Eficacia para Terapia Online para Suicidio

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Journal of Mental Health

ISSN: 0963-8237 (Print) 1360-0567 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ijmh20

Are digital interventions effective in reducing

suicidal ideation and self-harm? A systematic

Evgenia Stefanopoulou, Harry Hogarth, Matthew Taylor, Karen Russell-

Haines, David Lewis & Jan Larkin

To cite this article: Evgenia Stefanopoulou, Harry Hogarth, Matthew Taylor, Karen Russell-Haines,
David Lewis & Jan Larkin (2020): Are digital interventions effective in reducing suicidal ideation and
self-harm? A systematic review, Journal of Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/09638237.2020.1714009

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/09638237.2020.1714009

Published online: 28 Jan 2020.

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Are digital interventions effective in reducing suicidal ideation and self-harm?

A systematic review
Evgenia Stefanopoulou, Harry Hogarth, Matthew Taylor, Karen Russell-Haines, David Lewis and Jan Larkin
Turning Point, Registered Charity, London, UK


Background: There is a significant lack of outcomes research examining the effectiveness of digital Received 15 March 2019
interventions for reducing suicidal ideation and self-harm. Revised 24 December 2019
Aims: To systematically review the effectiveness of digital interventions for reducing suicidal ideation Accepted 28 December 2019
and self-harm in adult populations. The possible mediating effects of depression are also discussed. Published online 24 January
Methods: The databases Pubmed, Medline, PsycInfo, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, IEEEXplore, ACM and CRESP were searched. Only rando- KEYWORDS
mised controlled trials (RCTs) were included. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Online; digital; suicide;
Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were used. Studies were assessed for methodological quality and self-harm; risk; review
risk of bias using standard assessment criteria.
Results: Fourteen RCTs were reviewed, reporting data on 3455 participants. Although findings were
more consistent for the effectiveness of online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness-
Based CBT and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, there was insufficient research to consider any as evi-
dence-based treatments for suicidal ideation and self-harm.
Conclusions: Digital interventions for suicidal ideation and self-harm can be a safe and acceptable
option for individuals unwilling or unable to access face-to-face interventions. However, further
research is needed to understand the types of interventions that could support people and the risk-
benefit ratio of digital interventions for these individuals.

Introduction A number of effective face-to-face psychosocial interven-

tions for self-harm and suicidal ideation are available,
Suicide prevention and the effective support of people who
including Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Cognitive
self-harm are currently a major public health priority
Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Problem Solving Therapy
(World Health Organisation, 2017). Suicide is a leading
(PST) (Klonsky, May, & Saffer, 2016; Hawton et al., 2016).
cause of death globally, accounting for nearly a million
However, many individuals experiencing suicidal ideation or
deaths each year (Bertolote & Fleischmann, 2015).
Suicide attempts, defined as any self-injurious and/or self-harm do not seek treatment, which may limit the effect-
self-poisoning act with clear suicidal intent (Logan, 2013; iveness, impact and accessibility of these interventions
McLean, Maxwell, Platt, Harris, & Jepson, 2008) and self- (Andrews et al., 2018). Immediate help during a crisis is
harm, defined as any intentional, non-fatal self-injury or critical and individuals experiencing suicidal ideation or
self-poisoning behaviour, regardless of motivation and/or self-harm often face barriers to help-seeking, such as lack of
degree of suicidal intent (Hawton, Zahl, & Weatherall, perceived need, low suicide literacy (i.e. having little know-
2003) are closely associated with suicidal ideation, persistent ledge about suicidality), preference to manage problems
self-harm behaviours and completed suicide (Witt alone, stigma, shame, fear of hospitalization, treatment costs,
et al., 2017). services’ long waiting lists, limited geographical access to, or
The overall cost of self-harm to the British National negative experiences with, health care services in the past
Health System (NHS) alone is estimated at £162 million per (Zalsman et al., 2016; Hom, Stanley, & Joiner, 2015).
annum (Tsiachristas et al., 2017). Individuals who self-harm Following recent advances in digital technology, there has
are between 30 and 100 times more likely to die by suicide been significant growth of digital interventions as individu-
in the year following an incident of self-harm; the risk is als can gain immediate access to evidence-based interven-
also sustained over time, with 1 in 15 individuals dying by tions before problems escalate and/or at the time of crisis
suicide within 9 years of an initial self-harm episode (de Beurs et al., 2015; Mishara & Kerkhof, 2013). Previous
(Hawton et al., 2015). Mental health illnesses, such as anx- reviews have found that digital interventions can be effective
iety and depression, are also known risk factors for self- for a range of mental health difficulties, including depres-
harm. Self-harm, therefore, represents a critical mental sion and anxiety (e.g. Andersson, 2016; Stefanopoulou et al.,
health concern (Vieira & Lewis, 2018). 2018a, 2018b). Digital interventions, including online and

