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(800) 822-4221

The Right Questions

1. Motivation Must you sell first or buy first?
Are you working with a real estate agent now?
Open vs. Closed Questions What locations are you considering?
What type of home are you looking for?
Who Do
What Are What is your phone number?
When Is My name is ____, what is yours?
Where Could Seek areas of discontent
Why Would Are you tired of looking at ads?
How Will Have you been getting too many or too few returned phone
Tell me about... Have calls on available properties?
Describe... Any Who helped you purchase your last home?
Explain that... Can Have you missed seeing any homes before they sold?
Elaborate... Did
Where are you looking? Is this the area you want?
Ask for an appointment, follow-up
I would like to visit with you. When could we meet?
When do you...? Do you need to move soon?
I could save you a lot of time. Would you like some help?
Convert reasons and features to emotions
I can provide you immediate access to new listings.
Of all the things you’re trying to accomplish in this move,
which is the most important? Did you know it’s possible to access all the homes for sale
while working with only one real estate agent?
Why is that your favorite room?
Would you be interested in having an agent represent you in
Recall the home in which you were raised. What were some of this process?
your favorite parts of it?
Describe the feelings your new home would give you.
Respond to: “We don’t want to give our name.”
May I ask why?
How will you use that feature?
Have you had a bad experience in the past?
How will that make you feel?
If you knew I’d only contact you with quality homes, would
What do you consider to be the opposite of that (feature, style, that be OK?
etc.) and how does that make you feel?
If I had the perfect home would you want to be notified?
What would you give up to get the most important feature?
Respond to: “We just want to drive by.”
Reflect and follow-up If you don’t like it, what will you do?
Let me summarize what you’ve said so far. Is that accurate? Would you like to drive by some others?
Let me see if I understand what you’re saying. Would you have purchased your present home from a drive-by?
That’s interesting; tell me more about that. (Yes) Then obviously the exterior is most important.
Please elaborate on that. (No) Then you may wish to inspect the inside.
Tell me more.
2a. Referrals
2. Telephone Techniques Questions to your contacts
The opening call Is this a good time to call or shall I call later?
We sure appreciate your inquiry. What attracted you to this home? I have a business reason for calling today. May I ask for your help?
How many homes do you think you’ve called on so far? Would you want your friends to receive the same level of
If this home doesn't work for you, would you like to hear of others? service I provided you?
How is your house hunting going? In your opinion, which of your friends, associates, etc. do you
feel will be the next to move?
What other homes have you circled?
Who do you know who’s outgrowing their home?
My name is ____. What is yours?
Who has indicated an interest in moving to this area?
Determine urgency and analyze needs
How soon do you need to move?
Questions for the referred person
I was just talking to _________ and they suggested that I
How long have you been looking? contact you and introduce myself.
How many homes have you seen? How long have you been in your home?
Have you seen anything you’ve liked? How much longer do you plan to stay in your present home?
(Liked) Why didn’t you buy it? What situations do you anticipate which may cause you to
If I knew of a home, would you want to know about it? consider moving?
If you found a home this week, what would you do? In your opinion, which of your friends, associates, etc. will be
Where are you living now? the next to move?
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The Mentor Series II® Student Workbook

