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User Manual
Classroom Experience v1.0
1. Groups
1. List
2. Create
3. Edit

4. Delete
5. Participants
6. Register of students in my group
7. Export
8. Import

2. Itineraries
1. List
2. Create
3. Edit
4. Delete

3. Modules
1. List
2. Create
3. Edit
4. Delete

5. Details
6. Export
7. Import
4. Resources in a module
1. List of resources
2. Import
3. Create
4. Edit
5. Delete

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5. Library
1. List of resources
2. Create resource
3. Export resources

4. Import resources
5. Edit and Delete resources
6. Progress
1. Module Progress
2. Itinerary Process

3. Group Progress
7. Student Role
1. Profile
2. My group
3. Itineraries

4. Progress


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Groups List
01 Groups 01.01 List

Groups - List

In this section, the available groups can be consulted in gallery mode.

Each group is represented using the following information:

2ºA: Group name.

id 27: Unique group identification number.
0 Students: Number of students in the group.
1 Teachers: Number of teachers in the group.
Actions: Actions available to manage the group

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Groups Create
01 Groups 01.02 Create

Groups - Create

On the “My groups” page, where you can see a list of available groups, the
following button is displayed to create a new group:

Once you click on this button, the box will appear (see image above)
where you will need to introduce the name of the group to be created.
Once introduced, click on “Save” to confirm the creation of the group or
“Cancel” to go back without creating a group.

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Groups Edit
01 Groups 01.03 Edit

Groups - Edit

For the groups visible in gallery mode, you will be able to consult the
“Actions” option. When clicking here, a context menu will be shown with
the option to “Edit”.

(Group name): Here, you can see the current name and change it to a
new one.
Save: Save the changes made to a group name.
Cancel: Leave without editing, without applying any change.

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Groups Delete
01 Groups 01.04 Delete

Groups - Delete

For the groups visible in gallery mode, you will be able to consult the
“Actions” option. When clicking here, a context menu will be shown with
the option to “Delete”.

Cancel: Cancel the deletion of this group.

Delete: Confirm the deletion of the group from the entire platform and for
all users. To delete the group, you must tick the disclaimer box.

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Groups Participants
01 Groups 01.05 Participants

Groups - Participants

Within our group, if you click on “Participants”, you will be

shown the list of students in this group. The Teachers will
not be shown, only the students will.

In this list of students, you can consult their name and surname(s), their last connection, and the average grade of the student in this group
(weighted average of all itineraries).

When clicking on “Delete” the student will be removed from the group and therefore, from all the itineraries that make up the group.

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Groups Register of students in my group

01 Groups 01.06 Register of students in my group

Groups - Register of students in my group

To register students in our group, there are 2 options:

● Pre-registered students: Students will be provided with the code and they must introduce them from their account to log in.

● Unregistered students: If there is no option to register students, accounts can be created for them using the “Register students”
button. This will open the following window containing fictitious (uneditable) email addresses.

In this window, you will see up to a maximum of 20 students for each form and
optional fields will be available, like password, gender and date of birth. Once
complete, click on the “Register” button. If you want to register more than 20
students, you will need to repeat this process.

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Groups Export
01 Groups 01.07 Export

Groups - Export

You can download groups one by one using the “Export” option from the
“Actions” menu.

This process will take a few minutes, after which, the browser will ask
you to save the file to your PC. The file will be saved in .mbz format,
which you can later import into the platform.

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Groups Import
01 Groups 01.08 Import

Groups - Import

From the My Groups screen, you can import a group that you had previously
downloaded. You can do this by clicking on the “Import group” button.

Having clicked the button, choose the file from your PC. The file chosen
must be in .mbz format.

After a few minutes, the group will have been imported and will be
visible on the same page, along with the other groups.

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Itineraries List
02 Itineraries 02.01 List

Itineraries - List

When accessing a group, you can view a list of itineraries (or subjects) that
make up this group.

