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Multi-band Antennas......................................................................4

FDD+TDD Antennas...................................................................168

Multi-beam Antennas...................................................................217

Stadium Antennas.......................................................................287

Multi-sector Tube Antennas.........................................................306

Omni Antennas............................................................................319

IBS Antennas...............................................................................321

General Description

FET (Fixed Electrical Tilt)

The pointing angle of the elevation beam is factory set at 0°, 3°, 5°, 6° or 9°.
Customized settings available on request.

MET (Manually adjustable, variable Electrical Tilt)

Using a hand operated adjustment mechanism, which is located at the bottom of the
antenna, the pointing angle of the elevation beam can be continuously adjusted over
the specified downtilt range.

RET (Remote adjustable, variable Electrical Tilt)

By remote adjustment from the base of the tower or from the network operational
maintenance centre(OMC), the pointing angle of the elevation beam is continuously
adjustable over the specified downtilt range.
A single connector interface on the bottom of the antenna provides the ability to select
and adjust individual frequency band of a Multi-band antenna.

AISG protocal compliant

AISG v2.0 supplied as standard(3GPP UTRAN luant TS25.463 Remote Electrical
AISG v1.0 supplied on request

Broadeadio products are fully compliant with RoHS request.

All antennas are measured according to the specifications given in NGMN-P-BASTA
White Paper Version 11.1.

Broadradio is continually improving products. Specifications may change any time
without notice. Please see or contact sales for more current

Multi-band Antennas

No. Type BR Part No. Frequency(MHz) HBW(deg) Gain(dBi) E-Tilt Size mm(L*W*D) Page

1 2 Ports GPX209P-C 790-960 33 20 0-10°RET 2690×498×197 11

2 2 Ports UPX409P-C 698-960 90 15.5 0-10°RET 2495×270×149 14

3 2 Ports LPX202F0-V1-C 1710-2690 33 14 0°FET 300×300×115 16

4 2 Ports LPX306R-E2-C 1710-2690 65 15.5 2-12°RET 695×155×90 18

5 4 Ports LPX310R-C 1710-2690 65 18 0-10°RET 1130×155×90 20

6 4 Ports LLPX207P-C 2×1710-2690 33 19 0-10° RET 940×504×118 23

7 4 Ports LLPX306P-2C 2×1710-2690 65 15 2-12° RET 695×280×90 25

8 4 Ports LLPX310P-2C 2×1710-2690 65 17 2-12° RET 1280×280×90 27

9 4 Ports LLPX314P-C 2×1710-2690 65 19 0-8° RET 1700×280×90 29

10 4 Ports VVPX202F0-V1 3300-3800/3300-3800 32/32 14/14 0°FET 400×155×90 31

11 4 Ports ★VVPX202F0-V1-C 3300-3800/3300-3800 32/32 14/14 0°FET 400×155×90 33

12 2 Ports ULPX301.2F0-2P 698-960/1710-2690 65/65 8/11 0°/0° FET 300×300×150 35

13 2 Ports ULPX301.2F0-2P-C 698-960/1710-2690 65/65 8/11 0°/0° FET 300×300×150 37

14 2 Ports ULPX302.4F3-2P 698-960/1710-2690 65/65 10/13.5 3°/3° FET 495×300×150 39

15 2 Ports ULPX302.4F3-2P-V1 698-960/1710-2690 65/65 10/13.5 3°/3° FET 495×300×150 41

16 2 Ports ULPX302.4F3-2P-V1-C 698-960/1710-2690 65/65 10/13.5 3°/3° FET 495×300×150 43

17 4 Ports ULPX302.4F3 698-960/1710-2690 65/65 10.5/14 3°/3° FET 495×300×150 45

18 4 Ports ULPX302.4F3-V1 698-960/1710-2690 65/65 10.5/14 3°/3° FET 495×300×150 47

19 4 Ports ULPX302.4F3-V1-C 698-960/1710-2690 65/65 10.5/14 3°/3° FET 495×300×150 49

20 2 Ports ULPX305.10P-2P-C 698-960/1710-2690 65/65 14/17 0°-14°/0°-10° RET 1445×339×169 51

21 2 Ports LVPX203F0-2P 1710-2700/3300-3800 25/25 15 0°FET 750×448×145 54

22 4 Ports LVPX203F0 1710-2700/3300-3800 25/25 15 0°FET 750×448×145 56

23 6 Ports UL2PX205.10P-E2-C 698-960/2×1710-2690 33/33 16/20 2-12°/2-12° RET 1350×498×197 58

24 6 Ports UL2PX302.4F3 698-960/2×1710-2690 65/65 10.5/15 3°FET 492×339×169 61

25 6 Ports UL2PX302.4F3-C 698-960/2×1710-2690 65/65 10.5/15 3°FET 492×339×169 63

26 6 Ports ★UL2PX303.6P-C 65/65/65 12.5/15/15 0-10°/0-10°/0-10° RET 700×375×195 65

27 6 Ports UL2PX306.12P-2C 698-960/2×1710-2690 65/65 15.5/18 2-12° RET 1795×339×169 67

28 6 Ports UL2PX307.10P-E2-C 698-960/2×1710-2690 65/65 16/18 2°-12° RET 1960×339×169 69

29 6 Ports U2LPX305.10P-E2-C 2×698-960/1710-2690 65/65 14/17.5 2-12°/2-12° RET 1395×448×185 71

30 6 Ports U2LPX307.10P-E2-C 2×698-960/1710-2690 65/65 15.5/17.5 2-12°/2-12° RET 1820×448×185 73

31 6 Ports U2LPX309.10P-E2-C 2×698-960/1710-2690 65/65 16.5/17 2-12°/2-12° RET 2250×448×185 75

1710-2690/1710-2690/3300-38 13.5/13.5/13/
32 4 Ports LLVVPX201F0-4P-C 25 0°FET 600×300×110 77
00/3300-3800 13

33 4 Ports LLVVPX203F0-4P-N 2×1710-2690/2×3300-3800 33/33 12/13 0°FET 540×420×110 79

34 4 Ports ★LLVVPX203F0-4P-C 2×1710-2690/2×3300-3800 33/33 12/13 0°FET 540×420×110 81

698-960/1710-2700/3300-3800 11/12/12/11.
35 4 Ports ULVVPX201F0-4P 20 0°FET 806×460×135 83
/3300-3800 5
36 6 Ports ULVVPX201F0-6P 20 11/12/12/12 0°FET 806×460×135 85

37 8 Ports LLPX310P-DH2-2C 2×1710-2170/2×2490-2690 65/65 16/17 2-12°/2-12° RET 1380×320×140 87

694-960/1710-2170 2-12°/2-10°/2-10°
38 8 Ports UL2PX307.10P-DH-E2-C 65/65/65/65 16/16/17/18 1960×339×169 90
/2490-2690/1710-2690 /2-10° RET

39 8 Ports UL2PX307.12P-DL-C 698-862/880-960/2×1710-2690 65/65/65 16/16.5/18 2-12°/2-12°/2-10° RET 1995×396×190 93

40 8 Ports ULLLPX305.10P-C 698-960/3×1710-2690 65/65 15/17.5 0°-14°/0°-10° RET 1380×396×190 96

41 8 Ports ULLLPX307.10P-C 698-960/3×1710-2690 65/65 16/17.5 0-10°/0-10°RET 1820×396×190 99

42 8 Ports ULLLPX307.12P-C 698-960/3×1710-2690 65/65 16/18 0-10°/0-10°RET 1995×396×190 102

43 8 Ports ULLLPX309.12P-C 698-960/3×1710-2690 65/65 16.5/18 2-12°/0-10°RET 2495×396×190 105

694-960/2×1710-2690/ 0°-10°/0°-10°/0°-10°
44 8 Ports UL3PX306.7P-C 65/65/65 15/16/15.5 1650×339×169 108
1710-2690 RET

45 8 Ports UL3PX307.8P-C-V1 65/65/65 16/16.5/16 0-10°/0-10°/0-10° RET 1960×339×169 111
698-960/2×1710-2690/ 0°-10°/0°-10°/0°-10°
46 8 Ports UL3PX309.10P-C 65/65/65 17/17.5/17 2495×339×169 114
1710-2690 RET

47 8 Ports U2L2PX305.10P-E2-C 2×698-960/2×1710-2690 65/65 14/17 2-12°/2-12° RET 1395×448×185 117

48 8 Ports U2L2PX307.10P-E2-C 2×698-960/2×1710-2690 65/65 15.5/17 2-12°/2-12° RET 1820×448×185 119

49 8 Ports U2L2PX309.10P-E2-C 2×698-960/2×1710-2690 65/65 17/17.5 2-12°/2-12° RET 2250×448×185 121

50 10 Ports L5PX312P-E2-C 5×1710-2690 65 18 2-12° RET 2680×375×195 123

790-960/2×1710-2690/1710-21 15/17/16.5/1
51 10 Ports GLLLPX305.9P-DH-2C 65/65/65/65 2-12° RET 1550×375×195 125
70/2490-2690 6.5

694-960/2×1710-2690/ 0°-10°/0°-10°/0°-10°
52 10 Ports UL4PX306.7P-C 65/65/65 15/15.5/16 1650×339×169 128
2×1710-2690 RET

53 10 Ports UL4PX307.8P-C-V1 65/65/65 16/16.5/16 0-10°/0-10°/0-10° RET 1960×339×169 131
54 10 Ports UL4PX308.9P-2C 65/65/65 16/17.5/17 2-12°/2-12°/2-12° RET 2400×339×169 134
55 10 Ports UL4PX310.11P-C 65/65/65 17/18/17 0-10°/0-10°/0-10° RET 2595×339×169 137
56 12 Ports L2H2PX310P-DH2-2C 65/65/65 16.5/17/17 2-12°/2-12°/2-12° RET 2200×320×140 139

57 10 Ports ★U2L3PX309.10P-2C 2×698-960/3×1695-2690 65/65 16.5/17 2-12°/2-12° RET 2600×448×185 143

58 12 Ports U2L4PX303F3-C 2×698-960/4×1710-2690 65/65 12/14 3° FET 895×428×160 145

59 12 Ports U2L4PX305.10P-E2-C 2×698-960/4×1710-2690 65/65 14/17.5 2-12°/2-12° RET 1395×498×197 148

60 12 Ports U2L4PX307.10P-E2-C 2×698-960/4×1710-2690 65/65 15.5/18 2-12°/2-12° RET 2000×498×197 150

61 12 Ports U2L4PX309.10P-E2-C 2×698-960/4×1710-2690 65/65 17/17.5 2-12°/2-12° RET 2630×448×185 152

62 12 Ports U2L2PX307.10P-DHH-C 65/65/65 15.5/16/16.5 0-10° RET 1995×448×185 154
U2L4PX305.10P-DHH-2 2×694-960/2×1710-2170 13/16.5/17/1 2-16°/2-12°/2-12°/2-12°
63 16 Ports 65/65/65/65 1495×498×197 157
C /2×2490-2690/2×1710-2690 6.5 RET

U2L4PX308.10P-DH2-2 2×698-960/2×1710-2170 2-12°/2-12°/2-12°/2-12°
64 16 Ports 65/65/65/65 15/16/16/17 1995×498×197 160
C /2×2490-2690/2×1710-2690 RET

65 16 Ports U2L6PX310P-2C 2×698-960/6×1710-2690 65/65 16.5/17 2-12° RET 2595×448×185 163

U2C2L6PX310P2-DLL-2 2×698-862/2×880-960/2×1427- 14.5/15/17/1

66 24 Ports 65/65/65/65 2-12° RET 2695×498×197 165
C 2690/6×1710-2690 7.5

★ denotes the preliminary issued antenna

Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel Antenna 790-960MHz 33° 20dBi 0°-10° Replaceable RET

Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz):
790-862 824-896 880-960
Gain (dBi): 18.6±0.5 19.0±0.5 19.3±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 35 33 30
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 8.0 7.5 7.0
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 16 16 16
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 24 24 24
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio ±15° (dB): 10 10 10
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 2×4.3-10 Female

BASTA Electrical Specifications

Frequency Range(MHz):
790-862 862-894 894-960
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 18.32 18.65 18.93
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.43 ±0.35 ±0.51
2°|18.36 2°|18.51 2°|19.02
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|18.32 7°|18.42 7°|18.93
12°|18.23 12°|18.36 12°|18.75
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.77 ±2.94 ±2.53
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.57 ±0.62 ±0.59
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB) : 15.75 15.52 15.33
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 24.84 24.68 24.24
CPR at Boresight(dB): 21.29 20.29 20.16 V1.0 2021/6/29 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm) : 2690×498×197
Packing Dimensions (mm) : 2960×585×290
Antenna Net Weight (kg) /Bracket (kg): 32/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg) : 44
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069091, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-10°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1759/324/1785
Max. wind velocity (km/h): 150

Internal RET Specifications

RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (standby, single RET), < 1.5 (standby, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 8 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation V1.0 2021/6/29 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
790-960MHz R1 1-2

R1 V1.0 2021/6/29 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 3 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel Antenna 698-960MHz 90° 15.5dBi 0-10°Replaceable RET

Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-862 862-894 894-960
Gain (dBi): 14.4±0.5 15.0±0.5 15.3±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 88 85 83
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8.5 7.5 7.0
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB):
15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 22 23 24
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 2×4.3-10 Female

BASTA Electrical Specification

Frequency Range(MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 14.8 15 15.2
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.4 ±0.3 ±0.3
0°|14.8 0°|15.0 0°|15.3
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 5°|14.9 5°|15.0 5°|15.4
10°|14.7 10°|14.9 10°|15.0
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.2 ±0.8 ±1
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.7 ±0.5 ±0.6
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 17.7 15.3 16.6
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 22.2 23.8 24.3
CPR at Boresight(dB): 20.6 18.3 16.4
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2495×270×149
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2765×355×240
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 19/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 29
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069091, Adjustable Downtilt 0-10°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 589/261/1096
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 150 V1.0 2020/7/1 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET Type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltagerange(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698– 960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1

R1 V1.0 2020/7/1 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel Antenna 1710-2690MHz 33° 14dBi 0° Fixed Tilt 4.3-10 Connector
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Gain (dBi): 13.5±0.5 14.0±0.5 14.5±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 37 30 25
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 37 30 25
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0 Fixed
Horizontal Sidelobe(dB): 20 20 20
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression(dB):
20 20 20
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 27 27 27
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 17 17 17
Cross Polar Ratio ±30° (dB): 10 10 8
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >27
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 2×4.3-10Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
Frequency Range(MHz): 1710-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): 13.4 13.8 14.4
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.3 ±0.2 ±0.2
3dB Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±4.2 ±1.5 ±1.5
3dB Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.7 ±3.5 ±1.5
UpperSideLobeSuppression,Peakto20°(dB): 22 21.5 19.5
Frontto back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 26 29 27
CPR at Boresight(dB): 25 24.5 22.5
Cross Polar Ratio ±30° (dB): 13 12 6
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 300×300×115
Packing Dimensions (mm): 535×395×220
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 3.3/2.6
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 8.3
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-100
Mounting Kits (Included): Horizontal adjustable±35°,
Vertical adjustable±45°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 143/24/167
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V3.0 2020/5/11 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
1710-2690 MHz Y1 1-2

Y1 V3.0 2020/5/11 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel Antenna 1710-2690MHz 65° 16dBi 2°-12° RET
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 14.6±0.5 15.0±0.5 15.3±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization(°): ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 69 63 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 14.5 11.0 10.0
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: RET Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): >25 >25 >25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio ±60° (dB): >10 >8 >6
Isolation Port to Port(dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 2×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
2°|15.21 2°|15.38 2°|15.32
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 7°|14.90 7°|15.01 7°|14.98
12°|14.62 12|14.70 12°|14.68
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.53 ±0.60 ±0.66
Horizontal BeamwidthTolerance(°): ±4.68 ±2.08 ±3.53
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.93 ±0.99 ±0.42
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 15.38 15.97 16.01
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 25.27 26.42 26.59
CPR at Boresight(dB): 18.96 17.77 18.52
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 695×155×90
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1040×240×185
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 4/1.5
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 7.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00013, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-15°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:150/58/154
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.0 2021/4/14 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET Type: Integrated RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 8 pin male & female per sector
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
1710–2690 MHz Y1 1-2 BRxxx……1Y1

Y1 V1.0 2021/4/14 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel Antenna 1710-2690MHz 65° 18dBi 0°-10° RET
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-2170 2200-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 16.8±0.5 17.2±0.5 17.5±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 68 65 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7.8 6.5 5.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: RET Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 16 16 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): >25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio ±60° (dB): 10 9 8
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 2×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-2170 2200-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 16.64 16.93 17.23
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.43 ±0.35 ±0.41
0°|16.85 0°|17.25 0°|17.45
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 5°|16.66 5°|16.96 5°|17.20
10°|16.42 10°|16.73 10°|17.03
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±4.77 ±2.94 ±2.53
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.82 ±0.42 ±0.38
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB) : 17.56 17.62 16.86
Front to back
27.84 27.18 26.84
Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB):
CPR at Boresight(dB): 24.29 23.09 22.86 V1.0 2021/4/19 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1130×155×90
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1475×240×185
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 5.5/1.5
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 9
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00013, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-15°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Frontal/ Lateral/Rearside: 249/98/256
Wind Load @150 km/h (N):
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Integrated RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range): (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 8 pin male & female per sector
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation V1.0 2021/4/19 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
1710-2690MHz Y1 1-2 BRXXX……1Y1

Y1 V1.0 2021/4/19 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 3 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Antenna 2×1710-2690MHz 33° 19dBi 0°-10°Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Gain (dBi): 17.6±0.5 18.0±0.5 18.5±0.5 18.2±0.5 18.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 38 35 32 30 28
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0°-10° Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: RET Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB) : 15
Cross Polar Ratio ±15°(dB) : 10
Isolation Port to Port (dB): 28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 0°|18.08 0°|18.23 0°|18.29 0°|18.30 0°|17.88
5°|18.00 5°|18.06 5°|18.18 5°|18.13 5°|17.73
10°|17.68 10°|17.76 10°|17.82 10°|17.70 10°|17.70
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.32 ±0.41 ±0.40 ±0.33 ±0.53
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.84 ±1.16 ±0.97 ±0.76 ±0.55
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.92 ±0.37 ±0.42 ±0.26 ±0.27
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 15.11 17.24 16.36 17.62 15.43
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 25.07 31.03 26.74 27.66 27.02
CPR at Boresight(dB): 16.61 19.44 18.67 19.05 18.88
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 940×504×118
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1210×590×215
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 16 / 5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 24.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-114
BA.K.04.00069161, Adjustable
Mounting Kits (Included):
Downtilt 0°-30°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 773/64/817
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.0 2020/6/6 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range (V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption (W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
1710–2690 MHz Y1 1-2 BRxxx……1Y1
1710–2690 MHz Y2 3-4 BRxxx……2Y2

Y1 Y2 V1.0 2020/6/6 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Antenna 2×1710-2690MHz 65° 15dBi 2°-12° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 13.8±0.5 14.5±0.5 14.8±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization(°): ±45
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 68 63 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 15.5 12.5 11.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: RET Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): >25 >25 >25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio ±60° (dB): >10 >8 >8
Isolation Port to Port(dB): >25
Impedance (ohm): 50
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
2°|14.02 2°|14.26 2°|14.46
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 7°|13.85 7°|14.05 7°|14.18
12°|13.57 12|13.74 12°|13.93
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.43 ±0.50 ±0.56
Horizontal BeamwidthTolerance(°): ±4.72 ±5.11 ±3.84
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.35 ±0.24 ±0.24
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 15.13 15.42 15.06
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 25.07 28.42 26.80
CPR at Boresight(dB): 20.14 17.56 18.38
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 695×280×90
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1015×365×185
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 7.5/3.65
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 13.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069501, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-30°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 245/39/279
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.0 2021/3/12 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltagerange(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (standby, single RET), < 1.5 (standby, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s):(s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
1710–2690 MHz Y1 1-2 BRxxx……1Y1
1710–2690 MHz Y2 3-4 BRxxx……2Y2

Y1 Y2 V1.0 2021/3/12 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Antenna 2×1710-2690MHz 65° 17dBi 2°-12°Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 16.3±0.5 16.8±0.5 17.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 68 63 56
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8.2 6.8 6.0
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: RET Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): >25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): >17
Isolation Port to Port(dB): >28
Impedance (ohm): 50
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
2°|16.45 2°|16.86 2°|16.74
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 7°|16.23 7°|16.67 7°|16.42
12°|15.94 12°|16.13 12°|16.05
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.72 ±0.92 ±0.95
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.94 ±3.97 ±4.01
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.08 ±0.50 ±0.26
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 15.15 15.32 15.55
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 25.66 25.52 25.23
CPR at Boresight(dB): 21.82 20.49 17.39
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1280×280×90
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1600×365×185
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 11/3.65
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 19
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069421, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-16°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 463/76/527
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.0 2020/5/18 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (standby, single RET), < 1.5 (standby, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N

1710–2690 MHz Y1 1-2 BRxxx……1Y1

1710–2690 MHz Y2 3-4 BRxxx……2Y2

Y1 Y2 V1.0 2020/5/18 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Antenna 2×1710-2690 65° 19dBi 0°-8° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 17.8±0.5 18.7±0.5 19.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 68 63 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 6.0 5.2 4.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0°-8° Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: RET Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): >25 >25 >25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio ±60° (dB): 10 9 8
Isolation Port to Port(dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
0°|18.16 0°|18.41 0°|18.55
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 4°|18.03 4°|18.26 4°|18.39
8|17.91 8°|18.08 8°|18.11
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.33 ±0.45 ±0.50
Horizontal BeamwidthTolerance(°): ±2.76 ±3.69 ±4.08
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.54 ±0.49 ±0.34
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 15.11 15.09 15.32
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 25.70 30.66 28.96
CPR at Boresight(dB): 22.48 21.40 17.43
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1700×280×90
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2015×345×165
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 15.5/3.65
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 23
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069411, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-12°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 830/121/945
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.1 2020/6/23 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltagerange(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (standby, single RET), < 1.5 (standby, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s):(s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
1710–2690 MHz Y1 1-2
1710–2690 MHz Y2 3-4

Y1 Y2 V1.1 2020/6/23 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Antenna 3300-3800/3300-3800MHz 32°/32° 14/14dBi 0° FET
Electrical Specifications
3300-3800(P1) 3300-3800(P2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
3300-3400 3500-3600 3700-3800 3300-3400 3500-3600 3700-3800
Gain (dBi): 13.5 13.0 13.7 13.5 13.0 13.5
Return Loss (dB): ≥14(VSWR≤1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 31 31 31 32 32 32
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 30 30 31 31 31 30
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 29 30 30 31 29 29
Isolation (dB): ≥25
Impedance (ohm): 50
Max. Power Per Port (W): 100
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×7/16 DIN Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
3300-3800(P1) 3300-3800(P2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
3300-3400 3500-3600 3700-3800 3300-3400 3500-3600 3700-3800
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 13.5 13.0 13.7 13.5 13.0 13.5
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance (dB): ±0.9 ±0.8 ±0.7 ±0.9 ±0.8 ±0.8
3dB Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance (°): ±2.5 ±2.5 ±2 ±2.5 ±2.5 ±1.5
3dB Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance (°): ±2.5 ±2.5 ±2 ±2 ±2 ±2
Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 22 23 20 25 24 21
Vertical Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 21 22 20 24 22 20
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30° (dB): 27 28 27 28 27 27
CPR at Boresight (dB): 22 20 21 18 21 22
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 400×155×90
Packing Dimensions (mm): 830×224×210
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 2.7/1.5
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 5.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
BA.K.04.00033, horizontal adjustable
Mounting Kits (Included):
-35°-+35°, vertical adjustable-45°-+45°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/ Lateral/ Rearside:91/53/101
Max. Wind velocity (km/h): 200 V1.0 2019/12/16 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
ypical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
3300-3800 MHz P1 1-2 P2
3300-3800 MHz P2 3-4

P1 V1.0 2019/12/16 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Antenna 3300-3800/3300-3800MHz 32°/32° 14/14dBi 0° FET
Electrical Specifications
3300-3800(P1) 3300-3800(P2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
3300-3400 3500-3600 3700-3800 3300-3400 3500-3600 3700-3800
Gain (dBi): 13.5 13.0 13.7 13.5 13.0 13.5
Return Loss (dB): ≥14(VSWR≤1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 31 31 31 32 32 32
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 30 30 31 31 31 30
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 29 30 30 31 29 29
Isolation (dB): ≥25
Impedance (ohm): 50
Max. Power Per Port (W): 100
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
3300-3800(P1) 3300-3800(P2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
3300-3400 3500-3600 3700-3800 3300-3400 3500-3600 3700-3800
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 13.5 13.0 13.7 13.5 13.0 13.5
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance (dB): ±0.9 ±0.8 ±0.7 ±0.9 ±0.8 ±0.8
3dB Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance (°): ±2.5 ±2.5 ±2 ±2.5 ±2.5 ±1.5
3dB Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance (°): ±2.5 ±2.5 ±2 ±2 ±2 ±2
Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 22 23 20 25 24 21
Vertical Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 21 22 20 24 22 20
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30° (dB): 27 28 27 28 27 27
CPR at Boresight (dB): 22 20 21 18 21 22
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 400×155×90
Packing Dimensions (mm): 830×224×210
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 2.7/1.5
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 5.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
BA.K.04.00033, horizontal adjustable
Mounting Kits (Included):
-35°-+35°, vertical adjustable-45°-+45°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/ Lateral/ Rearside:91/53/101
Max. Wind velocity (km/h): 200 V1.0 2022/1/20 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
ypical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
3300-3800 MHz P1 1-2 P2
3300-3800 MHz P2 3-4

P1 V1.0 2022/1/20 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Antenna Built-in Diplexer 698-960/1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 8/11dBi 0°/0° FET
Electrical Specifications
698-960 1710-2690
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2170 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 7.2±0.5 7.3±0.5 7.4±0.5 9.4±0.5 10.2±0.5 11.1±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization (°): ±45
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 70 68 67 70 65 58
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 75 75 75 38 32 25
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 15
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 19 20 20 21 21 21
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15
Cross Polar Ratio ±30° (dB): 11.0 10.0 7.5 7.0 6.0 0.0
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Power Rating (W): 100 100
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 2×7/16 DIN Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz): 698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2170 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 7.2 7.3 7.4 9.4 10.2 11.1
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7.2 7.3 7.4 9.4 10.2 11.1
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): 5.0 4.0 4.0 10.0 10.0 5.0
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): 9.0 9.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 2.0
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 22.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 19.0 19.0
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 19.0 20.0 20.5 21.5 21.5 21.5
CPR at Boresight(dB): 17.0 19.5 20.0 19.0 20.0 21.0
CPR at Sector(dB): 11.0 10.0 7.5 7.0 6.0 0.0
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 300×300×150
Packing Dimensions (mm): 507×420×253
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 3.51
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 6.95
Radome Material: PVC,UV Resistant
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
BA.K.04.00033,horizontal adjustable
Mounting Kits (Included):
-35°-+35°,vertical adjustable-45°-+45°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 142/40/178
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V2.1 2018/2/28 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698–960 MHz R1 1-2
1710– 2690 MHz Y1 1-2

R1 Y1 V2.1 2018/2/28 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Antenna Built-in Diplexer 698-960/1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 8/11dBi 0°/0° FET
Electrical Specifications
698-960 1710-2690
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2170 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 7.2±0.5 7.3±0.5 7.4±0.5 9.4±0.5 10.2±0.5 11.1±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 70 68 65 70 65 58
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 75 67 75 38 32 25
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 19 20 20 21 21 21
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15
Cross Polar Ratio ±30° (dB): 11.0 10.0 7.5 7.0 6.0 0.0
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 150 150
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 2×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz): 698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2170 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 7.2 7.3 7.4 9.4 10.2 11.1
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7.2 7.3 7.4 9.4 10.2 11.1
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): 5.0 4.0 4.0 10.0 10.0 5.0
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): 9.0 9.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 2.0
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 22.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 19.0 19.0
Front to back Total Power at 180° ±30°(dB): 19.0 20.0 20.5 21.5 21.5 21.5
CPR at Boresight(dB): 17.0 19.5 20.0 19.0 20.0 21.0
CPR at Sector(dB): 11.0 10.0 7.5 7.0 6.0 0.0
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 300×300×150
Packing Dimensions (mm): 507×420×253
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 3.51
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 6.95
Radome Material: PVC,UV Resistant
Pipe OD (mm): 70-100
BA.K.04.00033, horizontal adjustable -35°-+35°,
Mounting Kits (Included):
vertical adjustable-45°-+45°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/ Lateral/ Rearside:121/34/151
Max.Wind velocity(km/h) 200 V1.3 2019/11/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698–960 MHz R1 1-2
1710–2690 MHz Y1 1-2

R1 Y1 V1.3 2019/11/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Antenna Diplexed 698-960/1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 10/13.5dBi 3°/3° FET
Electrical Specifications
698-960 1710-2690
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2170 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 9.5 9.5 9.8 12.0 13.0 14.5
Return Loss (dB): >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 72 75 72 72 68 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 42 38 33 21 18 15
Electrical Downtilt (°): 3 Fixed 3 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 14 12 8 18 17 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23 23 23 23 23 23
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio ±60° (dB): 12 10 8 10 8 5
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Power Rating (W): 150 150
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 2×7/16 DIN Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 495×300×150
Packing Dimensions (mm): 720×420×252
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 5.5
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 9
Radome Material: PVC, UV Resistant
Pipe OD (mm): 30-50
BA.K.04.00040,horizontal adjustable
Mounting Kits (Included):
-35°-+35°,vertical adjustable-45°-+45°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 203/58/255
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band) V2.1 2019/11/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698–960 MHz R1 1-2
1710–2690 MHz Y1 1-2

R1 Y1 V2.1 2019/11/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Antenna Diplexed 698-960/1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 10/13.5dBi 3°/3° FET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2170 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 9.5±0.5 9.5±0.5 9.8±0.5 12.0±0.5 13.0±0.5 14.5±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization (°): ±45
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 72 75 72 72 68 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 42 38 33 21 18 15
Electrical Downtilt (°): 3 Fixed 3 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 14 12 8 18 17 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23 23 23 23 23 23
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio ±60° (dB): 12 10 8 10 8 5
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 150 150
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 2×7/16 DIN Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 495×300×150
Packing Dimensions (mm): 710×380×240
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 6
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 10
Radome Material: PVC, UV Resistant
Pipe OD (mm): 30-50
Mounting Kits (Included): Support Pole installation ,
Wall mounted installation

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/ Lateral/ Rearside: 203/58/255
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band) V2.1 2021/1/21 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698–960 MHz R1 1-2
1710– 2690 MHz Y1 1-2

R1 Y1 V2.1 2021/1/21 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Antenna Diplexed 698-960/1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 10/13.5dBi 3°/3° FET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2170 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 9.5±0.5 9.5±0.5 9.8±0.5 12.0±0.5 13.0±0.5 14.5±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 72 75 72 72 68 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 42 38 33 21 18 15
Electrical Downtilt (°): 3
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 14 12 8 18 17 16+
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23 23 23 23 23 23
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio ±60° (dB): 12 10 8 10 8 5
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 150 150
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4.3-10 DIN Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 495×300×150
Packing Dimensions (mm): 710×380×240
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 6
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 10
Radome Material: PVC,UV Resistant
Pipe OD (mm): 30-50
Mounting Kits (Included): Support Pole installation,
Wall mounted installation

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 203/58/255
Max. Wind velocity (km/h) 200
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band) V1.2 2021/1/21 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698-960MHz R1 1-2
1710-2690MHz Y1 1-2

R1 Y1 V1.2 2021/1/21 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Antenna Diplexed 698-960/1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 10.5/14dBi 3°/3° FET
Electrical Specifications
698-960 1710-2690
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2170 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 10.0±0.5 9.7±0.5 10.5±0.5 12.5±0.5 13.5±0.5 15.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 72 75 72 72 68 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 42 38 33 21 18 15
Electrical Downtilt (°): 3 Fixed 3 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 14 12 8 18 17 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23 23 23 23 23 23
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio ±60° (dB): 12 10 8 10 8 5
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 150 150
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×7/16 DIN Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 495×300×150
Packing Dimensions (mm): 720×420×252
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 5.5
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 9
Radome Material: PVC, UV Resistant
Pipe OD (mm): 30-50
BA.K.04.00040, horizontal adjustable -35°-+35°,
Mounting Kits (Included):
vertical adjustable-45°-+45°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/ Lateral/Rearside: 203/58/255
Max. Wind velocity(km/h) 200
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band) V2.3 2019/11/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698–960 MHz R1 1-2
1710–2690 MHz Y1 3-4

R1 Y1 V2.3 2019/11/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Antenna 698-960/1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 11/14dBi 3°/3° FET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2170 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 10.0±0.5 9.7±0.5 10.5±0.5 12.5±0.5 13.5±0.5 15.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 72 75 72 72 68 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 42 38 33 21 18 15
Electrical Downtilt (°): 3 Fixed 3 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 14 12 8 18 17 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23 23 23 23 23 23
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio ±60° (dB): 12 10 8 10 8 5
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 150 150
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×7/16 DIN Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz): 698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1)
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2170 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 9.9 9.7 10.4 12.7 13.9 15.3
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.3 ±0.7 ±0.5 ±0.3
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 9.9 9.7 10.4 12.7 13.9 15.3
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±4.3 ±4.2 ±3.8 ±5 ±7 ±3.5
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.5 ±2.4 ±1.7 ±0.7 ±0.5 ±0.6
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak (dB): 16 16 16 16 16 16
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 23 23.8 23.4 24.5 26 23.5
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15.4 18.8 21.2 23 20 23
CPR at Sector(dB): 11 8 8 9 8 2
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 495×300×150
Packing Dimensions (mm): 710×380×240
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 6
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 10
Radome Material: PVC, UV Resistant
Pipe OD (mm): 30-50
Mounting Kits (Included): Support Pole installation ,
Wall mounted installation V2.1 2021/1/21 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/ Lateral/Rearside: 203/58/255
Max. Wind velocity (km/h): 200
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698–960 MHz R1 1-2
1710–2690 MHz Y1 3-4

R1 Y1 V2.1 2021/1/21 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Antenna 698-960/1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 11/14dBi 3°/3° FET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2170 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 10.0±0.5 9.7±0.5 10.5±0.5 12.5±0.5 13.5±0.5 15.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 72 75 72 72 68 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 42 38 33 21 18 15
Electrical Downtilt (°): 3 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 14 12 8 18 17 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23 23 23 23 23 23
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio ±60° (dB): 12 10 8 10 8 5
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 150
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1)
Frequency Range(MHz)
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2170 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 9.9 9.7 10.4 12.7 13.9 15.3
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.3 ±0.7 ±0.5 ±0.3
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 9.9 9.7 10.4 12.7 13.9 15.3
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±4.3 ±4.2 ±3.8 ±5 ±7 ±3.5
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.5 ±2.4 ±1.7 ±0.7 ±0.5 ±0.6
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak (dB): 16 16 16 16 16 16
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 23 23.8 23.4 24.5 26 23.5
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15.4 18.8 21.2 23 20 23
CPR at Sector(dB): 11 8 8 9 8 2
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 495×300×150
Packing Dimensions (mm): 710×380×240
Antenna Net Weight / Bracket (kg): 6/2.5
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 10
Radome Material: PVC, UV Resistant
Pipe OD (mm): 30-50
Mounting Kits (Included): Support Pole installation , Wall mounted
installation V1.0 2019/11/29 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/ Lateral/Rearside: 203/58/255
Max. Wind velocity (km/h): 200
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698–960 MHz R1 1-2
1710–2690 MHz Y1 3-4

