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1- Where did the story take place?

In England, after the 1 st world war.
2- Mention at least 3 characters from the story and their role in it.
Hester, Paul’s mother, Paul, Paul’s father, 2 sisters (Joan and one unnamed)
3- What was Hester’s relationship with her husband and children like?
She didn’t love them but pretended she did
4- What did the children realize?
She didn’t love them, just by the way she looked at them
5- What was their social status? What was their main issue?
They used to belong to the high class, they lived in an elegant house, have a
few servants but they didn’t have enough money to support their elegant
6- What conversation did Paul have with his mother one day? What was her
theory? Who was the lucky one in the family?
He asked why they didn’t own a car. She told him about the role of LUCK to
achieve success. Theory: “It’s better to be born lucky to be rich”
Oscar, her brother, was lucky.
7- What did he receive one Xmas eve? What did he feel all over the house?
A rocking horse. He felt the house, the walls, the toys whispered “There must
be more money”
8- How did Paul consider himself? What did he do to get it?
He considered himself lucky. He rode the rocking horse wildly hitting its head
with uncle Oscar’s lash. The horse took him where luck was.
9- What were the babysitter an his sister’s reactions when they saw him doing
The woman said the horse might break down; his sister wished he would stop.
10- Once, while Paul was doing this, his uncle asked him what the name of the
horse was.
He said the names changed from time to time. It was named after the winning
horse at different races.
11- Who kept Paul up to date with this information? Why?
Basset, the family gardener (who was in the war). He loved horse riding and
placed bets on them.
12- Every time he “got there”, he recommended sth to Basset. Explain.
When he reached where luck was, he saw the winning horse.
13- How did Paul start betting? What was the role of Oscar here? How did they
manage with the money?
First, Basset gave him 5 shillings. Then Oscar gave him 10 shillings.
14- When did Paul and Basset lose? How did they manage with the bets?
What was the role of Oscar here?
They lost when he wasn’t sure about the horse. Basset kept the money
Paul always kept 20 pounds of the profit, in case he lost. Paul became part
of the group.
15- What did his mother tell him about the rocking horse?
He was getting too old to ride it.
16- Hester’s birthday was coming soon? What was Paul’s idea to change his
mum’s mood?
He asked Oscar to tell his lawyer to send her 1,000 pounds for 5 years
pretending it was a present from a distant relative.
17- Meanwhile, what did Hester do to make some money?
She drew sketches for a friend artist who sold them to a newspaper. It was
her the lucky one. Hester was disappointed.
18- What was Hester’s reaction when she got THE LETTER?
She didn’t look happy at all.
19- What was the consequence of this? What was disappointing for Paul?
She asked the lawyer to have the whole sum of money. The house looked
prettier; Paul had a tutor, he was enrolled to go to Eton , a prestigious high
Paul felt miserable because the house’s whispers didn’t cease.
20- What did Hester suggest Paul doing before going to school? Why?
Going to the seaside because he was very nervous. He could relax there.
21- Two days before the Derby, where did Hester go? What happened to her?
What happened when she returned home?
She went to a party, she felt there was sth wrong with the child. At home she
heard a noise coming from Paul’s room. He was riding wildly while saying a
name. Then he fell down unconscious.
22- How did the story finish? What was the uncle’s last comment?
Paul won the bet but he died. Oscar said it was better to leave that life
in which he was ridding his rocking horse to find a winner.

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