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Student ID Student Client Code Student Last Name

(numeric) This is the Maestro (text) Mandatory(text)

Student ID. Can be left blank if
not known. If there is a value, it
MUST match an existing student
in Maestro. Edits not allowed.

33766 200001521 Abbott Schaefer

17300 100033155 Abbott Smitham
Student First Name Student Middle Name Student Gender
Mandatory(text) (text) Mandatory(text)(Male/

Henrietta H Male
Anna Male
Student Date of Birth Student Graduation Year Student Clasification
Mandatory(date) Date of Birth Mandatory(text) Should match Mandatory (text) Should match
(MM/DD/YYYY) one of the available Graduation one of the available Student
Year Types.

7/20/2023 2024 Post-Secondary Student

10/30/1986 2024 Post-Secondary Student
Student Language Student StateId Student Status
Mandatory(text) Should match (text) Mandatory(text) Should match
one of the available Languages one of the available Student

English ACTIVE
English ACTIVE
Student Program Student GraduationDate Student Comments
Mandatory (text) Should match Mandatory(date) (text)
an available Program (MM/DD/YYYY)

Electronics Technician 5/23/2024 Henrietta

Heating and Air Conditioning Service 5/23/2024 5
Student Ethnicity Student Race User Account Id
Mandatory(text)Not Hispanic / Mandatory(text)Asian;Black or (text) This is the student User
Latino or Hispanic / Latino African American; Native Account Id.
Hawaiian or Other Pacific
Islander; American Indian or
Alaskan Native; White. Separate
multiple races with ';'
Hispanic / Latino Black or African American
Not Hispanic / Latino Asian
User Account User Name User Account Password User Account SSN
This will be auto-generated. This will be auto-generated. (text) Edits allowed. Nine digits
Leave it blank Leave it blank are necessary in order to create
or update a SSN, however, for
security purposes, only the last
4 digits are exported.
User Account Status Student School ID Grade Level
Mandatory(text) Must match a Mandatory(numeric) The ID of a Mandatory
valid UserAccount Status in valid Organization in Maestro.
Maestro. Edits not allowed. Must match a School level
organization in Maestro. Edits
not allowed.

30 Post Secondary
30 Post Secondary
Student Advisor Student IsFullTime Student E-mail Address 1
(numeric) Advisor ID Mandatory(bool) 0/1(0 as false, Mandatory
1 as true). If is not set to (0/1) it
will be set to default value (0 as

29 0 Henrietta99@mailinator.com
3 1 Tammy22@mailinator.com
Student SMS Text E-mail Student Phone 1 Student Phone 1 Type
(text) Normally a cell number Mandatory Mandatory(text) Should match
followed by @ carrier name, ie. one of the code of existing
for AT&T - Phone Number types: Home,
9999999999@txt.att.net Mobile, Business, Fax.

1-618-894-8317 x488 Mobile

1-900-312-1191 Home
Student Phone 2 Student Phone 2 Type Student Address 1 Type
(text) Should match one of the Mandatory(text) Should match
code of existing Phone Number one of the code of existing
types: Home, Mobile, Business, Address types: Residential,
Fax. Business

Student Address 1 Street1 Student Address 1 Street2 Student Address 1 City
Mandatory Mandatory

740 Gabe Lakes Suite 423 Denver

77653 Heaney Island Apt. 709 Aurora
Student Address 1 State Student Address 1 Zip Code Student Address 1 Country
Mandatory(text) 2 letter Mandatory Mandatory(text) Should match a
abbreviation. Should Match a valid Country in Maestro.
valid State in Maestro. If state
not belongs to the United States,
input XX.


