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EDU 259

EDU 530

1. It is the pattern of movement or change that begins at conception and continues

through the life span.
a. Growth
b. Development
c. Heredity
d. Environmental

2. It refers to quantitative changes in an individual as he progresses in chronological

age. It also may refer to increases in size, weight, or height.
a. Growth
b. Development
c. Heredity
d. Environment

3. Refers to community where the child lives, socioeconomic status, child-rearing

practices of parents, nurture.
a. Growth
b. Development
c. Heredity
d. Environment

4. It refers to innate, equipped at birth, from parents’ genes, nature.

a. Growth
b. Development
c. Heredity
d. Environment

5. What factors are innate characteristics with which the child is equipped at birth?
a. Growth factors
b. Development factors
c. Heredity factors
d. Environmental factors

6. What factors includes the environment where the child lives, family atmosphere,
methods of child training, the family constellation, the total social community,
maternal nutrition, and the socioeconomic factors?
a. Growth factors
b. Development factors
c. Heredity factors
d. Environmental factors

7. The baby coos first, then babbles before being able to say “ ma-ma” and “da-da”.
What principle of development is described?
a. Development is sequential and orderly.
b. Developmental patterns show wide individual differences.
c. Development is a product of the interaction of the organism and its environment.
d. Developmental patterns show wide individual differences.
8. The child will learn first letters of the alphabet before learning to read words and
a. Development proceeds from the simple to the more complex.
b. Growth and development proceed from general to specific.
c. Growth and development are continuous process.
d. Development depends on maturation and learning.

9. The development of one person is not the same with other persons. No two
persons are exactly alike.
a. Developmental patterns show wide individual differences.
b. Growth and development proceed from general to specific.
c. Growth and development are continuous process.
d. Development depends on maturation and learning.

10. As long as a person lives, development continues to take place, may not
physically but emotionally, socially and even intellectually.
a. Developmental patterns show wide individual differences.
b. Growth and development proceed from general to specific.
c. Growth and development are continuous process.
d. Development depends on maturation and learning.

11. Aside from growth, maturation and learning also play at one’s development.
a. Developmental patterns show wide individual differences.
b. Growth and development proceed from general to specific.
c. Growth and development are continuous process.
d. Development depends on maturation and learning.

12. All children follow the same sequence or order of development. All normal
children learn how to crawl first before learning how to walk, then learning how to run
(in sequence or order), but they differ only in speed or pace due to individual
a. Developmental patterns show wide individual differences.
b. Development is sequential and orderly.
c. Growth and development are continuous process.
d. Development depends on maturation and learning.

13. The infant will pick the object with the whole hand (palmar grasp) before learning
to pick it up with fingers.
a. Developmental patterns show wide individual differences.
b. Development is sequential and orderly.
c. Growth and development proceed from general to specific.
d. Development depends on maturation and learning.

14. The family of Rosita is known as painters and artists. Rosita inherited that talent,
but in order to fully develop that skill, that talent should be nurtured. She should be
given opportunities to develop that skill, materials, time, and support from family and
environment where she lives.
a. Development is a product of the interaction of the organism and its environment.
b. Development is sequential and orderly.
c. Growth and development proceed from general to specific.
d. Development depends on maturation and learning.

15. Benedicta, aged 2 can now speak fluently. Her father, Pepito exhibited the same
skill when he was a small child then.
a. Growth
b. Development
c. Heredity
d. Environment

16. Soledad would often hit her classmates every time she does not want what they
are doing. People say that she was influenced by her yaya who also hit her every
time she misbehaves at home.
a. Growth
b. Development
c. Heredity
d. Environment

17. Eustaquia and Anita are both 7-year-olds yet, Anita lags behind in reading ability.
What principle of development is described?
a. Developmental patterns show wide individual differences.
b. Development is sequential and orderly.
c. Growth and development are continuous process.
d. Development depends on maturation and learning.

18. Joselitos is a tall basketball player. His father is also tall. Furthermore, because of
good nutrition and constant exercise and practice, he even grew taller than his father.
Which principle of development is described?
a. Development is a product of the interaction of the organism and its environment.
b. Development is sequential and orderly.
c. Growth and development proceed from general to specific.
d. Development depends on maturation and learning.

19. Natividad is good in drawing and painting. They say that she got that talent from
her mother who is a well-known artist.
a. Growth
b. Development
c. Heredity
d. Environment

20. When Bonifacio was 1 year old, he picked up his candy with his whole hand. At 3
years old, he can now pick up his food using his two fingers. What principle of
growth and development is described?
a. Development is a product of the interaction of the organism and its environment.
b. Development is sequential and orderly.
c. Growth and development proceed from general to specific.
d. Development depends on maturation and learning.

