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Topic: Chopin-Neuhaus System according to Stefan

Kutrzeba. (Read 10657 times)
 PS Silver Member
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Chopin-Neuhaus System according to Stefan Kutrzeba.

on: December 03, 2005, 11:51:27 PM
Please Check these sites.
They're quite interesting.
It's about Idea-Image-Technique in playing and teaching the piano:

The most frequent questions related to the Chopin-Neuhaus' system as reported by Mr.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does the Chopin's Method produce good results even in studies on the other composers'

- Yes, it does. This Method is NOT related to interpretation of the Chopin's own pieces at all.
It shows entirely yet - how the pianists should use the anticipative hearing and artistic fantasy,
which - working together - should factually control all the operational aspects of technique of
playing the piano.

________________________ _

2. Would it be reasonable to use this Method in teaching the children who just start to play the

- Yes, absolutely! Because the Chopin's Method accurately shows - HOW is possible to
activate the players' personal artistic creativity, and learns - how to use ones hearing in really
professional way (in playing the piano such skill should be trained in a different way as in
happens in playing the string or wind instruments). These both things - hearing and imaging -
are of the most importance operational devices in teaching the piano, especially - in the
introductory level of schooling.

________________________ _

3. Is the Chopin's Method intended for very talented students only?

- No, not at all. This Method helps to activate the musical hearing, and as well, it helps to
stimulate the development of musical fantasy. It rationalizes articulation of the sound,
connecting this process to higher mental and emotional activity. These values are of the real
worth to all of us, the pianists.

________________________ _

4. Which point differentiates the Chopin's system from other methods, known across history
of the piano?

- Herein exist some elements that differentiate the Chopin's Method from all other methods in
history of the piano - excluding the Prof. H. Neuhaus' piano teaching system (Prof. Neuhaus
had practically tested and in particular meaning - even improved the Chopin's piano idea in
his teaching).

Well, Chopin's Method truly connects the technique of playing the piano with artistic aspects
of this process, giving clear instructions related to qualities of the sounding object that must
be watched when practicing and playing the piano.

This subtle element revolutionizes the whole thing - actually focusing the pianists'
ATTENTION on totally different details of playing the piano than commonly is been
suggested by all the other methods.

Technically seen - the Chopin's Method teaches, how is possible to take advantage of the
keyboard's mechanical resistance. In contrast to other systems yet, which prefer rather "to
fight with" or "to beat" the keys - solutions, the Chopin's Method presents totally different,
fully ergonomic point of view. It shows how the proper control of color, energy and the
dynamic values of every one sound can be used as a perfect agent that maximizes the pianists'
instrumental potentiality.

________________________ _

5. Why the Chopin's Method had not been adequately received by the teachers if it really
represents so great worth in teaching and playing the piano?

- "That is the Question"! Though, let you have a look at answers No 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 and 15.

________________________ _
6. Does the Chopin's Method offer any concrete instructions and give practical guidance for
fulfilling of its piano technical idea?

- Yes, it does. Let you have a look at the links maintained at answers No 4 and No 7. Thank

________________________ _ _

7. Should it mean that the Method gives the very concrete instructions related to the manual
aspects of practicing the piano?

- Yes. The Method gives the very precise information related to strictly mechanical relations
between particular parts of the player’s hands, too.

________________________ _ _

8. Why the Chopin's Method has been so rarely used in the professional piano teaching?

- A troublesome question! Factually, in theory of the piano the Chopin's Method is being
known very well. Unfortunately, only HISTORIANS, who for the clear reasons cannot
adequately understand and interpret all the practical aspects of teaching and playing the piano,
primarily were interested in this Method; just historians have written majority of books and
articles related to this method - not the pianists.

That is why all the generous possibilities of this Method could not been adequately described
and made well known worldwide. Pedagogically seen - the most important content of the
Chopin's Method, related to real mechanisms, which factually determine the technique of
playing the piano, had been almost forgotten. That is why - again - the Chopin's Method, even
nowadays, is being known and studied rather as the historically interesting - still practically
about worthless phenomenon.

Additionally, the Chopin's piano idea, drafted in his "Sketches for the Method", was of so
modern character, that its misinterpreting is fully understandable. The truly unreasonable
formulas, which primarily speak about purely MECHANICAL elements of the piano
technique became more famous instead, however these mechanical elements they actually
bring to the light - paradoxically - are truly useless in forming the pianists' abilities to playing
the piano well.

