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Use of ICT Based Tools in Teaching Reading in English Language Learning

A Thesis Submitted to the Department of English Education

In Partial Fulfilment for the Master of Education in English

Submitted by
Nirmala Neupane

Faculty of Education, Tribhuvan University

Mahendra Multiple Campus, Dharan, Nepal
2080 (2023)
Use of ICT Based Tools in Teaching Reading in English Language Learning

A Thesis Submitted to the Department of English Education

In Partial Fulfilment for the Master of Education in English

Submitted by
Nirmala Neupane
Exam Roll No.: 757011
T.U. Reg. No: 9-2-9-736-2006

Faculty of Education, Tribhuvan University

Mahendra Multiple Campus, Dharan, Nepal
2081 (2024)

Submission date Thesis Viva Date

28 March, 2024 15 April, 2024


© 2024
Nirmala Neupane
All Rights Reserved


I hereby declare that this dissertation stands for its own originality in that
neither any research under this title has been submitted before nor even till the date of
its submission, any other research under this title, has been submitted yet to the
candidature of any degree at any university.

Nirmala Neupane

Recommendation Letter

This is to certify that Mr. Rabin Rai has completed his M.Ed. thesis in English
Education entitled "Use of ICT Based Tools in Teaching Reading in English
Language Learning" under my guidance and supervision. I, therefore, recommend it
for external evaluation.

Sajan Kumar Rai
Teaching Assistant, Department of English
Mahendra Multiple Campus, Dharan

Recommendation for Evaluation

The thesis entitled "Use of ICT Based Tools in Teaching Reading in

English Language Learning" prepared by Nirmala Neupane has been
recommended for evaluation from the following Research Guidance Committee.

Dr. Mohan Kumar Tumbahang ………………………
Associate Professor and Head Chairperson
Department of English
Tribhuvan University
Mahendra Multiple Campus

Sajan Kumar Rai (Supervisor) ………………………….

Teaching Assistant Member
Department of English
Tribhuvan University
Mahendra Multiple Campus

Mr. Nirajan Rai ………………………….

Teaching Assistant Member
Department of English
Tribhuvan University
Mahendra Multiple Campus


Evaluation and Approval

It is certified that the thesis entitled "Use of ICT Based Tools in Teaching
Reading in English Language Learning" prepared by Rabin Rai has been evaluated
and approved by the following Thesis Evaluation and Approval committee.

Dr. Mohan Kumar Tumbahang ………………………….
Associate Professor Head of the Department
Department of English
Mahendra Multiple Campus, Dharan

Mr. Sajan Kumar Rai ………………………….

Teaching Assistant Supervisor
Department of English
Mahendra Multiple Campus, Dharan

Dr. Arun Nepal ………………………….

Associate Professor Expert
Department of English Education
Mahendra Ratna Multiple Campus, Ilam



To my husband


This thesis has been prepared in partial fulfillment for the Master of Education
in English. I am entirely indebted to those individuals who directly and indirectly
supported me to accomplish this research work.
First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Mr.
Sajan Kumar Rai, Department of English Education, T.U, Mahendra Multiple
Campus. The research would not have been materialized without his invaluable
suggestions, guidance and inspiration. He carefully read the manuscript and filled the
gaps with useful comments and remarks.
I am equally grateful to Mr. Nirajan Rai, Teaching Assistant, Department of
English Education, Mahendra Multiple Campus, Dharan, for providing me
meaningful suggestions with the opportunity to carry out this research.
I am immensely thankful to Mr. Balchandra Kattel, Assistant Campus Chief,
Faculty of Education, Mahendra Multiple Campus, Dharan. I am indebted to him for
his patience and support in accomplishing my research and provided me constructive
and positive suggestions.
I am equally indebted to Mr. Yamnath Baral, then Coordinator of M.Ed.
Programme. Likewise, I owe my thank to Mr. Jagat Lakandri and other inspiring
lecturers at the Department for their invaluable suggestions in carrying out this study.
My special thanks go to all the English language teachers who participated in my
research study. Without their kind supports, this thesis would not be completed.
I record my appreciations to all the authors whose works have been cited here.
I would like to thank to the administrative staffs of Department of English Education,
Mahendra Multiple Campus, Dharan, for their kind supports and necessary
information until the accomplishment of this research work.
I am always indebted to my parents Mr. Bhishma Neupane and Mrs. Pabitra
Neupane and my loving husband Mr. Ganesh Timsina for their inspiration and
encouragement to accomplish this research work. Likewise, I feel pleasure to thank
my friend Ms. Jasmin Udas, Ms. Parmila Baraili and Mr. Rabin Rai for their kind
support throughout my study.
Nirmala Neupane


The present study entitled “Use of ICT Based Tools in Teaching Reading in
English Language Learning” was an attempt to find out both the teacher's and
student's perceptions and expectations on using ICT tools in teaching reading in
English language learning and to suggest some pedagogical implications. The study
was carried out by adopting the survey research design. To fulfill the objectives of the
study, I selected ten teachers and twenty students of different three schools of Dharan
city. The population of the study are taken as the sample by using purposive non-
random sampling strategy. A set of questionnaires was used as research tool for data
collection. The data obtained from respondents were analyzed and interpreted
descriptively. The major findings of the research study included that Students used
varieties of ICT based tools. They used ICTs for both learning and non-learning
purpose but they spent more time using ICTs for non-learning purpose than learning
purpose. The students perceived the use of ICT positively and most of them hoped
that ICT should be used frequently for the teaching learning process.
This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one is an introductory part. This
chapter includes background of the study, statement of the problem, rationale of the
study, objectives of the study, research questions, delimitations of the study and
operational definition of the key terms. Chapter two consists of review of related
theoretical literature, review of related empirical literature, implications of the review
for the study and conceptual framework of the research. Likewise, third chapter deals
with methods and procedures of the study. It includes design of the study, population,
sample, sampling strategy, research tool, source of data (primary and secondary), data
collection procedure and data analysis and interpretation procedures. Similarly,
chapter four incorporates of results. Chapter five consists of findings, conclusion and
recommendations. The overall discussion is followed by references and appendices.


CD Compact Disc
DVD Digital Video Disc
EFL English as a Foreign Language
ELT English Language Teaching
Email Electronic Mail
EMIS Education Management Information System
etc. et cetera
ibid. in the same book
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IT Information Technology
MoE Ministry of Education
NCF National Curriculum Framework
NELTA Nepal English Language Teacher Association
p. page
pp. pages
PC Personal Computer
pdf. Portable Document Format
SSRP School Sector Development Plan
T.U. Tribhuvan University
UNDP United Nation Development Plan
UNESCO United Nation Education, Science and Cultural Organization

Table of Contents



Recommendation Letter................................................................................................iv

Recommendation for Evaluation....................................................................................v

Evaluation and





Table of Contents..........................................................................................................xi

Chapter One

Context of the Study...................................................................................................1

Statement of the Problem...........................................................................................3
Rationale of the Study................................................................................................4
Objectives of the Study..............................................................................................5
Research Questions....................................................................................................5
Delimitations of the Study..........................................................................................5
Operational Definitions of the Key Terms.................................................................5
Chapter Two
Review of Related Literature and Conceptual Framework

Review of Related Theoretical Literature..................................................................7

