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Important Questions for Class 8

English - Honeydew
Chapter 04 – Bepin Choudhury's Lapse of Memory

A. Very short answer questions: 1 Mark

1. Word – Meaning from the given chapter:
i. Intruder
Ans: Trespasser
ii. Lingered
Ans: Stayed
iii. Nuisance
Ans: Annoyance
iv. Acquaintance
Ans: Familiarity

2. Where would Bepin Choudhury stop every Monday while returning from
Ans: Bepin Choudhury while returning from back every Monday would stop to
buy Books at Kalicharan in New Market.

3. How many books did he buy at once?

Ans: He bought at least five books at a time throughout the week.

4. What did Bepin Choudhury feel one day at the books store?
Ans: One day at the book store, Bepin Choudhury felt that someone was staring at
him from close quarters.

Class VIII English 1

5. What did he see when he turned around?
Ans: When he turned around, he saw a round-faced, humble-looking man, smiling
at him.

B. Short Answer Questions: 2 Marks

1. What does the man tell Bipin, who was he?
Ans: Bipin couldn't recognize the man, so he asked him if he knew him. The man
was surprised and says that he is Parimal Ghose and they met every day in 1958,
Ranchi, for a whole week and he arranged a car to take Bepin to the Hudroo falls.

2. What does Bepin Choudhury reply to him?

Ans: Bipin Choudhury had an idea that the man has some wrong idea, as he has
never been to Ranchi. So, he asks the man does he know who he was. To which the
man replies that who doesn't know Bepin Choudhury.

3. What does Bepin Babu do after listening to the whole story by Parimal
Ans: Bepin Babu was in dilemma after listening to Parimal Ghose. He immediately
paid for the books and left the shop. He sat in his car and asked Sitaram to drive by
the Ganga. He regretted that he listened to an intruder.

4. What does Bepin Babu remember where he was at the time when the man
claimed him to be in Ranchi?
Ans: Bepin Babu does not remember going to Ranchi but he remembers that in '58,
during the Pujas, he went to meet his friend Haridas Bagchi in Kanpur.

5. What did Bepin realize after lunchtime?

Class VIII English 2

Ans: Bepin babu realized after lunchtime that he was tired. He couldn't hold onto
sitting and working at his desk. He was known for being a tireless, conscientious
worker for 25 years. But that day he was feeling wobbly.

C. Short Answer Questions: 3 Marks

1. What does Bepin think of after reaching home at two-thirty?
Ans: When Bepin Babu reached home at two-thirty, tired, he lay down in bed and
tried to collect his intellect together. He was aware that people suffer from memory
loss due to a head injury but he didn't know why one would remember everything
except one incident.

2. What does Chunilal say when Bepin asked him about having gone to
Ranchi at all? What was his reaction?
Ans: Chunni asks Bepin if he has been on drugs or something. He further mentions
that as far as he knows, Bepin has had clean record about such things and that he
has a good memory too, how could he forget about the Ranchi trip. Chuni was
amazed and worried to know that Bepin had forgotten everything about the trip.

3. Why did Chuni ask Bepin about his last job?

Ans: As Bepin couldn't remember anything about the Ranchi trip, Chuni got
worried. And to check his memory he asked Bepin if he remembers his previous
job as Chuni was the one to fix Bepin's railway booking for Ranchi, and dropping
him off the station.

4. Who was Paresh Chanda? What does Bepin tell him?

Ans: Paresh Chanda was a physician who had bright eyes and a sharp nose. Bepin
told him about his condition and asked him to cure of this terrible illness. He also
mentions how it is affecting his work.

5. How does the physician react? What does he tell Bepin?

Class VIII English 3

Ans: He thought about Bepin's condition and then said that he has never dealt with
such an illness. He asked Bepin to follow what he said but he wasn't sure if it
would work. The physician asked Bepin to go back to Ranchi and maybe seeing
the site, he would remember the trip to Ranchi.

D. Long Answer Questions: 5 Marks

1. Who was Dinesh Mukerji? Why Bepin Babu called him up? What does he
get to know?
Ans: Dinesh Mukerji was a friend of Bepin Babu.
As Bepin Babu learned from the man, he was in Ranchi with him in ‘58, he called
up Dinesh, to know if he had actually visited Ranchi during the said period.
Bepin asked Dinesh if he remembered anything about the '58 incident, whether he
was in Calcutta or not? Dinesh told him to wait while he checked its record in his
diary. Then Dines told Bepin that he had been to Calcutta in February to take part
in his nephew's wedding. He also mentioned there was a trip to Ranchi and Bepin
was there too.

2. How did Bepin babu react to hearing the words from Dinesh?
Ans: Babu was restless after hearing the words from Dinesh. He slammed the
receiver down and tightly gripped his head with his hands. He was unaware of
what was going on. He felt tired and his head was wobbly. He felt a chill all over
his body. The situation was so bad that he had lost his appetite. There were
sandwiches in his box and he didn't eat. It happened with him for the first time in
twenty-five years of working.

3. Does Bepin Babu follow the physician's advice?

Ans: Bepin babu follows the physician's advice and takes a train to Ranchi. Upon
reaching Ranchi, as and as soon he sets his foot on the platform, he comprehends
that it is his first visit to that city. He hires a taxi and drives around the city for a
while. He sees the buildings, the streets, the hotels, the market, and the Morabadi
Hill, but nothing comes to his mind as a previous visit. It is all new for him. Then

Class VIII English 4

he decides to visit Hudroo falls with hope it may help him to remember, but he has

4. Did Bepin go to Hudroo falls? What happened with him there?

Ans: Yes, Bepin did visit the famous Hudroo falls.
At around five o'clock in the afternoon only, two men found Bepin lying on the
ground in an unconscious state beside a boulder. When he regained consciousness,
he thought that he was done for and there was no hope left for him. He went back
to Calcutta the next morning and was very much upset that he may have lost his
memories. Thus, he gave a call to his doctor and asked him to make a house call.

5. Write a summary of the poem "The Last Bargain".

Ans: The poem "The Last Bargain" is a poem by Rabindranath Tagore. In the
poem, he mentions the struggle of finding a job. The person desires to be hired
without losing his freedom. It is a poem about a daily wager who wants to be hired.
A king offers him a job and he rejects it, an old man came with gold coins but he
denied his proposal too. Then a lady offers the daily wager a job and he refused it
too. In the end, he accepts an offer by a kid playing with shells to play with him
and keeps his freedom.

Class VIII English 5

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