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The 4 Disciplines of Execution®

Your answers
Name: Kayla Thomas
Date created: 06/16/2024

Consider the following questions:

What are your key take-aways from the video Wildly Important Goals? Why are these areas for execution
called disciplines?

The Wildly Important Goals concept is similar to the Importance of Being Selective concept in that it
centers on the idea that the organization must concentrate on the one or two priorities that are most
important for success. Unlike using a scorecard’s approach of spreading resources in a matrix-like
fashion across several objectives, WIGs focused on the right few objectives with the most significant
strategic significance.

One essence of WIGs is that you must continually check and review your progress. Working towards
goals also involves identifying and setting up lead and lag measures by the teams for every WIG and
evaluating the same on a weekly basis. This leads to fast identification of problems or the chances
that require a change of strategy. The WIGs are also shared and geared on a noticeable, encouraging
‘board’ that everyone should be able to view to ensure that they remain on track and make necessary
changes where necessary.

The areas of execution within the WIGs framework should be called disciplines because of how they
are executed. These targets must be applied definitively and perpetually in standard patterns of
conduct and essential tools. Several initiatives, such as establishing purposeful measures, keeping
an engaging scoreboard, and cultivating accountability, are not one-time movements but entirely
metaphorical skills that must be immersed in the organizational DNA.

These disciplines require hard work and constant repetition, improvement, and even renewal as
situations change. They are a far cry from just being processes and a long way from not being
processes that are owned by the entire organization and run like an army operation.

If applicants are cast as ‘disciplines,’ it underscores how delivering on strategic priorities demands
more than public proclamations instead, organizations must build the capacities, routines, and
approaches that enable sustained, high-quality performance. This rather strict procedure helps align
the strategies set on paper with actual work on the field.

When an organization uses WIG and focuses on developing the right disciplines to produce agreed-
upon Wildly Important Goals, organizational improvement on what really matters can take place at its

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