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)..............................................7
ICT Based Tools.....................................................................................................8
Purpose of using of ICT in English Language Learning........................................9
Importance of ICT Tools in English Language Learning.....................................10
Policy and Provision of ICT in Nepal...................................................................12
Advantages of using ICT in English Language Learning.....................................15

Challenges of using ICT in Learning....................................................................15

Review of Related Empirical Literature...................................................................16
Implications of the Review of the Study..................................................................19
Conceptual Framework............................................................................................20
Chapter Three
Methods and Procedures of the Study

Design and Method of the Study..............................................................................22

Population, Sample and Sampling Strategy.............................................................23
Sources of Data.........................................................................................................23
Primary Sources of Data.......................................................................................23
Secondary Sources of Data...................................................................................23
Data Collection Tools and Techniques.....................................................................24
Data Collection Procedures......................................................................................24
Data Analysis and Interpretation Procedures...........................................................24
Chapter Four
Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Analysis of the Data and Interpretation of the Result..............................................25

Analysis of the Data and Interpretation of the teachers........................................25
Analysis of the Data and Interpretation of the students........................................29
Chapter Five

Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation


Chapter One


This is a study entitled "Use of ICT Based Tools in Teaching Reading in

English Language Learning". This is the introduction chapter. It contains
background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research
questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational
definitions of the key terms.
Context of the Study
The English language has established itself as the most dominant global
language of communication in different countries around the world as it is used in
almost all the areas. The English language serves as a common medium for
communication among individuals from diverse linguistic backgrounds. At the
beginning there was a trend of teaching in teacher centered techniques and the
learning of the English consisted just studying a text book, taking exams, and
applying the theories into practices. Teacher-centered methods failed to fulfill the
needs of learners, promoting scholars to explore alternatives to teacher-centric
approaches. This led to the emergence of students-centered techniques. Today,
information and communication technologies (ICTs) are gradually supplanting
teacher-centered methods. The development in the field of ICT opens a lot of options
for learning the English language. With the use of ICT one can communicate in order
to know about others' cultures, have fun and also learn English language at the same
time. On the emergence of information and technology, Stewart (1997) mentions
“The emergence of the information age and the sudden ubiquity of information
technology are among the biggest – no, they are the biggest – stories of our time” (as
cited in Leon & Leon, 1999). In the past sudden presence of information technology
was big subject matter for the people to talk about. But now it has become the
necessary practice in every aspect of our life. At that time the education system was
different from the present one. Regarding the old system of education Leon & Leon
(ibid.) say “Our educational system was developed more than a century ago to teach
students the basic facts and survival skills they would need for jobs in industry and
agriculture-jobs they would probably hold for their entire life.”

They characterize this model as a "factory model" and provide the following
three explanations:
- It presupposes uniform learning styles and content acquisition among all
- Teachers are tasked with dispensing information to students, periodically
assessing their understanding.
- Students are anticipated to work independently, assimilate information,
and predominantly engage in passive listening during lessons.
Despite its flaws, this education system has, until recently, facilitated the
success of the students in their respective professions. But in today’s information age
we cannot imagine the same kind of teaching. The world has changed and is changing
day by day. So to cope with the dynamic time the use of ICTs in teaching and learning
become very crucial. Regarding the technology Oliver (2002) says “Technology has
the capacity to promote and encourage the transformation of education from a very
teacher directed enterprise to one which supports more student-centered models.” He
further states some points as the evidences to support the technology in education.
- The proliferation of capability, competency and outcomes focused
- Moves towards problem-based learning
- Increased use of the Web as an information source, Internet users are able
to choose the experts from whom they will learn
The use of ICT in educational setting by itself acts as a medium for change in
this sector. ICTs by their nature are tools that encourage and support independent
learning of the students. On the importance of Information and Communication
Technologies on education, Prasannanshu (2013, p.7) says
ICT has not only made the classroom experience more personal, and full of
sensory stimuli, but it has also democratized the learning process, as learning
opportunities are available through the net anytime, anywhere and relatively
cheap (or even for free) to an unprecedentedly large number of people.
It can be said that ICT has brought the classroom to the people’s door which is
more economic, democratic and it is easily available too. Similarly, Sliogerience &
Olaskeviciene (2014, p.391) write “Today’s higher education provision is
characteristic of variety, ranging from brick-and-mortar forms to hybrid and totally
virtual classes. Social media being widely used for business and personal purposes is

also a powerful tool used in the educational environment.” The higher education
system is changing from the traditional style and it is not limited to the four walls.
With the use of social media, it has become possible to run a hybrid and virtual
classes and the students can learn from the distant place.
As per the need of learning English language the students are also using ICTs
as tools to learn. Today, ICTs have left their impact on every aspect of human life.
The most important developments which one can observe have been possible due to
the emergence of the science and technologies. As technology has created change in
every aspect of the society, it is also changing the expectations of what students must
learn in order to function in the present-day world.
If we talk in our context about learning English language the ICTs have been the boon
for the students. They can take online class, watch videos of native speakers in
YouTube, exchange materials through e-mail, have a chat with English speaker in the
social networking site, etc.
ICT could be used for various purposes. By using ICT one can check
Facebook, compose email, chat with friends, read news, download or listen music,
play games, watch YouTube, use google map, check bank account, shop online, use
online dictionary, practice language (Listening, speaking, reading and writing),
practice vocabulary, use google translation, search online English materials, discuss
assignment with teachers and friends via emails, share English learning in a forum,
check website for particular information, create blog to keep their personal
information and many more. All these activities are possible with the use of ICT but
some of them are done with the purpose of learning where as others are for general or
non-learning purposes.
I chose this topic to find out the use of ICT tools, purpose of using, perception
and expectation of the students. From the study we can find out the current status of
ICT as well as what has not been done and what is needed to be done to take more
benefit by using ICT for learning English language.
Statement of the Problem
Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and
learning is the demand of the day because it has been used in every sector. The trend
of using ICT for teaching and learning in education sector is also growing every day.
Its popularity has grown significantly, and its progress continues to accelerate daily.
The evolution of science and technology has profoundly transformed the learning

landscape, leading to the adoption of various innovation learning methods. English

being a foreign language itself is difficult for us. If we try to learn English in the same
way as we used to do years before we won’t be able to meet the certain standard of
the present-day English language competencies. So, the technologies can act as a
boon for the students for learning English language. Technologies are very helpful for
the students in so many ways. Regarding the importance of technology Kumar, (2009,
p.7) says:
“Technology can clearly assist schools and the nation generally, to more
effectively meet many of the goals contained into legalization. Perhaps most
important is the goal that calls for all students to possess demonstrated
competency in challenging subject matter and be prepared for productive
citizenship, continued learning and productive employment.”
Many researches also support that ICTs are helpful in learning English
language. In the Nepalese context the use of ICT has brought significant changes in
the way of student learning. The students use various ICT based tools for various
purposes. So, this study wants to understand how people use technology like
computers and smartphones, why they use them, what they think about using them,
and what they hope to get out of using them to learn English. It needs to be studied as
ICT has become the necessary practice in the field of English language teaching and
learning and it is important to find out how the learners are using ICT tools to learn
English language.
This study will provide clear picture of ICT usage in term of practice of ICT
tools, purpose of using, perception and expectation of the students. From the study we
will be able to find out the current status of ICT as well as what has not been done and
what is needed to be done to take more benefit by using ICT for learning English
Rationale of the Study
We are living in the age of information and communication technology (ICT).
The role of ICT has become an inevitable part of our daily life. Even a piece of
information or knowledge is communicated through internet. ICTs have opened a new
way for learning English language. The students can learn and the teacher can teach
English language by using various ICT based tools. The utilization of ICTs has
provided students with numerous chances to engage with English both inside and
outside the classroom, thereby reducing the need for direct teacher intervention.