1 1 V1.0 2019/11/29 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Antenna Built-in Diplexer 698-960/1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 14/17dBi
0°-14°/0°-10°Replaceable RET

Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 13.2±0.5 13.6±0.5 14±0.5 15.5±0.5 16.4±0.5 16.8±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 69 65 62 68 62 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 17 15.5 14 7.5 6.0 5.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-14 0-10
1stUpper SidelobeSuppression (dB): 16 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 22 23 24 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25 >28
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 2×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1)
Frequency Range(MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 12.8 13.5 13.9 15.7 16.6 16.8
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.6 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.4
0°|13.1 0°|13.9 0°|14.5 0°|15.6 0°|16.7 0°|16.9
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|12.8 7°|13.5 7°|13.9 5°|15.9 5°|16.9 5°|17.1
14°|12.5 14°|13.1 14°|13.2 10°|15.5 10°|16.3 10°|16.4
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.5 ±2.2 ±1.4 ±5.5 ±4.7 ±3.9
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.9 ±0.7 ±0.4 ±0.8 ±0.5 ±0.4
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 17.5 17.5 17.9 17.9 18.3 17.7
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 24.2 25.3 25 25 27.4 26.8
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15.5 15.2 15.6 15.3 15.6 15
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1445×339×169
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1735×425×260
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 16/ 5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 25.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-114
BA.K.04.00069351 ,
Mounting Kits (Included):
Adjustable Downtilt 0°-16°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/ Lateral/ Rearside: 852 / 247 / 994
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.0 2020/7/10 Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET Type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltagerange(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Bottom View V1.0 2020/7/10 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698– 960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1
1710–2690 MHz Y1 1-2 BRxxx……2Y1

R1 Y1 V1.0 2020/7/10 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 3 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Antenna 1710-2700/3300-3800MHz 25° 15dBi 0° FET
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2700(Y1) 3300-3800(P1)
Gain (dBi): 15±0.5 15±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 25±6 25±6
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 25±6 25±6
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0
Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): >20 >20
Front to Back Ratio (dB): >25 >25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): >20 >20
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Power Rating (W): 150
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 2×7/16 DIN Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz): 1710-2700 3300-3800
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 16.86 15.91
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±1.75 ±1.44
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 0°|16.86 0°|15.91
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±6.03 ±1.35
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±5.7 ±1.6
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 32.56 26.61
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 28.13 27.16
CPR at Boresight(dB): 25.56 21.2
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 750×448×145
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1115×515x190
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 9.5/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 13.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included):
Adjustable Downtilt 0-20°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 435/57/483
Max.Wind velocity(km/h) 200 V1.1 2019/9/18 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
1/2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
3300-3800MHz P1 1-2
1710-2700MHz Y1 1-2

P1 V1.1 2019/9/18 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
2/2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Antenna 1710-2700/3300-3800MHz 25° 15dBi 0° FET
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2700(Y1) 3300-3800(P1)
Gain (dBi): 15±0.5 15±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 25±6 25±6
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 25±6 25±6
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): >20 >20
Front to Back Ratio (dB): >25 >25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): >20 >20
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 150
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×7/16 DIN Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 750×448×145
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1070×515x220
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 10/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 17.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included):
Adjustable Downtilt 0°-20°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 435/57/483
Max. Wind velocity (km/h) 200
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation V1.0 2019/03/15 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
1710-2700MHz Y1 1-2
3300-3800MHz P1 3-4 Y1

P1 V1.0 2019/03/15 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXX Pol Panel Antenna 694-960/2×1710-2690MHz 33° /33° 16/20dBi 2 ° -12° /2 ° -12° Replaceable

Electrical Specifications

694-960(R1) 2×1710-2690(Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
694-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 15.3±0.5 15.8±0.5 16.2±0.5 19.0±0.5 19.5±0.5 20.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 39±5 34±4 30±3 38±5 33±4 28±3
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 17.0 15.3 13.0 6.7 5.5 5
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression(dB):
15 15 15 15 15 15
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 2-12
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23 23 23 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio ±15° (dB): >10 >10
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25 25
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 6×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
694-960(R1) 2×1710-2690(Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range(MHz):
694-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-269
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 15.3 15.8 16.2 19.0 19.5 20.0
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
2°|15.4 2°|15.9 2°|16.4 2°|19.1 2°|19.6 2°|20.2
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|15.3 7°|15.8 7°|16.2 7°|19.0 7°|19.4 7°|20.0
12°|15.1 12°|15.7 12°|16.0 12°|18.8 12°|19.2 12°|19.8
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±4 ±3 ±3 ±3.5 ±2.8 ±2.5
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.0 ±1.8 ±1.5 ±1.5 ±1.3 ±1.2
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 15.7 16.7 15.8 16.2 16.0 15.7
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 23.8 25.2 25.8 25.3 25.6 26.5
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15.8 16.2 15.6 16.2 16.5 15.8
CPR at Sector(dB): 11.6 11.5 11.2 11.9 11.2 10.5 V1.1 2021/3/22 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1350×498×197
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1670×580×290
Antenna Net Weight /Bracket (kg): 26/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 36
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
BA.K.04.00011, Adjustable Downtilt
Mounting Kits (Included):
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:1160/226/1224
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
RET Specifications
RET Type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Bottom View V1.1 2021/3/22 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
694–960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1
1710–2690 MHz Y1 3-4 BRxxx……2Y1
1710–2690 MHz Y2 5-6 BRxxx……3Y2

Y1 Y2

R1 V1.1 2021/3/22 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 3 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXX Pol Panel Antenna 698-960/2×1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 10.5/15dBi 3°/3° FET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 2×1710-2690(Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2170 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 9.5±0.5 9.7±0.5 10.5±0.5 12.5±0.5 13.5±0.5 15.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 75 70 70 67 70 60
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 42 35 33 20.5 19 15.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 3 Fixed(Typ.) 3 Fixed(Typ.)
1st Upper Sidelobe Level (dB): 14 12 8 18 17 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23 23 23 23 23 23
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio ±60° (dB): 12 10 8 10 8 5
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 150 150
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 6×7/16 DIN Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz): 698-806 806-880 880-960 2×1710-192 2×1920-217 2×2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 9.9 9.7 10.4 12.7 13.9 15.3
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.7 0.5 0.3
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 9.9 9.7 10.4 12.7 13.9 15.3
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): 4.3 4.2 3.8 5 7 3.5
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): 3.5 2.4 1.7 0.7 0.5 0.6
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 16 16 16 16 16 16
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 23 23.8 23.4 24.5 26 23.5
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15.4 18.8 21.2 23 20 23
CPR at Sector(dB): 11 8 8 9 8 2
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 492×339×169
Packing Dimensions (mm): 734×466×314
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 7.2
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 12.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm):
Mounting Kits (Included): Horizontal adjustable -35°-+35°,
Vertical adjustable-45°-+45°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 277/76/323
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.3 2021/1/21 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698–960 MHz R1 1-2
1710–2690 MHz Y1 3-4
1710–2690 MHz Y2 5-6

Y1 R1 Y2 V1.3 2021/1/21 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXX Pol Panel Antenna 698-960/2x1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 10.5/15dBi 3°/3° FET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 2×1710-2690(Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2170 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 9.5±0.5 9.7±0.5 10.5±0.5 12.5±0.5 13.5±0.5 15.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 75 70 70 67 70 60
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 42 35 33 20.5 19 15.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 3 Fixed(Typ) 3 Fixed(Typ)
Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 14 12 8 18 17 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23 23 23 23 23 23
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio ±60° (dB): 12 10 8 10 8 5
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 150
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 6×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range(MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2170 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 9.9 9.7 10.4 12.7 13.9 15.3
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.7 0.5 0.3
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 9.9 9.7 10.4 12.7 13.9 15.3
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): 4.3 4.2 3.8 5 7 3.5
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): 3.5 2.4 1.7 0.7 0.5 0.6
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak (dB): 16 16 16 16 16 16
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 23 23.8 23.4 24.5 26 23.5
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15.4 18.8 21.2 23 20 23
CPR at Sector(dB): 11 8 8 9 8 2
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 492×339×169
Packing Dimensions (mm): 734×480×314
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 7.2
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 12.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm):
Mounting Kits (Included): Horizontal adjustable -35°-+35°,
Vertical adjustable-45°-+45°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/ Lateral/ Rearside: 277/76/323
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.1 2021/1/21 Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698–960 MHz R1 1-2
1710–2690 MHz Y1 3-4
1710–2690 MHz Y2 5-6

Y1 R1 Y2 V1.1 2021/1/21 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
XXX Pol Panel Antenna 698-960/1710-2690/1710-2690MHz 65°/65°/65° 12.5/15/15dBi
0°-10°/0°-10°/0°-10° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-790 790-880 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2200 2300-2690
Gain (dBi): 11.5±0.6 12.0±0.5 12.3±0.7 14.2±0.5 14.5±0.5 15.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 73 71 70 70 60 63
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 28 25 22 14 13 10
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: RET Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 12 12 12 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio 180±30 (dB):
21 22 24 23 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): 23 25
Interband Isolation (dB): 25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 6×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 700×375×195
Packing Dimensions (mm): 960×460×285
Antenna Net Weight /Bracket (kg): 14/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 24
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
BA.K.04.00069161, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-30°
Mounting Kits (Included):
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 355/120/374
Max .Wind velocity (km/h): 200 V1.0 2023/1/12

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Our products are compliant to the EU
Page 1 of 2 Directive RoHS as well as to other
environmentally relevant regulations.
Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range (V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated ,single RET)
Power consumption (W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band)

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698-960 MHz R1 1-2
1710–2690 MHz Y1 3-4
1710–2690 MHz Y2 5-6

Y1 R1 Y2 V1.0 2023/1/12

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Our products are compliant to the EU
Page 2 of 2 Directive RoHS as well as to other
environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
XXX Pol Panel Antenna 698-960/2×1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 15.5/18dBi 2°-12°/2°-12° Replaceable

Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 2×1710-2690(Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 14.2±0.5 14.8±0.5 15±0.5 16.8±0.5 17.5±0.5 17.8±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 69±5 67±5 65±5 69±5 63±5 58±5
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 13.5 12 11.0 6 5 4.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1stUpper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 22 23 24 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25 >28
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 6×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range(MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 14.0 14.4 14.6 16.9 17.5 17.6
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.6 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.6 ±0.6 ±0.5
2°|14.0 2°|14.5 2°|14.8 2°|17 2°|17.5 2°|17.8
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|14.2 7°|14.6 7°|14.8 7°|17.1 7°|17.7 7°|17.8
12°|13.9 12°|14.2 12°|14.3 12°|16.7 12°|17.2 12°|17.2
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.5 ±1.2 ±1.4 ±5.9 ±5.2 ±5.3
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.9 ±0.8 ±0.7 ±0.7 ±0.5 ±0.3
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 15.1 15.4 15.9 16.8 16.5 15.2
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 24.1 24.6 24.3 26.1 26.8 26.6
CPR at Boresight(dB): 21.4 25.4 21.8 19.7 18.3 18.1
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1795×339×169
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2065×425×260
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 21.2/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 31
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069101, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-12°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 780/259/950
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.0 2021/5/18 Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET Type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltagerange(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698– 960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1
1710–2690 MHz Y1 3-4 BRxxx……2Y1
1710–2690 MHz Y2 5-6 BRxxx……3Y2

Y1 R1 Y2 V1.0 2021/5/18 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
XXX Pol Panel Antenna 698-960/2×1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 16/18dBi 2°-12°/2°-12° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 2×1710-2690(Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range(MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain(dBi): 15.0 15.5 16.0 17.2 17.7 18.0
Return Loss(dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth(°): 68 65 63 68 65 60
Vertical 3dB beamwidth(°): 11.0 9.5 8.5 6.5 6.0 5.5
Electrical Downtilt(°): 2-12 2-12
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 16 16 16 16 16 16
Front to Back Ratio(dB): 23 23 24 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >26 >28
Interband Isolation (dB): >26 >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3(dBc): <-153 (2×43dBm)
Impedance(ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 6×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions(mm): 1960×339×169
Packing Dimensions(mm): 2300×425×260
Antenna Net Weight /Bracket(kg): 22/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight(kg): 32
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD(mm): 50-115
BA.K.04.00069101, Adjustable Downtilt
Mounting Kits(Included):
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature(℃): -50~+60
Wind Load@150km/h(N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 854/288/1041
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.0 2021/2/4 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range (V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption (W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698– 960MHz R1 1-2
1710–2690MHz Y1 3-4
1710–2690MHz Y2 5-6

Y1 R1 Y2 V1.0 2021/2/4 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×698-960/1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 14/17.5dBi 2°-12°/2°-12° Replaceable
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y1)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 13.0±0.5 13.5±0.5 14.0±0.5 16.3±0.5 17.3±0.5 17.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 70 65 60 68 62 58
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 19.5 18 16.5 7.5 6.0 5.3
2-12 Independently Continuously
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0,Upgradeable
1 Upper Sidelobe Level (dB):
15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 22 23 24 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio 60° (dB): 10 9 8 9 8 7
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 6×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1395×448X185
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1655×530×275
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 22.5/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 32.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069351,Adjustable Downtilt 0°-16°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 594/146/705
Max. Wind velocity(km/h) 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode) V1.2 2022/6/2 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698– 960 MHz R1 1-2
698– 960 MHz R2 3-4
1710–2690 MHz Y1 5-6


R1 R2 V1.2 2022/6/2 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×698-960/1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 15.5/17.5dBi 2°-12°/2°-12° Replaceable
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y1)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 14.3±0.5 14.8±0.5 15.3±0.5 16.3±0.5 17.3±0.5 17.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 70 65 60 68 62 58
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 11.0 10.5 9.5 7.5 6.0 5.3
2-12 Independently Continuously
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1 Upper Sidelobe Level (dB):
15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 22 23 24 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio 60° (dB): 10 9 8 9 8 7
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 6×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1820×448x185
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2090×535×280
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 28.5/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 39.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069101, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-12°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -50~+60
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 784/193/930
Max. Wind velocity(km/h) 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode) V1.1 2021/9/30 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698– 960 MHz R1 1-2
698– 960 MHz R2 3-4
1710–2690 MHz Y1 5-6


R1 R2 V1.1 2021/9/30 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×698-960/1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 17/17.5dBi 2°-12°/2°-12° Replaceable
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y1)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 15.5±0.5 16.0±0.5 16.5±0.5 16.3±0.5 17.3±0.5 17.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 69 64 60 69 62 58
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 8.5 7.0 6.5 7.5 6.0 5.3
2-12 Independently Continuously
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0,Upgradeable
1 Upper Sidelobe Level (dB):
15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 22 23 24 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 6×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2250×448×185
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2520×535×280
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 34/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 45.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069291, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-8°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -50~+60
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 978/244/1160
Max. Wind velocity(km/h) 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode) V1.2 2021/3/15 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698– 960MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx......1R1
698– 960MHz R2 3-4 BRxxx......2R2
1710–2690MHz Y1 5-6 BRxxx......3Y1


R1 R2 V1.2 2021/3/15 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 1710-2690/1710-2690/3300-3800/3300-3800MHz 25° 13.5/13.5/13/13dBi
Electrical Specifications
1710-2690(Y1,Y2) 3300-3800(P1,P2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-2200 2200-2690 3300-3800
Gain (dBi): 11.5 13 13
Return Loss (dB): >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°) 25 20 20
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 70 59 59
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0 Fixed
Front to Back Ratio (dB): >25
Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression (dB): >16
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): >17
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >23
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200 200
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
1710-2690(Y1,Y2) 3300-3800(P1,P2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-2200 2200-2690 3300-3800
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 11.5 13.1 13
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance (dB): ±0.5 ±0.5 ±2
3dB Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance (°): ±3.0 ±2.0 ±3.0
3dB Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance (°): ±3.0 ±5.0 ±6.5
Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 16 16 16
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30° (dB): 25 25 24
CPR at Boresight (dB): 16 18 18
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 600×300×110
Packing Dimensions (mm): 885x400x255
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 6.5/2.6
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 10.6
Radome Material: ASA, UV Resistant
Pipe OD (mm): 50-110
Mounting Kits (Included): Horizontal adjustable ±35°
Vertical adjustable ±50°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+60
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/ Lateral/ Rearside: 305/50/351
Max. Wind velocity (km/h) 200 V2.1 2021/11/19 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
1710-2690MHz Y1 1-2 Y2 P2
1710-2690MHz Y2 3-4
3300-3800MHz P1 1-2 P1
3300-3800MHz P2 3-4 V2.1 2021/11/19 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×1710-2690/2×3300-3800MHz 33°/33° 12/13dBi 0°FET

Electrical Specifications
1710-2690(Y1,Y2) 3300-3800(P1,P2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2170 2360-2690 3300-3400 3500-3600 3700-3800
Gain (dBi): 13.7±0.3 14.1±0.5 15.1±0.8 13.1±0.5 13.4±0.5 13.1±0.4
VSWR: <1.5 <1.5
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth(°): 35 32 25 30 29. 29
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth(°): 35 32 25 33 33 34
Horizontal 3dB to 20dB angle difference(°): ≤23 ≤21 ≤23 ≤22 ≤21 ≤22
Vertical 3dB to 20dB angle difference(°): ≤27 ≤21 ≤20 ≤23 ≤22 ≤22
Electrical Downtilt(°): 0 Fixed
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25 25 28 25 25 25
Vertical Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 18 18 18 18 18 16
Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 18 18 18 18 18 16
CPR at Boresight 17 17 17 17 17 17
Isolation(dB): >25 >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 150 100
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×N Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
1710-2690(Y1,Y2) 3300-3800(P1,P2)
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2170 2360-2690 3300-3400 3500-3600 3700-3800
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): (dBi): 13.7 14.1 15.1 13.1 13.4 13.1
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.3 ±0.5 ±0.8 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.4
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.1 ±2.8 ±3.4 ±1.9 ±1.8 ±1.5
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.8 ±1.4 ±2.2 ±1.2 ±1.3 ±1.5
USLS beampeak to 90° above beampeak(dB): 20.9 21.8 16.4 19.3 20.9 18.1
USLS beampeak to 90° above beampeak(dB): 20.8 19.5 19.4 19.8 21.7 18.2
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 30.5 31.2 30 31.4 29.3 28.7
CPR at Boresight(dB): 21.4 22.7 22.8 20.2 21.9 19.1 V1.0 2022/9/13 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 540×420×110
Packing Dimensions (mm): 745×520×255
Antenna Net Weight /Bracket (kg): 9.8/2.6
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 13.2
Radome Material: ASA, UV Resistant(RAL9016)
Pole Diameter (mm): 50-100
Mounting Kits (Included): Horizontal adjustable ±35°
Vertical adjustable ±50°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+60
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 280/38/327
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200

Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
1710–2690 MHz Y1 1-2 Y2
1710–2690 MHz Y2 3-4
3300–3800 MHz P1 1-2
3300–3800 MHz P2 3-4
P2 V1.0 2022/9/13 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×1710-2690/2×3300-3800MHz 33°/33° 12/13dBi 0°FET

Electrical Specifications
1710-2170(Y1,Y2) 3300-3800(P1,P2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2170 3300-3400 3500-3600 3700-3800
Gain (dBi): 13.7±0.3 14.1±0.5 13.1±0.5 13.4±0.5 13.1±0.4
Return Loss (dB): VSWR<1.5 VSWR<1.5
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth(°): 35 32 30 29. 29
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth(°): 35 32 33 33 34
Horizontal 3dB to 20dB angle difference(°): ≤23 ≤21 ≤22 ≤21 ≤22
Vertical 3dB to 20dB angle difference(°): ≤27 ≤21 ≤23 ≤22 ≤22
Electrical Downtilt(°): 0 Fixed
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25 25 25 25 25
Vertical Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 18 18 18 18 18
Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 18 18 18 18 18
CPR at Boresight 17 17 17 17 17
Isolation(dB): >25 >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 150 100
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
Frequency Range(MHz): 1710-1880 1880-2170 3300-3400 3500-3600 3700-3800
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): (dBi): 13.7 14.1 13.1 13.4 13.1
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.3 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.4
3dB Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.1 ±2.8 ±1.9 ±1.8 ±1.5
3dB Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.8 ±1.4 ±1.2 ±1.3 ±1.5
USLS beampeak to 90° above
20.9 21.8 19.3 20.9 18.1
USLS beampeak to 90° above
20.8 19.5 19.8 21.7 18.2
Front to back Total Power at 180° ±
30.5 31.2 31.4 29.3 28.7
CPR at Boresight(dB): 21.4 22.7 20.2 21.9 19.1 V1.0 2022/1/20 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 540×420×110
Packing Dimensions (mm): 745×520×255
Antenna Net Weight /Bracket (kg): 9.8/2.6
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 13.2
Radome Material: ASA, UV Resistant
Pole Diameter (mm): 50-100
Mounting Kits (Included): Horizontal adjustable ±35°
Vertical adjustable ±50°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+60
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 280/38/327
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200

Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
1710–2690 MHz Y1 1-2 P1
1710–2690 MHz Y2 3-4
3300–3800 MHz P1 1-2
3300–3800 MHz P2 3-4
P2 V1.0 2022/1/20 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 698-960/1710-2700/3300-3800/3300-3800MHz 20° 11/12/12/11.5dBi 0°
Electrical Specifications
698-960 1710-2700
Frequency Range (MHz): 3300-3800 3300-3800
698-800 800-960 1710-2200 2200-2700
Gain (dBi): 10.5±0.5 11.5±0.5 11±0.5 12±0.5 11.5±0.5 12±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 25±5 25±5 25±5 20±5 20±5 20±5
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 65±5 65±5 65±5 60±5 60±8 60±8
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0 Fixed
Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression (dB): ≥19 ≥19 ≥19 ≥18 ≥19 ≥19
Front to Back Ratio (dB): ≥25 ≥25 ≥25 ≥25 ≥25 ≥25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): ≥17 ≥17 ≥17 ≥17 ≥17 ≥17
Isolation Port to Port(dB): ≥23
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×7/16DINFemale
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz): 698-960 1710-2700 3300-3800
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 11.7 12.8 12
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.4 ±0.7 ±0.8
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 0°|11.7 0°|12.8 0°|12
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±4 ±5 ±2
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.5 ±3.8 ±4.3
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 20.0 17.4 17.8
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 26.8 32.6 26.8
CPR at Boresight(dB): 16.3 16.8 21.4
CPR at Sector(dB): 11.2 10.8 10.6
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 806 x 460 x 135
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1150x655x205
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 11.5/6.2
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 22
Radome Material: ASA
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): horizontal adjustable -45°-+45°
vertical adjustable-45°-+45°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:646/705/86
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V2.1 2022/5/4 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View V2.1 2022/5/4 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 698-960/1710-2700/3300-3800/3300-3800MHz 20° 11/12/12/12dBi 0° FET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2700(Y1) 3300-3800 3300-3800
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-800 800-960 1710-2200 2200-2700 (P1) (P2)
Gain (dBi): 10.5±0.5 11.5±0.5 11±0.5 12±0.5 12±0.5 12±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 25±5 25±5 25±5 20±5 20±5 20±5
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 65±8 65±8 60±8 60±8 60±8 60±8
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0 Fixed
Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression : (dB): ≥18 ≥18 ≥18 ≥18 ≥18 ≥18
Front to Back Ratio (dB): ≥25 ≥25 ≥25 ≥25 ≥25 ≥25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): ≥17 ≥17 ≥17 ≥17 ≥17 ≥17
Isolation Port to Port(dB): ≥23
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm) /
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 6×7/16 DIN Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz): 698-960 1710-2700 3300-3800
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 11.3 11.7 12.5
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.4 ±0.7 ±0.8
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 0°|11.3 0°|11.7 0°|12.5
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±4 ±5 ±2
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.5 ±3.8 ±4.3
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 21.6 20.29 20.38
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 28.4 29.33 30.5
CPR at Boresight(dB): 23.9 23.09 23.44
CPR at Sector(dB): 11.2 10.8 10.6
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 806x460x135
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1150x655x205
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 11.5/6.2
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 22
Radome Material: ASA
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): horizontal adjustable -45°-+45°,
vertical adjustable-45°-+45°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/ Lateral/Rearside: 646/705/86
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.2 2022/5/4 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector R1
698-2700 MHz R1/Y1 1-2
3300-3800 MHz P1 3-4 Y1
3300-3800 MHz P2 5-6

P1 P2 V1.2 2022/5/4 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×1710-2170/2×2490-2690MHz 65° 16/17dBi 2-12°/2-12° Replaceable
Electrical Specifications
2×1710-2170(B1,B2) 2×2490-2690(Y1,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1920-2025 2025-2170 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 15.7±0.5 16.0±0.5 16.3±0.5 16.5±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 69 66 63 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8.0 7.5 7.0 5.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 24 24 24 24
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >26
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
BASTA Electrical Specifications
2×1710-2170(B1,B2) 2×2490-2690(Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-1880 1920-2025 2025-2170 2490-2690
2°|16.18 2°|16.31 2°|16.16 2°|16.54
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 7°|16.26 7°|16.60 7°|16.17 7°|16.45
12°|16.10 12°|16.42 12°|15.80 12°|16.14
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.28 ±0.27 ±0.38 ±0.51
Horizontal BeamwidthTolerance(°): ±2.58 ±2.93 ±2.51 ±3.02
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.41 ±0.30 ±0.46 ±0.44
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to
15.03 16.19 15.56 15.21
Front to back Total Power at 180° ±
24.52 25.11 24.86 24.09
CPR at Boresight(dB): 16.17 19.01 22.32 15.60 V1.1 2021/12/22

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environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1380×320×140
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1605×405×230
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 14.5 / 3.65
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 20.5
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
BA.K.04.00069421, Adjustable Downtilt
Mounting Kits (Included):

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 504 / 134 / 685
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (standby, single RET), < 1.5 (standby, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation V1.1 2021/12/22

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environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
1710–2170 MHz B1 1-2 BRxxx……1B1 Y1 Y2
1710–2170 MHz B2 3-4 BRxxx……2B2
2490–2690 MHz Y1 5-6 BRxxx……3Y1
2490–2690 MHz Y2 7-8 BRxxx……4Y2

B1 B2 V1.1 2021/12/22

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environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 694-960/1710-2170/2490-2690/1710-2690MHz 65°/65°/65°/65°
16/16/17/18dBi 2°-12°/2°-10°/2°-10°/2°-10° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
694-960(R1) 1710-2170(B1)
Frequency Range (MHz): (Y1)
694-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2170 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 14.8±0.5 15.3±0.5 15.8±0.5 15.5±0.5 15.8±0.5 16.2±0.5 16.6±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45° ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 68 65 63 68 65 63 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 11.0 9.5 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 5.5
2-12 Independently Continuously
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Front to Back Ratio(dB): 22 23 24 25 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >26
Interband Isolation (dB): >26
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 16.7±0.5 17.3±0.5 17.6±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 68 65 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7.5 6.0 5.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB):
16 16 16
Front to Back Ratio(dB): 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >28
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded V1.0 2019/10/22 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
BASTA Electrical Specification
694-862(R1) 1710-2690(Y2)
Frequency Range(MHz):
694-806 806-862 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 14.8 15.3 15.5 16.5 17.0 17.3
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
2°|14.8 2°|15.0 2°|15.5 2°|16.3 2°|17.0 2°|17.3
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|15.0 7°|15.5 7°|15.8 6°|16.6 6°|17.2 6°|17.5
12°|14.7 12°|15.0 12°|15.3 10°|16.1 10°|16.6 10°|17.1
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±4 ±3 ±3 ±3.5 ±2.8 ±2.5
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.0 ±1.8 ±1.5 ±1.5 ±1.3 ±1.2
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 16.4 16.7 16.8 16.2 16.0 16.9
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 23.8 25.2 25.8 25.3 25.6 26.5
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15.8 16.2 15.6 16.2 16.5 15.8
BASTA Electrical Specification
1710-2170(B1) 2490-2690(Y1)
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2170 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 15.5 15.8 16.0 16.5
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
2°|15.4 2°|15.5 2°|15.8 2°|16.3
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 6°|15.6 6°|15.9 6°|16.2 6°|16.7
10°|15.2 10°|15.4 10°|15.6 10°|16.1
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.5 ±2.8 ±2.5 ±2.5
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.5 ±1.3 ±1.2 ±1.2
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 16.8 16.5 16.7 16.2
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 25.3 25.6 26.5 26.7
CPR at Boresight(dB): 16.2 16.5 16.8 17.0
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions(mm): 1960×339×169
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2300×425×260
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket(kg): 24/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight(kg): 34
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069101, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-12°
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -50~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1182/351/1379
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.0 2019/10/22 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET Type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
694-960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1 Y1
1710–2170 MHz B1 3-4 BRxxx……1B1
2490–2690 MHz Y1 5-6 BRxxx……1Y1
1710–2690 MHz Y2 7-8 BRxxx……1Y2

B1 R1 Y2 V1.0 2019/10/22 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 698-862/880-960/2×1710-2690MHz 65°/65° /65° 15/15.5/18dBi

2°-12°/2°-12°/0°-10° Replaceable RET

Electrical Specifications
698-862(R1) 880-960(R2) 2×1710-2690 (Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-862 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 14.2±0.5 14.6±0.5 15.2±0.5 16.8±0.5 17.5±0.5 17.8±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization : ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 69 67 65 66 62 57
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth(°): 11.5 10.0 9.0 6.5 5.0 4.5
2-12 Independently Continuously
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 22 23 24 24 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): 26
Interband Isolation (dB): 28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
698-960(R1) 698-960(R2) 1710-2690(Y1) 1710-2690(Y2)
Frequency Range(MHz): 698- 806- 880- 1710- 2300- 2490- 1710- 2300- 2490-
806 862 960 2170 2490 2690 2170 2490 2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 14.1 14.5 15.0 16.8 17.4 17.7 16.7 17.5 17.7
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.3 ±0.3 ±0.5 ±0.4 ±0.6 ±0.7 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.6
2°/0°(R1R2/Y1Y2) 14.1 14.4 15.1 16.8 17.4 17.8 16.7 17.5 17.7
Average Gain by
7°/5°(R1R2/Y1Y2) 14.2 14.6 15.2 16.9 17.5 17.9 16.8 17.6 17.8
Beam Tilt (dBi):
12°/10°(R1R2/Y1Y2) 14.0 14.5 14.9 16.7 17.3 17.6 16.6 17.4 17.5
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±5.9 ±5.9 ±6.4 ±9.8 ±6.5 ±9.0 ±8.4 ±5.9 ±7.4
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.7 ±0.7 ±1.1 ±0.6 ±0.6 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.7 ±0.8
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 15.7 16.2 16.4 20.1 20.5 17.6 19.2 18.4 21.2
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 23.4 24.2 24.8 25.3 26.5 26.4 26.4 25.9 25.7
CPR at Boresight(dB): 19.0 18.2 17.4 16.5 18.1 17.6 17.2 17.3 19.4 V1.1 2022/2/24

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BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
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environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1995×396×190
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2255×480×280
Antenna Net Weight/bracket (kg): 28.5/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 39.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069121, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-14°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 891/252/1172
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption (W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band) V1.1 2022/2/24

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environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698–862MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx......1R1
880–960MHz R2 3-4 BRxxx......2R2
1710–2690MHz Y1 5-6 BRxxx......3Y1
1710–2690MHz Y2 7-8 BRxxx......4Y2

Y1 Y2

R1 V1.1 2022/2/24

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BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
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environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 698-960/3x1710-2690MHz 65°/65°15/17.5dBi 0°-14°/0°-10° Replaceable
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3) 1710-2690(Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710 2300 2490 1710 2300 2490
698-806 806-880 880-960
-2170 -2490 -2690 -2170 -2490 -2690
13.5 13.7 14.2 16.6 17.2 17.7 15.8 16.4 16.8
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 65 64 68 63 58 55 74 57 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 18 16 14 7.5 6.0 5.5 7.0 5.7 5.3
0-14 Independently
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 14 16 15 15 16 14 15 16 14
Intraband Isolation (dB): >26
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): 13.5 13.8 13.9
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.5 ±0.4 ±0.4
0°|13.6 0°|13.8 0°|14.1
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 7°|13.4 7°|13.9 7°|14.0
14°|13.4 14|13.7 14°|13.6
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.2 ±1.7 ±3.5
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.5 ±0.9 ±0.8
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 14.0 15.5 14.9
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 21.4 25.6 26.5
CPR at Boresight(dB): 22.9 22.4 21.0
CPR at Sector(dB): 9.2 10.5 8.0 V1.0 2020/10/27 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
BASTA Electrical Specifications
1710-2690(Y1,Y3) 1710-2690(Y2)
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): 16.5 17.1 17.4 15.8 16.2 16.4
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.8 ±0.5 ±0.8 ±0.3 ±0.6 ±0.4
0°|16.8 0°|17.0 0°|17.6 0°|15.9 0°|16.6 0°|16.6
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 5°|16.7 5°|17.5 5°|17.7 5°|16.0 5°|16.3 5°|16.7
10°|16.0 10|16.9 10°|16.7 10°|15.6 10|15.6 10°|16.0
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±5.5 ±3.8 ±2.0 ±7.7 ±5.6 ±4.9
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.9 ±0.6 ±0.4 ±0.9 ±0.5 ±0.4
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 14.0 15.8 14.0 14.0 15.5 14.0
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 25.7 27.1 26.1 25.7 27.0 28.0
CPR at Boresight(dB): 17.7 16.9 16.7 16.6 17.7 17.5
CPR at Sector(dB): 8.8 5.0 3.5 6.1 5.5 7.2
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1380×396×190
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1650×485×285
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 22/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 32
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
BA.K.04.00069141, Adjustable Downtilt
Mounting Kits (Included):

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/: 607/172/798
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range): (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8-pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band) V1.0 2020/10/27 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698-960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1
1710–2690 MHz Y1 3-4 BRxxx……2Y1
1710–2690 MHz Y2 5-6 BRxxx……3Y2
1710–2690 MHz Y3 7-8 BRxxx……4Y3
Y1 Y2 Y3

R1 V1.0 2020/10/27 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 3 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 698-960/3x1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 16/17.5dBi 0°-10°/0°-10° Replaceable
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3) 1710-2690(Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710 2300 2490 1710 2300 2490
698-806 806-880 880-960
-2170 -2490 -2690 -2170 -2490 -2690
14.4 15.2 15.1 16.6 17.1 17.7 15.9 16.0 16.3
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 69 65 60 69 65 58 69 65 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 11.0 9.5 8.5 7.5 6.5 5.2 7.0 5.7 5.3
0-10 Independently
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 15 16 15 15 16 15 15 16 14
Intraband Isolation (dB): >26
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 14.2 15.0 14.9
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.7
0°|14.4 0°|15.1 0°|15.0
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 5°|14.2 5°|15.2 5°|15.1
10°|13.9 10°|14.6 10°|14.4
Horizontal BeamwidthTolerance(°): ±3.1 ±1.3 ±2.4
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.2 ±0.5 ±0.7
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 14.2 15.3 14.4
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 24.7 28.0 28.9
CPR at Boresight(dB): 16.4 17.1 17.4 V1.0 2020/10/27 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
BASTA Electrical Specifications
1710-2690(Y1,Y3) 1710-2690(Y2)
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 16.4 16.9 17.4 15.8 15.7 15.8
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.8 ±0.7 ±0.8
0°|16.3 0°|16.6 0°|17.4 0°|15.8 0°|16.0 0°|16.3
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 5°|16.6 5°|17.1 5°|17.7 5°|15.9 5°|15.9 5°|16.1
10°|16.3 10°|16.8 10°|17.3 10°|15.7 10°|15.8 10°|16.0
Horizontal BeamwidthTolerance(°): ±2.9 ±3.8 ±2.5 ±5.2 ±3.8 ±4.5
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.0 ±0.7 ±0.6 ±0.9 ±0.6 ±0.6
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 14.3 15.1 14.4 14.4 15.7 13.7
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 26.6 27.5 27.7 26.5 27.4 27.5
CPR at Boresight(dB): 17.5 16.7 17.2 16.6 17.7 17.5
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1820×396×190
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2090×485×285
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 27.5/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 38.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
BA.K.04.00069101, Adjustable Downtilt
Mounting Kits (Included):