CONTACT Evgenia Stefanopoulou evgenia.stefanopoulou@turning-point.co.uk Turning Point, Registered Charity, London, UK

ß 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

mobile telephone applications, consist of structured sessions will extend previous findings (e.g. Witt et al., 2017; Larsen,
that aim to emulate face to face psychotherapy and improve Nicholas, & Christensen, 2016) by discussing (a) a range of
access to care for individuals who were previously unwilling digital interventions, including online and mobile telephone
or unable to obtain these (Arnberg, Linton, Hultcrantz, applications (“apps”), (b) the possible mediating effects of
Heintz, & Jonsson, 2014; Hollis et al., 2015). For example, reduction in depression on suicidal ideation and self-harm,
people who experience stigma or shame may benefit from as well as (c) the risk of bias and methodological quality of
the anonymity that digital interventions can provide (Ebert existing studies in this area.
et al., 2018). Moreover, digital interventions can improve
the cost-efficiency of care and enable therapeutic material to
be precisely tailored to individual needs (Shore, 2013). Methods
Nevertheless, digital interventions for suicidal ideation Inclusion criteria
and self-harm have received less attention. This lack of
research is important given that individuals at risk of suicide RCTs published in peer-reviewed journals examining the
or self-harm may be more likely to seek help online rather effectiveness of digitally delivered psychological interventions
than through face-to-face consultations (Wilks, Coyle, Krek, compared with treatment as usual (TAU), active or waitlist
Lungu, & Andriani, 2018). Smaller studies using a pre/post- control (WLC) conditions and/or traditional face to face inter-
test design have shown promising findings (e.g. Watts, ventions in reducing suicidal ideation and/or self-harm (as
et al., 2012; Williams & Andrews, 2013). However, previous established by diagnostic interviews or self-report measures).
reviews examining the content and usability of digital inter- Outcome measures were (a) suicidal ideation, (b) self-
ventions and mobile apps for suicidal ideation and self- harm scores and episodes of self-harm at post-treatment
harm have shown limitations, e.g. not including enough and follow-up, where available. Only trials reported in
randomised controlled trials (e.g. Lai et al., 2014; Witt et al., English were included (Figure 1).
2017) and not assessing risk of bias or the methodological
quality of the included studies (e.g. Christensen, Batterham,
& O’Dea, 2014; Larsen, Nicholas, & Christensen, 2016). Exclusion criteria
In addition, the majority of people with suicidal thoughts We excluded trials where digital interventions were used
also meet criteria for a psychiatric disorder, most commonly alongside face-to-face psychological therapy or which did
depression and to a lesser extent anxiety (Nock et al., 2008). not specifically target suicidal ideation or self-harm. Studies
Although CBT (Butler, Chapman, Forman, & Beck, 2006), recruiting adolescents, children or older adults (18 years or
behavioural activation therapy (BA) (Ekers, Richards, & 65 years) were also excluded as well as case series or stud-
Gilbody, 2008) and PST (Malouff, Thorsteinsson, & Schutte, ies published in dissertation or abstract form or that did not
2007) are common treatment approaches for depression, report quantitative outcome data on suicidal ideation or
suicide vulnerability is often only indirectly targeted by self-harm.
these interventions. A recent meta-analysis found significant
effects of face-to-face interventions in reducing depression
but not suicidality, suggesting that they are interactive Search strategy
but not strictly tethered (Cuijpers et al., 2013). It is, there-
The databases Pubmed, Medline, PsycInfo, Cochrane
fore, unclear whether treatments targeting depression are
Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register
also effective in reducing suicidal ideation, suicide risk or
of Controlled Trials as well as the IEEE Xplore, ACM and
self-harm. Hence, more research is needed to delineate the
the Centre for Research Excellence of Suicide Prevention
specific mechanisms of change mobilised by digital interven-
(CRESP) libraries were searched from January 2000 and up
tions, along with their effectiveness.
to 08 November 2018. Key term searching was undertaken.
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the gold stand-
ard for evaluating the effectiveness of interventions since Retrieval was limited to RCTs, English language and human
randomization can reduce bias and provide a rigorous tool participants. Organic backwards (reference list search) and
to examine cause-effect relationships between an interven- forward (citation search) searches were undertaken to iden-
tion and outcome (Hariton & Locascio, 2018). Moreover, tify additional relevant papers.
RCTs can help to reveal mediators of therapeutic change.
Conceptually, mediators identify why and how treatments Quality ratings
have effects. Therefore, exploring the role of depression
improvement in reducing suicidal ideation and/or self-harm Study quality was evaluated using a standard quality assess-
could provide insight into key processes in achieving clin- ment tool (Kmet, Cook, & Lee 2004) using 14 established cri-
ical change. teria (e.g. related to study rationale, study design, sample
This systematic review aims to address a significant lack sizes). Quality ratings were conducted independently by two
of outcomes research examining the effectiveness of digital authors, HH and MT, and minor differences were settled
interventions for reducing suicidal ideation and self-harm. before deciding on the final scores (maximum possible score
The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and of 1). Quality ratings for included studies are shown in
Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were used. This review Table 1.