Then, you can consult further details in each of the “cards” that represent the

Itinerary image

Itinerary name

Areas of knowledge

Blocks or modules that make up the itinerary

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Itineraries Create
02 Itineraries 02.02 Create

Itineraries - Create

From the list of itineraries, you can create new itineraries by clicking on
“Create itinerary”.

This button will open the following form

● Name: Title of the itinerary:

● Image: Preview image to be shown with other group
● Knowledge areas: List of tags to catalog this itinerary.

To finish the creation, click on “Save changes” or “Cancel” if you

would like to discard the changes.

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Itineraries Edit
02 Itineraries 02.03 Edit

Itineraries - Edit

As was the case with the groups, you can edit any itinerary using the
“Actions” menu, and then “Edit” as shown in the list of itineraries.

In this form, you can consult the current itinerary details as well as edit
them. Once finished, click on “Save changes” to confirm the changes or
“Cancel” to discard the changes.

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Itineraries Delete
02 Itineraries 02.04 Delete

Itineraries - Delete

If you would like to delete an itinerary, you can do so by clicking on “Actions”, “Delete”.

Cancel: Cancel the deletion of this itinerary.

Delete: Confirm the deletion of the itinerary, with all its resources and
student progress. To delete the itinerary, you must tick the disclaimer box.

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Modules List
03 Modules 03.01 List

Modules - List

When accessing an itinerary, you can view a list of modules (or blocks) that
make up this itinerary.

Then, you can consult further details in each of the “cards” that represent the

Module image
The module may be in different phases:
Published: The most recent changes to
Module name the module are visible.
Module status Draft: The module has been edited, but
the changes are not to be published to
Arithmetic average of the grade of students in each resource
students yet.
Module description

Resources that make up the itinerary

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Modules Create
03 Modules 03.02 Create

Modules - Create

From the list of modules, you can create new modules by clicking on “Create

This button will open the following form

● Name: Module title.

● Description: Optional space to add a brief description and

To complete the creation, click on “Save and publish” for the

student to view the changes, on “Cancel” if you want to discard
the changes or on “Save draft” if you don’t want the most recent
changes to be viewed by students.

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Modules Edit
03 Modules 03.03 Edit

Modules - Edit

As seen previously, you can edit any module using the “Actions” menu, and
then “Edit” as shown in the list of modules.

In this form, you can consult the module details as well as edit them.
Once complete, click on “Save and publish” to make the changes visible,
on “Cancel” to discard the changes or “Save draft” to save the changes
but not make them visible for now. Students will be shown the data
previously available on the module.

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Modules Delete
03 Modules 03.04 Delete

Modules - Delete

If you would like to delete a module, you can do so by clicking on “Actions”, “Delete”.

Cancel: Cancel the deletion of this module.

Delete: Confirm the deletion of the module, with all its resources and
student progress. To delete the module, you must tick the disclaimer box.

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Modules Details
03 Modules 03.05 Details

Modules - Details

When clicking on a module from the list, you will be shown a screen with the
following information:

● Imparted: Only shown to the teacher, to show modules that have

been imparted or completed. The teacher can change this at any time.
● Progress: This shows the percentage of students that have
completed the module.
● Average grade: Average grade of students on this module, shown as a
● Description: Full module description.

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Modules Export
03 Modules 03.06 Export

Modules - Export

When clicking on the “Actions” menu for a module in one of your itineraries,
you can download, clicking on the “Export” option, the entire module to your
PC, with the option of importing it back into the platform at a later date.

This process will take a few minutes, after which, the browser will ask you to
save the file to your PC. The file will be saved in .mbz format, which you can
later import into the platform.

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Modules Import
03 Modules 03.07 Import

Modules - Import

When inside one of your itineraries, there is the option to “Import module”,
allowing you to upload a module that had previously been exported.

Having clicked on this button, choose a file (the file format must be .mbz)
from your PC

After a few minutes, the module will have been imported into your itinerary.

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Resources in a module
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Resources in List

a module
04 Resources in a Module 04.01 List

Resources - List

Inside the module, in the “Resources” tab, you can consult the available
resources for this module.

In the “Sumar” module visible in the image, there are 3 available resources.
These resources show the following information:

● Name of the resource.