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/: 810/230/1065
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range): (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8-pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band) V1.0 2020/10/27 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698-960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1
1710–2690 MHz Y1 3-4 BRxxx……2Y1
1710–2690 MHz Y2 5-6 BRxxx……3Y2
1710–2690 MHz Y3 7-8 BRxxx……4Y3

Y1 Y2 Y3

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Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 698-960/3×1710-2690MHz 65°/65 16/18dBi 0°-10° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y2,Y3)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 14.6±0.5 15.3±0.5 15.6±0.5 16.8±0.5 17.5±0.5 17.8±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 65 62 60 67 60 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 11.0 10.0 9.3 6.0 4.8 4.3
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio 180±30 (dB):
22 23 24 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25 >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3) 1710-2690(Y2)
Frequency Range(MHz): 698 806 880 1710 2300 2490 1710 2300 2490
-806 -880 -960 -2170 -2490 -2690 -2170 -2490 -2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 14.4 15.2 15.4 16.8 17.2 17.4 16.7 17.1 17.3
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.6 ±0.7 ±0.7 ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.4
14.6 15.3 15.5 16.9 17.3 17.5 16.8 17.2 17.2
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 14.4 15.3 15.6 17.0 17.4 17.6 16.8 17.3 17.6
14.2 15.0 15.2 16.5 16.8 17.0 16.6 16.8 17.0
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.5 ±1.8 ±1.4 ±5.0 ±4.2 ±4.9 ±2.8 ±6.7 ±5.1
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.2 ±0.9 ±1.0 ±0.7 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.3 ±0.4
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 14.3 14.8 15.0 15.3 16.2 16.0 15.4 17.1 16.7
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 21.5 23.7 25.2 24.7 24.9 25.1 26.8 28.1 28.0
CPR at Boresight(dB): 28.4 23.4 26.3 15.3 16.0 16.3 17.2 20.8 19.3 V1.0 2021/4/29 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1995×396×190
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2265×485×285
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 28/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 40
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069121, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-14°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 891/252/1172
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band) V1.0 2021/4/29 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698-960MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1
1710–2690MHz Y1 3-4 BRxxx……2Y1
1710–2690MHz Y2 5-6 BRxxx……3Y2
1710–2690MHz Y3 7-8 BRxxx……4Y3
Y1 Y2 Y3

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Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 698-960/3×1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 16.5/18dBi 2°-12°/0°-10° Replaceable
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y2,Y3)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 15.5±0.5 16.0±0.5 16.5±0.5 16.8±0.5 17.5±0.5 17.8±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 65 62 60 67 60 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 9.5 8.5 7.5 6.0 4.8 4.3
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio 180±30 (dB):
22 24 24 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25 >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3) 1710-2690(Y2)
Frequency Range(MHz): 698 806 880 1710 2300 2490 1710 2300 2490
-806 -880 -960 -2170 -2490 -2690 -2170 -2490 -2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 15.4 16.2 16.5 16.8 17.2 17.3 16.9 17.2 17.2
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.7 ±0.3 ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.6
15.5 16.3 16.7 16.7 17.2 17.3 17.1 17.3 17.0
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 15.4 16.3 16.7 17.1 17.4 17.6 17.1 17.4 17.5
15.3 16.0 16.2 16.6 16.9 17.0 16.6 16.8 17.1
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.9 ±1.5 ±1.9 ±5.0 ±4.2 ±4.9 ±4.0 ±5.6 ±4.2
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.8 ±0.3 ±0.7 ±0.7 ±0.3 ±0.3 ±0.7 ±0.3 ±0.3
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 14.5 13.7 15.0 15.5 16.2 16.3 15.2 17.5 17.4
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 21.2 24.1 25.0 24.5 25.6 25.0 25.8 29.1 28.0
CPR at Boresight(dB): 19.2 26.2 24.1 15.6 15.8 16.0 17.2 20.8 19.3 V1.0 2021/4/29 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2495×396×190
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2765×485×285
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 34 / 5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 47
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
BA.K.04.00069091, Adjustable Downtilt
Mounting Kits (Included):

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1125/327/1480
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band) V1.0 2021/4/29 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698-960MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1
1710–2690MHz Y1 3-4 BRxxx……2Y1
1710–2690MHz Y2 5-6 BRxxx……3Y2
1710–2690MHz Y3 7-8 BRxxx……4Y3
Y1 Y2 Y3

R1 V1.0 2021/4/29 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 694-960/2×1710-2690/1710-2690MHz 65°/65°/65° 15/16/15.5dBi
0°-10°/0°-10°/0°-10° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
694-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3) 1710-2690(Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710- 2300- 2490- 1710- 2300- 2490-
694-806 806-880 880-960
2170 2490 2690 2170 2490 2690
14.0 14.8 15.0 15.3 15.7 16.0 15.0 15.3 15.6
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 69 65 62 68 62 57 68 62 57
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 14 12.5 11.0 11.0 9.0 8.0 11.0 9.0 8.0
0-10 Independently
Electrical Downtilt (°): Continuously Adjustable 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable

RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable

1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 22 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >26 >26 >26
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
694-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3)
Frequency Range(MHz):
694-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 14.1 14.6 14.8 14.8 15.4 15.8
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.7 ±0.5 ±0.4 ±0.3 ±0.7 ±0.6
0°|14.3 0°|14.6 0°|14.9 0°|15.1 0°|15.6 0°|16.1
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 5°|14.2 5°|14.8 5°|15.1 5°|14.8 5°|15.4 5°|15.9
10°|13.8 10°|14.3 10°|14.5 10°|14.5 10°|15.1 10°|15.5
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.5 ±2.8 ±2.5 ±4.0 ±3.6 ±4.3
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.2 ±0.8 ±0.6 ±1.2 ±0.8 ±0.6
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 16.6 16.4 15.1 17.1 15.6 15.2
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 23.2 25.5 24.1 25.9 25.9 26.3
CPR at Boresight(dB): 17.4 17.7 16.8 18.8 16.2 19.2
BASTA Electrical Specification
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 14.6 15.0 15.3
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.4 ±0.5 ±0.5
0°|14.8 0°|15.2 0°|15.5
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 5°|14.7 5°|15.0 5°|15.3
10°|14.3 10°|14.7 10°|15.0
Horizontal BeamwidthTolerance(°): ±4.9 ±4.1 ±4.0 V1.0 2020/3/26 Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.3 ±0.8 ±0.5
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 15.6 15.8 15.7
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 25.9 27.2 26.5
CPR at Boresight(dB): 17.2 17.3 17.1
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions(mm): 1650×339×169
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1940×425×260
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket(kg): 21/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight(kg): 31
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069141, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-18°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:978/288/1142
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltagerange(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band) V1.0 2020/3/26 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
694-960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1
BRxxx……2Y1 R1
1710–2690 MHz Y1 3-4 YBY2
1710–2690 MHz Y2 5-6 BRxxx……3Y2
1710–2690 MHz Y3 7-8 BRxxx……4Y3

Y1 Y3 V1.0 2020/3/26 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 694-960/2×1710-2690/1710-2690MHz 65°/65°/65° 16/16.5/16dBi
0°-10°/0°-10°/0°-10° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
694-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3) 1710-2690(Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710- 2300- 2490- 1710- 2300- 2490-
694-806 806-880 880-960
2170 2490 2690 2170 2490 2690
14.7 15.4 15.7 15.5 16.3 16.5 15.1 15.8 16.0
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 69 65 62 68 62 57 68 62 57
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 13 11.5 10.2 9 8 7 9 8 7
0-10 Independently
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB):
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 22 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Tilt 0°-2°: >26
Intraband Isolation (dB): >28 >28
Tilt 3°-10°: >28
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
BASTA Electrical Specification
694-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3)
Frequency Range(MHz):
694-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 15.0 15.3 15.6 15.5 16.0 16.4
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.7 ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.8 ±0.5 ±0.4
0°|14.9 0°|15.2 0°|15.5 0°|15.4 0°|16.0 0°|16.3
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 5°|15.2 5°|15.5 5°|15.8 5°|15.7 5°|16.3 5°|16.7
10°|14.7 10°|14.9 10°|15.2 10°|15.2 10°|15.8 10°|16.0
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.3 ±2.1 ±2.6 ±6.9 ±5.3 ±5.0
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.8 ±0.5 ±0.3 ±1.4 ±0.8 ±0.6
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 15.6 15.4 15.1 15.5 15.3 16.2
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 26.6 27.5 27.1 26.8 27.3 30.3
CPR at Boresight(dB): 17.4 18.7 18.6 19.4 18.8 21.6
BASTA Electrical Specification
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 15.2 15.7 16.1
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.7 ±0.6 ±0.4
0°|15.0 0°|15.7 0°|16.1
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 5°|15.4 5°|16.0 5°|16.3
10°|14.8 10°|15.5 10°|15.7
Horizontal BeamwidthTolerance(°): ±6.5 ±4.3 ±3.6 V1.0 2020/3/17 Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.5 ±0.6 ±0.6
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 16.2 15.4 16.0
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 26.9 27.7 28.9
CPR at Boresight(dB): 17.2 18.3 18.1
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions(mm): 1960×339×169
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2300×425×260
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket(kg): 27/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight(kg): 36
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069101, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-12°
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/ Lateral/ Rearside: 1206/358/1408
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltagerange(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band) V1.0 2020/3/17 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N R1
790-960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1
1710–2690 MHz Y1 3-4 BRxxx……1Y1 YB
1710–2690 MHz Y2 5-6 BRxxx……1Y2
1710–2690 MHz Y3 7-8 BRxxx……1Y3

Y1 Y3 V1.0 2020/3/17 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 3 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 698-960/2×1710-2690/1710-2690MHz 65°/65°/65° 17/17.5/17dBi
0°-10°/0°-10°/0°-10° Replaceable RET

Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3) 1710-2690(Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710- 2300- 2490- 1710- 2300- 2490-
698-806 806-880 880-960
2170 2490 2690 2170 2490 2690
15.7 16.2 16.7 16.0 16.6 17.3 15.5 16.1 16.7
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 68 65 62 68 62 57 68 62 57
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth(°): 9.5 8.2 7.2 6.8 5.8 5.3 6.8 5.8 5.3
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15 16 16 15 16 16 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23 23 23 25 25 25 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >26 >28 >28
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Average power tolerance (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1) 1710-2690(Y2) 1710-2690(Y3)
Frequency Range(MHz): 698- 806- 880- 1710- 2300- 2490- 1710- 2300- 2490- 1710- 2300- 2490-
806 880 960 2170 2490 2690 2170 2490 2690 2170 2490 2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 15.5 16.0 16.2 15.8 16.6 17.2 15.3 16.1 16.7 15.7 16.5 17.0
Gain by all Beam Tilts
±0.6 ±0.4 ±0.3 ±0.6 ±0.7 ±0.6 ±0.7 ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.6
0° 15.6 16.2 16.4 16.0 16.9 17.4 15.5 16.4 16.9 15.9 16.7 17.1
Average Gain by
5° 15.5 16.0 16.2 15.9 16.6 17.0 15.4 16.1 16.5 15.8 16.5 17.1
Beam Tilt (dBi):
10° 15.4 15.8 16.0 15.7 16.4 16.9 15.2 15.9 16.4 15.6 16.2 16.7
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.4 ±3.3 ±1.6 ±6.7 ±3.8 ±5.6 ±4.2 ±5.9 ±4.2 ±6.5 ±5.3 ±4.3
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.8 ±0.8 ±0.5 ±0.9 ±0.7 ±0.5 ±1.1 ±0.9 ±0.4 ±0.9 ±0.6 ±0.4
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 17.0 15.4 15.6 21.6 22.0 19.1 17.3 21.0 17.6 20.5 22.3 18.7
Front to back Ratio at 180° ±
27.0 28.3 29.0 29.7 31.7 31.6 28.5 31.5 30.3 28.6 31.0 31.2
CPR at Boresight(dB): 23.0 24.0 21.8 24.5 22.1 25.5 24.2 20.5 24.1 22.5 23.5 26.8 V1.0 2020/6/1 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2495×339×169
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2785×425×260
Antenna Net Weight/bracket (kg): 28.1/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 38.3
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069091, Adjustable Downtilt0°-10°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:1568/464/1830
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET Type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption (W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Bottom View V1.0 2020/6/1 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698– 960MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx......1R1
1710–2690MHz Y1 3-4 BRxxx......2Y1 R1
1710–2690MHz Y2 5-6 BRxxx......3Y2
1710–2690MHz Y3 7-8 BRxxx......4Y3

Y1 Y3 V1.0 2020/6/1 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 3 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×698-960/2×1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 14/17.5dBi 2°-12°/2°-12°
Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 13.0±0.5 13.5±0.5 14.0±0.5 16.3±0.5 17.3±0.5 17.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 70 65 60 68 62 58
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 19.5 18 16.5 7.5 6.0 5.3
2-12 Independently Continuously
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0,Upgradeable
1 Upper Sidelobe Level (dB):
15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 22 23 24 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio 60° (dB): 10 9 8 9 8 7
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1395×448×185
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1655×530×275
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 24/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 34
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069351,Adjustable Downtilt 0°-16°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 594/146/705
Max. Wind velocity(km/h) 200 V1.2 2022/6/2 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698– 960 MHz R1 1-2
698– 960 MHz R2 3-4
1710–2690 MHz Y1 5-6
1710–2690 MHz Y2 7-8

Y1 Y2

R1 R2 V1.2 2022/6/2 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×698-960/2×1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 15.5/17.5dBi 2°-12°/2°-12°
Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 14.3±0.5 14.8±0.5 15.3±0.5 16.3±0.5 17.3±0.5 17.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 70 65 60 68 62 58
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 11.0 10.5 9.5 7.5 6.0 5.3
2-12 Independently Continuously
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0,Upgradeable
1 Upper Sidelobe Level (dB):
15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 22 23 24 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio 60° (dB): 10 9 8 9 8 7
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1820×448×185
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2160×535×280
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 30/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 41
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069121, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-14°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -50~+60
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 784/193/930
Max. Wind velocity(km/h) 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode) V1.0 2020/11/23 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698– 960MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx......1R1
698– 960MHz R2 3-4 BRxxx......2R2
1710–2690MHz Y1 5-6 BRxxx......3Y1
1710–2690MHz Y2 7-8 BRxxx......4Y2

Y1 Y2

R1 R2 V1.0 2020/11/23 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×698-960/2×1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 17/17.5dBi 2°-12°/2°-12°
Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 15.5±0.5 16.0±0.5 16.5±0.5 16.3±0.5 17.3±0.5 17.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 69 64 60 69 62 58
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 8.5 7.0 6.5 7.5 6.0 5.3
2-12 Independently Continuously
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1 Upper Sidelobe Level (dB):
15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 22 23 24 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2250×448×185
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2520×535×280
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 35.9/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 47.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069291, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-8°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 978/244/1160
Max. Wind velocity(km/h) 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode) V1.2 2021/1/28 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698– 960MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx......1R1
698– 960MHz R2 3-4 BRxxx......2R2
1710–2690MHz Y1 5-6 BRxxx......3Y1
1710–2690MHz Y2 7-8 BRxxx......4Y2

Y1 Y2

R1 R2 V1.2 2021/1/28 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 5×1710-2690MHz 65° 18dBi 2°-12° Replaceable RET 4.3-10 connector
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi) (Y1,Y3,Y4): 17.0±0.5 17.5±0.5 18.0±0.5
Gain (dBi) (Y2,Y5): 16.7±0.5 17.2±0.5 17.7±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 69 65 60
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7.2 6.0 5.0
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): >16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): >27
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): >20
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Impedance (ohm): 50
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-153 (2×43 dBm)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 10×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2680×375×195
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2940×460×285
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 33.5/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 46.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069091, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-10°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1495/583/1668
Max. Wind velocity (km/h): 200

Internal RET Specifications

RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range (V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated ,single RET)
Power consumption (W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode) V1.0 2022/9/27 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
1710–2690 MHz Y1 1-2
1710–2690 MHz Y2 3-4
1710–2690 MHz Y3 5-6
1710–2690 MHz Y4 7-8
1710–2690 MHz Y5 9-10 Y2 Y5

Y1 Y2 Y3

Y1 Y3 Y4 V1.0 2022/9/27 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 790-960/2×1710-2690/1710-2170/2490-2690MHz 65°/65°/65°/65°
15/17/16.5/16.5dBi 2°-12°Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
790-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3) 1710-2170(B1) 2490-2690(Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz): 790 862 894 1710 2300 2490 1710 1880 2025 2490
-862 -894 -960 -2170 -2490 -2690 -1880 -2025 -2170 -2690
14.5 14.8 15.0 16.1 16.7 17.0 15.8 16.2 16.2 16.5
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 61 60 58 69 62 58 66 62 60 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 16.0 15.0 14.0 8.0 6.3 6.0 7.8 7.3 6.8 5.8
2-12 Independently
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 15 15 15 14 15 15 14 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 22 23 23 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >26
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 10×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
790-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3) 1710-2170(B1) 2490-2690(Y2)
Frequency Range(MHz): 790 862 894 1710 2300 2490 1710 1880 2025 2490
-862 -894 -960 -2170 -2490 -2690 -1880 -2025 -2170 -2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 14.4 14.6 15.0 15.9 16.5 16.6 15.7 16.0 16.2 16.3
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.7 ±0.3 ±0.4 ±0.7 ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
14.4 14.7 15.2 16.1 16.6 16.8 15.7 16.2 16.4 16.4
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 14.4 14.6 15.0 15.9 16.7 16.7 15.9 16.2 16.3 16.3
14.3 14.5 14.9 15.6 16.3 16.3 15.3 15.6 15.8 16.2
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.5 ±2.3 ±1.8 ±5.0 ±4.1 ±5.7 ±5.0 ±4.8 ±3.5 ±3.0
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.1 ±0.8 ±0.5 ±0.8 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.5 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.3
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 17.5 16.5 16.0 13.5 15.7 15.0 14.3 15.7 16.4 15.0
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 22.7 25.1 25.6 25.1 25.7 24.7 26.6 28.2 26.8 26.5
CPR at Boresight(dB): 27.2 28.4 30.1 19.5 19.3 17.8 18.5 21.9 25.4 20.5 V1.0 2021/12/6 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1550×375×195
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1810×460×285
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 21.5/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 31.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069141, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-12°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 845/319/942
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET tpe: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption (W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band) V1.0 2021/12/6 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
790-960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1
Y1 Y2 Y3
1710–2170 MHz B1 3-4 BRxxx……1B1
1710–2690 MHz Y1 5-6 BRxxx……1Y1
2490–2690 MHz Y2 7-8 BRxxx……1Y2
1710–2690 MHz Y3 9-10 BRxxx……1Y3


R1 V1.0 2021/12/6 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 3 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Shee
XXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 694-960/2×1710-2690/2×1710-2690MHz 65°/65°/65° 15/15.5/16dBi
0°-10°/0°-10°/0°-10° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
694-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3) 1710-2690(Y2,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710- 2300- 2490- 1710- 2300- 2490-
694-806 806-880 880-960
2170 2490 2690 2170 2490 2690
14.3 15.0 15.2 15.3 15.6 16.0 15.0 15.3 15.6
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 72 68 65 68 65 57 66 62 57
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 15 13.5 11.2 10 8 7 10 8 7
0-10 Independently
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 22 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >26
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 10×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
694-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3)
Frequency Range(MHz):
694-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 14.5 14.9 15.2 15 15.9 16
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.7 ±0.5 ±0.4 ±0.8 ±0.4 ±0.5
0°|14.5 0°|14.8 0°|15.2 0°|15 0°|15.8 0°|16
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 5°|14.8 5°|15.2 5°|15.4 5°|15.2 5°|16.1 5°|16.2
10°|14.2 10°|14.6 10°|14.9 10°|14.7 10°|15.7 10°|15.8
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.4 ±2 ±1.5 ±7.1 ±5.7 ±5.2
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.1 ±0.8 ±0.5 ±1.5 ±0.5 ±0.4
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 15.3 13.7 13.8 15 15.5 15.6
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 24.8 25 23.8 26.7 28.1 28.6
CPR at Boresight(dB): 16 18.4 18 20.2 19.8 20.8
BASTA Electrical Specification
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 14.6 15.4 15.6
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.7 ±0.5 ±0.5
0°|14.6 0°|15.5 0°|15.7
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 5°|14.7 5°|15.7 5°|15.8
10°|14.4 10°|15.2 10°|15.4
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±6.0 ±5.0 ±4.7 V1.1 2021/2/4 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Shee
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.1 ±0.5 ±0.4
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 16.4 16.8 16.5
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 25.8 28 27.3
CPR at Boresight(dB): 17.2 17.7 19.9
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions(mm): 1650×339×169
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1990×425×260
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket(kg): 23/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight(kg): 32
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069101, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-12°
Connector Type: 10×4.3-10 Female
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:714/238/870
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltagerange(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band) V1.1 2021/2/4 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Shee
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
694-960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1
Y2 R1
1710–2690 MHz Y1 3-4 BRxxx……2Y1 Y4
1710–2690 MHz Y2 5-6 BRxxx……3Y2
1710–2690 MHz Y3 7-8 BRxxx……4Y3
1710–2690 MHz Y4 9-10 BRxxx……5Y4

Y1 Y3 V1.1 2021/2/4 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Shee
XXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 694-960/2×1710-2690/2×1710-2690MHz 65°/65°/65° 16/16.5/16dBi
0°-10°/0°-10°/0°-10° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
694-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3) 1710-2690(Y2,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710- 2300- 2490- 1710- 2300- 2490-
694-806 806-880 880-960
2170 2490 2690 2170 2490 2690
14.7 15.4 15.7 15.5 16.3 16.5 15.1 15.8 16.0
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 69 65 62 68 62 57 68 62 57
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 13 11.5 10.2 9 8 7 9 8 7
0-10 Independently
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB):
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 22 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Tilt 0°-2°: >26
Intraband Isolation (dB): >28 >28
Tilt 3°-10°: >28
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
BASTA Electrical Specification
694-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3)
Frequency Range(MHz):
694-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 14.9 15.2 15.5 15.4 16.1 16.4
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.7 ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.7 ±0.4 ±0.5
0°|14.8 0°|15.1 0°|15.4 0°|15.2 0°|16.0 0°|16.3
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 5°|15.1 5°|15.4 5°|15.7 5°|15.5 5°|16.2 5°|16.6
10°|14.6 10°|14.9 10°|15.2 10°|15.0 10°|15.7 10°|16.0
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.2 ±2.1 ±1.8 ±7.3 ±4.9 ±4.7
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.7 ±0.6 ±0.4 ±1.3 ±0.8 ±0.6
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 15.8 15.1 14.7 15.3 15.1 15.9
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 26.1 27.6 27.8 25.9 29.1 30.2
CPR at Boresight(dB): 16.9 19.3 18.2 17.8 19.8 20.1
BASTA Electrical Specification
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 15.4 15.9 16.1
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.4 ±0.7 ±0.7
0°|15.2 0°|15.8 0°|16.1
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 5°|15.6 5°|16.2 5°|16.3
10°|15.0 10°|15.6 10°|15.7
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±5.5 ±4.0 ±3.5 V1.1 2021/2/4 Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Shee
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.3 ±0.4 ±0.7
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 15.5 15.4 16.1
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 26.7 28.2 29.3
CPR at Boresight(dB): 17.1 19.4 21.2
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions(mm): 1960×339×169
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2280×425×260
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket(kg): 28/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight(kg): 37
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069121, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-14°
Connector Type: 10×4.3-10 Female
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 854/288/1041
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltagerange(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band) V1.1 2021/2/4 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Shee
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
Y2 R1
694-960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1 Y4
1710–2690 MHz Y1 3-4 BRxxx……2Y1
1710–2690 MHz Y2 5-6 BRxxx……3Y2
1710–2690 MHz Y3 7-8 BRxxx……4Y3
1710–2690 MHz Y4 9-10 BRxxx……5Y4
Y1 Y3 V1.1 2021/2/4 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 3 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 698-960/2×1710-2690/2×1710-2690MHz 65°/65°/65° 16/17.5/17dBi
2°-12°/2°-12°/2°-12°Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3) 1710-2690(Y2,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710- 2300- 2490- 1710- 2300- 2490-
698-806 806-880 880-960
2170 2490 2690 2170 2490 2690
15.2 15.7 16.0 16.4 16.9 17.2 16.0 16.4 16.7
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 70 68 66 68 62 58 68 62 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth(°): 11 9.5 8.5 7.5 6.2 5.7 7.5 6.2 5.7
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB):
15 15 15 13 13 13 13 13 13
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 22 23 24 25 25 25 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >26
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Average power tolerance (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 10×4.3-10 Female
Electrical Specification
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1) 1710-2690(Y2)
Frequency Range(MHz): 698- 806- 880- 1710- 2300- 2490- 1710- 2300- 2490-
806 862 960 2170 2490 2690 2170 2490 2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 15.1 15.5 15.8 16.2 16.8 17.1 15.7 16.3 16.6
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.4 ±0.3 ±0.4 ±0.5 ±0.4 ±0.6 ±0.4 ±0.6 ±0.5
2° 15.1 15.4 15.7 16.2 16.8 17.2 15.6 16.3 16.5
Average Gain by
7° 15.2 15.6 16.0 16.4 16.9 17.3 15.7 16.4 16.6
Beam Tilt (dBi):
12° 15.0 15.5 15.7 16.0 16.7 17.0 15.6 16.2 16.5
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±6.2 ±4.7 ±5.2 ±8.4 ±7.5 ±7.7 ±7.3 ±8.2 ±6.5
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.4 ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.6 ±0.7
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 16.2 15.8 15.7 18.1 19.2 17.4 18.5 17.3 19.4
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 23.4 23.2 25.3 25.7 26.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.4
CPR at Boresight(dB): 17.9 16.2 18.3 16.5 18.1 17.6 17.2 17.3 19.4 V1.0 2021/11/30 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet

1710-2690(Y3) 1710-2690(Y4)
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 16.1 16.8 17.1 15.8 16.3 16.7
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.4 ±0.5 ±0.6
2° 16.1 16.8 17.1 15.9 16.2 16.6
Average Gain by
7° 16.2 16.9 17.2 16.0 16.5 16.8
Beam Tilt (dBi):
12° 16.0 16.7 17.0 15.8 16.1 16.6
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±8.1 ±7.2 ±8.6 ±7.9 ±6.2 ±7.8
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.6 ±0.7
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 18.1 17.6 18.5 16.8 15.9 17.4
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 25.9 25.8 26.4 25.6 25.2 26.4
CPR at Boresight(dB): 17.2 16.9 15.8 16.4 16.8 17.2
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2400×339×169
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2660×420×255
Antenna Net Weight/bracket (kg): 26.5/ 5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 36.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069091, Adjustable Downtilt 0-10°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:1055/365/1285
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET Type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band) V1.0 2021/11/30 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698– 960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx......1R1
1710–2690 MHz Y1 3-4 BRxxx......2Y1
1710–2690 MHz Y2 5-6 BRxxx......3Y2
Y2 Y4
1710–2690 MHz Y3 7-8 BRxxx......4Y3
1710–2690 MHz Y4 9-10 BRxxx......5Y4

Y1 R1 Y3 V1.0 2021/11/30 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 3 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 698-960/2×1710-2690/2×1710-2690MHz 65°/65°/65° 17/18/17dBi
0°-10°/0°-10°/0°-10° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3) 1710-2690(Y2,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710- 2300- 2490- 1710- 2300- 2490-
698-806 806-880 880-960
2170 2490 2690 2170 2490 2690
17.0 16.5 17.0 17.0 17.5 18.0 16.0 16.7 17.0
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 68 65 62 68 62 57 68 62 57
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8.7 7.5 7.0 6.7 5.0 4.5 6.7 5.0 4.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1stUpper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB): 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Intraband Isolation (dB): >26 >28 >28
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 300
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-153(2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions(mm): 2595×339×169
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2855×420×255
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket(kg): 30/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight(kg): 41.7
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069091, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-10°
Connector Type: 10×4.3-10 Female
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1145/399/1394
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.1 2022/9/23 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltagerange(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
Y2 R1
698-960 MHz R1 1-2 Y4
1710–2690 MHz Y1 3-4
1710–2690 MHz Y2 5-6
1710–2690 MHz Y3 7-8
1710–2690 MHz Y4 9-10
Y1 Y3 V1.1 2022/9/23 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×1710-2170/2×2500-2690/2×2500-2690MHz 65°/65°/65°
16.5/17/17dBi 0°-10°Replaceable RET 4.3-10 Connector

Electrical Specifications
2×1710-2170(B1,B2) 2×2500-2690(Y1,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1920-2025 2025-2170 2500-2690
Gain (dBi): 15.7±0.5 16.0±0.5 16.3±0.5 16.5±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 69 66 63 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8.0 7.5 7.0 5.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG2.0, Upgradeable
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB):
15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 24 24 24 24
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >26
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded

Frequency Range (MHz): 2×2500-2690(Y2,Y3)

Gain (dBi): 16.5±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 58
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 6.2
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB):
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 24
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >26
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded V1.0 2021/8/30

Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
Directive RoHS as well as to other
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environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-1880 1920-2025 2025-2170
0°|16.18 0°|16.31 0°|16.16
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 5°|16.26 5°|16.60 5°|16.17
10°|16.10 10°|16.42 10°|15.80
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.28 ±0.27 ±0.38
Horizontal BeamwidthTolerance(°): ±2.58 ±2.93 ±2.51
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.41 ±0.30 ±0.46
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 15.03 16.19 15.56
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 24.52 25.11 24.86
CPR at Boresight(dB): 16.17 19.01 22.32

2×2500-2690(Y1,Y4) 2×2500-2690(Y2,Y3)
Frequency Range(MHz):
2500-2690 2500-2690
0°|16.54 0°|16.57
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 5°|16.45 5°|16.51
10°|16.14 10°|16.23
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.51 ±0.41
Horizontal BeamwidthTolerance(°): ±3.02 ±2.95
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.44 ±0.30
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 15.21 15.88
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 24.09 24.52
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15.60 17.47
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2200×320×140
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2460×405×230
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 23.5 / 5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 33.5
Connector Type: 12×4.3-10 Female
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069071, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-8°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1029 / 298 / 965
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.0 2021/8/30

Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
Directive RoHS as well as to other
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environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Pin assignment according AISG:

Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)

Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View V1.0 2021/8/30

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environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
1710–2170 MHz B1 1-2 BRxxx……1B1 Y2 Y3
1710–2170 MHz B2 3-4 BRxxx……2B2
2500–2690 MHz Y1 5-6 BRxxx……3Y1
2500–2690 MHz Y2 7-8 BRxxx……4Y2
2500–2690 MHz Y3 9-10 BRxxx……5Y3
2500–2690 MHz Y4 11-12 BRxxx……6Y4

Y1 Y4

B1 B2 V1.0 2021/8/30

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environmentally relevant regulations.
Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
XXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×698-960/3×1695-2690MHz 65°/65° 16.5/17dBi 2-12°/2-12°
Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1,R2) 1695-2690(Y1, Y2, Y3)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1695-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 15.3±0.5 16.0±0.5 16.5±0.5 16.2±0.5 16.8±0.5 17.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 70 65 58 68 65 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 10.5 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0 ,Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio 180±30 (dB):
22 23 24 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2600×448×185
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2860×530×275
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 41/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 54.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
BA.K.04.00069091Adjustable Downtilt
Mounting Kits (Included):
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1137/289/1349
Max .Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.1 2021/12/31

Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
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environmentally relevant regulations.
Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range): (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8-pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band)

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698-960 MHz R1 1-2
698-960 MHz R2 3-4
1695–2690 MHz Y1 5-6
1695–2690 MHz Y2 7-8
1695–2690 MHz Y3 9-10
Y1 Y2 Y3

R1 R2 V1.1 2021/12/31

Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
Directive RoHS as well as to other
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environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
XXXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×698-960/4×1695-2690MHz 65°/65° 12/14dBi 3°/3° FET

Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1,R2) 1695-2690(Y1,Y3) 1695-2690(Y2,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1695 2300 2490 1695 2300 2490
698-806 806-880 880-960
-2170 -2490 -2690 -2170 -2490 -2690
11.0 11.5 12.0 12.2 12.8 13.2 12.0 12.6 12.9
Gain (dBi):
±0.6 ±0.8 ±0.8 ±0.8 ±0.8 ±0.8 ±0.8 ±0.8 ±0.8
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 69 63 58 68 63 58 68 63 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 25 23 20 21.5 18.5 16.5 21.5 18.5 16.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 3 Fixed
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 22 23 23 25 25 25 25 25 25
Intraband Isolation (dB): >23
Interband Isolation (dB): >23
Total Power for the Antenna (W) 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 12×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
698-960(R1) 694-960(R2) 1695-2690(Y1)
Frequency Range(MHz): 698- 806- 880- 698- 806- 880- 1695- 2300- 2490-
806 862 960 806 862 960 2170 2490 2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 10.5 11.1 11.6 10.5 11.2 11.7 12.4 12.8 13.2
Gain by Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.4 ±0.3 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.4 ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.4 ±0.5
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±8.5 ±9.6 ±6.5 ±9.3 ±7.5 ±7.4 ±7.9 ±6.2 ±7.8
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.0 ±1.6 ±1.3 ±1.5 ±1.4 ±1.1 ±2.9 ±1.9 ±1.8
Front to back Ratio at 180°±30° (dB) 23.1 24.2 23.8 23.4 23.6 24.1 25.6 26.2 25.8
CPR at Boresight(dB): 17.9 16.2 18.3 18.4 17.5 17.8 16.5 17.2 17.4

1695-2690(Y2) 1695-2690(Y3) 1695-2690(Y4)

Frequency Range(MHz): 1695- 2300- 2490- 1710- 2300- 2490- 1710- 2300- 2490-
2170 2490 2690 2170 2490 2690 2170 2490 2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 12.2 12.6 13.0 12.5 12.8 13.3 12.3 12.5 12.8
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.5 ±0.4 ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.4 ±0.5
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±6.5 ±7.4 ±7.2 ±6.8 ±7.8 ±8.3 ±7.2 ±6.8 ±8.4
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.4 ±1.7 ±0.8 ±1.2 ±1.4 ±1.3 ±1.4 ±1.9 ±1.3
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 26.2 25.4 25.1 25.3 25.7 25.6 26.3 25.6 25.3
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15.8 15.6 15.4 15.8 16.4 16.1 17.2 16.9 15.4

Our products are compliant to the EU V1.0 2022/7/19
Directive RoHS as well as to other
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
environmentally relevant regulations.
Page 1 of 3

Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 895×428×160
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1155×515×250
Antenna Net Weight /Bracket (kg): 13/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 20.7
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069381, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-30°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:442/76/456
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation (Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation (High Band)
Bottom View

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Directive RoHS as well as to other
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
environmentally relevant regulations.
Page 2 of 3

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns
Frequency range Array Connector
698–960 MHz R1 1-2
698–960 MHz R2 3-4 Y2 Y4
1695–2690 MHz Y1 5-6
1695–2690 MHz Y2 7-8
1695–2690 MHz Y3 9-10
1695–2690 MHz Y4 11-12 Y1 Y3

R1 R2

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Directive RoHS as well as to other
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
environmentally relevant regulations.
Page 3 of 3

Product Data Sheet
XXXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×698-960/4×1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 14/17.5dBi 2°-12°/2°-12°
Replaceable RET

Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y2,Y3) 1710-2690(Y1,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710 2300 2490 1710 2300 2490
698-806 806-880 880-960
-2170 -2490 -2690 -2170 -2490 -2690
13.2 13.7 14.2 16.3 17.3 17.0 16.0 17.0 16.7
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 70 65 60 68 62 58 68 62 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 19.5 18 16.5 7.5 6.0 5.3 7.5 6.0 5.3
2-12Independently Continuously
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 22 23 24 25 25 25 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio 60° (dB): 10 9 8 9 8 7 9 8 7
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 12×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1395×498×197
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1665×585×290
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 27/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 38
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
BA.K.04.00069151 ,Adjustable Downtilt
Mounting Kits (Included):

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:887/158/900
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200

Our products are compliant to the EU V1.0 2021/6/4
Directive RoHS as well as to other
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
environmentally relevant regulations.
Page 1 of 2

Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltagerange(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated ,single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by,single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustmenttime (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698–960 MHz R1 1-2
698–960 MHz R2 3-4 Y4
1710–2690 MHz Y1 5-6
1710–2690 MHz Y2 7-8
1710–2690 MHz Y3 9-10
1710–2690 MHz Y4 11-12
Y2 Y3

R1 R2

Our products are compliant to the EU V1.0 2021/6/4
Directive RoHS as well as to other
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
environmentally relevant regulations.
Page 2 of 2

Product Data Sheet
XXXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2 × 698-960/4 × 1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 15.5/18dBi 2-12°/2-12°
Replaceable RET

Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y1,Y4) 1710-2690(Y2,Y3)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710- 2300- 2490- 1710- 2300- 2490-
698-806 806-880 880-960
2170 2490 2690 2170 2490 2690
14.0 14.3 15.3 16.2 17.5 18.0 16.0 17.5 17.8
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 69 65 62 67 58 57 66 60 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 13.0 11.0 10.5 7.0 6.0 5.0 7.0 6.0 5.0
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0,Upgradeable
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB):
16 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB): 15
Cross Polar Ratio 60°(dB): 10
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 12×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2000×498×197
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2270×585×290
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 34.5/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 46.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069121, Adjustable Downtilt 0-14°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1292/229/1310
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.3 2020/11/19 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8-pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band)

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698– 960 MHz R1 1-2
698– 960 MHz R2 3-4
1710–2690 MHz Y1 5-6 Y1 Y4
1710–2690 MHz Y2 7-8
1710–2690 MHz Y3 9-10
1710–2690 MHz Y4 11-12 Y2 Y3

R1 R2 V1.3 2020/11/19 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×698-960/4×1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 17/17.5dBi 2°-12°/2°-12°
Replaceable RET

Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3) 1710-2690(Y2,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710 2300 2490 1710 2300 2490
698-806 806-880 880-960
-2170 -2490 -2690 -2170 -2490 -2690
15.5 16.0 16.5 16.3 17.3 17.0 16.0 17.0 16.7
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 69 64 60 69 62 58 69 62 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8.5 7.0 6.5 7.5 6.0 5.3 7.5 6.0 5.3
2-12 Independently
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0,Upgradeable
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB):
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 22 23 24 25 25 25 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Power Rating (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 12×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2630×448×185
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2890×530×275
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 44 / 5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 56
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
BA.K.04.00069311, Adjustable Downtilt
Mounting Kits (Included):

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N):
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200

Our products are compliant to the EU V1.2 2021/9/30
Directive RoHS as well as to other
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
environmentally relevant regulations.
Page 1 of 2

Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated ,single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698–960 MHz R1 1-2
698–960 MHz R2 3-4 Y2 Y4
1710–2690 MHz Y1 5-6
1710–2690 MHz Y2 7-8
1710–2690 MHz Y3 9-10
1710–2690 MHz Y4 11-12 Y1 Y3

R1 R2

Our products are compliant to the EU V1.2 2021/9/30
Directive RoHS as well as to other
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
environmentally relevant regulations.
Page 2 of 2

Product Data Sheet
XXXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×698-960/2×1710-2170/2×2490-2690MHz 65°/65°/65° 15.5/16/16.5dBi
0°-10°/0°-10°/0°-10°Replaceable RET 4.3-10 Connector
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2170(B1,B2) 2490-2690
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2170 (Y1,Y2)
Gain (dBi): 14.3±0.5 14.8±0.5 15.3±0.5 15.5±0.5 15.7±0.5 16.0±0.5 16.3±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 70 65 56 68 65 63 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth(°): 11.5 10.5 9 7 6 5.5 4.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >28
Average power tolerance (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 12×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
698-960(R1) 698-960(R2) 1710-2170(B1) 1710-2170(B2)
Frequency Range(MHz): 698- 806- 880- 698- 806- 880- 1710- 1880- 2025- 1710- 1880- 2025-
806 880 960 806 880 960 1880 2025 2170 1880 2025 2170
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 14.1 14.7 15.2 14.2 14.8 15.3 15.3 15.5 15.7 15.4 15.5 15.6
Gain by all Beam Tilts
±0.3 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.9 ±0.5 ±0.4 ±0.7
0° 14.2 14.8 15.2 14.2 14.8 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.8 15.4 15.5 15.6
Average Gain by
5° 14.4 15.0 15.5 14.4 15.1 15.5 15.5 15.7 15.9 15.6 15.7 15.8
Beam Tilt (dBi):
10° 13.6 14.2 14.6 13.7 14.5 15.0 15.2 15.6 15.6 15.3 15.3 15.5
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±5.9 ±2.2 ±7.0 ±4.8 ±2.8 ±6.4 ±7.8 ±5.4 ±8.2 ±6.4 ±6.2 ±7.9
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.7 ±0.8 ±1.0 ±0.5 ±0.7 ±1.1 ±0.4 ±0.7 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±08 ±0.6
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 15.2 15.6 16.1 15.3 16.2 16.4 16.5 16.4 16.2 15.8 16.2 15.7
Front to back Ratio at 180° ±
25.2 24.2 21.5 24.5 24.3 22.1 26.3 25.5 27.4 27.2 26.1 26.7
CPR at Boresight(dB): 19.0 18.5 18.7 16.5 17.5 18.4 17.5 16.1 16.4 17.8 16.4 17.5 V1.0 2021/4/20 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Frequency Range(MHz): 2490-2690(Y1) 2490-2690(Y2)
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 15.5 15.7 16.0 15.4 15.7 15.9
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.4 ±0.5 ±0.4 ±0.5 ±0.7 ±0.6
0° 15.4 15.6 15.9 15.3 15.7 15.8
Average Gain by
5° 15.7 15.9 16.2 15.6 15.8 16.2
Beam Tilt (dBi):
10° 15.4 15.6 16.0 15.5 15.5 15.8
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±4.7 ±3.1 ±6.2 ±5.2 ±3.7 ±5.7
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.9 ±0.8 ±0.7 ±1.2
USLS to 20° above beampeak(dB): 15.7 16.4 15.8 15.9 16.4 15.4
Front to back Ratio at 180° ± 30°(dB) 26.5 27.2 28.4 27.5 26.7 29.1
CPR at Boresight(dB): 17.4 18.7 17.2 17.2 18.9 18.5
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1995×448×185
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2265×535×280
Antenna Net Weight/bracket (kg): 33/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 44
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069121, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-14°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 863 / 212/ 1024
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET Type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption (W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band) V1.0 2021/4/20 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
Y1 Y2
698– 960MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx......1R1
698– 960MHz R2 3-4 BRxxx......2R2
1710–2170MHz B1 5-6 BRxxx......3B1
1710–2170MHz B2 7-8 BRxxx......4B2
2490–2690MHz Y1 9-10 BRxxx......5Y1
2490–2690MHz Y2 11-12 BRxxx......6Y2 B1 B1

R1 R2 V1.0 2021/4/20 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
XXXXXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×694-960/2×1710-2170/2×2490-2690/2×1710-2690MHz
65°/65°/65°/65° 13/16.5/17/16.5dBi 2°-16°/2°-12°/2°-12°/2°-12° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
694-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y1,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz):
694-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 12.2±0.5 12.9±0.5 12.9±0.5 16.3±0.5 16.6±0.5 16.7±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 66 63 64 68 66 61
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 18.7 16.7 15.4 7.7 6.4 5.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-16 Independently Continuously Adjustable 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 13 13 13 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Electrical Specifications
1710-2170(B1,B2) 2490-2690(Y2,Y3)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2170 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 15.5±0.5 15.6±0.5 15.6±0.5 15.7±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 69 68 66 65
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8.0 7.5 7.0 5.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 14 15 14 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded V1.1 2021/6/24 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
BASTA Electrical Specification
694-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y1,Y4)
Frequency Range(MHz):
694-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 12.1 12.8 12.7 16.1 16.3 16.2
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.8 ±0.7 ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.7 ±0.7
2°|12.2 2°|12.9 2°|12.9 2°|16.2 2°|16.5 2°|16.3
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 9°|12.0 9°|12.8 9°|12.9 7°|16.3 7°|16.6 7°|16.7
16°|12.0 16°|12.5 16°|12.3 12°|15.9 12°|15..9 12°|15.9
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±10.0 ±13.1 ±10.8 ±4.0 ±6.4 ±4.2
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.9 ±1.2 ±1.6 ±0.8 ±0.5 ±0.4
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 13 13 13 15 15 14
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 20 21 21 25 25 25
CPR at Boresight(dB): 14 14 13 15 16 15
BASTA Electrical Specifications
1710-2170(B1,B2) 2490-2690(Y2,Y3)
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2170 2490-2690
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 15.3 15.5 15.4 15.4
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±1.0
2°|15.5 2°|15.5 2°|15.2 2°|15.7
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 7°|15.5 7°|15.6 7|15.6 7°|15.6
12°|15.0 12°|15.4 12°|15.5 12°|14.9
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±8.7 ±4.5 ±5.4 ±7.7
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.4
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 14 15 14 15
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 25 25 25 25
CPR at Boresight(dB): 13 15 14 13
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1495×498×197
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1805×580×290
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 31/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 42.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069131, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-16°
Connector Type: 16×4.3-10 Female
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1291/255/1361
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.1 2021/6/24 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
694– 960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……R1 Y2
Y1 Y3 Y4
694– 960 MHz R2 3-4 BRxxx……R2
1710–2170 MHz B1 5-6 BRxxx……B1
1710–2170 MHz B2 7-8 BRxxx……B2
1710–2690 MHz Y1 9-10 BRxxx……Y1
2490–2690 MHz Y2 11-12 BRxxx……Y2
2490–2690 MHz Y3 13-14 BRxxx……Y3 B1 B2
1710–2690 MHz Y4 15-16 BRxxx……Y4 R1 R2 V1.1 2021/6/24 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
XXXXXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×698-960/2×1710-2170/2×2490-2690/2×1710-2690MHz
65°/65°/65°/65° 15/16/16/17dBi 2°-12°/2°-12°/2°-12°/2°-12° Replaceable RET

Electrical Specifications
694-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y1,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 13.9 14.8 14.7 16.1 16.7 16.4
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 62 60 62 70 63 61
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 11.6 10.3 9.6 7.5 6.0 5.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB):
14 14 14 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W) 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded

1710-2170(B1,B2) 2490-2690(Y2,Y3)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2170 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 15.3 15.3 15.4 15.6
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 70 69 66 62
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7.7 7.3 7.0 5.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 14 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W) : 200 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
BASTA Electrical Specification
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y1,Y4)
Frequency Range(MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): 13.7 14.6 14.6 15.9 16.4 16.2
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.8 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.7 ±0.6 ±0.6
2°|13.7 2°|14.5 2°|14.4 2°|16.0 2°|16.6 2°|16.4
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|13.9 7°|14.8 7°|14.7 7°|16.1 7°|16.7 7°|16.4
12°|13.5 12°|14.4 12°|14.6 12°|15.7 12°|15.9 12°|15.8
3dB Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±9.0 ±7.0 ±5.7 ±7.4 ±5.7 ±5.3
3dB Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.9 ±0.6 ±0.6 ±0.8 ±0.5 ±0.4
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 14 14 14 14 14 14
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 20 21 20 24 24 24
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 V3.0 2021/10/25 Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet

1710-2170(B1,B2) 2490-2690(Y2,Y3)
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2170 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): 15.2 15.3 15.2 15.6
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.6 ±0.6
2°|15.3 2°|15.3 2°|15.0 2°|15.7
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|15.3 7°|15.3 7|15.4 7°|15.8
12°|15.0 12°|15.2 12°|15.2 12°|15.2
3dB Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±6.0 ±6.0 ±6.0 ±8.0
3dB Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.4
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 15 14 14 14
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 24 24 24 25
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15 15 15 15
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1995×498×197
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2270×585×290
Antenna Net Weight /Bracket (kg): 36.5/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 48.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069121, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-14°
Connector Type: 16×4.3-10 Female
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1288/228/1307
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band) V3.0 2021/10/25 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET
698– 960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……R1 Y2
Y1 Y3 Y4
698– 960 MHz R2 3-4 BRxxx……R2
1710–2170 MHz B1 5-6 BRxxx……B1
1710–2170 MHz B2 7-8 BRxxx……B2
1710–2690 MHz Y1 9-10 BRxxx……Y1
1710–2690 MHz Y4 15-16 BRxxx……Y4
2490–2690 MHz Y2 11-12 BRxxx……Y2 B1 B2
2490–2690 MHz Y3 13-14 BRxxx……Y3 R1 R2 V3.0 2021/10/25 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
XXXXXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×698-960/6×1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 17/17.5dBi 2-12° Replaceable

Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y1,Y3,Y5) 1710-2690(Y2,Y4,Y6)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710 2300 2490 1710 2300 2490
698-806 806-880 880-960
-2170 -2490 -2690 -2170 -2490 -2690
15.5 16.0 16.5 16.5 17.0 17.3 16.2 16.7 17.0
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 68 65 57 68 65 58 68 65 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 10.0 8.7 7.8 7.2 5.7 5.2 7.2 5.7 5.2
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB):
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 22 23 24 25 25 25 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >25
Power Rating (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 16×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2595×448×185
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2855×530×275
Antenna Net Weight /Bracket(kg): 46.5/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 59.2
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069311, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-10°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1135/289/1346
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET Type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated ,single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode) V1.3 2021/10/21 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698– 960 MHz R1 1-2
698– 960 MHz R2 3-4 Y2 Y4 Y6
1710–2690 MHz Y1 5-6
1710–2690 MHz Y2 7-8
1710–2690 MHz Y3 9-10
1710–2690 MHz Y4 11-12 Y1 Y3 Y5
1710–2690 MHz Y5 13-14
1710–2690 MHz Y6 15-16
R1 R2 V1.3 2021/10/21 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXXXXXXXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×698-862/2×880-960/2×1427-2690/6×1710-2690MHz
65°/65°/65°/65° 15/16/17/17.5dBi 2°-12° Replaceable RET

Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-862(R1,R2) 880-960(R3,R4)
Gain (dBi): 15.0±0.5 15.6±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 70 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 9.5 8.0
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0 ,Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15
Front to Back Ratio@180±30° (dB): 21 22
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB): 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W) 250
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded

2x1427-2690(Y2,Y8) 6×1710-2690(Y1,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6,Y7)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1427-1710 1710-2170 2300-2690 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Bottom / / / 16.3±0.5 17.3±0.5 17.2±0.5
Gain (dBi):
Top 15.5±0.5 16.1±0.5 17.0±0.5 16.1±0.5 17.0±0.5 16.8±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 73 65 58 70 65 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8.7 7.0 5.5 7.2 5.8 5.5
2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
Electrical Downtilt (°): (Y1 and Y3 Controlled by the Same Motor)
(Y2 and Y4 Controlled by the Same Motor)
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0 ,Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio@180±30° (dB): 23 24 25 24 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0°(dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W) 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded V1.0 2022/2/16 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2695×498×197
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2915×580×290
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 59/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 73
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069491, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-8° (0°-8°in 1°steps)

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:1763/324/1788
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RETtype: Replaceable RET
RETprotocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltagerange(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range): (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 2 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μsDifferential mode), 8 (8/20 μsCommon mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(698-960MHz) Elevation(698-960MHz) Azimuth(1710-2690MHz) Elevation(1710-2690MHz)

Azimuth(1427-2690MHz) Elevation(1427-2690MHz)

Bottom View V1.0 2022/2/16 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet

Correlation Table
R3 R4
Frequency range Array Connector RET
698–862 MHz R1 1-2 BR...1R1
698–862 MHz R2 3-4 BR...2R2
880–960 MHz R3 5-6 BR...3R3
880–960 MHz R4 7-8 BR...4R4
1710–2690 MHz Y1 9-10 Y2 Y4 Y6 Y8
1710–2690 MHz Y3 13-14
1427–2690 MHz Y2 11-12
1710–2690 MHz Y4 15-16
1710–2690 MHz Y5 17-18 BR...7Y5
1710–2690 MHz Y6 19-20 BR...8Y6
1710–2690 MHz Y7 21-22 BR...9Y7
1427–2690 MHz Y8 23-24 BR...AY8 Y1 Y3 Y5 Y7

R1 R2 V1.0 2022/2/16 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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FDD+TDD Antennas

No. BR Part No. Frequency(MHz) HBW(deg) Gain(dBi) E-Tilt Size mm(L*W*D) Page

1 ★S-VPX0410P-V1-2C 3300-3800 90 14.5 2-12° RET 900×300×150 170

2 S-VUL4PX2.2.2F3-C 3300-3800/698-960/4×1695-2690 80/65/65 10/10/11 3° FET 395×396×190 172

2-12° RET
3 S-VUL4PX7.3.3PF3-E2-C 3300-3800/698-960/4×1695-2690 80/65/65 13.5/12/12.5 895×396×190 176
/3°FET/3° FET

4 S-VUL4PX10.5.5P-E2-C 3300-3800/698-960/4×1695-2690 80/65/65 15/14/14 2-12° RET 1390×396×190 181

2-12° RET
5 S-VU2L4PX7.3.3PF3-2C 3300-3800/2×698-960/4×1710-2690 65/65/65 13.5/12/13 895×498×197 185
/3°FET/3° FET

6 S-VU2L4PX8.4.4P-2C 3300-3800/2×698-960/4×1710-2690 65/65/65 14/12/14 2-12° RET 1095×498×197 191

7 S-VU2L4PX10.5.5P-2C 3300-3800/2×698-960/4×1710-2690 65/65/65 15/14/14.5 2-12° RET 1395×498×197 195

8 S-HPX0410P-E2-C 2300-2690 65 17 2-12° RET 1500×370×124 200

9 S-HU2PX10.6P-E2-C 2300-2690/2×690-960 90/65 15/14 2-12° RET 2095×448×145 203

10 S-HU2L2PX8.8.9P-DH2-2C 65/65/65/65 13.5/15/15.5/16 2-12° RET 2095×448×200 207
S-HU2L2PX10.10.12P-DH2-2 2300-2690/2×698-960/2×1710-2170/
11 65/65/65/65 15.5/16/16/16.5 2-12° RET 2595×448×200 211
C 2×2490-2690

12 S-HU2L4PX10.10.12P-E2-C 2300-2690/2×698-960/4×1710-2690 90/65/65 15.5/16/18 2-12° RET 2695×498×197 214

★ denotes the preliminary issued antenna

Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel TD Antenna 3300-3800MHz 90°14.5dBi 2-12° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications (3300-3800MHz)
Frequency range (MHz): 3300-3800(P1)
Polarization: ±45°
Electrical downtilt (°): 2-12, continuously adjustable
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 9x4.3-10 Female
Coupling factor between calibration port and each antenna port (dB) : -26±2
Max Amp/phase Deviation: <1.0/ 12°
Calibration and
VSWR: <1.5
Max. Power Per Port (W): 80
Co-polarization isolation between ports (dB): >20
Cross-polarization isolation between ports (dB) : >25
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 80±10
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7
Single Column Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23
Gain (dBi): 14.5±0.5
Cross polar ratio (dB): >15 (0°)/>8 (±60°)
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 65±10
Gain (dBi): 15.5±0.5
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25
Broadcast Beam
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7
Cross polar ratio (dB): >15 (0°)/>8 (±60°)
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): >14
Gain (dBi): 19.5±0.5
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 19
Service Beam @ 0deg Horizontal Sidelobe Level (dB): <-12
Cross polar ratio (0°) (dB): 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25
Gain (dBi): 16.5±0.5
Service Beam@ 60deg Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 20
Horizontal Sidelobe Level (dB): <-3 V1.0 2022/4/19 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 900×300×115
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1170×385×210
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 11/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 20
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069161, Adjustable Downtilt 0-30°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/ Lateral/ Rearside:214/57/400
Max. Wind Velocity(km/h) : 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltagerange((V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8-pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection(kA): 5 (8/20 μsDifferential mode), 8 (8/20 μsCommon mode)
Typical Patterns

Single Column Service Beam @0deg Service Beam @60deg Broadcast Beam Elevation

Correlation Table
Frequency Range Array Connector
3300-3800MHz P1 9x4.3-10 Female P1 V1.0 2022/4/19 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel TD Antenna 3300-3800MHz 80°10dBi 3° FET
XXXXX Pol 698-960/4×1695-2690MHz 65°/65°10/11dBi 3° FET
Electrical Specifications (3300-3800MHz)
Frequency range (MHz): 3300-3800(P1)
General Polarization: ±45°
parameters Electrical downtilt (°): 3 Fixed
Connector Type: 1xMQ5,1xMQ4
Coupling factor between calibration port and each antenna port (dB) : -26±2
Amp/phase Deviation: <1.2/12°
Calibration and
VSWR: <1.5
Max. Power Per Port (W): 40
Co-polarization isolation between ports (dB): >20
Cross-polarization isolation between ports (dB) : >19
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 80±10
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 31
Single Column Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23
Gain (dBi): 9.5±0.5
Cross polar ratio (dB): >15 (0°)/>8 (±60°)
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 65±10
Gain (dBi): 11.0±0.5
Broadcast Beam Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25
Radiation Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 31
parameters Cross polar ratio (dB): >15 (0°)/>8 (±60°)
Gain (dBi): 14.5±0.5
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 19
Service Beam @ 0deg Horizontal Sidelobe Level (dB): <-12
Cross polar ratio (0°) (dB): 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25
Gain (dBi): 11.0±0.5
Service Beam@ 60deg Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 20
Horizontal Sidelobe Level (dB): <-3 V1.2 2020/5/7 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 4 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Electrical Specifications (698-960/1695-2690 MHz)
698-960(R1) 1695-2690(Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1695-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 8.8±0.5 9.2±0.5 9.6±0.5 10.0±0.5 10.6±0.5 11.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 68 65 62 68 65 60
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 44 42 39 36 33 31
Electrical Downtilt (°): 3 Fixed 3 Fixed
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 21 22 23 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
polarization Isolation (dB): >20
Interband Isolation (dB): >20
Max. Power Per Port (W): 150 100
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 10x4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 4×1695-2690(Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4)
Frequency Range(MHz): 3300-3800(P1)
698-806 806-880 880-960 1695-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 8.64 8.92 9.15 10.40 10.83 11.03 9.85
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.52 ±0.56 ±0.41 ±0.55 ±0.50 ±0.68 ±0.71
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±4.45 ±6.82 ±6.25 ±6.65 ±6.38 ±6.84 ±10.26
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.34 ±3.25 ±3.67 ±3.32 ±3.03 ±3.85 ±4.18
Front to back Total Power
21.25 22.57 23.12 25.76 26.27 25.73 23.60
at 180° ± 30°(dB):
CPR at Boresight(dB): 21.21 19.26 20.86 21.91 22.32 21.61 20.99
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 395×396×190
Packing Dimensions (mm): 650x465x305
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 6.8/2.6
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 10.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-110

BA.K.04.00052, horizontal adjustable

Mounting Kits (Included):
-35°-+35°, vertical adjustable -45°-+45°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -50~+60
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:197/57/260
Max. Wind velocity(km/h) : 200 V1.2 2020/5/7 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 4 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Single Column Service Beam @0deg Service Beam @60deg Broadcast Beam Elevation

Azimuth(698–960MHz) Elevation(698–960MHz) Azimuth(1695–2690MHz) Elevation(1695–2690MHz)

Correlation Table
Frequency Range Array Connector
698–960 MHz R1 1-2
Y2 Y3 Y4
1695–2690 MHz Y1 3-4
1695–2690 MHz Y2 5-6
1695–2690 MHz Y3 7-8
1695–2690 MHz Y4 9-10 Y1
3300-3800 MHz P1 1xMQ5, 1xMQ4
MQ4/MQ5 Port Mapping P1 P1 P1 P1
Connector Pin Frequency Polarization/Port
1 3300-3800 MHz +45
2 3300-3800 MHz +45
MQ5 3 3300-3800 MHz +45
4 3300-3800 MHz +45
5 3300-3800 MHz Calibration port
1 3300-3800 MHz -45 P1 P1 P1 P1
2 3300-3800 MHz -45
3 3300-3800 MHz -45
4 3300-3800 MHz -45
MQ5 Port1

MQ5 Port2

MQ5 Port3

MQ5 Port4

MQ4 Port1

MQ4 Port2

MQ4 Port3

MQ4 Port4 V1.2 2020/5/7 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 3 of 4 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Broadcast Beam Weight Value for Reference

/ / P1/P5 P2/P6 P3/P7 P4/P8
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 0 180 0 V1.2 2020/5/7 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 4 of 4 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel TD Antenna 3300-3800MHz 80° 13.5dBi 2°-12° Replaceable RET
XXXXX Pol 698-960/4×1695-2690MHz 65°/65° 12/12.5dBi 3°/3° FET
Electrical Specifications
Electrical Specifications (3300-3800MHz)
Frequency range (MHz): 3300-3800(P1)
General Polarization: ±45°
parameters Electrical downtilt (°): 2-12 , continuously adjustable
Connector Type: 1xMQ5,1xMQ4
Coupling factor between calibration port and each antenna port (dB) : -26±2
Max Amp/phase Deviation: <1.2/ 12°
Calibration and
VSWR: <1.5
Max. Power Per Port (W): 40
Interband Isolation (dB): >20
Polarization Isolation (dB): >23
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 80±10
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 9.5
Single Column Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23
Gain (dBi): 13.5±0.5
Cross polar ratio (dB): >15 (0°)/>8 (±60°)
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 65±10
Gain (dBi): 15.0±0.5
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25
Broadcast Beam
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 9.5
Cross polar ratio (dB): >15 (0°)/>8 (±60°)
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): >14
Gain (dBi): 17.0±0.5
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 19
Service Beam @ 0deg Horizontal Sidelobe Level (dB): <-12
Cross polar ratio (0°) (dB): 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25
Gain (dBi): 14.5±0.5
Service Beam@ 60deg Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 20
Horizontal Sidelobe Level (dB): <-3 V1.0 2020/3/31 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 5 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Electrical Specifications (698-960/1695-2690 MHz)
698-960(R1) 1695-2690(Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1695-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 11.0±0.6 11.0±0.5 11.3±0.8 11.3±0.6 12.5±0.5 13.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 68 65 60 72 69 67
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 28 26 24 24 21 19
Electrical Downtilt (°): 3 Fixed
Polarization Isolation (dB): >23
Interband Isolation (dB): >23
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 10x4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 4×1695-2690(Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4)
Frequency Range(MHz): 3300-3800(P1)
698-806 806-880 880-960 1695-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 10.5 10.7 10.6 11.0 12.5 13.0 13.0
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.7 ±0.6 ±0.6 ±1.0 ±0.7 ±0.8 ±0.9
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 3°|10.5 3°|10.7 3°|10.6 3°|11.0 3°|12.5 3°|13.0 7°|13.3
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.0 ±3.5 ±3.0 ±12.2 ±10.7 ±9.8 ±16.4
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.9 ±1.9 ±2.7 ±3.4 ±1.9 ±1.6 ±1.5
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB) : 15.0 11.1 11.4 11.2 11.9 11.2 12.4
Front to back
23.1 23.3 25.0 23.2 26.5 24.9 23.7
Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB):
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15.2 15.6 15.6 17.6 17.7 17.8 14.3
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 895×396×190
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1165x465x265
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): (kg): 16/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 24.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069161, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-14°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:732/218/966
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.0 2020/3/31 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 5 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range((V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption (W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: one pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Single Column Service Beam @0deg Service Beam @60deg Broadcast Beam Elevation

Azimuth(698–960MHz) Elevation(698–960MHz) Azimuth(1695–2690MHz) Elevation(1695–2690MHz) V1.0 2020/3/31 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Correlation Table
Frequency Range Array Connector RET
698–960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx…….R1
1695–2690 MHz Y1 3-4 BRxxx…….Y1
1695–2690 MHz Y2 5-6 BRxxx…….Y2 Y2 Y3 Y4
1695–2690 MHz Y3 7-8 BRxxx…….Y3
1695–2690 MHz Y4 9-10 BRxxx…….Y4 R1
3300-3800 MHz P1 1xMQ5,1xMQ4 BRxxx…….P1
MQ4/MQ5 Port Mapping
Connector Pin Frequency Polarization/Port
1 3300-3800 MHz +45
P1 P1 P1 P1
2 3300-3800 MHz +45
MQ5 3 3300-3800 MHz +45
4 3300-3800 MHz +45
5 3300-3800 MHz Calibration port
1 3300-3800 MHz -45
2 3300-3800 MHz -45
3 3300-3800 MHz -45
4 3300-3800 MHz -45
P1 P1 P1 P1
MQ5 Port1

MQ5 Port2

MQ5 Port3

MQ5 Port4

MQ4 Port1

MQ4 Port2

MQ4 Port3

MQ4 Port4
Bottom View V1.0 2020/3/31 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 4 of 5 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Broadcast Beam Weight Value for Reference

P1/P5 P2/P6 P3/P7 P4/P8

Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 -20 180 -20
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 -16 180 -16
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 -12 180 -12
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 -8 180 -8
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 -4 180 -4
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 0 180 0
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 4 180 4
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 8 180 8
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 12 180 12
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 16 180 16
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 20 180 20 V1.0 2020/3/31 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 5 of 5 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel TD Antenna 3300-3800MHz 80° 15dBi 2°-12° Replaceable RET
XXXXX Pol 698-960/4×1695-2690MHz 65°/65° 14/14dBi 2°-12°/2°-12° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications (3300-3800MHz)
Frequency range (MHz): 3300-3800(P1)
General Polarization: ±45°
parameters Electrical downtilt (°): 2-12 , continuously adjustable
Connector Type: 1xMQ5,1xMQ4
Coupling factor between calibration port and each antenna port (dB) : -26±2
Max Amp/phase Deviation: <1.2/ 12°
Calibration and
VSWR: <1.5
Max. Power Per Port (W): 40
Co-polarization isolation between ports (dB): >20
Cross-polarization isolation between ports (dB) : >24
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 80±10
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7
Single Column Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23
Gain (dBi): 14.5±0.5
Cross polar ratio (dB): >15 (0°)/>8 (±60°)
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 65±10
Gain (dBi): 16.0±0.5
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25
Broadcast Beam
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7
Cross polar ratio (dB): >15 (0°)/>8 (±60°)
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): >14
Gain (dBi): 19.5±0.5
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 19
Service Beam @ 0deg Horizontal Sidelobe Level (dB): <-12
Cross polar ratio (0°) (dB): 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25
Gain (dBi): 16.0±0.5
Service Beam@ 60deg Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 20
Horizontal Sidelobe Level (dB): <-3

Electrical Specifications (698-960/1695-2690 MHz)

698-960(R1) 1695-2690(Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1695-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 13.0±0.5 13.5±0.5 14.0±0.5 13.2±0.5 13.8±0.5 14.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 65 62 58 68 65 60
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 17.5 16.0 15.0 13.5 11.5 11.0
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 22 23 24 25 25 25
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >24
Interband Isolation (dB): >24
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200 V3.0 2021/12/20 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 10x4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 4×1695-2690(Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4)
Frequency Range(MHz): 3300-3800(P1)
698-806 806-880 880-960 1695-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 12.8 13.0 13.6 13.0 13.3 13.9 14.1
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±1.4 ±1.1 ±0.7 ±0.9
2°|13.0 2°|13.1 2°|13.9 2°|13.1 2°|13.4 2°|14.2 2°|14.6
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|12.8 7°|12.9 7°|13.7 7°|12.9 7°|13.3 7°|14.0 7°|14.0
12°|12.6 12°|12.8 12°|13.3 12°|12.8 12°|12.9 12°|13.5 12°|13.2
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±4.2 ±3.5 ±4.6 ±6.5 ±4.1 ±6.0 ±12.1
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.9 ±1.9 ±1.6 ±2.3 ±1.7 ±1.4 ±1.5
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB) : 15.9 15.6 15.8 15.5 15.9 15.1 15.8
Front to back Total Power at 180° ±
22.2 23.5 24.2 25.2 25.8 25.3 23.5
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15.9 17.6 16.5 15.7 16.9 16.9 16.8
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1390×396×190
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1680x485x285
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): (kg): 25/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 35
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00053, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-14°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/ Lateral/ Rearside:732/218/966
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range((V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption (W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: one pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode) V3.0 2021/12/20 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 4 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Single Column Service Beam @0deg Service Beam @60deg Broadcast Beam Elevation

Azimuth(698–960MHz) Elevation(698–960MHz) Azimuth(1695–2690MHz) Elevation(1695–2690MHz)

Correlation Table
Frequency Range Array Connector RET
698–960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx…….R1
1695–2690 MHz Y1 3-4 BRxxx…….Y1
1695–2690 MHz Y2 5-6 BRxxx…….Y2 Y2 Y3 Y4
1695–2690 MHz Y3 7-8 BRxxx…….Y3
1695–2690 MHz Y4 9-10 BRxxx…….Y4 R1
3300-3800 MHz P1 1xMQ5,1xMQ4 BRxxx…….P1
MQ4/MQ5 Port Mapping
Connector Pin Frequency Polarization/Port Y1
1 3300-3800 MHz +45
P1 P1 P1 P1
2 3300-3800 MHz +45
MQ5 3 3300-3800 MHz +45
4 3300-3800 MHz +45
5 3300-3800 MHz Calibration port
1 3300-3800 MHz -45
2 3300-3800 MHz -45
3 3300-3800 MHz -45
4 3300-3800 MHz -45
P1 P1 P1 P1
MQ5 Port1

MQ5 Port2

MQ5 Port3

MQ5 Port4

MQ4 Port1

MQ4 Port2

MQ4 Port3

MQ4 Port4 V3.0 2021/12/20 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Broadcast Beam Weight Value for Reference