3. Open Houses 5. Expired Listings

Greeting Call for an appointment
What attracted you to this home? My name is __. I noticed that your listing had expired.
Did you see our ad or did you drive by and see the sign? Have you relisted your home yet?
May I show you or would you prefer to see it on your own? Where are you moving?
Determine buyer’s situation Would you still like to sell?
How soon do you need to move? I would like to see it. Will you be home late this afternoon?
How long have you been looking? May I stop by and see your home at that time?
If you found a home that met your needs, what would you do? Respond to: “Why do you want to see it?”
What is your present housing situation? There are only three reasons for an expired listing; perhaps I
Probe for discontent or the need to work can help determine which one it is.
with an agent Respond to: “We’re not ready to list.”
At what stage are you in your buying process? I understand that. At this time I’d only like to see your home.
Is ___ o’clock all right?
What are you looking for that you haven’t found?
Would it be all right if I stopped by to see it anyway?
Have you been able to see all the available homes?
Have you discussed purchasing and financing arrangements
Respond to: “Do you have a buyer?“
with an agent? A prospect isn’t a buyer until they’ve seen your home and made
an offer. If I have a prospect, may I show it to them?
Would you like some help?
Without seeing your home I don’t know. May I stop by?
Ask for an appointment
What time could we get together and visit later today?
Respond to: “Where were you when it was listed?!”
We all have a mutual agreement to respect your privacy during
I have access to information on hundreds of homes. May we get the term of the listing.
together and visit for a while after the open house?
I’m available right after the open house. May I stop by then? Seller qualifying questions
Why do you think it didn’t sell?
4. FSBOs How do you think your home was priced?
Was it in saleable condition?
Call for an appointment
Marketing questions about previous listing
My name is ____. I’m calling to introduce myself. (Stop and
wait.) Is this a good time or shall I call later? How did you feel about the other company’s marketing?
Would it be OK if I stopped by to visit? How many ads did they run? How many open houses?
I’d like to see your home. May I stop by at ____? What was the response from the ads and open houses?
Questions for the first visit and/or property tour What kind of flyers were created for your home?
Why are you selling? How many showings did they have?
Where are you moving? Did you receive any written offers?
How soon do you need to be settled? What more do you expect a salesperson to do?
What is your asking price?
How did you arrive at that price?
6. Seller Counseling
How are you attempting to attract buyers? Pre-listing
How many prospects have you had? How did you hear of me?
What seems to be working for you? What prompted your call?
What results have you had so far? How soon do you want to place your home on the market?
Have you had any written offers? What other companies are you interviewing?
Were they financially and emotionally ready to buy? Do you have a friend in the business?
When you followed up, what was their response? What price range do you feel your home is in?
If you were to list, how would you choose the agent? What improvements have you made to your home?
Move towards a close or another appointment Rapport
Why did you decide to sell it yourself rather than list with a real Before we tour your home, I’d like to sit and visit with you.
estate agent? May we use this table?
How long will you attempt to sell it yourself before you What are the main things you’d like me to cover today?
consider a real estate agent? Tell me about yourself and your family?
If your buyer had a home to sell, would you want them to sell What do you like to do in your leisure time?
For Sale By Owner or use an agent?
Reasons and motivations for moving
In the event you do use a real estate agent, would you like to
see my marketing plan? How long have you thought about selling?
May I stop by in a couple of days? Why have you chosen to move now?
Why is that an important time to move?
What are your plans after the property sells?
Have you located another home yet?

44 Reprint Permission Granted by David Knox Productions, Inc. (800)822-4221 The Mentor Series II® Student Workbook

How do you feel about this move? OK, we’ll keep that in mind.
How does the rest of your family feel about this move? Isolate