● Status (Published or Draft)
● Average grade of students in % (80% = Average grade of 80 out of 100)
● Type of resource (Questionnaire, SCORM, File, etc.)
● “Actions” menu

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Resources in Import

a module
04 Resources in a Module 04.02 Import

Resources - Import

You can upload resources created by other users to your module by

clicking on “Import”

This option will take you to the resource library and from there, you can
import (a copy) of the selected resource. This process may take a few

Once you have found the resource you were looking for, simply click on
“Import” and wait for the process to complete.

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Resources in Create

a module
04 Resources in a Module 04.03 Create

Resources - Create

If you want to create a resource from scratch, you can do so by clicking on

“Create new”, where you can then choose the type of resource.

The types of resource include:

● Questionnaire: similar to a traditional exam with several questions.
● SCORM: Interactive package created outside the platform and imported into it.
● File: Attachment with relevant information for the student.

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04 Resources in a Module 04.03.01 Create File

Resources - Create File

Using this resource, students will be provided with files for the module.

The details you must enter include:

● Name of the resource.
● Description of the file's contents.
● Select files File to be uploaded from your PC.

Once complete, click on “Save” to confirm the creation of the resource or

“Cancel” to discard the changes.

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04 Resources in a Module 04.03.02 Create SCORM

Resources - Create SCORM

Creating a SCORM is very similar to creating a File resource, as the file

must previously be available on your PC.

SCORM is an interactive package that allows the student to participate

and interact with SCORM content.

The details you must enter include:

● Name of the resource.
● Description of the SCORM's contents.
● Select files SCORM file to be uploaded from your PC.
● Grade and Attempts management are detailed in the “common
fields” section of block 04.03

Once complete, click on “Save” to confirm the creation of the resource or

“Cancel” to discard the changes.

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04 Resources in a Module 04.03.03 Create Questionnaire

Resources - Create Questionnaire - Part 1 of 2 (setup)

If you want to create a resource from scratch, you can do so by clicking on

“Create new”, where you can then choose the type of resource.

● Name of the questionnaire.

● Description of the questionnaire.
● Timing (optional) if you want to set a time limit for the student. The time starts to
count down when they log in and once the time limit has run down to zero, the
platform automatically saves and submits the exam.
● Pagination (optional). If you want to separate several questions by page or show
them all on the same page.
● Question behaviour, makes it possible to organize answers at random (useful for
True/False or multiple choice questions)
● Review options, allows you to choose what to show and what not to show to the
student at the end of the questionnaire.
Once complete, click on “Save” to confirm the creation
● Overall feedback, here you can customize the automatic message that will be
of the resource or “Cancel” to discard the changes.
shown to each student, depending on the final grade obtained.

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04 Resources in a Module 04.03.03 Create Questionnaire

Resources - Create Questionnaire - Part 2 of 2 (add questions)

Once you have created the questionnaire, it is time to add the


When you access the questionnaire, a page is shown containing this

● Title (Level 1 questionnaire)
● Brief description (if one has been entered)
● Time limit (if chosen in the previous step)
● Grading method (in the example, this is the highest grade
obtained by the student)

In our example, there is a note to say that the questionnaire has NO

questions. To add them, you must click on the “Edit Questionnaire”
button. The “Back to the course” will return us to the group screen with
the list of itineraries.

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04 Resources in a Module 04.03.03 Create Questionnaire

Resources - Create Questionnaire - Part 2 of 2 (add questions)

Once you have created the questionnaire, it is time to add the


The first time you log in, you will see that there are 0 questions.

To add the first question, click on “Add”

We recommend starting with the “A new question” option; this option allows you to select
the type of question you want to create:
● Multiple choice
● True or false
● Matching
● Description (this option provides the student with information, it is not a question).

