three
Câu 20: There are ………… syllables in the word alveoli.
A. One
B. Four
C. Two
D. Three
Câu 21: Which word is different from the others?
A. Cough
B. Snezze
C. Breathe
D. Wheeze
Câu 22: Which word is different from the others?
A. Kidney
B. Lung
C. Heart
D. Organ
Câu 23: Which word is different from the others?
A. Injury
B. Disease
C. Illness
D. Sickness
Câu 24: Which word is different from the others?
A. Asthma
B. Emphysema
C. Appendicitis
D. Lung cancer
Câu 25: Which word is different from the others?
A. Asthma
B. Appendicitis
C. Diarrhea
D. Stomach ucler
Câu 26: Which underlined letter(s) has different sound from the others?
A. Bone
B. Abdomen
C. Torso
D. Nose
Câu 27: Which underlined letter(s) has different sound from the others?
A. Finger
B. Hip
C. Thigh
D. Wrist
Câu 28: Which underlined letter(s) has different sound from the others?
A. Shoulder blade
B. Navel
C. Rib cage
D. Ankle
Câu 29: Athletic is stressed on the ………… syllable.
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth
Câu 30: Dislocation is stressed on the ………… syllable.
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth
Câu 31: Appendages is stressed on the ………… syllable.
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth
Câu 32: The face consists of ………… .
A. Hair, eyes, mouth
B. Hair, ears, nose
C. Forehead, eyes, nose
D. Ears, nose, mouth
Câu 33: We taste food with our ………… .
A. Tongue
B. Head
C. Nose
D. Eye
Câu 34: Choose the correct phonetic spelling of the word “appendicitis”.
A. [e,pendI’saItIs]
B. [ӕ,pendI’saItIs]
C. [e,pendI’sitIs]
D. [ə,pendI’saItIs]
Câu 35: Choose the correct phonetic spelling of the word “intestine”.
A. [‘IntestIn]
B. [In’testIn]
C. [‘IntestaIn]
D. [aIn’testIn]
Câu 36: Choose the correct phonetic spelling of the word “digestive”.
A. [di’dʒestiv]
B. [‘didʒestiv]
C. [di’dʒəstiv]
D. [‘didʒəstiv]
Câu 37: Choose the correct phonetic spelling of the word “duodenum”.
A. [‘djuːədi:nəm]
B. [,djuːəʊ’dIːnəm]
C. [,djuːə’dIːnəm]
D. [‘djuːəʊdənəm]
Câu 38: Choose the correct phonetic spelling of the word “pancreas”.
A. [pein’krIəs]
B. [pӕŋ’krIəs]
C. [‘peinkrIəs]
D. [‘pӕŋkrIəs]
Câu 39: Choose the correct phonetic spelling of the word “gall bladder”.
A. [‘gᴐ:l ‘bleidə]
B. [‘gᴐ:l ‘blӕdə]
C. [‘gᴐl‘blӕdə]
D. [‘gᴐ:l‘blӕdə:]
Câu 40: The word “synapses” is stressed on the ………… syllable.
A. Second
B. First
C. Third
D. Fourth
Câu 41: The word “reflexes” is stressed on the ………… syllable.
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth
Câu 42: The word “vertebrae” is stressed on the ………… syllable.
A. Second
B. First
C. Third
D. Fourth
Câu 43: The word “information” is stressed on the ………… syllable.
A. Fourth
B. First
C. Second
D. Third
Câu 44: The word “involuntary” is stressed on the ………… syllable.
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth
Câu 45: The word “stimuli” is stressed on the ………… syllable.
A. Third
B. Second
C. First
D. Fourth
Câu 46: In endocrine system, a (n) ………… is a masss of nerve tisssue or a cluster
of neurons found in the peripheral nervous system.
A. Neucleus
B. Ganglion
C. Gland
D. Hormone
Câu 47: In endocrine system, a (n) ………… is a cluster of neurons found within
the central nervous system.
A. Neucleus
B. Hormone
C. Gland
D. Ganglion
Câu 48: In endocrine system, it is also called the master gland which controls the
functions of most other endocrine glands. It is ………… .