EDU 531

1. What is APA stands for?

a. American Psychological Association
b. American Physical Association
c. Asia Psychological Association
d. Asia Physical Association

2. It the perspective that couples a focus on individual learners - their heredity,

experiences, perspectives, backgrounds, talents, interests, capacities, and needs.
a. Classroom centered
b. Learner centered
c. Subject centered
d. Teacher centered

3. The 14 principles are divided into those referring to, EXCEPT;

a. Cognitive and metacognitive
b. Experience and Community
c. Developmental and social
d. Individual difference factors

4. The learning of complex subject matter is most effective when it is an international

process of constructing meaning from information and experience.
a. Goals of the Learning Process
b. Construction of Knowledge
c. Strategic Thinking
d. Nature of Learning Process

5. The successful learner, over time and with support and instructional guidance, can
create meaningful, coherent representations of knowledge.
a. Goals of the Learning Process
b. Construction of Knowledge
c. Strategic Thinking
d. Nature of Learning Process

6. The successful learner can link new information with existing knowledge in
meaningful ways.
a. Goals of the Learning Process
b. Construction of Knowledge
c. Strategic Thinking
d. Nature of Learning Process

7. The successful learner can create and use a repertoire of thinking and reasoning
strategies to achieve complex learning goals.
a. Goals of the Learning Process
b. Construction of Knowledge
c. Strategic Thinking
d. Nature of Learning Process

8. Successful learners can reflect on how they think and learn, set reasonable
learning or performances goals, select potentially appropriate learning strategies or
methods, and monitor their progress towards these goals.
a. Thinking about thinking
b. Context of Learning
c. Motivational and emotional influences on learning
d. Intrinsic motivation to learn

9. Learning is influenced by environmental factors, including culture, technology and

instructional practices.
a. Thinking about thinking
b. Context of Learning
c. Motivational and emotional influences on learning
d. Intrinsic motivation to learn
10. The rich internal world of thoughts, beliefs, goals, and expectation for success or
failure can enhance or nterfere with the learner’s quality of thinking and information
a. Thinking about thinking
b. Context of Learning
c. Motivational and emotional influences on learning
d. Intrinsic motivation to learn

11. Intrinsic motivation is stimulated by tasks of optimal novelty and difficulty, relevant
to personal interests, and providing for personal choice and control.
a. Thinking about thinking
b. Context of Learning
c. Effects of motivation on effort
d. Intrinsic motivation to learn

12. Effort is another major indicator of motivation to learn. The acquisition of complex
knowledge and skills demands the investment of considerable learner energy and
strategic effort, along with persistence over time.
a. Thinking about thinking
b. Context of Learning
c. Effects of motivation on effort
d. Intrinsic motivation to learn

13. What are the two dimensions of Metacognition?

a. Metacognitive knowledge and Metacognitive regulation
b. Metacognition knowledge and Metacognition regulation
c. Cognitive knowledge and Cognitive regulation
d. Metacognitive and Cognitive

14. It refers to what learners know about learning.

a. Metacognition regulation
b. Metacognitive knowledge
c. Cognitive knowledge
d. Cognitive regulation

15. During this phase learners think about the learning goal the teacher has set and
consider how they will approach the task and which strategies they will use.
a. Monitoring phase
b. Evaluation phase
c. Planning phase
d. None of the above

16. During this phase learners implement their plan and monitor the progress they
are making towards their learning goal.
a. Monitoring phase
b. Evaluation phase
c. Planning phase
d. None of the above

17. During this phase students determine how successful the strategy they used was
in helping them to achieve their learning goal.
a. Monitoring phase
b. Evaluation phase
c. Planning phase
d. None of the above

18. Students might decide to make changes to the strategies they are using if these
are not working. As students work through the task, it will help them to ask
themselves: ‘Is the strategy that I am using working?’
a. Monitoring phase
b. Evaluation phase
c. Planning phase
d. None of the above

19. At this stage, it is helpful for learners to ask themselves: ‘What am I being asked
to do?’ ‘Which strategies will I use?’
a. Monitoring phase
b. Evaluation phase
c. Planning phase
d. None of the above

20. How many principles in Learner-centered?

a. 10
b. 13
c. 14
d. 12

EDU 532

1. It is the combination of instructional practices, learning experiences, and students'

performance assessment that are designed to bring out and evaluate the target
learning outcomes of a particular course.
a. Subject
b. Curriculum
c. Syllabus
d. Course

2. It deals with the parts into which learning can be divided.

a. Subject
b. Curriculum
c. Syllabus
d. Course

3. It is usually an individual subject. It has a fixed program of learning sessions

completed by the learners.
a. Subject
b. Curriculum
c. Syllabus
d. Course

4. It is a document that contains important information about specific subject or

a. Subject
b. Curriculum
c. Syllabus
d. Course

5. It refers to a defined domain of knowledge and skill in an academic program.

a. Subject
b. Content
c. Syllabus
d. Course

6. It deals with a purposeful direction of the learning process. This is carried out by
the teacher.
a. Instructional Strategies
b. Instructional Plan
c. Instruction
d. Learning Outcomes

7. These are set of learning techniques that encourage students to take more of an
active role in learning.
a. Instructional Strategies
b. Instructional Plan
c. Instruction
d. Learning Outcomes

