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Notice TAO Support Desk- Notice of Winter Holidays

! Standardized Tests *

English Language Quali.cations

* Required

Check this box if you are qualiJed to be exempted from

the English proJciency test.

 Request for English test exemption

Exemption(s) *

I have completed the last three years of my for…××

Check the following points and make sure that all

requirements are met before uploading your
waiver letter.

◆The letter is from a teacher who taught you as

part of your formal education within the last three
years and who can evaluate your English language

◆The letter includes the following.

=. Your teacher’s signature @. An appraisal of your

English language skills B. A description of what
language your school curriculum was (or is)
taught in E. A description of how long you
attended that school / institution G. Your school’s
letterhead (if available)

Please check this box if you have conJrmed that your

waiver letter contains all necessary information. *

 I con6rm that my waiver letter meets all


A letter from one of your school teachers *

Drag and drop a 6le here or click to browse

Only Eles with the extension of .pdf can be uploaded. Files need
to be no larger than ?@MB.

University entrance tests and

other standardized tests * Required

Are you currently a university student majoring in a

STEM subject (or a graduate student of such a
program)? *

Yes No

University entrance tests and

other standardized tests * Required

Please list all standardized tests you have taken

along with any test details.

Select the standardized tests you have taken or

will take. If you cannot Jnd your tests here, select
"Other" and indicate the name of the test. If you
have no such standardized tests in your region,
select the appropriate option.

Test Name *

Have you already taken the test? *

Yes, I have already taken the test and received

my score.
Yes, I have already taken the test but not
received my score yet.
No, I haven't yet taken the test.

List all subjects you have taken or will take in your

standardized test. Indicate scores if you have
already received a score report.

Subjects, Levels and Scores *

Example: IB Mathematics HL/Q

Should be ?@@ characters or Length of characters : @ / ?@@


+ Add University entrance tests and other standardized tests

Academic Distinctions

Please list any academic or educational awards /

distinctions you received since the 9th grade.
Please click "+ Add Academic Distinctions" below
to add another distinction.

Academic or educational award / distinction

(e.g., ?@AB National Merit / Golden Award)

Should be ?@@ characters or Length of characters : @ / ?@@



Drag and drop a 6le here or click to browse

Please upload the certiEcate related to the award / distinction

you have indicated above. If not in English, a certiEed English
translation is required in order to be considered by KUAS.
Only Eles with the extension of .pdf can be uploaded. Files need
to be no larger than ?@MB.

+ Add Academic Distinctions

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