Hence, ICTs hold considerable importance for many individuals across different
contexts. Primarily, this research holds significance for those interested in employing
ICT for English language learning purposes. Both the teachers and the students get
benefitted as this study reveals how ICTs have been used by the students and also the
expectations of students on how ICTs should be used. The teachers can also inculcate
the ICTs in their teaching as per the students’ expectations. Curriculum creators and
textbook authors can design educational plans and books while thinking about how
important technology is worldwide nowadays, especially using computers and the
internet. This study can act as scaffolding to those students who are going to conduct
the study related to the very field. Moreover, this study assists to identify the needs,
practices and pedagogical implication of the use of ICT based tools by the students.
Objectives of the Study
The objectives of this studies are to investigate the viewpoints and anticipated
outcomes of utilizing ICT tools in English language reading instruction from both
teachers and students and to propose potential educational implications.
Research Questions
This study focused on the research questions listed below, which were
developed during the research process:
a. How ICT tools are used in the EFL teaching?
b. For what purpose do they use ICT based tools?
c. How do the students perceive using ICT in English language learning?
d. How the students use ICT for English language learning?
Delimitations of the Study
Because of limitations and not having enough resources, I couldn't do the
research on a big scale. So, the research had these specific boundaries:
a. The study was only conducted at the students and limited teachers of Dharan
sub-metropolitan city.
b. This study was only presented the perspectives of the students and teachers.
c. The main information was limited to 20 students and 10 teachers.
d. The data was collected from the students of the grade 9 and 10 of 2079 batch.
Operational Definitions of the Key Terms
Information and Communication Technology (ICT): refers to computer
technologies but strictly speaking should also include other technologies used for
the collection, storage, manipulation and communication of information. In my study

technology refers to ICT tools and other technology used in the teaching learning

Chapter Two

Review of Related Literature and Conceptual Framework

This part is split four sections. The first one talks about theories related to the
topic and what studies have been done so far. The second one talks about actual
studies that have been conducted. The third one discusses what I can learn from the
reviews and how they relate to the study. And the fourth one outlines the plan for the
Review of Related Theoretical Literature
The 21st century is known as the time when technology, like phones and
computers, became really important. It changed everything in our lives because of all
the new ideas and tools it brought. The world is getting narrower day by day with the
invention of technology and we can say that the concept of global village is its result.
Technology has changed and is changing the society in to modern form. English being
the international language is used in every sector. So people need to learn this
language. For learning English language ICT could be one of the best means. Chabbra
(2012) says “The need of the day is to equip people with proficiency in the English
language and this is possible only with a proper blend of edification and e-learning
tools (modern technologies).”
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Information Communication Technology (ICT) refers to different kind of
technological tools such as computer, internet, telephone, radio, television, video, CD/
DVD, satellite systems, and services such as videoconferencing and e-mail, etc. ICT
has been very crucial in our daily life within a short span of time and also manage to
change the way of our living. ICT has opened new avenues in almost every field. In
recent years ICT has been used in almost all the sectors so the education sector as well
has not been able to remain isolated from the ongoing ICT revolution. Moursund
(2003) defines ICT as follows:
ICT includes the full range of computer hardware, computer software, and
telecommunications facilities. It includes the local area networks and wide
area networks that allow computer systems and people to communicate with

each other. It includes computerized machinery, and computerized robots. (As

cited in UNESCO, 2003, Final Report)
It means all the tools or devices that allow people to communicate or share
their message, idea, with each other fall under ICTs. Or in another way it can be said
that all the tools or devices those help to exchange information are ICTs.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP, 2003) says that ICTs
are basically tools for handling information. These tools include things like
computers, software, and services that help create, store, process, share, and exchange
information. These tools can all work together and form what we call the 'networked
world'. It's like a big system of connected telephone lines, the internet, radio, and TV
that reaches everywhere on Earth.
ICT Based Tools
The descriptions on ICT based tools are presented as follows:
A computer is a digital electronic machine that can be programmed to carry
out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations (computation) automatically.
Modern computers can perform generic sets of operations known as programs. These
programs enable computers to perform a wide range of tasks. A computer system is a
"complete" computer that includes the hardware, operating system (main software),
and peripheral equipment needed and used for "full" operation. This term may also
refer to a group of computers that are linked and function together, such as a computer
network or computer cluster.
A smartphone is a portable computer device that combines mobile
telephone and computing functions into one unit. They are distinguished from feature
phones by their stronger hardware capabilities and extensive mobile operating
systems, which facilitate wider software, , and multimedia functionality, alongside
core phone functions such as voice calls and text messaging.
A projector or image projector is an optical device that projects an image onto
a surface, commonly a projection screen. Most projectors create an image by shining
a light through a small transparent lens, but some newer types of projectors can
project the image directly, by using lasers. A virtual retinal display, or retinal

projector, is a projector that projects an image directly on the retina instead of using
an external projection screen.
A tablet computer, commonly shortened to tablet, is a mobile device, typically
with a mobile operating system and touchscreen display processing circuitry, and
a rechargeable battery in a single, thin and flat package. Tablets, being computers, do
what other personal computers do, but lack some input/output abilities that others
have. Modern tablets largely resemble modern smartphones, the only differences
being that tablets are relatively larger than smartphones, larger, measured diagonally,
and may not support access to a cellular network.
Purpose of using of ICT in English Language Learning
The most important development in the present-day world is the rapid growth
of the information and communication technologies. Today, the ICTs are on the way
of being the important teaching learning environment which provide with new and
numerous styles of teaching learning. The technologies are able to provide a world-
wide experience of teaching learning context to the students and teachers. The use of
information and communication technologies by the teachers while teaching can make
the subject matter more interesting and attractive to the learners. Goodwyn (2000)
states “The actual use of ICT is the intrinsic motivating purpose because it captures
the interest and enthusiasm of students” (p. 12). The use of the technology can reduce
the teachers’ routine role of giving the information to the students and give them the
opportunity to use that time to other valuable task of contributing to the development
of other aspects of the students. In this regard, Sampath, Panneerselvam, &
Santhanam (2007) say:
"The growing use of educational technology in today’s school has helped to
release the teacher from the routine role of ‘information giving’ so that he can
devote his time and effort to more important tasks of planning, arranging,
enthusing, guiding and counseling pupils (p.31)."
By using technology teachers can teach the students in short time or they can
make students to study themselves from various ICT tools. The teachers can share the
content through various tools and the students can learn that before coming to the
class. Now the teachers do not have to follow the routine role of giving information to
the students so they can use that time and effort for the welfare of the students by
doing various task like planning, guiding, counseling and so on.

