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A litigator

I am a practicing lawyer with 6 years of experience in civil and criminal litigations. I handle vast range
of legal matters including civil disputes, criminal cases and personal enquiry claims. I also menage
documents of relevant case laws and examinations.


I want chat GPT to develop a neat structure of litigations considering general litigations skills and
specific substantiative expertise.

B. A law firm partner

 [Paste screenshot of your custom instructions here -I am a practicing lawyer and holding
a partnership in a Delhi based legal firm. I am having 6 years of experience in legal
profession. We help entrepreneurs in contract drafting on their behalf, in intellectual
property affairs we also help the companies to obtain their trademark, their patents,
mergers and acquisitions and real state acquisitions such as purchase agreements, title
documents and mortgage.


 I want chat GPT to provide me well prepared contract drafts, documents related to real-
state deals such as purchase agreement, tittle documents, mortgage and work related to
trademarks and patents.
 Intellectual property (IP) affairs: IP lawyers help companies file patents or trademarks
and work with trademark and patent offices to obtain those trademarks and patents.
 Mergers and acquisitions: Transaction law firms can help companies when they merge
with another company or acquire a new business.
 Real estate acquisition: Real estate lawyers prepare and review documents relating to
real estate deals, such as purchase agreements, title documents, mortgage

C. A legal researcher

 [Paste screenshot of your custom instructions here - I am a legal researcher with the
experience of 7 years and I have written many journals and research papers. For enhancing
the quality of research papers, I want to mention specific statutes and regulations, case law
precedents, legal treaties law review articles, or practice guides along with research format,
key point & analysis by mentioning timeline. I also want to highlight key points from the
research and provide preliminary analysis along with Sharing any existing research materials
or prior findings that might aid the current investigation.

d. An entrepreneur I am an entrepreneur with the experience of 4 years in digital marketing. I need

the help in business planning and strategy for target customer profile, competitive landscape and
business model canvas. For the business planning and strategy I want to target customer profile,
competitive landscape and business model canvas. For problem solving and decision making and for
business challenges, pros and cons analysis and SWOT analysis things are required for growing my
[ custom instructions for Chat GPT- as I want you to help in my business planning and strategy and
customer profiles, competitive landscape and business model canvas.]

E. A corporate lawyer

I am a practicing lawyer and holding a partnership in a Delhi based legal firm. I am having 6 years
of experience in legal profession. We help entrepreneurs in contract drafting on their behalf, in
intellectual property affairs we also help the companies to obtain their trademark, their patents,
mergers and acquisitions and real state acquisitions such as purchase agreements, title documents
and mortgage

Summary of the Judgement of Ms. Githa Hariharan & Anr vs Reserve Bank Of India & Anr by chat

The case of Ms. Githa Hariharan & Anr vs Reserve Bank Of India & Anr, decided on 17th February 1999
by the Supreme Court of India, involved a challenge to the validity of Section 6 of the Hindu Minority and
Guardianship Act of 1956. The petitioners argued that this section, which designates the father as the
natural guardian of a Hindu minor, with the mother being recognized only after the father, was
discriminatory towards women and violated constitutional principles of gender equality.

The court discussed the historical context of guardianship laws in Hindu personal law and emphasized the
importance of the welfare of the child as the paramount consideration. It highlighted the need to interpret
the law in a manner that upholds gender equality and serves the best interests of the child.

Ultimately, the court interpreted the word 'after' in Section 6 to mean that the mother could act as a natural
guardian in the absence of the father, whether due to temporary circumstances, apathy, or incapacity. The
court directed the Reserve Bank authorities to adjust their procedures accordingly and disposed of the writ
petitions without any costs.

In summary, the Supreme Court upheld the importance of gender equality and the welfare of the child in
guardianship matters, providing a nuanced interpretation of the law to align with these principles.

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