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Good afternoon teacher and classmates, have you wondered how will life be different 100 years
from now? It’s a very interesting thing to think of, also kind of scary because we get to see how
different things will be!

In this presentation, I’ll have the pleasure to share my predictions of the future, now only about
inventions, but our very curious things about our lifestyle in those years.

When most of people think about the future, they imagine robots and amazing invents that’ll
make their life easier.

I’m a big fan of food, so I mostly think about what we’ll be eating, will there be variations in our
cooking? I think that there will be, for example we won’t have the opportunity to eat as much
meat as we do nowadays because of the impact its production has in our environment.

Talking about non-animal products, I’m sure food will get more and more processed as years pass

Also, we will be consuming more sea-food because of what we call fish-farming.

Another aspect I think of is our look, how will people look in the future? I don’t think humans will
have what you call an “evolution”. They’ll indeed look different because of future trends, in short
words, they’ll change their appearance as we do nowadays, because of trends.

The world will run on systems, sensors, cameras, artificial intelligence. I think this will definitely
happen because of the recently impact of artificial intelligence and what amazing things it can do.

Globally we will see a level of collaboration between governments that we do not see today. This
because population will increase as we’ve been seeing these years.

A very interesting thing I’ve read of is the appearance of nano-bots that are defined as very small
robots who will travel all around our body to identify health problems and even save important
memories, this will avoid early-deaths and get immediate treatment.

In conclusion, the future is kind of scary, but I’m sure we’ll adapt to it, our bodies were built to
survive and so we’ll do, also, it’s really amazing how we’ll use technology to help us sort out
serious problems and how a simple thing as cooking will change so much!

Thank you.

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