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Intergenerational Shared Action Games for Promoting Empathy Between

Japanese Youth and Elders

Conference Paper · December 2019

DOI: 10.1109/ACII.2019.8925483


13 430

4 authors, including:

Katie Seaborn Nina Lee

Tokyo Institute of Technology National Cheng Kung University


Marla Narazani
Technical University of Munich


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8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, 2019

Intergenerational Shared Action Games

for Promoting Empathy Between
Japanese Youth and Elders

RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP)
The University of Tokyo, RCAST

National Cheng Kung University

Technical University of Munich

RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP)
The University of Tokyo, RCAST

CITATION: Seaborn, K., Lee, N., Narazani, M. & Hiyama, A. (2019). Intergenerational shared action games for
promoting empathy between Japanese youth and elders. Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on
Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2019), D2-20. Cambridge, UK: IEEE.

The final publication is available via IEEE at

©2019 IEEE
2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII)

Intergenerational shared action games for promoting

empathy between Japanese youth and elders
Katie Seaborn Nina “Ikea” Lee Marla Narazani
Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP) Department of Industrial Design Department of Informatics
RIKEN National Cheng Kung University Technical University of Munich
Tokyo, Japan Tainan, Taiwan Munich, Germany

Atsushi Hiyama
Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP),
Research Center for Advanced Science
and Technology (RCAST)
RIKEN, The University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan

Fig. 1. The intergenerational shared action game system. On the left, the first and second versions of the finger prototype. On the right, the foot version.

Abstract—Japan is a super-aging society, one marked by a of the super-aging society [5]. Yet there is an increasing gap
steadily silvering population and shrinking birthrates. Social between elders and youth. The notion of “filial piety,” or
effects range from a decline in intergenerational homes to new respect for and care of elders, has sharply declined in the last
tensions between the generations as elders delay retirement or 20+ years [6]. As more elders return to work post-retirement,
return to work. Towards improving relations between the intergenerational tensions are occurring due to the perception
generations, two versions of an inclusive, intergenerational that opportunities are being taken away from youth [7]. A way
game employing “shared action,” or time-movement synchrony, forward that tackles these tensions while connecting the
were developed: a finger-based version inspired by medical generations would be ideal for intergenerational well-being.
exercise technology from gerontology and a smart shoe-based
version as a familiar form factor. A series of three exploratory New pressures are leading to the use of technology to
studies were conducted with young Japanese adults and elders. support and enhance the well-being of older and younger
Findings suggest that the foot version was most suitable overall generations, albeit not intergenerationally per se [3]. Post-
and reveal initial, complex effects of age and gender on empathy retirement work apps (e.g., [8]) are showing that Japanese
measures that can inform affective computing initiatives within elders can and are using modern technology to engage with
and beyond the cultural milieu of modern Japan. society [9]. Games are also being considered as a mechanism
for behavior change [10] and community engagement [11],
Keywords— inclusive design, intergenerational games, shared
such as Pokémon Go for youth experiencing social withdrawal
action, synchrony, body movement, empathy, Japan
(hikikomori) [12] and adults with psychological distress [13].
I. INTRODUCTION Thus, technology-enabled play could meet intergenerational
well-being needs and facilitate connections across ages.
Japan is a super-aging society, characterized by falling
birthrates and a swiftly silvering population [1]. This has A primary concern is how best to design for elders [14]
resulted in cascading social and structural effects within and and intergenerationally [15]. We chose to explore a form of
beyond the issue of supporting and managing the aging synchrony based on same-time, same-action movement, or
population [2], [3]. Well-being initiatives focusing on elders’ “shared action,” as a design strategy, which has been linked to
physical, mental, and social needs—participation in society, increases in prosocial measures between pairs of near-peer
community engagement, and social relationships—have been strangers [16], [17], but has not been applied in engineering
proposed as a way forward [2]. In particular, connecting older practice for a complex activity with multi-generational pairs.
and younger generations may have the potential to tackle the Our goal was thus to explore shared action as a practical
well-being of elders, support and diversify opportunities for mechanism for empathy-based intergenerational engagement
youth, especially women [4], and relieve the systemic burden in a game that uses physical action and movement.