8. It measurable skills, abilities, knowledge or values that students should be able to

demonstrate as a result of a completing a lesson or course.
a. Instructional Strategies
b. Instructional Plan
c. Instruction
d. Learning Outcomes

9. It is a process of the teacher using appropriate curricula for create learning plans.
a. Instructional Strategies
b. Instructional Plan
c. Instruction
d. Learning Outcomes

10. This view highlights that discipline is the sole source of curriculum.
a. Instructional Strategies
b. Traditional Point of View of Curriculum
c. Progressive Point of View of Curriculum
d. Learning Outcomes

11. It views that curriculum is total learning experiences of the individual.

a. Instructional Strategies
b. Traditional Point of View of Curriculum
c. Progressive Point of View of Curriculum
d. Learning Outcomes

12. What type of curriculum is commonly proposed by scholars and professional

a. Recommended curriculum
b. Taught curriculum
c. Written curriculum
d. Assessed curriculum

13. Which curriculum is visible in school, district, division or country documents?

a. Recommended curriculum
b. Taught curriculum
c. Written curriculum
d. Assessed curriculum

14. Which curriculum includes varied activities that are implemented in order to arrive
at the objectives or purposes of the written curriculum?
a. Recommended curriculum
b. Taught curriculum
c. Written curriculum
d. Assessed curriculum

15. Which curriculum is concerned with materials that should support or help in the
implementation of written curriculum?
a. Supported curriculum
b. Recommended curriculum
c. Assessed curriculum
d. Written curriculum

16. What type of curriculum pertains to the learning outcomes achieved by the
a. Recommended curriculum
b. Assessed curriculum
c. Written curriculum
d. Learned curriculum

17. Which curriculum is concerned with the unintended curriculum?

a. Hidden curriculum
b. Concomitant curriculum
c. phantom curriculum
d. Assessed curriculum

18. What type of curriculum is taught at home and can be based on family
a. Hidden curriculum
b. Concomitant curriculum
c. Phantom curriculum
d. Assessed curriculum

19. Which type of curriculum refers to the messages prevalent in and through
exposure to any type of media?
a. Hidden curriculum
b. Concomitant curriculum
c. Phantom curriculum
d. Assessed curriculum

20. Which type of curriculum refers to a tested or evaluated curriculum.

a. Hidden curriculum
b. Concomitant curriculum
c. Phantom curriculum
d. Assessed curriculum

EDU 533

1. Teacher jojo does not wait for the end of the quarter to find out how much the
students have learned. With which does he agree?
a. Summative assessment
b. Formative assessment
c. Authentic assessment
d. Criterion-referenced assessment

2. To what extent were the objectives of the subject met?” is a concern of the process
of ___ what type of assessment?
a. Summative assessment
b. Formative assessment
c. Authentic assessment
d. Criterion-referenced assessment

3. Teacher Ria gives effective feedback, point out learners’ progress and constantly
innovates her assessment tools. She practices what role of assessment?
a. Summative assessment
b. Formative assessment
c. Authentic assessment
d. Criterion-referenced assessment

4. Ms. Reyes advocates assessment for learning. Which will she NOT likely do?
a. Summative assessment
b. Formative assessment
c. Authentic assessment
d. Criterion-referenced assessment

5. Which of these refers to assessment that allows learners to perform or create

products that are based on real-world context?
a. Summative assessment
b. Formative assessment
c. Authentic assessment
d. Criterion-referenced assessment

6. When a teacher gives out assessment activities that provide information to both
teachers and student on how they can improve their teaching and learning process,
he performs what role of assessment?
a. Summative assessment
b. Formative assessment
c. Authentic assessment
d. Criterion-referenced assessment

7. If a student earns 95, 96, 80 and 75 for the first to 4th quarter, his average is ___
a. 86
b. 85
c. 86.5
d. 85.5

8. Assessment is being used to determine the requirements of learners in order to

alter education or classroom activities and attempts to discover any discrepancies
between the learning experience and the the curricular outcomes in order to close
such gaps.
a. Assessment of learning
b. Assessment for learning
c. Assessment as learning
d. Assessment in learning
9. Which purpose of classroom assessment is usually summative in nature, and is
used to establish whether or not learners have gained the necessary information and
abilities as a result of training, and whether or not they have been able to meet the
curricular outcomes?
a. Assessment of learning
b. Assessment for learning
c. Assessment as learning
d. Assessment in learning

10. This type of assessment is intended to assist learners learn and develop self-
regulation, as well as prepare for future curricular modifications to become self-
regulated. Which purpose of classroom assessment is being described?
a. Assessment of learning
b. Assessment for learning
c. Assessment as learning
d. Assessment in learning

11. Mr. cruz wants to evaluate his student’s performance in his creative writing class.
What is possibly the best method to use?
a. Written test
b. Performance test
c. Completion test
d. Matching type test

