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NNOKA Raphael, IKUNGA Vincent


The educational sojourn of a child is a mixed odyssey shaped by various factors within school
systems, while academic goal is a primary approach towards the development of a child, it is
expected that the student upon completion is certified in Character and in Learning.
Secondary school is a crucial stage in a child's academic and personal development. Beyond
the classroom, the administration plays a pivotal role in shaping students' experiences and
influencing their overall growth.

It is tantamount to consider a holistic approach or look, taking cognisance of the broader

impact on child development. In this article, we delve into the multifaceted ways in which the
administration of Rev. Fr. Magnus Obinna Anyanugo, the Principal of Stella Maris College,
Port Harcourt within the last eight months influenced child development and explored the
intricate dynamics of the children with the mantra ‘The Hard Way, The Only Way’ through
the various reports generated within this system.



The Advanced Learners’ English Dictionary 10 th edition defines odyssey as a long journey
during which somebody has a lot of interesting and exciting experiences. The term "odyssey"
has both literal and metaphorical meanings, often associated with a long journey full of
adventures, challenges, and personal growth. In its literal sense, an odyssey refers to a long
and adventurous journey, especially one marked by significant challenges, trials, and
discoveries. The term originates from Homer's ancient Greek epic poem, "The Odyssey,"
which chronicles the ten-year journey of the hero Odysseus as he attempts to return home
after the Trojan War. Metaphorically, an odyssey can refer to any prolonged and
transformative journey, whether physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual, undertaken by
an individual or a group. This journey often involves facing obstacles, confronting one's fears,
and undergoing personal growth and self-discovery. "Odyssey" encompasses both a literal
and metaphorical journey, embodying themes of adventure, challenge, perseverance, and
personal growth. Whether in ancient literature or contemporary language, the term evokes the
epic nature of human experiences and the transformative power of facing life's trials and
tribulations. This concept represents the ‘journey’ a student undertakes in the four walls of
Stella Maris College, Port Harcourt within his six years of secondary education.

The Advanced Learners’ English Dictionary 10 th edition defines it as considering a whole
thing or being to be more than a collection of parts. The term "holistic" refers to an approach
that considers the whole or entirety of something, rather than focusing solely on its individual
parts. It emphasizes the interconnectedness and interdependence of various aspects within a
system or entity. The term "holistic" derives from the Greek word "holos," meaning "whole"
or "complete." A holistic approach emphasizes the importance of unity, coherence, and
integration, striving to address the diverse needs and aspects of individuals, communities, or
systems in a harmonious and balanced manner. Here's a deeper exploration of the meaning of
"holistic"; A holistic approach from a comprehensive perspective involves considering all
relevant factors, elements, and dimensions related to a particular subject, problem, or
situation. It seeks to understand the entirety of the system rather than analyzing its
components in isolation



1. Establishing a Supportive Environment: The administration sets the tone for the
entire school environment. A supportive and inclusive atmosphere fosters a sense of
belonging among students, encouraging them to engage actively in their academic pursuits
and extracurricular activities. According to a study by the American Psychological
Association, "A positive school climate promotes students' academic, social, and emotional
development." In Stella Maris College, we have created a conducive and supportive
environment for our students in the following ways; Building of new Pantry, Erection of
Water Treatment Plant, Renovation of Refuse Disposal Post, Minor Renovation of Hostels,
Refurbishing/Expansion of College Clinic, a world-class Lawn Tennis/Basketball Court,
Redesigned Hostel Toilets and Bathrooms , Renovated Refectory, Provision of more Musical
Instruments, Provision of Diesel Tank for the Generator House, Renovation of the Library &
Building of Library Shelves, Construction of Two Large Soak-Aways and cleaning up the
compound of debris.

2. Encouraging Personalized Learning: Effective secondary school administration

recognizes the diverse needs and learning styles of students. By implementing strategies for
personalized learning, such as differentiated instruction and individualized support programs,
administrators can ensure that each student receives the necessary attention and resources to
thrive academically and personally. Carol Ann Tomlinson, a renowned educator, emphasizes
the importance of personalized learning, stating, "Excellence in education requires that each
child receives instruction that is tailored to individual learning needs." Each student was
compulsorily supplied with complete sets of learning apparatus ranging from books to
instructional materials of other forms, splitting of classes into Arms of 20 to 25 students with
Form Teachers to care for each arm, having a staff/teacher to student ratio of 1: 20 to enable
them have close contact to each class.