978-1-7281-3888-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII)

Towards this end, a shared action game was developed and physical interaction, body movement, and body augmentation
evaluated in a year-long, multiphase exploratory study with with technology, but without direct body or perception
elders and youth. Two interfaces were explored: a finger- modification. Instead, we have focused on how to design
based physical prototype resembling a hand exercise tool technology and interactive experiences by harnessing known
actuated by a smartphone, combining two ideas familiar to psychological phenomena, in our case a form of synchrony, to
elders; and a smart shoe that looks and feels like a normal shoe elicit effects on empathy.
for a novel yet familiar experience. The main contributions
are: (i) the proof-of-concept system; (ii) design knowledge; C. Synchrony and Shared Action
and (iii) initial results for intergenerational engagement and Synchrony is a social phenomenon in which individuals,
empathy. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first knowingly or otherwise, coordinate their actions in social
to explore shared action as a design strategy in the context of interaction [36]. The powerful effects of synchrony and
a physical game for intergenerational empathy. related phenomena, including joint action [37], interpersonal
coordination [38], and coordinated action [39] are well-
II. BACKGROUND known, with particular effects on cooperation, empathy,
altruism, and other prosocial states and behaviors. Valdesolo
A. Intergenerational Technology and Games
and DeStano [17] found that a simple, repetitive finger-
While much work has explored designing for and tapping task generated feelings of similarity, liking, and
engaging elders with technology (see e.g., [18]–[22]), less has compassion as well as provoked empathetic behaviors.
considered the intersection of age group or generation as a Studies on body rocking from interpersonal coordination [40]
factor of design. Also, most has focused on more common and coordinated action [41] perspectives have showed effects
forms of interaction and technologies, particularly common on cooperation ability and rapport. Such work crafts a
information communication technologies (ICTs) such as persuasive argument for our ability to use synchrony as a
smartphones or tablets and the Internet and its various design strategy: that is, to design for synchrony to bring about
offerings (the Web, chat boards, virtual environments, social prosocial affective states and behavior. Yet this work, while
media, etc.). Being mainstream, such technologies are most striking, has been limited to experimental lab studies with
readily available to elders, and as many are in the midst of limited participant pools (for instance, young recruits) and
ageing themselves, they are most familiar to and therefore impractical, boring tasks. We attempted to address these
may have a higher rate of acceptance by elders. However, such limitations in this work through a fun game-based format with
ICTs tend to provide or allow for physically stationary or intergenerational pairs in a community setting.
sedentary experiences. While elders may be online engaging
digitally with others, there may not be subsequent effects on In human-computer interaction, some work has explored
“real life” social engagement [23]. synchrony in playful exercise experiences. Ahn et al. [42]
created an exercise game where two people control the speed
Some work at the intersection of games, play and and direction of a boat when their physical actions on a
technology has shown an alternative [24]. Khoo et al. [25] treadmill are synchronized. Similarly, Park and colleagues
created Age Invaders, a family-focused, multi-generation, [43] created an exercise game based on repetitive aerobics that
inclusive, age-customized mixed reality game for social used an “interpersonal synchrony,” defined as occurring when
interaction and physical action. Elders found the novel mixed physical movement rhythms and/or physiological responses
reality format of the game to be inviting and physically are synchronized, albeit not necessarily at exactly the same
engaging. Seaborn, Pennefather and Fels [26] created a two- time or in the same way, or indeed at the volition of the
player mixed reality game for elders who use electronic players. Alavesa et al. [44] created a similar game involving
wheelchairs or scooters that required the elder and a younger two people controlling one avatar through an air cycling
participant to use a wheelchair during the game. This led to a activity while their physical bodies were tied together. While
“role reversal” with the elder taking the lead and helping the not exploring a direct impact on empathy, these show how
younger, as well as increased understanding and empathy synchrony can be used as a design strategy and provide an
between the generations. Commercial game systems that engineering basis for our work.
provide diverse user interfaces and interaction possibilities,
such as the Nintendo Wii [27], have also been shown to This work seeks to build on these efforts by applying the
mediate positive relations between elder and younger family experimental, lab-based results of shared action synchrony in
members. Taken together, this work inspired us to explore design for a real impact on intergenerational empathy. Based
physical, wearable, and movement-based interaction styles on this literature, we have applied in-phase [39] coordinated
that are used in in-person contexts. action—same time, same movement—what we call “shared
action,” as a design strategy for generating feelings of
B. Empathy and Affective Computing empathy between intergenerational pairs. Next, we describe
Empathy is defined as an involuntary emotional response how we did so for our shared action game.
to another person’s experience such that the responder’s
feelings can be said to have merged with the other person’s III. SYSTEM DESIGN
[28]. Within affective computing, empathy has been explored The shared action game (Fig. 1) is comprised of four main
as a detectable emotion that a system can then respond to, e.g., parts: (i) the finger interface, (ii) the foot interface, (iii) the
[29], an emotion to design for, e.g., [30], and an emotion to be display, and (iv) the game controller.
designed into systems, particularly robots or other computer-
based agents, e.g. [31]. Other work has explored how to create A. Game Controller
empathic experiences through body sharing; for instance, The game controller provided the basic gameplay as well
sharing, merging, or swapping visual first-person perspectives as networked (using Node.js with the various
[32], touch [33], heartbeat [34], and breathing [35]. We seek devices and game displays (created with HTML5) together for
to add to this literature on designing for empathy using a seamless realtime experience. It also allowed admin control
2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII)

