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Background of the Study 2

Objectives of the Study 3

Scope and Limitation of the Study 3

Significance of the Study 3

Definition of Terms 5


Related Literature 7

Related Studies 13

Theoretical Framework of the Study 12


Gantt Chart 16

Data Flow Diagram 18

Entity Relationship Diagram 19

Data Dictionary 20

System Flowchart 24

Hardware Specification 25

Software Specification 26

System Development 28

System Deployment 29




An Undergraduate Capstone Project Proposal


In Partial Fulfillment of the

Course Requirement for the Degree

May 2024



Background of the Study

Sea Grapes, scientifically known as Caulerfa Lentillifera, are a type of

edible seaweed that holds significant economic and nutritional value,

particularly in regions where it is cultivated. With its rich nutrient profile,

including high of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, sea grapes have

garnered attention as a health food and a culinary delicacy in a various part of

the world.

The cultivation of sea grapes, scientifically known as Caulerfa

lentillifera, is an emerging industry in coastal regions worldwide, including the

Philippines. Sea grapes are a type of seaweed highly valued for their nutrition

content and culinary versatility. In Matarinao, Salcedo, located in Eastern

Samar, sea grapes, farming has gain traction due to its potential economic

benefits and ecological sustainability (Delos Santos, M. L., 2023).

Sea Grapes (Caulerfa Lentillifera). Scientifically to as Caulerfa

lentillifera, sea grapes are a kind of edible seaweed that are commonly grown

in coastal regions for their nutritional and gastronomic benefits. Due to area’s

ideal coastal condition, sea grapes farming in Matarinao, Salcedo, Eastern,

Samar, offers local, farmers a promising economic opportunity. Nevertheless,

managing sea grapes farms presents a number of challenges, including

monitoring growth parameters, optimizing cultivation techniques and

guaranteeing sustainable harvesting practices. Conventional farm

management techniques lack accuracy and efficiency, resulting in below-

average yields and resources waste (Tan, L. M, 20210).

To solve these issues, a Sea Grapes Farm Management Application is

being developed. This application will offer a full digital solution that is

specifically designed to meet the demands of farmers in Matarinao, Salcedo,

Eastern Samar., this application will equip farmers with the knowledge and

resources they need to maximize yields and optimize their farming practices.

By utilizing the most recent technological advancements, it will streamline

farm operations, improve decision-making processes, and ultimately increase

productivity and profitability. Overall, the Sea Grapes Farm Management

Application is a key step towards fostering collaboration and innovation within

the local agricultural community. It will also facilitate communication and

knowledge-sharing among farmers, researchers, and extension agents

enhancing and upgrading sea grape farming in Matarinao, Salcedo, Eastern

Samar, in orders to support the long-term viability and economic growth of the

coastal communities in the area.

The term "lato" refers to seaweed in Filipino cuisine, specifically

Caulerpa lentillifera, commonly known as sea grapes. Farm management

practices for sea grapes cultivation involve monitoring growth parameters,

optimizing techniques, and ensuring sustainability. Infographics and data

visualization aid in presenting farmer demographics and practices. Sea

grapes are harvested from suitable coastal areas, with harvest volume

influenced by various factors. Developing a farm management application

entail incorporating features for monitoring parameters, optimizing practices,

and tracking harvest volume to assist farmers efficiently and promote


The primary objective of the study


Objectives of the capstone project is to design, and develop, and to

test a farm management application specially tailored to the needs of sea

grapes farmers in Matarinao, Salcedo, Eastern Samar. The specific objectives

are as follows:

1. To design a comprehensive farm management application

specifically tailored for sea grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera) cultivation. This

involves conceptualizing the user interface, functionality requirements, data

architecture, and overall system design to ensure the application meets the

needs of sea grapes farmers and facilitates efficient farm management


2. To develop the designed farm management application into a

functional software tool. This involves coding, programming, and

implementing the application using appropriate technologies, frameworks, and

software development methodologies. The development phase will focus on

translating the design specifications into executable code, ensuring

robustness, scalability, and usability of the application.

3. To test procedures to evaluate the functionality, reliability, and

performance of the farm management application, ensuring that it meets the

specified requirements and user expectations. This includes various testing

methods such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user

acceptance testing.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focuses specifically on the design and development of a

farm management application for sea grapes cultivation in Matarinao,

Salcedo, Eastern, Samar. The application will encompass various

functionalities, including crop monitoring, inventory management, task

scheduling, and market analysis. However, the study does not address

broader issues related to seaweed farming or order marine agriculture


Additionally, the implementation of the developed application will be

subject to technical, financial, and logistical constraints.

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following:

To Lato Farmers. The app can provide features to track planting

schedules, manage resources, and monitor crop health. This can lead to more

efficient use of time, labor, and fertilizers, potentially increasing yields, and


To Farm Organizations. The app can act as a communication tool for

farm organizations, allowing them to share information, resources, and best

practices among lato farmers.

