Oral Recitation Questions

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1. Who is often credited with championing the Economics of running a home in the 19th
Answer: Catherine Beecher is often credited with championing the Economics of running
a home in the 19th century.

2. What act, signed by Abraham Lincoln, granted land to each state for higher
educational programs in vocational arts, including home economics?
Answer: The Morrill Act of 1862, signed by Abraham Lincoln, granted land to each state
for higher educational programs in vocational arts, including home economics.

3. Who was the first woman to attend Massachusetts Institute of Technology and later
became the first female instructor?
Answer: Ellen Swallow Richards was the first woman to attend Massachusetts Institute
of Technology and later became the first female instructor.

4. What term was ultimately chosen as the official term for the discipline previously
known as domestic science?
Answer: "Home economics" was ultimately chosen as the official term for the discipline
previously known as domestic science.

5. What are some competencies covered in home economics education?

Answer: Competencies include cooking, children rearing, community awareness, design
and home management, textiles and sewing, economics and budgeting, and hygiene and
health. These skills help individuals manage various aspects of daily life effectively.

6. Who was Catherine Beecher and what was her contribution to home economics?
Answer: Catherine Beecher was an advocate for the Economics of running a home in the
19th century. She emphasized the importance of domestic life and applied scientific
principles to childbearing, cooking, and housekeeping.

7. What are some benefits of home economics classes?

Answer: Benefits of home economics classes include gaining hands-on skills, using
learned skills daily, discovering personal abilities, developing positive self-esteem and
creativity, time management skills, and global awareness.

8. What are some methods used in teaching home economics?

Answer: Methods include hands-on activities, demonstration and instruction, project-
based learning, discussion and reflection, and use of technology.
9. What organization was formed as a result of the Lake Placid Conferences, organized by
Ellen Swallow Richards and others?
Answer: The American Home Economics Association (AHEA) was formed as a result of
the Lake Placid Conferences, organized by Ellen Swallow Richards and other educators
and activists.
10. What is the primary focus of industrial arts education?
Answers: Industrial arts education offers insight into industrial society through hands-on
experiences, teaching about the history, development, and processes of various

11. When did formal instruction for industrial arts begin?

Answers: Formal instruction for industrial arts began during the late 1800s, focusing on
manual training for trades in manufacturing.

12. What organization was founded in 1939 to promote industrial arts education?
Answers: The American Industrial Arts Association (AIAA), now known as the
International Technology & Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA), was founded in

13. What are some popular names associated with the discipline of industrial arts?
Answers: Popular names include Manual Training, Manual Arts, Industrial Arts, and
Technology Education.

14. What is the TVL track and what does it guarantee?

Answers: The TVL (Technical-Vocational-Livelihood) track offers students job-ready skills
and guarantees employment through TESDA certifications like Certificate of Competency
(COC) and National Certifications (NC).

15. Name three specializations under the Industrial Arts strand.

Answers: Carpentry, Metallurgy, Automotive Technology.

16. Define metallurgy.

Answers: Metallurgy is the domain of materials science and engineering that studies the
physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements, alloys, and compounds.

17. What is the main focus of automotive technology?

Answers: Automotive technology focuses on the mechanics, maintenance, and repair of
vehicles, including cars, trucks, motorcycles, and industrial vehicles.

18. Describe the field of robotics.

Answers: Robotics is an interdisciplinary field involving the design, construction, and
operation of intelligent machines that can assist humans in various tasks.

19. What is the purpose of teaching graphic design in industrial arts?

Answers: Graphic design teaches students how to create visual content to communicate
messages effectively, enhancing their skills in visual communication.

20. Why are safety procedures emphasized in industrial arts courses?

Answers: Safety procedures are emphasized due to the potential hazards involved in
activities like welding, metalworking, and construction, ensuring the well-being of

21. How do industrial arts courses contribute to lifelong learning?

Answers: Industrial arts courses provide hands-on learning experiences and problem-
solving skills that are applicable throughout life, preparing students for an ever-changing
society and world.

22. How do industrial arts teachers typically deliver instruction?

Answers: Industrial arts teachers often use demonstrations, hands-on activities, repair or
construction projects, lectures, written assignments, and traditional assessments to
teach students.

23. What are some areas of specialization within the Industrial Arts strand?
Answers: Specializations include carpentry, metallurgy, automotive technology,
electronics and computer repair, technical drafting, robotics, building and construction,
plumbing, heating system design, and graphic design.

24. Why is industrial arts education important in today's society?

Answers: Industrial arts education provides essential skills and knowledge for various
technical professions, contributes to workforce development, and fosters creativity and

25. It is the act and discipline of composing drawings that visually communicate how
something functions or is constructed.
Answers: Technical Drafting
26. The term commonly referring to technology and science of cutting, fitting, and
assembling related materials in the construction of boats, bridges and piers, or
any other structure made from construction materials.
Answer: Carpentry

27. Define ICT skills.

Answers: ICT skills refer to one's ability to converse with people through various
technologies and perform everyday tasks using technology.

28. What are some examples of everyday ICT tasks?

Answers: Sending emails, making video calls, searching the internet, using mobile
phones or tablets.

29. How does ICT benefit education?

Answers: ICT enhances engagement, knowledge retention, and provides opportunities
for more enjoyable teaching methods.

30. What are some practices of ICT integration in the teaching-learning process?
Answers: Communication via emails, web research, online group creation, participation
in collaborative activities, and using technology-enhanced lessons in classrooms.

31. Why is ICT integration important in education?

Answer: It improves engagement, knowledge retention, and provides various teaching
methods to make learning more enjoyable.

32. What is the third edition of the ICT Competency Framework for Teachers focused on?
Answer: Enhancing teacher training to foster effective student development through the
integration of ICT in schools.

33. According to the Framework, what are the six dimensions of ICT competences for
Answers: Understanding ICT's role in education policy, curriculum and assessment,
teaching, application of digital skills, organization and administration, and professional
learning of teachers.

34. How many levels of pedagogical use of ICT technologies are identified in the
Framework? What are those?
Answers: Three/ Knowledge acquisition, knowledge advancement, knowledge creation

35. Name three innovations and technologies included in the third edition of the
Answers: Open Educational Resources (OER), social media, and mobile technologies.

36. What is the purpose of the OER Commons created by UNESCO?

Answer: This is a search engine aimed mainly at fostering the improvement of teaching
practices. It contains collections of Open Educational Resources (OER), aligned to the
training needs set out in the Competency Framework. Teachers can use this tool to
locate support content, as well as to connect with other educators who use ICT to
improve their teaching practices.

37. What is the significance of lifelong learning in the context of teacher training?
Answer: Lifelong learning emphasizes the continuous process of professional
development for teachers to adapt to evolving teaching methodologies and

38. Why is it important to reflect on ethics and privacy protection in ICT use?
Answer: As technology advances, it's crucial to consider ethical values and safeguard
users' rights, privacy, and security.

39. How does the Framework define Knowledge creation level of ICT competences?
Answer: It enables teachers to create knowledge, devise activities, develop programs,
and share best practices to improve schools using ICT.

40. What does the ICT Competency Framework emphasize regarding teacher training?
Answer: It emphasizes the continuous professional development of teachers to enhance
their digital literacy and integrate ICT into classroom practices effectively.

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