3. Providing Comprehensive Support Services: Secondary school administrators play a

vital role in facilitating access to support services that address students' diverse needs. This
includes academic counselling, mental health resources, and extracurricular opportunities.
According to the National Association of School Psychologists, "Comprehensive support
services contribute to students' academic achievement, social-emotional development, and
overall well-being." The administration of Rev. Fr. Magnus Anyanugo has also
4. Promoting Leadership and Character Development: This is very vital in Stella
Maris College administration as it plays a key role in fostering leadership skills and character
development among students. By offering leadership programs, mentorship opportunities, and
extracurricular activities such as Prefects’ Council Meeting, Table Heads Meeting and
College Community Service initiatives such as Morning Functions, this administration
empowers students to become vibrant, confident and responsible individuals. The competent
admonitions from the Principal, Staff and Senior Seminarians add spice to the overall
character development of the students.
5. Cultivating a Culture of Innovation and Creativity: As a forward-thinking
secondary school administration, we encourage innovation and creativity both inside and
outside the classroom. By providing resources and support for various groups (JETS Club
now STEM-Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Club, Dramatic/Theatre
Troupe, Choir, Interact Club, Press Club, Debate Club, etc), project-based learning, and
creative outlets such as performing arts and design programs. This administration inspires
students to explore their passions and pursue innovative ideas. Sir Ken Robinson, an
international advisor on education, stresses the significance of creativity, stating, "Creativity
is as important as literacy and should be treated with the same status." Social gatherings are
held on Fridays between the hours of 12:40pm-1:50pm. During social gatherings, the students
are tested in debates, quiz, talks, spelling, phonetics and grammar, along with mathematics
and sciences. At some social gatherings, facilitators are engaged to carry out career
development, health tips and exercises, civil and social programmes for the students. There is
also the daily Morning Assembly Presentations by Staff and Students to enhance academic
growth. We now operate a digital Computation of Result thus phasing off the Analog system
of result production and eliminating wastage and reducing mistakes. We also have put in
place the policy of ensuring that every student graduates with at least, one skill or art
alongside their academic certificate.
6. Spirituality and Moral Discipline: Spirituality can play a significant role in the
formation and development of students, contributing to their holistic growth and well-being.
Spirituality intersects with students' formation as it often involves seeking meaning, purpose,
and transcendence beyond material concerns. For students, exploring their spirituality can
help them reflect on existential questions, values, and beliefs, providing a sense of direction
and fulfilment in their personal and academic lives. Spirituality often encompasses ethical
principles, moral values, and a sense of responsibility towards others and the world. Engaging
with spirituality can promote ethical reasoning, compassion, empathy, and a commitment to
social justice among students, guiding their behaviour and decision-making. Our
administration insisted on the maintenance of high moral rectitude in the college as well as
high level of discipline but on the part of the students and staff. Some of the measures we
introduced in order to achieve this task are: Revised School Rules & Regulations, Punctuality
and Neatness Check, Identification of Student’s Personal Articles, Emphasis on Principal’s
Conference, Introduction of Prayer Manual, Introduction of Prayer Purse which contains all
the prayer books used in the college. The essence is to protect the prayer books and keep them
Spirituality can serve as a valuable dimension of students' formation, contributing to their
personal, social, ethical, and intellectual development. By nurturing students' spiritual well-
being, educational institutions can support their holistic growth and empower them to lead
purposeful and meaningful lives.



In Stella Maris College, Port Harcourt, various administrative roles are tasked with
monitoring and reporting on different aspects of student life and progress from academic
achievements to health and well-being. These reports provide valuable insights into the
holistic development of each student. In this article, we explored the significance of key
reports generated by different administrative bodies and their collective impact on the
development of students in secondary schools in general and Stella Maris College in


The Vice-Principal (Administration) weekly report serves as a crucial communication and
decision-making tool within the educational institution. It provides an overview of
administrative activities, including on-going projects, changes in policies or guidelines, and
updates on staffing matters. Additionally, the report covers student enrolment, services, and
disciplinary issues, as well as collaborations with faculty and community stakeholders. It also
includes progress updates on strategic goals and upcoming priorities for the institution.
Summarily, the report facilitates accountability and informs key stakeholders about important
developments within the institution, while also expressing appreciation for the contributions
of staff members. This report forms the build-up on which the Principal addresses the school
every Monday as the report is handed over to the Principal on Saturdays.


The Vice-Principal (Academics) weekly report is comprehensive, covering a wide range of
academic-related activities, initiatives, and developments within the educational institution. It
includes updates on curriculum development, instructional strategies, and teaching materials.
The report also addresses professional development opportunities for teaching staff and
assessments of their performance. Additionally, it covers student assessment practices,
academic programs, initiatives to support student learning outcomes, and strategies for
addressing student concerns. Furthermore, the report highlights technology integration,
community partnerships, upcoming academic events, and provides additional information or
reminders for faculty, staff, or students. Lastly, the report serves as a vital communication tool
for promoting academic excellence, fostering collaboration, and supporting the institution's
mission and goals. This report is handed over to the Principal on weekly basis for his perusal
and implementation of reports as recommended.


