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A Detailed lesson Plan in

Social Science and Philosophy Philippines Indigenous Community

Name: ERICA MAE P. PINLAC. Year & section: BTLED HE 3

SUNSHINE V. BOBIER. Date:02/29/24


At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

•Discuss the indigenous people in Guimaraes

•Explain the different problems encounter in Guimaraes

•Determine their economic and health situation and their problems in terms of education,
poverty and water sanitation


Topic: Social Science and Philosophy (Philippines Indigenous Communities)

Sub topic: Indigenous People in Guimaraes

Teaching strategies: inductive method, collaborative learning, question and class discussion.

Multiple intelligences: verbal linguistic, bodily kinesthetic

Instructional materials: Smart tv, Power point presentation

Processes: Reading, comprehending, and analyzing

Values: attentiveness, appraising

III. Procedure

Teachers Activity Student's Activity

A. Preliminary Activity!

Good morning class! Before we start our class, me Good morning, ma'am!
I request (name of a student) to lead the prayer
(The students bow their head for the

 Greetings:

Good morning class How are you today? Good morning, ma’am we are all good

•Classroom management

Class kindly pick up the pieces of paper around

your area and check the alignment of the chair.
(The student, pick up the pieces of the
paper and arrange their chair)

Okay class, let me check your attendance first

Abria, Alvincent Ma’am present

(name of a 36 student)

B. Review:

Class last meeting we've discussed about,

anyone from the class who can give me the summary
of what we've discuss? Ma'am last meeting we discussed about

Indigenous people in Capiz

Okay very good. It seems that you really understand
our topic last meeting.

C. Motivation:

Let us proceed to our game for today Okay ma'am

Yes ma’am!
1. The teacher will play a song while the
students holding the dice must pass it to the (Students will stand and do the activity)
next classmate.
2. When the music stops the student holding it
must throw or roll the dice to get a number.
3. The number obtained has a corresponding
question that must be answer.
D. Presentation:

Good job class! I am happy that all of you

participated in our first activity, can you tell me about
your observation about the activity we’ve done?

(The students share their observation in

the class)
So based on your observation, class can you tell me
now, what is our lesson for today?

Ma’am I think it's all about the activities in

the community of the indigenous people in

Our lesson for today is all about the indigenous

people in Guimaras.

I am expecting that at the end of the lesson that all of

you will be able to:

• Discuss the indigenous people in Guimaras

•Explain the different problems encounter in


•Determine their economic and health situation

and their problems in terms of education, poverty and
water sanitation

E. Lesson Proper:


Let’s have now our activity the name of our activity

are wheel choose the mechanics are;

 spinning wheel will choose who are going to

answer our question. We have 6 questions
here so our spinning wheel will choose
Yes ma’am!
Is that clear?
Let’s start!

1.Who are the Indigenous people?

2.What are the biggest problem of Indigenous


3. Why some of the Ati children are malnourish?

4.What are the Indigenous people livelihood


5.Why some of the Indigenous people are lack of


6.Why Indigenous people discriminated by some?

Well done class!

B. Analysis

Based on the activity given, what have you Ma'am it’s all about the history of
observed? indigenous people living in Guimaras

The history of Guimaras is Its original

Yes, very good! What is the history of the name was “Himal – us” but was later
Indigenous people in Guimaras? changed to “Guimaras” after the folktale of
the ill – fated lovers, Princess Guima and
Any idea Class? All answers are correct
the slave Aras, who defied traditional with
their romance.

That’s correct! But before we go deeper into our Ma’am The Atis in Guimaras have a 3.8
topic, What is your Idea about our topic for today? percent of population in their province and
they have a lot of herbal medicine to have
their income.
Herbal Gatherings

Traditional healing is widely practiced in the province

and herbs are essential in treatment. There are
plenty of herbal plants in the mountainside and the
hills. Many herbal medicines are sold in Iloilo City,
which takes only fifteen minutes to reach by pump
boat from the port of Guimaras islands. Beans and
herbs are essential in treatment. There are plenty of
herbal plants in the mountainside and the hills. Many
herbal medicines are sold in Iloilo City, which takes
only fifteen minutes to reach by pump boat from the
port of Guimaraes islands.

That’s correct! How many minutes takes to reach

Guimaras port from Iloilo?

Ma’am it takes 15 minutes to reach

Guimaras by pump boat
That’s correct! What is the famous festival that
celebrated every summer of Guimaras?
The major festival of Guimaras is
celebrated every summer season to
promote the burgeoning mango industry
of the island and also to attract tourist.
That’s correct!

They have famous Festival in Guimaras that they

celebrated every summer season to promotes the
burgeoning mango industry of the island also to
attract tourist so they become more famous.
Ma’am they want to promote Burgeoning
mango industry of their product to attract

The atis have not permanent jobs and

What are Guimaras want to promote in their

That’s right! So class lets come now to ati the

indigenous people in Guimaras. On your own idea
class What are the atis status in their lives?

Yes Very good! Some of them have not permanent

jobs and land.

Lack of Land Tenure

The Atis are likely emigrants from Antique who

intended to seek jobs in Haciendas in Negros, but
were restrained in Guimaraes Province and
eventually settled there. Their great-grandparents
moved to Guimaraes in the mid-40s. Presently they
are settled in their respective areas.