Search of electronic databases

Pubmed, Medline, PsycInfo,
Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews, Cochrane
Central Register of Controlled
Trials, IEEEXplore, ACM &
CRESP using key search terms

10,044 articles obtained

Excluded 9741 studies:

Reviewed titles and abstracts
of search results • N=3019 (duplicates)
• N= 5221 (case reports, pilot/other
studies, letters, reviews)
• N= 1501 (not in English)

Obtained 303 full text relevant


Excluded 289 studies:

• N=137 (Did not report relevant

quantitative data)
Reviewed full text of • N=95 (Not RCTs)
identified articles and re- • N=18 (Multiple studies reporting the
applied inclusion/exclusion same sample)
criteria • N=12 (Different age cohorts)
• N=27 (Insufficient study reporting)

14 RCTs included in the review:

- 11 RTCs on suicidal ideation
- 3 RCTs on self-harm

Figure 1. Flow chart of identification and selection of studies.

Risk of bias following a review of their titles, 394 studies following

abstract review and 289 studies following full text screening,
Risk of bias was evaluated using the Cochrane
for not meeting inclusion criteria.
Collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias (adapted from
A total of 14 non-overlapping RCTs were, therefore,
Higgins et al., 2011) which covers: selection bias (random
included in the review, reporting data on a total of 3,455
sequence generation and allocation concealment), perform-
participants. See Table 1 for a detailed description.
ance bias (blinding of participants and personnel), detection
No meta-analysis was conducted due to the heterogeneity
bias (blinding of outcome assessment), attrition bias (incom-
of the participants in the included trials (e.g. variation in
plete outcome data) and reporting bias (selective reporting).
the chronicity, severity or frequency of suicidal ideation
Results are shown in Table 2.
and/or self-harm episodes) and outcome measures used.

Suicidal ideation
The literature search was conducted independently by ES,
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
HH, and MT. Totally 10,044 potentially relevant studies
were identified. After excluding duplicates, this figure Six RCTs examined the effectiveness of iCBT interventions
reduced to 7025 records. Next, 6328 studies were excluded in reducing suicidal ideation. Amongst these, four trials

Table 1. Summary of studies reviewed.