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04 Resources in a Module 04.03.03 Create Questionnaire

Resources - Create Questionnaire - Part 2 of 2 (add questions)

True/False question

When filling in any question, you will first need to fill in:
● Name of the question. Only visible to the Teacher when selecting the questions in
the questionnaire.
● Text of the question: This is shown to the student and this is what they are
required to respond to.
● Default grade: (by default 1) Score that the student will obtain if they answer the
question correctly. This makes it possible to allocate more weight to more
complicated questions, if you so desire.
● (Feedback fields) Message that the student will see at the end of the
questionnaire. This field might be the same for all students (general) or depend
on the response/grade they have obtained on the question.

For true/false questions, the dropdown field must be filled in:

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04 Resources in a Module 04.03.03 Create Questionnaire

Resources - Create Questionnaire - Part 2 of 2 (add questions)

Multiple choice question

Once you have the hang of True/False questions (consult the previous page), you can
take on this type of question, which offers a wide variety of options. Here, the new
fields that will be shown are as follows:

● One or multiple answers? Here, indicate whether the correct answer is 1 of

several options or the correct answer is a combination of various options.
● Shuffle the choices? In case you want each student to see this question with
the answers in a different order.
● Number the choices? If you want the student to number each possible
response using a letter (a,b,c..) or number (1,2,3..).
● Answers: here is a short form for each of the possible answers (or options)
that the student can choose, which can be viewed on the following page.

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04 Resources in a Module 04.03.03 Create Questionnaire

Resources - Create Questionnaire - Part 2 of 2 (add questions)

Multiple choice question

Each possible answer features these fields:

● Choice <n>: Option to be given to the student as an answer.
● Grade: This parameter depends on our selection in the previous field in terms
of “one or multiple answers?”. If in this field, you chose:
○ “Only one answer”: the student can only choose one of the choices
available. The correct “Choice” will have a grade of 100% and the other
(incorrect) choices will have a grade of 0%.
○ “Multiple answers allowed”: In this case, for the student to obtain the
right answer, they will be required to choose several correct options. If,
for example, the correct answer involves choosing 3 out of 5 of the
available choices, each option will be given a grade of 33.3% (if they
choose all three, this will be rounded up to 100%). The remaining Note: penalties can be applied to incorrect answers,

incorrect answers will have a grade of 0%. selecting a negative % grade in this case.

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04 Resources in a Module 04.03.03 Create Questionnaire

Resources - Create Questionnaire - Part 2 of 2 (add questions)

Matching question

This is similar to a multiple-choice question, although in this case, the

question is made up of “sub-questions” with the student having to get all
answers right to get the full grade. The fields to be filled in on this form that
have yet to be seen in the other questions are:

● Question <n> Here, you must indicate the first question (this might be
a task like “3x4=” or for example, what is the capital of France?.
● Answer, the correct answer to this option can be seen in this field.
This must be the only correct answer, because if there are 2
questions for which the right answer is, for example, “12” Moodle will
treat them as different answers.
○ If you want to add more answers than questions, you can do
this by leaving the question number <n> field blank. These
options will be the wrong answers.

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04 Resources in a Module 04.03.03 Create Questionnaire

Resources - Create Questionnaire - Part 2 of 2 (add questions)

Description question

This “question” is not a question per se, as the platform uses it as a support.
Students cannot answer this question. Generally speaking, it is only used to
explain a case study or when the following questions make mention of this
text. In this case, shuffling the questions is not recommended, as first the text
or introduction must be displayed and then the related questions.

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04 Resources in a Module 04.03.03 Create Questionnaire

Resources - Create Questionnaire - Part 2 of 2 (add questions)

Selecting the questions

Once you have created the questions, they will be shown in the lists in
this view. These are the questions that will form part of the
questionnaire and you can see their name, text and question type.
If you would like to preview it, to check that you have set it up correctly,
it offers the right grade, etc. you will need to click on the magnifying
glass icon. If you would like to delete it, click on the trash can icon.
Preview of questions created

All the questions that have been created for this questionnaire will be
saved in the question database for them to be included in future
questionnaires that you create.