Ma’am the emigrant of antique that wants

jobs are the Atis.

The main reason of poverty and low

income of atis are their lack of knowledge
in terms of managing a money and they
have not permanent jobs because of they
Who are the emigrant of antique that want to seek
have not their own land.
jobs in Hacienda in Negros?

What is the main reason of poverty and low income

of atis?

Poverty and Income

Multiple income sources

They have different livelihood sources. More than

half of the households derive their income from more
than four different economic activities: gathering
herbal plants and medicines, making and selling
handicraft; hunting and planting and gathering root
crops. Other activities include gathering shells;
construction works and carpentry; gathering and
selling scraps; and carving wood handicrafts. Despite
numerous sources of livelihood.

Gathering herbal plants and

medicines, making and selling
handicraft; hunting and planting and
gathering root crops. Other activities
include gathering shells; construction
works and carpentry; gathering and
What are the source of income of Atis? selling scraps; and carving wood

Some Atis are go to a hospital if their

cases are not cured by their herbal
Yes very good! Why some of the Atis are go to
hospital even though they have their herbal

Yes very good!

Maternal and Child Health

Access to health services. The Atis adopts the

traditional healing system using indigenous
knowledge. However, they would go to a hospital if
they are not cured by herbal medicine. It costs
Php.100 for a medical check-up in private hospitals,
but no charges are made in governmental hospitals.
The community has fairly good access to the
Barangay Health Center although there is neither a
doctor or nurse who is regularly available but, a
midwife and the Bar.


In your own idea Why some children of Atis have Ma’am it because of their places it’s far in
cases of incompleteness of immunization? mountain and also lack of money to go
there in health center.
Yes exactly!

The children have immunization records at the
center; although there are cases of incompleteness.

What are the problem faced by Atis when it comes in

birth registration? They don’t know how to register their
papers in terms of they did not school and
also because of their lack of money to pay
their registration.
Yes class, very good!

Birth registration
ma’am due their lack of knowledge and in
The women are assisted by a hilot when they deliver. terms of lack of income they can’t go to
They widely practice breastfeeding. The major school to learn.
reasons for failure in registering their births are their
inability to pay the penalty charge for late registration
subsequently and lack of marriage certificate. “All my
children were registered for free during election time.

Why some mother saved their food for their children?

Ma’am it’s because they love their child
they give everything for their children.

Very well said!

Food Security and Nutritional Status

They usually eat twice a day although there are times

when they eat only once. Mothers save their food for
their children.
Water and Sanitation


There are four open wells in the community.

However, they complain about poor access to water
sources. “I have to wake up at four o’clock in the
morning just to fetch clean water for drinking
because the wells are easily contaminated after
people start using them.


Many households do not have any toilet facilities at

all, while others have water-sealed toilets. The lack
of land ownership could be a factor which
discourages some from installing a sanitary toilet.

Yes ma’am they have not proper toilet
A day care center, a grade school and a secondary their toilet are few and their water sources
school are accessible to the community. Most Atis are not enough for them due to their
are not studying due to poverty and poor nutrition. poverty and lack of land.

Yes ma’am due to their poverty lot of their

children and teenager wants to help their
family to have their foods every day, their
jobs are construction worker and some
are housemaids and so they dropped to
their academic. And some of them are
affected by bullying and discrimination
due to their physical appearance, also
some of the atis student that continue
their academic they forget their language
so their parents got afraid that their
culture will forget by their children.

Out-of-school youth

Children stop going to school to help their families

earn a living. With low education, limited livelihood
opportunities are available to them.


Some children have been bullied by their

classmates. When the children talked about bullying,
they retorted that, all people are equal. There should
be no discrimination

Children at Risk

Ati language

Yes ma’am Their husband get violence

them if there are too much in drunks.
While the Atis are able to retain their traditional
practices, such as their traditional healing system,
some of their cultures are in danger of disappearing,
including their language. Most do not usually use the
Ati language. Some understand the Ati language
while some hardly do.

Child Labor

Children stop attending school either temporarily or

permanently due to financial constraints, eventually
becoming construction workers or housemaids. With
little education, lack of land security, and limited
livelihood opportunities, their options for survival are


Alcoholism is prevailing in the Ati community.

Women reported that drinking, among men, has
been a problem. Violence against women has
become infrequent. The possibility that children drink
cannot be disregarded. When asked if youth
regularly drink.

Very good class!


Okay class let us have an activity. I will group you

into two. I have here a picture and you need to guest
the name according to the picture the game is called
"spelling with a twist" what are you're going to do
is within 10 seconds, you need to guess the correct (The student follows the instructions)
spelling and twist based on the picture that I will

present using your things In your area only.



Direction: Identify each statement and write your

answer in 1/4 sheet of paper.
1. Who are they people in Guimaras?
Bullying, discrimination, loss of cultural
2. What are the problems with Indigenous students? identity and lack of education

3. What are the health problems of Indigenous Maternal, Infant mortality and malnutrition
People in the Philippines
Lack of source of income, jobs and land
4. What are the major problems that they are faces?
Structural inaccessibility and mental
5. What are the barriers to Indigenous youth? health stigma


For your assignment, have an advance study about

the Negros Oriental province?
Yes ma'am
I am clear class?
Any clarification? None ma'am

So, if that so, class dismissed.

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