What do you see as the biggest benefit/drawback of this move? If it weren’t for that, then how do you feel...?
Urgency If we could resolve that issue, then would you be interested?
How soon would you like to move? Question
Why is that an important time to move? If you did purchase this home anyway, what would you do
What would happen if it didn’t sell? about that?
How would your plans be affected if you moved earlier/later? Tell me why that is an issue.
If we found a buyer, how soon could you give possession? Answer the objection
Opinion of value What were the things that you didn’t like in the last home you
(See Tape 9 questions) bought?
Why did you buy it?
Previous experience in real estate transactions
How long have you lived in this home?
Tell me about your experiences in buying and selling real estate.
9. Pricing
How many homes have you owned? Opinion of value
Have you ever sold a home before? What have other homes in your area been selling for?
Experiences with other real estate agents How do they compare to yours?
Have you used a real estate agent before? What price were you thinking of asking for your home?
How have your past experiences been? How did you arrive at that price?
Do you have a friend in the business that you are considering? How did you determine the value of this home when you
bought it?
If you already have a friend in the business, is there any chance
you’d consider listing with me? Did you compare it to others at the time?
Expectations of a real estate agent How many other homes did you see in addition to this one?
What is your main reason for considering a real estate agent? What home in this area do you feel is most like yours?
Of all the services a real estate agent provides, which do you How do you think an asking price should be established?
consider to be the most important? Selecting an agent
What do you feel are the most important factors in selecting What criteria will you use to select your real estate agent?
an agent? On what will you base your listing decision, services,
Property and technical information marketing plan or listing price?
We will need to disclose to the buyer anything that isn’t What will you do if you get three different price opinions?
functioning. What items are in need of attention? What will you do if you think I’m the best agent, but I don’t
What problems are you currently having with anything in your have the highest price?
home, such as roof, basement, heating, electrical, Would you pay more than market value for a home just because
plumbing, wiring, etc.? an agent believed it was worth it?
Seeing a properly priced home
7. Listing Presentation Have you ever walked into a home that you knew was priced
Trial closing right? Were you more excited about buying it or making a
low offer?
How do you feel about our marketing plan?
Are you comfortable with what I’ve covered so far?
Discontent from previous home not selling
How long was your last home on the market?
What was that experience like for you?
How soon would you be ready to show your home?
How long do you want it on the market this time?
When could I have the first open house?
May I have an extra key for the lockbox?
Improvements and cost
What improvements did you make to this home?
I’d love to go to work for you. Is Sunday OK for an open house?
At that time were you planning to stay or move?
Servicing and marketing
If you’d known then that you were going to move now, would
How would you describe the characteristics of your you still have made those improvements? Why not?
Were your improvements made for enjoyment or resale?
What special situations should I be aware of when marketing
your home? If you had inherited this home, that is, paid nothing for it, what
would you try to get for it today?
How effective do you think classified advertising is in selling a
specific home? Direction of the market
Who do you know in your circle of acquaintances who might Do you feel that our market is rising, staying even or falling?
be interested in buying this home? Do you feel we’re in a “buyers” market or “sellers” market?
Previous appraisal
8. Resistance, Objections Regarding the previous appraisal made on your home, when
Acknowledge was it done and for what purpose?
So what you’re saying is... Financial requirements for purchase
It sounds like that’s an important issue to you. Are you aware of the financial requirements to purchase your
home at that price?
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The Mentor Series II® Student Workbook

