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substantial : 상당한

universal : 보편적인, 전세계의, 전체적인

rite : 의식, 의례

dated : 구식의, 구시대의

plunge : 뛰어들다, 급락하다

synthetic : 합성의, 종합적인

resolve : 해결하다, 결심하다

surge : 급등하다, 쇄도하다, 급등, 쇄도

appreciation : 감탄, 감사, 공감, 이해

apparent : 명백한

enact : 제정하다, 상영하다

extensive : 광범위한

overtake : 추월하다, 갑자기 닥치다

concentration : 집중, 농도

authorization : 허가, 공인

derive : 얻다, ~에서 비롯되다.

impart : 전하다, 주다

rift : 균열, 틈

ascend : 오르다

significance : 중요성 , 의의

sprawl : 팔다리를 아무렇게나 뻗고 앉다, 무질서하게 뻗어나간 도시 외각

supremacy : 패권, 우위

comprise : ~로 이루어지다

surpass : 능가하다.
contaminate : 오염시키다, 더럽히다

occasional : 가끔의, 때때로의

conventional : 관습적인, 틀에 박힌 , 기존의

restore : 이전상태로 회복시키다

accumulate : 모으다, 축적하다

undertake : 착수하다, 약속하다

proponent : 지지자

seep : 베다, 스며들다

retreat : 후퇴하다, 후퇴, 철수

sediment : 침전물

glacier : 빙하

hypothesize : 가설을 세우다

disguise : 위장하다, 숨기다

inclined : ~하는 경향이 있는

be involved in : ~와 관련되어 있다.

typical : 전형적인 , 일반적인, 전체적인/ general , universal

various : 다양한

proponent : 옹호자 / advocate

look to : 바라보다, 의존하다

collective : 전체적인, 집단적인

be subjected to : ~하기 쉽다

discipline : 규칙, 규율

uncharted : 미보고된, 미지의

undoubtedly : 확실히
prior to : 이전에

proclaim : 주장하다

unsubstantiated : 근거없는

verify : 입증하다

be misled : 오해하고 있다

considerable : 무수한

be attached to : ~에 첨부되어 있다.


lecture: 강의

discussion : 토론, 논의

argument : 논쟁

make a statement : 발언하다, 말하다

fame : 명성

status : 지위

casually : 가볍게

engage in : 참여하다

characteristics : 특성 / a trait; a feature, a quality

personality : 성격 / the total sum of a person’s characteristics; the collection of qualities that
define a person

describe : 묘사하다 / to explain something in detail

characterize : 특징이 되다,~의 특징을 묘사하다/ to say that a person has some type of

outgoing : 외향적인 / friendly and sociable ; talkative

silent : 조용한 / quiet

honest : 정직한 / fair ; telling the truth

trustworthy : 신뢰할 수 있는 / able to be believed by others

competitive : 경쟁적인 / having a strong desire to win or succeed

responsible : 책임이 있는 / reliable ; dependable

irresponsible : 무책임한,책임을 질수없는 / unreliable ; not dependable

argumentative : 논쟁적인 / having the tendency to disagree with others or to get into verbal
fights with others

pleasant : 명랑한 / nice to be around ; cheerful

open minded : 편견없는 / showing a willingness to listen to or adopt new ideas ; unbiased

narrow minded : 편견을 가진, 옹졸한 / polite ; showing a kind awareness toward other
people and their problems

brave : 용감한 / having courage ; not afraid

charming : 매력적인 / having a pleasant personality

conscientious : 양심적인 / acting according to a sense of what is right and wrong

determined : 굳게 결심한 / set in one’s purpose or opinion

stylish : 현대적인 , 멋진 / elegant ; acting or appearing in a manner that is considered

standard by society

creative : 창조적인 / coming up with new ideas ; imaginative

logical : 논리적인 / using feeling to determine one's’ behavior or action

diligent : 부지런한 / hardworking ; constantly trying to accomplish something

practical usage


anna teacher essay

4 types of essay
narrative : tells the story
descriptive : puts a picture in your head
expository : explains something
persuasive/argumentative : wants the audience to agree
필수 암기

선택적 암기(이해)필요
Tell a story about someone
the most personal essay
creative essay and may tell imagined situations instead of realone
don’t have a strict structure

focus on describing one specific thing but not tell a story
describe place or object
focus on using creative language and on creating an interesting image of your thing

explanations of a certain topic
don’t trying to change any body’s mind
give background information, details about, and a summary of a topic

use evidence to support and convince the reader to agree with you
use evidence(data, statistics, quotation) and analysis to help support your writing(증거 종류)
show ability to research and argue your opinion

introduction(thesis statement / Hook / background information) > body> conclusion


thesis(author’s view clearly identified)

thesis statement : this is the last sentence of your paragraph / it describes what you will be
talking about / one statement that states your opinion on a topic and states the arguments
that you will use in our essay / states the main ideas of essay / there is NO NEW
INFORMATION in your conclusion
(100% 관련 문제 예상)
body-purpose(topic sentence - main idea - evidence)
특징 : each paragraph has only one idea

transition sentence
connect this paragraph to the previous one

topic sentences
the reason from your thesis you will be writing about
the thesis statement of your body paragraph

supporting sentences
explain, defend and expand on the ideas of topic sentence(설명, 변호, 확장)
can be evidence(information) or explanation
-evidence could be a quote of statistic

closing sentence
wrap up idea and connect it to the next paragraph
should summarize that paragraph
-review the topic sentence


필요 조건 : no new information in your conclusion

review the thesis, review the main argument of essay

main opinion + three reason

restate thesis - go through main ideas again - state the importance of argument


never use(1st person) > use(3st person)

irregular verbs(불규칙 동사)
slang or colloquialism(구어체, 회화체)(avoid)
up in the air > undecided
to be broke > to not have money
wanna/gonna/kinda/cuz > want to/ going to/ kind of/ because
get along with > have a good relationship with
see eye to eye > agree with
take it easy > relax
thanks to > due to

1st person(I/me/we) - X -> have to use 3st person(he/she/they)

I’m - X -> I am
number (-) noun

-, hyphen
두개 이상의 단어를 하나로 묶어주는 기능
값(숫자)를 명사와 연결해 한 단어로 만들때 사용
하이픈 하나로 연결된 단어는 하이픈 앞에 들어가는 단어가 뒤의 단어를 수시

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