IATD MobileDiagnost WDR (4512 988 05602 REV AB)

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Philips Healthcare

MobileDiagnost wDR

Level 0 Documentation


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4512 988 05602 REV AB

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1 Introduction.................................................................................................................... ...... 5
1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................... ........ 5

1.2 Regulatory Compliance................................................................................................................. ........ 5

1.3 Manual history............................................................................................................................... ........ 5

2 Workbook...................................................................................................................... ...... 5
2.1 IATD Test Completion Form......................................................................................................... ........ 5

2.2 Labeling......................................................................................................................................... ........ 9

2.3 Documentation.............................................................................................................................. ........ 9

2.4 System/Component Design and Performance.............................................................................. ........ 9

3 Appendix....................................................................................................................... .... 10
3.1 List of Required Tests .................................................................................................................. ...... 10

Glossary........................................................................................................................ .... 13

4512 988 05602 REV AB CSIP Level 0 3

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MobileDiagnost wDR

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1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction
Test results for tests required by regulation 21 CFR Part 1020 must be recorded and kept available
for FDA inspection. This Installation Acceptance Testing Document (IATD) covers the docu-
mentation of all required on site tests.
A list of all requirements and the corresponding 21 CFR Part 1020 sections can be found in the ap-

1.2 Regulatory Compliance

Information regarding regulatory compliance of this medical device can be obtained at:
Philips Medical Systems Hamburg
Röntgenstraße 24
22335 Hamburg

1.3 Manual history

Date 12 NC Reason of changes

August 2011 4512 988 05601 REV AA New IATD for MobileDiagnost wDR
April 2014 4512 988 05602 REV AA New item to check: source-skin distance
May 2014 4512 988 05602 REV AB Title image removed

2 Workbook
• Perform all tests listed in this workbook.
Test instructions are available in the SMI delivered with the system.
• Record all test results in this workbook.
Tests that are not applicable for the specific on site configuration should be marked as N/A.
• Sign each page of the workbook with initials and date.
• Complete the IATD test completion form at the beginning of the workbook.
• Return a copy of this IATD together with form FDA 2579.

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Manual history Workbook

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Workbook IATD Test Completion Form

2.1 IATD Test Completion Form

This sheet must be signed by the responsible FSEs at the end of the IATD testing.

Factory SO (SAP order

(refer to the packing list)
Key market PO (purchase
order No.)
(refer to the packing list)
System serial number
(refer to drawing 2Z-10
System Labeling)
System ID
Order number
Hospital name
Hospital address
Postal code
Start of Installation
End of installation

All tests performed according to SMI MobileDiagnost _ _ _ _ 4512 988 _______

SMI: REV ____
(Enter the name of SMI and last five
digits and revision of the number):

FSE 1 Name: Signature:


FSE 2 Name: Signature:


4512 988 05602 REV AB CSIP Level 0 7

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IATD Test Completion Form Workbook

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Workbook Labeling

2.2 Labeling
Test Passed N/A
Check labeling

Check warning label on control panel

FSE Initials:

2.3 Documentation
Test Passed N/A
Check availability of the IfU

Check availability of tube manual

FSE Initials:

2.4 System/Component Design and Performance

Test Passed N/A
Check function of X-ray beam on indicator

Check function of end of exposure indicator

Check function of end of automatic exposure control indicator

Check function of multiple tubes indicator (if applicable)

Source-skin distance for mobile and portable x-ray systems

Test Min. value Measured value Passed N/A
Check source-skin distance ≥ 30 cm _____ cm

Control and indication of technique factors

Test Max. value Measured value Passed N/A
Check maximum mAs 600 mAs _____ mAs

Field indication and alignment

Test Max. value Measured value Passed N/A
Check minimum field size 5 cm × 5 cm _____cm × _____cm

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List of Required Tests Appendix

