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Ancient (TaMa-Rean) Egyptian Word and Principle
for 1st, Prime, Hidden Potential and Infinite
Possibilities. The Original Creative Forces of the
Universe (Nature), the Black Light of Intellect
(Mental Energy), the Black Waters or Celestial
Waters known as the Etheric Realm, formless Ethers,
Un-manifested energies, Nameless.
The Eternal Now!

“As African People our Minds are linked to ALL

Eternal and Almighty Nature, what we can conceive
in our Minds will be, see it and so shall it be seen”.
– Neb Heru
The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

The Symbol on the Front Cover

The Egiptian Ankh/African Cross –
The Egiptian Ankh/ African Cross is a
symbol of Life, Happiness and
Vitality. The Ankh is the Original
Cross, used anciently throughout
Africa, and seen today in Ghana as
the Symbol of Fertility, “The Key to
Everlasting Life”. The Ankh is also a
symbol of Vital Life Force Energy. We
as African People have been pumping
life into the world for time memorial.

The Ankh is also, known as the African Cross, which

was the original cross, before
European settlers came and
turned the symbol of “Life” to a
symbol of “Death”. We as African
People are the Life, Salt, and Soul
of the Planet Earth (PTAH-NUN).
The Ankh is our true symbol. As
you look at the symbol of Life, you
will notice it resembles the Akan
symbol for “Fertility”, because

The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

they are the same symbol. Fertility produces life,

“NU” Life!

We chose to use the symbol of the “Ankh” on the

cover of these writings to symbolize an old ancient
symbol coming back to “NU” (NEW) Life!

Africa is truly on the Rise!

The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

Question: What is “Nu” Thought?

Answer: Nu Thought is really nothing new, “NU” is

short for (NUN) pronounced “Noon” an Ancient
Egyptian Principle for First or Prime, Africa’s Mind or
the thoughts and inspirations coming out of Africa
was the first to influence the world and all world
civilizations, being New Civilizations (America, the
West) or Old (India, Greece, and Rome), all have
been influenced by the Ancient Mind of Africa!

According to the Merriam-Webster Collegiate

Dictionary the word “Thought” Is defined as: To
think; the action or process of thinking; Reasoning

When we take a look at all Ancient African Empires

and Kingdoms whether it’s the Ancient Cushite
Empire called Napata, Ancient Egyptian Empires,
during the Pre-dynastic (Neolithic) periods, Ancient
Malian (Songhai or Sankore) and Ghanaian Empires
here in West Africa, all were based on the “Eternal
Laws of Nature”. In these Sacred Volumes called “Nu
African Mind” you will learn how to apply simple
Laws of Nature for your Mental, Spiritual, Finical

The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

and Physical well being for true prosperity,

happiness and success.

TUTANKHAMUN from the Back of His Gold Throne

The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

The Original Egyptians had strong broad features and

were African like Narmer/Menes the 1st Pharaoh of
the First Dynastic Period. He was a Thinite (a Native
of Thinis or Abydos) who reigned for 62 years, during
the first so-called Dynasty. Thinis was located in
Upper Egypt (Lower Egypt) between the First
Cataract and The Delta. Narmer/Menes put into

Narmer (Menes)
1st Pharaoh of The First Dynastic Period of Egypt
effect a Body of Laws, introduced luxury and
extravagant manners of living. He also built a new
Capital at Ineb Hedj meaning “White Hall.” He united
Agricultural Towns and Villages along the Nile into a
The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

single Realm. Narmer/Menes is the one who brought

the Egyptian Dynasty.

Images of the Black Nubian Goddess United! Existed

from Tomb of Huy from about 1342-1333 BC.

The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

The Greatest Secret

This book you are holding in your hand holds the

Ankh ( ) Master keys to your ultimate freedom.
This book will teach you the hidden principles of the
Mental Universe and how by what you think affects
your life and your environment on a day to day basis.

If we can show you how to have success, and

happiness in your life with little or no effort would
you be willing to learn? Of course your mind says! So
let's get started.