over the experimental conditions (interface version and shared selection of finger and foot input methods and the generation
action mode). The game was modelled on the ideas generated of over thirty age- and culture-relative ideas; (ii) an initial
in the idea jam (Phase I)—nature-based, physical, puzzle study with youngers (S1); (iii) a usability study with elders
game—as well as the beat-based synchrony task in one of the (S2); (iv) and the full intergenerational study with pairs of
empathy-building studies [17]. The objective of the game was youngers and elders (Study 3, or S3). All studies used a 2x2
to co-create flowers by matching movements (finger taps or factorial design with interface version (finger or foot) as the
foot gestures) to a modulated rhythmic beat. within-subjects factor and shared action mode (shared or not
shared) as the between-subjects factor. All studies were
B. Finger Version approved by the university ethics committee.
Daily self-directed exercise is common among Japanese
elders. Many elders are starting to use finger-strengthening A. Participants and Location
equipment to enhance physical ability and prevent injury from S1 involved six pairs of youngers (n = 12, women, or W =
such exercises. We created a prototype similar to these that 2, men, or M = 10, Med Age = 23) and was conducted in-lab.
uses rubber bands for the fingers and provide physical S2 involved twelve pairs of elders (n = 24, W = 15, M = 9,
feedback. One downside of current devices is the lack of Med Age = 67) and was also conducted in-lab. S3 had twenty
visual feedback, which requires users to practice with a intergenerational pairs (n = 39) of elders (n = 20, W = 4, M =
therapist. We realized that smartphones, which are being 16, Med Age = 71) and youngers (n = 19, W = 7, M = 13, Med
increasingly used by elders, could detect finger taps as well as Age = 23.5) participating in non-lab rooms at a university
provide visual feedback. The first version of the prototype gerontology center. Due to a sudden cancellation, one of the
(Fig. 1, left) integrated these requirements, but when Study 1 research assistants acted as a younger participant in one pair.
(S1) and Study 2 (S2) results indicated that the visual feedback Participants in S1 knew each other, but participants in S2 and
was distracting from the synchronization effect, we reduced S3 did not necessarily know each other. Elderly participants
these in the final version (Fig. 1, center). Other improvements were recruited through a job and volunteer service, while
were applied: (i) transparent acrylic boards to see each other’s youngers were recruited through a university mailing list. All
fingers and the screen more easily; (ii) larger rubber bands for were given ¥1200 (~$10 USD) per hour plus transportation.
stronger support; (iii) multiple height levels for placing the
rubber bands to support diversity in body size; (iv) an easier B. Materials and Measures
way to install the smartphone; and (v) a higher base for users A series of inventories related to synchronized action for
to more comfortably place their wrist. Tapping gestures were empathy and game experience were embedded in pre- and
captured with a HTML5-powered app. post-play questionnaires, with most translated from English to
Japanese. All participants completed a pre-questionnaire on
C. Foot Version demographics, such as age and gender, which were used as