Student Address 1 Description Contact 1 Last Name Contact 1 First Name
Contact 1 Language Contact 1 Occupation Contact 1 Relationship
(text) Should match one of the
existing Relationship types
Contact 1 E-mail Address 1 Contact 1 SMS Text E-mail Contact 1 Phone 1
(text) Normally a cell number
followed by @ carrier name, ie.
for AT&T -
Contact 1 Phone 1 Type Contact 1 Address 1 Type Contact 1 Address 1 Street1
(text) Should match one of the (text) Should match one of the
code of existing Phone Number code of existing Address types:
types: Home, Mobile, Business, Residential, Business, Billing,
Fax. Mailing.
Contact 1 Address 1 Street2 Contact 1 Address 1 City Contact 1 Address 1 State
(text) 2 letter abbreviation.
Should Match a valid State in
Maestro. If state not belongs to
the United States, input XX.
Contact 1 Address 1 Zip Code Contact 1 Address 1 Country Contact 1 Address 1 Description
(text) Should match a valid
Country in Maestro.
Contact 2 Last Name Contact 2 First Name Contact 2 Language
Contact 2 Occupation Contact 2 Relationship Contact 2 E-mail Address 1
(text) Should match one of the
existing Relationship types
Contact 2 SMS Text E-mail Contact 2 Phone 1 Contact 2 Phone 1 Type
(text) Normally a cell number (text) Should match one of the
followed by @ carrier name, ie. code of existing Phone Number
for AT&T - types: Home, Mobile, Business,
9999999999@txt.att.net Fax.
Contact 2 Address 1 Type Contact 2 Address 1 Street1 Contact 2 Address 1 Street2
(text) Should match one of the
code of existing Address types:
Residential, Business, Billing,
Contact 2 Address 1 City Contact 2 Address 1 State Contact 2 Address 1 Zip Code
(text) 2 letter abbreviation.
Should Match a valid State in
Maestro. If state not belongs to
the United States, input XX.
Contact 2 Address 1 Country Contact 2 Address 1 Description SyncronizationDate
(text) Should match a valid Optional This is an optional
Country in Maestro. extension field. (date) - Please,
use the format MM/DD/YYYY.
LocationName UnitsEarned UnitsScheduled
Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional
extension field. (text) - Please extension field. (integer) - extension field. (integer) -
enter string data less than 25 Please, use an integer Please, use an integer
characters in length.
TransferUnits ScheduledUnitsRemaining ProofOfGraduationType
Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional
extension field. (integer) - extension field. (integer) - extension field. (text) - Please
Please, use an integer Please, use an integer enter string data less than 25
characters in length.
ISIRAwardYear ISIRValidationType OptOutSMS
Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional
extension field. (integer) - extension field. (text) - Please extension field. (text) - Please
Please, use an integer enter string data less than 25 enter string data less than 25
characters in length. characters in length.
UnitsAttempted SAPStatus WithdrawnDate
Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional
extension field. (integer) - extension field. (text) - Please extension field. (date) - Please,
Please, use an integer enter string data less than 25 use the format MM/DD/YYYY.
characters in length.
ExportResult VE135 MaidenName
Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional
extension field. (text) - Please extension field. (text) - Please extension field. (text) - Please
enter string data less than 4000 enter string data less than 50 enter string data less than 75
characters in length. characters in length. characters in length.
PreferredPronoun HighSchools Expected Graduation Term
Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional Optional. This is an optional
extension field. (text) - Please extension field. (text) - Please extension field. Enter either FA-
enter string data less than 125 enter string data less than 75 Fall or SP-Spring
characters in length. characters in length.

School District SchoolLocation Current Year
Mandatory (text) - Please enter Optional This is an optional Optional. This is an optional
string data less than 150 extension field. (text) - Please extension field. Use the School
characters in length. enter string data less than 75 Year Id you will find in the
characters in length. Administration module->Setup-
>School Year

Adams-Arapahoe 28J 4
Adams-Arapahoe 28J 4
Current Term Semester Start Date Semester End Date
Mandatory (text) - Please enter Mandatory (text) - Please enter Mandatory (text) - Please enter
string data less than 150 string data less than 150 string data less than 150
characters in length. characters in length. characters in length.

10 8/8/2023 12:00:00 AM 12/16/2023 12:00:00 AM

7 1/4/2023 12:00:00 AM 5/15/2023 12:00:00 AM
Entrance Year Entrance Term ExpectedGraduationDate
Mandatory (text) - Please enter Mandatory (text) - Please enter Optional This is an optional
string data less than 150 string data less than 150 extension field. (date) - Please,
characters in length. characters in length. use the format MM/DD/YYYY.

2024 10
2024 10
Enrollment Status EnglishLanguageLearner DidYouReceiveAHSDiplomaOrGED
Mandatory (text) - Please enter Optional This is an optional Mandatory (bool) - You can use
string data less than 150 extension field. (bool) - You can for False: 0, no, or false. For
characters in length. use for False: 0, no, or false. For True: 1, yes, or true.
True: 1, yes, or true.

First Time True True

Readmit False
Did You Receive AHS Diploma Or GEDAre You A United States Veteran Are You Currently Active Duty
Optional This is an optional Mandatory (bool) - You can use Mandatory (bool) - You can use
extension field. (text) - Please for False: 0, no, or false. For for False: 0, no, or false. For
enter string data less than 250 True: 1, yes, or true. True: 1, yes, or true.
characters in length.