A. Thyroid gland
B. Pituitary gland
C. Hypothalamus
D. Pineal gland
Câu 49: In endocrine system, it is a small region at the base of the brain. Athough
it is very small, it plays a crucial role in many important including releasing
hormones and regulating body temperature. It is ………… .
A. Hypothalamus
B. Pituitary gland
C. Thyroid gland
D. Pineal gland
Câu 50: ………… is an endocrine organ located in thenek, lying below the Adam’s
apple, along the front of the windpipe.
A. Pituitary gland
B. Hypothalamus
C. Thyroid gland
D. Adrenal gland
Câu 51: ………… is a small endocrine gland in the brain, situated beneath the
back part of the corpus callosum, and secretes malatonin that plays a central role
in the regulation of sleep cycle.
A. Pineal gland
B. Hypothalamus
C. Pituitary gland
D. Adrenal gland
Câu 52: ………… is and endocrine gland. It is also known as a suprarenal gland
which is small and triangular-shaped located on top of the kidney.
A. Pituitary gland
B. Pineal gland
C. Hypothalamus
D. Adrenal gland
Câu 53: ………… is a substance that helps the body react to a sudden threat or
A. Chemical
B. Melatonin
C. Hormone
D. Adrenaline
Câu 54: ………… is a hormone that controls the day and night cycles of the body.
A. Substance
B. Melatonin
C. Adrenaline
D. Chemical
Câu 55: ………… is chemical released by one part of the body that sends out
messages which affect other parts of the body.
A. Adrenaline
B. Melatonin
C. Hormone
D. Chemical
Câu 56: How many kidneys do most people have?
A. 2
B. 1
C. 3
D. 4
Câu 57: In the urinary system, the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the
urinary bladder is called ………… .
A. Urinary tracts
B. Capillaries
C. Ureters
D. Tubulars
Câu 58: ………… is a body system that controls the creation and expulsion of
A. Reproductive system
B. Respiratory system
C. Urinary system
D. Endocrine system
Câu 59: In the urinary system, the place where urine is collected and stored before
it is removed from the body is called ………… .
A. Urinary bladder
B. Ureters
C. Capillaries
D. Urinary tracts
Câu 60: In the urinary system, the liquid waste that the body expels is
called ………… .
A. Blood
B. Urine
C. Fluid
D. Gas
Câu 61: In the urinary system, the tube that carries liquid waste out of the body is
called ………… .
A. Urethra
B. Ureters
C. Capillaries
D. Tubulars
Câu 62: In the urinary system, an organ that is shaped like a bag in which urine
collects before it is passed out of the body is called ………… .
A. Urethra
B. Bladder
C. Rectum
D. Anus
Câu 63: In the urinary system, a bean-shaped organ in the body that filter waste
materials out of the blood and pass them out of the body as urine.
A. Bladder
B. Liver
C. Kidney
D. Ureter
Câu 64: In the urinary system, tiny tube-shaped particles that can be found when
urine is examined under the microscope during a test called urinalysis are called
………… .
A. Urinary casts
B. Urinary tracts
C. Ureters
D. Kidneys
Câu 65: In the urinary system, a solid mass of hard material that can form in the
kidney and cause pain ………… .
A. Kidney stone
B. Urinary cast
C. Waste
D. Clean-catch urine
Câu 66: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
In physical examinations, 100bpm is normal vital sign of ………… .
A. Temperature
B. Respiration
C. Blood pressure
D. Pulse
Câu 67: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
In physical examinations, 18bpm is normal vital sign of ………… .
A. Pulse
B. Respiration
C. Blood pressure
D. Temperature
Câu 68: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
In physical examinations, 150/90mmHg is a vital sign of ………… .
A. Temperature
B. Pulse
C. Blood pressure
D. Respiration
Câu 69: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
In physical examinations, beats per minute (bpm) is a value of ………… .
A. Respiratory rate
B. Temperature
C. Heart rate
D. Blood pressure
Câu 70: Choose the correct word to complete the following sentences.
