10 PDHPE AT3 - Dance Cha Cha Assessment Task Notification 24

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2024 Year 10 PDHPE

Assessment Task 3
Cha Cha Dance Assessment Task

Task Description:
Students are to compose and perform a 45-90 second dance routine that must include the 4 Cha
Cha Cha steps taught in practical lessons (Basic step, New Yorker step, Fan step and Zig Zag step).

Part A – In Class Group Work (15 marks) (PD5-9)

Students will work in groups to compose the routine. Students will be observed and assessed on their
ongoing effort, focus, group work and growth mindset.

Part B – Feedback (5 marks) (PD5-5)

All students will film their own performance and self-assess their own work using the feedback sheet.
They will also have the opportunity to provide feedback to another group.

Part C – Performance (20 Marks) (PD5-4, PD5-11)

Students will film their completed dance during lessons or at home. Live performance is not required.

Additional Information:
● The music chosen by students for their performance of the dance must be in 4/4 signature time and
MUST be appropriate for the context (i.e. language and themes are not explicit and are suitable for
the school environment).
● Students may choose to perform with a partner, OR perform as part of a group of 3-8 students.

Task Weighting: 25% Total Marks 40 marks

Draft Submission: Multiple ongoing formative checkpoints will be provided throughout the unit

Final Submission Due Date: Term 2, Week 7

● 10PDHA: 12/6 Newman
● 10PDHB: 11/6 J.Crick
● 10PDHC: 11/6 Brown
● 10PDHD: 14/6 Benham
● 10PDHE: 12/6 Newman
● 10PDHF: 12/6 B.Hodges
● 10PDHG: 14/6 Hampton
● 10PDHH: 14/6 S. Hutchison
● 10PDHI: 12/6 S. Hodges

Mode of submission – Final Task

- Group: Uploaded video of completed dance to Google Classroom
- Group: Uploaded copy of the self / peer assessment sheet
Syllabus Outcomes Assessed:
● PD5-4 adapts and improvises movement skills to perform creative movement across a range of
dynamic physical activity contexts
● PD5-5 appraises and justifies choices of actions when solving complex movement challenges
● PD5-9 assesses and applies self-management skills to effectively manage complex situations
● PD5-11 refines and applies movement skills and concepts to compose and perform innovative
movement sequences

Assessment Criteria:
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
1. Work collaboratively with peers to solve complex movement problems.
2. Apply the elements of composition to compose and perform appealing movement sequences.
3. Use performance feedback to improve the quality of the dance.
4. Provide and apply feedback.
5. Display a growth mindset in challenging physical activities.
Student Name: __________________________________________ Class / Teacher:

Part A: Participation and Group Work (individual Mark) PD5-9

Marking Criteria Grade

● Participates with energy and enthusiasm in all lessons.

● Encourages and promotes participation of others.

● Demonstrates behaviours and actions which positively influence the learning

● Displays focus, determination and perseverance in all lessons.

● Proactively manages emotions in difficult times. 13 – 15

● Displays resilience and growth mindset and a desire to attempt unfamiliar and
challenging tasks.
● Pro-actively seeks help when encountering difficulty.

● Manages time effectively to complete the task with opportunities for feedback
and refinement

● Participates with energy and enthusiasm in all lessons.

● Demonstrates behaviours and actions which positively influence the learning

● Recognises and manages emotions in difficult times. 10 – 12

● Accepts help when encountering difficulty.

● Manages time effectively to complete the task

● Independently participates each lessons as required.

● Listens respectfully to suggestions from others.

● Participates in lessons, with teacher intervention. 4–6

● Some attempt made at participating in. 0–3

Part B: Feedback (Individual Mark) PD5-5

Marking Criteria Grade

● Displays a willingness to learn, listens and responds positively to feedback from

teacher and peers.
● Actively seeks and responds to feedback.

● Utilises technology to support self-assessment.

● Provides detailed and descriptive feedback to peers on ways to improve their

● Makes suggestions and ideas to their peers to support the growth of the class.

● Regularly refers to assessment rubric when self-assessing own performance.

● Initiates peer feedback / self-assessment in addition to set checkpoints.