P1/P5 P2/P6 P3/P7 P4/P8
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 -20 180 -20
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 -16 180 -16
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 -12 180 -12
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 -8 180 -8
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 -4 180 -4
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 0 180 0
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 4 180 4
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 8 180 8
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 12 180 12
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 16 180 16
Amp[Ii] 1 1 0.65 0.25
Phase 0 20 180 20 V3.0 2021/12/20 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel TD Antenna 3300-3800MHz 65° 13.5dBi 2°-12° Replaceable RET
XXXXXX Pol 2×698-960/4×1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 12/13dBi 3°/3° FET
Electrical Specifications (3300-3800MHz)
Frequency range (MHz): 3300-3800(P1)
Polarization: ±45
Electrical downtilt (°): 2-12 ,continuously adjustable
Grounding: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 1xMQ5,1xMQ4
Coupling factor between calibration port and each antenna port (dB) : -26±2
Calibration and Max Amp/phase Deviation: <1.2dB/12°
electrical VSWR: <1.5
parameters Max. Power Per Port (W): 40
Isolation (dB): >20
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 70±10
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 9.5
Single Column Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23
Gain (dBi): 13.2±0.5
Cross polar ratio (dB): >15 (0°)/>8 (±60°)
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 65±10
Gain (dBi): 14.7±0.5
Radiation Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25
Broadcast Beam
parameters Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 9.5
Cross polar ratio (dB): >15 (0°)/>8 (±60°)
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): >14
Gain (dBi): 18.2±0.5
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 20
Service Beam @ 0deg Horizontal Sidelobe Level (dB): <-12
Cross polar ratio (0°) (dB): 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25 V1.0 2021/9/11 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Electrical Specifications (698-960/1710-2690 MHz)
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Gain (dBi): 11.0±0.6 11.0±0.5 11.3±0.8 11.3±0.6 12.5±0.5 13.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 64 67 70 65 62 58
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 28 24 22 25 22 20
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression(dB):
>11 >11 >11 >12 >12 >12
Front to Back Ratio(dB): >23 >25 >23 >25 >26 >24
Electrical Downtilt (°): 3 Fixed
Polarization Isolation (dB): >23
Interband Isolation (dB): >23
Max. Power Per Port (W): 150 100
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 12x4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4)
Frequency Range(MHz): 3300-3800(P1)
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 10.9 11.2 11.0 12.0 12.8 12.9 13.5
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.4 ±0.6 ±0.3 ±0.7 ±0.7 ±0.7 ±0.6
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 3°|10.9 3°|11.2 3°|11.0 3°|12.0 3°|12.8 3°|12.9 7°|13.6
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±9.0 ±13.0 ±12.8 ±8.0 ±7.7 ±8.7 ±6.8
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.1 ±1.7 ±1.0 ±2.8 ±3.6 ±4.2 ±1.0
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB) : 15.0 10.0 11.0 13.7 14.2 12.5 11.5
Front to back
22.0 24.0 22.0 24.0 24.0 23.0 23.0
Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB):
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15 16 16 18.8 19.0 17.3 17.5 V1.0 2021/9/11 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 895×498×197
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1155x580×285
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 18/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 27.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069381, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-30°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 558/100/566
Max. Wind velocity (km/h) : 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode) V1.0 2021/9/11 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Single Column Service Beam @0deg Service Beam @60deg Broadcast Beam Elevation

Azimuth(698–960MHz) Elevation(698–960MHz) Azimuth(1710–2690MHz) Elevation(1710–2690MHz)

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Product Data Sheet
Correlation Table
Frequency Range Array Connector RET
698–960 MHz R1 1-2 / P1
698–960 MHz R2 3-4 /
1710–2690 MHz Y1 5-6 /
1710–2690 MHz Y2 7-8 /
1710–2690 MHz Y3 9-10 /
1710–2690 MHz Y4 11-12 /
3300-3800 MHz P1 1xMQ5,1xMQ4 BRxxx……P1
Y1 Y4
MQ4/MQ5 Port Mapping Y2 Y3
Connector Pin Frequency Range Polarization/Port
1 3300-3800 MHz +45
2 3300-3800 MHz +45 R1 R2
MQ5 3 3300-3800 MHz +45
4 3300-3800 MHz +45
5 3300-3800 MHz Calibration port
1 3300-3800 MHz -45
2 3300-3800 MHz -45
3 3300-3800 MHz -45
4 3300-3800 MHz -45
P1 P1 P1 P1
MQ5 Port1

MQ5 Port2

MQ5 Port3

MQ5 Port4

MQ4 Port1

MQ4 Port2

MQ4 Port3

MQ4 Port4 V1.0 2021/9/11 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Broadcast Beam Weight Value for Reference

MQ5-P1/MQ4-P1 MQ5-P2/MQ4-P2 MQ5-P3/MQ4-P3 MQ5-P4/MQ4-P4

Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 -30 0 -40
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 -26 0 -36
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 -22 0 -32
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 -18 0 -28
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 -14 0 -24
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 -10 0 -20
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 -6 0 -16
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 -2 0 -12
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 2 0 -8
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 6 0 -4
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 10 0 0 V1.0 2021/9/11 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel TD Antenna 3300-3800MHz 80° 14dBi 2°-12° Replaceable RET
XXXXXX Pol 2×698-960/4×1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 12/14dBi 2°-16°/2°-12° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications (3300-3800MHz)
Frequency range (MHz): 3300-3800(P1)
Polarization: ±45
Electrical downtilt (°): 2-12 continuously adjustable
Grounding: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 1xMQ5,1xMQ4
Coupling factor between calibration port and each antenna port (dB) : -26±2
Calibration and Max Amp/phase Deviation: <1.2/ 12°
electrical VSWR: <1.5
parameters Max. Power Per Port (W): 40
Isolation (dB): >20
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 70±10
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8.6
Single Column Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25
Gain (dBi): 14.1±0.7
Cross polar ratio (dB): >15 (0°)/>6 (±60°)
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 65±10
Gain (dBi): 15.6±0.5
Radiation Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25
Broadcast Beam
parameters Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8.6
Cross polar ratio (dB): >15 (0°)/>6 (±60°)
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): >14
Gain (dBi): 19.0±0.5
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 20
Service Beam @ 0deg Horizontal Sidelobe Level (dB): <-12
Cross polar ratio (0°) (dB): 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25

Electrical Specifications (698-960/1710-2690 MHz)

698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y1,Y4) 1710-2690(Y2,Y3)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710 2300 2490 1710 2300 2490
698-806 806-880 880-960
-2170 -2490 -2690 -2170 -2490 -2690
Gain (dBi): 12.1 11.8 11.5 12.8 13.4 13.8 12.5 13.3 13.8
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 68 77 80 69 65 62 71 67 60
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 28 20 19 17 15 13 18 15 14
Front to Back Ratio(dB): >21 >21 >21 >25 >24 >24 >23 >24 >23
2-16 Independently Continuously
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
Polarization Isolation (dB): >23
Interband Isolation (dB): >23
Max. Power Per Port (W): 150 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded V1.0 2021/12/17 Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Connector Type: 12x4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz): 3300-3800(P1)
698-806 806-880 880-960
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 11.7 11.7 11.6 13.9
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.7 ±0.8
2°|12.1 2°|12.1 2°|12.2 2°|13.9
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 9°|11.8 9°|11.7 9°|11.6 7°|14.1
16°|11.5 16°|11.3 16°|11.2 12°|13.7
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±10.0 ±8.0 ±6.0 ±7.0
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.9 ±1.7 ±2.0 ±1.0
Front to back
19.0 19.0 19.0 23.0
Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB):
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0

1710-2690(Y1,Y4) 1710-2690(Y2,Y3)
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690 1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 12.8 13.2 13.3 12.5 13.1 13.2
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.5 ±0.7 ±0.9 ±0.6 ±0.7 ±1.0
2°|12.8 2°|13.4 2°|13.8 2°|12.5 2°|13.3 2°|13.8
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|12.8 7°|13.3 7°|13.4 7°|12.5 7°|13.2 7°|13.2
12°|12.8 12°|12.9 12°|12.8 12°|12.3 12°|12.7 12°|12.6
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±7.0 ±9.0 ±15.0 ±7.0 ±7.0 ±8.0
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.0 ±2.0 ±1.2 ±2.6 ±1.8 ±1.7
Front to back
23.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0
Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB):
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15.0 15.0 15.0 13.0 15.0 15.0
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1095×498×197
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1365x585×290
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 24/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 34.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069381, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-20°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 689/123/699
Max. Wind velocity (km/h) : 200 V1.0 2021/12/17 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET Type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Single Column Service Beam @0deg Service Beam @60deg Broadcast Beam Elevation

Azimuth(698–960MHz) Elevation(698–960MHz) Azimuth(1710–2690MHz) Elevation(1710–2690MHz)

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Product Data Sheet
Correlation Table
Frequency Range Array Connector RET
698–960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx………R1 P1
698–960 MHz R2 3-4 BRxxx………R2
1710–2690 MHz Y1 5-6 BRxxx………Y1
1710–2690 MHz Y2 7-8 BRxxx………Y2
1710–2690 MHz Y3 9-10 BRxxx………Y3
1710–2690 MHz Y4 11-12 BRxxx………Y4
3300-3800 MHz P1 1xMQ5,1xMQ4 BRxxx………P1
Y1 Y4
MQ4/MQ5 Port Mapping Y2 Y3
Connector Pin Frequency Range Polarization/Port
1 3300-3800 MHz +45
2 3300-3800 MHz +45 R1 R2
MQ5 3 3300-3800 MHz +45
4 3300-3800 MHz +45
C 3300-3800 MHz Calibration port
5 3300-3800 MHz -45
6 3300-3800 MHz -45
7 3300-3800 MHz -45
8 3300-3800 MHz -45
P1 P1 P1 P1







Port8 V1.0 2021/12/17 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel TD Antenna 3300-3800MHz 65° 15dBi 2°-12° Replaceable RET
XXXXXX Pol 2×698-960/4×1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 14/14.5dBi 2°-12°/2°-12° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications (3300-3800MHz)
Frequency range (MHz): 3300-3800(P1)
Polarization: ±45
Electrical downtilt (°): 2-12, continuously adjustable
Grounding: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 1xMQ5,1xMQ4
Coupling factor between calibration port and each antenna port (dB) : -26±2
Calibration and Max Amp/phase Deviation: <1.2dB/12°
electrical VSWR: <1.5
parameters Max. Power Per Port (W): 40
Isolation (dB): >20
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 70±10
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7
Single Column Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23
Gain (dBi): 14.5±0.5
Cross polar ratio (dB): >15 (0°)/ >6 (±60°)
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 65±10
Gain (dBi): 16.0±0.5
Radiation Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25
Broadcast Beam
parameters Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7
Cross polar ratio (dB): >15 (0°)/ >8(±60°)
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): >14
Gain (dBi): 20.0±0.5
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 20
Service Beam @ 0deg Horizontal Sidelobe Level (dB): <-12
Cross polar ratio (0°) (dB): 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25 V1.0 2021/8/19 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Electrical Specifications (698-960/1710-2690 MHz)
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y2,Y3) 1710-2690(Y1,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710 2300 2490 1710 2300 2490
698-806 806-880 880-960
-2170 -2490 -2690 -2170 -2490 -2690
12.6 12.9 13.1 13.4 14.1 14.8 13.5 14 14.4
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 66 64 62 64 61 55 67 64 60
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 17.6 15.9 13.6 14.1 12.4 10.8 14.2 12.7 11.2
2-12 Independently
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
Continuously Adjustable
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 12x4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1,R2) 4×1695-2690(Y2,Y3) 1710-2690(Y1,Y4) 3300-
Frequency Range(MHz): 698 806 880 1710 2300 2490 1710 2300 2490 3800
-806 -880 -960 -2170 -2490 -2690 -2170 -2490 -2690 (P1)
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 12.5 12.8 13 13.3 13.9 14.4 13.4 13.8 14.1 14.5
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.6 ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.9 ±0.8 ±1.1 ±0.9 ±0.7 ±0.6 ±0.7
2°|12.6 2°|12.9 2°|13.0 2°|13.4 2°|14.1 2°|14.8 2°|13.5 2°|14 2°|14.4 2°|14.3
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|12.6 7°|12.9 7°|13.1 7°|13.4 7°|14.0 7°|14.3 7°|13.5 7°|14 7°|14.2 7°|14.6
12°|12.4 12°|12.7 12°|12.7 12°|13.2 12°|13.6 12°|13.9 12°|13.3 12°|13.5 12°|13.7 12°|14.4
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±5.7 ±10.3 ±10.8 ±6.5 ±5 ±4.6 ±6.6 ±5.8 ±4.8 ±6.1
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.4 ±1.3 ±0.9 ±1.6 ±1.3 ±0.8 ±1.9 ±1.4 ±0.8 ±0.7
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB) : 17 16 14 13 14 13 13 13 12 13
Front to back 18 19 20 22 22 22 22 22 21 22
CPR at Boresight(dB): 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 13
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1395×498×197
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1665×585×290
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 29.5/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 40.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069351, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-16°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:887/158/900
Max. Wind velocity (km/h) : 200 V1.0 2021/8/19 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Single Column Service Beam @0deg Service Beam @60deg Broadcast Beam Elevation

Azimuth(698–960MHz) Elevation(698–960MHz) Azimuth(1710–2690MHz) Elevation(1710–2690MHz)

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Product Data Sheet
Correlation Table
Frequency Range Array Connector
698-960 MHz R1 1-2
698-960 MHz R2 3-4 Y1 Y4
1710-2690 MHz Y1 5-6
1710-2690 MHz Y2 7-8
1710-2690 MHz Y3 9-10
1710-2690 MHz Y4 11-12
3300-3800 MHz P1 MQ5,MQ4 Y2 Y3

R1 R2

3300-3800 Port Mapping

Connector Frequency Polarization/Port
MQ5-1 3300-3800 MHz +45
MQ5-2 3300-3800 MHz +45
MQ5-3 3300-3800 MHz +45
P1 P1 P1 P1
MQ5-4 3300-3800 MHz +45
MQ4-1 3300-3800 MHz -45
MQ4-2 3300-3800 MHz -45
MQ4-3 3300-3800 MHz -45
MQ4-4 3300-3800 MHz -45
MQ5-5 3300-3800 MHz Calibration port







MQ4-4 V1.0 2021/8/19 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Broadcast Beam Weight Value for Reference

MQ5-1/ MQ5-2/ MQ5-3/ MQ5-4/

MQ4-1 MQ4-2 MQ4-3 MQ4-4
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 -10 0 -20
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 -6 0 -16
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 -2 0 -12
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 2 0 -8
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 6 0 -4
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 10 0 0
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 14 0 4
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 18 0 8
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 22 0 12
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 26 0 16
Amp[Ii] 0.31 1 0.63 0.1
Phase 170 30 0 20 V1.0 2021/8/19 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel TD Antenna 2300-2690MHz 65° 17dBi 2°-12° Replaceable RET

General Electrical Properties

Frequency Range (MHz) 2300-2400(Y1) 2500-2690(Y1)

General Polarization ±45
Parameters Electrical Downtilt (°) 2-12, continuously adjustable
Lightning Grounding DC Grounded
Coupling Factor between calibration port and each antenna port (dB) -26±2
Max Amp/Phase Deviation: ≤1.2/12°
Calibration and
VSWR: ≤1.5
Co- polarization Isolation between ports (dB): ≥20@2T-6T, ≥25@7T-12T
Cross-polarization Isolation Between Ports (dB): ≥25
Avg. power per input(W) ≥150

Beamforming Electrical Properties

Frequency Range (MHz) 2300-2400(Y1) 2500-2690(Y1)
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 70±10 65±15
Gain(dBi): 16.2±0.8 16.5±0.8
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 6.8 6.0
Single Column
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): ≥15 ≥15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): ≥24 ≥24
First upper Side lobe suppression (dB) ≥15 ≥15
Gain(dBi): 16.2±0.8 16.5±0.8
±32.5° SPR(%) 72±10 72±10
±60° SPR(%) ≥90 ≥90
Radiation Broadcast Beam ±60° Gain roll-off at sector edge (dB) 12±6 12±6
parameters Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 6.8 6.0
Front to Back Ratio (dB): ≥25 ≥25
First upper Side lobe suppression (dB) ≥15 ≥15
Gain(dB): 21.0±0.8 21.5±0.8
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 18 17
Service Beam @ 0deg Horizontal sidelobe level (°): ≤-12 ≤-12
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): ≥18 ≥18
Front to Back Ratio (dB): ≥26 ≥26
Gain(dB): 18.0±0.5 18.5±0.5
Service Beam@ ±60deg Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 22 20
Horizontal sidelobe level (°): ≤0 ≤0 V1.0 2021/2/20 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
BASTA Electrical Specifications
2300-2400(Y1) 2500-2690(Y1)
Frequency Range(MHz):
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 16.2 16.4
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.4 ±0.5
2°|16.2 2°|16.3
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|16.4 7°|16.6
12°|16.0 12°|16.2
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±5.7 ±6.8
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.3 ±0.4
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB) : 15.5 15.1
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 30.1 29.6
CPR at Boresight(dB): 23.3 22.7
Mechanical Data
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1500×370x124
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1820×455×220
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 18.6/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 28
Connecter Type: 8+1(Cal)4.3-10 female
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069141, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-18°
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:797/98/650
Max. Wind velocity(km/h) 200

Internal RET Specifications

RET Type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltagerange(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment Time (Full Range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET Connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Single Column Service Beam @0deg Service Beam @60deg Broadcast Beam Elevation V1.0 2021/2/20 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency Range Array Connector RET
2300-2690MHz Y1 1-8 BRxxx……Y1

Y1 V1.0 2021/2/20 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel TD Antenna 2300-2690MHz 90° 15.0dBi 2°-12° Replaceable RET
XX Pol Panel Antenna 2×690-960MHz 65° 14.0dBi 2°-12° Replaceable RET

General Electrical Properties

Frequency Range (MHz) 2300-2690(Y1)

General Polarization ±45°
Parameters Electrical Downtilt (°) 2-12, continuously adjustable
Lightning Grounding DC Grounded
Coupling Factor between calibration port and each antenna port

Calibration and Max Amp/Phase Deviation: ≤1.0/ 11°

Electrical VSWR: ≤1.5

Co- polarization Isolation between ports (dB): ≥21
Cross-polarization Isolation Between Ports (dB) ≥21
Avg. power per input(W): ≥150
Connecter Type: 9×4.3-10 Female

Beamforming Electrical Properties

Frequency Range (MHz) 2300-2400 2400-2690

Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 90 88
Gain(dBi): 14.7±0.5 14.7±0.5
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 6.7 6.2
Single Column
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): ≥14 ≥14
Front to Back Ratio (dB): ≥23 ≥23
First upper Side lobe suppression (dB) ≥13 ≥13
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 65±10 65±10
Gain(dBi): 16.5±1.0 17.0±1.0
±60° Gain roll-off at sector edge (dB) 12±6 12±6
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 6.7 6.2
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): ≥15 ≥15
parameters Broadcast Beam
Cross Polar Ratio ±60° (dB): ≥8 ≥8
Front to Back Ratio (dB): ≥23 ≥23
First upper Side lobe suppression (dB) ≥13 ≥13
Gain(dB): 20.0±1.0 20.5±1.0
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 24 23
Service Beam @ 0deg Horizontal sidelobe level (°): ≤-12 ≤-12
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): ≥15 ≥15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): ≥23 ≥23
Gain(dB): 16.5±1.0 17.0±1.0
Service Beam@ ±60deg Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 26 25
Horizontal sidelobe level (°): ≤-3 ≤-3 V1.0 2021/4/26 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz): 2300-2400(Y1) 2500-2690(Y1)
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 14.7 14.7
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.4 ±0.4
2°|14.5 2°|14.7
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|15.0 7°|15.0
12°|14.6 12°|14.5
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±15 ±10
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.5 ±0.5
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB) : 15.5 14.3
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 25 24
CPR at Boresight(dB): 19.5 19

690-960(R1) 690-960(R2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
690-806 806-880 880-960 690-806 806-880 880-960
Gain (dBi): 12.6±0.5 13.4±0.5 13.6±0.5 11.9±0.5 12.6±0.5 13.2±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 65 60 58 66 61 57
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 16.4 14.2 12.7 16.9 15.2 13.4
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×4.3-10Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
690-960(R1) 690-960(R2)
Frequency Range(MHz):
690-806 806-880 880-960 690-806 806-880 880-960
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): 12.5 13.2 13.6 11.9 12.5 13.0
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.2 ±0.5 ±0.7 ±0.4 ±0.6 ±0.5
2°|12.6 2°|13.3 2°|13.6 2°|11.9 2°|12.6 2°|13.2
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 7°|12.5 7°|13.4 7°|13.6 7°|11.9 7°|12.5 7°|13.1
12°|12.4 12|12.9 12°|13.4 12°|11.7 12|12.2 12°|12.7
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±4.3 ±4.2 ±4.5 ±5.0 ±6.4 ±8.0
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.2 ±0.9 ±0.7 ±1.6 ±1.2 ±1.0
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 17.3 16.9 13.8 15.0 17.0 14.5
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 21.3 21.7 24.9 21.1 22.7 22.9
CPR at Boresight(dB): 17.3 19.3 21.8 20.6 18.7 23.7
CPR at Sector(dB): 6.5 6.0 10.8 9.6 7.2 7.0 V1.0 2021/4/26 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet

Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2095×448x145
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2365x535x240
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 30/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 42
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069101, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-12°
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1200/174/1314
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range): (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8-pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Single Column Service Beam @0deg Service Beam @60deg Broadcast Beam Elevation

Azimuth(690-960MHz) Elevation(690-960MHz) V1.0 2021/4/26 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency Range Array Connector
690–960 MHz R1 1-2
690– 960 MHz R2 3-4
2300–2690 MHz Y1 5-12 R1 R2

Y1 V1.0 2021/4/26 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel TD Antenna 2500-2690MHz 65° 13.5dBi 2°-12° Replaceable RET
XXXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×698-960/2×1710-2170/2×2500-2690MHz 65°/65°/65° 15/15.5 /16dBi
2°-12°/2°-12°/2°-12° Replaceable RET

General Electrical Properties

Frequency Range (MHz) 2500-2690(Y3)

General Polarization ±45°
Parameters Electrical Downtilt (°) 2-12, continuously adjustable
Lightning Grounding DC Grounded
Coupling Factor between calibration port and each antenna port (dB) -26±2
Max Amp/Phase Deviation: ≤1.0/ 11°
Calibration and VSWR: ≤1.5
Electrical Co-polarization Isolation between ports (dB): ≥20
Parameters Cross-polarization Isolation Between Ports (dB) ≥20
Avg. power per input(W) ≥150
Connecter Type: 9×4.3-10 Female

Beamforming Electrical Properties

Frequency Range (MHz) 2500-2690(Y3)

Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 73±10
Gain(dBi): 15±1
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7.5
Single Column
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): ≥15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): ≥23
1st upper Side lobe suppression (dB) ≥13
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 65±10
Gain(dBi): 16.5±0.5
Radiation ±60° Gain roll-off at sector edge (dB) 12±6
parameters Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7.5
Broadcast Beam Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): ≥13
Cross Polar Ratio ±60° (dB): ≥4
Front to Back Ratio (dB): ≥23
1st upper Side lobe suppression (dB) ≥13
Gain(dB): 20.5±0.5
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 23
Service Beam @ 0deg Horizontal sidelobe level (°): ≤-12
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): ≥15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): ≥23
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz): 2500-2690(Y3)
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 15.0
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.8
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|15.3
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±8
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.6 V1.0 2022/5/26 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB) : 12
Front to back
Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB):
CPR at Boresight(dB): 14

698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2170(B1,B2) 2500-2690

Frequency Range (MHz):
698-790 790-862 880-960 1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2170 (Y1,Y2)
Gain (dBi): 13.8±0.5 14.3±0.5 14.6±0.5 15.7±0.5 16.1±0.5 15.7±0.5 16.2±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 68 66 63 56 55 56 56
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 11 9.9 9.1 8.2 7.5 7.0 5.8
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >25
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): 250 200
Impedance (ohm): <-150
Lightning Protection: 50
Connector Type: DC Grounded
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): 12×4.3-10 Female

BASTA Electrical Specifications

690-960(R1,R2) 1710-2170(B1,B2) 2500-2690
Frequency Range(MHz):
690-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2170 (Y1,Y2)
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): 13.8 14.0 14.4 15.6 16.0 15.6 15.8
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.5 ±0.8 ±0.7 ±0.8 ±0.5 ±0.7 ±0.8
2°|13.8 2°|14.3 2°|14.6 2°|15.6 2°|16.0 2°|15.7 2°|16.1
Average Gain by Beam Tilts (dBi): 7°|13.7 7°|14.1 7°|14.5 7°|15.7 7°|16.1 7°|15.6 7°|16.2
12°|13.6 12|13.7 12°|14.1 12°|15.5 12|15.8 12°|15.5 12°|15.4
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±6.0 ±7.5 ±7.0 ±7.0 ±3.0 ±5.0 ±6.0
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.1 ±1.0 ±0.9 ±0.9 ±0.6 ±0.6 ±0.8
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression(dB):
16 14 14 14 14 13 12
Front to back Total Power at 180° ±
19 20 20 27 27 27 23
CPR at Boresight(dB): 22 20 22 18 18 16 18
CPR at Sector(dB): 10 10 10 10 10 8 3 V1.0 2022/5/26 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet

Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2095×448×200
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2360×535×295
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 38.2/6.8
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 51
Radome Material: FRP
Pipe OD (mm): 50-125
Mounting Kits (Included): Adjustable Downtilt 0°-12°
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1214/290/1314
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (standby, single RET), < 1.5 (standby, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Single Column Service Beam @0deg Service Beam @60deg Broadcast Beam Elevation

Azimuth(698-960MHz) Elevation(698-960MHz) Azimuth(1710-2690MHz) Elevation(1710-2690MHz) V1.0 2022/5/26 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698– 960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx…….1R1
698– 960 MHz R2 3-4 BRxxx…….2R2
1710–2170 MHz B1 5-6 BRxxx…….3B1
1710–2170 MHz B2 7-8 BRxxx…….4B2
2500–2690 MHz Y1 9-10 BRxxx…….5Y1
2500–2690 MHz Y2 11-12 BRxxx…….6Y2
2500–2690 MHz Y3 13-21 BRxxx…….7Y3 V1.0 2022/5/26 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel TD Antenna 2300-2690MHz 65° 15.5dBi 2°-12° Replaceable RET
XXXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 2×698-960/2×1710-2170/2×2490-2690MHz 65°/65°/65° 16/16/16.5dBi
2°-12°/2°-12°/2°-12° Replaceable RET

General Electrical Properties

Frequency Range (MHz) 2300-2690(Y3)

General Polarization ±45°
Parameters Electrical Downtilt (°) 2-12, continuously adjustable
Lightning Grounding DC Grounded
Coupling Factor between calibration port and each antenna port -26±2
Calibration and Max Amp/Phase Deviation: ≤1.0/ 10°
VSWR: ≤1.5
Co- polarization Isolation between ports (dB): ≥20
Cross-polarization Isolation Between Ports (dB) ≥20
Avg. power per input(W) ≥150
Connecter Type: 1xMQ5,1xMQ4

Beamforming Electrical Properties

Frequency Range (MHz) 2300-2690(Y3)

Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 75±15
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 6
Single Column Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23
Gain (dBi): 15.3±1
Cross polar ratio (dB): >13 (0°)/ >5 (±60°)
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 65±10
Radiation Gain (dBi): 16.2±0.5
parameters Front to Back Ratio (dB): 23
Broadcast Beam
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 6
Cross polar ratio (dB): >13 (0°)/ >5 (±60°)
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): >13
Gain (dBi): 20.8±0.5
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 20
Service Beam @ 0deg
Cross polar ratio (0°) (dB): 18
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25 V1.2 2022/2/28 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2170(B1,B2) 2490-2690
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-790 790-862 880-960 1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2170 (Y1,Y2)
Gain (dBi): 15.0±0.8 15.3±0.5 15.8±0.7 15.8±0.5 16.0±0.5 16.0±0.5 16.2±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 66 65 63 65 67 65 59
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 9 8 7 7 6.5 5.5 4.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 13 13 14 13 14 14 14
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 22 22 22 23 23 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 13 13 13 13
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >25
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): 250 200
Impedance (ohm): <-150
Lightning Protection: 50
Connector Type: DC Grounded
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): 12×4.3-10 Female

Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2595×448×200
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2855×535×295
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 46.5/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 59
Radome Material: FRP
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069091, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-10°
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1515 /373/ 1638
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range): (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8-pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode) V1.2 2022/2/28 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Single Column Service Beam @0deg Service Beam @60deg Broadcast Beam Elevation

Azimuth(698-960MHz) Elevation(698-960MHz) Azimuth(1710-2690MHz) Elevation(1710-2690MHz)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698–960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1
698–960 MHz R2 3-4 BRxxx……2R2
1710–2170 MHz B1 5-6 BRxxx……3B1
1710–2170 MHz B2 7-8 BRxxx……4B2
2490–2690 MHz Y1 9-10 BRxxx……5Y1
2490–2690 MHz Y2 11-12 BRxxx……6Y2
2300–2690 MHz Y3 1xMQ5,1xMQ4 BRxxx……7Y3 V1.2 2022/2/28 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 3 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel TD Antenna 2300-2690MHz 90° 15.5dBi 2°-12° Replaceable RET
XXXXXX Pol 2×698-960/4×1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 16/18dBi 2°-12°/2°-12° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications (2300-2690MHz)
Frequency range (MHz): 2300-2690(Y5)
Polarization: ±45
Electrical downtilt (°): 2-12, continuously adjustable
Grounding: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 1xMQ5,1xMQ4
Coupling factor between calibration port and each antenna port (dB) : -26±2
Calibration and Max Amp/phase Deviation: <1.2dB/12°
electrical VSWR: <1.5
parameters Max. Power Per Port (W): 150
Isolation (dB): >20
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 80±20
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7
Single Column Front to Back Ratio (dB): >23
Gain (dBi): 15.3±0.5
Cross polar ratio (dB): >13 (0°)/ >5 (±60°)
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 65±10
Gain (dBi): 17.0±0.5
Radiation Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25
Broadcast Beam
parameters Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7
Cross polar ratio (dB): >15 (0°)/ >8 (±60°)
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): >14
Gain (dBi): 21±0.5
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 25
Service Beam @ 0deg Horizontal Sidelobe Level (dB): <-12
Cross polar ratio (0°) (dB): 18
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25 V1.4 2022/2/16 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Electrical Specifications (698-960/1710-2690 MHz)
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y2,Y3) 1710-2690(Y1,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710 2300 2490 1710 2300 2490
698-806 806-880 880-960
-2170 -2490 -2690 -2170 -2490 -2690
15.0 15.6 16.0 16.3 17.7 17.8 16.1 17.8 18.0
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±1.0 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±1.0 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 71 65 60 64 60 59 68 61 61
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 9 8 7.5 6 5 4.5 6 5 4.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
Front to Back Ratio @180±30° (dB): 22 23 23 23 25 25 23 25 25
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB):
15 16 16 13 15 15 13 16 15
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): 15 15 15 14 15 15 14 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 12x4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2695×498×197
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2925×585×290
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 50/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 64
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069471, Adjustable Downtilt0-8(0°-8°in 1°steps)
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:1763/324/1788
Max. Wind velocity (km/h) : 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET Type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated ,single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by,single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode) V1.4 2022/2/16 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Single Column Service Beam @0deg Broadcast Beam Elevation

Azimuth(698–960MHz) Elevation(698–960MHz) Azimuth(1710–2690MHz) Elevation(1710–2690MHz)

Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698– 960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1
698– 960 MHz R2 3-4 BRxxx……2R2 Y1 Y4
1710–2690 MHz Y1 5-6 BRxxx……3Y1
1710–2690 MHz Y2 7-8 BRxxx……4Y2
1710–2690 MHz Y3 9-10 BRxxx……5Y3 Y2 Y3
1710–2690 MHz Y4 11-12 BRxxx……6Y4
2300-2690 MHz Y5 1xMQ5,1xMQ4 BRxxx……7Y5

R1 R2 V1.4 2022/2/16 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Multi-beam Antennas

HBW Gain
No. Type Port No. BR Part No. Frequency(MHz) E-Tilt Size mm(L*W*D) Page
(deg) (dBi)

1 Dual Beam 4 Ports 2UPX0307P-C 2×698-960 35 18 0-10° RET 2000×598×169 220

2 Dual Beam 4 Ports 2LPX210P-E2-C 2×1710-2690 32 20 2-12° RET 1395×396×190 222

3 Dual Beam 8 Ports 2LLPX0408P-E2 32/32 18.5/18.5 2-10° RET 1895×370×124 225
4 Dual Beam 8 Ports 2LLPX0408P-E2-C 32/32 18.5/18.5 2-10° RET 1895×370×124 227
5 Dual Beam 8 Ports 2LLPX210P-2C 32/32 20/20 2-12° RET 2595×396×190 229
6 Dual Beam 8 Ports ★2ULPX206.11P-2C 38/32 16.5/19.5 2-12° RET 1500×598×169 231

7 Triple Beam 6 Ports 3UPX0605R 3×698-960 22 18 4-12° RET 1400×1256×210 233

8 Triple Beam 6 Ports 3UPX0605R-C 3×698-960 22 18 4-12° RET 1400×1256×210 236

9 Triple Beam 6 Ports 3LPX0606F6 3×1710-2690 16 19.5 6°FET 814×600×130 239

10 Triple Beam 6 Ports 3LPX0606F6-C 3×1710-2690 16 19.5 6°FET 814×600×130 241

11 Triple Beam 6 Ports 3LPX0510P-2C 3×1710-2690 18 21/22/21 2-12° RET 1200×448×200 243

12 Triple Beam 12 Ports ★3L2PX207P-2C 2×3×1710-2690 22 20/20/20 2-12° RET 2668×498×197 246

13 Triple Beam 12 Ports ★3L2PX0510P-2C 2×3×1710-2690 18 21/22/21 2-12° RET 2350×448×200 249

14 Penta Beam 10 Ports 5UPX0805F6 5×694-960 14 21 6°FET 1420×1500×180 252

15 Penta Beam 10 Ports 5UPX0805F6-C 5×694-960 14 21 6°FET 1420×1500×180 254

16 Penta Beam 10 Ports 5LPX1106F 5×1710-2690 8 22 6°FET 761×1076×136 256

17 Penta Beam 10 Ports 5LPX1106F-C 5×1710-2690 8 22 6°FET 761×1076×136 259

18 Hexa Beam 12 Ports 6LPX1406F6 6×1695-2690 8 23 6°FET 761×1076×136 262

19 Hexa Beam 12 Ports 6LPX1406F6-C 6×1695-2690 8 23 6°FET 761×1076×136 264

20 Hexa Beam 36 Ports 6L6R2PX06F6-C 8/8 22/22 6°FET 1195×1195×136 266

21 Nine Beam 18 Ports 9LPX2006F6 9×1710-2690 5 24 6°FET 945×1680×137 271

22 Nine Beam 18 Ports 9LPX2006F6-C 9×1710-2690 5 24 6°FET 945×1680×137 274

U2LPX307.211P-E2- 698-960/ 2-12° /

23 Hybrid 6 Ports 65/32 16/20 2000×339×169 278
C 2×1710-2690 2-10° RET
ULL2LPX308.208P-E 698-960/1710-2690/ 65/65/65/32 16/17/17/1 2-12°/
24 Hybrid 10 Ports 1995×339×169 281
2-C 1710-2690/2×1710-2690 /32 9/19 2-10° RET
U2LLPX308.208P-E2- 698-960/2×1710-2690/2×
25 Hybrid 10 Ports 65/32/32 16/19/19 2-12° RET 2015×339×169 284
V1-C 1710-2690