The Hidden Power

There is a hidden power, a secret power available to

all human beings that transcend race, religion or
social status. This hidden power is so available that
all human beings where merely born with this power.
This hidden power is so simple that most forgot the
power of this power. This hidden power unleashes
the higher potential in all People, no matter what
society you belong to. No matter what Tribe or
Village you descended from. No matter which
country in the world you belong too.

This Hidden power is available to all, and it is your

The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

Universal right, or your birth right. That’s right this

hidden power has been with you since birth. This
hidden power does not care if you are male or
female, African or American, from Jamaica or Ghana
it does not discriminate. This hidden power is as
natural as the growth of Mangoes and Plantain. The
hidden power we speak of is the “Hidden powers of
the Mind.”

As a Man Thinketh!

There is a Man, a Great man in the eyes of many

today that has done the unthinkable. A man that has
beat all the odds in a country and society he came
from. A man that many thought they would never
see the day, to see such a man take on a Great job
that he has. A man that the world gave up on long
time ago because of his racial background, they said
this man will never make it to the position he has
made it.

This man is not the Model of what a man in his

position should be. People around the world said,
because this man grew up with No father and had
just his mother, he is not the “image” of what we
need. They said because this man’s father was an
African from Kenya and his mother was a White
The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

American from Hawaii that, he will never be in this

so-called Grand position. They said because this man
grew up in a poverty stricken environment that his
mind is not equipped with the knowledge needed to
be such a grand Authority. Despite what all has said
about this “Man” it didn’t stop this man from
envisioning his dream, and completing or
manifesting the dream of another “Man” Dr. Martin
Luther King who they said in his day and time was
crazy, insane and not equipped with the Mentality
for Success.

Well the 1st man we speak of never stop dreaming,

he never gave up, despite of what he was told or
seen that men who had an up bring like his will never
make it in life. Even though as he was growing in his
young adult life in the Poverty streets of Chicago, in
the United States of America this Man said I will try. I
will do my best to one day re-establish Hope to a
Nation of people that seems when they are at dooms
end there is no hope to offer any more. He said in his
“Mind”, and with the Help of Almighty Nature, that
he is the perfect “Man” for the job.

Not because he sees an opportunity of a desperate

nation needing a change and something different,

The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

but because in his heart and mind he feels he is the

one. This “Man” who has done the “unthinkable”,
who has reached down to the depths of his heart and
used the powers of his mind to envision himself in
this grand position today is none other then
President Barak Obama, the 1st “African” American
President of the United State of America.

An Inspiration to the World!

The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

It’s “ALL” Within You!

Within you is a power which, properly grasped and

directed, can lift you out of the rut of mediocrity and
place you among the Elite (The Best) of the World –
the lawyers, the writers, the Ministries of
Government, the Big Business Men and Women –
the DOERS and THINKERS. It rests with you, only to
learn to use this power which is yours – this Mind
which can do all things.

There is a hidden power in all women and men that

when unleashed can conquer the most troublesome
situations. This hidden power connects you to all that
exists. Deep down in our DNA there is positive
hidden potential that is just waiting to be awakened
and utilized for the greater good and advancement
of African People as a whole.

Deep down in your DNA is a hidden forgotten past,

waiting to come back to life. We are the greatest
people on the Earth, and Nature, The Most High, and
our Ancestors are on our side. They are living with us,
living through us, they are us!

The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

We have the ability through our “MIND POWER”, to

reach back in our Royal DNA blood line and receive
Inspirations and Revelations from all our Ancient
positive Rulers.

Question: What is DNA, and why is it important?

DNA – Deoxyribonucleic Acid

DNA is so important because within your DNA
through what is called “Heredity” there is a recorded
past of everything that has ever happened to a
person and there family Lineage (bloodline)
throughout time, leading to the first groups of
The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

people on Earth. As we know, all life started in


With DNA testing many are able to find a direct

blood link to all Ancient and Great Rulers. Many well
trained Master Minds throughout history have been
able to tap into this infinite resource dormant in their
DNA, so “NOW” is your time to tap into your Hidden
Potential and true Powers of your Mind, so that you
can once again take your rightful place in the world.
In order to know where you going you must know
where you came from, Sankofa!

