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At the……….of the Empire State Building, Zeus meets Poseidon, accusing

Poseidon's……………… son, Percy Jackson, of stealing Zeus' master ……………………..
Poseidon reminds him that Percy is unaware of his true identity, but Zeus declares that
unless his master bolt is returned to Mount Olympus before midnight of the Summer
Solstice (in two weeks), war will be waged between all the gods.
16-year-old Percy struggles with dyslexia, but has a unique ability to
stay………………………... On a school trip to a museum, Percy is attacked by Alecto, a
……………. masquerading as his substitute English teacher, Miss Dodds, who demands
the lightning bolt.
Percy's best friend Grover and his Latin teacher Mr. Brunner help scare off Alecto.
Mr. Brunner gives Percy a ………...which is a powerful weapon, and instructs Grover to
take Percy and his mother Sally to Camp Half-Blood—a hidden summer camp for demigod
children. There, they are attacked by the ………………….., who seemingly kills Sally when
Sally is unable to enter the camp. At Grover's suggestion, Percy uses Mr. Brunner's pen,
discovering that is a sword, to fight off the Minotaur. After having no success with the
sword, Percy kills the Minotaur with its own horn before fainting out of intense shock.
……………………. three days later, Percy learns he is the……... of Poseidon, Grover is a
………….and Percy’s junior ……………….., and "Mr. Brunner" is Chiron, a
………………….... Percy begins ……………….. in his demigod powers, which include
water manipulation and healing, and meets other demigods, including Annabeth Chase,
daughter of ……………...; and Camp Leader Luke Castellan, son of ……………..
Percy is visited by an apparition of Hades, who reveals the Minotaur abducted Sally to the
Underworld to trade for the lightning bolt. Defying Chiron's orders, Percy sets out for the
Underworld with Grover and Annabeth. Luke gives Percy a………….. with the location of
three green ………….. belonging to Hades' wife, ………………….., which will allow them to
escape the ……………………... Percy is also given a pair of ……………….. Converse All-
Star shoes stolen from Hermes, and Luke's favourite ……………....
The trio searches for the first pearl at the old and abandoned "Auntie Em's Garden
Emporium" in Leeds Point, which turns out to be the ……….of Medusa. She tries to kill
them, but Percy …………………… her. The trio takes her head and a fistful of gold
………………..along with them for later use, along with the pearl, which had been attached
to her ………………….. At the ………………………… Nashville, Percy uses the flying
shoes to retrieve the second pearl from the ………….. of the ………….. of Athena. They
are confronted by the ……………. disguised as a group of janitors, who Grover turns to
……………. with Medusa's head.
The trio arrives at the Lotus Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas to obtain the third and final
pearl. After the cocktail waitresses have them sample the casino's signature dish, lotus
flowers, they immediately forget their mission, until Poseidon abruptly speaks in Percy's
mind, returning him to his……….... Percy frees Grover and Annabeth from the flowers'
effects; they locate the final pearl on a………………. wheel and escape by stealing a prize
Maserati from the casino lobby. Annabeth realizes the casino is actually the lair of the
…………..………………..(who have been luring people into their …………. since
…………….. times, which explains why the casino's ………….. is "You will never want to
leave"), and that they only have one day left to ……………….. the gods' war, as they were
in the casino for five days. With all three pearls, Percy, Grover, and Annabeth enter the
portal to the Underworld, located behind the Hollywood Sign, and pay ……………... the
drachmas for a …………. ride (after he burns a couple of US dollars that Grover offered

In the Underworld, Hades finds the lightning bolt …………... inside Luke's shield, revealing
that Luke was the ………... Hades has Persephone feed the group to a gate of souls, but
she teases him with the bolt in retaliation for imprisoning her, and gives the bolt to Percy.
As they only have three pearls, Grover remains behind as Percy, Annabeth, and Sally
………………….. to the Empire State Building, the entrance to Mount Olympus. However,
before they can enter, they are ambushed by Luke, who reveals that he stole the bolt to
demolish Mount Olympus and establish the demigods as new ………………. of Western
Civilization. After a battle across Manhattan, Percy seemingly kills Luke and returns the
lightning bolt to Zeus.
Percy and Annabeth are reunited with Grover who has a new pair of …………..., indicating
his promotion to Percy's senior protector. Percy and Annabeth nearly ………, but Annabeth
………….. him and they continue to train.
In a mid-credits …………..., Sally kicks her abusive husband, Gabe Ugliano, out of her
apartment. As Gabe walks into the kitchen to grab a ………, he finds the …………………
locked, with a note from Percy not to open it under any circumstance. Gabe breaks the
door open to find ………………………………………..., turning him to stone.


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