ICT tools have been used for various purposes by the students and some of
them are briefly described as follows:
Use online dictionaries. Many students use online dictionaries to find out the
meanings of the difficult words. The online dictionaries not only help to find out the
meanings of the difficult words they also help to build up the vocabulary at the same
time. There are various online dictionaries available on the internet like Merriam-
Webster, Cambridge, Oxford which can be used on PC, tab, and mobile phone.
Search English online materials. Another purpose of using ICT is to search
English online materials. There are various sites where we can search a lot of
materials to learn English Language. Google can be taken as an example where we
can find millions of English language materials like books, journals, research articles,
and many more. So, ICTs are the rich sources of English materials.
Use google translation. Google translation is the facility provided by the
google (since May, 2007) where the given language (source language) is translated in
to another language (target language). If we provide Nepali language, the google
translation software translates that into English language.
Discuss assignments with students and teachers via email. Nowadays with
the advancement of the technology the students and teachers can discuss the
assignments via email. Email provides an asynchronous communication, i.e. the
medium is time independent (Hassini, 2004, p. 32). This helps the teacher to think
about a useful response and also it provides the opportunity to shy students who are
unwilling to participate in the class.
Share English in the forum. Students can share whatever they learn in a
forum. Forum provides the opportunity to the students to write with purpose. It
enhances communication and motivates the students to carefully post their writing or
learning as there are the readers. Regarding the usefulness of forum, Espitia & Clavijo
(2011) state, “The advantage of having real audience and in the same way, a real
purpose to writing is the advantage that makes virtual forum so rich and useful” (p.
Importance of ICT Tools in English Language Learning
Nowadays, we're in a time where there's a lot of new information coming out
all the time, thanks to advances in science and technology. These advances have
changed almost every part of how we live. We're using modern tools like computers

and the internet a lot, which we call ICT. In education, ICT is everywhere, helping us
learn better. It's especially important for learning languages like English.
There are a lot of ICT tools and applications which are very useful in learning
English language. Computer, lingua phone, radio, television are some of the helpful
tools for practicing different language skills. There are lots of facilities available in
the internet to enhance language learning. In social media like Facebook, twitter,
Instagram the students can make groups and share the information which helps them
to learn situational language.
The importance of ICT based tool according to Tri & Nguyen (2014) can be
briefly described as follows:
Study English. There are various ICT based tools which are very helpful in
learning English language. The tools like facebook, twitter, email, internet, skype, etc.
are the excellent mechanism for building English skills. One can gain the experience
of English writing by composing various messages or emails. Those also build the
English reading skills while reading the message or emails from the other users.
Beside this, the teacher also can create the group\page and post the materials on that
very group and the students learn from there. The students can also create the page
and exchange the learning contents. We can learn English with YouTube by listening
the language from the videos we watch and also by reading the comments those are
posted below the videos. We can also find the text presentation on slide show format
and we can read English from there.
Improve all the language skills. The ICT tools are the important medium to
improve all the language skills. By using the ICT tools one can practice listening,
speaking, reading and writing. The learners can listen to audios and watch videos of
people speaking English and practice their listening. They also can use facebook or
skype to have an audio or video conversation with native as well non-native speaker
of English language and practice their speaking. Moreover, they can watch the
English videos and try to speak like the speakers in the videos. There are various
websites, journals, blogs, pdf. books available in the internet to read. By reading such
materials the learners can practice their reading. The learners can write and send text
while chatting, compose email, comment on various posts (on Facebook, twitter,
YouTube) from which they can have writing practice. So, the ICTs are helpful in so
many ways to improve all the language skills.

Mastery over grammar competence. Grammar is always a backbone in

learning the language. With the help of ICT one can learn grammar. There are various
software and applications available in the internet to learn grammar. Such types of
software and applications provide the grammar rules and also provide the opportunity
to deal with the level wise (beginner, medium and advance) grammar exercises. There
are many videos of teaching grammar available on YouTube by the online tutor. So,
by using the software, applications or videos ultimately the learners can master their
grammar competence.
Access to updated materials. ICTs are considered as the store houses of
materials as there are numerously available in the internet. And they are timely
updated too. Nowadays almost every organization has their digital forum where they
post their research work or finding in any subject matter. NELTA can be taken as an
example. It publishes the articles, journals which are written by various scholars.
Moreover, there are numerous English audios and videos, slides, pdf. books, available
in the internet which help to learn English language.
Policy and Provision of ICT in Nepal
Policies are principles or rules or guidelines formulated by any organization to
reach their long-term goals. Those are designed to determine all the actions and
activities within the boundary set by them. Some policies and provisions related to
ICT are discussed under this section.
Policies and Provisions in National Curriculum Framework, 2063
ICT can be used in schools in three main ways:
- To share information and manage school tasks, like administration.
- To help teach different subjects.
- To have its own lessons, teaching students skills they need for the modern
NCF has also stated the policy of bringing the use of ICT into the school
which shows that ICT can be one of the best alternatives to provide the education
which is required for the 21st century.
National Information and Communication Technology Policy (2015)
Ministry of Information and Technology did formulate the policy document
i.e., National Information and communication Technology policy (2015) which has
mentioned the following policy provision in ICT in education:

- Appropriate measures will be taken to facilitate and promote the integration of

ICTs within the entire Nepali educational system to support administration,
pedagogy, learning and research, with a view to improving the quality of
education and training at all levels and enhancing access to education.
- A nationwide E-School and other related initiatives will be formulated and
launched to promote E-learning and E-Education as well as life-long learning. ICT
capacities of tertiary level educational institutions will also be enhanced in a way
that helps improve broad learning outcomes.
- Arrangements will be made to ensure effective implementation of ICT in
Education Master Plan formulated by the Ministry of Education.
- The initiative towards setting up an open in Nepal will be strengthened with the
objective of operationalizing the same by the year 2018.
The country's plan for information and technology now includes rules about using
computers and the internet in schools. They want to make sure all schools in Nepal
use technology for teaching, organizing and studying. They also want to encourage
online learning and education that lasts a lifetime. They'll improve access to online
resources and make sure science and technical subjects are taught well, so people can
develop skills for jobs in technology.
School Sector Development Plan (SSDP) 2016-2023
As technology becomes more important in our lives, the Ministry of Education
thinks it's really important for students to learn about and be good at using computers
and stuff. They want to make sure students can use technology to make learning better
get more learning materials, and make running schools smoother and faster.
To improve knowledge and the use of ICT School Sector Development Plan (SSDP)
has forwarded the following strategies:
- Set up computer learning environments in high schools by providing computers
and teaching materials.
- Create special learning centers in some schools that use computers to help
students learn better.
- Add computer lessons to the high school curriculum and provide training for
teachers on how to use them.
- Make educational materials for students who have trouble seeing or hearing and
help deaf students learn about computer.
- Make websites where students can learn and use electronic libraries.

- Teach teachers how to use computers to teach their students.

- Make online and offline courses and materials to help students learn subjects like
science, math, and Wnglish.
- Make learning materials for science, math, and English classes that use computers.
- Make and share online resources for students and teachers, and keep them in one
- Make school management better by using computers more and using special
accounting software.
The SSDP has stated various policy provisions with the vision of inculcating ICT
in education. It has vowed to establish ICT enabling learning environment, ICT
learning centre, incorporate ICT in secondary curriculum, develop need based
educational materials for children with visual and hearing impairment, develop
website and e-library, train teacher to use ICT, develop online and offline course,
prepare ICT teaching and learning materials. It also focuses on strengthening the
school governance and management through Education Management Information
System (EMIS).
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education Master Plan
It has been formulated by the Ministry of education with certain vision,
mission, and goals.
The vision of the Master Plan is to ensure extensive use of ICT in education
sector and contribute for access to and quality of education for all.
The mission of the Master Plan is to narrow down the digital divide through
the development of ICT infrastructures, human resources, digital contents and system
enhancement in education.
The main goals of ICT in Education Master Plan are:
- To expand equitable access to education;
- To enhance the quality of education;
- To reduce the digital divide;
- To improve the service delivery system in education.

