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Summer Holiday Home Work (2024-2025)

Class V


1. Daily listen to English news.

2. Write in your pocket diary about your daily experiences before going to bed .

3. Read some moral( value based) stories .

4. Write five different ways to treat the following waste : household waste , clinical waste , industrial waste .

5. write 10 lines on your favourite festival . Paste the pictures of different dishes you make on this day. ( in
A4 size paper.

6. Collect content materials for the student’s corner of the news letter.

Note – All holiday home work of this subject should be done in A4 size paper and keep it collectedly a in a
stick file and submit the same after the break.


1. 25 पेज सल
ु ेख लिखिए (हर दिन आधा पेज ) – Special Holiday Homework Notebook (Double-lined notebook)
2. अगले 5 पाठ को पढ़ कर उन्मे से कठिन शब्द छाँट कर अर्थ के साथ लिखो| - Special Holiday Homework Notebook मे
3. पाठ ‘फसलों के त्योहार’ में आए राज्यों को भारत के मानचित्र पर अलग-अलग रं ग से दर्शाकर कर Chart Paper मे छिपकाए
तथा उसी चार्ट पेपर पर उन राज्यों मे फसलों के त्योहार पर खाए जाने वाले खाद्य पदार्थ के चित्र चिपकाएं| (जैसे- बिहार – चरू ,
दही, तिलकुट के चित्र को चिपकाना है )
4. MDP परू ा करो ।
5. Please collect content material for ‘Students’ Corner’ of the Newsletter.


1. Prepare a model of any kind of BOAT.

2. Make some models of different kinds of FISHES using thermocol, papers, plastic, etc.
3. Make a fish- shaped figure by using only 8 matchsticks.
4. List out the cost of different fishes which are available in market.
5. Complete the Worksheet given in class.
6. Write and by heart Tables up to 20.
7. Complete MDP
8. Please collect content material for ‘Students’ Corner’ of the Newsletter.

1. Write a creative slogan on endangered animals.

2. Make a list of different professions related to animals.

3. Prepare a model or a chart of human digestive system.

4. Plant a sapling in your house .Write the report showing weekly changes in the plant.(take its
5. photo on the First & Last Day of Vacation )Complete MDP.
6. Please collect content material for ‘Students’ Corner’ of the Newsletter.

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