A shoe as input method (Fig. 1, right) was explored as a independent variables (IVs); in S3, the Japanese version [46]
form factor familiar to elderly people. We used a proprietary of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) was used to capture
smart shoe named Orphe 1 . It is equipped with inertial dispositional empathy as a possible explanatory IV [47]. A
measurement units (IMU) that provide accurate realtime post-questionnaire about the game experience and the
sensor data, such as acceleration, velocity, gravity, and interface used (finger or foot) included the Enjoyment and
orientation. The shoes also have built-in LEDs that can Social Presence modules from the Game Experience
simulate different light patterns depending on the detected Questionnaire (GEQ) [48] as dependent variables (DVs)
foot gesture. By using the Orphe framework, we were able to related to synchronized cooperative game experiences.
detect four different foot gestures: flat step, heel step, toe step, Similarity (two translations, 1 and 2) and liking, from the
and kick. However, due to technical limitations related to the original research [17], and rapport [49] as a subjective social
accuracy of the flat step and kick movements, we extended the measure of empathy were also captured as DVs. Open-ended
existing framework to include two new gestures: double heel questions included a comparison question about the interface
and double toe steps. We also developed a macOS app that (finger and foot), likes and dislikes about the game experience,
communicates with the shoes of both players via Bluetooth and any other thoughts, impressions, or ideas. These as well
using the Open Sound Control (OSC) protocol. The app tracks as video and audio were captured and/or transcribed for
foot movements, detects the four different gestures for both qualitative analysis and illustration of attitudes, perceptions,
feet of both players, and forwards these to the game controller. patterns of behavior, and to help explain quantitative findings.
D. Display C. Procedure
In S1 and S2, a Microsoft Surface tablet was used to All studies followed the same general procedure. Each pair
present the shared game screen for both versions. In S3, the participated in one 1.25-hour session in which they played the
tablet was used only for the finger version; for increased shared action game twice with both interface versions (with
visibility, a floor projector was used for the foot version. the order counterbalanced across pairs to account for learning
effects) but only one shared action mode: shared action (SA),
IV. METHODS where the game encouraged same-time, same-action input, or
A year-long, multipart, exploratory mixed methods study non-shared action (non-SA), where the game encouraged out-
founded on a human factors design and evaluation approach of-phase input timing and provided different sets of
[45] was conducted in four phases: (i) three idea jams with instructions to each player. After each game, they completed
elders, youngers, and experts in gerontology (n=7) for needs the post-play questionnaire, and after experiencing both
analysis and requirements gathering to inform the design of versions, they were asked to compare the two. They were then
the system and prototype technology selection, leading to the debriefed about the goals of the study and compensated.