To LGU. The app can be a valuable tool for LGUs to promote Lato

farming and support local farmers. LGUs could use the app to distribute

information on best practices, subsidies, or training programs.


To University. The app can serve as a platform for universities to

gather data and conduct and conduct research on lato farming. This data can

be used to develop new knowledge and improve farming techniques.

To Future Researchers. This app can provide a valuable source of

data for future research on lato farming. Researchers can use this data to

analyzed trends, identify areas for improvement, and develop new

technologies to support the industry.

Definition of Terms

Sea Grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera): A type of edible seaweed known for

its high nutritional value and culinary uses, predominantly cultivated in coastal

areas. (Source: Delos Santos, M. L., 2023)Farm Management Application: A

digital platform designed to aid farmers in managing various aspects of their

farms, including crop monitoring, inventory management, scheduling tasks,

and analyzing market trends. (Source: Tan, L. M., 20210)Matarinao, Salcedo,

Eastern Samar: A coastal region in the Philippines noted for its ideal

conditions for sea grape farming, which holds economic promise for local

farmers. (Source: Delos Santos, M. L., 2023)Nutritional Content: The

beneficial elements found in sea grapes, such as vitamins, minerals, and

antioxidants, that contribute to their health benefits. (Source: Delos Santos, M.

L., 2023)Cultivation Techniques: The methods and strategies employed to

grow sea grapes effectively and sustainably in coastal environments. (Source:

Delos Santos, M. L., 2023)Sustainable Harvesting: Practices that ensure sea

grape farming can continue over the long term without depleting resources,

balancing current needs with future sustainability. (Source: Tan, L. M.,

20210)User Interface: The part of the application that users interact with,

including the design and layout, to manage farming activities efficiently.

(Source: Project Design Specification)Data Architecture: The framework for

organizing and managing data within the application, ensuring efficient

storage, access, and analysis. (Source: Project Design Specification)Unit

Testing: Testing individual components of the application to ensure each part

functions correctly on its own. (Source: Software Development

Methodologies)Integration Testing: Testing combined parts of the application

to ensure they work together as intended. (Source: Software Development

Methodologies)System Testing: A comprehensive testing phase where the

complete application is evaluated to ensure it meets all specified

requirements. (Source: Software Development Methodologies)User

Acceptance Testing: The final testing phase where real users test the

application to confirm it meets their needs and expectations. (Source:

Software Development Methodologies)Local Government Units (LGUs): Local

governmental organizations that can use the app to support and promote sea

grape farming within their jurisdictions. (Source: Project

Proposal)Infographics: Visual tools used in the application to represent

information and data clearly and concisely, aiding in understanding farmer

demographics and practices. (Source: Project Proposal)Data Visualization:

Graphical representations of data within the app to help users easily interpret

trends, patterns, and insights related to sea grape farming. (Source: Project

Proposal)Economic Viability: The potential for sea grape farming to be

profitable and sustainable, providing long-term economic benefits to the local


community. (Source: Delos Santos, M. L., 2023)Technological

Advancements: Innovations and new technologies incorporated into the farm

management application to improve farming efficiency and effectiveness.

(Source: Tan, L. M., 20210)Scalability: The capability of the farm

management application to handle an increasing workload and larger data

sets without losing performance or functionality. (Source: Software

Development Methodologies)Usability: The ease with which users can

navigate and utilize the application to perform farming-related tasks. (Source:

Software Development Methodologies)Resource Management: The efficient

use and allocation of resources such as time, labor, and materials to optimize

sea grape farming operations. (Source: Project Proposal)



This chapter presents several previous studies and researchers about

Design and Development a Sea Grapes (Caulerfa Lentillifera) Farm

Management Application. It also includes other sources of references that are

perceived to have significant bearing on this study.

Related Literature

This study aimed to optimize the growth conditions for Sea Grapes

cultivation in the coastal water of Thailand. Through a series of experiments

varying temperature, salinity, and nutrient levels, the research found that

specific combinations of these factors significantly enhanced Sea Grapes


yield and quality. The optimized conditions provide valuable insights for

maximizing cultivation efficiency and profitability in the region. (Sarker et al,


This research investigated the effects of various cultivation methods on

the yield and quality of Sea Grapes. By comparing bottom culture and

suspended rope culture, the study found that suspended rope culture resulted

in higher yields and superior quality Sea Grapes. These findings provide

practical guidance for optimizing cultivation practices to enhance productivity

and market competitiveness. (Du et al, 2021).

