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Name Joshua-colby: council

Address: 1376 Haight St, San Francisco, CA 94117
Telephone: (415) 431-3553



Joshua-colby: council
(Full Name)
(42 U.S.C §1983, §1985)

Salt Lake City Sheriff's Department

Salt Lake City & County Jail CIVIL NO.
Lieutenant on scene at SLC Intl Air (Supplied by Clerk)
2 Sheriffs first on scene
SLC Sheriff's Dept. Intake Officers



1. Jurisdiction is proper in this court according to:

a. X 42 U.S.C. §1983
b.X 42 U.S.C. §1985
c. Other (Please Specify)

2. NAME OF PLAINTIFF Joshua-colby: council



San Francisco, CA 94117
3. NAME OF FIRST DEFENDANT Commanding officer on scene
IS A CITIZEN OF Salt Lake City
(City and State)

IS EMPLOYED AS Lieutenant at Salt Lake Ci.ty Sheriff's Dept

(Position and Title if Any) (Organization)
Was the defendant acting under the authority or color of state law at the time these
claims occurred?

YES XX NO . If your answer is "YES" briefly explain.

Lieutenant acting as superior officer at the terminal informed his deputies of the law
and gave orders for them to escort me to the terminal door and release me to my wife,
and we could proceed on our way.
However, when notified immediately (within 10 minutes), by my wife, that his
underlings disobeyed his orders and did not release me but instead drove off with me,
the Lieutenant became complicit in their kidnapping of me by his silence and his refusal
to even check if his officers had disobeyed his orders or not.
4. NAME OF SECOND DEFENDANT 1st Deputy on scene
(If applicable)

IS A CITIZEN OF Salt Lake City, UT

(City and State)

IS EMPLOYED AS Sheriff's Deputy at Salt Lake C.ity Sheriffs Dept.

(Position and Title if Any) (Organization)
Was the defendant acting under the authority or color of state law at the time these
claims occurred?

YESXX NO If your answer is "YES" briefly explain.

Defendant , acting in his official capacity as a Sheriff's Deputy, initially denied my rights
as a sovereign citizen, even though i made him aware of my status at the very beginning of
our interaction both verbally and physically with my Contract for Services Card which
informed him of the value i placed on my time. This deputy refused to acknowledge my
sovereignty, until his Lieutenant helped inform him of the law. Then, he used his position to
separate myself froom wife and witnesses and when they got me alone they proceeded to
disobey direct orders and instead kidnapped me for almost 12 hours in a harrowing ordeal.
5. NAME OF THIRD DEFENDANT 2nd Deputy on scene at terminal
(If applicable)

IS A CITIZEN OF Salt Lake City, UT

(City and State)
IS EMPLOYED AS Sheriff's Deputy at Salt Lake City .Sheriff's Dept.
(Position and Title if Any) (Organization)
Was the defendant acting under the authority or color of state law at the time these
claims occurred?

YES XX NO . If your answer is "YES" briefly explain.

Defendant , acting in his official capacity as a Sheriff's Deputy, initially denied my rights
as a sovereign citizen, even though i made him aware of my status at the very beginning of our
interaction both verbally and physically with my Contract for Services Card which informed him of
the value i placed on my time. This deputy refused to acknowledge my sovereignty, until his
Lieutenant helped inform him of the law. Then, he used his position to separate myself froom wife and
witnesses and when they got me alone they proceeded to disobey direct orders and instead kidnapped
me for almost 12 hours in a harrowing ordeal.
6. NAME OF FOURTH DEFENDANT Intake Officer # 1 at the SLCC Jail
(If applicable)

IS A CITIZEN OF Salt Lake City, UT

(city and State)

IS EMPLOYED AS Sheriff's Deputy

at SLCC Jail .
(Position and Title if Any) (Organization)
Was the defendant acting under the authority or color of state law at the time these
claims occurred?

YE XXN If your answer is "YES" briefly explain.

S O .

Intake officer was notified of my sovereign standing, given my Contract for Services card
and yet he refused to acknowledge my standing. Additionally, he knew i was brought in
without charges and against orders, yet he remained complicit in their nefarious scheme.

(Use additional sheets of paper if necessary.)


1. Why are you bringing this case to court? Please explain the circumstances that led to the
Ordeal began on an airplane at SLC Airport on a plane, where i was being singled out and
shamed bc i had closed my eyes once i got to my seat and started to sleep without having a mask
on. i was awakened by Def. 2 and 3 and after putting my mask on, the officers asked me to
disembark airplane and tell them my name. i agreed to get off the plane but i gave them my Point
of Contact Contract for services card which has a schedule of fees for services like answering
questions, instead of my name and informed them i was sovereign and that Article 9 sec. 1 of the
Constitution states it is illegal to detain a citizen, without charges, for more than 7 minutes and
that i would like a senior officer to come to scene and explain the law to the deputies. Lieutenant
arrived on scene to find my wife plus a couple dozen witnesses all videotaping the interaction,
and informed his officers i was correct and since i had broken no laws they should escort me to
the airport perimeter and release me there, at terminal door 3, to my wife. (cont. on separate

1. I allege that my constitutional rights, privileges or immunities have been violated and that
the following facts form the basis for my allegations: (If neccessary you may attach
additional pages)

a. (1) Count I: U.S. C Title 18 Chap. 13 Sec. 242- Deprivation of rights under color of law

(2) Supporting Facts: (Describe exactly what each defendant did or did not do.
State the facts clearly in your own words without citing legal authority or
Def. 1used his position of authority, as a Lieutenant for SLPD, to coerce me into separating myself from
my wife or witnesses, and later neglected to do his duty to make sure his subordinates were following his orders, even
after being notified that the 2 officers moving me did not follow orders to release me at terminal door to my wife.