Riverside High False False

False False
Do you consider yourself economical Do you consider yourself a displace Do you consider yourself a single par
Mandatory (bool) - You can use Mandatory (bool) - You can use Mandatory (bool) - You can use
for False: 0, no, or false. For for False: 0, no, or false. For for False: 0, no, or false. For
True: 1, yes, or true. True: 1, yes, or true. True: 1, yes, or true.

True False False

False False False
Were you previously enrolled for credPreviouslyEnrolledIfYes Do you intend to apply for Financial A
Mandatory (bool) - You can use Optional This is an optional Mandatory (bool) - You can use
for False: 0, no, or false. For extension field. (text) - Please for False: 0, no, or false. For
True: 1, yes, or true. enter string data less than 125 True: 1, yes, or true.
characters in length.

False True
False False
How Will You Pay For Your Tuition Citizenship Status IfNoWhatIsYourCountryOfOrigin
Mandatory (text) - Please enter Mandatory (text) - US Citizen, US Optional This is an optional
string data less than 250 Permanent Resident, US extension field. (text) - Please
characters in length. Permanent Resident, or Other enter string data less than 125
(Case Sensitive) characters in length.

Financial Aid US Citizen

Paying for myself US Citizen
BeginningDatePhysicalPresenceInCol State Of Issued ID HowLongHaveYouBeenAResident
Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional
extension field. (text) - Please extension field. (text) - Please extension field. (text) - Please
enter string data less than 125 enter string data less than 125 enter string data less than 125
characters in length. characters in length. characters in length.

1/1/2017 12:00:00 AM 58
Preferred Program Session Certificate Type Class Level
Mandatory (text) - Please enter Mandatory (text) - Please enter Mandatory (text) - Please enter
string data less than 150 string data less than 150 string data less than 150
characters in length. characters in length. characters in length.

Afternoon One Year Certificate Y1 - Year One of Program

Afternoon One Year Certificate Y1 - Year One of Program
Semester Status StudentDivision Do you give permission to Additional
Mandatory (text) - Please enter Optional This is an optional Mandatory (bool) - You can use
string data less than 150 extension field. (text) - Please for False: 0, no, or false. For
characters in length. enter string data less than 75 True: 1, yes, or true.
characters in length.

S1 - Semester 1
S2 - Semester 2 False
Do you give permission to EmergencyCounty EnglishLanguageLearnerIfYes
Mandatory (bool) - You can use Mandatory (numeric) - Enter Optional This is an optional
for False: 0, no, or false. For County ID by Index: 001- Adams, extension field. (text) - Please
True: 1, yes, or true. 005- Arapahoe, 013- Boulder, enter string data less than 125
014- Broomfield, 031- Denver, characters in length.
035- Douglas, 039- Elbert, 041-
El Paso, 055- Huerfano, 059-
031 069- Larimer, 101- EVigil7985
False 005
AreThereAnySpecialConsiderations PreferredProgramSessionAlternate DidYouReceiveAHSDiplomaOrGEDIfY
Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional
extension field. (text) - Please extension field. (text) - Please extension field. (date) - Please,
enter string data less than 250 enter string data less than 75 use the format MM/DD/YYYY.
characters in length. characters in length.

7/20/2023 12:00:00 AM
InOutOfState DateConferred IsSemesterUpdated
Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional
extension field. (text) - Please extension field. (date) - Please, extension field. (bool) - You can
enter string data less than 50 use the format MM/DD/YYYY. use for False: 0, no, or false. For
characters in length. True: 1, yes, or true.

In State False
In State False
StudentWarning RegisterAfter FutureProgram
Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional
extension field. (bool) - You can extension field. (date) - Please, extension field. (text) - Please
use for False: 0, no, or false. For use the format MM/DD/YYYY. enter string data less than 125
True: 1, yes, or true. characters in length.
FutureSemester FuturePreferredProgramSession FutureStatus
Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional
extension field. (text) - Please extension field. (text) - Please extension field. (text) - Please
enter string data less than 125 enter string data less than 125 enter string data less than 125
characters in length. characters in length. characters in length.
FutureTerm ImportResult UsingVABenefits
Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional Optional This is an optional
extension field. (text) - Please extension field. (text) - Please extension field. (bool) - You can
enter string data less than 125 enter string data less than 4000 use for False: 0, no, or false. For
characters in length. characters in length. True: 1, yes, or true.

Optional This is an optional
extension field. (date) - Please,
use the format MM/DD/YYYY.

8/8/2023 12:00:00 AM
8/8/2023 12:00:00 AM

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