This project tackles the challenge of sustainable Sea Grapes (Caulerpa

lentillifera) aquaculture by proposing the design and development of a mobile

application specifically tailored for Sea Grapes farm management. The

application aims to empower farmers by providing them with a user-friendly

platform to collect and analyze farm data, optimize cultivation practices,

monitor growth parameters, and access valuable resources, ultimately leading

to increased efficiency, sustainable resource utilization, and improved yields

within the Sea Grapes aquaculture sector. (Smith et al, 2023).

Ahmad, R., El-Shafai, S.A., Ghani, A. et al. I Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020).

This research capstone undertakes a comprehensive environmental

impact assessment of Caulerpa lentillifera farming practices through the

application of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, aiming to quantify

and analyze the environmental burdens associated with the entire lifecycle of

sea grapes cultivation from production to disposal, thereby providing valuable

insights into potential environmental hotspots, sustainability challenges, and

mitigation strategies essential for promoting eco-friendly practices and


ensuring the long-term environmental sustainability of the sea grapes

aquaculture industry." (Smith et al, 20230.

This research investigates the potential health benefits of Sea Grapes

(Caulerpa lentillifera) by exploring the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties

of extracts derived from this edible seaweed. The study examines the

effectiveness of these extracts in neutralizing free radicals associated with

oxidative stress and inhibiting the growth of harmful microbes. The findings

hold promise for the application of Sea Grapes extracts in the food and

pharmaceutical industries, potentially leading to the development of natural

food preservatives, functional food ingredients, and novel antimicrobial

agents. (Palacios et al, 2021).

Explores the influence of seasons on the nutritional profile of Sea

Grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera) harvested from Philippine coastal waters. By

analyzing the variations in protein, lipid, fiber, mineral, and vitamin content

across different seasons, the research aims to identify potential fluctuations in

the nutritional value of Sea Grapes. This knowledge can inform optimal

harvesting times to maximize the nutritional benefits for consumers and

contribute to a deeper understanding of the environmental factors influencing

the nutritional composition of this valuable seaweed resource. (Penaflorida et

al, 2021).

In response to the growing importance of genetic diversity in

maintaining the health and resilience of cultivated crops, this research focuses

on the development of DNA markers specifically designed for analyzing the

genetic variation within Sea Grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera) populations. These


DNA markers will serve as powerful tools for researchers, breeders, and

conservationists by enabling them to assess the genetic makeup of Sea

Grapes populations, identify unique strains with desirable traits, and inform

strategies for the preservation of genetic biodiversity within cultivated Sea

Grapes. This approach promotes the long-term sustainability and adaptability

of Sea Grapes aquaculture, ensuring the continued viability of this valuable

crop in the face of environmental challenges. (Fang et al, 2021).

Shedding light on the potential health benefits associated with Sea

Grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera), this research delves into the identification and

analysis of bioactive compounds present within this edible seaweed. By

exploring the health-promoting properties of these bioactive compounds, such

as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, and potentially beneficial fatty

acids, the study investigates their potential applications in the development of

functional foods and nutraceuticals. The findings could pave the way for the

creation of novel food products enriched with natural health-promoting

ingredients derived from Sea Grapes, catering to the growing consumer

demand for functional foods and offering a natural alternative within the

nutraceutical industry. (Sulaiman et al,2020).

This research investigates the potential of integrating Sea Grapes

(Caulerpa lentillifera) cultivation into Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture

(IMTA) systems. By analyzing the suitability of Sea Grapes within an IMTA

framework, the study explores whether co-culturing Sea Grapes with other

aquatic organisms, such as fish or shellfish, can create a more sustainable

and efficient aquaculture model. The assessment considers factors like

nutrient cycling, waste filtration capabilities of Sea Grapes, and potential


synergies between different species within the IMTA system. This research

aims to determine if incorporating Sea Grapes into IMTA systems can

optimize resource utilization, minimize environmental impact, and enhance

the overall productivity and profitability of aquaculture operations. (Zhen et al,


Focusing on Indonesian seaweed farmers as a case study, this

research investigates the social and economic impact of different cultivation

practices on Sea Grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera) farming communities. By

analyzing the effects of factors like farming techniques, resource utilization

strategies, and market access opportunities associated with varying

cultivation practices, the study aims to identify approaches that optimize not

only farm yields but also contribute to the overall well-being of Sea Grapes

farming communities. This knowledge can inform the development of

sustainable Sea Grapes aquaculture models that empower farmers, promote

economic development within these communities, and ensure the long-term

viability of Sea Grapes cultivation as a source of livelihood. (Siregar et al,


These literature sources offer valuable insights into various aspects of

Sea Grapes farming, including cultivation techniques, environmental factors,

nutritional composition, genetic diversity, and socio-economic impacts, which

can inform the design and development of a Sea Grapes farm management


Related Studies

The integrated aquaculture-seaweed system has been

recognized as a bio-mitigation technique to prevent harm to the environment,

increase nutrient utilization efficiency, preserve high water quality, and

guarantee the system's sustainability. The goal of this study was to find the

ideal density for polyculture of sea grape (Caulerpa lentillifera) and whiteleg

shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in the same culture tank. In duplicate tanks,

five treatments were created at random. The control treatment was

monoculturing shrimp without sea grape, while the other four treatments used

polyculture, with seaweed density levels of 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 kg m−3 applied

for a duration of 56 days. The findings demonstrated that the amounts of total

ammonia nitrogen (TAN), nitrite (NO2−), nitrate (NO3−), and phosphate

(PO43−) in the rearing tanks and sea grape polyculture were significantly

lower (Ahn et al., 2021)

