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Lesson 6: Industrial Arts/Handicraft and its own Contribution to Economy

- Industrial arts represents the study and practice of technical design including furniture,
automobiles and toys.
- Industrial Arts is defined as the study of the skills needed to work with tools and machinery.
- Industrial arts began as early as prehistoric times when human beings first developed tools,
according to the Journal of Technology Education.
- Formal instruction for industrial arts arose during the late 1800s and consisted of manual
training for trades in manufacturing.
- Industrial arts education became popular in the 1900s as an alternative for students seeking to
learn a trade.
- Known as vocational school, the purpose of industrial arts classes included teaching students
specific skills such as automobile repair or furniture design.
- Today, the meaning of industrial arts encompasses a wide variety of technical specialties.
Wood carving
Before: Used of sharp object is needed
Now: Wood Electric Chisel Carving Tool

Contributions of Industrial Arts to the Economy

 It helps boost the Philippine economy by marketing locally and profitable products made up of
enhanced and decorated bamboo, wood and metal.
 Creates additional trademarks of proudly Philippine-made products.
 Creates more job opportunities for Filipino craftsmen and enthusiasts.
 Develops localized products using raw materials coming from different provinces and regions
in the Philippines.
• Handicraft is a type of craft where people make things using only their hands or basic tools.
The items are usually decorative and have a particular use. Usually the term refers to traditional
methods of making things.
• handicraft, sometimes more precisely expressed as artisanal handicraft or handmade, is any of a
wide variety of types of work where useful and decorative objects are made completely by one’s
hand or by using only simple, non-tech related tools like scissors, carving implements, or hooks.

POTTERY is the art of making objects from hard clay by exposing them to heat or fire. Pots,
statues, cups, urns, vases, jars, flat plates. -The basic tool in pottery is the potter’s wheel. It is a
simple turntable on which wet, fresh clay revolves while a potter shapes it with his or her hands.

WEAVING is the craft of lacing fibers together to make fabric or cloth. Weaving often involves
using a loom to hold the thread or yarn, although it can also be done by hand.
Over at the Visayan group of islands, weaving is practiced in Panay and Iloilo. In Mindanao,
indigenous groups all over South Cotabato, Lanao, Zamboanga, Jolo, Basilan, Agusan,
Bukidnon, Davao, and Maguindanao have their own weaving traditions.
WOVEN PRODUCTS aside from cloth, there are other objects that are woven in the
Philippines, such as baskets, fans, mats, bilao, fisherman's net, furnitures, and the farmer's hat or
WOOD CARVING Wood carving is a form of woodworking by means of a cutting tool (knife)
in one hand or a chisel by two hands or with one hand on a chisel and one hand on a mallet,
resulting in a wooden figure or figurine, or in the sculptural ornamentation of a wooden object.
METAL CRAFTS - Brass, bronze, gold, and silver are heated and poured into molds to make
objects from jewelry to other decorative objects. -Maranaos are famous for their metal craft. -In
Batangas, a famous metal product is the balisong, a local knife.
Contributions of Handicrafts to the Economy
• It promotes our cultural heritage through the use of indigenous materials.
• Handicraft products show an individual's creativity and lofty imagination.
• Producers of raw materials will be encouraged to produce more.
• Employment is generated especially for the undergraduates.
• Values of perseverance and industry are developed.

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