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The product is a local waffle or hotcake, such have a twist which the flavor is chocolate,
typically enjoyed as a breakfast or snack item. These waffles/hotcakes can be
customized with various toppings like fruits, syrups, whipped cream, and nuts, making
them appealing to a wide range of customers. Primarily targeting young adults (18-35
years) and families with children that have a sufficient money to bought the product.
Both male and female being a customer and they feel a super saturated taste when
they bought and taste the product. Middle to upper-middle class, as these consumers
are more likely to spend on specialty foods usually they have sufficient and enough
income to bought the affordable sweet d delight hotcake/waffle. Either student or the
employees ESSU MAIN or resident near the ESSU the primary customer of the product.
Regions with varied climates, but with a focus on areas that have a cultural inclination
towards enjoying waffles/hotcakes as part of their cuisine. Busy professionals, students,
and health-conscious individuals who appreciate convenient yet delicious food options.
Food enthusiasts, people interested in trendy and Instagrammable food items, health
and fitness buffs who may prefer healthier versions. Frequent café-goers, people who
enjoy trying new food items, and those who seek quick breakfast or snack options some
aspect that being have of the product and also the business. Potential to develop strong
loyalty through consistent quality and unique offerings. The available market consists of
urban and suburban populations with disposable income to spend on premium food
items. Assume that our product is affordable to all that being cost of Php 10 and 10% of
the target population would be potential buyers. Assume each customer buys a
waffle/hotcake twice a week due that they experience the delicious taste. Unique flavors
and toppings, healthier options like gluten, or protein-enriched waffles. Seasonal
specials and limited-edition flavors. Use social media campaigns, influencer marketing,
and sampling at local events. Scale back to the most profitable locations and streamline
product lines. Engage in community events, sponsor local school activities. This
structured plan covers the necessary components for targeting markets and developing
marketing strategies, ensuring a comprehensive approach to launching and sustaining a
local waffle/hotcake product in the market. In other word the money of the customer is
not be wasted you they experience the delicious and affordable price of the product
which the chocolate waffle/hotcake. The unit cost or expenses is much be little the
ingredients is Php 170 (Chocolate mix flour/4 cups is Php 65, Two egg large size/Php
12, One can of chocolate condensed/Php 35, Two cups of sugar/Php 20, One can of
evaporated milk/Php 40, sum total amount of Php 170. That expenses is affordable as a
student that beginner in a small business, in that amount of product cost able make a 30
to 35 pieces of chocolate waffle/hotcake, the price of the chocolate waffle/hotcake is
Php 10 each so the amount of product sell is Php 300 subtract to the amount of
expenses Php 170 so the revenue is Php 130 that good to know have a little bit revenue
in a small business.

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