● Displays a willingness to learn, listens and responds positively to feedback from
● Provides simple, but useful feedback to peers / self, and justifies statements
with examples. 3-4
● Shows an increasingly positive attitude throughout the progression of the unit

● Continually evaluates own performance and adjusts group performance.

● Provides basic feedback using the sheet provided. 2

● Some attempt made at providing feedback. 1

Part C: Dance Performance (Group Mark) PD5-4, PD5-11

Marking Criteria Grade

● Composes and presents a highly entertaining, appealing, and creative dance of

an outstanding quality, demonstrating highly developed movement skills.
● Extensive application of the elements and features of composition, including:
o Space - broad range of varied and interesting floor patterns, coordinated
and interesting choreography within the space and with other group
members, uses several levels throughout the dance.
o Dynamics - clear and appropriate demonstration of changes in the
energy of the movements, creating tension and emotion.
o Rhythm and timing - movements always linked to the pace of the music
and other group members. Dance is within 1.5 minutes.
o Relationships - outstanding use of movement to effectively interact with
partner/group, music, and environment, displaying correction with

● Delivers a dance of a high standard, demonstrating proficient movement skills.

● Thorough application of the elements and features of composition, including:

o Space - use of several different floor patterns, proficient choreography
within the space and with other group members
o Dynamics - clear evidence of a change in the energy of movements
13 -16
o Rhythm and timing - movements usually linked to the pace of the music
and other group members. length of song and performance is close to
the timing requirement.
o Relationships- extensive use of movement to effectively interact with
partner/group, music, and environment

● Performs a dance of a satisfactory level, demonstrating sound movement skills. 9 - 12

● Sound application of the elements and features of composition, including:

o Space- different floor patterns used, sound choreography within the
space and with other group members.
o Dynamics- evidence of a change in the energy of the movements
o Rhythm and timing- movements sometimes linked to the pace of the
music and other group members. length of song and performance is
close to the timing requirement.
o Relationships- sound use of movement to effectively interact with
partner/group, music, and environment.

● Basic application of the elements and features of composition, including:

o Space - dance tends to be performed in the one spot, basic
choreography within the space and with other group members.
o Dynamics - little evidence of a change in the energy of the movements 5-8
o Rhythm and timing - movements rarely to the pace of the music and
other group members.
o Relationships - Basic use of movement to effectively interact with
partner/group, music, and environment.

● Some attempt made at the task 0-4

Final Mark / 40
Final Grade E D C B A
Teacher Comment:

Self-Assessment Sheet - Compulsory

Group Members Names:

Choice of song:

Music: Length of Song:

Teacher to sign
Approved by:

Film and watch your own performance. Complete the following questions after watching your own
Identify two Areas for Improvement for the composition
Area for Improvement #1 This will improve the dance because…

Area for Improvement #2 This will improve the dance because…

Describe the energy levels used in the composition. Consider how the energy levels detracted from /
enhanced the performance?

Assess the transitions between each move? How did they enhance or detract from the performance?
Did these transitions enhance the flow of the composition?

CHOREOGRAPHY CHECKLIST- Circle what you have included in your dance

Basic step New Yorker step Fan step Zig Zag step

Transitioning smoothly Moving towards and away Use of different levels – Movements of
between shapes from your partner /group high, medium, low different energy
Use of different timing – Emotions and facial Different formations &
Work together and apart
half, full, double expression shapes

Teacher Section: did this group display growth mindset by being observed and
• Yes • No
receiving feedback from another group?
Optional Peer Feedback Sheet
Group Members Names:

Choice of song:

Music: Length of Song:

Teacher to sign
Approved by:

Watch another group’s performance. Complete the following questions to support their development
Identify two Areas for Improvement for the composition
Area for Improvement #1 This will improve the dance because…

Area for Improvement #2 This will improve the dance because…

Describe the energy levels used in the composition. Consider how the energy levels detracted from /
enhanced the performance?

Assess the transitions between each move? How did they enhance or detract from the performance?
Did these transitions enhance the flow of the composition?

CHOREOGRAPHY CHECKLIST- Circle what this group has included in their dance

Basic step New Yorker step Fan step Zig Zag step
Transitioning smoothly Moving towards and away Use of different levels – Movements of
between shapes from your partner /group high, medium, low different energy
Use of different timing – Emotions and facial Different formations &
Work together and apart
half, full, double expression shapes

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