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1. How did you come up with this research title?

- We came up with this study/ research because we want to identify the effective
strategies to promote the cultural heritage of ormoc city.
2. What sampling technique did you use? Why?/ how did you come up with your sample
- we use the purposive sampling technique because since ormoc city has a large
3. What is your research design/ what method did you use?
- We use mixed method
4. How did you ensure your reliability of data?
- we ensure the reliability of our data through survey questionnaire and interview
because our respondents are from a diverse group of people who are under the age
group of teens and adults.
5. What is the general results of your study?
– we found out that there is a wealth of information concerning cultural traditions in
ormoc city, addressing challenges and provide recommendations.
6. Who will be most interested in this study?
- the local government for their strategic decision making and the school for the
curriculum enhancement.
7. What is the research gap of your study?
- Upon reading the articles that is related to our study the researchers stated the
conservation and preservation as an approach to promote cultural heritage however,
they didn’t mention the intangible cultural heritage such as practices and beliefs.
8. What did you want to imply?
- we want to promote the cultural heritage of ormoc city by identifying effective
strategies for promoting ormoc city’s cultural heritage and recognize and revitalize
the traditions and cultures.
9. Why did you conduct this study?
- Based on our observation and because of our curiosity on the cultural heritage in
ormoc that are being neglected especially by the younger generations.
10. How did you come up with the recommendations?
– we came up with this recommendations base on the challenges that our respondents
mention during the survey.
11. Why did you limit your study to a specific age range?
- Because of the knowledge gap between the teens and adult.
12. How did you come out with your conceptual framework?
- We conceptualize this framework base on our research question
13. Why mixed method?
- We use mixed method because we want to identify effective strategies for promoting
Ormoc City’s Cultural Heritage and recognize and revitalize the cultures and
traditions. And aside from that it is also to justify our research question.
14. What is the characteristics of your study?
- The characteristics of this study are the residents of each districts who are under the
age group of teens and adults.
15. What is the significance of your study?
- Promoting ormoc city’s cultural heritage will strengthen the unique identity of the
city and at the same time, it will bring pride and sense of belonging to the people of
16. How did you ensure the effectiveness of this study?
- Through pilot testing.
17. What sources did you use for data collection?
- We use survey questionnaire and interviews.
18. Why did you come up with this research study? Or aim
19. What is your study is all about?
- Our study is all about promoting cultural heritage identifying the strategies
20. How did you come up with survey results?
- We had a group discussion and use excel

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