12. Teacher Sam discovered that his pupils are very good in impromptu speech.
Which tool has helped him discover his pupils’ strength?
a. Written test
b. Performance test
c. Completion test
d. Matching type test

13. Given a complete instructional objective: “without reference to a book, students

will be able to identify the Philippine presidents with their corresponding contributions
to the country at 90% accuracy”. Which of the following below BEST assess the
given learning target?
a. Written test
b. Performance test
c. Completion test
d. Matching type test

14. Cloze test is similar to___

a. Written test
b. Performance test
c. Completion test
d. Matching type test

15. Which level can you associate the verb “label” with?
a. Analyzing
b. Remembering
c. Applying
d. Understanding
16. Ms. Gabasa wanted her students to identify the grammatical errors in a sentence.
This learning outcome exemplify which cognitive level?
a. Analyzing
b. Remembering
c. Applying
d. Understanding

17. “what approach would you use to overcome pollution?” this question is example
of which level of thinking skill in bloom’s taxonomy?
a. Analyzing
b. Remembering
c. Applying
d. Understanding

18. Find the median of 6 students in a math

class if the scores were 10, 11, 12, 18, 19.
a. 10
b. 13
c. 12
d. 14

19. In the k-12 basic education program, the minimum grade to pass a specific
learning area is ____.
a. 70
b. 65
c. 60
d. 55

20. What is the median in these given scores: 53, 51, 28, 44, 37?
a. 28
b. 30
c. 44
d. 37

EDU 534

1. It refers to the characteristics of Hypermedia where the leamer has control on

such aspects as sequence, pace, content, media, feedback, etc. that he/she may
encounter in the hypermedia learning program.
a. Learner control
b. Learner wide range of navigation routes
c. Variety of Media
d. None of the above

2. The following are dimensions of flexible learning, EXCEPT:

a. Support
b. Time
c. Pedagogy
d. Classroom

3. Teacher Ely uses videotaped classes in her English Class. What type of distance
learning is being described?
a. Asynchronous Distance Learning
b. Active Distance Learning
c. Synchronous Distance Learning
d. Dynamic Distance Learning

4. It is a great way to reinforce your lesson and engage your students. Examples are
Classcraft, Sheppard Sortware, Fun Brain, PBS Kids Games and National
Geographic Kids Games.
a. Videos
b. Computer Games
c. Research
d. Presentations

5. It enables students to quickly and easily collect information from a wide range of
credible online resources.
a. Videos
b. Computer Games
c. Research
d. Presentations

6. It is a great way to get students excited about learning. Examples are Brainpop,
National Geographic Kids and Nationa Geographic in YouTube.
a. Videos
b. Computer Games
c. Research
d. Presentations

7. PowerPoint is definitely a favorite that can be used with all ages, another one is
Prezi, it is another excellent online presentation resource for students, it gives them a
bit more freedom and creativity in how they choose to present the information and
transition between "slides".
a. Videos
b. Computer Games
c. Research
d. Presentations

8. This allows everyone to get an immediate idea of how the student is doing.
a. Teacher Websites
b. Digital Textbooks
c. Grades
d. Video Conferencing

9. Teachers can post material that either goes with the lesson or more in depth so
that the students who are interested can learn more about a particular subject.
a. Teacher Websites
b. Digital Textbooks
c. Grades
d. Video Conferencing

10. It allows students to practice and improve their public speaking and presentation
a. Teacher Websites
d. Video Conferencing
c. Grades
b. Digital Textbooks
11. Repeatedly sending nasty, mean, and insulting messages. What type of
cyberbullying is being described?
a. Impersonation
b. Trickery
c. Cyberstalking
d. Harassment

12. Talking someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing information, then

sharing it online. What type of cyberbullying is being described?
a. Impersonation
b. Trickery
c. Cyberstalking
d. Harassment

13. Pretending to be someone else by sending or posting material to get that person
in trouble or danger or to damage that person's reputation or friendships.
a. Impersonation
b. Trickery
c. Cyberstalking
d. Flaming

14. Online fights using electronic messages with angry and vulgar language.
a. Impersonation
b. Trickery
c. Cyberstalking
d. Flaming

15. Repeated, intense harassment and denigration that includes threats or creates
significant fear.
a. Impersonation
b. Denigration
c. Cyberstalking
d. Flaming

16. "Dissing" someone online. Sending or posting gossip or rumors about a person to
damage his or her reputation or friendships.
a. Impersonation
b. Denigration
c. Cyberstalking
d. Flaming

17. The following are digital safety rules to help you avoid getting into trouble online,
a. Practicing Safe Browsing
b. Make Sure your Internet Connection is Publicized.
c. Choose Strong Passwords
d. Be Careful What you Post

18. It is an authentic website storing the originals from various big websites. This is
one of the best website imparting free and accessible knowledge.
a. EdX
b. Internet Archive
c. Big Think
d. Coursera
19. It is a user friendly website. Students can find big universities and a sharable
electronic Course Certificate.
a. EdX
b. Internet Archive
c. Big Think
d. Coursera