This study evaluated the integration of sea grapes (Caulerpa

lentillifera) into a co-culture system containing Babylon snails (Babylonia

areolata) and sandfish (Holothuria scabra). Over the course of 84 days, the

National Centre for Marine Breeding, Van Ninh, Khanh Hoa Province,

Vietnam, evaluated five culture combinations for yield (growth and survival),

as well as for the quality of the water and sediment. The final sandfish yield

per tank was comparable with and without Babylonia (245.82 ± 34.86 g)

(258.29 ± 40.03 g). Culture with Caulerpa had no effect on sandfish survival;

however, in the absence of seaweed, the mean individual weight gain was

significantly higher. The final yield of sandfish cultivated with Caulerpa was

177.62 ± 13.21 g per tank; without it, it was 326.50 ± 32.73 g per tank. The

development, survival, and ultimate output of Babylonia were untouched by

co-culture. Growth of Caulerpa was likewise unaffed. (Dobson et al., 2020).

Researchers have recently focused their attention on the seaweed

Caulerpa lentillifera, an edible seaweed that is rich in protein, minerals, dietary

fibers, vitamins, and unsaturated and saturated fatty acids. The seaweed has

been mass grown in several Asian countries. This section provides a

summary and comparative analysis of its culture's operating parameters,

wastewater treatment application, and bioactive components. Salinity, nutrient

concentrations, temperature, and irradiation are elements that stress algal

growth, according to earlier research. Furthermore, fresh seaweed can be

added as a biofilter in the treatment of aquaculture systems, while dried

Caulerpa lentillifera seaweed is effective in the biosorption of heavy metals

and cationic dyes in wastewater. Moreover, the abundant bioactive chemicals

in Caulerpa lentillifera exhibit the following: (Stuthmann et al., 2022).

One of the key tactics for sustainable shrimp production is the sea

grape and whiteleg shrimp polyculture. This is the first study to look at how

varying densities of whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) combined with

sea grape (Caulerpa lentillifera) affect shrimp performance, water quality, and

the composition of sea grape proximal. The study was conducted in indoor

tank systems, with five treatments and five levels of shrimp densities (100,

200, 300, 400, and 500 individuals m−3) combined with sea grape (1 kg m−3)

for 56 days. The tanks were created in duplicate and were randomly

assigned. Findings indicated that while retaining sufficients amounts of

protein, fat, and ash, sea grape biomass and proximate composition were

greatly increased when sea grapes were polycultured with shrimp. (Ánh et al.,


Alternating current electric field (ACEF), according to recently released

preliminary data, is a viable method for seagrape (Caulerpa lentillifera)

postharvest storage. The current study proposed that seagrape

physicochemical quality (PQ) might be improved by combining storage light

irradiance (SLI) with ACEF (intensity and timing). To optimize the processing

conditions, Taguchi orthogonal array design (OAD) was used. The findings

indicated that every processing parameter had a substantial (p < 0.05) impact

on the PQ of sea grapes. This investigation revealed that the most effective

suppression of seagrape PQ degradation was achieved with 50 kV/m for 60

min (ACEF) and 9 mol photons m−2 s−1. The results showed that modifying

the processing parameters within the range this study investigated (50, 125,

200 kV/m of ACEF intensity; 30, 60, 90 min of ACEF treatment time; 2, 9, 16

mol photons m−2 s−1 of SLI) can lower the total voltage utilization by up to

60%. In comparison to the previous study, it is possible to minimize the total

voltage utilization by up to 60% with a sufficient 16 mol photons m−2 s−1 of

SLI. The best seagrape PQ may be maintained at a lower electric intensity

with an adequate SLI and an intermediate treatment duration. Therefore, by

increasing resource efficiency and reducing energy consumption, this

approach can help the seagrape industries and help realize sustainable

development goals. (Sulaimana et al., 2022).

Green seaweed, notably Caulerpa lentillifera, is commonly eaten as a

raw vegetable in Southeast Asia. It's interesting to note that the food industry

has recently become more aware of this green seaweed. Numerous


investigations conducted over the past 20 years have revealed that C.

Lentillifera provides numerous health benefits because to its abundance in

minerals, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and bioactive substances.