Study N Groups Duration Measures Support Findings Comments ratings
Batterham 194 1. Static/untailored digital PT: 2 weeks SIDAS Automated NS FitMindKit (including 0.75
et al. (2018) intervention (10 core modules) FU: 3 months email reminders behavioural activation,
2. Tailored digital intervention cognitive reframing,
(extra modules based on problem solving, exposure,
symptom profiles) motivational interviewing,
3. Attention matched control mindfulness, relaxation)
Interactive, attention-matched,
online placebo control
program (‘Healthwatch’)

Christensen 155 1. I-CBT only PT: 6 weeks GHQ-28 Unguided NS iCBT for depression 0.85
et al. (2013) 2. Weekly calls only FU: 6 & (Mood Gym for Participants had moderate to
3. I-CBT plus 12 months depression in high levels of psychological
weekly calls weeks 2–6) distress at entry point
4. TAU
Christensen 1149 1. I-CBT PT: 6 weeks PSF Unguided i-CBT < control i-CBT for insomnia (‘SHUTi’) 0.92
et al. (2016) 2. Attention-matched, online FU: 6 months at PT only Interactive, attention-matched,
control program online placebo control
program (‘Healthwatch’)
Franklin et al. (2016)
(3 RCTs)
114 1. I-TEC PT: 4 weeks SITBI Unguided Suicide plans: Individuals with a recent 0.78
2. Control version of i-TEC FU: 1 month I-TEC < Control history of frequent NSSI
at PT and FU.
Self-cutting episodes &
NSSI behaviours:
I-TEC < Control at PT
131 1. I-TEC PT: 4 weeks SITBI Unguided Self-cutting episodes: 0.78
2. Control version of i-TEC FU: 1 month I-TEC < Control
at PT only
163 1. I-TEC PT: 4 weeks SITBI Unguided Suicide plans, NSSI 0.78
2. Control version of i-TEC FU: 2 month episodes, NSSI events,
Self-cutting episodes
& self-cutting events:
I-TEC < Control
at PT only
Guille et al. (2015) 199 1. I-CBT PT: 4 weeks PHQ-9 (item 9) Email reminders at 2, ICBT < Active control i-CBT for depression ‘Mood 0.75
2. Information only (attention control) FU: 12 months 5, 8 & 11 months Gym’ (4 sessions)
group (participants received 4 emails to review sessions as prevention programme for
with general information as medical students
active control)
Handley et al. (2013) 304 1. Single CBT sessions (depression- PT: 10 weeks BDI-II Brief therapist contact NS Combined data from 2 RCTs 0.75
focused or alcohol-focused) FU: 12 months following each
2. Face to face CBT (integrated) computer-
3. I- CBT (integrated) integrated
4. Counselling CBT session
(as control condition)
Moritz et al. (2012) 210 1. I-CBT PT: 8-weeks SBQ-R Unguided NS i-CBT for depression 0.85
2. WLC (‘Deprexis’)
(incl behavioral activation,
cognitive restructuring,
mindfulness/acceptance and
social skills training)
Table 1. Continued.
Study N Groups Duration Measures Support Findings Comments ratings
Tighe et al. (2017) 61 1. I-ACT PT: 6 weeks DSI-SS Unguided NS Mobile app for suicidal 0.77
2. WLC ideation, depression,
psychological distress and
Van Spijker 236 1. I-CBT/DBT/PST/MBCT PT: 6 weeks BSS Unguided Treatment < WLC ICBT/DBT/PST/MBCT 0.78
et al. (2014) 2. WLC FU: 2, 4 & at PT and FU intervention for suicidal
6 weeks ideation
Participants with a history of
repeated suicide attempts
did better
Van Spijker 418 1. ICBT/DBT PT: 6 weeks C-SSRS Unguided NS ICBT/DBT intervention for 0.92
et al. (2018) 2. Attention matched control ( ‘Living FU: 6 & SIDAS suicidal thinking
Well’ Healthy lifestyle course) 12 months ICBT/DBT intervention was
more effective for
participants who had spent
fewer months thinking
about suicide
Wagner et al. (2014) 62 1. FTF CBT PT: 8 weeks BSI Guided NS i-CBT for depression 0.77
2. I-CBT FU: 3 months (intense therapist support)
Wilks et al. (2018) 59 1. iDBT PT: 8 weeks SSI Unguided NS iDBT for suicidal individuals 0.77
2. WLC FU: 3 & 4 months who engage in heavy
episodic drinking.
Daily emails and/or text
messaging as reminders
BA: Behavioural activation therapy; CBT: Cognitive behavioural therapy; DBT: Dialectical behavioural therapy; ACT: acceptance and commitment therapy; MBCBT: mindfulness-based cognitive behavioural therapy; PST:
problem-solving therapy; TEC: therapeutic evaluative conditioning; NSSI: Non-suicidal self-injury; FTF: Face to Face; WLC: Waitlist control; FU: Follow up; PT: Post-treatment; NS: non-significant; GHQ-28: General Health
Questionnaire (28 items); BSI: Brief Symptom Inventory; BDI-II: Beck Depression Inventory II; RCT: Randomised Controlled Trial; C-SSRS: Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale; SIDAS: Suicidal Ideation Attributes Scale;
PHQ-9: Patient Health Questionnaire; SITBI: Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview; DSI-SS: Depressive Symptom Inventory Suicidality Subscale; BSS: Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation; SBQ-R: Suicidal Behaviors
Questionnaire-Revised; PSF: Psychiatric Symptom Frequency scale.