Test Max. value Measured value Passed N/A

Check alignment of collima- SID = _____mm
tor (BLD) light field and X-ray |a1|+ |a2| < 0.02 × SID
field |b1|+ |b2| < 0.02 × SID |a1|+ |a2| = _____mm
|b1|+ |b2| = _____mm
Check X-ray field alignment |c1|+ |c2| < 0.03 × SID SID = ___mm
(wall stand vertical beam) |d1|+ |d2| < 0.03 × SID |c1|+ |c2| = _____mm
|c1|+ |c2| + |d1|+ |d2| < |d1|+ |d2| = _____mm
0.04 × SID |c1|+ |c2| + |d1|+ |d2| =
Check X-ray field alignment SID = _____mm
(wall stand horizontal beam) |c1|+ |c2| = _____mm
|d1|+ |d2| = _____mm
|c1|+ |c2| + |d1|+ |d2| =
Check X-ray field alignment SID = _____mm
(table) |c1|+ |c2| = _____mm
|d1|+ |d2| = _____mm
|c1|+ |c2| + |d1|+ |d2| =
Check actual to indicated Δ SID ≤ 2 % of SID SID indicated = _____mm
SID SID measured = _____mm
Δ SID = _____mm

Positive beam limitation (PBL)

Test Passed N/A
Check automatic return to PBL

FSE Initials:


3 Appendix

3.1 List of Required Tests


Requirement/Test FDA Section FSE action
CFR 21 Part
Accessible Label for X-ray components 1020.30 (e) Check labeling
with model number, serial number pro-
Accessible Label for tube housing as- 1020.30 (e) (1) Check labeling
sembly with model number, serial num-
ber, manufacturer name provided
Accessible and legible warning state- 1020.30 (j) Check warning label
ment on control panel containing main
power switch provided

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Appendix List of Required Tests


Requirement/Test FDA Section FSE action
CFR 21 Part / IEC section
Information on generator rated line volt- 1020.30 (g) (1) Check availability of IfU
age, range of line-voltage for opera-
tions at maximum line current provided
Information on maximum line current 1020.30 (g) (2) Check availability of IfU
(based on max. input voltage, current
characteristic of tube housing assem-
bly) provided
Information on technique factors that 1020.30 (g) (3) Check availability of IfU
constitutes maximum line current con-
ditions provided
Instructions for radiological safety pro- 1020.30 (h) (1) (i) Check availability of IfU
Information on schedule of mainte- 1020.30 (h) (1) (ii) Check availability of IfU
nance provided
Statement of maximum deviation from 1020.30 (h) (3) (vi) Check availability of IfU
preindication given by labeled techni-
que factor control or indicators during
exposure provided
A statement describing the measure- 1020.30 (h) (3) (viii) Check availability of IfU
ment criteria for all technique factors
used provided
Information provided on: 1020.30 (h) (2) (i) Check availability of tube
- leakage techniques for tube housing 1020.30 (h) (4) (i) manual
and beam-limiting device, or
- minimum filtration permanently in check availability of IfU
beam (in mm Al equivalent) and peak
tube potential at which Al equivalent
was obtained
Information on cooling curves anode, 1020.30 (h) (2) (ii) Check availability of tube
tube housing provided manual
check availability of IfU
Information on tube rating charts for dif- 1020.30 (h) (2) (iii) Check availability of tube
ferent generators (alternate focal spots manual
sizes, speeds of anode) provided or
check availability of IfU
In the case of battery-powered genera- 21 CFR 1020.30 (h)(3)(iv) Check availability of IfU
tors, a specification of the minimum
state of charge necessary for proper
Information on minimum Al equivalent 1020.30 (h) (4) (ii) Check availability of IfU
for beam passing & suitable X-ray po-
tential for more filters ➜ Al equivalent
of each filter provided

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List of Required Tests Appendix

System/Component design and performance

Requirement/Test FDA Section FSE action
CFR 21 Part
Source to skin distance is ≥ 30 1020.31(i)(2) Check that the source-skin dis-
cm tance ≥ 30 cm.

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CFR Code of Federal Regulations

FDA Food and Drug Administration

IATD Installation Acceptance Testing Document

IfU Instructions for Use

SMI System Manual for Installation

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