20. Copyright includes the following, EXCEPT:

a. Literary works
b. Musical works, including any accompanying words
c. Dramatic works, including any accompanying music
d. Product brands

EDU 535

1. It is the process of gathering quantitative and/or qualitative data for the purpose of
making Decisions.
a. Assessment of learning
b. Assessment for learning
c. Assessment
d. Alternative Assessment

2. It is a systematic and purpose-oriented collection, analysis, and interpretation of

evidence of students learning in order to make informed decisions relevant to the
a. Assessment of learning
b. Assessment for learning
c. Assessment
d. Alternative Assessment

3. Is formative in nature, and is meant to identify gaps in the learning experiences of

students, so they can be assisted in achieving the curriculum outcomes.
a. Assessment of learning
b. Assessment for learning
c. Assessment
d. Alternative Assessment

4. Which assessment strategies is to provide information on student learning. It could

be objective or subjective.
a. Assessment of learning
b. Assessment
c. Alternative Assessment
d. Traditional Assessment

5. Which assessment strategies is use to collect information on student learning.

a. Assessment of learning
b. Assessment
c. Alternative Assessment
d. Traditional Assessment

6. Which assessment focuses on determining the effects of instruction on students.

a. Developmental assessment
b. Emergent assessment
c. Authentic assessment
d. Alternative Assessment
7. Which assessment focuses on determining the extent that students have
developed their competencies from Instruction.
a. Developmental assessment
b. Emergent assessment
c. Authentic assessment
d. Alternative Assessment

8. It is the most popular model for alternative assessment.

a. Developmental assessment
b. Emergent assessment
a. Authentic assessment
b. Alternative Assessment

9. An assessment gives equal importance to student performance or product and the

process they engage in to perform or produce a product.
a. Assessment should reflect real-life or real-world contexts.
b. Assessment can include a measure of non-cognitive learning outcomes.
c. Assessment should focus on higher-order cognitive outcomes.
d. Assessment is both process and product-oriented.

10. For assessment to be valid and authentic, it should require students to

demonstrate their knowledge.
a. Assessment should reflect real-life or real-world contexts.
b. Assessment can include a measure of non-cognitive learning outcomes.
c. Assessment should focus on higher-order cognitive outcomes.
d. Assessment is both process and product-oriented.

11. The traditional assessment focuses on knowledge and other cognitive learning
a. Assessment should reflect real-life or real-world contexts.
b. Assessment can include a measure of non-cognitive learning outcomes.
c. Assessment should focus on higher-order cognitive outcomes.
d. Assessment is both process and product-oriented.

12. Assessment tasks or activities should be authentic.

a. Assessment should reflect real-life or real-world contexts.
b. Assessment should focus on higher-order cognitive outcomes.
c. Assessment must be comprehensive and holistic.
d. Assessment should lead to student learning.

13. Assessment should be performed using a variety of strategies and tools designed
to assess student learning in a more integrative way.
a. Assessment should reflect real-life or real-world contexts.
b. Assessment should focus on higher-order cognitive outcomes.
c. Assessment must be comprehensive and holistic.
d. Assessment should lead to student learning.

14. This means that assessment should be like classroom instruction.

a. Assessment should reflect real-life or real-world contexts.
b. Assessment should focus on higher-order cognitive outcomes.
c. Assessment must be comprehensive and holistic.
d. Assessment should lead to student learning.

15. Which type of learning target is purely factual knowledge and conceptual
a. Skill
b. Reasoning
c. Knowledge
d. Product

16. Which type of learning target is focuses on the thought process and application.
a. Skill
b. Reasoning
c. Knowledge
d. Product

17. What learning target refers to physical skill and performance. This would be
mostly knowing how to ‘do’ something.
a. Skill
b. Knowledge
c. Product
d. Affect or Disposition

18. What learning target addresses the creation of a product.

a. Skill
b. Knowledge
c. Product
d. Affect or Disposition

19. What learning target addresses the kind of attitude we want the students to have.
a. Skill
b. Knowledge
c. Product
d. Affect or Disposition

20. It is an assessment activity or set of activities that require students to generate

products or performances that provide direct or indirect evidence of their knowledge,
skills, and abilities in an academic content domain.
a. Developmental assessment
b. Emergent assessment
c. Performance assessment
d. Alternative Assessment

EDU 536

1. It is an important role in the development of individuals and societies.

a. School
b. Church
c. Office
d. None of the above

2. They are the ones who start to make a difference in this world.
a. Second Parent by virtue of Loco Parentis
b. Motivator
c. Prime Mover of Change
d. Presenter of Information

3. They are accountable to their own actions and decisions that concerned their
a. Second Parent by virtue of Loco Parentis
b. Motivator
c. Prime Mover of Change
d. Presenter of Information

4. It is the most common but crucial role of the teacher.

a. Second Parent by virtue of Loco Parentis
b. Motivator
c. Prime Mover of Change
d. Presenter of Information

