Guide To Selling Wine and Spirits Remotely

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The Modern Pla y book Guide

to Selling Wine & Spirits

Modern Challenges

Wineries and craft distilleries have been forced to

move from an already challenging environment

to one that seems to be nearly impossible.

The intention of this guide is to provide you with

a NEW set of skills that you can begin

implementing right away.

One of the most appropriate responses to any

crisis is to INNOVATE.

Modern solutions

While there IS a learning curve to this

journey, it is well worth it!

It's possible you may need some assistance

implementing what you're about to learn.

If so, please let us know.

In the meantime, dive right in and let

the learning begin.

The 3 keys to selling

w ine and spirits remotely

1. Prepare your website for lead capture

2. Generate leads with Facebook Lead Ads

3. Nurture leads with email marketing

What the heck are "leads" and why do I need them?

If you've been relying on your distributors to do any selling for

you, this may be an unfamiliar concept.

Selling "kneecap-to-kneecap" is not the only way to generate

hundreds of new points of distribution.

And forget everything you THINK you know about social

media like boosting posts and curating your feeds and using

hashtags. What we're talking about here is REAL Facebook


If you think email is dead, you're in for a shock. Done correctly,

it's one of the lowest cost/highest return on investments you

can make to sell more wine & spirits. But you need to know

what you're doing. It's why we created this guide.

Here s Ho w this w orks :
THOUSANDS of bartenders, bar managers,

sommeliers, wine & spirits buyers, and

package store owners are on Instagram and

Facebook every single day. Think they're not?

You are asleep at the wheel, my friend.

If (and this is a big IF), you put the right

message/content* in front of them, you can

entice them to ask for more information by

signing up for your email list.

You then patiently "nurture" those leads by

providing HIGH VALUE CONTENT to your

audience over time.

Once they come to know you and trust you,

many of them will accept your offer to

consummate some business together.

*more on this later

Here s Ho ' w this w orks :
e B
Buyer sees your ad er

on her Facebook or

Instagram feed, and

clicks "sign up."



A Fa

Lead Fo

This Lead Form opens,

she fills it out; you

now have a new lead

to follow up on!
T w wy o a s to follo w up

Reach out directly

to the buyer (in a

non-sales way).

Allow them to

automatically go through

your email sequence.

You can also do BOTH. The key is to be

patient. Remember, the more you act

like a salesperson, the less you will sell.

success checklist


Several places where people can easily join your email list

A check box to self-identify as a member of the trade

Privacy policy on the footer of each page of your website

At least one Facebook Pixel installed on your site

Facebook/Instagram Lead Ads

A proper Facebook Page

A Business Manager

A proper Ad Account

Add people to manage your ads

Learn how to create Lead Ads

Integrate leads with your email marketing service for automated responses

Email Marketing

Choose a "tag-based" email service (i.e. MailChimp or ConvertKit) as opposed

to a "list-based" service

Learn how to segment your list using "tags"

Create several "automated sequences" for various interests

Follow proven email templates to optimize engagement & conversions

Leveraging the po w er of

The Facebook Pi x el

What the heck is a pixel?

Simply put, the Pixel is a piece of code (provided to you by Facebook) that you

place on every page of your website. Then, any time someone visits your website,

Facebook collects data on those visitors and makes that data available to you, the

advertiser, so you can "re-target" them in your ad campaigns.

Have you ever been shopping for something online like a new purse or a

lawnmower? Next thing you know, your Facebook feed is covered with ads about

purses or lawnmowers! That is the power of the Pixel. The best part is, you can

leverage it too!

The FB Pixel captures what we call a "warm audience." These are people who

have already taken some kind of action on your website. While you won't ever

know their identity, Facebook does.

How do I leverage it?

Leverage the Pixel by creating a "Custom Audience" called "Web Visitors Last 30

Days." Now you can include this "warm audience" in all of your Facebook ads.

Because these people have already been exposed and introduced to your brand,

they are much more likely to buy.

There are literally dozens of ways to leverage the Pixel. Here are two of our favorites:

Use the audience you created above (called "Web Visitors Last 30 Days") to

create a "Lookalike Audience." Facebook will put the world's most

powerful algorithm to work to find several million more people who "look

like" all the folks who have recently visited your website.

Track the people who visited your website, took action (i.e. browsed your

product page) but never made a purchase. You can set up a separate pixel

just to track these very specific actions and then "re-market" to those people.
E amples of trade lead ads
5 tips on ho w to get the

messaging right

Don't act like a salesperson. Think "long term relationship."

How can signing up to receive your emails be

valuable to the BUYER? Think limited release

products, be-the-first-to-know, end-of-vintage

specials, on premise only SKU's, etc.

Avoid talking about the attributes of your

product/brand. There will be plenty of time for

that LATER (once you've built a relationship).

The spirit of your "ad copy" and headline should

be "give, give, give." Give what? Give value.

Tell people your story. Your WHY. Get good at

telling your story and what makes your winery

or distillery UNIQUE.
A best in class e x
ample of

how to collect trade leads

on y
our w


MailChimp makes it easy

to collect this info and

send emails ONLY to

your TRADE audience.

formula for an

automated email sequence

Email #1 - the welcome email

The purpose of this email is to

thank them for signing up for

your list and "show them around"

by inviting them to explore your

website and social sites. Email #2 - give value!

DO NOT SELL YET. Make it fun. Keep it light. Share

something valuable like the

recipe for the best-selling

get cocktail in your tasting bar OR

, y'
all . your Aunt Grace's ricotta

cheesecake recipe.
Email #3 - give value!

The story of how you or your family

came to start a winery or distillery.

Make it interesting. Tug at people's

heart strings by being very

authentic. Everyone has a story.

This is the chance to tell yours. Email #4 - Some kind of offer

DO NOT SELL YET. This should be some kind of

limited "insiders only" deal.

Doesn't have to be about price.

Could be something special and

k tip
quic only for your very best customers.

Use "Click Segmentation" which is when an email recipient

clicks on a link in the email, it automatically "tags" them in

your system as having an interet in that topic.

It's a way to slowly segment your list so you can later send

specific offers to that group.

Need more help ?
more info ? training?
At Salisbury Creative Group, we have a deep well of expertise to

assist you in leveraging this deadly combination of Facebook

Lead Ads and Email Marketing.

REMEMBER: this works for both TRADE and CONSUMERS!

We can shorten the learning curve for you so you can get better

results faster.

Online Courses

Live Coaching Sessions / Workshops

Private Facebook Group -- collaborate with other small producers

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