Table 2. Risk of bias assessments for included studies.

Random Blinding of Blinding of
sequence Allocation participants outcome Incomplete Selective
Study generation concealment and personnel assessment outcome data reporting
Batterham et al. (2018) þ ? _ - - þ
Christensen et al. (2013) þ þ _ _ _ þ
Christensen et al. (2016) þ þ _ _ þ þ
Guille et al. (2015) þ þ _ _ þ þ
Handley et al. (2013) ? _ _ _ þ þ
Franklin et al. (2016) (3 RCTs)
1. ? - _ - þ þ
2. ? - _ - þ þ
3. ? - _ - þ þ
Moritz et al. (2012) þ þ _ _ þ þ
Tighe et al. (2017) þ _ _ _ þ þ
Van Spijker et al. (2014) þ þ _ _ _ þ
Van Spijker et al. (2018) þ þ _ _ _ þ
Wagner et al. (2014) þ þ _ _ - þ
Wilks et al. (2018) þ þ _ _ þ þ
þ: low risk of bias; –: high risk of bias; ?: unclear risk of bias.

reported significant within-group reductions in suicidal there were no significant improvements in suicidal ideation
ideation (Christensen et al., 2013; Christensen et al., 2016; found. Similarly, another trial (Moritz, Schilling, Hauschildt,
Guille et al., 2015; Wagner, Horn, & Maercker, 2014) and Schr€oder, & Treszl, 2012) found that although participants
two trials didn’t (Handley et al., 2013; Moritz et al., 2012). in the iCBT group reported greater depression symptoms
Three trials (Christensen et al., 2013; Christensen et al., decline than participants in a TAU group, there were no
2016; Wagner et al., 2014) reported results on suicidal idea- significant reductions in suicidal ideation measures.
tion and depressive symptoms, too. Specifically, Christensen
et al. (2013) examined the effectiveness of iCBT for depres-
Other therapeutic approaches
sion in reducing suicide ideation. Participants were rando-
mised to receive iCBT plus weekly calls, iCBT only, weekly 3 RTCs examined the effectiveness of iDBT for suicidal
calls only or a TAU control group. Results showed that ideation. Specifically, a trial by Wilks and colleagues (Wilks,
regardless of the condition, all participants experienced sig- Lungu, Ang, Matsumiya, Yin, & Linehan, 2018) assessed the
nificant reductions in suicidal ideation whilst improvements effectiveness of iDBT for suicidal individuals who engage in
in depression were also associated with the resolution of sui- heavy episodic drinking. Participants were allocated to either
cide ideation. Similarly, another trial (Christensen et al., an iDBT or a WLC condition. Results showed that all par-
2016) assessed the effectiveness of an iCBT intervention in ticipants experienced significant reductions in suicidal idea-
reducing both depression symptoms and suicidal ideation. tion, regardless of condition. Two trials reported results on
Compared to a control (“Healthwatch” program) condition, suicidal ideation and depressive symptoms, too. A recent
iCBT significantly reduced suicidal ideation and depression RCT (van Spijker et al., 2018) examined the effectiveness of
symptoms at post-treatment whilst improvements in depres- an online intervention using both CBT and DBT compo-
sion were maintained at follow-up. Another trial (Wagner nents, compared with an attention matched, control condi-
et al., 2014) compared the effectiveness of iCBT with face to tion (a “Healthy Lifestyle” course). Although there were
face CBT in reducing suicidal ideation. Findings showed sig- reductions in both suicidal ideation and depression meas-
nificant suicidal ideation reductions in both groups at post- ures across groups, no significant group differences were
treatment, although no significant between-group differences found. However, the trial was underpowered and, given its
were found. There were also reductions in depression symp- high attrition rate, any smaller differences may have not
toms in both groups; however, these were maintained (at been detected. Another RCT (van Spijker et al., 2014) exam-
follow-up) in the iCBT group only. ined the effectiveness of an online intervention based on
Another trial (Guille et al., 2015) assessed the effective- CBT, DBT, PST and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
ness of iCBT program in preventing suicidal ideation (MBCT) in reducing suicidal ideation. Compared to a WLC
amongst medical students. Findings showed that over the condition, participants in the intervention group showed
course of a year, there were fewer participants in the iCBT significant improvements in suicidal ideation; this effect was
group reporting suicidal ideation than in an attention con- also more pronounced in participants with a history of
trol (information only) group. repeated suicide attempts. Depressive symptoms also showed
2 RCTs did not report significant improvements in sui- small but non-significant improvements.
cidal ideation. Specifically, in a trial by Handley and col- One RTC (Tighe et al., 2017) examined the effectiveness
leagues (Handley et al., 2013) participants received single of online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (i-ACT) in
CBT sessions (either depression-focused or alcohol-focused), reducing suicidal ideation and depression symptoms.
integrated face to face CBT, integrated iCBT or supportive Compared to a waitlist control condition, participants in the
counselling (as a control condition). Although suicidal idea- iACT group showed significant reductions in depression
tion was associated with more severe depressive symptoms, and psychological distress symptoms, but not suicidal