★ denotes the preliminary issued antenna

Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Twin Beam Antenna 2×698-960MHz 35° 18dBi 0°-10° Replaceable RET

Electrical Specifications

Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960
Gain (dBi): 17.0 17.5 18.0
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 2×39 2×38 2×35
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -31, +31 -28, +28 -25, +25
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 10 9 8
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10, Independently Continuously Adjustable
Polarization Isolation (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-153 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2000x598x169
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2260×680×260
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 30.5/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 42.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
BA.K.04.00069121, Adjustable Downtilt
Mounting Kits (Included):
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1430/162/1494
Max. Wind velocity (km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range (V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode) V1.0 2022/10/27

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environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698-960 MHz R1 1-2
698-960 MHz R2 3-4

R1/R2 V1.0 2022/10/27

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environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Twin Beam Panel Antenna 2×1710-2690MHz 32° 20dBi 2-12°Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Gain (dBi): 18.3±0.5 18.6±0.5 18.6±0.5 19.3±0.5 19.6±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 41 39 37 31 29
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -31, +31 -31, +31 -31, +31 -31, +31 -32, +32
Vertical 3dBBeamwidth (°): 8.2 7.4 7.1 6.2 5.7
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
1stUpper Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 15
CPR at Boresight(dB): 18 18 18 18 18
Front to Back Ratio(dB): 28 28 26 25 25
Polarizations Isolation(dB) : >28
Interband Isolation (dB): >25
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): 18.2 18.4 18.4 18.9 19.3
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.6 ±0.8 ±0.8
2°|18.3 2°|18.5 2°|18.6 2°|19.3 2°|19.6
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|18.2 7°|18.6 7°|18.6 7°|19.1 7°|19.5
12°|18.0 12°|18.2 12°|18.0 12°|18.3 12°|18.7
3dBHorizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.4 ±2.0 ±3.1 ±2.2 ±2.0
3dBVertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±0.6 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.6
1 Upper SidelobeSuppression (dB):
15 13 14 13 13
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 28 28 26 24 24
CPR at Boresight(dB): 24 22 22 22 21 V1.0 2021/8/4 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1395×396×190
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1655×480×280
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 18/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 27.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
BA.K.04.00069131, Adjustable Downtilt
Mounting Kits (Included):

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature(℃) : -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 614/174/807
Max. Wind velocity (km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltagerange(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8-pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation V1.0 2021/8/4 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
1710–2690 MHz Y1 1-2 BRxxx……Y1
1710–2690 MHz Y2 3-4 BRxxx……Y2

Y1 Y2 V1.0 2021/8/4 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Twin Beam Panel Antenna 2×1710-2690/2×1710-2690MHz 32°/32° 18.5/18.5dBi 2°-10°/2°
-10° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
2×1710-2690(Y1,Y2) 2×1710-2690(Y3,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2170 2300-2690 1710-1880 1880-2170 2300-2690
Gain (dBi): 16.9±0.5 18.1±0.5 18.7±0.5 16.7±0.5 17.8±0.5 18.4±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization (°): ±45
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 2×31 2×27 2×23 2×30 2×28 2×23
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°) : -28, +28 -25, +25 -21, +21 -28, +28 -25, +25 -21, +21
Vertical 3dBBeamwidth (°): 9.1 8.1 6.4 9.2 8.0 6.3
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 16 16
Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 18 18 19 18 18 19
Polarizations Isolation(dB) : >28 >28
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 8×7/16 DIN Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
1710-2690(Y1,Y2) 1710-2690(Y3,Y4)
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2170 2300-2690 1710-1880 1880-2170 2300-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): 16.7 17.7 18.3 16.4 17.4 18.1
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±1.3 ±1.0 ±1.2 ±1.2 ±0.9 ±1.1
2°|16.8 2°|18.0 2°|18.5 2°|16.6 2°|17.6 2°|18.3
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 6°|16.7 6°|17.7 6°|18.3 6°|16.4 6°|17.4 6|18.1
10°|16..5 10°|17.5 10°|18.0 10°|16.1 10°|17.2 10°|17.9
3dB Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.4 ±3.2 ±2.7 ±4.2 ±2.6 ±2.5
3dB Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.9 ±1.8 ±1.5 ±1.9 ±1.9 ±1.7
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 15 16 15 15 16 15
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 25 28 29 24 27 28
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15 14 13 12 15 14
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1895×370×124
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2263×436×170
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 24/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 35.1
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00011, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-12°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:972/232/686
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V2.4 2020/4/16 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated ,single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
1710–2690MHz Y1 1-2
1710–2690MHz Y2 3-4
1710–2690MHz Y3 5-6 Y3/Y4
1710–2690MHz Y4 7-8

Y1/Y2 V2.4 2020/4/16 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Twin Beam Panel Antenna 2×1710-2690/2×1710-2690MHz 32°/32° 18.5/18.5dBi 2-10°
/2-10° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
2×1710-2690(Y1,Y2) 2×1710-2690(Y3,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2170 2300-2690 1710-1880 1880-2170 2300-2690
Gain (dBi): 16.9±0.5 18.1±0.5 18.7±0.5 16.7±0.5 17.8±0.5 18.4±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 2×31 2×27 2×23 2×30 2×28 2×23
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°) : -28, +28 -25, +25 -21, +21 -28, +28 -25, +25 -21, +21
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 9.1 8.1 6.4 9.2 8.0 6.3
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-10 Independently Continuously Adjustable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 16 16
Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 18 18 19 18 18 19
Polarizations Isolation(dB) : >28 >28
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
1710-2690(Y1,Y2) 1710-2690(Y3,Y4)
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2170 2300-2690 1710-1880 1880-2170 2300-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): 16.7 17.7 18.3 16.4 17.4 18.1
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±1.3 ±1.0 ±1.2 ±1.2 ±0.9 ±1.1
2°|16.8 2°|18.0 2°|18.5 2°|16.6 2°|17.6 2°|18.3
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 6°|16.7 6°|17.7 6°|18.3 6°|16.4 6°|17.4 6|18.1
10°|16..5 10°|17.5 10°|18.0 10°|16.1 10°|17.2 10°|17.9
3dBHorizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.4 ±3.2 ±2.7 ±4.2 ±2.6 ±2.5
3dBVertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.9 ±1.8 ±1.5 ±1.9 ±1.9 ±1.7
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 15 16 15 15 16 15
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 25 28 29 24 27 28
CPR at Boresight(dB): 15 14 13 12 15 14
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1895×370×124
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2263×436×170
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 24/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 35.1
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00011, Adjustable Downtilt 0-12°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/ Lateral/ Rearside: 972/232/686
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V2.0 2019/11/4 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: RET Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 5-pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
1710–2690 MHz Y1 1-2
1710–2690 MHz Y2 3-4
1710–2690 MHz Y3 5-6 Y3/Y4
1710–2690 MHz Y4 7-8

Y1/Y2 V2.0 2019/11/4 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Twin Beam Panel Antenna 2×1710-2690/2×1710-2690MHz 32°/32° 20/20dBi 2-12°/2-12°
Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
2×1710-2690(Y1,Y3) 2×1710-2690(Y2,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2170 2300-2690 1710-1880 1880-2170 2300-2690
Gain (dBi): 19.0±0.6 19.5±0.5 20.0±0.8 18.8±0.6 19.2±0.5 19.6±0.8
Return Loss (dB): >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 37 36 33 37 36 33
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°) : -31, +31 -31, +31 -32, +32 -31, +31 -31, +31 -32, +32
Vertical 3dBBeamwidth (°): 8.0 7.0 6.0 8.0 7.0 6.0
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
1stUpper Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 16 16
CPR at Boresight(dB): 20 20 20 20 20 20
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 28 28 28 28 28 28
Polarizations Isolation(dB) : >28 >28
Port to port Isolation(dB) : >25 >25
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-153 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Max. Power Per Port (W): 300
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2595×396×190
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2855×480×280
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 33/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 46.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
BA.K.04.00069091, Adjustable Downtilt
Mounting Kits (Included):
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1172/343/1541
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltagerange(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated ,single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by,single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode) V1.1 2022/9/27

Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
Directive RoHS as well as to other
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environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
1710–2690 MHz Y1 1-2
1710–2690 MHz Y2 3-4
1710–2690 MHz Y3 5-6
1710–2690 MHz Y4 7-8 Y2 Y4

Y1 Y3 V1.1 2022/9/27

Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
Directive RoHS as well as to other
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environmentally relevant regulations.
Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Dual Band Twin Beam 2×698-960/2×1710-2690MHz 38°/32° 16.5/19.5dBi 2°-12°/2°-12°
Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1,R2) 1710-2690(Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1880 1880-2170 2300-2690
Gain (dBi): 14.8±0.8 15.3±0.5 15.6±0.8 17.5±0.5 18.5±0.5 19.5±0.8
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 2×41 2×37 2×35 2×32 2×30 2×25
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -31, +31 -28, +28 -26, +26 -29, +29 -25, +25 -23, +23
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 14 12.5 11.5 7 6 5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: RET Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 25 25 25 25 25 25
CPR at Boresight (dB): 15 15 15 13 14 13
Isolation Between Polarizations (dB): >25
Isolation Between beams (dB): >16 >16
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1500×598×169
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1760×680×260
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 40/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 52
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069141, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-18°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1059/119/1107
Max. Wind velocity(km/h) 200 V1.0 2022/1/12 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET Type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range): (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(698-960MHz) Elevation(698-960MHz) Azimuth(1710-2690MHz) Elevation(1710-2690MHz)

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
698–960 MHz R1 1-2
698–960 MHz R2 3-4
1710–2690 MHz Y1 5-6
1710–2690 MHz Y2 7-8 V1.0 2022/1/12 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXX Pol Panel Triple Beam Antenna 3×698-960MHz 22° 18dBi 4-12° RET with manual override
Electrical Specifications
Beam 2 (Port 3/4, Middle)
Frequency Range (MHz): 698-960(R2)
698-790 790-880 880-960
Gain (dBi): 17±0.5 17.5±0.5 18.1±0.5
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 22 19.5 18
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 0 0 0
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 17 16 14

Beam 1 (Port 1/2, Left)/ Beam 3 (Port 5/6, Right)

Frequency Range (MHz):
698-790 790-880 880-960
B1 B3 B1 B3 B1 B3
Gain (dBi): 16.3±0.5 16.1±0.5 16.6±0.5 16.6±0.5 17.7±0.5 17.7±0.5
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 26 26 22 22 20 20
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 41 -40 36 -36 34 -33
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 22 22 20 20 18 18

All Beams (Port 1 to 6)

Frequency Range (MHz):
698-790 790-880 880-960
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization (°): ±45
Electrical Downtilt (°): 4-12
Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 18 18
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 25 28 30
Isolation Between Polarizations (dB): 25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250
Total Power for the Antenna (W): 800
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 6×7/16 DIN Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 698-790 790-880 880-960
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 15.8 16.5 17.1
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±1.1 ±0.7 ±0.8
15.9∣4° 16.6∣4° 17.4∣4°
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 15.9∣8° 16.5∣8° 17.1∣8°
15.7∣12° 16.3∣12° 16.7∣12°
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.6 ±3.2 ±2.4
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.5 ±3.4 ±3.1
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 18.3 19.1 18.2
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 26.2 28.2 29.9
CPR at Boresight(dB): 17.0 18.0 17.4 V2.1 2021/4/15 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1400×1256×210
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1561×1377×301
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 61.5/6.1
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 82
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 90-114
BA.K.04.00005, Adjustable Downtilt
Mounting Kits (Included):
0-12°(0-12°in 2°steps)

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 2987/185/2608
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 150
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Integrated RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range): (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 8 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8-pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View V2.1 2021/4/15 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698-960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx…….1R1
698-960 MHz R2 3-4 BRxxx…….2R2
698-960 MHz R3 5-6 BRxxx…….3R3 V2.1 2021/4/15 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 3 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXX Pol Panel Triple Beam Antenna 3×698-960MHz 22° 18dBi 4-12° RET with manual override
Electrical Specifications
Beam 2 (Port 3/4, Middle)
Frequency Range (MHz): 698-960(R2)
698-790 790-880 880-960
Gain (dBi): 17±0.5 17.5±0.5 18.1±0.5
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 22 19.5 18
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 0 0 0
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 17 16 14

Beam 1 (Port 1/2, Left)/ Beam 3 (Port 5/6, Right)

Frequency Range (MHz):
698-790 790-880 880-960
B1 B3 B1 B3 B1 B3
Gain (dBi): 16.3±0.5 16.1±0.5 16.6±0.5 16.6±0.5 17.7±0.5 17.7±0.5
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 26 26 22 22 20 20
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 41 -40 36 -36 34 -33
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 22 22 20 20 18 18

All Beams (Port 1 to 6)

Frequency Range (MHz):
698-790 790-880 880-960
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization (°): ±45
Electrical Downtilt (°): 4-12
Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 18 18
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 25 28 30
Isolation Between Polarizations (dB): 25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250
Total Power for the Antenna (W): 800
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 6×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 698-790 790-880 880-960
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 15.8 16.5 17.1
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±1.1 ±0.7 ±0.8
15.9∣4° 16.6∣4° 17.4∣4°
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 15.9∣8° 16.5∣8° 17.1∣8°
15.7∣12° 16.3∣12° 16.7∣12°
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.6 ±3.2 ±2.4
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.5 ±3.4 ±3.1
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 18.3 19.1 18.2
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 26.2 28.2 29.9
CPR at Boresight(dB): 17.0 18.0 17.4 V1.0 2022/1/18 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1400×1256×210
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1561×1377×301
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 61.5/6.1
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 82
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 90-114
BA.K.04.00005, Adjustable Downtilt
Mounting Kits (Included):
0-12°(0-12°in 2°steps)

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 2987/185/2608
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 150
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Integrated RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range): (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 8 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8-pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View V1.0 2022/1/18 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698-960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx…….1R1
698-960 MHz R2 3-4 BRxxx…….2R2
698-960 MHz R3 5-6 BRxxx…….3R3 V1.0 2022/1/18 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 3 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXX Pol Panel Triple Beam Antenna 3×1710-2690MHz 16° 19.5 dBi 6° FET
Electrical Specifications
Beam 2 (Port 3/4,Middle)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2300 2300-2690
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 17.8±0.5 18.7±0.5 19.6±0.5 19.4±0.5 18.7±0.5 19.4±0.5
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 20.9 19.0 17.4 16.0 15.7 14.8
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 15.6 13.8 12.5 11.4 10.9 10.4

Beam 1 (Port 1/2, Left)/ Beam 3 (Port 5/6, Right)

1710-2300 2300-2690
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
B1 B3 B1 B3 B1 B3 B1 B3 B1 B3 B1 B3
17.1 17.0 17.7 17.7 18.6 18.6 17.4 17.9 16.8 17.1 16.8 16.9
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 22.7 22.7 20.6 20.5 18.7 18.8 17.3 17.2 16.1 16.1 15.0 15.0
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 38 -37 34 -34 31 -30 28 -27 27 -26 25 -24
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 18.7 16.6 17.1 14.9 15.6 13.2 14.3 12.1 13.7 11.5 13.1 10.9

All Beams (Port 1 to 6)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-2300 2300-2690
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6 Fixed 6 Fixed
Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 16
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 33 34
Isolation Between Polarizations (dB): 25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Total Power for the Antenna (W): 600
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 6×7/16 DIN Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Average Gain by all Beams (dBi): 16.7 18.1 18.7 18.1 17.4 17.4
Gain by all Beam Tolerance(dB): ±1.0 ±0.8 ±1.0 ±1.4 ±1.4 ±1.9
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.7 ±1.2 ±1.4 ±1.0 ±0.5 ±0.8
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.1 ±2.2 ±2.2 ±2.1 ±2.0 ±1.9
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 21.7 22.1 18.2 18.6 16.5 19.0
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 31.3 35.4 34.0 34.1 33.4 30.3
CPR at Boresight(dB): 16.5 21.7 19.1 18.5 16.0 17.3 V2.2 2019/3/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 814×600×130
Packing Dimensions (mm): 956×720×236
Antenna Net Weight /Bracket (kg): 20/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 30
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00032,Adjustable Downtilt 0-10°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/ Lateral/ Rearside: 826/68/601
Max. Wind velocity(km/h: 200
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View V2.2 2019/3/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXX Pol Panel Triple Beam Antenna 3×1710-2690MHz 16° 19.5dBi 6° FET
Electrical Specifications
Beam 2 (Port 3/4, Middle)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2300 2300-2690
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 17.8±0.5 18.7±0.5 19.6±0.5 19.4±0.5 18.7±0.5 19.4±0.5
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 20.9 19.0 17.4 16.0 15.7 14.8
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 15.6 13.8 12.5 11.4 10.9 10.4

Beam 1 (Port 1/2, Left)/ Beam 3 (Port 5/6, Right)

1710-2300 2300-2690
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
B1 B3 B1 B3 B1 B3 B1 B3 B1 B3 B1 B3
17.1 17.0 17.7 17.7 18.6 18.6 17.4 17.9 16.8 17.1 16.8 16.9
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 22.7 22.7 20.6 20.5 18.7 18.8 17.3 17.2 16.1 16.1 15.0 15.0
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 38 -37 34 -34 31 -30 28 -27 27 -26 25 -24
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 18.7 16.6 17.1 14.9 15.6 13.2 14.3 12.1 13.7 11.5 13.1 10.9

All Beams (Port 1 to 6)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-2300 2300-2690
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization (°): ±45
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6 Fixed 6 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 16
Front to Back Ratio @180±30°(dB): 33 34
Isolation Between Polarizations (dB): 25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Total Power for the Antenna(W): 800
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 6×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Average Gain by all Beams (dBi): 16.7 18.1 18.7 18.1 17.4 17.4
Gain by all Beam Tolerance(dB): ±1.0 ±0.8 ±1.0 ±1.4 ±1.4 ±1.9
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.7 ±1.2 ±1.4 ±1.0 ±0.5 ±0.8
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.1 ±2.2 ±2.2 ±2.1 ±2.0 ±1.9
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 21.7 22.1 18.2 18.6 16.5 19.0
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB):
31.3 35.4 34.0 34.1 33.4 30.3
Total Power at 180° ± 30°,
CPR at Boresight(dB): 16.5 21.7 19.1 18.5 16.0 17.3 V1.1 2021/12/30 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 814×600×130
Packing Dimensions (mm): 956×720×236
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 20/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 30
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): Adjustable Downtilt 0°-10°(0,3°-10°in

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 826/68/601
Max. Wind velocity(km/h: 200
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View V1.1 2021/12/30 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXX Pol Panel Triple Beam Antenna 3×1710-2690MHz 18°21/22/21dBi 2-12°Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
Beam 1 (Port 1/2,Left)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2690(Y1)
1710-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Gain (dBi): 18.5±0.9 19.6±0.8 19.7±0.8
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 27±4 21±2 18±2
Horizontal 10dB Beamwidth (°): 50±8 36±3.5 33±3
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 38±5 30±5 27±5
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8±1.2 6.5±0.8 6.1±0.9
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): >25 >25 >25
CPR at Boresight (dB): 15 15 15

Beam 2 (Port 3/4, Middle)

Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2690(Y2)
1710-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Gain (dBi): 20.3±0.7 20.9±0.8 20.9±0.9
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 22±4 18±1.5 17±1
Horizontal 10dB Beamwidth (°): 39±6 31±2.2 29±2
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 0±4 0±3 0±2
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 8±1.2 6.5±0.7 6.0±0.7
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): >25 >25 >25
CPR at Boresight (dB): 15 15 15

Beam 3 (Port 5/6, Right)

Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2690(Y3)
1710-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Gain (dBi): 18.6±0.9 19.6±0.8 19.6±0.8
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 27±4 20±2 18±2
Horizontal 10dB Beamwidth (°): 50±8.8 36±3.5 32±3
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -38±5 -30±5 -27±5
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8±1.1 6.5±0.7 6.1±0.7
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): >25 >25 >25
CPR at Boresight (dB): 15 15 15

All Beams (Port 1 to 6)

Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2690(Y1,Y2,Y3 )
1710-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12
Isolation Between Polarizations (dB): >25
Isolation Between Beams (dB): >16
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Total Power for the Antenna (W): 1000 V1.0 2022/11/14 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 6×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1200×448×200
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1460×535×290
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 23/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 32.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069151,Adjustable Downtilt 0-20°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 677/162/733
Max. Wind velocity (km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) :(s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation V1.0 2022/11/14 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
1710–2690 MHz Y1 1-2 BRxxx……Y1
1710–2690 MHz Y2 3-4 BRxxx……Y2
1710–2690 MHz Y3 5-6 BRxxx……Y3
Y1/Y2/Y3 V1.0 2022/11/14 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 3of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
6X Pol Panel Triple Beam Antenna 2×3×1710-2690MHz 22°20/20/20dBi 2°-12°Replaceable
Electrical Specifications
Beam 1 (Port 3/4, Port 5/6,Left)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2690(Y2,Y3)
1710-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Bottom 18.4±0.7 19.6±0.6 19.6±0.5
Tilts(dBi): Top 18±0.7 19.1±0.6 19.2±0.5
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 30±3 23±2 22±2
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): +35 +35 +35
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 10.5±1 8±0.7 7.8±0.5
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 17 16 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 28 28 28
CPR at Boresight (dB): 25 27 28

Beam 2 (Port 1/2, Port 7/8, Middle)

Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2690(Y1,Y4)
1710-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): 18.2±0.7 19.5±0.5 19.5±0.5
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 33±3 25±2 25±2
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 0 0 0
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 10.3±1.1 8±0.7 7.8±0.5
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 13 13 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 26 29 30
CPR at Boresight (dB): 24 23 26

Beam 3 (Port 9/10, Port 11/12, Right)

Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2690(Y5,Y6)
1710-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Bottom 18.3±0.7 19.3±0.6 19.4±0.5
Tilts(dBi): Top 18±0.7 19±0.6 19.1±0.5
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 30±3 23±2 22±2
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -35 -35 -35
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 10.5±1.1 8±0.7 7.9±0.5
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 17 18 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 28 28 28
CPR at Boresight (dB): 26 25 27

Our products are compliant to the EU V1.0 2021/10/19 Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
All Beams (Port 1 to 12)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2690(Y1,Y2,Y3 ,Y4 ,Y5 ,Y6)
1710-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization (°): ±45
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12
Isolation (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Total Power for the Antenna (W): 1000
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 12×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2668×498×197
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2890×580×285
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 42.5/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 55
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-115
BA.K.04.00069471 ,Adjustable Downtilt
Mounting Kits (Included):
0°-8°(0°-8°in 1°steps)

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1744/321/1770
Max. Wind velocity (km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RETtype: Replaceable RET
RETprotocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated,single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by,single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) :(s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μsDifferential mode), 8 (8/20 μsCommon mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation

Our products are compliant to the EU V1.0 2021/10/19 Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
1710-2690MHz Y1 1-2
1710-2690MHz Y2 3-4
1710-2690MHz Y3 5-6
1710-2690MHz Y4 7-8
1710-2690MHz Y5 9-10
1710-2690MHz Y6 11-12 Y3 Y6

Y2 Y5

Y1 Y4

Our products are compliant to the EU V1.0 2021/10/19 Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
6X Pol Panel Triple Beam Antenna 2×3×1710-2690MHz 18° 21/22/21dBi 2°-12° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
Beam 1 (Y1, Port 1/2, Y4, Port 7/8,Left)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2690(Y1,Y4)
1710-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Bottom 18.5±0.9 19.6±0.8 19.7±0.8
Gain (dBi):
Top 18.3±0.9 19.3±0.8 19.3±0.8
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 27±4 21±2 18±2
Horizontal 10dB Beamwidth (°): 50±8 36±3.5 33±3
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 38 30 27
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8±1.2 6.5±0.8 6.1±0.9
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 18 17
Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 17 18 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 29 28 27
CPR at Boresight (dB): 20 16 16

Beam 2 (Y2, Port 3/4, Y5, Port 9/10, Middle)

Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2690(Y2,Y5)
1710-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Bottom 20.3±0.7 20.9±0.8 20.9±0.9
Gain (dBi):
Top 20.0±0.7 20.6±0.7 20.5±0.9
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 22±4 19±3 16±2
Horizontal 10dB Beamwidth (°): 39±6 32±5 29±4
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 0 0 0
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 8±1.2 6.5±0.7 6.0±0.7
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 16 17 16
Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 16 17 19
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 31 31 30
CPR at Boresight (dB): 17 20 18

Beam 3 (Y3, Port 5/6, Y6, Port 11/12, Right)

Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2690(Y3,Y6)
1710-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Bottom 18.6±0.9 19.6±0.8 19.6±0.8
Gain (dBi):
Top 18.2±0.9 19.3±0.8 19.3±0.8
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 27±4 21.5±3 18±3
Horizontal 10dB Beamwidth (°): 48±6 38±5 32±4
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -38 -30 -27
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8±1.1 6.5±0.7 6.1±0.7
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 17 18 18
Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression(dB): 15 17 17
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 29 28 27
CPR at Boresight (dB): 22 16 16

Frequency Range (MHz): All Beams (Port 1 to 12) V1.0 2022/9/27 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page1of3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
1710-2690(Y1,Y2,Y3 ,Y4 ,Y5 ,Y6)
1710-2170 2300-2500 2500-2690
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12
Isolation Between Polarizations (dB): >25
Isolation Between Beams (dB): >16
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Total Power for the Antenna (W): 1000
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 12×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2350×448×200
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2610×535×290
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 41.5/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 53.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-115
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069311,Adjustable Downtilt 0°-10°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1394/339/1510
Max. Wind velocity (km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) :(s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation V1.0 2022/9/27 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page2of3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
1710-2690MHz Y1 1-2
1710-2690MHz Y2 3-4
1710-2690MHz Y3 5-6
1710-2690MHz Y4 7-8
1710-2690MHz Y5 9-10
1710-2690MHz Y6 11-12

Y1/Y2/Y3 V1.0 2022/9/27 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page3of3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXXX Pol Panel Penta Beam Antenna 5×694-960MHz 14° 21 dBi 6° FET
Electrical Specifications
Beam 3 (Port 5/6, Middle)
Frequency Range (MHz):
694-790 790-880 880-960
Gain (dBi): 19.8±0.5 20.5±0.5 21.1±0.5
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 15.5 14.0 12.6
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 0 0 0
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 17.1 15.3 13.7

Beam 1 (Port 1/2, Left)/ Beam 5 (Port 9/10, Right)

Frequency Range (MHz):
694-790 790-880 880-960
Gain (dBi): 18.0±0.5 18.9±0.5 19.7±0.5
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 20.7 17.6 15.5
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): ±45 ±40 ±36
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 21.9 19.7 17.8

Beam 2 (Port 3/4, Left)/ Beam 4 (Port 7/8, Right)

Frequency Range (MHz):
694-790 790-880 880-960
Gain (dBi): 19.6±0.5 20.1±0.5 20.7±0.5
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 16.6 14.7 13.3
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): ±21 ±19 ±17
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 18.0 16.1 14.5

All Beams (Port 1 to 10)

Frequency Range (MHz):
694-790 790-880 880-960
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6 Fixed
Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 18 18
Front to Back Ratio at 180±30° (dB): 28 28 28
Isolation Between Polarizations (dB): >25
Isolation Between Beams (dB): >15
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250
Total power for the antenna(W): 1000
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 10×7/16 DIN Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 694-790 790-880 880-960
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 19.0 19.7 20.4
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±1.5 ±1 ±0.9
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.8 ±2.7 ±2.1
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.4 ±3.1 ±2.9
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 19 19 18
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 26 28 29 V2.1 2019/12/10 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1420×1500×180
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1568×1652×304
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 70/12.2
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 98
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included):
Adjustable Downtilt 0-12°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N):
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 160
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation

Bottom View

Port Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 V2.1 2019/12/10 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
XXXXX Pol Panel Penta Beam Antenna 5×694-960MHz 14° 21 dBi 6° FET
Electrical Specifications
Beam 3 (Port 5/6, Middle)
Frequency Range (MHz):
694-790 790-880 880-960
Gain (dBi): 19.8±0.5 20.5±0.5 21.1±0.5
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 15.5 14.0 12.6
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 0 0 0
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 17.1 15.3 13.7

Beam 1 (Port 1/2, Left)/ Beam 5 (Port 9/10, Right)

Frequency Range (MHz):
694-790 790-880 880-960
Gain (dBi): 18.0 18.9 19.7
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 20.7 17.6 15.5
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): ±45 ±40 ±36
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 21.9 19.7 17.8

Beam 2 (Port 3/4, Left)/ Beam 4 (Port 7/8, Right)

Frequency Range (MHz):
694-790 790-880 880-960
Gain (dBi): 19.6 20.1 20.7
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 16.6 14.7 13.3
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): ±21 ±19 ±17
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): 18.0 16.1 14.5

All Beams (Port 1 to 10)

Frequency Range (MHz):
694-790 790-880 880-960
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6 Fixed
Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 18 18
Front to Back Ratio at 180±30° (dB): 28 28 28
Isolation Between Polarizations (dB): >25
Isolation Between Beams (dB): >15
Max. Power Per Port (W): 300
Total power for the antenna(W):(W): 1000
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 10×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 694-790 790-880 880-960
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 19.0 19.7 20.4
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±1.5 ±1 ±0.9
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.8 ±2.7 ±2.1
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.4 ±3.1 ±2.9
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 19 19 18
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 26 28 29 V1.0 2020/3/5 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1420×1500×180
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1568×1652×304
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 67.5/12.2
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 95.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included):
Adjustable Downtilt 0°-12° (0°-12°in 2°steps)

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/ Lateral/Rearside:3630/142/3757
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 160
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View

Port Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 V1.0 2020/3/5 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of 2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXXX Pol Penta Beam Antenna 5×1710-2690MHz 8° 22.0dBi 6° FET
Electrical Specifications
Beam 1 (Port 1/2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 19.3±1.8 20.1±0.3 20.3±0.3 20.0±1.0 19.4±1.3 19.0±1.1
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 12.1±2.0 11.0±1.0 9.8±0.6 9.2±0.6 8.8±0.6 8.4±0.7
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 18.2±2.6 16.3±2.4 14.0±1.0 13.0±1.1 12.1±0.6 11.8±1.4
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 35 32 29 27 26 25
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 20 22 23 24 24 22
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 34 32 33 30 35 31
CPR at boresight (dB): 17 26 23 20 19 20

Beam 2 (Port 3/4)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 20.2±1.0 20.8±0.6 21.4±0.3 21.3±0.5 20.9±0.6 20.6±0.5
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 10.8±1.0 10.1±0.9 9.0±0.8 8.3±0.3 8.3±0.2 7.8±0.7
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 15.3±2.2 13.9±1.4 12.5±0.7 11.7±0.7 11.3±0.2 10.8±0.7
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 17 15 14 13 12 12
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 26 23 21 20 20 20
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 34 32 31 37 35 31
CPR at Boresight (dB): 24 24 27 25 23 21

Beam 3 (Port 5/6)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 20.2±1.0 20.7±0.4 21.0±0.3 21.0±0.3 20.7±0.2 20.7±0.2
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 10.2±1.3 9.5±1.0 8.5±0.8 7.9±0.3 7.8±0.2 7.7±0.6
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 15.0±2.3 13.7±1.5 12.4±0.8 11.7±0.7 11.2±0.6 10.8±0.4
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 0 0 0 0 0 0
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 21 21 21 21 22 22
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 34 32 33 37 35 31
CPR at Boresight (dB): 21 21 23 23 24 16

Beam 4 (Port 7/8)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 20.2±1.0 20.9±0.5 21.4±0.4 21.3±0.6 20.9±0.6 20.6±0.4
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 10.5±2.1 9.8±1.0 8.9±0.2 8.4±0.9 8.0±0.7 7.8±0.6
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 15.4±2.2 14.1±1.4 12.6±0.9 11.8±0.7 11.4±0.5 10.9±0.7
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -17 -16 -14 -13 -12 -12
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 19 20 22 23 25 22
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 34 32 33 32 35 31
CPR at Boresight (dB): 24 24 27 26 22 15 V3.1 2020/1/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of4 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Beam 5 (Port9/10)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 18.9±2.1 19.9±0.5 20.3±0.2 20.2±0.5 19.8±0.7 19.5±0.7
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 12.2±2.1 10.9±1.1 9.8±0.4 9.3±0.5 8.8±0.6 8.2±0.7
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 18.5±3.0 16.3±2.6 14.0±0.8 13.4±0.5 12.8±0.7 12.1±0.5
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -36 -33 -29 -27 -26 -25
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 20 21 19 18 18 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 34 32 33 37 30 31
CPR at Boresight (dB): 16 24 22 15 15 17
Electrical Specifications
All Beams (Port 1 to 10)
Frequency Range (MHz):
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Cross Polar Isolation (dB): >25
Beam to beam Isolation(dB): >16
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Total Power for the Antenna(W): 800
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 10×7/16 DIN Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 761×1076×136
Packing Dimensions (mm): 909×1199×237
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 31.5 /5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 43.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included):
Adjustable Downtilt 0°-10°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Frontal/ Lateral/Rearside:
Wind Load @150 km/h (N):
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V3.1 2020/1/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 2 of4 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation

Bottom View V3.1 2020/1/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 3 of4 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
XXXXX Pol Penta Beam Antenna 5×1710-2690MHz 8° 22.0dBi 6° FET
Electrical Specifications
Beam 1 (Port 1/2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 19.3±1.8 20.1±0.3 20.3±0.3 20.0±1.0 19.4±1.3 19.0±1.1
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 12.1±2.0 11.0±1.0 9.8±0.6 9.2±0.6 8.8±0.6 8.4±0.7
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 18.2±2.6 16.3±2.4 14.0±1.0 13.0±1.1 12.1±0.6 11.8±1.4
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 35 32 29 27 26 25
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 20 22 23 24 24 22
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 34 32 33 30 35 31
CPR at boresight (dB): 17 26 23 20 19 20

Beam 2 (Port 3/4)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 20.2±1.0 20.8±0.6 21.4±0.3 21.3±0.5 20.9±0.6 20.6±0.5
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 10.8±1.0 10.1±0.9 9.0±0.8 8.3±0.3 8.3±0.2 7.8±0.7
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 15.3±2.2 13.9±1.4 12.5±0.7 11.7±0.7 11.3±0.2 10.8±0.7
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 17 15 14 13 12 12
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 26 23 21 20 20 20
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 34 32 31 37 35 31
CPR at Boresight (dB): 24 24 27 25 23 21

Beam 3 (Port 5/6)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 20.2±1.0 20.7±0.4 21.0±0.3 21.0±0.3 20.7±0.2 20.7±0.2
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 10.2±1.3 9.5±1.0 8.5±0.8 7.9±0.3 7.8±0.2 7.7±0.6
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 15.0±2.3 13.7±1.5 12.4±0.8 11.7±0.7 11.2±0.6 10.8±0.4
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 0 0 0 0 0 0
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 21 21 21 21 22 22
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 34 32 33 37 35 31
CPR at Boresight (dB): 21 21 23 23 24 16