However, at the moments, there are very few articles that are devoted

exclusively to C. lentillifera in terms of its nutritional makeup and new

discoveries about its possible health advantages. Therefore, the results of this

study will be summarized about the nutritional value of C. lentillifera and

gather newly found health benefits throughout the previous ten years. This

review paper's data compilation leads to the conclusion that the nutritional and

phytochemical (Mohamed et al., 2012).

Research on growing sea grapes (Caulerpa lentiliifera) in a one-meter square

lined pools, a two-by-two factorialTwo water exchange rates (25 and

50%/week) and two water levels (40 and 80 cm) were used in the experiment.

created in triplicate at random. Sea grapes were grown with constant aeration

at a salinity of 30 ppt. one kg/m2 starting stocking rate and fishmeal was

utilized to cultivate sea grapes and provide them with nutrients. lasted for sixty

days. The findings indicated a substantial interaction impac(p<0.05) between

the water level and only after 45 and 60 days of culture was the exchange

rate for the growth rate of sea grape noticed. The production of edible

sections of sea grape fronds was strongly (p<0.05) impacted by water level,

whereas the water exchange rate's impact on (p>0.05) The output of fronds

was not significant.The morphometric parameters of fronds (commercial frond

length, ramuli density, andramuli dimensions) and sensory attributes. One

suggestion is to cultivate sea grape C. lentillifera situated at an 80 cm water

level and 50% weekly water exchange might be the right parameters to

achieve the greatest frond production rate (12.21) and growth rate

(1.95%/day). (Chen et al., 2019).

The study aimed to ascertain the impact of dietary administration of

sea grape powder (Caulerpa lentillifera) on the growth performance and

survival rate of Penaeus monodon black tiger shrimp. Twenty-four hundred

shrimp (PL 15), weighing an average of 0.0020 g, were arranged in 24

identical 10-liter tanks at random. Sea grape powder in amounts of 10, 20, 30,

40, and 50 g/kg was added to six different designed feeds. The application of

sea grape (Caulerpa lentillifera) meal in the diet had no significant influence

on survival rate, but it did have a significant effect on weight gain, specific

growth rate, daily growth rate, absolute length, feed conversion ratio, and feed

utilization efficiency. The ideal weight increase, a given growth rate, and daily


(Putra et al., 2019).

To evaluate their effects on water quality, growth performance, and

feed cost, an integrated multi-trophic system comprising sea grape (Caulerpa

lentillifera) and white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) was run at different

stocking densities and feeding rates. First, a two-factor experimental design

including three stocking densities (1000, 2000, and 3000 ind. m−3) and two

culture systems (monoculture and integrated system) was used to design the

experiment in triplicate for the 30-day nursery rearing. Postlarvae 12 (PL12,

mean weight: 3.33 ± 0.09 mg) and C of Litopenaeus vannamei. In integrated

tanks, lentillifera (2 kg m−3) were added at a salinity of 30 g L−1. The

outcomes show that L's integrated system. vannamei C and PL. lentillifera

markedly raised levels of phosphorus and nitrogen while production, growth


rate, and survival of shrimp. It was found that the culture system and shrimp

density had a substantial synergistic effect on shrimp survival (p<0.05) and

yield (p<0.01). Although yield was higher, growth performance was decreased

when shrimp density was higher. Larger shrimps were generated by applying

stocking densities of 1000–2000 PL m−3, and the highest production yield in

the integrated system was attained at a density of 3000 PL m−3. The juvenile

L. integrated system was used in the second experiment. vannamei, weighing

1.69 ± 0.07 g on average, and C. During the grow-out stage, lentillifera was

tested with various feeding rates. A control group (monoculture) receiving

commercial feed (40% protein, 6% lipid) with a 100% feed ration (5% of

biomass per day) was one of the six feeding treatments. Shrimp in the five

integrated. (Ánh et al., 2021).

Particularly in Southeast Asia, Caulerpa lentillifera is a kind of green

macroalga that is frequently eaten as fresh seaweed. effects on C of various

salt kinds and amounts. lentillifera during brine processing were examined at

10-to 30% concentrations using table, sea, and floral salt. The texture and

color of C. lentillifera varies according to the various therapies. In comparison

to fresh algae, after 12 weeks in brine, all treatments showed an increase in

hardness, although lightness (L*), greenness (a*), and yellowness (b*)

decreased. Over time, there was little to no change in the nutritional makeup.

The ideal salt level for brine processing should not be higher than 30% table

salt in order to guarantee the safety and quality of seaweed for ingestion. The

composition and structure of many salt varieties were were noted, and

seaweed's microbiological safety was assessed. The demand for ready-to-eat


Caulerpa products is rising because of the macroalgae's rising popularity

among consumers. (Pan-Utai et al., 2023).