ideation, at the end of the intervention. Nevertheless, not all 2012; Wagner et al., 2014; Handley et al., 2013; Batterham
participants had suicidal ideation at baseline and the trial et al., 2018; van Spijker et al., 2018; Wilks et al., 2018;
may have been under-powered to find significant effects. Guille et al., 2015; van Spijker et al., 2014) and four RCTs
Franklin and colleagues (Franklin et al., 2016) examined reported findings from mobile apps (Franklin et al., 2016;
the effectiveness of a brief Therapeutic Evaluative Tighe et al., 2017).
Conditioning (TEC) intervention compared to a control We found no consistent effectiveness of digital interven-
TEC condition for suicidal ideation; no significant tions for suicidal ideation and/or self-harm compared with
between group differences were found at post-treatment and face-to-face interventions, TAU, active or waitlist control
follow-up. conditions. Three RCTs demonstrated significant treatment
Finally, a different RCT (Batterham, Calear, Farrer, effects on suicidal ideation (Guille et al., 2015; van Spijker
McCallum, & Cheng, 2018) examined the effectiveness of a et al., 2014; Christensen et al., 2016) with additional
transdiagnostic, tailored online intervention combining dif- improvements on depression (Christensen et al., 2016) and
ferent therapeutic components (e.g. behavioural activation, worry (van Spijker et al., 2014; consistent with the interven-
cognitive reframing, problem solving, exposure, motivational tion’s focus on repetitive thinking in relation to suicidal
interviewing, mindfulness, relaxation) compared to an thoughts) as possible mediating mechanisms. On the other
untailored version of this programme and an interactive, hand, some studies found significant effects of digital inter-
attention-matched, online placebo control program. ventions on depressive symptoms but not suicidality (Moritz
Findings showed no significant effects of treatment on sui- et al., 2012; Tighe et al., 2017). Given the relatively small
cidal ideation or depression symptoms at post-treatment number of studies included in this review, our findings pro-
and 3 months follow-up. vide limited evidence so far that digital interventions for
depression may be effective in reducing suicidality, consist-
ent with previous findings that depression and suicidality
may not be entirely tethered and have different trajectories
Franklin et al. (2016) reported findings from 3 different (Cuijpers et al., 2013; Christensen et al., 2013; Batterham
RCTs; in their first trial they found that, compared to a con- et al., 2018). Although associations between worry and
trol condition, the i-TEC group showed significant reduc- rumination and the repetitive character of suicidal thoughts
tions in self-cutting episodes (i.e. discrete time periods of have previously been described (e.g. Kerkhof & van Spijker,
self-cutting behaviours), overall non-suicidal self-injury 2011; Morrison & O’Connor, 2008) there is currently not
(NSSI) episodes (including self-cutting behaviours) and sui- sufficient support for this using digital interventions. More
