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umat-anulaT sarad

Daras Thaluna-Tamu
“Study Thirty Eight”

.u-tat-dadlum hehal tudaK aap nuwak tudaK nenap ,rasyum taa-buhaar

1. Raahub-aat Muysar, Panen Khadut Kawun Paa Khadut Laheh Muldad-tat-u.
Greetings family, this month is the month for mothers.

?bayaG aap lelaS tamKam ,er-amat ayudan ,aynun-yasar aduqap muuk-tna denaA
2. Ȧaned Ant-kuum Paquda Rasay-nunya, Naduya Tama-Re, Makhmat Shalel Paa
Have you visited our land, called Tama-Re Egipt of the West?

.yasar-aap neyah ayuqab denaA kukan ,HuAuB

3. Ṫuȧuḣ, Nakuk Ȧaned Baquya Hayen Paa-Rasay.
Yes, I have stayed on the land.

.taram nemaK aap Henam mua aap yuGaE redaq muuk-tna ,tulal yal-lelak uw tumaz lelak
4. Kalel Zamut Wu Kalel-lay Lalut, Ant-Kuum Qader Ṡaghuy Paa Aum Maneḣ Paa
Khamen Marat.
All day and every night you can hear the from the Black Pyramid.

.mu-Sadqam uw taa-nakam Sedaq reTaK anuwak HenaT

5. Thaneḣ Kawuna Khather Qadesh Makan-aat Wu Maqdash-um.
There were many holy sites and a temple.

?er-amat duqap muuk-tna atusaA Hemal

6. Lameḣ Ȧasuta Ant-Kuum Paqud Tama-Re?
When did you visit Tama-Re?

.tumaS-aap lulaaK taa-tuqaw reTaK yasar-aap aduqap kukan

7. Nakuk Paquda Paa-Rasay Khather Waqut-aat Khaalul Paa-Shamut.
I visited the land many times during the year.

.mu-tawar uw taa-ragaS reHaaz ,ywt-taram ,u-ragad lum-newal ,taa-nunbim reTaK reTaa HenaT
8. Thaneḣ Aather Khather Mibnun-aat, Lawen-mul Dagar-u, Marat-twy, Zaaḣer
Shagar-aat Wu Rawat-um.
There are many structures, colourful deities, 2 pyramids, flowering trees and a Sphinx.

aap Aufar yakal taa-la-talam la-HeAak lumaA heyal redaq anuwak nuhan ,yasar-aap neyah
.ega-KeKar la-HeAak
9. Hayen Paa-Rasay, Nahun Kawuna Qader Layeh Ȧamul Kaȧeḣ-al Malat-al-aat Lakay
Rafuȧ Paa Kaȧeḣ-al Rakhekh-age.
On the land, we were able to do spiritual rituals in order to lift the spiritual knowledge.

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