The Heads of Departments' Report is a vital tool for assessing various departmental aspects
within an educational institution. It encompasses four main components:
1. Curriculum Implementation: Department heads ensure the alignment of curriculum
with educational standards, assess teaching strategies, and identify areas for
2. Student’s Performance: HODs with the aid of Form Teachers monitor academic
performance, extracurricular participation, and accomplishments, while identifying areas
for student support or intervention.
3. Departmental Performance: Department heads evaluate teaching effectiveness,
research productivity, and contributions to departmental initiatives, offering feedback
and recognizing outstanding achievements.
4. Resource Needs: They identify resource requirements, such as equipment and staffing,
and propose recommendations for improvement

In essence, these reports inform institutional decision-making, guide strategic planning, and
uphold educational quality. These reports are submitted to the Principal at every meeting.

Form Teachers serve as primary mentors and guides for students, overseeing their academic
and personal development. The remarks provided by form teachers offer a personalized
assessment of each student's progress, behaviour, and overall growth. These remarks may
highlight strengths, areas for improvement, and observations on students' attitudes towards
learning and interactions with peers. For example, a form teacher's remark might commend a
student for their dedication to studies while also suggesting strategies for enhancing
classroom participation. Such remarks not only provide valuable feedback to students and
parents but also guide interventions and support systems tailored to individual student needs.
This report gets to the Principal weekly.
At the end of the term, Form Teachers give remarks about the students in their results.

For a sophisticated boarding school like Stella Maris College, the Hostel Master’s report
becomes a crucial bridge between home and school. The hostel masters have chats and social
interaction with the students to know how they are faring in the school and its environment
daily. Hostel Masters' Reports focus on students' residential experience, safety, and well-
being. They include updates on hostel rules, disciplinary incidents, and health checks. These
reports ensure that students receive adequate support and supervision outside of academic
hour. Thorough sanitations are carried out on Saturdays and hostel inspection afterwards since
the cleanliness of the hostel environment lies on the shoulder of the hostel masters. The report
is forwarded to the Principal on weekly basis.
At the end of the term, Hostel Masters give remarks about the students in their results.

The Auxiliary here is a Senior Seminarian of the Catholic Diocese of Port Harcourt, posted to
Stella Maris College. His report is a broader perspective on the students’ conduct, spiritual
and moral life, extracurricular involvement and contributions to the school community. He
stand as a catalyst involved in shaping and moulding the students into responsible gentlemen
who would be able to face whatever consequence of life they stumble on and still remain
focused. For Flagrant once said ‘students must be thought how to think not what to think’.
The report, stands as another eye of the principal, as it contains the daily activities and
function of the compound from a different perspective.

The Kitchen Matron's Report addresses matters related to food hygiene, meal planning, and
dietary considerations. It may include updates on menu changes, food allergies, and kitchen
cleanliness. It also features the distribution of general Snacks and Drinks during break. This
report ensures that students have access to nutritious meals that support their physical health
and well-being as the principal does not compromise the quality and quantity of students’

The Health Officer's Report provides an overview of health and hygiene practices within the
school community. It may include data on illness outbreaks, sanitation initiatives, and health
education programs. This report contributes to creating a healthy and hygienic environment
conducive for students well-being.

The Librarian's Report covers matters related to library resources, usage trends, and literacy
initiatives. It includes updates on new acquisitions, library events, and reading habits among
students. This report promotes a culture of reading and lifelong learning among students.

The Prep Supervision Report addresses the supervision and study habits of students during
designated study periods. It includes observations on students' focus, engagement, and
adherence to study rules and also nurtures time-management abilities. This report ensures that
students utilize their study time effectively and develop good study habits conducive to
academic success. It also gives account of teacher and prefects assigned to supervise the Prep.


The Caretaker's Report addresses maintenance issues and cleanliness standards across the
staff residential area in the school premises. It includes updates on repairs, cleanliness,
sanitation exercise, inspections, and waste management practices. This report ensures that the
school environment is safe, clean, and conducive to living and learning especially around the
staff quarters.


Class Prefects' Log Books provide insights into teachers’ and students' behaviours and
activities within their respective classes. It gives detailed account of the teaching-learning
activities as regards each lesson period, teaching and feedback of interaction during classes. It
has record of teachers’ punctuality, effectiveness, efficiency and discipline as well as
comportment of the students. At the end of the week, the teachers whose classes were vibrant
and enriching are awarded ‘Best Teacher of the Week’ by the entire class. Each arm of every
class has a log book which runs for an entire academic session. All log books are submitted to
the Principal through the Vice-Principal on Fridays.