5. Teachers are always challenged to provide their students novel resources in order
for the learners to go out of the box and further inspire them to build their own box.
a. Motivator
b. Innovator
c. Role Model
d. Leader

6. Teachers are there not only to instruct the children, but also to emotionally support
their students in their learning journey.
a. Motivator
b. Innovator
c. Role Model
d. Leader

7. Teachers can inspire others in their own simple way to act positively in solving the
problems confronting the community.
a. Motivator
b. Innovator
c. Role Model
d. Leader

8. Teacher is the one whose expertise is aligned with his or her area of
a. Motivator
b. Innovator
c. Trainer
d. Leader

9. It is a broad term and every society develops and evolves in a unique way as
influenced by various social factors and events.
a. Social change
b. Social
c. Society
d. None of the above

10. Technological advancement is impacting the finance industry ask new

challengers are emerging and growing customer expectations drive significant IT
infrastructure investment.
a. Business Operating Model Pressures
b. Global talent and skills race
c. Demographic and behavioral changes
d. Digitalization and technological advances

11. Regulation and the increasing cost of capital is exerting pressure on business
operating structures, driving segmentation, and disintermediation in the financial
a. Business Operating Model Pressures
b. Global talent and skills race
c. Demographic and behavioral changes
d. Digitalization and technological advances

12. Talent capable of navigating a rapidly evolving financial landscape will be

required to respond to increasing regulatory pressures, and changing approach to
see risk management in the emergence of new markets.
a. Business Operating Model Pressures
b. Global talent and skills race
c. Demographic and behavioral changes
d. Digitalization and technological advances

13. The changing demographics, geographical, and behavioral profile of customers

are forcing financial institutions to deal with divergent customer expectations, and
new customer bases and workforce.
a. Business Operating Model Pressures
b. Global talent and skills race
c. Demographic and behavioral changes
d. Digitalization and technological advances

14. Non-bank financial institutions, fintech companies, and new investors are bringing
fresh capital into the sector while banks meet capital requirements, manage stress
tests, and spend on compliance upgrades.
a. Business Operating Model Pressures
b. Global talent and skills race
c. Changes in investment, capital sources and returns
d. Regulatory changes and complexity

15. Regulatory pressures arising from the financial crisis have increased the cost of
capital, prompted large scale divestment, reshaped attitudes toward risk and redrawn
the boundary between retail and wholesale banking.
a. Business Operating Model Pressures
b. Global talent and skills race
c. Changes in investment, capital sources and returns
d. Regulatory changes and complexity

16. The ability to read to analyze and to use information in the digital world.
a. Technology Literation
b. Data Literation
c. Human Literation
d. None of the above

17. The ability to understand mechanical (system) work, to use the application of
technology like coding, artificial intelligence, and engineering principles.
a. Technology Literation
b. Data Literation
c. Human Literation
d. None of the above

18. This calls for development of leadership skills, social competence, collaboration
and teamwork, professionalism, and sets of values to be developed among students.
a. Technology Literation
b. Data Literation
c. Human Literation
d. None of the above
19. Tasks are divided among employees according to their field of expertise or field
of specialization.
a. Authority and Responsibility
b. Division of Work
c. Discipline
d. Unity of Direction

20. this ensures that all actions are properly coordinated and requires employees to
perform and carry out activities as one team leading to the same objectives using
one plan.
a. Authority and Responsibility
b. Division of Work
c. Discipline
d. Unity of Direction

EDU 537

1. It is used to describe an alteration of environment that allows an individual with a

disability to gain access to content.
a. Modification
b. Accommodation
c. Inclusion
d. Exclusion

2. It is used to describe a change in the curriculum made for students with disabilities
who are unable to comprehend all of the content an instructor is teaching.
a. Modification
b. Accommodation
c. Inclusion
d. Exclusion

3. It involves a detailed examination of how barriers to learning and participation can

be reduced for any student.
a. Modification
b. Accommodation
c. Inclusion
d. Mainstreaming

4. It is expected to show improvement in their social skills and academic

a. Modification
b. Accommodation
c. Inclusion
d. Mainstreaming
5. It seen as persons who are ill and meant to be treated or “made more normal”.
a. Functional model
b. Biomedical model
c. Moral model
d. Social model

6. It quite similar to the Biomedical model in that it sees the PWD as having deficits.
a. Functional model
b. Biomedical model
c. Moral model
d. Social model

7. It helps us recognize barriers that make life harder for disabled people.
a. Functional model
b. Biomedical model
c. Moral model
d. Social model

8. It sees disability as either a curse or blessing.

a. Functional model
b. Biomedical model
c. Moral model
d. Social model

9. It looks at what is “wrong” with the person, not what the person needs.
a. Right-based model
b. Medical model
c. Moral model
d. Social model