2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII)

Fig. 2. Difficulty (left) and social presence (right) for youngers in S1. Fig. 3. Difficulty (left) and social presence (right) for elders in S2.

D. Data Analysis
presence (Fig. 3, right), as in S1. However, neither showed a
Correlations, t-tests, mixed analyses of variance, and SA effect, unlike S1 for the finger version. Elders’ comments
regressions were used to explore quantitative data. Chi-square suggested several reasons why. The finger version forced
analyses were used to check whether groups were even for concentration on the game, was tiring to use, and blocked the
each factor; gender was found to be uneven (F = 10, M = 23) line of sight. The foot version’s detection inaccuracy remained
but gender composition of pairs was not (same = 21, different an issue despite lower difficulty ratings than S1, and foot
= 12). As such, non-parametric statistical tests were used visibility was reduced due using chairs. Since the SA effect is
where possible. In S3, data from seven participants was theorized to rely on visual perception of similarity [51], we
removed due to missing data, no-shows, or evaluating only concluded that visibility of both prototypes needed to be
one prototype. For the qualitative data, word frequency improved, and so the finger version and environmental setup
analyses were used to guide the thematic analysis, for which was redesigned (as in III. B.) for maximum visibility.
all themes between two raters achieved κ > .79.
C. Study 3: Intergenerational
V. RESULTS For dispositional empathy, scores did not differ based on
A. Study 1: Youngers gender, nationality, or age when considering the full scale.
However, scores differed by gender for two of its subscales:
In the first study2, pairs of youngers evaluated the game empathic concern, U = 167, p = .042, and perspective-taking,
and prototypes. Comparing difficulty for the finger version U = 189, p = .003, with women rating higher self-scores than
(Med = 2, IQR = 1, Mean = 2.1, STD = 0.4) and foot version men. They were thus included as covariates when gender was
(Med = 4, IQR = 1.25, Mean = 4.0, STD = 0.8), a significant considered in the analysis.
difference was observed, t(6) = 5.35, p < 0.01, where the foot
version was rated more difficult than the finger version (Fig. Unlike in S1 or S2, there were no significant differences
2, left). According to qualitative comments, this may have found for difficulty, enjoyment, or social presence based on
been due to the smart shoe’s gesture detection problems and interface version or SA mode. A mixed ANCOVA for rapport
the use of headphones (which prevented dialogue among found a significant main effect of interface on SA mode, F(1,
players when difficulties arose). 24) = 4.85, p = .038 (Fig. 4, left). The estimated marginal
means suggest that rapport was higher for the foot version in
Regardless of SA mode, participants experienced greater SA mode; the opposite trend was seen for the non-SA mode,
social presence in the foot version (Med = 3, IQR = 1.25, with higher rapport for the finger version. There were
Mean = 2.6, STD = 1.2) compared to the finger version (Med significant main effects of enjoyment, F(1, 24) = 11.91, p =
= 2, IQR = 2, Mean = 2, STD = 1.4), via the Friedman test, .002, similarity 2, F(1, 24) = 7.54, p = .011, and the interaction
χ2(1) = 4, p = .046. However, only the finger version showed of SA mode and pair gender composition, F(1, 24) = 6.00, p =
an effect of SA on social presence via the Wilcoxon signed- .022. Rapport and similarity 2 will be interpreted later as
rank test, Z = -2.43, p = .015 (Fig. 2, right). For youngers, it
regression models [52].
seems the finger prototype facilitated a stronger SA effect.
The interaction of SA mode and gender was also found in
B. Study 2: Elders a multivariate model including social presence, F(2, 16) =
In the second study with pairs of elders, comparing 7.48, p = .005, Wilk's Λ = .518, partial η2 = .48 (Fig. 4, right).
difficulty for the finger version (Med = 1, IQR = 3, Mean = The estimated marginal means suggest that, for both factors,
1.8, STD = 1.1) and foot version (Med = 2, IQR = 4, Mean = pair gender composition interacted with SA mode. In SA
2.1, STD = 1.1) yielded no significant difference between mode, rapport and social presence were higher when pairs had
interfaces (Fig. 3, left), unlike in S1. There was also no the same gender; the effect was not seen in non-SA mode.
significant difference between the finger version (Med = 4,
IQR = 2, Mean = 3.9, STD = 1.0) and foot version (Med = 4, Several univariate effects were found for rapport and
IQR = 2, Mean = 3.8, STD = 0.7) for game enjoyment, and social presence. For rapport, significant main effects were
scores were high for both interfaces. found with similarity 2, F(1, 24) = 7.54, p = .011, and
enjoyment, F(1, 24) = 11.91, p = .002. For social presence,
For social presence, a significant difference was found enjoyment, F(1, 21) = 9.57, p = .006, liking, F(1, 21) = 10.19,
between the finger version (Med = 3, IQR = 2, Mean = 2.6, p = .004, and similarity 2, F(1, 21) = 6.55, p = .018. These will
STD = 0.9) and foot version (Med = 3, IQR = 3, Mean = 3.0, be interpreted in the regression analysis next.
STD = 1.0), via the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Z = -2.24, p =
.025, indicating that the foot version had higher social