Chopin's piano idea, in the last end - in more or less apparent way - had generously stimulated
many luminous piano masters. Among others could been maintained here such piano giants as
Franz Liszt (1811 - 1886) and Anton Rubinstein (1829 - 1894), Leopold Godowsky (1870 -
1938) and Jozef Hofmann (1876 - 1957) as well. Some additional explanations related to this
topic could be found via this link.

________________________ _ _

9. Does here exist any other "failure" except of Chopin's innovatory, that could influence on
his Method’s misunderstanding among the piano teachers in the XIX century and later, too?

- Chopin's Method has been described in a form of the short sketch only; though, herein could
been found sufficiently many extensive sentences, which enlighten Chopin’s personal piano
pedagogic strategy and give possibility to rightful reconstruction of the main idea of his

Across the whole XIX Century the strictly mechanical way of practicing the piano has been
persistently maintained by majority of the piano teachers, who strongly believed in possibility
to achieve the brilliant instrumental technique just via strengthening of the fingers and via
endless repeating of scales, arpeggios, chords etc. The pianists' comprehension of the piano-
instrumental schooling becomes heavily dominated by this obsessive, ill-mannered routine.

The Chopin's Method provokes to creativity; it changes specificity of the whole process - the
pianist cannot evermore be passive. As well it changes specificity of teaching the piano - a
teacher becomes more 'co-searcher' than 'a speaking prophet'; teaching could not happened
only FROM teacher TO the student - it should rather be completed BETWEEN them...

These all attributes require more activity from both parts of the system. And because nothing
other is as typical to our nature as particular love to 'do nothing', there is no wonder that the
Chopin's Method could not achieve as great popularity as methods based on 'repeat it once
again' base.

________________________ _ _

10. Which element should be noticed as one of the key importance for the whole Method?

- The most important element here is the particular manner of forming the technical habits.
The MANUAL side of playing becomes truly dependent on the ARTISTIC - mental and
emotional backgrounds, working in the pianist's fantasy. A Will-to-express, The Idea, The
Sound, The Control of Sound’s Color & Energetic Intensity, Editing of the Action, The real
Expression - forms this particular model that must be completed by factual usage of the
anticipative hearing.

'Idea-Image-Technique' is not the intellectually attractive structure indeed, but the real essence
of a matter.

Chopin's Method offers the solution, which is likely near to these that actually proposes the
modern NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) formula. Therefore its misunderstanding
seems to be very natural among the piano teachers who habitually prefer just purely mechanic
solutions in the piano technical schooling.

________________________ _ _

11. Did Chopin teach the aristocratic ladies and rich young men belonged to the Europeans
highest financial circles only?

- No, that is not right. However doubtlessly Chopin was the most expensive European piano
teacher in Paris, the World's artistic capital of his times, he had hardly and fully
disinterestedly worked with highly talented piano youth, too.

Many brilliant pianists and coming famous teachers studied by him in Paris: A. Gutmann, G.
Mathias, F. H. Péru, Th. Tellefsen, E. Peruzzi. Among others were Karol Filtsch, who died as
15 years old boy - being known as the pianist of genius dimension and Karol Mikuli, who
became the very famous piano teacher and a respected musical editor.

At last it is reasonable to remind, that Chopin (1810-1849) due to his illness taught within
relatively short course of time...

________________________ _ _

12. Did any famous piano teacher use the Chopin's Method in his own practice?

- Yes. Prof. Harry Neuhaus (1888-1964) was the one, who used the Chopin's Method in
possibly large extend and achieved incredibly great results. His position in history of the
piano is nearly incomparable to position of any other Master. However he died quite long
time ago, the Idea that he realized, as well as manners he completed it practically in, are more
famous nowadays as it happened in time he actually lived and worked.

Information about him and his work could be found using the links proposed on many pages
of this Web-site. Still especially profitable would probably be the lecture of his main opus:
"The Art of Piano Playing". This book could give very beneficial help to every musician and
hobbyist as well.