cide plans at post-treatment. Only reductions in suicide research is, therefore, needed to determine the effectiveness
plans remained significant at 1 month follow-up (RCT 1). In of digital interventions targeting suicidal ideation and the
two other trials, they found that compared to a control con- possible mediating effects of depression and worry on treat-
dition, the i-TEC group showed significant reductions in ment outcomes.
self-cutting episodes (RCT 2 and 3) as well as self-cutting Face to face interventions using CBT, DBT, PST and
events (i.e. instances of actual or attempted tissue damage Mindfulness have been consistently shown to be effective in
during an episode), overall NSSI episodes, overall NSSI reducing suicidal ideation and self-harm in adult popula-
events and suicidal plans (RCT 3) at post-treatment only. tions (e.g. Tarrier, Taylor, & Gooding, 2008; Linehan et al.,
2006; Townsend et al., 2001; Mark, Williams, & Swales,
2004; Segal & Williams, 2002). Such findings appear to be
consistent with the use of i-CBT (Guille et al., 2015) and
This systematic review evaluated the effectiveness of digital i-CBT, i-DBT, i-PST and Mindfulness-based i-CBT
interventions, including online and mobile telephone appli- (i-MBCBT) (van Spijker et al., 2014) in this review, although
cations, in reducing suicidal ideation and self-harm in adult the level of evidence is less robust in view of the lack of
populations. A total of 14 RCTs met the inclusion criteria, more controlled studies reporting positive findings. It may
accounting for 3455 participants. also be worth noting that two RCTs reporting positive
The majority of the interventions focused on suicidal effects recruited primarily adults with minimal or no past
ideation as the main outcome, whereas 3 trials focused on history of suicidal ideation (Guille et al., 2015) or less severe
self-harm (Franklin et al., 2016). Half of the RCTs (50%) suicidal ideation (van Spijker et al., 2014), suggesting that
included in this review used psychosocial interventions tar- digital interventions may be more beneficial to adults with
geting depression (Moritz et al., 2012; Christensen et al., low suicidality. This is also consistent with clinical guide-
2013, 2016; Wagner et al., 2014; Handley et al., 2013; lines for the use of low-intensity interventions (i.e. National
Batterham et al., 2018; Wilks et al., 2018), rather than sui- Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines) for indi-
cidal ideation or self-harm only (Franklin et al., 2016; van viduals who have low to moderate symptom levels. 3 RCTs
Spijker et al., 2014, 2018; Tighe et al., 2017). One RCT reported significant effects of an active version of TEC on
examined the effectiveness of an online intervention for self-injurious behaviours, compared to a control version of
depression in the prevention of suicidal ideation (Guille TEC (Franklin et al., 2016). Although these findings are
et al., 2015). 10 RCTs (71%) reported findings from online promising, more studies are needed to establish the effect-
interventions (Christensen et al., 2016, 2013; Moritz et al., iveness of TEC in reducing self-harm behaviours and to

