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Justification for the Research on the Impact of the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) on

Human Security in the Lake Chad Basin

The proposed thesis on the impact of the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) on human security in

the Lake Chad Basin is timely and significant for several reasons. Firstly, the Lake Chad Basin

region has been plagued by persistent insecurity due to the activities of insurgent groups like

Boko Haram, leading to widespread displacement, loss of lives, and socio-economic instability.

Understanding the role of CJTF, a local volunteer force formed to counter these threats, is crucial

in assessing its effectiveness in enhancing human security.

Secondly, while CJTF has been lauded for its efforts in providing security at the grassroots level,

there is a lack of comprehensive research on its impact on various dimensions of human security,

including physical safety, livelihoods, access to basic services, and community cohesion. This

thesis can fill this gap by conducting a thorough analysis of CJTF's strategies, actions, and

outcomes, providing valuable insights for policymakers, humanitarian organizations, and

security forces operating in the region.

Furthermore, the study holds implications beyond the Lake Chad Basin, as it can offer lessons

and best practices for similar contexts worldwide where local volunteer forces play a significant

role in addressing security challenges. By shedding light on the successes, challenges, and

potential areas for improvement of CJTF, the thesis can contribute to informed decision-making

and the development of more effective approaches to enhancing human security in conflict-

affected regions.

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