________________________ _

13. Did any of Prof. Neuhaus' former students achieve the worldwide success?

- Yes, at least the two of his pupils became the pianists of the highest range - Svjatoslav
Richter and Emil Gilels. They both were NOT the genuine and/or typical 'Chopin-players'.
This fact, again, highlights greatness and universality of the Chopin's Method.

As well many nowadays worldwide known piano teachers are his former students: Lev
Naumov, Evgenyi Malinin, Radu Lupu, Vera Gornostaeva and Svetlana Ivanova are the most
luminous examples here.

________________________ _

14. Is it possible to prove that Prof. Neuhaus' factually continued the Chopin's line in teaching
the piano?

- Yes, it has been proved in the paper that had been presented in the University in Köln
(Germany) at October 1998. This text could be achieved via this link. For the best result one
should obviously read the Prof. Neuhaus' famous work (The Art of Piano Playing) yet. Many
interesting data could be found, too, in the book Heinrich Neuhaus (1888-1964) zum 110.
Geburtstag (STUDIO-Verlag, Germany, 2000, ISBN 3-89564-067-0).

________________________ _

15. Does anybody may honestly say, that the Chopin's Method, in the last end, is so
enigmatic, shady and complicated - that it could be recognized as object of admiration of the
Chopin's enthusiasts only, being less of the real practical worth to piano professionals?

- No, such valuation would be actually unfair. Prof. Neuhaus' pedagogic practice and texts as
well, as the truly great results achieved by teachers continuing his tradition, confirmed its
incomparable worth.

Apart from these highlights, too: testing this Method in my personal pedagogic work I must
say that the very practical, concrete and measurable changes in playing quality that have been
noticed by about two hundred students, approved this Method once again and again. These
students have taken part in courses and piano-pedagogic experiments organized since 1997 by
myself in Finland, Holland, Germany, Poland and in the Internet; such positive results firmly
confirmed the greater practical worth of the Chopin's Method.

Here was no one person who would like to say - "IT doesn't work...! " - because IT just
amazingly WORKS! Among above maintained young pianists were (and are) the college,
conservatory and music academy students from Finland, Holland, UK, Germany, Belgium,
France, USA, Australia, Singapore, Canada, Sweden, Poland, Vietnam, Russia and
Philippines - including winners of national and international piano-competitions. As well the
Chopin & Neuhaus Method's help - given via Internet from this Site, have supported many
teachers of the piano from around the World.

Music soothes the savage breast.
Paul Naud
 PS Silver Member
 Full Member

 Posts: 182

Re: Chopin-Neuhaus System according to Stefan Kutrzeba.

Reply #1 on: December 10, 2005, 05:59:45 PM

It seems that the right approach to piano technique is the hearing process. It means we build a
solid technique by practicing to hear before we play a single note. We have to imagine the
sound and then we correct it in case our physical activity did not respond well. So we hear the
sound before and after it has been produced.
Music soothes the savage breast.
Paul Naud
 PS Silver Member
 Full Member

 Posts: 182

Re: Chopin-Neuhaus System according to Stefan Kutrzeba.

Reply #2 on: December 15, 2005, 10:19:29 PM

This approach is quite different from all others that I know. It might help you redefine what
technique is all about. It's very difficult to explain piano playing with words but sometimes
words give a meaning to our feelings.
Music soothes the savage breast.
Paul Naud
 PS Silver Member
 Sr. Member

 Posts: 2157

Re: Chopin-Neuhaus System according to Stefan Kutrzeba.

Reply #3 on: July 21, 2007, 07:12:38 PM

hahah tha robbah
Da SDC Piano Forum :
 PS Silver Member
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Re: Chopin-Neuhaus System according to Stefan Kutrzeba.

Reply #4 on: July 22, 2007, 08:02:12 PM

Quote from: paulsylvianenaud on December 03, 2005, 11:51:27 PM
Please Check these sites.
They're quite interesting.
It's about Idea-Image-Technique in playing and teaching the piano:

Wow, this site is really great. So much interesting thoughts in one place!

Best site on piano playing on the web (as far as I know)!

If it doesn't work - try something different!
 PS Silver Member
 Sr. Member

 Posts: 273
Re: Chopin-Neuhaus System according to Stefan Kutrzeba.

Reply #5 on: August 08, 2007, 10:43:13 PM

Ugh! So badly written though... Although there's a lot of good information there, it's difficult
to decipher.
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