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Revisão de inglês – Reforço Escolar da Tia Jerlane B. Her grandmother was bilingual.

She ______________speak both

English and Spanish.
Student: _____________________________________________________________ C. Yesterday, Peter ______________do that exercise alone. So, he
Teacher: Thais Alves called me for help.
D- In 1950, people ______________use mobile phones.
1. Sobre o uso do verbo CAN, marque a frase onde ele está E- When his mother was young, she ______________skate but she
can't do it any longer.
empregado em sua forma AFIRMATIVA.
F- We _______________open the door. It was locked from the
a) Can birds fly? G- In 1900, people _______________ watch TV.
b) Can bears walk? H- Mary's grandfather ______________ play chess and he was the
c) I can not go anymore. best!
d) I can be a better person. I- In 1945, people _______________ play video games.
J- My grandmother ______________ cook a delicious dinner really
2. Indique a frase em que o verbo CAN é utilizado em sua

a) She can swim. 5. Organize a lista de atividades mencionadas abaixo de acordo

b) They can speak French. com a fase da vida para a qual elas são mais adequadas.
c) I can't play the guitar.
d) He can dance beautifully.
Buy toys / do a magic trick / drive / go on a trip / have a job /
3. O verbo CAN também pode ser utilizado para pedir permissões,
keep the room neat and in order / play make believe / play
já que ele expressa uma ideia de conseguir ou poder. Analise as catch / play stop / stay up late / watch TV at night/
frases abaixo e marque a frase onde esse verbo está sendo Ride a bike round the neighborhood.
utilizado na sua forma INTERROGATIVA:
Kids: Teenagers: Adults:
a) He can’t swim? __________________ __________________ __________________
b) Can crocodiles play tennis? __________________ __________________ __________________
c) I can not go anymore? __________________ __________________ __________________
d) I can go through? __________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________
4. Escolha a forma correta do verbo modal – Could ou Couldn’t. __________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________
A. When I was young, I _____________ play the guitar. It was too
difficult for me!

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