These studies collectively highlight the potential of Sea Grapes

cultivation in integrated aquaculture systems, emphasizing its role enhancing

sustainability, improving water quality, and providing valuable nutritional


Theoretical Framework of the Study

A waterfall model is a traditional software development approach that

progresses linearly through defined phases: requirements gathering, design,

implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Applying this model to

the design and development of a Sea Grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera) Farm

Management System would involve the following steps:


Figure 1. Theoretical Framework of the study


gure 1: Theoretical Framework of the Study

Requirements Gathering Phase. In this phase, the Requirements

Gathering Phase is the cornerstone for building a successful Sea Grapes

(Caulerpa Lentillifera) Farm Management System. This phase focuses on

understanding the needs and pain points of farmers, ultimately shaping the

functionalities and features of the application.

System Design Phase. Once the requirements are established, the

theoretical framework emphasizes the design phase. Requirements Gathering

Phase, the System Design Phase translates user needs and functionalities

into a technical blueprint for the Sea Grapes Farm Management System. This

phase involves creating a detailed roadmap for development.


Implementation Phase. During the implementation phase of designing

and developing a Sea Grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera) Farm Management

System, developers translate the finalized designs and requirements into

actual code, integrating frontend and backend components, implementing

core functionalities such as crop monitoring, inventory management, and

sales tracking, while ensuring compatibility, security, and scalability of the

system. Testing and Quality Assurance Phase. Testing is a critical

phase in the Waterfall model, and the theoretical framework, rigorous testing

protocols are implemented to verify the functionality, reliability, and security of

the system, including unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user

acceptance testing, ensuring that the system meets the specified

requirements and performance standards before deployment.

System Deployment Phase. Once the system passes testing, it is

deployed for use by the school community. The theoretical framework focuses

on the deployment phase's significance in ensuring a smooth transition from

development to operational use. This involves training users, migrating data,

and setting up support mechanisms to assist users in utilizing the system


Maintenance Phase. Theoretical framework highlights the importance

of ongoing maintenance and support for, the Maintenance Phase involves

fixing bugs, addressing user feedback, and implementing new features to

keep the Sea Grapes Farm Management System functional, relevant, and

secure over the time.



Table 1 Illustrates the Gantt chart of the system that reveals the

schedule of all the activities of the study. The activities involved in developing

the system were as follows: requirements gathering, system design,

implementation, testing and quality assurance, system deployment, and


Table 1. Gantt Chart

March April May June July August

System Design


Testing and Quality


System Deployment


Legend: - Completed

Table1 Provides a comprehensive timeline for the capstone research

project titled "The design and development of a Sea Grapes (Caulerpa

Lentillifera) Farm Management Application in Matarinao, Salcedo, Eastern

Samar” outlines a structured plan to create and implement the application

efficiently. Starting with a research and planning phase, the project aims to

understand the needs of Sea Grapes farmers in the region and define the

requirements for the application. Subsequent phases include designing the


user interface and database architecture, followed by the actual development

of the application's frontend and backend components. Once development is

complete, rigorous testing and debugging ensure the application's quality and

reliability. Deployment to production servers is then scheduled, accompanied

by user training sessions to familiarize stakeholders with the application's

features. Finally, ongoing maintenance and support are provided post-

deployment to address any issues and ensure the application's continued

functionality and effectiveness. This structured approach depicted in the Gantt

chart ensures a systematic and organized progression towards the successful

creation and implementation of the Sea Grapes Farm Management

Application in Matarinao, Salcedo, Eastern Samar.

Following the Requirements Analysis, the System Design phase takes

place in April and May. In this phase, the team translates the gathered

requirements into detailed design specifications. In phase, which typically

takes place from April to May, you'll conduct a thorough requirement analysis

to define the necessary features and functionalities for a sea grapes

(Caulerpa lentillifera) farm management application. This analysis will involve

gathering input from various stakeholders, such as sea grape farmers,

agricultural specialists, and potential application users, to understand their

needs, challenges, and workflows. By meticulously outlining these

requirements, you'll lay the groundwork for designing and developing a user-

friendly and effective application that empowers sea grape farmers to optimize

their operations.

The Implementation phase, slated for June, will see the development

team bring the sea grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera) farm management application

to life, meticulously translating the requirements gathered during the System

Design phase into a functional and user-friendly application. This crucial stage

will involve activities like coding the application's core functionalities,

designing intuitive user interfaces, and integrating essential features tailored

to streamline sea grape farming operations. Rigorous testing procedures will

be conducted throughout this phase to ensure the application performs

flawlessly and meets the needs of its users.

In July, the project transitions into the critical Testing and Quality

Assurance phase for the sea grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera) farm management

application. This meticulous stage will involve a team of dedicated testers

rigorously evaluating the application's functionalities across various scenarios

to identify and rectify any bugs or glitches. They will simulate real-world farm

management tasks, ensuring the application operates flawlessly, delivers

accurate data, and provides a user-friendly experience for sea grape farmers.