Beam 4 (Port 7/8)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 20.2±1.0 20.9±0.5 21.4±0.4 21.3±0.6 20.9±0.6 20.6±0.4
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 10.5±2.1 9.8±1.0 8.9±0.2 8.4±0.9 8.0±0.7 7.8±0.6
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 15.4±2.2 14.1±1.4 12.6±0.9 11.8±0.7 11.4±0.5 10.9±0.7
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -17 -16 -14 -13 -12 -12
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 19 20 22 23 25 22
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 34 32 33 32 35 31
CPR at Boresight (dB): 24 24 27 26 22 15 V2.1 2020/1/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Beam 5 (Port9/10)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 18.9±2.1 19.9±0.5 20.3±0.2 20.2±0.5 19.8±0.7 19.5±0.7
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 12.2±2.1 10.9±1.1 9.8±0.4 9.3±0.5 8.8±0.6 8.2±0.7
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 18.5±3.0 16.3±2.6 14.0±0.8 13.4±0.5 12.8±0.7 12.1±0.5
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -36 -33 -29 -27 -26 -25
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 20 21 19 18 18 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 34 32 33 37 30 31
CPR at Boresight (dB): 16 24 22 15 15 17
Electrical Specifications
All Beams (Port 1 to 10)
Frequency Range (MHz):
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Cross Polar Isolation (dB): >25
Beam to beam Isolation(dB): >16
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Total Power for the Antenna(W): 800
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 10×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 761×1076×136
Packing Dimensions (mm): 909×1199×237
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 31.5 /5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 43.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included):
Adjustable Downtilt 0°-10°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Frontal/ Lateral/Rearside:
Wind Load @150 km/h (N):
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V2.1 2020/1/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation

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Product Data Sheet
6X Pol Panel Hexa-Beam Antenna 6×1695-2690MHz 8° 23dBi 6° FET
Electrical Specifications
Beam 1 (Port 1/2, Left)/ Beam 6(Port 11/12, Right)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1695-2170 2170-2300 2300-2690
Gain (dBi): 19.3±0.5 21.5±0.5 21.7±0.5
3dB Horizontal beamwidth (°): 11.5 8.9 7.7
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): ±42 ±36 ±30
3dB Vertical beamwidth (°): 17.6 14.6 12.2

Beam 2 (Port 3/4, Left)/Beam 5(Port 9/10, Right)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1695-2170 2170-2300 2300-2690
Gain (dBi): 21.0±0.5 22.1±0.5 22.5±0.5
3dB Horizontal beamwidth (°): 9.5 7.8 7.0
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): ±24 ±21 ±15
3dB Vertical beamwidth (°): 14.9 12.3 10.8

Beam 3 (Port 5/6,Left)/Beam 4(Port 7/8,Right)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1695-2170 2170-2300 2300-2690
Gain (dBi): 21.2±0.5 22.6±0.5 23.1±0.5
3dB Horizontal beamwidth (°): 9.0 7.6 6.8
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): ±8 ±7 ±6
3dB Vertical beamwidth (°): 13.5 11.5 10.2

Frequency Range (MHz):
1695-2170 2170-2300 2300-2690
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6 Fixed
Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 17 16
Front to Back Ratio at 180±30° (dB): 30 30 30
CPR at Boresight (dB): 15 15 15
Isolation Between Polarizations (dB): >25
Power Rating (W): 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 12×7/16 DIN Female V1.2 2022/8/15 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
1/2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz):
1695-2170 2170-2300 2300-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 20.5 22 22.5
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±2.1 ±1.1 ±1.4
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.3 ±1.0 ±0.8
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.3 ±2.2 ±1.7
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 20.3 18.8 19.3
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 31.8 32.1 31.1
CPR at Boresight(dB): 19.8 22.4 22.3
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 761×1076×136
Packing Dimensions (mm): 909×1199×237
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 31/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 43
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included):
Downtilt 0-10°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N):
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 160
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View V1.2 2022/8/15 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
2/2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
6X Pol Panel Hexa-Beam Antenna 6×1695-2690MHz 8° 23dBi 6° FET
Electrical Specifications
Beam 1 (Port 1/2, Left)/Beam 6(Port 11/12, Right)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1695-2170 2170-2300 2300-2690
Gain (dBi): 19.3±0.5 21.5±0.5 21.7±0.5
3dB Horizontal beamwidth (°): 11.5 8.9 7.7
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): ±42 ±36 ±30
3dB Vertical beamwidth (°): 17.6 14.6 12.2

Beam 2 (Port 3/4, Left)/Beam 5(Port 9/10, Right)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1695-2170 2170-2300 2300-2690
Gain (dBi): 21.0±0.5 22.1±0.5 22.5±0.5
3dB Horizontal beamwidth (°): 9.5 7.8 7.0
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): ±24 ±21 ±15
3dB Vertical beamwidth (°): 14.9 12.3 10.8

Beam 3 (Port 5/6, Left)/Beam 4(Port 7/8, Right)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1695-2170 2170-2300 2300-2690
Gain (dBi): 21.2±0.5 22.6±0.5 23.1±0.5
3dB Horizontal beamwidth (°): 9.0 7.6 6.8
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): ±8 ±7 ±6
3dB Vertical beamwidth (°): 13.5 11.5 10.2

Frequency Range (MHz):
1695-2170 2170-2300 2300-2690
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 17 16
Front to Back Ratio at 180±30° (dB): 30 30 30
CPR at Boresight (dB): 15 15 15
Isolation Between Polarizations (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 12×4.3-10 Female V1.2 2022/8/15 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
1/2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz):
1695-2170 2170-2300 2300-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 20.5 22 22.5
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±2.1 ±1.1 ±1.4
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±2.3 ±1.0 ±0.8
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.3 ±2.2 ±1.7
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 20.3 18.8 19.3
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 31.8 32.1 31.1
CPR at Boresight(dB): 19.8 22.4 22.3
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 761×1076×136
Packing Dimensions (mm): 909×1199×237
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 30.4/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 42.4
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
BA.K.04.00032, Adjustable
Mounting Kits (Included):
Downtilt 0-10°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N):
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 160
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View V1.2 2022/8/15 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
2/2 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
6X12X Pol Panel Hexa Beam Antenna 6×1695-2690/2×6×3300-4200MHz 8°/8°22/22dBi 6°/6° FET
Electrical Specifications
Beam 1 (Y1, Port 1/2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1695-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 18.8±2.1 20.8±0.4 21.7±0.7 21.7±0.7 21.6±0.5 21.4±0.6
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 13.5±2.5 11±0.8 9±1.5 8±0.9 7.6±0.5 7.3±0.6
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 14.1±1.2 12.7±0.8 11.1±1.3 10.3±0.9 9.9±0.5 9.9±0.5
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 46 41 35 32 31 30
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 30°(dB): 18 18 17 17 17 17
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 25 30 32 31 30 30
CPR at boresight (dB): 12 19 22 19 20 16

Beam 2 (Y2, Port 3/4)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1695-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 21±1.2 21.8±0.4 22.2±0.6 22±0.8 21.8±1.1 21.8±0.8
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 10.3±0.9 9.2±0.6 7.8±1.2 7.2±0.6 7.1±0.5 6.8±0.6
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 14.1±1.2 12.8±0.8 11.2±1.4 10.5±0.7 10.3±0.7 10±0.6
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 26 24 20 19 18 18
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 30°(dB): 18 18 17 17 17 17
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 32 30 31 31 31 31
CPR at boresight (dB): 20 20 22 20 15 16

Beam 3 (Y3, Port 5/6)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1695-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 21.5±1.0 22.1±0.5 22.3±0.6 22.2±0.8 22.1±0.7 22±0.7
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 9.5±0.9 8.5±0.6 7.5±0.9 7.0±0.6 6.7±0.5 6.5±0.6
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 14.3±1.4 12.9±0.9 11.2±1.3 10.5±0.7 10.2±0.6 10.1±0.6
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 8 8 7 6 6 6
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 30°(dB): 18 18 18 18 17 18
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 30 28 31 31 30 30
CPR at boresight (dB): 16 19 20 21 21 19

Beam 4 (Y4, Port 7/8)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1695-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 21.5±1.0 22.1±0.5 22.4±0.6 22.3±0.8 22.2±0.7 22±0.7
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 9.5±0.9 8.5±0.6 7.5±0.9 7.0±0.6 6.7±0.5 6.5±0.6
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 14.2±1.4 12.9±0.9 11.2±1.3 10.5±0.7 10.2±0.6 10.2±0.6
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -8 -7 -7 -6 -6 -6
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 30°(dB): 18 18 18 18 18 18
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 30 29 31 32 31 30
CPR at boresight (dB): 16 19 20 19 18 19 V1.0 2022/5/7 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Beam 5 (Y5, Port 9/10)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1695-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 21±1.2 21.6±1.0 22.2±0.6 22.1±0.8 21.9±1.0 21.9±0.8
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 10.3±0.9 9.3±0.9 7.8±1.2 7.2±0.6 7.1±0.5 6.8±0.6
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 14.2±1.3 12.8±0.8 11.2±1.4 10.5±0.7 10.3±0.7 10±0.6
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -26 -24 -20 -19 -18 -17
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 30°(dB): 18 18 18 18 18 18
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 31 30 31 32 31 31
CPR at boresight (dB): 20 20 22 20 15 16

Beam 6 (Y6, Port 11/12)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1695-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 18.8±2.2 20.8±0.5 21.7±0.7 21.7±0.7 21.5±0.5 21.4±0.6
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 13.5±2.5 11±0.8 9±1.5 8±0.9 7.6±0.5 7.4±0.6
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 14.1±1.2 12.7±0.8 11.1±1.3 10.3±0.9 9.9±0.5 9.9±0.5
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -46 -41 -35 -32 -31 -30
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 30°(dB): 17 18 17 18 18 17
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 27 30 32 30 28 30
CPR at boresight (dB): 12 19 22 16 16 13

Beam 1 (P1, Port 13/14; P7, Port 25/26)

Frequency Range (MHz):
3300-3600 3600-3800 3800-4200
Gain (dBi): 20.5±0.6 20.9±0.5 20.8±0.9
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 10±0.9 9.4±0.6 8.4±1.1
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 11.8±0.9 10.9±0.8 10.2±0.9
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 34 32 29
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 30°(dB): 19 18 18
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 30 31 28
CPR at boresight (dB): 14 19 17

Beam 2 (P2, Port 15/16; P8, Port 27/28)

Frequency Range (MHz):
3300-3600 3600-3800 3800-4200
Gain (dBi): 21.5±0.6 21.4±0.6 21±0.9
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 9±0.6 8.5±0.6 7.6±0.8
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 11.8±0.8 10.9±0.6 10.3±0.8
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 20 18 17
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 30°(dB): 19 18 18
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 30 31 32
CPR at boresight (dB): 17 20 19

Beam 3 (P3, Port 17/18; P9, Port 29/30)

Frequency Range (MHz):
3300-3600 3600-3800 3800-4200
Gain (dBi): 21.6±0.6 21.4±0.8 21.1±0.7
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8.6±0.6 8.1±0.6 7.4±0.8
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 12.1±0.9 11.2±0.8 10.5±0.8 V1.0 2022/5/7 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 7 6 6
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 30°(dB): 19 18 18
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 30 30 31
CPR at boresight (dB): 18 19 19

Beam 4 (P4, Port 19/20; P10, Port 31/32)

Frequency Range (MHz):
3300-3600 3600-3800 3800-4200
Gain (dBi): 21.5±0.6 21.4±0.8 21.1±0.7
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8.6±0.6 8.1±0.6 7.4±0.8
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 11.5±0.9 10.8±0.9 10.1±0.8
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -7 -6 -6
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 30°(dB): 17 18 17
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 30 30 30
CPR at boresight (dB): 18 19 19

Beam 5 (P5, Port 21/22; P11, Port 33/34)

Frequency Range (MHz):
3300-3600 3600-3800 3800-4200
Gain (dBi): 21.5±0.6 21.5±0.6 21.1±0.9
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 9±0.6 8.5±0.6 7.6±0.8
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 11.8±0.8 10.9±0.6 10.3±0.8
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -20 -18 -17
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 30°(dB): 19 18 18
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 30 31 32
CPR at boresight (dB): 17 20 20

Beam 6 (P6, Port 23/24; P12, Port 35/36)

Frequency Range (MHz):
3300-3600 3600-3800 3800-4200
Gain (dBi): 20.4±1.0 21.1±0.5 21±0.9
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 10.1±0.9 9.4±0.6 8.5±1.0
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 11.9±0.8 10.8±0.8 10.2±0.8
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -34 -32 -29
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 30°(dB): 19 18 18
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 30 30 29
CPR at boresight (dB): 14 19 18

All Beams (Port 1 to 36)

Frequency Range (MHz): Hexa-Beam(1695-2690) Hexa-Beam(3300-4200)
(Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6) (P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12)
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Cross Polar Isolation (dB): >25 >25
Beam to beam Isolation(dB): >16 >16
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200 100
Total Power for the Antenna(W): 800
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm) V1.0 2022/5/7 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 36x4.3-10 Female
Values based on NGMN recommendations on Base Station Antenna Standards(BASTA).

Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1195×1195×136
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1440×1335×240
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 50/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 64.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-115
Mounting Kits (Included): Adjustable Downtilt 0°-16°
(0°-16° in 2° steps)

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1756/56/1789
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(1695-2690MHz) Elevation(1695-2690MHz) Azimuth(3300-4200MHz) Elevation(3300-4200MHz)

Bottom View V1.0 2022/5/7 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Correlation Table
Horizontal Beam
Frequency range Array Connector
1710-2690MHz Y1 +36 1-2
1710-2690MHz Y2 +21 3-4
1710-2690MHz Y3 +7 5-6
1710-2690MHz Y4 -7 7-8
1710-2690MHz Y5 -21 9-10
1710-2690MHz Y6 -36 11-12
3300-4200MHz P1 +31 13-14
3300-4200MHz P2 +18 15-16
3300-4200MHz P3 +6 17-18
3300-4200MHz P4 -6 19-20
3300-4200MHz P5 -18 21-22
3300-4200MHz P6 -31 23-24
P1/P2/P3/ P7/P8/P9/
3300-4200MHz P7 +31 25-26
P4/P5/P6 P10/P11/P12
3300-4200MHz P8 +18 27-28
3300-4200MHz P9 +6 29-30
3300-4200MHz P10 -6 31-32
3300-4200MHz P11 -18 33-34
3300-4200MHz P12 -31 35-36 V1.0 2022/5/7 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
9X Pol Panel Nine Beam Antenna 9×1710-2690MHz 5° 24dBi 6° FET
Electrical Specifications
Beam 1 (Port 1/2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 19.4±1.6 20.5±0.4 20.7±0.4 21.6±0.7 21.0±1.0 20.5±1.2
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8.4±1.0 7.0±0.5 6.0±0.6 5.3±0.3 4.9±0.3 4.7±0.2
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 21.6±2.5 17.5±1.8 15.1±0.8 13.8±0.7 12.0±1.3 12.4±0.5
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 46 41 37 34 31 30
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 21 17 13 18 12 13
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 28 31 33 31 32 32
CPR at boresight (dB): 13 23 23 21 21 20

Beam 2 (Port 3/4)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 20.9±0.6 21.2±0.3 21.3±0.3 22.3±0.6 22.2±1.4 22.3±0.7
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7.0±0.5 6.1±0.6 5.4±0.3 5.0±0.3 4.6±0.3 4.4±0.2
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 18.1±1.5 15.5±1.4 13.7±0.5 12.5±0.9 11.3±0.5 10.5±0.3
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 33 30 27 25 23 22
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 20 19 18 23 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 26 32 31 32 29 29
CPR at Boresight (dB): 28 23 24 23 19 18

Beam 3 (Port 5/6)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 21.4±0.7 21.7±0.2 21.9±0.5 22.5±0.9 22.6±1.5 23.1±0.6
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 6.3±0.5 5.6±0.4 5.1±0.3 4.7±0.3 4.5±0.2 4.3±0.2
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 16.5±1.6 14.5±0.6 12.7±1.3 11.6±0.2 11.3±0.3 11.0±0.2
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 22 20 18 17 16 15
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 20 23 17 16 17 17
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 30 32 34 31 29 34
CPR at Boresight (dB): 19 20 23 25 20 21

Beam 4 (Port 7/8)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 21.4±0.8 21.6±0.2 22.0±0.4 22.8±0.7 22.8±1.0 23.5±0.2
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 6.1±0.5 5.5±0.3 5.0±0.4 4.5±0.2 4.3±0.2 4.0±0.3
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 15.6±1.5 13.8±0.5 12.3±1.2 11.4±0.2 11.0±0.4 10.5±0.3
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 11 10 10 9 8 8
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 20 18 17 17 17 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 28 31 33 31 33 33
CPR at Boresight (dB): 16 18 20 22 20 22

Beam 5 (Port 9/10)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 21.4±0.6 21.7±0.3 21.7±0.3 22.6±0.2 22.8±0.6 23.4±0.2 V2.0 2019/12/23 Our products are compliant to the EU
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 5.9±0.5 5.4±0.2 4.9±0.5 4.5±0.2 4.3±0.2 4.1±0.2
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 15.4±1.5 13.6±0.3 12.1±1.4 11.1±0.2 10.7±0.4 10.2±0.3
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 1 1 1 1 1 1
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 20 21 20 19 19 17
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 26 32 32 30 30 30
CPR at Boresight (dB): 15 17 19 21 18 24

Beam 6 (Port 11/12)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 21.4±0.6 21.6±0.3 22.0±0.2 22.6±0.2 22.8±0.1 23.4±0.3
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 5.9±0.5 5.4±0.2 5.0±0.2 4.6±0.2 4.3±0.2 4.2±0.2
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 15.3±1.0 13.6±0.9 12.2±0.7 11.2±0.3 10.7±0.4 10.3±0.6
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -9 -8 -7 -6 -6 -6
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 22 21 20 19 18 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 24 33 38 32 31 31
CPR at Boresight (dB): 17 18 18 18 16 21

Beam 7 (Port 13/14)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 21.2±0.6 21.4±0.1 21.7±0.1 22.6±0.5 22.6±0.5 23.3±0.6
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 6.4±0.5 5.8±0.3 5.1±0.6 4.6±0.2 4.3±0.3 4.2±0.2
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 16.3±1.5 14.4±0.6 12.6±1.4 11.4±0.2 11.0±0.4 10.6±0.2
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -20 -17 -16 -14 -13 -12
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 20 17 22 20 19 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 30 29 36 29 33 34
CPR at Boresight (dB): 19 19 17 26 14 20

Beam 8 (Port 15/16)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 20.9±0.7 21.2±0.2 21.3±0.1 22.4±0.3 22.4±0.3 22.5±0.8
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7.0±0.5 6.1±0.6 5.4±0.3 4.9±0.4 4.6±0.2 4.3±0.3
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 18.6±1.0 15.8±2.0 13.5±0.5 12.2±1.0 11.3±0.2 11.1±0.2
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -31 -27 -25 -22 -21 -20
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB):
19 15 24 21 19 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 30 32 31 30 35 29
CPR at Boresight (dB): 25 19 17 18 19 17

Beam 9 (Port 17/18)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 19.6±1.4 20.6±0.2 20.9±0.2 21.9±0.2 21.3±0.5 21.0±1.3
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8.1±0.8 6.9±0.6 5.9±0.6 5.3±0.2 4.9±0.4 4.8±0.2
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 19.4±1.0 17.2±1.4 15.0±1.0 13.4±0.8 11.7±1.1 10.8±0.2
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -44 -38 -34 -31 -29 -27
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 17 19 25 21 14 15 V2.0 2019/12/23 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 30 33 37 33 31 27
CPR at Boresight (dB): 12 21 18 16 15 17
BASTA Electrical Specifications
All Beams (Port 1 to 18)
Frequency Range (MHz):
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Cross Polar Isolation (dB): >25
Beam to beam Isolation(dB): >16
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Total Power for the Antenna(W): 800
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 18×7/16 DIN Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 945×1680×137
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1094×1840×237
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 69/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 90.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
BA.K.04.00004, Adjustable Downtilt
Mounting Kits (Included):
0°-10° (0°,2°-10° in 10 steps)

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:2699/75/2451
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 160
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View V2.0 2019/12/23 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
9X Pol Panel Nine Beam Antenna 9×1710-2690MHz 5° 24dBi 6° FET
Electrical Specifications
Beam 1 (Port 1/2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 19.4±1.6 20.5±0.4 20.7±0.4 21.6±0.7 21.0±1.0 20.5±1.2
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8.4±1.0 7.0±0.5 6.0±0.6 5.3±0.3 4.9±0.3 4.7±0.2
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 21.6±2.5 17.5±1.8 15.1±0.8 13.8±0.7 12.0±1.3 12.4±0.5
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 46 41 37 34 31 30
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 21 17 13 18 12 13
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 28 31 33 31 32 32
CPR at boresight (dB): 13 23 23 21 21 20

Beam 2 (Port 3/4)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 20.9±0.6 21.2±0.3 21.3±0.3 22.3±0.6 22.2±1.4 22.3±0.7
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7.0±0.5 6.1±0.6 5.4±0.3 5.0±0.3 4.6±0.3 4.4±0.2
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 18.1±1.5 15.5±1.4 13.7±0.5 12.5±0.9 11.3±0.5 10.5±0.3
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 33 30 27 25 23 22
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 20 19 18 23 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 26 32 31 32 29 29
CPR at Boresight (dB): 28 23 24 23 19 18

Beam 3 (Port 5/6)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 21.4±0.7 21.7±0.2 21.9±0.5 22.5±0.9 22.6±1.5 23.1±0.6
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 6.3±0.5 5.6±0.4 5.1±0.3 4.7±0.3 4.5±0.2 4.3±0.2
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 16.5±1.6 14.5±0.6 12.7±1.3 11.6±0.2 11.3±0.3 11.0±0.2
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 22 20 18 17 16 15
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 20 23 17 16 17 17
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 30 32 34 31 29 34
CPR at Boresight (dB): 19 20 23 25 20 21

Beam 4 (Port 7/8)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 21.4±0.8 21.6±0.2 22.0±0.4 22.8±0.7 22.8±1.0 23.5±0.2
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 6.1±0.5 5.5±0.3 5.0±0.4 4.5±0.2 4.3±0.2 4.0±0.3
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 15.6±1.5 13.8±0.5 12.3±1.2 11.4±0.2 11.0±0.4 10.5±0.3
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 11 10 10 9 8 8
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 20 18 17 17 17 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 28 31 33 31 33 33
CPR at Boresight (dB): 16 18 20 22 20 22 V2.1 2022/8/15 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Beam 5 (Port 9/10)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 21.4±0.6 21.7±0.3 21.7±0.3 22.6±0.2 22.8±0.6 23.4±0.2
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 5.9±0.5 5.4±0.2 4.9±0.5 4.5±0.2 4.3±0.2 4.1±0.2
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 15.4±1.5 13.6±0.3 12.1±1.4 11.1±0.2 10.7±0.4 10.2±0.3
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): 1 1 1 1 1 1
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 20 21 20 19 19 17
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 26 32 32 30 30 30
CPR at Boresight (dB): 15 17 19 21 18 24

Beam 6 (Port 11/12)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 21.4±0.6 21.6±0.3 22.0±0.2 22.6±0.2 22.8±0.1 23.4±0.3
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 5.9±0.5 5.4±0.2 5.0±0.2 4.6±0.2 4.3±0.2 4.2±0.2
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 15.3±1.0 13.6±0.9 12.2±0.7 11.2±0.3 10.7±0.4 10.3±0.6
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -9 -8 -7 -6 -6 -6
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 22 21 20 19 18 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 24 33 38 32 31 31
CPR at Boresight (dB): 17 18 18 18 16 21

Beam 7 (Port 13/14)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 21.2±0.6 21.4±0.1 21.7±0.1 22.6±0.5 22.6±0.5 23.3±0.6
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 6.4±0.5 5.8±0.3 5.1±0.6 4.6±0.2 4.3±0.3 4.2±0.2
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 16.3±1.5 14.4±0.6 12.6±1.4 11.4±0.2 11.0±0.4 10.6±0.2
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -20 -17 -16 -14 -13 -12
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1 Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB):
20 17 22 20 19 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 30 29 36 29 33 34
CPR at Boresight (dB): 19 19 17 26 14 20 V2.1 2022/8/15 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Beam 8 (Port 15/16)
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 20.9±0.7 21.2±0.2 21.3±0.1 22.4±0.3 22.4±0.3 22.5±0.8
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 7.0±0.5 6.1±0.6 5.4±0.3 4.9±0.4 4.6±0.2 4.3±0.3
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 18.6±1.0 15.8±2.0 13.5±0.5 12.2±1.0 11.3±0.2 11.1±0.2
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -31 -27 -25 -22 -21 -20
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 19 15 24 21 19 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 30 32 31 30 35 29
CPR at Boresight (dB): 25 19 17 18 19 17

Beam 9 (Port 17/18)

Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2300 2300-2450 2450-2550 2550-2690
Gain (dBi): 19.6±1.4 20.6±0.2 20.9±0.2 21.9±0.2 21.3±0.5 21.0±1.3
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 8.1±0.8 6.9±0.6 5.9±0.6 5.3±0.2 4.9±0.4 4.8±0.2
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 19.4±1.0 17.2±1.4 15.0±1.0 13.4±0.8 11.7±1.1 10.8±0.2
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): -44 -38 -34 -31 -29 -27
Electrical Downtilt (°): 6.0 Fixed
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 17 19 25 21 14 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 30 33 37 33 31 27
CPR at Boresight (dB): 12 21 18 16 15 17
BASTA Electrical Specifications
All Beams (Port 1 to 18)
Frequency Range (MHz):
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Cross Polar Isolation (dB): >25
Beam to beam Isolation(dB): >16
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Total Power for the Antenna(W): 800
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 18×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 945×1680×137
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1094×1840×237
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 67.5/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 89
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
BA.K.04.00004, Adjustable Downtilt
Mounting Kits (Included):
0°-10° (0°,2°-10° in 1 steps) V2.1 2022/8/15 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:2699/75/2451
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 160
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
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Product Data Sheet
XXX Pol Panel Hybrid Antenna 698-960/2×1710-2690MHz 65°/32° 16/20dBi 2-12°/ 2-10°
Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1880 1880-2170 2300-2690
Gain (dBi): 14.1±0.5 15.0±0.5 15.4±0.5 17.9±0.5 18.4±0.5 19.4±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 68 67 64 2×35 2×31 2×25
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): / ±29 ±26 ±23
Vertical 3dBBeamwidth (°): 12.4 10.8 10 6.9 5.8 5.2
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2°-12° Independently Continuously Adjustable 2°-10° Independently Continuously Adjustable
RET Type: Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0,Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression(dB) : 15 14 13 13 14 15
Front to Back Ratio(dB): 24 26 26 26 26 27
CPR at Boresight(dB): 20 17 20 17 18 14
CPR at Sector(dB): 12 9 12 / / /
Polarization Isolation (dB): >25 >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >25(R1// Y1,Y2)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 6×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range(MHz):
698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1880 1880-2170 2300-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): 13.9 14.7 15.3 17.8 18.3 18.9
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.8 ±0.6 ±0.4 ±0.9 ±1.0 ±1.3
2°|14.1 2°|15.0 2°|15.4 2°|17.8 2°|18.3 2°|19.4
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|14.0 7°|14.9 7°|15.4 6°|17.9 6°|18.4 6°|19.1
12°|13.7 12°|14.3 12°|15.0 10°|17.5 10°|18.0 10°|18.0
3dB Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.0 ±1.1 ±1.5 ±1.9 ±2.5 ±1.9
3dB Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.0 ±0.6 ±0.9 ±0.9 ±0.5 ±1.4
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 14 13 13 13 14
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 24 25 25 25 26 26
CPR at Boresight(dB): 20 17 18 16 17 13
CPR at Sector(dB): 12 8 12 / / / V1.0 2020/6/9 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2000×339×169
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2290×425×260
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 25/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 35
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 50-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00069101 Adjustable Downtilt 0°-12°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+60
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1210/359/1412
Max. Wind velocity (km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET Type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs 共模 Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(Dual Beam) Elevation(Dual Beam)

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Product Data Sheet
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698– 960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……R1
1710–2690 MHz Y1 3-4 BRxxx……Y1
1710–2690 MHz Y2 5-6 BRxxx……Y2

R1 Y1/Y2 V1.0 2020/6/9 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
XXXXX Pol Panel Hybrid Antenna 698-960/1710-2690/1710-2690/1710-2690/1710-2690MHz 65°/
65°/65°/32°/32° 16/17/17/19/19dBi 2°-12°/2°-10° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y2) 1710-2690(Y3,Y4) (Dual beam)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710 1880 2300 1710 1880 2300
698-806 806-880 880-960
-1880 -2170 -2690 -1880 -2170 -2690
15.5 15.7 16.0 15.6 16.3 16.8 16.8 18.0 18.7
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): ±29 ±25 ±23
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 70 66 64 62 65 73 35 30 25
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 12.5 10.5 9.5 10.5 8.9 7.1 12.0 10.0 7.5
2-10 Independently
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
Continuously Adjustable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression(dB) : 20 21 20 16 17 16 16 17 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 27 29 28 25 27 28 25 26 29
Polarization Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >25(R1//Y1,Y2//Y3,Y4)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 10×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y2)
(Dual beam)
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710 1880 2300 1710 1880 2300
698-806 806-880 880-960
-1880 -2170 -2690 -1880 -2170 -2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): 15.3 15.5 15.7 15.3 16.1 16.4 16.5 17.7 18.4
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.9 ±0.4 ±0.6 ±0.9 ±1.0 ±1.2 ±0.6 ±1.2 ±0.9
2°|15.4 2°|15.6 2°|15.8 2°|15.5 2°|16.2 2°|16.6 2°|16.6 2°|17.9 2°|18.6
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|15.3 7°|15.5 7°|15.7 7°|15.3 7°|16.1 7°|16.4 7°|16.5 7°|17.7 7°|18.4
12°|15.2 12°|15.3 12°|15.6 12°|14.8 12°|15.7 12°|15.8 12°|16.3 12°|17.5 12°|18.3
3dB Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±4.1 ±3.6 ±3.7 ±9.5 ±7.5 ±6.6 ±1.9 ±3.1 ±1.8
3dB Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.6 ±1.3 ±1.5 ±1.3 ±1.6 ±1.1 ±1.3 ±1.0 ±1.0
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 18 19 18 15 15 15 15 16 15
Front to back Total Power at 180° ±30°(dB): 26 27 28 25 26 26 25 25 27
CPR at Boresight(dB): 16 15 15 17 15 15 13 16 13
CPR at Sector(dB): 13 5 8 7 7 5 V1.1 2019/11/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 3 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1995×339×169
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2315×405×240
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 30.5/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 41
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00011, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-12°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -55~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1206/358/1408
Max. Wind velocity (km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated ,single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band)

Azimuth(Dual Beam) Elevation(Dual Beam) V1.1 2019/11/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698-960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1
Y3, Y4
1710-2690 MHz Y1 3-4 BRxxx……2Y1
1710-2690 MHz Y2 5-6 BRxxx……3Y2
1710-2690 MHz Y3 7-8 BRxxx……4Y3
1710-2690 MHz Y4 9-10 BRxxx……5Y4

Y1 Y2

R1 V1.1 2019/11/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
XXXXX Pol Panel Antenna 698-960/2×1710-2690/2×1710-2690MHz 65°/32°/32°/32°/32° 16/19/19
dBi 2°-12° Replaceable RET
Electrical Specifications
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y2) 1710-2690(Y3,Y4)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710 1880 2300 1710 1880 2300
698-806 806-880 880-960
-1880 -2170 -2690 -1880 -2170 -2690
15.5 15.7 16.0 16.3 17.8 18.5 16.0 17.5 18.1
Gain (dBi):
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal Beam Pointing (°): ±29 ±25 ±23 ±29 ±25 ±23
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 68 67 64 35 29 25 35 29 25
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 12.6 11 10 11.5 9.8 8.3 11.5 10.1 8.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression(dB) : 20 21 20 16 17 16 16 17 16
Front to Back Ratio (dB): 27 29 28 25 27 28 25 26 29
Polarization Isolation (dB): >25
Interband Isolation (dB): >25(R1//Y1, Y2//Y3,Y4)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200 200
Total Power for the Antenna (W): 1000
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 10×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specification
698-960(R1) 1710-2690(Y1,Y2) 1710-2690(Y3,Y4)
Frequency Range(MHz): 1710 1880 2300 1710 1880 2300
698-806 806-880 880-960
-1880 -2170 -2690 -1880 -2170 -2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): 15.3 15.5 15.7 15.9 17.4 17.8 15.7 17.1 17.5
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.9 ±0.4 ±0.6 ±0.5 ±1.1 ±1.2 ±0.6 ±1.2 ±0.9
2°|15.4 2°|15.6 2°|15.8 2°|16.0 2°|17.6 2°|18.1 2°|15.8 2°|17.4 2°|17.8
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|15.3 7°|15.5 7°|15.7 7°|15.91 7°|17.4 7°|17.7 7°|15.7 7°|17.2 7°|17.4
12°|15.2 12°|15.3 12°|15.6 2°|15.7 12°|16.7 12°|17.2 12°|15.4 12°|16.3 12°|16.8
3dB Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±3.0 ±3.2 ±3.6 ±2.4 ±3.8 ±2.2 ±2.7 ±4.0 ±2.1
3dB Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.0 ±0.9 ±0.9 ±1.3 ±1.2 ±0.9 ±1.8 ±1.7 ±1.5
Upper Side Lobe Suppression, Peak to 20°(dB): 18 20 18 15 16 15 15 16 15
Front to back Total Power at 180° ±30°(dB): 26 28 27 24 26 27 24 26 28
CPR at Boresight(dB): 21 24 22 13 14 11 13 14 11
CPR at Sector(dB): 12 9 7 V1.1 2019/11/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 2015×339×169
Packing Dimensions (mm): 2335×405×240
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 31/5.7
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 42
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00011, Adjustable Downtilt 0°-8°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -55~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 1221/363/1425
Max. Wind velocity (km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET Type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth (Low band) Elevation (Low band) Azimuth (Dual Beam) Elevation (Dual Beam)
Bottom View V1.1 2019/11/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Page 2 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector RET S/N
698-960 MHz R1 1-2 BRxxx……1R1
1710-2690 MHz Y1 3-4 BRxxx……2Y1
1710-2690 MHz Y2 5-6 BRxxx……3Y2
1710-2690 MHz Y3 7-8 BRxxx……4Y3
1710–2690 MHz Y4 9-10 BRxxx……5Y4 Y3/Y4

Y1/Y2 V1.1 2019/11/8 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Stadium Antennas

No. Type BR Part No. Frequency(MHz) Gain(dBi) Size mm(L*W*D) Page

1 2 Ports LPX0505F-V1 1710-2690 10/11 437×437×151 289
790-960/1710-2170 H:50/50/48
2 2 Ports GWHPX0505F-V1 10.5/9.5/9.0 1354×888×110 290
/2300-2690 V:50/48/48
3 4 Ports LLPX0505F-V2 2×1710-2690 10 798×436×110 292
4 4 Ports VVPX0505F-V1 2×3300-3800 10 600×300×110 294
5 4 Ports ★VVPX0505F-V1-C 2×3300-3800 10 600×300×110 296
6 4 Ports ★L2V2PX0505F-4P-C 2×1710-26902×3300-3800 10/10 836×862×117 298
7 8 Ports ★L2V2PX0505F-C 2×1710-26902×3300-3800 10/10 836×862×117 300
790-960/1710-2690/3300-3800/3 H:50/50/50/50
8 8 Ports ★GLVVPX0505F 11.5/11.5/9.5/9.5 1342×876×125 302
300-3800 V:50/50/50/50