- To create ICT- enabled learning environment in educational institutions.

- To expand the Internet access to schools and other educational institutions.
- To expand the accessibility to learning resources through educational resource
sharing platform.
- To prepare teachers for ICT based education.
- To develop favorable environment for policy making and management for ICT
based education.
- To enhance ICT competencies of human resources working in education
Advantages of using ICT in English Language Learning
ICT is very much advantageous on so many ways and have positive effects on
English language learning. ICT itself is a store house of the materials from where both
the students and teachers are likely to be benefitted. According to Ammanni &
Aparanjini (2016, p.5) the use of ICT for English language learning has the following
- We can get the required information within a fraction of second.
- Learners become more innovative with the help of e-learning.
- ICT provides the information to the students which will be useful for them to
compete with this competitive world.
- English lessons that incorporate multimedia applications can exert powerful
motivation and provide bored students with exciting new ways to learn.
- ICT can make students and teachers to work with current and authentic sources.
- ICT ameliorates the learner’s interaction, verbalization involvement in group
collaborative learning.
- Students can learn independently.
- With ICT pictorial description is available.
ICT has made possible to get required information within a fraction of second
which will be useful for students with this competitive world. The incorporation of
multimedia application in English class can provide powerful motivation and give
new exciting way to learn. The current and authentic sources are available in the ICTs
which support the independent learning as the students.
Challenges of using ICT in Learning
Using ICTs in education has many benefits as the previous part of this
literature review mentioned, but still there are some challenges and barriers in using

ICTs in education that hinder the success of ICTs in learning. In this regard
Livingstone (2012, as cited in Kareem, 2017) believes that embedding ICT in the
educational environment will have challenge for schools to alter the educational
infrastructure, providing teacher training, curriculum structures and materials change,
classroom practices and modes of assessment; all these must be redesigned at all
There are others challenges of using ICTs for learning according to Kareem
(2017, pp.36-42) are as follows:
 Unavailability and inaccessibility of ICT devices at home.
 Lack of skills of using technology for learning purpose.
 Low level of digital or IT literacy amongst the teaching staff.
 Negative attitudes, beliefs and behavior towards the ICT tools.
 Diverse forms of ICT resources and applications give students hard time to
figure out using them.
 Many teachers and learners have the fear of using technology (technophobia).
 The culture and atmosphere of the school whether that supports integrating
technology for teaching and learning or not.
ICTs do not only possess benefits. There are a lot of challenges on their use
while teaching and learning. So to use ICTs successfully in learning we should
overcome the challenges.
Review of Related Empirical Literature
As other researchers, I observed the fundamental background of the related
subjects and other past studies closely related to my study. Here I have reviewed the
following research studies and articles closely related to my research study in the
following manner:
Dahal (2015) carried out research under the title “Student’s perception on the
use of online-resources” and aimed to find out the students’ perception on the use of
online resources in term of website, gmail, e-book, blogs and facebook and also to
find out their usefulness for students’ academic development. He used survey design
and selected forty students of +2 levels of four private colleges of Kathmandu district.
In which he selected ten students from each college using purposive non-random
sampling procedure. He used questionnaire as a tool of data collection. The study
found that almost all the students had positive perception and agreed on those online

resources create motivation and interest for learning. Majority of the students agreed
that online resources are the most important source of learning but in their practicality
a considerable percentage of them were found to be passive about it.
Poudel (2015) in his research work entitled “Information and communication
technologies and teacher educators of English in Nepal” aimed to find out the existing
knowledge and skills in ICTs of English language teacher educators in Nepal and also
to find out the needs of those teacher educators regarding the use of ICTs in the
classroom. In order to get broader picture of the existing knowledge and skills of
English language teacher educators teaching in public/community and private teacher
education institution in Nepal a questionnaire format was adopted. A total of 25
teacher educators of English from 10 teacher education institutions (both
public/community and private) located in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Lalitpur, Kaski,
Surkhet, Dadeldhura, Chitwan, and Butwal were selected purposively as the
respondents. The study found that information and communication technologies have
been indispensible tools for the effective teaching learning system.
Shahi (2016) carried out the research work entitled “Use of technology in
English class” which aimed to find out the use of technology in English class by the
English language teachers. He conducted the study using the survey research design
and selected 30 English language teachers who were using technologies in the English
language class as a sample from 15 schools in Kathmandu valley using non-random
purposive sampling procedure. He used questionnaire as a tool to find out usefulness
and essentiality of the technological tools in English language class to develop the
professional skills of the language teachers in secondary school. The teachers were
found to be positive towards the use of technology like mobile, computer and internet
in the language class.
Sharma (2017) conducted the research on “Teacher perceptions on using
computer application in the classroom”. In her research work she aimed to find out
the teachers’ perceptions on the use of multiple computer applications in classroom
based on language skills and aspects. The researchers used the survey design and
followed the non-random sampling procedure. The study was based on 30 English
teachers of secondary school of Kathmandu valley. She used questionnaire as a tool to
collect data. From the study it was found that majority (97%) of the teachers used
computer in language teaching where as 60% teachers used computer applications
such as multimedia, blogs, wikis, internet, browser, etc. while teaching English

language. The result revealed the positive attitude towards the use of computer
Khanal (2017) carried out a research work on “Teachers’ and students’
perception towards the use of powerpoint in English classes” which aimed to explore
the perception of teachers and students towards the use of powerpoint in teaching
learning. The researcher used survey design to conduct the research work. The
researcher used non-random purposive sampling procedure and selected 10 teachers
teaching English inn M.Ed. using powerpoint and 20 students who completed fourth
semester examination from department of English education, T.U., Kirtipur. The
researcher used questionnaire as a tool for data collection. Both open ended and close
ended questions were for the teachers but only close ended questions were for the
students. From the study it was found that both the teachers and students have positive
view towards the use of powerpoint in English class and is very essential and useful in
English language classes to develop understanding, increase memory and have
positive influence on students learning.
Shahi (2017) conducted research on “Teachers’ beliefs on the use of ICT for
their professional development”. The researcher attempted to find out the beliefs of
English teachers on the use of ICT for their professional development in terms of
importance, benefits, and application in professional development. The researcher
used survey design to complete this study. The researcher selected 40 teachers from
20 schools of Banke district using the judgemental sampling procedure. The
researcher used a set of questionnaires which consist both open and close ended
questions to collect the data. The finding showed that almost all the participants used
different ICT tools. They believed that ICT provides immediate feedback and access
to variety of learning resource, helps to develop knowledge and skills, increase
motivation towards learning, build confidence and bring noticeable change in
profession and also their professional development is strengthened.
Thanet (2017) carried out a research work entitled “Students’ perceptions on the use
of internet as a learning source”. The researcher aimed to find out the perceptions of
students towards the use of internet as learning source. The researcher had followed
the survey design and selected 10 teachers and 30 students of T.U., Kirtipur from 3
faculties (education, humanities and management) by using random sampling
procedure. The researcher used questionnaire which consist both open and close
ended questions to collect the primary data for her study. The study found that there is