We’re monitoring Mr. Brown’s ………… . (= heart rate, blood pressure,
A. Life lines
B. Vitalities
C. Vital signs
D. Life cycles
Câu 71: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
………… is the highest arterial blood pressure measured during the period
of ventricular contraction.
A. Intracranial
B. Diastolic pressure
C. Arterial pressure
D. Systolic pressure
Câu 72: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
………… is the lowest arterial blood pressure reached when the ventricles
are ralexed.
A. Diastolic pressure
B. Systolic pressure
C. Arterial pressure
D. Intracranial pressure
Câu 73: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
In the blood pressure reading 150/90 mmHg, 90 is the ………… pressure.
A. Diastolic
B. Systolic
C. Arterial
D. Intracranial
Câu 74: Choose the correct term to complete the following sentences.
In the blood pressure reading 150/90 mmHg, 150 is the ………… pressure.
A. Diastolic
B. Systolic
C. Arterial
D. Intracranial
Câu 75: Each ………… in CT scanner can be less than one millimeter thick to find
very small abnormalities.
A. Image
B. Piece
C. Slice
D. Diagnosis
Câu 76: One of main purposes of CT scanner is providing accurate guidance
for ………… .
A. Interventional procedures
B. Intervention product
C. Malignant diseases
D. Producing therapy
Câu 77: MRI is ………… than X-rays because there is no radiation.
A. Safer
B. More harmful
C. More dangerous
D. Worse
Câu 78: Before an endoscopy, a patient’s ………… must be obtained.
A. Comfort experience
B. Informed consent
C. Implanted organs
D. Position the part
Câu 79: What does the radiographer often do?
A. Take X-ray films
B. Check blood pressure
C. Take the pulse
D. Make appointments
Câu 80: The waves are generated and received by a hand-held device in ultrasound
called a ………… .
A. Gel
B. Radiolucent
C. Transducer
D. Metastases
Câu 81: Which sentence is correct about MRI?
A. MRI provides more detailed information than CT because of high contrast
B. MRI is more dangerous than X-ray because it contains radiation
C. MRI cannot take image at any surface of the body
D. MRI can be applied for all kinds of patients including patients with metallic
Câu 82: Which sentence is correct about ultrasound?
A. Ultrasound is safe as it does not employ ionizing radiation like X-rays
B. Ultrasound result can be satisfactory in obese patients
C. Ultrasound is more expensive than over medical imaging scan
D. Ultrasound is considered as an invasive investigation with surgical procedure
Câu 83: In what case should a radiographer ask the patient to “Take a deep breath
and hold it!”?
A. Taking X-ray film in head
B. Taking X-ray film in arm
C. Taking X-ray film in patella
D. Taking X-ray film in chest
Câu 84: How does the photographer say when he/she wants to apply a special gel
on the patient’s abdomen during an ultrasound?
A. I’m going to put some gel on your abdomen. You might find it a bit cold
B. It has been done. I’ll just clean you up
C. I’m going go through your questionnarire with you. Are you ready for it?
D. Can you relax your arm for me? I’ll cover it with this cuff
Câu 85: You shouldn’t drive because this medicine might make you feel.
A. Life-threatened
B. Light-headed
C. Malignant
D. Allergic
Câu 86: The children’s ………… is located on the fourth floor of the hospital.
A. Transplant
B. Vein
C. Ward
D. Blood
Câu 87: Discontinue using this cream immediately if it makes you feel …………
A. Allergy
B. Itchy
C. Sprain
D. Dizzy
Câu 88: The doctor wrote me a ………… for a new type of pain reliever.
A. Radiation
B. Patient
C. Prescription
D. Referral
Câu 89: ………… from this medication include nausea and depression.
A. Side effects
B. Stresses
C. Spasms
D. Instructions
Câu 90: The ………… suggests that your wife is seventeen weeks pregnant.
B. Sore
C. Therapy
D. Ultrasound
Câu 91: You couldn’t have inherited the disease because it is not ………… .