Originally presented in Japanese as a technical report without peer
review at the annual 2018 Virtual Reality Society of Japan conference [50].
2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII)

Fig. 4. Rapport (left) and rapport and social presence (right) in S3.

Fig. 5. Path analysis linking pair and game factors with empathy variables
A simple model based on [17] of SA mode, synchrony for intergenerational pairs in S3. Dashed lines indicate theoretical predictors
factors—liking and similarity, with two versions translated to that are not significantly correlated with the DV. * p < .05. ** p < .01.
Japanese: feeling similar (1) and similarity of character (2)—
and empathy variables was not significant. Thus, we explored, of similarity 2 led to higher rapport. The addition of higher
based on the above analyses of variance, a new explanatory reports of liking also led to higher social presence.
model. Table 1 shows regressions found between pair
(individual and pair demographic and synchrony The word frequency analysis of 87 comments from the
characteristics), game (experiential) factors, and empathy post-play questionnaires resulted in four clusters: social focus
variables (rapport and social presence). A path analysis was (36), comprised of references to partner (24), the other person
then constructed to depict the relationships between these (6), and myself (6); learning (35), comprised of problems with
regression models and their factors (Fig. 5). understanding (24) or the instructions (5), lack of guidance
(3), or desire for more training (2); hardware (9), comprised
TABLE I. SIGNIFICANT REGRESSIONS (N = 33) IN S3. of sensor (5) and detection (4) problems; and challenge (24),
comprised of difficulty (19) and hard (5). For the interfaces,
DV Predictor t Β F df p adj. R2
15 preferred the foot, 11 preferred the finger, and 8 liked both
Enjoyment Overall Model 5.39 1,31 .027 .121 equally, with the rest not holding a strong opinion any way.
Difficulty -2.32 -.39 .027 The positive feelings (20) theme was characterized by
Similarity 1 Overall Model 4.92 2,30 .014 .197
having fun, especially with the shoes; a sense of cooperation
and synchrony, especially for the SA mode; and a sense of
Gender 2.74 .49 .010 accomplishment, especially at seeing the flower at the end of
Age Difference 2.61 .46 .014
each level. The empathic feelings (24) theme had comments
from elders about their younger partner (5) and vice versa
Similarity 2 Overall Model 6.09 3,29 .002 .323 (19). Elders felt attentive and empathetic towards youngers in
Age 2.77 .41 .010
the shoe version regardless of SA mode, and not during the
non-SA mode regardless of interface. Youngers’ comments
Pair Gender 3.07 .47 .005 focused on the exercise benefits for elders or concern about
Gender 2.69 .42 .012
elders due to a perception that the game or interface, especially
the finger version, was more difficult for elders.
Liking Overall Model 11.61 2,30 .000 .399
Similarity 1 3.57 .51 .001
Shared action as a design strategy, regardless of interface
Gender 2.12 .30 .042 version, appears to have been influenced by multiple factors
Rapport Overall Model 17.00 2,30 .000 .500
including and beyond the interface version and game format,
such as individual differences and pair characteristics. We
Enjoyment 3.87 .50 .001 discuss and synthesize the findings from all studies here.
Similarity 2 3.20 .42 .003 For intergenerational pairs, age and gender had indirect
Overall Model 14.10 3,29 .000 .551 and intersecting effects that influenced the synchrony factors
Presence of similarity and liking more than SA mode. Regardless of
Enjoyment 3.69 .46 .001 interface, shared action was most successful at shaping
Liking 3.28 .39 .002
subjective empathy when the gender makeup of the pair was
the same, e.g., two women or two men. This is not surprising
Similarity 2 3.35 .41 .003 given the strict yet unexamined gender divisions in Japanese
society. Indeed, the qualitative analysis did not unearth any
The difficulty of the game affected enjoyment, with higher insights about gender; even when youngers expressed concern
difficulty leading to lower enjoyment. Within the pair, higher about their elderly partner, this was based on an age-based
scores for similarity 1 were explained by higher age perception of difficulty, with no comment on gender.
differences, especially for women. For similarity 2, having the However, the path analysis for S3 (Fig. 5) indicates that age
same gender led to higher scores, especially for youngers and interacted with gender. Elderly women had higher
women. Also, elders, especially women, tended to report impressions of similarity and liking regardless of age, but
feeling more similar to their partner than youngers. Higher youngers responded better in same-gender pairs. Still, these
reports of similarity 1 led to higher reports of liking, especially novel findings may not just be due to the cultural context of
for women. Enjoying the game experience and higher ratings Japan, but also because previous research may not have
2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII)