The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

We are happy you have Chosen to read “The Nu

African Mind” series Volume 1: An Introduction to
“Nu” thought. Let’s get started shall we!

The question I would like to ask you is, why do Men

and Women with “Goals” succeed in life and Men
and Women without them fail? Well, let me tell you.
Something which if you really overstand it will alter
your life immediately, when you begin to overstand
what I am going to tell you from this moment on,
your life will never be the same again.

You’ll suddenly find that good luck just seems to be

attracted to you, and the things you want just seem
to rise into place; and from now on, you won’t have
the problems, the worries, the anxieties, that
perhaps you were experiencing before. No doubts
and fear, they will all be things of the past.

Here’s the Ankh ( ) Master Key to success and the

key to failure. Are you ready for this? “We become
what we think about.” That’s right! Now let me say it
again, we become what we think about, think about
that. This phrase which only consists of six words
seems so simple yet has a powerful effect on the

The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

world! This phrase has allowed Multi-Million dollar

companies to shape, mold and influence the Minds
of Millions of People just by what they advertise to

“For as a Man Thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

Throughout all history the great wise Men and

Women, Teachers, Philosophers, and Prophets, have
disagreed with one another on many different things.
It is only on this one phrase that they are in complete
and unanimous agreement.

I have brought myself by long mediation to the

conviction that a Human Being with a settled
purpose must accomplish it and with nothing can
resist. A person is what he or she thinks about all
day long. The Great Discovery of all generations is
that a Human Being can alter their lives by altering
their “attitude” and “mind”.

If you wish to be rich, you will be rich. If you wish to

be learnt, you will be learnt. If you wish to be good,
you will be good. I want you to stop and think what
we have previously discussed and how to “apply it to
your life”.

The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

The key is: whatever you think to become, if you

envisioned its true form you will become it. I have
said this to many people throughout my life time and
now I say it to you. If you have positive clear, vivid
pictures in your mind of your definite goal, plan and
way of achieving it, then it is yours. You have the
power to manifest it; you can bring it into reality,
from the seemingly unreal to real!

Mind Power a Divine Gift

“Show me a Person with a weak Mind and I will show
you a Person with a weak God, for Mind Power is God
power it was a gift from the Divine, residing inside of
us all.” – Dr. Malachi Z. York

Now in this Introduction Volume we will introduce

you to the Human Mind and the many divisions of it.
The main parts we will focus on in these writings are:

1. Conscious Mind –Aware Mind

2. Subconscious Mind – Servant, the Doorway to
Infinite Possibilities
3. Universal Consciousness – Mind of ALL ,
Mental Reservoir, ALL in ALL

The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

The Conscious Mind

When you say “I see – I hear – I smell – I touch – I
taste,” it is your conscious mind that is saying this,
for it is the force governing the five physical senses.
It is the phase of the mind with which you feel and
reason – the phase of mind which everyone is
familiar. It is the mind which you do business. It
controls, to a great extent, all your voluntary
muscles, and voluntary actions. It discriminates
between right and wrong, wise and foolish, the mind
that gives you the ability to choose and make

Your Conscious Mind is the Director in charge of all

your Mental Forces. It can plan ahead and get things
done as it plans. Or this same Conscious Mind can
stay unfocused, and running wild! For it is only
through your Conscious Mind that you can reach the
Subconscious and then the Universal Mind. Your
Conscious Mind is the porter at the door, the
watchman at the gate. It is the Conscious Mind that
the Subconscious Mind looks for all its impressions.
It is your Conscious Mind that your Subconscious
store house depends for teamwork necessary to get
successful results.

The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

One of the most important things to remember

about your Conscious Mind is to center your
thoughts on the thing you want, and to shut the door
on every suggestion of fear, or worry, or disease.
Once you gain the ability to do this nothing is
impossible to you.