a positive attitude of internet in learning and majority of learners are found to be using
internet for their learning, collecting the learning sources, getting the reference
materials for doing their assignment as well as entertaining their leisure time which
really makes the learners more concentrate and creative.
Many research works have been carried out in the field of ICT. However, no
any research work has been carried out on my selected topic. This research is different
from other in the sense that nobody has carried out the research on “Use of ICT based
tools in English language learning”. I have attempted to find out the use of ICT in
terms of practice, purposes, perceptions and expectation for learning English language
which are different from the objectives of the other research works those have been
carried out in the department.
Implications of the Review of the Study
Reviewing the related literature is one of the most crucial parts of any research
work. It provides the necessary theoretical support to the researcher’s study and also
demonstrates him/her to the right direction while conducting research.
I had also gone through various theoretical works and empirical states while
reviewing the literature. All those are related to my area to some extent. After
reviewing all those research works, I got ideas on different existing theories which
were related to his topic. From the theoretical review I got to know about Information
and Technology, governmental policy on ICTs in education, their importance and
challenges. Moreover, from the empirical research studies I came to know about the
different procedures needed to conduct the research work. I gained a lot of valuable
information regarding the sampling strategies, use of research tools and analysis and
interpretation techniques. All the theoretical and empirical studies were helpful during
his entire research work. They were the asset to make my study more reliable and
In particular, the study of Dahal (2015) research provided me with the insight
on how students perceive the use of online resources and how they are useful for
students’ academic development. From Poudel (2015) I got the information on
existing knowledge and skills in ICTs of English language teacher educators in Nepal.
Moreover, the study provided the ideas on the needs of those teacher educators
regarding the use of ICTs in the classroom. Shahi (2016) study work gave the ideas on
how technological tools are very useful and essential and also the attitudes of the
teachers towards them in classroom teaching learning process. Sharma (2017) study

provided the ideas on how teachers perceive the use of computer applications in the
classroom for English language teaching. Khanal (2017) research provided the insight
on how students and teachers perceive the use of powerpoint in English classes and
how powerpoint can be useful to develop understanding, increase memory and have
positive influence on students learning. Shahi (2017) study provided the ideas about
the English teachers’ beliefs on the use of ICT for their professional development and
application of ICT strengthened their professional development. From Thanet (2017) I
got the information on how students perceive the use of internet as a learning
Moreover, I got the ideas for developing research tools used by them. They
assisted me to prepare a questionnaire for collecting reliable information to meet the
specified objective of the study. Most of them followed the survey research process
and that was applied to this study as well.
Conceptual Framework
A conceptual framework is the diagrammatic representation of presumed
relationship of the concept or the variables which are going to be involved in the
study. The conceptual framework of this research work “Use of ICT Based Tools in
English Language Learning” is as follows:
Use of ICT Based Tools in English Language Learning

Practice Purpose Perception Expectation

Learning Purpose Non-learning Purpose

- Use online dictionaries - Check facebook

- Search English online materials - Download / listen music
- Use google translation - Play games
- Discuss assignment with students - Use google map
& teachers via email - Watch youtube
- Share English learning in a forum

Importance of ICT
- Frequent use of ICT
- Use updated materials
- Study English
- Learn to search online materials
- Improve all the language skill
- Communicate with teacher via email
- Mastery over grammar
- Access to updated materials ICT based tools

Advantages and Challenges -Computer -Smartphone

-Tablet -Projector


Chapter Three

Methods and Procedures of the Study

This chapter talks about how I gathered data. It quickly explains the different
ways I collected information for the study. I used the methods outlined here to
achieve the study's goals.
Design and Method of the Study
Research design is a plan of action which is designed to answer the research
questions of the study systematically. It determines every step of the whole research
process to be followed. Kothari (2004, p. 31) states “A research design is the
arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to
combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.” It can be
said that research design works as a blueprint to conduct the research work.
Regarding the design of the study Kerlinger (1986 as cited in Kumar, 2011)
"A research design is a plan, structure and strategy of investigation so
conceived as to obtain answers to research questions or problems. The plan is
the complete scheme or programme of the research. It includes an outline of
what the investigator will do from writing the hypotheses and their operational
implications to the final analysis of data".
The subject we're studying shows us what kind of research we'll do.
Specifically, I chose to use surveys for this study. Different experts have given their
own explanations of what a survey is. According to Cohen and Manion (1985, as cited
in Nunan, 1992) “Surveys are the most commonly used descriptive method in
educational research and may vary in scope from large scale government
investigations through small scale studies carried out by a single researcher (p. 140)”.
This idea suggests that surveys are often used in educational research. Surveys can
involve asking a lot of people questions in a planned way. This is done by using a list
of questions in a certain order or online form given to a group of people chosen to
represent a larger group.

To summarize, a survey is a common type of research done in education. It

helps to understand specific problems and goals. Surveys aim to learn about people's
opinions, feelings, actions, and traits.
To do my survey, I did these eight things like Nunan (1992, p. 141) said:
- Figure out what I wanted to learn.
- Decide who I wanted to ask.
- Read up on what others have already found out.
- Choose who I would ask for my survey.
- Pick what tools I'd use for my survey questions.
- Plan out how I'd do the survey.
- Think about how I'd analyze the answers.
- Decide how I'd share.
In order to conduct survey research, I chose a survey method for this study
because I wanted to find out how high school students use technology tools. This
research included all the students in the school. A smaller group was selected from a
big population for the study. Information was gathered at various times and situations,
and the results were applied to everyone in the population.
Population, Sample and Sampling Strategy
The population for this study was the students of different three schools of
Dharan city. As survey is a large- scale study, it is difficult to collect the data from
each and every member of the population. Thus, I selected only 10 teachers and 20
students of grade 9 and 10 of 2079 batch. I used non- random purposive sampling
strategy to select the students as the sample for the study. Moreover, I personally
visited them to collect the data.
Sources of Data
For this study, I used both primary and secondary sources of data to achieve
the goals mentioned earlier. So, I used both types of data sources to do this research.
Primary Sources of Data
The primary sources of data was based on the responses made by the ten
teachers and twenty students of three different schools of Dharan, who are teaching
and studying English. It is done through the questionnaires distributed to them.
Secondary Sources of Data
Besides using the main sources of information, I also looked at books, theses,
articles, journals, websites, dictionaries, and online materials that were relevant to my

study. Some of them are Dahal (2015), Leon & Leon (1999), Khanal (2017), Kothari
(2004), Kumar (2009), Kumar (2011), Nunan (1992), Poudel (2015), Prasannanshu
(2013), Shahi (2016), Shahi (2017), UNDP (2003), Sharma (2017), Thanet (2017).
Data Collection Tools and Techniques
The main way I gathered information for this study was by using a series of
questions in a survey. The questionnaire was developed to find out both the teachers'
and the students’ perceptions and expectations on using ICT tools in teaching reading
in English language learning. The items in questionnaire had both open-ended and
close-ended questions.
Data Collection Procedures
First, I explained to the people joining the study what it was about and how it
would go. I deliberately picked who would participate, not randomly. Next, I handed
them a set of questions to answer and requested them to complete it within a week.
Once the week passed, I gathered the answered questions and expressed gratitude to
everyone for their assistance.
Data Analysis and Interpretation Procedures
The information gathered from the people involved was studied using numbers
and explanations. I looked at how the learners answered the questions by counting
how often certain answers came up and figuring out the percentages. Initially, I
organized the data into tables to see the percentages of different responses. Then, I
went deeper, looking at the answers in more detail to understand what they meant for
the study.