This in-depth testing process safeguards the application's quality and ensures

it effectively meets the needs of its users before deployment.

Simultaneously in July, the System Deployment phase begins, the

System Deployment phase will run concurrently. This crucial stage focuses on

preparing the application for real-world use by sea grape farmers. It will

involve activities like configuring the application server environment,

establishing secure data storage solutions, and integrating the application with

any necessary external systems or platforms used by farmers. Additionally,

comprehensive user training materials and support channels will be

developed to ensure a smooth transition for farmers as they begin utilizing the

application to manage their operations effectively. This parallel approach


allows for a streamlined development process, minimizing the time between

finalization and deployment of the valuable tool for sea grape farmers.

Finally, the Maintenance phase starts in August and continues as

needed. The project transitions into the ongoing Maintenance phase for the

sea grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera) farm management application. This crucial

phase doesn't have a set end date; it ensures the application's continued

smooth operation and adaptation to evolving needs. The development team

will actively monitor application performance, address any user-reported

issues or bugs promptly, and implement necessary updates or feature

enhancements based on user feedback and advancements in sea grape

farming practices. This ongoing process safeguards the application's long-

term value and ensures it remains a reliable and effective tool for sea grape

farmers to optimize their operations and maximize their yields.

Data Flow Diagram

Figure 2 illustrates the flow of information within the Data Flow Diagram

(DFD) for the design and development of a Sea Grapes (Caulerpa Lentillifera)

Farm Management Application in Matarinao, Salcedo, Eastern Samar

illustrates the flow of data within the system, highlighting how information

moves between different components and processes. At the highest level, the

DFD typically consists of external entities, processes, data stores, and data


Figure 2. Data Flow Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram


Figure 3. Entity Relationship Diagram


Data Dictionary

Table 2 and 3 shows the data dictionary of. The table contains 3

columns, which are the field name, data type, and description. The data type

was “int” if it was an integer and “varchar” if it was a character, and “decimal”

if number. Length classified the size of the field name, and the descriptions

were the proper names of the field names.

Table 2.
Data Dictionary of Farm Details
Field Name Data Type Description

FarmerID Integer Primary Key

Name Varchar (50) Name of the farmer.

ContactNumber Varchar (15) Contact number of the


Address Varchar (100) Address of the farmers

FarmSize Decimal (8,2) Size of the Sea Grapes

farm managed by the


MembershipStatus Varchar (20) Indicates if the farmer

is a member of any

cooperative of


Table 2 This table show outlines the structure of a database table that will

store essential information about sea grape farmers and their farms within the

farm management application. Each field definition, including its name, data

type, and description, plays a critical role in capturing and organizing vital data

points such as farmer identification, contact details, farm size, and

membership status in cooperatives or associations. This data dictionary

serves as a blueprint for creating the farm management application's

database, ensuring efficient storage, retrieval, and management of farm-

related information.

Table 3.
Data Dictionary of Environment Data Table
Field Name Data Type Description

DataID Integer Primary key.

FarmID Integer Foreign key.

Date Date Date of the recorded


Temperature Decimal (5,2) Temperature of the


Salinity Decimal (5,2) Salinity level of the


pHLevel Decimal (4,2) Ph level of the water.

TideLevel Varchar (20) Level of the tide at the

farm location.

Table 3 Shows the data dictionary of an environmental data table used

in designing and developing a sea grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera) farm

management application. This table defines the structure of the database

table that will store environmental data collected from the sea grape farms.

Each row in this table represents a field (column) in the environmental data

table, specifying the field name, data type, and description. For instance,

"Date" is a field that stores the date the environmental data was collected,

with "Date" being the data type and "Date of the recorded data" likely being

the description.

Table 4.
Data Dictionary of Crop Management Table
Field Name Data Type Description

ManagementID Integer Primary key.

FarmID Integer Foreign key.

Date Date Date of management


ActivityType Varchar (50) Type of activity.

Quantity Decimal (8,2) Quantity of seed.

Notes Varchar (200) Additional notes or


comments related to the


Table 4 Show the data dictionary for a crop management table in the

context of designing and developing a sea grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera) farm

management application. This table outlines the structure of a database table

that will store information about how sea grapes are cultivated and managed

on a farm. Each row in the table represents a field (column) in the crop

management table, specifying the field name, data type, and description of

the data to be stored.

Table 5.
Data Dictionary of Harvest Data
Field Name Data Type Description

HarvestID Integer Primary key.

FarmID Integer Foreign key.

Date Date Date of the harvest.

QuantityHarvest Decimal (8,2) Quantity of the sea

grapes harvested.

Quality Varchar (20) Quality of the harvested

sea grapes.

