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snow leopard

names: antonella
castillo, paz reyes
why these animals are in danger¿

The snow leopard is danger of extinction due to climate change due to climate change
due to the fragility of its high mountain habitat
The snow leopard population has decreased by 20% in the last two decades. Climate
change, tourism and poaching are the main causes.This big Asian cat from the panther
family is known for living in snowy areas and being rarely seen, so much so that it is
nicknamed "the Snow Ghost".
Snow leopard protection measures - how to help them?

Surely, after reading all of the above, you are wondering how we can help the snow
leopard so that it does not become extinct. The truth is that there are many things that
can be done, both by companies and organizations and by individuals. These are some of
the protection measures to help the irbis or snow leopard:

Various organizations and associations are carrying out snow leopard protection projects.
For example, WWF (World Wildlife Fund) works both globally to solve environmental
problems related to illegal hunting, as well as locally in these countries to improve the
status of this species and others.
You can help by contributing your grain of sand through these organizations and
associations, becoming a volunteer in them or contributing the necessary materials and/or
money so that they can continue with their work.
If you are going to visit the area where the snow leopard lives, remember to be respectful
of the entire environment, this will help this species and all the others in the area. You
have to be respectful both with nature and the spaces themselves, as well as directly with
the animals and with the local population. Here we tell you how to do sustainable tourism
or ecotourism.
If you find products derived from the illegal hunting of snow leopards in any market,
regardless of the country you are in, not only do not buy them, but you should report it to
the relevant authorities of the place and, if it is not illegal there , at least notify
organizations and associations such as WWF of the situation.
If you see suspicious activity or people breaking the law in the area, let them know that
they are acting wrong, for example if they are throwing garbage on the mountain, and
then if you see that they do not change their behavior, or if the activity itself is
dangerous, then contact with the local authorities and denounce the situation.
Make use of the 3Rs of ecology to help the environment around the world, including the
areas where the irbis or ounce lives.
Help make other people aware of these types of problems, not only with the snow leopard,
but with all affected species, both animals and plants.
what can you do to help¿

We can't do anything directly, but we can take care of the environment, not throw paper on
the ground, take care of nature so as not to pollute the air, try to ban hunting and other things
to avoid extinction

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