Chapter Four

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter deals with the analysis of the data and interpretation of the
results. The data are presented in the table and pie chart than further analyzed and
interpreted in order to derive the finding of the study. The data were collected from
different three school of Dharan, as it included altogether 10 teachers and 20 students
of grade 9 and 10 of 2079 batch. Similarly, the data were collected by using a set of
questionnaires which contains both open-ended and close-ended questions to draw the
teachers' and students' responses on the use of ICT based tools in teaching reading in
English language learning. The collected data have been analyzed and interpreted
both statistically and descriptively. The information has been displayed in table and
figure. Simple statistical tools like frequency and percentage have been used to
analyze and interpret the data.
Analysis of the Data and Interpretation of the Result
The information I gathered in the study has been shown, looked at closely, and
explained under different topics. The next part gives more details about this analysis.
Analysis of the Data and Interpretation of the teachers
Teachers' perception on the use of ICT on their reading
In order to find out the teachers' perception on the use of ICT on their
reading, mostly they were asked open-ended question. Out of 10 teachers, total 8
teachers agreed that the use of ICT is very helpful on their teaching reading skill.
Among them, one of the teacher said, "I think ICT tools are helping me with my
teaching reading skill to some extent." And one of the teachers said, "Yes, but they
are not fully depending tools. They are only helping tools or they are only means."
Regarding these above data, it shows that 80% teachers agreed that ICT tools are very
helpful in their reading activities. Similarly, 20% of the teachers partially agreed that
opinion, which means, they neither ignore the use of ICT nor fully depend on them
while teaching reading activities.

Perception on ICT tools



Helpful Partially agreed

Teachers' perception on knowledge of ICT tools should be either a habit or not

This question was prepared to find out whether they prefer there should be
the knowledge of ICT tools as a habit or not while reading. Among total 10 teachers,
60% teachers allowed the concept of knowing ICT tools as a habit while reading. In
other words, some of them said that knowing and using ICT tools should be a habit
while reading in teaching activities. Similarly, 20% of the teachers partially agreed
that it should be as a habit while 20% did not think that the knowledge of the ICT
should be as a habit. Regarding this, some of the teachers said, "There might be some
challenges while making the knowledge of ICT tools as a habit while reading
activities." And some of the teachers said, "I don't think knowing ICT tools should be
a habit while reading. It should be used as helping hand only.
Overall, it can be said that majority of the teachers agreed that the
knowledge of the ICT tools should be as a habit while less number of the teachers did
not think that it should be a habit while reading.
Teachers' expectation from using ICT tools for reading
Regarding teachers' expectation from using ICT tools for reading, most of
the teachers had the expectation from using ICT tools for learning activities. One said,
"It should develop the learning abilities and sustainable development in learning".
Another said, "ICT tools should be easy for the students to understand the content of
the study easily." One of the teachers said, "ICT tools should be helpful not only for
the reading it should be helpful for the any kinds of learning problems." On the other

hand, one of the teachers said, "ICT tools should be easy for teaching. Teachers have
more time and students become more active in the classroom." Another said, "I expect
from using ICT tools may have good impact on students." Similarly another added, "It
should be easy access to get information and it decreases teachers' fatigue in teaching
learning activities."
Based on the information provided, it seems like most teachers have high
hopes for using technology tools, whether they like using them or not.
Easy access of ICT tools
Another question was prepared to find out how many teachers have access to
ICT tools in their area. Out of 10 teachers, 80% teachers have access of ICT tools and
20 % teachers do not have. This can be shown in the following pie-chart:
In conclusion, majority of the teachers have access of ICT tools that means 80%
which is shown in the pie-chart in blue colour whereas less teachers have no access of
ICT tools which is shown in orange colour.

Access of ITC tools

Easy Access Non accessible

Access of ITC tools

Applicability of ICT tools in reading activities

Many teachers said yes when asked if they think ICT tools can be useful for reading
activities. Regarding spending time in using ICT tools while teaching, out of 100 %,
70% of teachers agreed to spend time on ICT tools and remaining 30% of teachers
didn’t think so. Out of 70 % of teachers, some teacher said, “Yes, I think spending
time on using ICT tools is more applicable because it plays vital role in teachers’ and
students’ professional knowledge to update. Another teacher said, “Yes, because it
provides us boom of knowledge and information of related field.” Similarly another

teacher said, “Yes, I think spending time on using ICT tools is more applicable. It
gives us more new information.”
In the same way, out of 30% teachers, one teacher talked about ICT tools are
out of accessible and more expensive. Another said, “Spending time on using ICT
tools should be minimum. Over use of ICT tools while teaching may affect the
teaching capacity of teachers.”
In overall, majority of the teachers agreed the applicability of ICT tools in reading
The Impact of ICT tools knowledge on students’ performance
While asking whether the ICT tools knowledge is helpful for the students or
not, majority of the teachers or we can say all the teachers observed that knowledge of
ICT tools is very helpful for their learning process. One of the teachers said, “Yes, the
ICT based knowledge helps students because they can use it properly whenever they
need and want.” Another teacher said, “There is no doubt that ICT based knowledge
helps the students while teaching as it makes learning interesting and motivating.”
Teacher’s Perception on solving Student’s problems through ICT-based Knowledge
Most of the teachers (almost 80%) thought that ICT based knowledge can
solve the students’ problems in the classroom. Regarding this one teacher said,
“Various students face various problems in the classroom. The ICT based-knowledge
can create a favorable environment for interacting their problems. As such, it can
solve their problem.” Another teacher said, “Yes, many information and solution can
be searched and done with the help of ICT tools.”
But out of them, 20% of teachers mentioned that students can solve some of
the problem but they have lots of problem which ICT based knowledge may not be
Strategies for solving students’ reading problems through the use of ICT knowledge
Most of the teachers tried to solve students’ reading problems using ICT
based knowledge. They helped the students by showing different videos, articles,
audios, photos, website, by using different apps, messengers’ teams, zoom meeting,
by searching new word meaning, by downloading textbook, curriculum, reference
books, by playing games for relevant subject in ICT tools, using website of
educational sites and so on.

Analysis of the Data and Interpretation of the students

Tools used by the students while reading.
In order to find out the tools used by the students while reading, out of the
30 students, most of them prefer YouTube, google, internet and email while reading
activities. Some of them prefer Facebook and skype too.
The duration of using ICT based tools while reading
Talking about using ICT, out of 20 students, 45% of the students use one
hour, 25% students use two hours, 15% students use three hours and 15% of the
students use four hours while reading activities. To show in diagram:

Duration of using ICT based tools


15% 45%


1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours

The ways of using ICT tools while reading

Most of the students are using ICT tools while reading by searching question
answer on online resources, using online, online videos, recorded videos, using offline
dictionary and so on.
One of the students said, “I use ICT tools by searching answer or looking
videos”. And another student said, “I use ICT tools while reading by the help of
google and internet by searching dictionary or meaning in google”. Another said, “I
use digital dictionaries and note-taking apps.”
The techniques of using ICT tools while reading
Talking about the techniques of using ICT, most of the students prefer note-
taking while watching online resources, use e-book, online dictionaries, audio-books,
social media and discussion forums, quizzes, vocabulary apps and so on.