SalesDistination Varchar (100) Destination or the buyer

of the harvested sea


Revenue Decimal (10,2) Revenue generated

from the harvest.

Table 5 Shows the data dictionary for a harvest data table in the

context of designing and developing a sea grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera) farm

management application. This table outlines the structure of a database table

that will store information about harvests of sea grapes. Each row in the table

represents a field (column) in the harvest data table, specifying the field

name, data type, and description of the data to be stored. For instance,

"HarvestID" is a field that stores a unique identifier for each harvest, "Date" is

a field that stores the date of the harvest, and "Quantity Harvested" is a field

that stores the amount of sea grapes harvested, likely specified in decimals.

System Flowchart

Figure 4 illustrates the system flowchart for the capstone research

project titled "Design and Development a Sea Grapes (Caulerfa Lentillifera)

Farm Management Application". The system flowchart outlines the overall

process for designing and developing a sea grapes farm management

application. It starts with system design, which involves gathering

requirements through interviews with farmers and agricultural specialists. This

information is then used to design the application's features and


Once the design is finalized, the system moves into the development

phase, where the application is coded and tested rigorously to ensure it meets

all requirements and functions flawlessly. Following successful testing, the

application is deployed and made available to farmers. The flowchart also

highlights two ongoing processes: system maintenance and farmer support.

Maintenance ensures the application stays up-to-date and addresses any

bugs or issues reported by farmers. Farmer support provides ongoing

assistance to users through various channels, such as tutorials, FAQs, or a

dedicated help desk. This comprehensive approach ensures the sea grapes

farm management application effectively meets the needs of farmers

throughout its lifecycle.


Figure 4. System Flowchart

Hardware Specification

Table 6, the hardware platform for a Sea Grapes farm management

application should consist of mid-range smartphones/tablets (Android 5.0+ or

iOS 11.0+) with at least 2GB RAM, 16GB storage, GPS, and a high-resolution

camera. Optional environmental sensors for water quality, depth, and weather

can be integrated, potentially alongside drones and IoT gateways for

comprehensive data collection. Reliable internet connectivity and power

solutions are crucial for smooth operation, while prioritizing outdoor durability

and scalability the system can adapt to future farm growth.


Hardware Specification
Mobile device (Smart phones/ Android (Version 5.0 or later) or Ios
tablets) (version 11. 0) or later.
Processor Mid –range processor (e.g.,
Snapdragon 6 Series a Apple A12
RAM 2GB or higher
Storage 16GB or higher
GPS Built-in GPS
Drones Multispectral cameras
IoT Gateways Connects sensor and device to the


Mobile device (Smart phones/ tablets) Android 5.0 or later or ios 11. 0 or

Software Specification

The Sea Grapes farm management application software should offer

functionalities for: data recording (pond details, growth stages, harvest logs),

sensor integration and visualization of environmental parameters (water

quality, depth, weather), potential pest/disease identification tools, and basic

farm management tasks (inventory tracking, growth analysis). Cloud

connectivity should be considered for data storage, accessibility, and potential

integration with AI-powered analytics for informed decision-making. User

interface design should prioritize ease of use and cater to the specific needs

of sea grapes farmers.

Software Specification

Web-Technology Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL,


Laptop/Desktop At least Window 8 or 11


System Development

Developing a Sea Grapes Farm Management Application requires a

systematic approach, starting with in-depth needs analysis and user input to

define functionalities. Following a structured system design phase that

incorporates appropriate technologies, a user-friendly interface, and secure

data management, the development process involves implementing

functionalities like data recording with image capture, sensor integration for

real-time water quality, weather, and depth monitoring, potential pest/disease

identification using image recognition or machine learning, farm management

tools for inventory tracking, growth analysis, and basic financials.

Rigorous testing throughout development ensures a polished user

experience, while deployment involves app store release, ongoing

maintenance, and user support to guarantee the application effectively

empowers sea grapes farmers with the tools they need to optimize crop

yields, manage resources efficiently, and achieve sustainable farming


System Deployment

System deployment for the Sea Grapes Farm Management Application

involves choosing a suitable app store platform (e.g., Google Play Store,

Apple App Store), preparing clear app store listings with descriptions,

screenshots, and user guides, releasing the application for download by sea

grapes farmers, ensuring reliable internet connectivity on the farm for data

synchronization, potentially configuring secure cloud storage and user access


permissions, training farmers on using the app's functionalities, providing

comprehensive user guides and tutorials within the app, clearly

communicating the limitations of offline functionalities and data backup

procedures, and establishing ongoing maintenance and support channels like

help articles, tutorials, and customer service to address user inquiries, report

bugs, and release updates with new features, improvements, and security

patches, ultimately ensuring the application is readily available, accessible,

and effectively supports sea grapes farmers in their daily operations.


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