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Mina Atef Hafez

Software Engineer - Mobile Developer

Cairo, Egypt +201222498614

2018 – 2022 Bachelor's degree in Computer Science
October 6 university

03/2022 – 09/2022 Junior Flutter Developer
i worked as a Freelancer Flutter Developer for 9 months on websites like Mostql
, Fiver and Freelancer.

Programming Languages Basic programming skills
Flutter programming languages ( Dart ). Deep understanding for basic programming skills
Other languages ( Java - c++ ). like ( OOP , Problem Solving , Solid Principles ,
data structures , Algorithms ).
Flutter Development
Experienced with Flutter Development using Dart Third-Party Apis
and different types of common widgets and Working with Third_Party Apis using ( http - dio ).
External Packages.
Local Databases Dealing with Firebase using ( Firebase
Dealing with Local Databases using sqflite , Authintecation , Real Time Database , FireStore
Shared Preferences . Database , Cloud Messaging ) .

Flutter State Management Clean Architecture

Experienced in Flutter State Management using ( Deep understanding of Clean Architecture
GetX , bloc , provider ). principles according to Uncle Bob Principles.

Architecture Design Pattern Working with Google Maps , payment gateway

Working with Architecture Design Patterns ( MVVM and
, MVC , BloC ).
Responsive and Adaptive
Additional Flutter Skills Deep understanding of make a Responsive and
Dealing With Caching & Pagination data . Adaptive screens ably ( LandScape , Portraite ) .
Working with Localization ( multi languages ) .
Dealing with Web View . Deep understanding of App LifeCycle &
Working with Stream Data & Future data . Widget LifeCycle
Dealing with Functional Programming .
Publishing Applications
Working with Dependency Injection Familiar with publishing applications on Google
technologies Play Store.

Version Control Tools

I have used ( github ) as a version control tools to
deal with Git .
WhatsApp Clone
- It is an application mainly depends on Firebase that is very similar to WhatsApp and contains the basic
features of WhatsApp such as messaging with one or more people, voice and video calls, and other things.

Not Completed

E - Commerce App
- It is an application to display different products to the user and he can move one of them to his favorites and
allow him to search within the products, and modify his data.

Social App
- It is a Simple communication application that its users can do several things such as creating a post, liking
and posting a comment, and it has a page dedicated to Chat between tow person .

Shop App
- It is an application that displays different products such as devices and there is a page for favorites when you
like a particular product and another page to update personal data.

Editor and Bluetooth Printer App

It is an application that edits writing as a text editor and then prints it via bluetooth

Todo App
- It is an application that relies mainly on a local database, and contains multiple completed and incomplete
tasks with certain dates.

The Complete Dart Learning Guide
The Complete 2022 Flutter & Dart Development Course [Arabic]
Flutter Advanced Course - Payment gateway integration(ar)
Flutter Clean Architecture [2022] [Flutter 3] (In Arabic)
Flutter Advanced Course Bloc and MVVM Pattern [Arabic][2022]

English Arabic
very Good native language

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