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04 Resources in a Module 04.03 Common fields

Resources - Common fields

Some resources have common fields, like “Grade”, as described in this


These options might appear in multiple resources under sections with a different name, although their behaviour is the same.
● Grade:
○ passing: Allows you to select the minimum grade that must be achieved to pass the resource.
○ Maximum: Some resources, like SCORM, allow us to choose the maximum grade that a student that makes
no mistakes can obtain on the recourse. By default, this is 100, although it can be amended.
● Attempts management:
○ Attempts permitted: You can choose between a maximum number of attempts for each student or
“Unlimited” means that the student can attempt to answer the question as many times as they like.
○ Grading method: From all the attempts made by the student, the grade may be the one they achieved at the
first attempt, last attempt, an average of all attempts or highest grade.


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Resources in Edit

a module
04 Resources in a Module 04.04 Edit

Resources - Edit

If you want to amend any of the resources created, you can do so using the
“Edit” option in the “Actions” menu.

This option will take you back to the resource editing screen. Once you have
finished, you can save the changes by clicking on “Save” or discard them by
clicking on “Cancel”.

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Resources in Delete

a module
04 Resources in a Module 04.05 Delete

Resources - Delete

From the list of resources, using the “Actions” menu, it is possible to delete a

Once you have clicked on the “Delete” option, you will be shown the
following confirmation message. You must check it to confirm that you want
to delete the resource.

Finally, confirm the deletion by clicking on “Delete”; otherwise, click on “Cancel” to cancel the process.

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Library List of resources

05 Library 05.01 List of resources

Library - List of resources

From the library, you can consult the different available resources created by
other users on the platform for you to use them in your itineraries.

You can filter the resources by clicking on “Knowledge area”, “language”,

“level” or other filters. Then, you can consult further details in each of the



Resource type


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Library Create resource

05 Library 05.02 Create resource

Library - Create resource

From the library, you can also create resources from scratch by
clicking on “Create new”.

This button allows you to choose the type of resource to be

created, before viewing the standard form for this type of

For further information about these forms, consult block 04

of this manual.

Once the resource has been created, it will show as available

in the list of resources in the library.

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Library Export resources

05 Library 05.03 Export resource

Library - Export resource

From the library, you can download available resources to include them in
your itineraries.

From the chosen activity, click on “Actions” “Export” Once

the process is complete, the browser will download a file in
“.mbz” format, which you can later upload to your itineraries.

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Library Import resources

05 Library 05.04 Import resource

Library - Import resource

From the library, you can upload resources created in your itineraries for other
teachers to use them in their itineraries.

From the library, click on “Import”. This action will open a form, where you
must choose the .mbz file from your PC, which you will have previously

During this import, you can edit fields like Name, description and
categorization. Before confirming the upload, you must check the

Once the file has been uploaded, depending on its size, the process may
take a few minutes, after which it will be available in the library.

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Library Edit and Delete resources

05 Library 05.05 Edit and Delete resources

Library - Edit and Delete resources

From all the resources available in the library, you can only edit and/or delete
those that you authored.

When you are the author, as in the following image, of a resource, the “Actions”
menu will contain more options than are displayed to other users.

Resource that you authored

Resource menu

Menu of a resource that you authored

The steps for editing and deleting a resource are the same as the steps for
editing and deleting resources explained in block 04 of this manual.

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Progress Module
06 Progress 06.01 Module

Progress - Module

Inside a module, if you click on “Progress of the module”, you will be shown a
table containing the list of students and activities.

● Progress: The progress indicates

whether the student has completed the
resource (regardless of their grade); for
some resources, it is possible to see
that the student has completed a
percentage between 0% (not started)
and 100% (finished).

● Grade: Score obtained by the student

for this resource.
In this image, you can see the module resources that we will use
as an example in the following pages.

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Progress Itinerary
06 Progress 06.02 Itinerary

Process - Itinerary

Inside an itinerary, if you click on “Progress of the itinerary”, you will be shown
a table containing the list of students and modules.

Staying with the example seen in the previous

section, in this image, you can see a list of
students along with their progress and average
grade obtained in the “Sumar” module (as seen
in the example in section 06.01).

If you want to see the details of the resources

in the “Sumar” module, go to “Progress of the
module” inside the corresponding module.

