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Amity University Dubai

School of Engineering Architecture Interior Design

CSE, ES103 Basic Electrical Engineering
Tutorial 1 FT Students (In-person, In-Class) (Total: 7%): Due at end of Tutorial
30 May 2024
Q1) For the circuit below, the voltage and currents in each resistor.

Q2) Find the mesh currents in the following circuits using mesh analysis.

Q3) A coil having a resistance of 10 Ω and inductance of 0.05 H is connected in series

with a condenser of 100 μF. The whole circuit is connected to a 200 V, 50 Hz mains.
Calculate the (i) impedance (ii) power factor (iii) power absorbed (iv) voltage across
resistor, inductance and capacitance and (v) resonance frequency, bandwidth and Q-
factor for the given values of resistance, inductance and capacitance. Draw the
impedance triangle and voltage phasor diagram.

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