Def. 2 and 3, using their positions of agency for city of Salt Lake, initially detained me for more than
7 minutes, even after they were aware of my declaration of sovereign status, verbally and physically.
Additionally, they used their authority to lie and coerce me into separating from wife and witnesses, and proceeded
to disobey the direct order from a superior to release me and kidnapped me and took me to another location for
over 11 hours. This was done in spite of my sovereign declaration and in spite of my not having broke any laws.

Def. 4-7, working in official capacity as intake deputies for the SLCDC, all ignored my continued
declarations of sovereignty and in spite of the Point of Contact Contract for Services card I gave them, held me and
mentally tortured me for about 10 hours longer in their facility even though I had committed no crimes nor broken
any laws and was just connecting flights at their airport going home for Thanksgiving.

Additionally ALL 7 DEFENDANTS caused me UNNECCESARY risk of sickness and infection in

the closed confined quarters of the SLCDC, during an international pandemic and national hysteria which has
killed millions worldwide, and the reason of mask wearing to begin with. That is cruel and unusual punishment,
considering most municipalities only bring in violent offenders and serious felons due to infection risk of
confinement, and even more disgusting was the fact that plaintiff had been charged with no crimes yet was forced
to risk getting sick.

b. (1) Count II: U.S.C Title 18 Chap. 13 Sec. 241- Conspiracy of Rights

(2) Supporting Facts: This section concerns when 2 or more people work in concert
together to deprive someone of their inalienable rights or to wrongly confine them.
This is super cut and dry. Def. 2 and 3 worked together to coerce me to their car, Def.
1 was then complicit when he was informed of their dereliction of duties by my wife
and decided to do nothing at all to check. Lastly Def. 4-7 worked together

to hold and confine me illegally

c. (1) Count III: U.S.C 18 Chap. 55 Sec. 1201- Kidnapping

(2) Supporting Facts: D e f . 2 a n d 3 , w o r k i n g t o g e t h e r , l i e d a n d d e t a i n e d a n
American citizen who professed his sovereignty to them, and later they
disobeyed the direct orders of their superior to release me and then
unlawfully seized me and took me to another location, 20 miles away,
where no one knew I was being taken and I was held there for over 10
hours and the entire ordeal lasted about 12 hours.


1. How have you been injured by the actions of the defendant(s)?

I suffered severe emotional trauma during every single interminable minute

of my kidnapping/detaining i suffered at the hands of Def. 2-5. The time passed by
agonizingly slow, as i contemplated what else could happen to me in this bizzaro
world I now found myself where American citizens are picked up & detained
without charges, warrants or legal proceedings, in the middle of the night, during a
virus scare that is supposed to see only the most violent or reprehensible offenders
The mental anguish & anxiety still lingers to this day, mainly manifesting itself as
insomnia and at times depression. Additionally, stress is one of the biggest factors in
shortened life expectancies that non-college graduates face today and, unfairly, its
not generally doesn't present itself in ways that can be measured and quantified by
court proceedings.
Lastly, I suffered slander & libel due to this incident and my character as well as my
wifes business was unfairly tried n the court of public approval with incorrect facts.

1. Have you filed other lawsuits in state or federal court that deal with the same facts that
are involved in this action or otherwise relate to the conditions of your imprisonment?
YES / NO XX . If your answer is "YES," describe each lawsuit. (If there is more
than one lawsuit, describe additional lawsuits on additional separate pages, using the
same outline.)

a. Parties to previous lawsuit:



b. Name of court and case or docket number:

c. Disposition (for example: Was the case dismissed? Was it appealed? Is it still

d. Issues raised:

e. When did you file the lawsuit?

Date Month Year

f. When was it (will it be) decided?

2. Have you previously sought informal or formal relief from the appropriate administrative
officials regarding the acts complained of in Part C? / NO XX . If your answer
is "YES" briefly describe how relief was sought and the results. If your answer is "NO"
explain why administrative relief was not sought.
No relief has previously been sought by plaintiff because plaintiff lives over 1000 miles away
and also the plaintiff did not realize any legal avenues were available to him other than the
filing of this lawsuit here.


1. I believe that I am entitled to the following relief:

$1,000,000.00 (U.S. gold standard please, no greenback dollars) for each count on the indictment(3)
multiplied by the number of defendants(5) or $15,000,000.00 to cover pain and suffering.
$1,000,000.00 for each hour of my ordeal (12) or $12,000,000.00 for restitution of lost work hours & to
account for time stolen from me.
$5,000,000.00 for emotional stress & insomnia that and continues for forseeable future.
$5,000,000.00 for the slander of my name and my wifes business by National Publications like the New
York Post, which alleged i was arrested and belligerent on the airplane, neither of which are true.
$10,000,000.00 in punitive damages for the officers and their agencies to be punished.
Totaling: $47,000,000.00 in gold standard.
Additionally, Plaintiff requests Per Diem Payments, to be paid immediately to cover
expenses associated with these charges and his kidnapping, of $3154.73 per day since
the date of this unfortunate incident. The breakdown of how monies are spent are on
the attachment about Defendants and their Bond Numbers.

The undersigned declares under penalty of perjury that he/she is the plaintiff in the above
action, that he/she has read the above complaint, and that the information contained therein is
true and correct. 28 U.S.C. §1746; 18 U.S.C §1621.

Executed at San Francisco, CA on January 24 2021 .

(Location) (Date)

joshua-colby: council

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