included diverse ages or many women; indeed, the participant feelings of similarity [55], future work could compare pairs of
makeup of the studies that found a shared action effect were strangers and pairs already familiar with each other.
with youngers who were mostly male (S1) or with same-
gender pairs (S3), seemingly matching the participant makeup VII. CONCLUSIONS
of the original research [17]. Future work on designing Eliciting an effect on subjective empathy-related factors
intergenerational shared action games will need to explore by manipulating the design of two versions of a shared action
how to increase feelings of similarity in youngers towards game was not straightforward. Findings from the three studies
elders and within non-gender-equal pairs. show that the shared action effect was influenced by
Across all studies, findings indicate that form factor and individual and pair factors. Still, we can tentatively conclude
interaction style need to be carefully considered in light of from these results that the foot version of the game was most
game difficulty differences, especially based on age. In suitable for intergenerational play, given the context (notably,
general, the foot version had higher empathy factor scores, maximized visibility), difficulty level, and training, especially
even though it could not be designed to elicit a shared action for elders. Future work may refine the detection algorithms,
effect. The finger version was less stable, showing a shared simplify the game for elders, consider matched-gender pairs,
action effect with youngers, but not elders; further, in and explore the effect on intergenerational attitudes, notably
intergenerational pairs, it garnered lower scores in the shared changing social structures and elders’ return to work.
action mode compared to the non-shared action mode. The ACKNOWLEDGMENT
difficulty of the finger version may be explained in part by
elders’ finger festination—tapping too early and therefore out Thanks to Naohira Eda, Seito Matsubara, and Ken Sakuma
of sync—which is tied to age [53]. Other findings and the for research assistant support. Thanks to Second Life Factory
thematic analysis provide further explanation. Regardless of (Akira Nakaya) for recruiting. Thanks to the Kashiwa Elders’
age and SA mode, participants enjoyed and felt high social English Club, notably Koudo Ohno, for translation support
presence, if not synchrony, when using the smart shoes. As and assistance. Thanks to the Inami-Hiyama Lab for general
one younger (P5b) explained, “The visual information about assistance, notably Koki Katsumata, Tomoya Sasaki, Kenta
my partner's movements made it easier to feel empathetic.” Toshima, “Maark” Kao-Hua Liu, Atsushi Izumihara, Sohei
Elders’ experience with the finger version may have impacted Wakisaka, and Yasuko Otaki for admin, translation, technical,
both in the pair: elders being distracted by the difficulty, which and research support. Thanks to Peter Pennefather for
youngers noticed and were therefore distracted by—but, reviewing drafts of this paper. This work was supported by the
ironically, this may be considered a form of empathizing. Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and
Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST).
The results, especially in light of the qualitative findings,
suggest that there may be a designable tradeoff between REFERENCES
challenge and empathetic response in a shared action game [1] Statistics Bureau, “Population estimates by age (5-year age group) and
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