10. It is a framework that bears similarities with the social model.

a. Right-based model
b. Medical model
c. Moral model
d. Social model

11. He is known for his Social learning theory.

a. Albert Bandura
b. Albert Einstein
c. Erik Erikson
d. Jean Piaget

12. He believed that children take an active role in the learning process.
a. Albert Bandura
b. Albert Einstein
c. Erik Erikson
d. Jean Piaget

13. He believed that personality developed in a series of stages.

a. Albert Bandura
b. Albert Einstein
c. Erik Erikson
d. Jean Piaget

14. It defined as the biological changes that occurs in the body and brain.
a. Cognitive development
b. Physical development
c. Social-emotional development
d. Language development

15. It defined as the changes in the way we think.

a. Cognitive development
b. Physical development
c. Social-emotional development
d. Language development

16. The infants understand words before they can say.

a. Cognitive development
b. Physical development
c. Social-emotional development
d. Language development

17. it defined as the changes in the ways we connect.

a. Cognitive development
b. Physical development
c. Social-emotional development
d. Language development

18. It refers to students with extraordinary abilities in various academic areas.

a. Talent
b. Deafness
c. Giftedness

19. It is necessary to understand what sort of disabilities are considered hearing

a. Talent
b. Deafness
c. Giftedness

20. It is one of the most common neuro developmental disorders of childhood.

a. Talent
b. Deafness
c. Giftedness

EDU 538

1. It is a central thinking skill that a tertiary education seeks to develop in students.

a. Media & Cyber literacy
b. Globalization & Multicultural Literacy
c. Social & Financial Literacy
d. Critical literacy

2. It is a pre-reading skill by which the reader tries to gather as much information

about the text as he/she can before reading it.
a. contextualizing
b. previewing
c. summarizing
d. evaluating

3. Which category of conventional literacy is showcased when a learner applies

automatic cognitive processes such as recognizing words and reading fluently?
a. basic literacy
b. comprehension literacy
c. functional literacy
d. traditional literacy

4. Classroom activities that reading street signs, reading maps, or drafting a grocery
list are examples of which kind of new literacy?
a. intermediate literacy
b.comprehension literacy
c. basic literacy
d. functional literacy

5. It is a reading strategy that is conducted during and after reading.

a. contextualizing
b. previewing
c. summarizing
d. evaluating

6. What is a common keyword often used when defining literacy?

a. excellence
b. knowledge
c. competence
d experience

7. Which aspect is responsible for the rise of new technologies?

a. The growing aspect of ICT
b. NAAL's tasked-based
c. UNESCO's promotion of technology
d. Collaborative learning

8. This literacy is used to encompass the full range of cognitive, emotional, and social
competencies that includes the use of texts, tools, and technologies.
a. Media & Cyber literacy
b. Globalization & Multicultural Literacy
c. Social & Financial Literacy
d. Critical literacy

9. This literacy unity serves as a powerful tool in enabling students to gain a better
understanding of both their own culture and the cultures of others.
a. Media & Cyber literacy
b. Globalization & Multicultural Literacy
c. Social & Financial Literacy
d. Critical literacy

10. It is an active and complex process which includes the act of simultaneously
extracting and constructing meaning from text.
a. basic literacy
b. comprehension literacy
c. functional literacy
d. traditional literacy
11. The ability to read and write, or the ability to use language–to read, write, listen,
and speak.
a. basic literacy
b. comprehension literacy
c. functional literacy
d. traditional literacy

12. It refers to the capacity of a person to engage in all those activities in which
literacy is required for the effective function of his or her group and community.
a. basic literacy
b. comprehension literacy
c. functional literacy
d. traditional literacy

13. It refers to a particular set of competencies that allow you to function and
participate fully in a digital world.
a. ICT literacy
b. Socio-emotional literacy
c. Information literacy
d. digital literacy

14. It is the ability to find, evaluate, organize, use, and communicate information in all
its various formats, most notably in situations requiring decision-making, problem-
solving, or the acquisition of knowledge.
a. ICT literacy
b. Socio-emotional literacy
c. Information literacy
d. digital literacy

15. The ability of students to use digital technology, communication tools, and/or
networks appropriately to solve information problems to function in an information
a. ICT literacy
b. Socio-emotional literacy
c. Information literacy
d. digital literacy

16. It implies learning about the rhythms of emotions—in other words, learning some
skills for navigating the ups and downs of emotions at play within one's self.
a. ICT literacy
b. Socio-emotional literacy
c. Information literacy
d. digital literacy

17. It is essential skills that people need to be able to participate in the community,
education or training and the workplace.
a. Foundation skills
b. Interaction skills
c. Cognitive skills
d. Affective skills

18. A task that does not have a right or wrong answer, but which allows learners to
offer their own opinions and ideas or to respond creatively.
a. Open ended-tasks
b. Somatic experience
c. Nuance matters
d. Everything interacts

19. Which of the following critical reading strategies that placing a text in its historical,
biographical, and cultural contexts.
a. contextualizing
b. previewing
c. summarizing
d. evaluating

20. Which of the following critical reading strategies that creates a new text by
synthesizing the material of the original.
a. contextualizing
b. previewing
c. summarizing
d. evaluating

EDU 011

1. Henry Adams said: “A teacher affects eternity; no one knows where his influence
stops”. What does this question imply?
a. A teacher has power to influence generations.
b. A teacher lives long because he enjoys influencing students.
c. Teaching is eternity; there is no end to it for as long as there are children.
d. A teacher is so powerful that he cannot help but influence learners.