The Prefects' Council's Report offers insights into school-wide initiatives, student leadership
activities, and disciplinary matters. It includes updates on prefect-led projects, student council
meetings, and disciplinary actions taken by student leaders. This report highlights the
contributions of student leaders in promoting a positive school culture and enforcing
disciplinary standards. The Prefects’ Council Meetings equips students with vital life skills,
leadership qualities, and a sense of responsibility, contributing significantly to character
building and instilling values that extend well beyond academic achievements. The prefects
communicate the collective aspirations and needs of all other students to the Principal through
the minutes of their meeting held weekly and submitted to the principal.

Table Heads Reports provide feedback on students' behaviour and conduct during meal times
in the dining hall. They may highlight instances of table manners, cleanliness, and social
interactions. These reports encourage responsible behaviour and promote a positive dining
experience for all students. Each table in the refectory is assigned a student-table head who
ensures that the right quantity of food is given to all and that all compulsorily eat their food.
The report is written by the Chief Refectorian and forwarded every weekend to the school
administration for better administration of their food.

It is a comprehensive overview of a child’s academic journey which goes beyond just
numerical grades. The Child's Class Progress Report provides parents/guardians with detailed
feedback on their child's academic performance, behaviour, and overall progress. It may
include grades, comments from teachers, and recommendations for further improvement. This
report facilitates communication between school and home and encourages parental
involvement in their child's education.

In consonance with the ancient dictum ‘A healthy mind in a healthy body’ this report
addresses the physical wellbeing of a student, highlighting any health concern that may
impact their academic performance or overall experience. It hits on the importance of a
healthy body-mind connection in the learning process. These reports are submitted weekly to
those in charge of affairs. The medical report book in our college has details of all the
students, their visits to the clinic, what illness is being treated and how often, it includes drugs
ministered and thus the medical history of each student. This enables the school to know
where she is lacking in her environmental and health control and improve in her health status.
This report is confidentially handled by our professional health officials.

Education is not streamlined to cognitive aspects of learning and comprehension but its
holistic goal is to produce a cultured and learned individual. There are the various approaches
taken by a school to impact values on students to produce a proper and functioning
educational system. The system or report presented above have distinctive roles by which they
inculcate and impact values on students, although distinctive and different but they altogether
produce the opportunity for the students to be cultured and learned.

The student in his sojourn to his tomorrow has to be groomed in all aspects of formations. His
academic life, his social life, his etiquette when relating to others, his personal hygiene and
even how he takes upon responsibilities, all these are regulated to ensure he is maintaining an
objectively acceptable life.

In a generic sense, the formation of child’s educational journey is the collaborative efforts of
educators, students, and parents, as instilled in this reports, thus creating a long foundation for
learning and success. Beyond mere academic achievements, these reports contribute to
character development, social skills, emotional intelligence, spiritual consciousness, sensitive
to affairs, and overall well-being. This holistic formation, not only ensures we develop
scholars, but as well-rounded individuals ready to navigate the complexities of the world with
resilience, empathy, and a profound understanding of their unique capabilities.

Comprehensive reporting in secondary school administration plays a vital role in monitoring

and supporting students' holistic development. By providing insights into various aspects of
student life, these reports enable school authorities to identify strengths, address challenges,
and implement interventions to promote positive outcomes. From academic progress to health
and well-being, each report contributes to creating a nurturing and conducive learning
environment that empowers students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

The impact of secondary school administration (and in this case, Stella Maris College) on
child development is profound and far-reaching. By fostering a supportive environment,
providing personalized learning opportunities, offering comprehensive support services,
promoting leadership and character development, and cultivating a culture of innovation and
creativity, administrators play a vital role in shaping students' academic success, emotional
well-being, and overall growth. Investing in effective school administration is essential for
ensuring that every child receives the support and resources they need to thrive and reach their
full potential. As education reformer Horace Mann aptly said, "Education then, beyond all
other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men, the balance-
wheel of the social machinery”.

1. Tomlinson, C. A. (2005). "The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All

Learners." Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
2. National Association of School Psychologists. (2018). "Model for Comprehensive and
Integrated School Psychological Services." Bethesda, MD: National Association of
School Psychologists.
3. Obama, M. (2012). "Remarks by the First Lady at North Carolina Central University
Commencement Address." Retrieved from:
press office/2012/05/12/ remarks-first-lady-north-carolina-central-university-
4. Robinson, K. (2006). "Ken Robinson Says Schools Kill Creativity." TED Talk. Retrieved

1. NNOKA Raphael is a teaching Staff and the Vice Principal Administration of SMC, PH.
2. IKUNGA Vincent is a Senior Seminarian on Pastoral Year Experience in SMC, PH

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