Regarding this one of the students said, “I use internet and searching on
google.” One of the students said, “The best way I found is listening and
demonstration.” Another said, “I open my phone and go to Google’s dictionary.”
The activities that students engage in when using ICT while reading
Most of the students use digital, online research, note-taking, collaborative
reading, assessment and audiobook. One of the students said, “I use different kinds of
activities like searching online dictionary, searching google translator.” Another said,
“The sorts of activities that I follow while using ICT for searching online dictionary. I
use online pronunciation etc.”
The challenges that students face using ICT while reading
Talking about the challenges while using ICT tools by the students, they
claimed that the lack of Internet is the main cause of the challenges. Besides them,
majority of the students do not have access to ICT tools like mobile phones and
computers and they thought that the lack of electricity is another thing. And the least
of them said that there was the lack of knowledge of using ICT is the other challenge
that they faced while using ICT tools while reading.
The ICT based strategies that students employ while reading
The ICT based strategies that students employ while reading are using online
courses, using mobile and laptops, taking notes and searching accurate information
and so on. Most of the students, through the use of mobile and laptop, they have the
access of ICT based tools while reading.

Chapter Five

Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

In this chapter, I have presented the whole summary of findings, conclusion

of the research and recommendation of the study on the basis of presentation, analysis
and interpretation of the collected data. The following conclusions of the study have
been drawn on the basis of the analyzed data.
I have presented the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation in the
separate headings.
On the basis of analysis of the data and interpretation of the results following
findings have been derived:
a. Altogether 80% teachers agreed that ICT tools are very helpful in their reading
activities while 20% of the teachers partially agreed as they neither ignore the
use of ICT nor fully depend on them while teaching reading activities.
b. Majority of the teachers agreed that the knowledge of the ICT tools should be
as a habit while a smaller number of the teachers did not think that it should be
a habit while reading.
c. Most of the teachers had the expectation from using ICT tools for learning
activities. Such as it develops the learning abilities and sustainable
development in learning, easy for the students to understand the content of the
study, solves learning problems, gets the information and decreases teachers'
fatigue in teaching learning activities."
d. 80% of the teachers have access of ICT tools whereas 20% teachers have no
e. Most of the teachers agreed the applicability of ICT tools in reading activities.
f. All the teachers observed that knowledge of ICT tools is very helpful for their
learning process.
g. 20% of teachers mentioned that students can solve some of the problem but
they have lots of problem which ICT based knowledge may not be solved.

h. Most of the teachers tried to solve students’ reading problems using ICT based
knowledge. They helped the students by showing different videos, articles,
audios, photos, website, by using different apps, messenger teams, and so on.
a. Out of the 20 students, most of them prefer YouTube, google, internet and email
while reading activities. Some of them prefer Facebook and skype too.
b. Talking about using ICT, out of 20 students, 45% of the students use one hour,
25% students use two hours, 15% students use three hours and 15% of the
students use four hours while reading activities.
c. Most of the students are using ICT tools while reading by searching question
answer on online resources, using online, online videos, recorded videos, using
offline dictionary and so on.
d. Talking about the techniques of using ICT, most of the students prefer note-
taking while watching online resources, use e-book, online dictionaries, audio-
books, social media and discussion forums, quizzes, vocabulary apps and so on.
e. Most of the students use digital, online research, note-taking, collaborative
reading, assessment, audiobook and so on.
f. The lack of Internet is the main cause of the challenges. Besides them, majority
of the students do not have access to ICT tools like mobile phones and
computers and they thought that the lack of electricity is another thing.
g. The ICT based strategies that students employ while reading is using online
courses, using mobile and laptops, taking notes and searching accurate
information and so on. Most of the students, through the use of mobile and
laptop, they have the access of ICT based tools while reading.
Based on what I found in my research, I've come up with some ideas. A lot
of students and teachers in our situation use different computer tools. They use these
tools for learning stuff and also for other things, but they spend more time reading
with them than writing. Both teachers and students think using computer tools is a
good thing. They can learn English more effectively with fun, improve their language
skills, master their grammar competence as well as acquire vocabulary better and
access to updated materials if they have the access of ICT tools in the classroom as
well as at their home.

Most of the teachers feel that they depend on the ICT tools partially while reading
activities. Using the knowledge of the ICT tools should be as a habit while reading.
They had the expectation from using ICT tools for learning activities which develops
the learning abilities and sustainable development in learning, easy for the students to
understand the content of the study, solves learning problems, gets the information
and decreases teachers' fatigue in teaching learning activities. They do not have access
of internet which is the main problem for both teachers and students however
everybody thinks that there is the valuable applicability of ICT tools in reading
activities. Moreover, all the teachers observed that knowledge of ICT tools is very
helpful for their learning process. Most of the teachers tried to solve students’ reading
problems using ICT based knowledge. They helped the students by showing different
videos, articles, audios, photos, website, by using different apps, messenger’s teams,
and so on.
Regarding the students, they prefer YouTube, google, internet, Facebook,
sky and email while reading activities. They spend few times using those tools while
reading. They use those tools for searching question answer on online resources, using
online, online videos, recorded videos, using offline dictionary and so on. They use
some techniques of using ICT such as note-taking while watching online resources,
collaborative reading and searching dictionary on the apps. The lack of Internet and
lack of access of electricity are the main cause of the challenges. They use some
strategies while reading is using online courses, using mobile and laptops, taking
notes and searching accurate information and so on.
After the study was done and its conclusions were drawn, I suggested three
things: changes to policies, changes to how things are done, and what else to be
Policy Related
Rules and plans are really important for making things work well. They help
us know what to do to reach our goals in any area. To use computers and technology
in teaching and learning English, the government should make some rules. Here's
what I suggest we do about this at the rule-making level.
i. Most of the teachers and students responded that ICT based tools are very
helpful while reading activities. So, there should be the policy to implement
ICT based tools in reading activities.

ii. The students wanted their teacher to use ICT applications in teaching. So, the
policy should be made for the compulsory use of ICT application while
iii. The government and stakeholders should provide the access of the internet to
all the school area which may help those people who do not have access on it.
iv. Education planners and syllabus designers should create courses that can be
taught and learned using technology like computers and the internet.
Practice Related
From the finding of the study, it is clear that ICT based tools are very useful
in teaching and learning reading activities. So, there should be the practice of ICT and
I recommend the following points to consider at the practice field.
i. Both the teachers and students liked using technology tools for learning
English. We should support them in using these tools.
ii. Both the teachers and students were found to be spending some time using
ICT for reading activities which can help them finding new vocabulary and
some new words.
iii. Both the teachers and students were expecting to learn to search and use
online materials. So, the teacher should teach them how to search and use
those online materials while reading activities.
iv. Most of the students were complaining about the unavailability of the internet
everywhere. So, the internet should be made available to every part of the
Further Research Related
Doing research is hard and requires a lot of effort. It's always evolving, and
there's always more to explore. We need to keep finding new ways to study and share
information. Researchers can't for it all alone. Here are some suggestions for future
i. This study only talks about the perspectives of the teachers and students using
ICT based tools for reading activities. So, further research can be carried out
on the parents’/ stakeholders’ perspectives on using ICT tools for learning
purpose while reading.
ii. This study only corporates the small-scale survey designs from three schools
of Dharan. This means that additional studies can be done in different types of
plants or methods.


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