For your Subconscious Mind does not reason

inductively. It takes the thoughts you send into it
and works them out to their logical conclusion. Send
to it thoughts of Success, Wealth, Health, and
Power, and it will work out health and strength in
your body. Stop thinking thoughts of sickness,
disease, fear, worry and doubt. Stop IT Now! Take
back control of your life, take back control of your
thoughts, your MIND, your GOD POWER! Do not
allow these negative thoughts to penetrate your
Mind, either by yourself, or those people around
you, because if you do you will start to see all these
negative thoughts and suggestion start to take form
in your life. Which is why you wonder why I am not
getting ahead, why I am not where I need to be in
life, change your thinking, change your life.

Your Mind is master off your body. It directs and

controls every function of your body. Your body is in
effect a little Universe in itself, and Mind is its
The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

radiant center – the Sun which gives “Light” and

“Life” to all your systems, and around which the
whole revolves. And your Conscious thought is the
master of this Sun center.

The Subconscious Mind

Sub = Below, Conscious = Awareness (Below


Subconscious: The Mental activity just below the

threshold of Conscious Awareness – The Seat of the
Fourth Dimension (The Plane of Vibration)

Your Subconscious Mind is the seat of your emotions

(Energy in Motion), in the Physical body the
Subconscious Mind is termed the Abdominal Brain,
located just 3 inches above the navel termed the
Solar Plexus (refer to the Book “The Solar Seat of
RE”) and is the Creative Mind; when you think good,
good will follow; when you think evil, evil will follow.
This is the way your mind works. The point to
remember is once the Subconscious Mind accepts an
idea, it begins to execute it. It is an interesting and
subtle truth that the Law of the Subconscious Mind
works for good and bad thoughts and ideas.
The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

This law when applied in a negative way is the cause

of failure, frustration, and unhappiness. However
when your constant thoughts are harmonious and
constructive, you experience perfect health, success,
and prosperity. Peace of mind and a healthy body are
inevitable when you begin to think and feel in the
right way.

Whatever you claim mentally and feel as true, your

Subconscious Mind will accept and bring forth into
your experience. The only thing necessary for you to
do is to get your Subconscious Mind to accept your
idea, and the law of your own Subconscious will
faithfully reproduce the idea impressed upon it. The
law of your mind is this: You will get a reaction or
response from your Subconscious Mind according to
the nature of the thought or idea you hold in your
Conscious Mind.

Think the things you would see manifested, see

them, know them, and you can leave it to your
Subconscious Mind to bring them into being. For
thought is creative energy. It brings into being the
things that you think.

The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

Universal Consciousness – The ALL in ALL

Universal Consciousness also termed Universal Mind
or the Mental Reservoir is the home of infinite and
“ALL” possibilities. You just previously learned about
your Conscious Mind and Subconscious Mind and the
powers therein. It is through your Subconscious
Mind that we are connected with Universal
Consciousness and brought into relation with the
infinite constructive, life giving forces of the

All Great Minds of the world past and present would

agree that there is one Principle or Consciousness
pervading the entire Universe, occupying all space,
and being essentially the same in kind at every point
of its presence. It is all powerful, all wisdom, and
always present in eternal Now! All thoughts and
things are within itself. It is ALL in ALL.

We are living in the day and time where all things

are possible. There is no need to constantly think
about what it is you do not have or you do not want.
Time to throw this kind of thinking out! Take back
your Mind! Time to take on a “NU” type of thinking;
we are all the children and descendants of a great
Ancient Race of People. Throughout Ourstory which
The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought

is called History the facts show how we built vast

Kingdoms all through out what is called Africa today
and in the Americas.

Everything we are seeking from life we already have,

this Divine Mind of ours is our birth right a gift from
the Divine! The time is Now.

“Mine your Mind for the Jewels of your Soul.”

-Volume 2 – The Strangest Secret

The Nu African Mind Vol.1 - Introduction to Nu Thought


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