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Episode 4: Inconsistencies

1. What does the anonymous caller tell the police?

The anonymous caller tells the police that they should look at the ex-boyfriend(Adnan),
he was having sexual encounters with Hae, and stating that the victim had broken off the
relationship with her boyfriend about a week before she was reported missing.Says that If
he ever hurt his girlfriend he would drive her car into a lake, says yasser might know

2. Why is the anonymous call significant to the case?

Nobody knows who made the call, but the caller could be the key to the whole

3. Compare what Jen and Jay tell the police during their interviews. Circle
anything that is significantly different between them.
Jenn’s interview with the police (9:15) Jay’s interview with the police (11:45)
Feb. 27th and 28th 1999 Feb. 28th 1:30 am
- Friend of Jay. Jay tells her that Adnan - initially pulls a “jenn”, tells them he knows
killed Hae. She lies to the cops on the nothing and described a normal day.
27th, that she didn't know anything. - completely changes his story to match jenn
- Second time she says jay told her that - Except at one point he comes clean and
Adnan says hae broke his heart, that they tells a completely different story, one that
were debating on going to the police matched Jenns more.
about it because he was involved. - One major difference, they don't know
- Jay told jenn that Adnan strangled Hae in where the car is. Now jay knows were the
the best buy parking lot. She picks up Jay car is. it is parked on a grassy hill
at the mall where he gets out of adnan's
car to hers.
- Him and jenn go find the shovels they
used to dig Hae’s grave, to wipe the
handles clean. jenn says unless adnan
paid jay a good sum of money that he
wouldn't lie to her.

Episode 4: Inconsistencies
If Jen’s testimony is correct, why is it strange What do you make of Jay and Adnan’s
that she drives Jay to get rid of the clothes he relationship? Why is it strange that they don’t
wore the night before? (10:40) seem like good friends?

This is because her certainty in identifying the they don't seem like friends because Jay is not
perpetrator at trial suggests that she had a clear loyal to Adnan. Sounds like they barely even knew
and distinct memory of the events that had taken each other when asked to describe one another.
place. Adnan doesn't feel betrayed by Jay because they
he tells jen he wasnt part in the actual murder so weren't good enough friends, he looks at it as an
why would he want to wipe everything clean? injustice.

4. a) According to Jay and the prosecution at trial, why would Adnan call Jay for
help with the crime? (18:30)
Im the criminal element of woodlawn he says, because jay gets him weed through
the contacts he has he expected him to help or know someone that would.

It's like how the student body sees me. You know, I mean, people who really know
me know that I'm not like that but, you know, you get a certain reputation and
kinda sticks with you.

b) Does this explanation make sense to you? Explain.

Yes, he was already involved in criminal activity so the reputation could have been
what adnan was thinking about, considering they obviously don't know eachother

5. a) The cops ask Jay why he helped Adnan and why he didn’t call the police.
What does Jay say? (19:00)
He was scared Adnan would put the blame on him because of his criminal activity.
He doesn't trust police because they have done him wrong. He thinks if he ratted
him out adnan could get him locked up for selling drugs

b) Is this reasonable? Does this make Jay believable? Explain.

Yes, It does make him look like accessory to murder, but not by choice.

6. Jay says he feels badly for his part in Hae’s death. Do you believe him?
He says, “I just feel bad about it. That's all I got to say.” he doesn't seem that he has
a lot of guilt.

Episode 4: Inconsistencies
7. Use the chart to compare the changes in Jay’s story.
Jay’s story changes slightly each time he tells it. Compare the details of his story
here. Which are significant changes? Which are not?
Detail 1st taped 2nd taped Trials Significance : Rate and explain
interview interview Rate(1 not significant- 3 very significant)
What they Shopped at Shopped at 1- The location of the mall doesn't really
did that Westview Mall Security matter because its still the mall. he may
morning Square Mall have just forgot.

Driving T1: Both 2- could help get jay out of trouble

around got high because he was under influence
T2: Only
Getting food At a restaurant At a friend’s 1- its not the most important detail of the
story, even if they wanted to determine
the time the restaurant probably
wouldnt help

Digging Jay refused to Both dug the 3- Whether they both digged the hole or
grave help hole adnan did it determines if he was an
accessory to murder.

Adnan’s plan Adnan told Jay Adnan had Back to 3- The switch up in a massive detail like
that day he talked about it first this is very important. If adnan had been
was going to before hand version talking about it, he knew it was going to
kill Hae (4-5 before) happen and could've stopped it much
more in advance.

Visit to park Happened Vanishes 1-


Where Jay 3:45pm off the At Best Buy 3- Why lie? It seems like he is switching
saw the body strip mall on up so much of his story, makes it seem
Edmondson like he talked to jenn before going back
so their stories could match up.
Especially when he claims thats when he
finally sees the body, its not something
to forget.

Which do you think is the most important change? Explain.

where Jay saw the body, digging the grave and adnan's plan. These are important
details to the story that should be set in stone.
Episode 4: Inconsistencies
Which is the least important change? Explain.
Getting food. the mall

8. Jay admits that he lied to the police because he assumes there were cameras
at Best Buy and he didn’t want to be associated with the crime. Why is this
nonsensical according to Koenig?
Because if there were, that would help his story to let him go and show he wasnt

9. Although the police point out that Jay changes his story multiple times, why
do they ultimately believe him?
They believed because they were able to investigate and corroborate what he was

10. Do you believe Jay? If not, what kind of evidence would you need to see to
believe him?

Conventions of a Podcast: Episode 4

Consider how the podcast meets or fails to meet the conventions below. Think
critically about the material and evidence as it is being presented. Overall, is
Serial a fair assessment of the case of Adnan Syed?
Episode 4: Inconsistencies
Convention and How Serial meets criteria How Serial fails to meet Overall: Meets
criteria criteria or fails to meet
Be unbiased: tells Meets
multiple sides of
the story
Fails to meet
Makes a Meets
connection to the
listener Fails to meet

Be objective: lets Meets

the listener decide
their opinion Fails to meet

Maintain privacy Meets

of sources
Fails to meet

Be accurate Meets

Fails to meet

Episode 4: Inconsistencies

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