A. Feverish
B. Genetic
C. Allergic
D. Achy
Câu 92: Social history includes ………… .
A. Patient’s habits and lifestyles
B. Current health conditions
C. Previous health problems
D. Conditions in a particular family
Câu 93: Family medical history includes ………… .
A. Current health conditions
B. Conditions in a particular family
C. Patient’s habits and lifestyles
D. Previous health problems
Câu 94: In medical histories, 3/12 means that a patient has a disease
for ………… .
A. Three months
B. Three weeks
C. Three days
D. Three hours
Câu 95: In medical histories, “-ve” means ………… .
A. Normal
B. Positive
C. Negative
D. Regular
Câu 96: In medical histories, 2/52 means that a patient has a disease
for ………… .
A. Two days
B. Two months
C. Two weeks
D. Two hours
Câu 97: In medical histories, 2/7 means that a patient has a disease
for ………… .
A. Two hours
B. Two weeks
C. Two months
D. Two days
Câu 98: In medical histories, the abbrebiation “+ve” means ………… .
A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Regular
D. Irregular
Câu 99: Nurse: ………… you married? – Patient: No, I’m singel.
A. Do
B. Are
C. Will
D. Did
Câu 100: Nurse: ………… do you smoke a …………?
A. How many/ day
B. How much/ day
C. How many/ unit
D. How much/ unit
Câu 101: Nurse: What ………… you? – Patient: I fell off the ladder when I was
painting the wall.
A. Happen to
B. Did happen to
C. Does happen
D. Happened to
Câu 102: Doctor: Are you ………… any drug or food? – Paitent: Nothing.
A. Allergy to
B. Allergic to
C. Allergic for
D. Allergy for
Câu 103: After you sign the ………… form, you can go home.
A. Correspondence
B. Discharge
C. Record
D. Admission
Câu 104: The new paitent is a ………… from Cardiology.
A. Record
B. Admission
C. Discharge
D. Referral
Câu 105: Which of the followings can complete the sentence below?
An illness in which waste from bowels is watery and comes out often is called
………… .
A. Nausea
B. Diarrhoea
C. Dizziness
D. Constipation
Câu 106: Which of the followings can complete the sentence below?
………… is the condition of having difficulties in getting rid of solid waste
from your body.
A. Deformity
B. Constipation
C. Dizziness
D. Diarrhoea
Câu 107: Which of the followings can complete the sentence below?
………… is the condition in which part of someone’s body is NOT in the
normal shape.
A. Cramp
B. Deformity
C. Numbness
D. Lump
Câu 108: Which of the followings can complete the sentence below?
………… is a medical condition of the chest that makes breathing difficult.
A. Anaemia
B. Diabetes
C. Asthma
D. Swelling
Câu 109: Which of the followings can complete the sentence below?
………… is a condition of an area of redness and spots on a person’s skin.
A. Rash
B. Pruritus
C. Myalgia
D. Melaena
Câu 110: Which of the following medical terms means sleeplessness?
A. Insomnia
B. Paraesthesia
C. Dyspnoea
D. Dysmenorrhoea
Câu 111: ………… happens when air suddenly comes out of your mouth and nose.
A. Nausea
B. Vomiting
C. Sneezing
D. Sore throat
Câu 112: Choose the correct term to complete the sentences.
The pain in my back ………… .
A. Vomits
B. Throbs
C. Leaks
D. Forces
Câu 113: Choose the correct term to complete the sentences.
Nick was coughing because of the ………… .
A. Migraine
B. Dehydration
C. Toothache
D. Flu
Câu 114: Choose the correct term to complete the sentences.
According to the thermometer, the patient has a(n) ………… .
A. Aching
B. Cough
C. Fatigue
D. Fever
Câu 115: Choose the correct term to complete the sentences.
Fatigue is a ………… of the flu.
A. Symptom
B. Cold
C. Breath
D. Treatment
Câu 116: Past medical history includes ………… .
A. Patient’s habits and lifestyles
B. Current health conditions
C. Previous health problems
D. Conditions in a particular family

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