2. Teacher Ana claims she cares for students? Which is/are a manifestation of
genuine care?
I. Knows students
II. Creates a favorable learning atmosphere
III. Maintains professional distance with students

a. I, II and III
b. II and III
c. I and III
d. I and II

3. It is a type of job that requires special training and that brings a high status.
a. Professional
b. Profession
c. License
d. None of the above

4. A person who has competent skill and observe high standards in the job or activity
he or she does and abides by the code of ethics.
a. Professional
b. Profession
c. License
d. None of the above

5. From the following, which is/are manifestation of a professional teacher?

1. permissive
2. technically competent
3. honor student
4. highly ethical and moral
A. 1, 4 B. 1,3,4
C. 2, 4 D. 2,3,4

6. Which is not true of the society’s demand from the professional teacher?
a. showed competence in teaching.
b. provide learning environments that are exclusive, safe, secure, fair and supportive.
c. promote multiculturalism and responsive to learners’ diversity.
d. educational and community leaders.

7. What section from the Article XI: The Teacher as a Person stated that A teacher
shall place premium upon self-discipline as the primary principle of personal
behaviour in all relationships with others and in all situations.
a. Section 1
b. Section 2
c. Section 3
d. Section 4

8. What section from the Article XI: The Teacher as a Person stated that A teacher
shall always recognize the Almighty God as guide of his own destiny and of the
destinies of men and nations.
a. Section 1
b. Section 2
c. Section 3
d. Section 4

9. What section from the Article XI: The Teacher as a Person stated that A teacher is,
above all, a human being endowed with life for which it is the highest obligation to
live with dignity at all times whether in school, in the home, or elsewhere.
a. Section 1
b. Section 2
c. Section 3
d. Section 4

10. What section from the Article XI: The Teacher as a Person stated that A teacher
shall maintain at all times a dignified personality which could serve as a model worthy
of emulation by learners, peers and all others.
a. Section 1
b. Section 2
c. Section 3
d. Section 4

11. Henry Adams said: “A teacher affects eternity; no one knows where his influence
stops”. What does this question imply?
a. A teacher has power to influence generations.
b. A teacher lives long because he enjoys influencing students.
c. Teaching is eternity; there is no end to it for as long as there are children.
d. A teacher is so powerful that he cannot help but influence learners.

12. Teacher Ana claims she cares for students? Which is/are a manifestation of
genuine care?
I. Knows students
II. Creates a favorable learning atmosphere
III. Maintains professional distance with students
a. I, II and III
b. II and III
c. I and III
d. I and II

13. What section from the Article VIII: The Teachers and Learners stated that A
teacher shall recognize that the interest and welfare of learners are of first and
foremost concern, and shall deal justifiably and impartially with each of them.
a. Section 1
b. Section 2
c. Section 3
d. Section 4

14. What section from the Article VIII: The Teachers and Learners stated that A
teacher has a right and duty to determine the academic marks and the promotions of
learners in the subject or grades he handles, provided that such determination shall
be in accordance with generally accepted procedures of evaluation and
a. Section 1
b. Section 2
c. Section 3
d. Section 4

15. What section from the Article VIII: The Teachers and Learners stated that A
teacher shall not accept favours or gifts from learners, their parents or others in their
behalf in exchange for requested concessions, especially if undeserved.
a. Section 1
b. Section 2
c. Section 3
d. Section 4

16. What section from the Article VIII: The Teachers and Learners stated that Under
no circumstance shall a teacher be prejudiced or discriminate against a learner.
a. Section 1
b. Section 2
c. Section 3
d. Section 4

17. What section from the Article VIII: The Teachers and Learners stated that In a
situation where mutual attraction and subsequent love develop between teacher and
learner, the teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid scandal,
gossip and preferential treatment of the learner.
a. Section 5
b. Section 6
c. Section 7
d. Section 8

18. What section from the Article VIII: The Teachers and Learners stated that A
teacher shall not accept, directly or indirectly, any remuneration from tutorials other
what is authorized for such service.
a. Section 5
b. Section 6
c. Section 7
d. Section 8

19. What section from the Article VIII: The Teachers and Learners stated that A
teacher shall base the evaluation of the learner’s work only in merit and quality of
academic performance.
a. Section 6
b. Section 7
c. Section 8
d. Section 9

20. What section from the Article VIII: The Teachers and Learners stated that A
teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment on offending learners nor make
deductions from their scholastic ratings as a punishment for acts which are clearly
not manifestation of poor scholarship.
a. Section 5
b. Section 6
c. Section 7
d. Section 8

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