In this image, you can see the Itinerary modules that we will use as an example
in the following pages.

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PROFUTURO - User Manual - Classroom Experience v1.0 Teacher Role

Progress Group
06 Progress 06.03 Group

Progress - Group

Inside a group, if you click on “Group progress”, you will be shown a table
containing the list of students and their progress on each of the itineraries.

Staying with the example seen in the previous

section, in this image, you can see a list of
students along with their progress in each
itinerary. In section 06.02, a breakdown was
provided of progress for “Itinerary 3 (Maths)”.

If you want to see the details of the modules of

an itinerary within an itinerary, go to “Progress
of the itinerary” inside the corresponding

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PROFUTURO - User Manual - Classroom Experience v1.0

Student Role
PROFUTURO - User Manual - Classroom Experience v1.0 Student Role

Student RoleProfile
07 Student role 07.01 Profile

Student - Profile

In this section, you can consult your personal data on the


From the User profile section, you can consult your data in
addition to changing the image of your user and your login

PROFUTURO. Manual de Usuario - Experiencia en el Aula v1.0 88

PROFUTURO - User Manual - Classroom Experience v1.0 Student Role

Student Role My group

07 Student role 07.02 My group

Student - Add Group

Students can access the itineraries of a new group using the code provided
by the Teacher.

From the “My groups” homepage, a new group can be

added using the “Add code” button. If this is correct, it will
then be possible to see the itineraries of the newly
created group.

PROFUTURO. Manual de Usuario - Experiencia en el Aula v1.0 90

07 Student role 07.02 My group

Student - My Group

If you are in at least one group, you can view the different available itineraries.

In each “card” of these itineraries, the following information can be


● Itinerary image
● Itinerary name
● Percentage progress
● Number of teaching modules it consists of

For further details of each of these itineraries, simply click on each of

them and you will be taken to the following screen.

PROFUTURO. Manual de Usuario - Experiencia en el Aula v1.0 91

PROFUTURO - User Manual - Classroom Experience v1.0 Student Role

Student Role Itineraries

07 Student role 07.03 Itineraries

Student - Itinerary

By clicking on an itinerary, it is possible to view the modules that it

consists of. To complete the itinerary, you will need to complete each of
the modules in most cases.

In each “card” of these modules, the following information can be found:

● Module image
● Module name
● Percentage progress
● Brief description of the module.

For further details of each of these modules, simply click on each of them
and you will be taken to the following screen.

PROFUTURO. Manual de Usuario - Experiencia en el Aula v1.0 93

07 Student role 07.03 Itineraries

Student - Module

Staying with the example seen in the previous screens, when accessing an
itinerary's module, you can view the resources it consists of and that you
need to complete to finish this module.

In each “card” of these resources, the following information can be


● Name of the resource

● Percentage progress
● Brief description of the resource.

To view the resource in detail and complete it, you will need to click on
the corresponding card.

PROFUTURO. Manual de Usuario - Experiencia en el Aula v1.0 94

07 Student role 07.03 Itineraries

Student - Resources

To start a resource, simply click on the desired resource from the resource
screen available in the module.

Depending on the type of resource, and if the teacher has set it up in this
way, you may be shown a preliminary instructions screen in the case of

Some resources might have an unlimited number of attempts, or a date


For SCORM type resources, a new window will open and you will need to
follow the steps and interact with the different elements.
For other resources, once you have finished, you will need to confirm the
delivery by clicking on a button, for example, “Finish attempt” in the

PROFUTURO. Manual de Usuario - Experiencia en el Aula v1.0 95

PROFUTURO - User Manual - Classroom Experience v1.0 Student Role

Student Role Progress

07 Student role 07.04 Progress

Student - Progress

You can consult your progress on the different itineraries and check whether
anything is missing to finish them and the grade obtained.

In this image, you can see your itineraries in the dropdown

and inside each one is the progress and average grade
obtained for each of the modules,

Itinerary (Biology)
Module (Amphibians, etc.)

Progress to finish the module and Average grade for the module.
Itinerary (Comp. Thinking)

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