What percentage of the local market do you think falls into this What (hobbies, leisure activities, pets, furniture) would you like
income bracket? to accommodate?
Respond to: “We need the money” Describe your favorite/worst features in your present home.
May I ask, why do you need that amount? Recall the homes in which you were raised. What were your
If you are unable to net that amount, what will you do? favorite and least favorite features.
Would you pay more for a home if you knew an owner really List these requirements in order of their importance.
needed the money? If you had to eliminate something, what would it be?
Respond to: “Does it hurt to try it for a while?” Financial qualifying
When do you think the majority of buyers see a home for sale? What price range did you have in mind?
At what point in the marketing period do you think owners How did you decide on that amount?
receive the best offers? The lenders will require four items of financial information:
After you see an overpriced home, what is your reaction to the cash, income, debt and credit. Would you like to go
next one if it’s priced right? through each of these now?
How long would you wait before you lowered the price? 1. How much total cash had you planned to invest?
Buying up in a down market 2. What is your annual combined gross income?
If you had sold at the peak of the market, would you have 3. What type of long term obligations, such as car
bought another home? How much would you have spent? payments or loan payments, do you have each month?
Quick sale preparation 4. Is there anything that will show up on a credit report that
If I had a buyer that I knew would like your home, could I show it we should resolve before the loan application?
to them now or would you prefer to wait a couple of weeks? Loyalty
I would like to commit to helping you find a home. I ask only
10. Buyer one thing in return, and that is that you work exclusively
with me. How do you feel about that arrangement?
Build rapport and obtain personal information Prepare the buyer for purchase
I’m interested in hearing about the work you do. What areas of the purchase agreement would you like me to
What do you two do in your time off? review?
Urgency The required earnest money amount is $#,###. Would you be
How soon would you like to move? able to transfer it to your checking account prior to our
Why is that an important time to move? showings?
How would your plans be affected if you moved (earlier/later)? How long do you expect it will take to find a home?
What would happen if you didn’t find a home by then? How would you feel if we found a home the first time out?
If we found a home tonight, what would you do? How many homes do you think you should see?
Reason How do you feel about paying full market value for a home?
Why did you decide to move now?
What will this move accomplish for you?
11. Showing Homes and Closing
Authority Showing, trial closing
What issues need to be resolved before the purchase? Do I sense that you are interested in this home?
Would you like to buy first or sell first? How do you feel about this home?
Who else will be involved in the purchase decision? How would you feel living here?
Experience How would you use this room?
How long have you lived in your present home? What do you like most about this home?
How many homes have you owned? Whose room would this be?
Have you seen anything you liked? Would you like to go through the home again?
(Yes) Why didn’t you buy the one you liked? Closing
(No) What are you looking for that you haven’t found? Shall I figure the payments for you?
Location Would you like to sit down and discuss the purchase of this
Where would you like to live?
When would you like to arrange for possession?
Where do you work?
Is $5,000 earnest money still OK?
How far from work do you want to be?
What financing would you like to use?
What neighborhoods interest you?
What are your school requirements?
Needs and priorities
Where do you visualize yourself spending the most time in
your new home?
Describe your lifestyle.
What items must be present in your next home?
What feature, or lack of, would immediately rule out a home?
Considering all your family members, what requirements do
they have?
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Listing Checklist
Pre-listing Checklist ■ Affiliation with national networks
7. Target marketing plan
1. Pre-listing letter ■ Describe the prospective purchaser: Age, marital status,
■ Prepare letter family situation, occupation, income, PITI, equity, savings,
2. Testimonials and references present home, present equity, financing, interests
■ List of satisfied past clients ■ Tailor a plan to reach that customer: Medium, mailing lists
■ List of transaction sides and mailings, special interest journals, neighborhoods,
■ Testimonial letters present prospects, networking, ad headlines, open houses,
■ Letter from broker advertising, personal networking system, databases of
■ Articles that support your points demographics, website, personal database coded by price
3. Productivity range, broker open houses to agents in that price range,
■ Production photo classifieds, corporate-type magazines
■ Tenure 8. (USP) Unique selling proposition, services
■ Show % of Sale Price you receive ■ Mortgage banking
■ Show % of Expirations vs. Board ■ Relocation affiliation
■ Show Days on Market vs. Board ■ Title insurance
4. Education ■ Home warranty
■ Education courses and certificates ■ Builder affiliate
■ Professional designations, credentials (GRI,CRS,LTG,etc.) ■ Distinctive Homes Division
5. Listing sequence ■ Guaranteed sale plan
■ Preparation ■ Closing services
■ Initial meeting 9. Technology
■ Determine motivation ■ Website; search by convenient parameters (show on laptop)
■ Present marketing plan ■ Voice mail and pager combination
■ Seller selects a real estate agent ■ Fax back info number
■ Establish price only after they have selected an agent ■ Computer database of clients and inquiries
10. Servicing and preparation
Listing Checklist ■ Full disclosure
■ Fair housing responsibility
1. Company information and capability ■ Agency
■ History ■ For Sale sign
■ Company size, offices, number of agents ■ Multiple Listing Service
■ Market share ■ Tour (schedule, benefits)
■ Sales map showing geographic strength ■ Open house (privacy, schedule)
■ Company % of Sale Price you receive ■ Showings (privacy, silence, lock box)
■ Company % of Expirations vs. Board ■ Communication (weekly, status)
■ Company Days on Market vs. Board ■ Progress report (showings, comments)
■ Unique factors: net gain over competition ■ Market position update
2. Service assurance money-back guarantee ■ Price adjustment
■ Points of service that we guarantee ■ Condition, marketing improvements
■ You don’t even pay me unless I do my job to your ■ Quick sale potential
satisfaction ■ Contract presentation and negotiation
■ Cancellation clause subject to performance 11. Marketing
3. Selling skills ■ Promote team effort
■ Availability: Website, HomeSource, Pager, Voice mail, E-mail ■ Ad policy and suggested copy
■ Exposure vs. Response to that exposure ■ Distribution of property information
■ Ability to convert suspects to prospects through questioning ■ Tour and meetings
■ Prequalification of buyers ■ Neighbors (tell 20 surrounding neighbors)
4. Marketing materials ■ Current prospects
■ Sample feature sheet, open house info sheet, and/or ad ■ Sphere of influence
■ Actual feature sheets prepared for this home ■ Co-op sales associates
■ Area profile ■ Special interest (plane, boat, racing, horses)
■ Information boxes ■ Lower priced homes/apartments
■ List/Sold cards ■ Special flyers, photo brochures
■ Personal brochures ■ Local businesses and organizations
■ Company brochures ■ Relocation services
5. Communication
■ Follow up feedback on showings
■ Progress reports
■ “When would you like us to call?”
6. Relocation services
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