790-960/1710-2690/3300-3800/3 H:50/50/50/50
9 8 Ports GLVVPX0505F-C 11.5/11.5/9.5/9.5 1342×876×125 304
300-3800 V:50/50/50/50

★ denotes the preliminary issued antenna

Product Data Sheet
X Pol Panel Stadium Antenna 1710-2690MHz 50° 11dBi 0° FET
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2170 2300-2690
Gain (dBi): 10.0±0.5 11±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >12.7 (VSWR<1.6) >12.7 (VSWR<1.6)
Polarization: ±45° ±45°
3dB()Horizontal Beamwidth (°): 53 42
20dB( )Horizontal Beamwidth (°):

87 67
3dB( )Vertical Beamwidth (°):

53 42
20dB( )Vertical Beamwidth (°):

87 67
Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 (Typ.) 16 (Typ.)
Vertical Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 (Typ.) 16 (Typ.)
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0 Fixed 0 Fixed
Front to Back Ratio at 180±300 (dB): 25 25
CPR at Boresight(dB): 18 18
Isolation Port to Port (dB): 25 25
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 100
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 2×7/16 DIN Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 437×437×151
Packing Dimensions (mm): 604×506×223
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 10.5/5.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 19
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00006 , Adjustable Downtilt 0-15°
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/ Rearside: 331/58/363
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation

Our products are compliant to the EU V1.0 2018/4/23
Directive RoHS as well as to other
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
environmentally relevant regulations.
Page 1 of 1

Product Data Sheet
XXX Pol Panel Stadium Antenna 790-960/1710-2170/2300-2690MHz 50°/50°/50° 10.5/9.5/9.0dBi 0°
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 790-960 1710-2170 2300-2690
Gain (dBi): 10.5±0.5 9.5±0.5 9.0±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
3dB( )Horizontal Beamwidth (°):

50.0 48.0 48.0
20dB( )Horizontal Beamwidth (°):

82.0 82.0 82.0
3dB()Vertical Beamwidth (°): 50.0 48.0 48.0
20dB( )Vertical Beamwidth (°):

82.0 82.0 82.0
()Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 20 20 20
( )Vertical Sidelobe Suppression (dB):

20 20 18
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0 Fixed
Front to Back Ratio at 180±300 (dB): 27 30 30
CPR at Boresight(dB): 20 20 20
Isolation Port to Port (dB): 28 28 28
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Max. Power Per Port (W): 100
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 2×7/16 DIN Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz): 790-960 1710-2170 2300-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): (dBi): 10.5 9.5 9.0
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.7 ±0.8 ±0.7
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±5.0 ±5.6 ±4.0
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±5.0 ±5.6 ±4.5
USLS beampeak to20° above beampeak(dB): 23 22 21
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 27 30 30
CPR at Boresight(dB): 19 20 22
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1354×888×110
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1512×1041×234
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 28.5/5
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 43.5
Radome Material: ASA, UV Resistant
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00003, Fixed Tilt Clamps
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:1176/182/1470
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 150 V2.0 2018/08/31

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BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
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environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation

Product Size Detail V2.0 2018/08/31

Our products are compliant to the EU
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environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Stadium Antenna 2×1710-2690MHz 50°10dBi 0°FET
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2170 2300-2690
Gain (dBi): 10.0 11
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5) >14(VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45° ±45°
3dB( ) Horizontal Beamwidth (°):

51 38
20dB( ) Horizontal Beamwidth (°):

85 63
3dB() Vertical Beamwidth (°): 53 39
20dB( ) Vertical Beamwidth (°):

86 65
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0 0
Front to Back Ratio at 180±30 (dB):
28 28
CPR at Boresight(dB): 18 18
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 100
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×7/16 DIN Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz): 1710-2170 2300-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): (dBi): 9.0 11.0
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±1.0 ±1.0
3dB Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±4.8 ±3.0
20dB Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±10.1 ±5.2
3dB Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±4.6 ±2.8
20dB Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±10.3 ±4.5
USLS beampeak to 90° above beampeak(dB): 18.5 18.1
USLS beampeak to 90° above beampeak(dB): 18.2 17.8
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 30.4 31.2
CPR at Boresight(dB): 18.3 17.6
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 798×436×110
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1110×505×235
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 12.1/6.2
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 20.6
Radome Material: ASA UV Resistant
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
BA.K.04.00048, Horizontal Adjustable Downtilt±45°
Mounting Kits (Included):
Vertical Adjustable Downtilt±45°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside: 590/57/647
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200

Our products are compliant to the EU V1.0 2020/9/22
Directive RoHS as well as to other
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
environmentally relevant regulations.
Page 1 of 2

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
1710-2690 MHz Y1 1-2
1710-2690 MHz Y2 3-4 Y2


Our products are compliant to the EU V1.0 2020/9/22
Directive RoHS as well as to other
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
environmentally relevant regulations.
Page 2 of 2

Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Stadium Antenna 3300-3800MHz 50° 10dBi 0° FET
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 3300-3800
Gain (dBi): 9.5±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
3dB()Horizontal Beamwidth (°): 45±5
20dB()Horizontal Beamwidth (°): 80±12
3dB( )Vertical Beamwidth (°):

20dB( )Vertical Beamwidth (°):

Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 (Typ.)
Vertical Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 (Typ.)
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0 Fixed
Front to Back Ratio at 180±300 (dB): 25
CPR at Boresight(dB): 18
Isolation Port to Port (dB): 25
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 100
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×7/16 DIN Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz): 3300-3800
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 9.25
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.27
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 0°|9.25
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±6
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±6
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 22.18
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 34.89
CPR at Boresight(dB): 22.21
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 600×300×110
Packing Dimensions (mm): 902×367×175
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 8/4
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 13
ASA(Pantone cool gray 5C), UV
Radome Material:
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): Horizontal adjustabie ±40°
Vertical adjustable ±25°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+60
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:176/65/220
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200

Our products are compliant to the EU V1.0 2018/9/12
Directive RoHS as well as to other
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
environmentally relevant regulations.
Page 1 of 2

Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
3300-3800MHz P1 1-2
3300-3800MHz P2 3-4


Our products are compliant to the EU V1.0 2018/9/12
Directive RoHS as well as to other
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
environmentally relevant regulations.
Page 2 of 2

Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
XX Pol Panel Stadium Antenna 3300-3800MHz 50° 10dBi 0° FET
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 3300-3800
Gain (dBi): 9.5±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
3dB()Horizontal Beamwidth (°): 45±5
20dB()Horizontal Beamwidth (°): 80±12
3dB( )Vertical Beamwidth (°):

20dB( )Vertical Beamwidth (°):

Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 (Typ.)
Vertical Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 (Typ.)
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0 Fixed
Front to Back Ratio at 180±300 (dB): 25
CPR at Boresight(dB): 18
Isolation Port to Port (dB): 25
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 100
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz): 3300-3800
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 9.25
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.27
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 0°|9.25
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±6
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±6
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 22.18
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 34.89
CPR at Boresight(dB): 22.21
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 600×300×110
Packing Dimensions (mm): 902×367×175
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 8/4
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 13
ASA(Pantone cool gray 5C), UV
Radome Material:
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): Horizontal adjustabie ±40°
Vertical adjustable ±25°

Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+60
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/Rearside:176/65/220
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200

Our products are compliant to the EU V1.0 2022/1/20
Directive RoHS as well as to other
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
environmentally relevant regulations.
Page 1 of 2

Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
3300-3800MHz P1 1-2
3300-3800MHz P2 3-4


Our products are compliant to the EU V1.0 2022/1/20
Directive RoHS as well as to other
BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
environmentally relevant regulations.
Page 2 of 2

Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Stadium Antenna 2×1710-2690/2×3300-3800MHz 50°/50° 10/10dBi 0° FET
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 3300-3800(P1,P2)
1710-2170 2300-2690
Gain (dBi): 9.5±0.5 10.5±0.5 9.5±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
3dB( )Horizontal Beamwidth (°):

53 42 48
20dB( )Horizontal Beamwidth (°):

87 67 82
3dB( )Vertical Beamwidth (°):

53 42 48
20dB( )Vertical Beamwidth (°):

87 67 82
Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 (Typ.) 16 (Typ.) 18 (Typ.)
Vertical Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 (Typ.) 16 (Typ.) 18 (Typ.)
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0 Fixed
Front to Back Ratio at 180±300 (dB): 25
CPR at Boresight(dB): 18
Isolation Port to Port (dB): 25
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 100
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 836×862×117
Packing Dimensions (mm): 984×958×246
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 25.5/2.2
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 36
Radome Material: ASA
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00009, Fixed Tilt Clamps
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/ Rearside:2169/2272/99
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation V1.0 2022/1/20 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
1710-2690 MHz Y1 1-2
1710-2690 MHz Y2 3-4 P1 P2
3300-3800 MHz P1 1-2
3300-3800 MHz P2 3-4

Y1 Y2 V1.0 2022/1/20 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Stadium Antenna 2×1710-2690/2×3300-3800MHz 50°/50° 10/10dBi 0° FET
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 3300-3800(P1,P2)
1710-2170 2300-2690
Gain (dBi): 9.5±0.5 10.5±0.5 9.5±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
3dB( )Horizontal Beamwidth (°):

53 42 48
20dB( )Horizontal Beamwidth (°):

87 67 82
3dB( )Vertical Beamwidth (°):

53 42 48
20dB( )Vertical Beamwidth (°):

87 67 82
Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 (Typ.) 16 (Typ.) 18 (Typ.)
Vertical Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 18 (Typ.) 16 (Typ.) 18 (Typ.)
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0 Fixed
Front to Back Ratio at 180±300 (dB): 25
CPR at Boresight(dB): 18
Isolation Port to Port (dB): 25
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 100
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 836×862×117
Packing Dimensions (mm): 944×970×240
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 25.5/5
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 36
Radome Material: ASA
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00059, Fixed Tilt Clamps
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/ Rearside:927/54/984
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation V1.0 2022/10/12 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
1710-2690 MHz Y1 1-2
1710-2690 MHz Y2 3-4 P1 P2
3300-3800 MHz P1 5-6
3300-3800 MHz P2 7-8

Y1 Y2 V1.0 2022/10/12 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Stadium Antenna 790-960/1710-2690/3300-3800/3300-3800MHz 50°/50°/50°/50°
11.5/11.5/9.5/9.5dBi 0° FET
Electrical Specifications
1710-2690(Y1) 2×3300-3800(P1,P2)
Frequency Range (MHz): 790-960(R1)
1710-2170 2300-2690 3300-3800
Gain (dBi): 11.5±0.9 10.5±0.7 11.5±0.7 10.5±0.6
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
3dB( ) Horizontal Beamwidth (°):

51 52 39 48
20dB() Horizontal Beamwidth (°): 84 86 69 80
3dB( ) Vertical Beamwidth (°):

50 52 39 48
20dB() Vertical Beamwidth (°): 84 86 69 80
( ) Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression (dB):

20 18 18 17
() Vertical Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 20 18 16 17
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0 Fixed
Front to Back Ratio at 180±300 (dB): 28 30 30 30
CPR at Boresight(dB): 20 20 20 18
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Max. Power Per Port (W): 100
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 8×7/16 DIN Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1342×876×125
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1470×1025×250
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 31.5/5
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 43
Radome Material: ASA, UV Resistant
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00003, Fixed Tilt Clamps
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/ Rearside: 1557/100/1638
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 150 V1.0 2022/3/29

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BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
Directive RoHS as well as to other
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environmentally relevant regulations.
Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
790–960MHz R1 1-2
P2 P1 Y1
1710–2690MHz Y1 3-4
3300–3800MHz P1 5-6
3300–3800MHz P2 7-8

R1 V1.0 2022/3/29

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BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
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environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
XXXX Pol Panel Stadium Antenna 790-960/1710-2690/3300-3800/3300-3800MHz 50°/50°/50°/50°
11.5/11.5/9.5/9.5dBi 0° FET
Electrical Specifications
1710-2690(Y1) 2×3300-3800(P1,P2)
Frequency Range (MHz): 790-960(R1)
1710-2170 2300-2690 3300-3800
Gain (dBi): 11.5±0.9 10.5±0.7 11.5±0.7 10.5±0.6
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
3dB( ) Horizontal Beamwidth (°):

51 52 39 48
20dB() Horizontal Beamwidth (°): 84 86 69 80
3dB( ) Vertical Beamwidth (°):

50 52 39 48
20dB() Vertical Beamwidth (°): 84 86 69 80
( ) Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression (dB):

20 18 18 17
() Vertical Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 20 18 16 17
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0 Fixed
Front to Back Ratio at 180±300 (dB): 28 30 30 30
CPR at Boresight(dB): 20 20 20 18
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Max. Power Per Port (W): 100
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 8×4.3-10 Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
1710-2690(Y1) 2×3300-3800(P1,P2)
Frequency Range(MHz): 790-960(R1)
1710-2170 2300-2690 3300-3800
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts(dBi): (dBi): 11 10.1 11.5 9.8
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.9 ±0.7 ±0.7 ±0.6
3dB Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±6 ±6 ±4 ±6
3dB Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±6 ±6 ±4 ±6
20dB Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±10 ±11 ±10 ±10
20dB Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±11 ±11 ±10 ±10
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB) 23 28 28 28
CPR at Boresight(dB): 20 18 18 14 V1.0 2022/3/29

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BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
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environmentally relevant regulations.
Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 1342×876×125
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1470×1025×250
Antenna Net Weight/Bracket (kg): 31.5/5
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 43
Radome Material: ASA, UV Resistant
Pipe OD (mm): 70-114
Mounting Kits (Included): BA.K.04.00003, Fixed Tilt Clamps
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): Frontal/Lateral/ Rearside: 1557/100/1638
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 150

Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Connector
790–960MHz R1 1-2
P2 P1 Y1
1710–2690MHz Y1 3-4
3300–3800MHz P1 5-6
3300–3800MHz P2 7-8

R1 V1.0 2022/3/29

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BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice.
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environmentally relevant regulations.
Multi-sector Tube Antennas

No. Type BR Part No. Descriptions HBW(deg) Gain(dBi) E-Tilt Page

1 12 Ports L2L2L2OX305R-E2-V1-C 6×1710-2690 65 14.5 2-12° RET Φ160×1695 307

2 18 Ports 3UL2OX305.10P3-C 3×698-960/6×1710-2690 65/65 14/17.5 0-10°/0-10° RET Φ450×1360 310

3 24 Ports 3L4OX305R2-E2-Q 3×4×1710-2690 65 14.5 2-12° RET Φ350×1395 312

4 3×(8+1) Ports ★3S-VOX0410PB-2Q-V1 3×3300-3800 90 15 2-12° RET Φ330×1195 315

5 12 Ports 3V2OX305R-2Q 3×2×3300-3800 65 14 2-12° RET Φ160×1250 317

★ denotes the preliminary issued antenna

Product Data Sheet
XXXXXX Pol Tube Antenna 6×1710-2690MHz 65°14.5dBi 2°-12° RET
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Top 13.4±0.5 13.8±0.5 14.0±0.5
Gain (dBi):
Bottom 13.5±0.5 14.0±0.5 14.3±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 68 65 68
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 16 13 12
2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable,
Electrical Downtilt (°):
Two Systems per Sector Controlled by the Same Motor.
RET Type: RET Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): >22 >23 >23
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): >15 >15 >15
Cross Polar Ratio ±60° (dB): >8 >8 >8
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 12×4.3-10Female
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 13.9 14.1 14.3
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.45 ±0.59 ±0.56
2°|13.7 2°|14.1 2°|14.5
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|13.3 7°|14.0 7°|14.3
12°|13.2 12°|13.8 12°|14.1
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±5.16 ±4.30 ±4.43
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): ±1.32 ±0.61 ±1.05
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 15.81 17.65 17.72
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 29.84 28.55 29.12
CPR at Boresight(dB): 22.17 25.03 20.81
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): Φ160(Diameter)×1680(Length)
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1835(Length)×265(Width)×270(Height)
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 18
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 21
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Mounting Kits (Included): Flange Mounted
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): 228
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200 V1.1 2021/7/6 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET Type: Integrated RET
RET Protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated , single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 8 pin male & female
AISG Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View

view of all layers V1.1 2021/7/6 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet

Bottom layer Top layer

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Sector Connector RET S/N
1710–2690 MHz Y1/Y2 1 1-2/3-4 BRxxx…….Y1Y2
1710–2690 MHz Y3/Y4 2 5-6/7-8 BRxxx…….Y3Y4 Y2 Y4 Y6
1710–2690 MHz Y5/Y6 3 9-10/11-12 BRxxx…….Y5Y6

Y1 Y3 Y5 V1.1 2021/7/6 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Preliminary specifications
Product Data Sheet
3XXX Pol Tube Antenna 3×698-960/6×1710-2690MHz 65°/65° 14/17.5dBi 0°-10°/0°-10° Replaceable

Electrical Specifications
3×698-960(R1) 6×1710-2690 (Y1,Y2)
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710 1920 2200 2490
698-803 790-862 824-894 880-960
-1990 -2200 -2490 -2690
Gain (dBi), 13.0±0.5 13.3±0.5 13.6±0.5 14.0±0.5 16.0±0.5 16.2±0.5 17.0±0.5 17.2±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 73 69 68 71 68 63 60 58
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°), 17.0 15.5 14.7 13.5 7.5 6.8 6.0 5.5
Electrical Downtilt (°): 0-10 0-10
RET Type: RET Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio 180±300(dB): 23 24 25 25 25 25 25 25
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Intraband Isolation (dB): 26 26
Interband Isolation (dB): 28
Max. Power Per Port (W): 250 200
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 18×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): Φ450(Diameter)×1360(Length, mounting base excluded )
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1810(Length)×580(Width)×700(Height)
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 84
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 125
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Mounting Kits (Included): Flange Mounted
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): 573
Max.Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET Type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG 2.0 /3 GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC

< 5 (motor activated , single RET)

Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)

Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female per sector
Pin assignment according AISG: 8 pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode) V1.0 2022/6/2 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Preliminary specifications
Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band) V1.0 2022/6/2 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
3XXXX Pol Tube Antenna 3×4×1710-2690MHz 65°14.5dBi 2°-12° RET
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Top 13.2±0.5 13.7±0.5 14.0±0.5
Gain (dBi):
Bottom 13.4±0.5 14.0±0.5 14.4±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth(°): 68±6 65±6 60±6
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 16 13 12
2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable
Electrical Downtilt (°):
Two Systems in one Sector Controlled by the Same Motor
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): >23
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): >15
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Max. Power Per Port (W): 150
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-145 (2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 6×MQ4
BASTA Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range(MHz):
1710-2170 2300-2490 2490-2690
Average Gain by all Beam Tilts (dBi): 13.25 13.94 14.17
Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance(dB): ±0.44 ±0.27 ±0.36
2°|13.4 2°|14.0 2°|14.3
Average Gain by Beam Tilt (dBi): 7°|13.2 7°|13.9 7°|14.2
12°|12.9 12°|13.8 12°|14.0
Horizontal Beamwidth Tolerance(°): 0°|16.70
±5.23 ±3.55 ±4.06
Vertical Beamwidth Tolerance(°): 5°|16.52
±1.40 ±0.77 ±0.60
USLS beampeak to 20° above beampeak(dB): 15.23 10°|16.2 15.55 15.18
Front to back Total Power at 180° ± 30°(dB): 3
22.98 26.1 27.0
CPR at Boresight(dB): 16.12 16.96 15.11
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): Φ350(Diameter)×1395 (Length, mounting base excluded )
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1835(Length)×465(Width)×590(Height)
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 48.5
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 81
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Mounting Kits (Included): Flange Mounted
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): 498
Max. Wind velocity (km/h): 200 V1.1 2019/12/19 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
Page 1 of 3 environmentally relevant regulations.

Product Data Sheet
Internal RET Specifications
RET Type: Integrated RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltagerange(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated ,single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)

Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 2 pair of AISG 8 pin male & female per sector
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View V1.1 2019/12/19 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Product Data Sheet
Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Sector MQ4 Connector RET S/N
1710–2690MHz Y1/Y2 1 1 BRxxx…….Y1Y2
1710–2690MHz Y3/Y4 1 2 BRxxx…….Y3Y4
1710–2690MHz Y5/Y6 2 3 BRxxx…….Y5Y6
1710–2690MHz Y7/Y8 2 4 BRxxx…….Y7Y8
1710–2690MHz Y9/Y10 3 5 BRxxx…….Y9Y10
1710–2690MHz Y11/Y12 3 6 BRxxx…….Y11Y12

Y2 Y4 Y6 Y8 Y10 Y12

Y1 Y3 Y5 Y7 Y9 Y11

Sector1 Sector2 Sector3 V1.1 2019/12/19 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
3X Pol Tube TD Antenna 3×3300-3800MHz 90°15dBi 2-12° Replaceable RET Built-in Bias-T
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 3300-3800
Polarization: ±45
General Electrical Downtilt (°): 2-12
parameters Electrical Downtilt Accuracy(°): ±1.5
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 3x1xMQ5,3x1xMQ4
Coupling Factor Between Calibration Port And Each -26±2
Max Amp (dB): ≤1.2
Calibration and Phase Deviation (°): ≤12
electrical VSWR: ≤1.5
parameters Average Power Per Port (W): ≥80
Co-polarization isolation between ports (dB) : ≥19.5
Cross-polarization isolation between ports (dB) : ≥23

Electrical Specifications
Frequency range (MHz): 3300-3800
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 90±15
Vertical 3dB beamwidth (°): ≥6.0
Gain (dBi): ≥14.6
Single Column Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): ≥16
Cross Polar Ratio ±60° (dB): ≥8
Front to Back Ratio (dB): ≥21
First upper Side lobe suppression ≥14
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 65±10
Gain(dB): 16.5±0.5
Beam ±60° Edge Power Decrease 12±6
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): ≥6.0
parameters Broadcast Beam
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): ≥15
Cross Polar Ratio ±60° (dB): ≥8
Front to Back Ratio (dB): ≥25
First upper Side lobe suppression ≥15
Gain (dBi): ≥19.8
Service Beam @ Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 23±3
0deg Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): ≥17
Front to Back Ratio (dB): ≥25
Gain (dBi): ≥17.8
Service Beam@
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 28±3
Horizontal Sidelobe Level(dB): ≤-5 V1.0 2021/10/12 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
Mechanical Data
Φ330(Diameter)×1195(Length, mounting base
Antenna Dimensions (mm):
excluded )
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1395×485×480
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 38.5
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 46.5
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Mounting Kits (Included): Flange Mounted
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): 457
Max. Wind velocity(km/h) : 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Replaceable RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated, single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by, single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 5 pin male & female
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode)

RAE Properties
RAE type Integrated RAE, manages antenna information
RAE protocols AISG-ES-RAE V2.1.0
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
\Typical Patterns

Single Column Service Beam @0deg Service Beam @60deg Elevation

Correlation Table
Frequency Range Array Sector Connector
3300-3800MHz P1 S1 1-8
3300-3800MHz P1 S2 1-8 S2p1 S3p1
3300-3800MHz P1 S3 1-8 V1.0 2021/10/12 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
3XX Pol Tube Antenna 3×2×3300-3800MHz 65°14dBi 2-12° RET
Electrical Specifications
3300-3800 (P1,P2,P3, P4,P5,P6)
Frequency Range (MHz):
3300-3400 3500-3600 3700-3800
Bottom 13.6±0.5 13.8±0.5 14.0±0.5
Gain (dBi):
Top 13.2±0.5 13.4±0.5 13.6±0.5
Return Loss (dB): >14 (VSWR<1.5)
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 66 63 60
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 13.5 13.0 12.5
2-12 Independently Continuously Adjustable,
Electrical Downtilt (°):
Two Systems per Sector Controlled by the Same Motor.
RETType: RET Cascade SRET, AISG 2.0, Upgradeable
1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression (dB): 15 15 15
Front to Back Ratio (dB): >23 >23 >23
Cross Polar Ratio 0° (dB): >15 >15 >15
Isolation Port to Port (dB): >25
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 150
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 3×MQ4 Male
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): Φ160(Diameter)×1250(Length)
Packing Dimensions (mm): 1395(Length)×265(Width)×270(Height)
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 13
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 16
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Mounting Kits (Included): Flange Mounted
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+70
Wind Load @150 km/h (N): 135
Max. Wind velocity(km/h): 200
Internal RET Specifications
RET type: Integrated RET
RET protocol: AISG2.0 /3GPP
Input voltage range(V): 10-30 DC
< 5 (motor activated ,single RET)
Power consumption(W):
< 1 (stand by,single RET), < 1.5 (stand by, 12V)
Adjustment time (full range) (s): < 120 (typically, depending on antenna type)
RET connector: 1 pair of AISG 8 pin male & female per sector
Pin assignment according AISG: 8pin circular connector conforming to IEC 60130-9 - Ed. 3.0
Lightning protection (kA): 5 (8/20 μs Differential mode), 8 (8/20 μs Common mode) V1.0 2022/12/2 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Preliminary Specifications
Product Data Sheet
Typical Patterns

Azimuth Elevation
Bottom View

Correlation Table
Frequency range Array Sector Connector
3300–3800 MHz P1/P2 1 MQ4-1
3300–3800 MHz P3/P4 2 MQ4-2 P2 P4 P6
3300–3800 MHz P5/P6 3 MQ4-3

P1 P3 P5

Sector1 Sector2 Sector3 V1.0 2022/12/2 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Omni Antennas

No. Type BR Part No. Descriptions HBW(deg) Gain(dBi) E-Tilt Size mm(L*W*D) Page

1 1 Ports WNA006F0-C 1710-2170 360 6.5 0° FET Φ52×500 319

★ denotes the preliminary issued antenna

Product Data Sheet
Omni Directional Antenna 1710-2170MHz 360° 6.5dBi
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2170
Gain (dBi): 6.5±1
VSWR: <1.8
Polarization: Verical
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 360
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 25
Electrical Downtilt(°): 0 Fixed
Power Rating (W): 100
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): Φ52×500
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 3
Radome Material: Fiberglass
Mounting Pole(mm): Φ38~φ60
Environmental Ratings
Rated Wind Velocity(m/s): 36.9
Temperature (℃): -40~+60 V2.0 2022/8/3 Our products are compliant to the EU

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IBS Antennas

No. Type Port No. BR Part No. Frequency(MHz) Size mm(L*W*D) Page

1 Ceiling Mount Antenna 1 Ports ULNA001F0-1P-V2-C-DA 698-960/1710-2690 2/4 Φ200×130 323

2 Ceiling Mount Antenna 2 Ports ULNT001F0-2P-V2-C-DA 698-960/1710-2690 3/4.5 Φ215×47 324

3 Wall Mount Antenna 1 Ports ULPA301F0-1P-V2-C-DA 698-960/1710-2690 6.5/9 168×158×50 325

4 Wall Mount Antenna 2 Ports ULPX301F0-2P-V2-C-DA 698-960/1710-2690 7/9 315×195×68 326

5 Log Periodic Antenna 1 Ports ULDA401F0-1P-V2-C-DA 698-960/1710-2690 8/9 294×210×65 327

6 Ceiling Mount Antenna 1 Ports JLVNA001F0-1P-C-DA 617-960/1710-2700/3300-3800 2/5/5.5 Φ186×86 328

7 Ceiling Mount Antenna 1 Ports JLVNA001F0-1P-C-DAF 617-960/1710-2700/3300-3800 2.5/4.5/4 Φ190×7.3 329

8 Ceiling Mount Antenna 2 Ports JLVNT001F0-2P-C-DA 617-960/1710-2700/3300-3800 3.5/4.5/5 Φ215×47 330

9 Wall Mount Antenna 1 Ports JLVPA301F0-1P-C-DA 617-960/1710-2700/3300-3800 6.5/8/7 180×158×60 331

10 Wall Mount Antenna 2 Ports JLVPT301F0-2P-C-DA 617-960/1710-2700/3300-3800 5.5/8.5/7 315×195×68 332

11 Ceiling Mount Antenna 4 Ports ULVNT001F0-4P-C-E 698-960/1710-2690/3300-3800 3.5/4/4.5 Φ320×50 333

12 Wall Mount Antenna 4 Ports ULVPT301F0-4P-C-E 698-960/1710-2690/3300-3800 5.5/8.5/7 385×315×68 334

★ denotes the preliminary issued antenna

Product Data Sheet
Ceiling Antenna 698-960/1710-2700MHz 360° 2/4dBi
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 698-960 1710-2700
Gain (dBi): 2.0 4.0
VSWR: <1.8 <1.5
Polarization: Vertical
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 360
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 90 55
Power Rating (W): 50
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Connector Type: 4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): Φ200×130
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 0.27
Radome Material: ABS (UV Stabilized)
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+65

Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low band) Elevation(Low band) Azimuth(High band) Elevation(High band) V1.2 2021/2/23 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
MIMO Ceiling Antenna 698-960/1710-2700MHz 360° 3/4.5dBi
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 698-960 1710-2700
Gain (dBi): 3.0 4.5
VSWR: <1.8 <1.7
Polarization: Linear H-V for each Radiator
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 360
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 90 46
Isolation(dB): 19 23
Power Rating (W): 50
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Connector Type: 2×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): Φ215×47
Packing Dimensions (mm): 219×219×131
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 0.6
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 0.62
Radome Material: ABS (UV Stabilized)
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+65
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band) V1.2 2021/4/16 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Wall Mount Antenna 698-960/1710-2700MHz 65° 6.5/9dBi
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 698-960 1710-2700
Gain (dBi): 6.5 9
VSWR: <1.8 <1.5
Polarization: Vertical
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 90 65
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 73 55
Front to Back Ratio(dB): 11 13
Power Rating (W): 50
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Connector Type: 4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 168×158×50
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 0.4
Radome Material: ABS (UV Stabilized)
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+65

Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band) V1.1 2022/2/22 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
MIMO Wall Mount Antenna 698-960/1710-2700MHz 65° 7/9dBi
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 698-806 806-960 1710-2170 2170-2700
Gain (dBi): 6.5 7.0 8.5 9.0
VSWR: <1.8 <1.7
Polarization: ±45°
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 78 73 65 60
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 70 62 58 55
Isolation(dB): >20 >23
Power Rating (W): 50
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Connector Type: 2×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 315×195×68
Packing Dimensions (mm): 395×240×75
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 0.8
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 0.85
Radome Material: ABS (UV Stabilized)
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+65
Typical Patterns

Azimuth(Low Band) Elevation(Low Band) Azimuth(High Band) Elevation(High Band) V1.2 2021/4/16 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
VV Pol Log periodic Antenna 698-960/1710-2700MHz 90° 8/9dBi
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 698-960 1710-2700
Gain (dBi): 8 9
VSWR: <2.0 <1.5
Polarization: Vertical
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 90
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 60
Front to Back Ratio(dB): 15
Power Rating (W): 50
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Connector Type: 4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 294×210×65
Packing Dimensions (mm): 335×220×75
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 0.9
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 0.95
Radome Material: ABS (UV Stabilized)
Mounting Pole (mm): 38-52
Environmental Ratings
Humidity: 95%RH@+30℃
Temperature (℃): -40~+65 V1.1 2021/4/16 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Indoor Omni Antenna 617-960/1710-2700/3300-3800MHz 2/5/5.5dBi
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2700 3300-3800
617-806 806-960
Gain (dBi): 2.0±0.5 2.0±0.5 5±1 5.5±1
VSWR: <2.0 <1.8 <1.5 <1.5
Polarization: V
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 360
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 50
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 1×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): Φ186(Diameter)×86(Length)
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 0.3
Radome Material: ABS V1.0 2020/8/18 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Indoor Flat Omni Antenna 617-960/1710-2700/3300-3800MHz 2.5/4.5/4dBi
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 617-960 1710-2700 3300-3800
Gain (dBi): 2.5±1 4.5±1 4±1
VSWR: <2.0 <1.8 <1.8
Polarization: H
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 360
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 50
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 1×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): Φ190(Diameter)×7.3(Length)
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 0.3
Radome Material: ABS V1.0 2020/8/18 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Indoor MIMO Omni Antenna 617-960/1710-2700/3300-3800MHz 3.5/4.5/5dBi
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2700 3300-3800
617-806 806-960
Gain (dBi): 2.5±0.5 3.5±0.5 4.5±1 5±1
VSWR: <2.0 <1.8 <1.8 <1.8
Polarization: Linear×2
Isolation (dB): >19 >23
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 360
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Max. Power Per Port (W): 50
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 2×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): Φ215(Diameter)×47(Length)
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 0.5
Radome Material: ABS V1.0 2020/8/18 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
V Pol Indoor Wall Mount Antenna 617-960/1710-2700/3300-3800MHz 90°/65°/50° 6.5/8/7dBi
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 1710-2700 3300-3800
617-806 806-960
Gain (dBi): 5.5±0.5 6.5±0.5 8±0.5 7±0.5
VSWR: <2.0 <1.8 <1.8 <1.8
Polarization: V
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 100±15 85±15 65±15 50±15
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 90±10 82±10 60±10 45±10
Front to Back Ratio (dB): >9 >10 >15 >11
Power Rating (W): 50
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Connector Type: 1×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 180×158×60
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 0.4
Radome Material: ABS V1.0 2020/8/18 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
VH Pol Indoor MIMO Wall Mount Antenna 617-960/1710-2700/3300-3800MHz 90°/65°/45°
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 617-960 1710-2700 3300-3800
Gain (dBi): 5.5±1 8.5±1 7±1
VSWR: <2.0 <1.8 <2.0
Polarization: VH
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 90 65 45
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 78 60 38
Isolation (dB): >12 >20 >24
Front to Back Ratio (dB): >7 >13 >10
Power Rating (W): 50
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Connector Type: 2×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 315×195×68
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 0.7
Radome Material: ABS V1.0 2020/8/18 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Indoor Omni MIMO Antenna 698-960/1710-2690/3300-3800MHz 3.5/4/4.5dBi
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 698-960 1710-2690 3300-3800
Gain (dBi): 3.5±1 4±1 4.5±1
VSWR: <2.0
Polarization: Linear×4
Horizontal 3dB beamwidth (°): 360
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150 (2×43dBm)
Isolation (dB): >15 >20 >22
Max. Power Per Port (W): 50
Impedance (ohm): 50
Lightning Protection: DC Grounded
Connector Type: 4×4.3-10 Female

Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): Φ320(Diameter)×50(Length)
Antenna Net Weight (kg): 1.0
Radome Material: ABS V1.0 2021/4/26 Our products are compliant to the EU

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Product Data Sheet
Indoor Wall Mount MIMO Antenna 698-960/1710-2690/3300-3800MHz 5.5/8.5/7dBi
Electrical Specifications
Frequency Range (MHz): 698-960 1710-2690 3300-3800
Gain (dBi): 5.5±1 8.5±1 7±1
VSWR: <2.0
Polarization: V+H
Horizontal 3dB Beamwidth (°): 130-85 95-58 65-33
Vertical 3dB Beamwidth (°): 108-78 83-45 90-25
Isolation (dB): >12 >20 >24
Power Rating (W): 50
Intermodulation IM3 (dBc): <-150(2×43 dBm)
Impedance (ohm): 50
Connector Type: 4×4.3-10 Female
Mechanical Data
Antenna Dimensions (mm): 385×315×68
Antenna Gross Weight (kg): 1.5
Radome Material: ABS V1.0 2021/4/26 Our products are compliant to the EU

BROADRADIO is continually improving products. Specifications may change at any time without notice. Directive RoHS as well as to other
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