Slime Player Race - The Homebrewery

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Player Race
"So, you're hunting after slimes huh? You'd best watch out for
their body. Not only do they got minds as smart as ours,
they'll melt you down, and then turn into yah, just to hunt
down yah friends!" - Yuliand, The Red Stained Blade

Ancient Beings
Slimes are one of the oldest races on record, but the vast
majority lack even the most primitive thought process beyond
an endless drive to consume. Many lurk in the deepest
dungeons of the realm, waiting to stumble upon their next
meal, while others hop around on the surface, consuming
whatever organic material they see fit. For whatever reason,
your slime is different, with an intellect rivaling that of
civilized races. Perhaps you are the result of a Wizard's
experiments, or gained your consciousness from some
extraordinary magical phenomena. Maybe you accidentally
consumed a magical artifact that imbued you with power, or Slime Traits Continued
you were transformed into a slime by the curse of a Witch or
A slime character possess the following traits.
God. Whatever the reason, you now seek to live out an
Corrosive Form.
existence beyond that typical of a slime, joining into society
You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which deals
with other intelligent creatures. Many slimes live in the
1d4 + your Constiution modifier of acid damage on a hit. You
Underdark due to persecution and mistrust on the surface,
also gain resistance to acid damage.
but there do exist slimes living out an existence on the
This changes to 1d6 + Your Constitution modifier of Force
surface, either covertly or in communities where they're
damage on a hit at level 10.
tolerated, oftentimes with other monsterfolk.
Homeostatic state. You do not eat or drink as most
creatures do, but instead receive nutrients from material
Slime Traits dissolved within you. You cannot become intoxicated from
A slime character possesses the following traits. ingesting alcohol, and have advantage on saving throws
Ability score increase. Your constitution score increase by against ingested poison. As well, you do not require air. You
2, and your intelligence score increases by 1. do not sleep and magic cannot put you to sleep. Instead, you
Age. Slimes reach the age of maturity from birth, and live enter a torpor during which time you remain semiconscious,
as long as they are not killed, and continue to absorb yet fully aware, for 4 hours a day. After resting in this way, you
nutrients. gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of
Alignment. Slimes typically have some kind of neutral sleep.
alignment, although their sentience makes it so that many of Devouring mass. Your acidic body may dissolve that which
them stray from this idea. you absorb. Upon succeeding on a grapple check against
Size. Slimes range from barely 2 feet, to just over 3 feet against a creature while in your true form, you may decide to
tall. Your size is small. begin dissolving it within you. The creature takes acid or
Speed. Your Walking speed is 25 feet. force damage equal to your unarmed strike at the end of each
Languages. You can speak, read, and write common and of their turns while they remain grappled. Creatures killed
primordial. this way are dissolved within you and become valid targets
True Form. Slimes are typically look like melted gumdrops for your Change Appearance trait. You may also choose to
in their true form, but they are hardy and durable creatures, devour a creature that died no more than 24 hours ago to
complete with a knack for versatility. gain their form for your Change Appearance trait. If you
Amorphous. Your fluid body allows you to move through choose not to begin digesting the target you may instead
spaces as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing. Non-magical store it within your mass, following normal rules for carrying
restraints do not work on you, as you can just slip right out. capacity. You may also gain a few important memories and a
Your racial type is Ooze. general idea of the creature's will and outlook in life, at the
Fluid Body. Due to the fluid nature of your true form, you discretion of the DM.
cannot wear conventional armor or jewelry. Instead, you have
a base AC of 13 + your Constitution modifier.
Slime Traits Continued
A slime character possess the following traits.
Change Appearance. As an action, you may transform
your appearance or revert to your natural form, expending 5
HP plus 5 additional HP for each size you cange by. For
example, turning into a small creature expends 5 hp, while
becoming a medium one expends 10, and so on.You can't
duplicate the appearance of an individual you've never
consumed with your Devouring Mass trait, and you revert to
your natural form if you die or fall unconscious. You decide
what you look like, including your height, weight, facial
features, the sound of your voice, coloration, hair length, and
any other distinguishing features. Additionally, you always
bear a general resemblance, as well as maintain the same sex
as the individual you consumed to gain the mimicry. You may
choose to change into a creature up to two sizes larger than
you, or one size smaller, in which case you receive the
bonuses and penalties associated with your new size
category for the duration of your transformation. Your speed
changes to that of the creature you have changed into. Your
clothing does not transform with you. You may may also take
on the appearance of a non-humanoid creature that meets
the above criteria, but you will not gain any of its abilities or
Blindsight. While in your true form, you have blindsight to
a range of 60 feet. You are blind beyond this range. You keep
the method of sight used by the creature you are mimicking
when using the Change Appearance ability.

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