provide sufficient power to examine potential mediators of examine the effectiveness not only of the interventions but
treatment effectiveness. also of the components within interventions that may influ-
Although 2 trials reported low attrition rates (Tighe ence treatment outcomes. This would help to support the
et al., 2017; van Spijker et al., 2014), the rest of the studies optimal design of future interventions.
included in this review reported much higher attrition rates.
Individuals who dropped out of the studies often had more
severe levels of depression and suicidal behaviours (e.g. van Other considerations
Spijker et al., 2018), indicating that severe symptoms may Treatment dropout tends to be relatively high for online
interfere with completion of such interventions interventions (Melville, Casey, & Kavanagh, 2010) so the
(Christensen, Griffiths, & Farrer, 2009); however, future dropout rates in this review were predictable. However,
research is needed in order to explore this hypothesis fur- many RCTs were not powered enough to detect significant
ther. Moreover, only two RCTs demonstrated sustained between-group differences in suicide ideation and self-harm
positive benefits on suicidal ideation (12 months (Guille outcome measures.
et al., 2015); 12 weeks (van Spijker et al., 2014) at follow-up; We also excluded pseudo-RCT (non-randomised con-
therefore, longer-term studies are crucial. trolled trials) and observational pre-test/post-test design
Overall, this systematic review found limited evidence studies but reviews were recently conducted in this area
that digital interventions for suicidal ideation and self-harm (Witt et al., 2017). Few RCTs included long-term follow-
are harmful and supports that they may be beneficial to ups, thus findings remain unclear in terms of the longer
adults with less severe suicidal ideation. Future research effects of the examined interventions for suicidal ideation
should, however, investigate further which individuals might and self-harm. Moreover, not all trials controlled for non-
benefit most from digital interventions targeting suicidal specific effects of treatment; such effects cannot, therefore,
ideation and self-harm and what adjustments might need be ruled out.
to be made to the programs in order to accommodate for Many included studies used an active control as compari-
various degrees of suicidality and self-harm. For example, son group. There is evidence that spontaneous remission
interventions specifically targeting suicidal ideation and/or and improvement over time in such groups are greater than
self-harm and tailoring these to best address individual waitlist controls (e.g. Patterson, Boyle, Kivlenieks, & Van
needs might help improve outcomes regardless of symp- Ameringen, 2016), which may have affected outcomes of
tom severity. individual studies and made the evaluation of longer-term
group differences more difficult.
A potential limitation of this review may be that we
Methodological quality of studies
included interventions ranging from 2 weeks to 8 weeks in
Many participants dropped out in the examined studies and duration. It, therefore, remains unclear what the best dur-
data were not always analysed on an intention-to-treat basis. ation of support might be to achieve optimal treatment out-
This may have introduced bias, over- or under-estimating comes. Finally, it may be worth noting that digital
the benefits of examined interventions. Only some of the interventions discussed in this review are differentiated from
studies reported treatment adherence rates, of which some other technology delivered interventions, such as the use of
studies indicated that adherence was positively associated brief, periodic texts to deliver caring messages for suicide
with better outcomes (e.g. van Spijker et al., 2018). Whether prevention (e.g. Comtois et al., 2019) and future research
adherence to the treatment sessions was affected by depres- should delineate the effectiveness of these interventions for
sion, worry/anxiety or other distress symptoms was not suicidal ideation and self-harm further.
always reported; similarly, not all studies reported adverse
life events and reasons for dropouts. Finally, since the con-
Recommendations for future interventions
trol groups usually consisted of usual care, researchers and
participants were not blinded to the interventions, possibly In summary, this systematic review has found limited evi-
introducing bias. Future studies should ensure rigorous dence for the effectiveness of digital interventions for sui-
methodology and reporting, including adequate randomiza- cidal ideation and self-harm in adult populations. Findings
tion, allocation concealment, intention-to-treat analysis, and were more consistent for the effectiveness of i-CBT, i-
blinding of at least outcome assessors. Future studies would MBCBT and i-DBT, although there is still insufficient
also benefit from examining outcomes in terms of the research to consider any as evidence-based treatments in
chronicity, frequency and severity of symptoms associated this area.
with suicidal ideation and self-harm. In addition, clear Overall, this review supports that digital interventions for
descriptions of the interventions should be provided suicidal ideation and self-harm can be a safe and acceptable
together with a description of expertise of the instructors, option for individuals who are unwilling or unable to access
when offered in guided or semi-guided formats. Although face-to-face interventions. However, further research is
there was heterogeneity of the included interventions it is needed to better understand the types of interventions that
likely that different interventions share common techniques could support people experiencing suicide ideation and self-
or mechanisms. Therefore, to support understanding of why harm as well as the risk-benefit ratio of digital interventions
interventions may, or may not, work it is necessary to for these individuals.

Disclosure statement Ebert, D. D., Van Daele, T., Nordgreen, T., Karekla, M., Compare, A.,
Zarbo, C., … Baumeister, H. (2018). Internet-and mobile-based
On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is psychological interventions: Applications, efficacy, and potential for
no conflict of interest, On behalf of all authors, the corresponding improving mental health. European Psychologist, 23(2), 167–187.
author also confirms that our manuscript is a systematic review and doi:10.1027/1016-9040/a000318
that all researchers have followed the PRISMA guidance. The review Ekers, D., Richards, D., & Gilbody, S. (2008). A meta-analysis of
protocol has not been published on Prospero. randomized trials of behavioural treatment of depression.
Psychological Medicine, 38(5), 611–623. doi:10.1017/
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